Accounting For Prediction Uncertainty When Inferring Subsurface Fault Slip
Accounting For Prediction Uncertainty When Inferring Subsurface Fault Slip
Accounting For Prediction Uncertainty When Inferring Subsurface Fault Slip
Accepted 2013 December 20. Received 2013 December 20; in original form 2013 August 1
This study lays the groundwork for a new generation of earthquake source models based on
GJI Seismology
fault in the quasi-static approximation. In this toy model, we treat only uncertainties in the
1-D depth distribution of the shear modulus. We discuss how this can be extended to general
3-D cases and applied to other parameters (e.g. fault geometry) using our formalism for Cp .
The improved modelling of Cp is expected to lead to more reliable images of the earthquake
rupture, that are more resistant to overfitting of data and include more realistic estimates of
uncertainty on inferred model parameters.
Key words: Inverse theory; Probability distributions; Earthquake source observations.
C The Authors 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society. 1
2 Z. Duputel et al.
parametrization of the source (e.g. linear versus non-linear) and the One approach to estimate the uncertainty in source parameters
approach used to infer relevant parameters (e.g. Yabuki & Matsu’ura for a given earthquake is to compare fault slip models obtained
1992; Wald & Heaton 1994; Ji et al. 2002; Minson et al. 2013). The by various research groups using different inversion approaches
reliability of any source inversion depends on many factors includ- (Mai 2012). Fig. 1 shows selected kinematic rupture models for the
ing the size and complexity of the event, the amount and quality 1999 Izmit earthquake. Although these models are generally de-
of data, the way in which data sample the source region and, while rived from similar data sets, there is a large variability in inversion
usually disregarded, uncertainties in our forward models (i.e. our results. The 1999 Izmit earthquake is not an isolated case. For many
model predictions). events, such as the 1992 Landers or 2001 Arequipa earthquakes,
The last decade has seen considerable improvements in the small differences in modelling techniques and data lead to striking
fidelity of forward modelling capability (e.g. Komatitsch & differences in inferred slip models (Wald & Heaton 1994; Hernan-
Vilotte 1998; Williams et al. 2005) and a substantial expan- dez et al. 1999; Pritchard et al. 2007). When different methodologies
sion of geophysical observations including broad-band data from yield different results for the same event, it is not obvious how any
dense seismic networks (e.g. USArray,; conclusion about the rupture process can be drawn.
Geonet,; CENC,; F- This study focus on theoretical and algorithmic developments
net, Okada et al. 2004), continuously recording geodetic positioning needed for the next generation of finite-fault earthquake source
data from permanent GPS installations (e.g. the Plate Boundary models by providing a general formalism to explicitly quantify the
Observatory,; Geonet,, impact of uncertainties in our forward models and to rigorously
Taiwan GPS Network, Yu et al. 1997) and spatially synoptic geode- incorporate such uncertainties in large ill-posed source inversion
tic imaging data from orbiting radar and optical satellites (e.g. Si- problems. We stress the importance of using a stochastic forward
mons & Rosen 2007). Despite this progress in forward modelling modelling approach in this process. It allows us to describe a proba-
and data acquisition, one of the biggest obstacles to significant bility distribution of predictions for a given source model, contrary
progress in earthquake source modelling arises from imperfect pre- to a deterministic approach that provides a single set of (poten-
dictions of geodetic and seismic data due to uncertainties in (or tially inaccurate) predictions. This idea of incorporating stochastic
imperfect knowledge of) the Earth structure—whose impact is gen- (probabilistic) models in the inverse problem is not new and was in-
erally ignored. Indeed, for large earthquakes and even aseismic troduced in geophysics around 1980, notably by Tarantola & Valette
processes, our ability to measure ground motions frequently far ex- (1982). More recently, Yagi & Fukahata (2011) used such a formal-
ceeds our ability to model them. As discussed latter in Section 2 for ism and proposed a stochastic forward model based on adding Gaus-
linear elastic deformation, the prediction errors due to earth model sian noise to the unattenuated 1-D teleseismic Green’s functions.
inaccuracies scale with the fault slip. This aspect is particularly This Gaussian noise is characterized by a covariance matrix that is
important since large events with large amounts of slip will mag- partially specified a priori. Minson et al. (2013) also presented a
nify earth model errors in contrast to small earthquakes for which Gaussian model for the uncertain prediction error in the forward
measurement errors are dominant. Besides the necessity to continue modelling, taking a diagonal covariance matrix with variances that
improving the accuracy and efficiency of forward calculations, one scale with the square of observed amplitudes. In the two approaches,
of the main challenges today is thus to develop an accurate stochas- the scale factor that controls the prediction-error variances is incor-
tic model that better describes modelling uncertainty in predicting porated in the model parameters to be inverted. Based on these early
geodetic and seismic data. studies, we develop here a new formulation exploiting more of the
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 3
physics of the forward problem to improve the modelling of the for the measurement process is thus given by
prediction covariance matrix. This general formalism can be used
p(d∗ |d) = N (d∗ |d, Cd )
for various problems (e.g. earthquake or volcanic source inversions
based on seismic or geodetic data) and relates input uncertainties in 1 1
the earth model or source geometry to the corresponding distribu- = exp − (d∗ − d)T C−1
d (d ∗
− d) , (2)
(2π ) N |Cd | 2
tion of predictions. As recognized by Yagi & Fukahata (2011) and
Minson et al. (2013), a physically based stochastic model must also where p(d∗ |d) is the probability (density) for getting the measured
account for the dependence of the prediction uncertainty upon the value d∗ when the uncertain physical quantity being measured has
slip model. the value d. The PDF p(d∗ |d) and the associated measurement co-
We begin by developing the concept of the misfit covariance ma- variance matrix Cd depend of course on the nature of measurement
trix as used in inversions of slip on subsurface faults. This matrix is and on the type of instrument used. A common model is to take
the sum of a covariance matrix for observations (often assumed in- independent observational errors (i.e. diagonal Cd ). However, for
dependent) and a covariance matrix for prediction errors associated observations like InSAR or seismic data, off-diagonal components
with inaccurate model predictions (often entirely ignored). We then should be included in Cd to allow correlation of measurement errors
describe how a physically informed prediction covariance matrix between neighbouring data samples (e.g. Lohman & Simons 2005;
can be obtained. In particular, we consider the effect of uncertain- Fukahata & Wright 2008; Duputel et al. 2012a).
ties in the earth model. Our description is based on a Bayesian The second source of uncertainty corresponds to our imperfect
formulation of the inverse problem but our formalism can also be knowledge of d for a given source model m, which comes from the
used in optimization methods. Although our approach is general prediction error due to imperfect forward modelling, also referred
and can be used for various seismic and geodetic data sets, we ex- to as epistemic error. For earthquake source modelling problems,
plore here the advantage of including more structured reasonable this component includes but is not limited to, lack of fidelity in the
m (this dependence is also discussed in Yagi & Fukahata 2011). matrix structure based on an explicit treatment of uncertainties in
The observational uncertainties, on the other hand, are independent the predictions.
of the model parameters and are essentially controlled by the na-
ture and quality of the measurements. For large earthquakes, the
contribution of Cd is thus frequently negligible compared to Cp . 3 A STOCHASTIC MODEL FOR THE
At this point, we therefore have (1) a stochastic model p(d∗ |d) P R E D I C T I O N U N C E RTA I N T Y
associated with Cd in eq. (2) describing the measurement uncer-
tainty and (2) a stochastic forward model p(d|m) associated with The development of a covariance matrix for the predictions (Cp ) is
Cp in eq. (4) describing the prediction uncertainty. Using Bayesian important regardless of the particular approach one uses to invert for
source inversion, our goal here is to combine the available infor- source model parameters. Indeed, in most source inversion problems
mation from observations and prior information about the model (e.g. Hartzell & Heaton 1983; Delouis et al. 2000; Ji et al. 2002;
parameters and forward modelling to construct a posterior distri- Simons et al. 2011; Minson et al. 2013, 2014), the discrepancies
between data dobs and forward predictions g(, m) for a source
bution for the source model parameters. To do so, we use Bayes’
theorem to get the posterior PDF p(m|dobs ) over the model space model m are quantified by defining a least-squares misfit function
(Bayes 1763): of the form
m) T · C−1
p(m|dobs ) = κ p(dobs |m) p(m), (6) χ (m) = dobs − g(, χ · dobs − g(, m) . (11)
where κ is a normalization constant and p(dobs |m) is a likelihood In a parameter optimization process, χ (m) is minimized while
function: in a Bayesian formulation the likelihood function is given by
Cp = K · C · K T , (20)
Cp (m) = m)
g(, m) − g(,
where the matrix K is the sensitivity kernel of the predictions with
m) T p() d,
× g(, m) − g(, (15) respect to the earth model parameters:
where p() is the prior probability density describing the uncer- m) = ∂gi (,
(K )i j (, m). (21)
tainty in the generic properties . We assume here that p() is a ∂ ln j
Gaussian distribution: In Section 4, we consider a simple 1-D case for which j represents
C ),
p() = N (|, (16) the shear modulus μj in the jth layer of the tabular elastic model
μ used to compute the predictions gi (μ, m). In the 3-D case,
which corresponds to the least informative PDF that is adequate for j = μj can represent the shear modulus in the jth region of the
given a priori parameters and a covariance matrix C defined earth model (cf. Appendix B).
source inversion process. More precisely, in our implementation of 4.1 Calculation of Cp in two dimensions
CATMIP, the sample mean m at each transitional step is used as
In this application example, we want to take into account the pre-
a new model to re-compute Cp . Therefore, we assume that Cp does
diction error due to uncertainty in the 1-D shear modulus structure
not vary significantly in the neighbourhood of m, which ensure
( = μ). In this case, the prediction covariance Cp defined in eq.
that the likelihood term p(dobs |m) in eq. (22) is Gaussian for a given
(20) can be rewritten as
value of β. For computational efficiency, the slip inversion being a
linear problem d = Gm, we can pre-calculate the sensitivity kernels
for each Green’s functions in the matrix G Cp = Kμ · Cμ · KμT . (25)
∂ G ik
(K G )i jk = , (23)
∂ log j
From this equation, we know that in order to obtain Cp , we need
such that to estimate the shear modulus sensitivity kernel Kμ and to choose
an appropriate covariance Cμ describing the uncertainty on μ. For
K = K G · m. (24) practical implementation, we discretized the earth model into 50
small layers from depth of 0 to 5H, where H is the thickness of the
In practice, this approach can be used for static and seismic data. shallow layer. We then compute the sensitivity of the predictions
Although K G can be pre-computed, its calculation remains a with respect to the shear modulus in each layer using the first-order
challenging problem. We propose here to use the perturbation the- perturbations introduced initially by Du et al. (1994) for infinite
ory which has been extensively employed in seismic tomography strike-slip faults. The calculation of Kμ in the quasi-static case is
through the Born approximation (e.g. Marquering et al. 1998; detailed in Appendix B.
Tromp et al. 2005; Virieux & Operto 2009) and has been intro- In this simple implementation of Cp , the covariance matrix Cμ
4.2 A side comment on fault parametrization Np -dimensional Dirichlet distribution produces sets of Np stochastic
positive numbers that sum to a given constrained value (cf. Min-
In this section, we investigate the model resolution in order to design son et al. 2013). The marginal of a Dirichlet distribution is a beta
a proper parametrization of the fault. We aim to derive a fault distribution of the form
discretization that allows us to accurately reflect the slip distribution
and account for the resolving power of available measurements.
β(m i |1, N p − 1) ∝ (1 − m i ) N p −2 , (26)
Furthermore, to allow a natural comparison between the inferred
model and the true slip distribution, we need to understand the
fundamental spatial resolution of the estimated slip model. where we assumed unit concentration parameters (Bishop 2006).
Fig. 4 shows the inversion results obtained for a target slip dis- The best-fitting Beta distributions shown in black in Fig. 4(a) in-
tribution with 1-m uniform slip (i.e. m = 1 m) at depths between 0 dicate that optimum values for Np range between 2 and 4. This
and 0.9H. We use p(m) = U(−0.3, 20) M as the prior information suggests that the sum of slip on Np ∼ 3 neighbouring patches can
on the slip parameters m (i.e. a uniform probability distribution be resolved while it is poorly constrained on individual subfaults.
from −0.3 to 20 m in M-dimensions). As described above, the data Fig. 5 shows some model samples chosen randomly near the mean of
computed for a layered half-space with μ2 /μ1 = 1.4 (cf. red line the posterior distribution. For these models, the distribution of slip
in Fig. 2 d) is inverted using Green’s functions for a homogeneous shows strong oscillations over adjacent patches while the average
half-space including our formulation of Cp (using the shear modulus slip over group of subfaults are consistent with the target model. The
structure Cμ shown in Fig. 2c). The results obtained if we neglect best-fitting Dirichlet distributions along with this checker-boarding
Cp are presented in Fig. S1 of the Supporting Information and the of neighbouring subfaults indicate that the slip can be well resolved
advantages of including Cp in the inversion are discussed latter (see over Np ∼ 3 neighbouring patches, that is, at a scale of about 0.2H.
Section 4.3). Histograms in Fig. 4(b) present marginal PDFs similar to Fig. 4(a)
Histograms in Fig. 4(a) present the marginal PDFs obtained if the with the fault discretized into 32 fault patches. In this case, the best-
fault is discretized into 16 fault patches. Apart for the shallowest fitting Dirichlet distribution indicates checkerboarding over Np ∼
subfault, the shape of these marginals clearly suggests a multivari- 6 patches which corresponds to a resolution scale of about 0.2H,
ate Dirichlet distribution of slip over group of adjacent patches. An consistent with results obtained using the 16 patches discretization.
8 Z. Duputel et al.
There are several different possibilities to take into account this layered half-space presented in red in Fig 2(d) and add 5 mm of un-
limited resolution. A first possibility is to increase the size of correlated Gaussian observational noise. The resulting data vector
patches, therefore using a coarse fault discretization. This possi- is presented in red in Figs 6(d)–(f). Once again, the source inversion
bility has already been explored by Pritchard et al. (2002) and is performed assuming a homogeneous half-space. We therefore in-
Barnhart & Lohman (2010) who proposed to use variable patch clude the two classes of errors discussed in Section 2—errors on
sizes depending on the resolution scale on the fault. On the other the measurements and in the predictions. As described before, we
hand, one should assign small patch sizes to enhance the accuracy of use a simple uniform prior p(m) = U(−0.3, 20) M on the slip distri-
the forward modelling in order to minimize parametrization errors bution, a fault discretized into 16 patches, and a smoothing window
due to the assumption of constant slip on elements that produces over three patches. The measurement covariance matrix Cd is diag-
sharp discontinuities. A better practice is thus to use a discretization onal with standard deviation of 5 mm. For the calculation of Cp , we
smaller than the actual resolution scale and eventually to filter the consider the first layer thickness as uncertain (i.e. Cμ in Fig. 2c) and
slip distribution a posteriori using a smoothing or averaging length use a prediction covariance structure similar to the one presented in
comparable to the resolution scale. Therefore, we prefer here to use Fig. 2.
16 fault patches and to account for the model resolution scale us- The comparison of the posterior model distribution mean with
ing local averaging rather than using coarse discretization. Fig. 4(c) and without neglecting the prediction uncertainty are shown, re-
shows marginal distributions of filtered model samples using an spectively, on Figs 6(b) and (c). The corresponding 1-D and 2-D
arithmetic mean over a sliding window of Np = 3 patches. These re- marginal posterior PDFs for each fault patch are also presented
sults show a Gaussian-like distributions that are well centred around in Fig. 7 [each p(mi |dobs )] and Fig. 8 [each p(mi , mj |dobs )] based
the target slip value (i.e. m = 1 m), which confirms the possibility on nearly 700 000 samples of the slip vector m. We note signif-
to resolve slip over three to four patches. icant discrepancies in the inversion results depending on whether
the prediction covariance matrix Cp is included or ignored. If Cp is
neglected, the mean of the distribution shown in Fig. 6(b) is very
different from the target model in Fig. 6(a). Estimated slip values
4.3 Comparison of inversion results with and without are larger than the target model for depths between 0.2 and 0.4H
neglecting the prediction uncertainty and significantly lower than the target slip value at larger depth. We
To assess the impact of including Cp in the estimation process, we note also that the uncertainty on the slip distribution is clearly un-
compare inversion results with and without neglecting the predic- derestimated: the marginal PDFs in Figs 7(a) and 8(lower left) show
tion uncertainty. We assume a non-uniform target slip distribution very narrow peaks at large depth that are clearly shifted with respect
from 0 to 0.9H presented in Fig. 6(a). We compute the data for the to the target slip values. On the other hand, if Cp is included, we
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 9
need to be addressed. First, how is it possible to account for the model distribution. The prediction uncertainty covariance matrix
coupling between Cp and the source model? Secondly, what is the Cp is therefore considered here as a by-product of the inversion.
variation of Cp as a function of m? We explored different possibilities to design Cp at β 0 = 0: (1)
As discussed in Section 3.3, we propose here to account for the calculating Cp from the mean of the distribution m at β 0 = 0,
coupling between Cp and m by updating the covariance at each (2) computing Cp for a uniform unitary slip distribution as a func-
transitional step (i.e. increase of β in eq. 22) using the mean of the tion of depth, (3) calculating Cp from the solution of a prior source
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 11
the series of dislocations derived by Savage (1987) and presented prediction uncertainty for the simple model presented in Fig. 6. To
in Fig. 12(c). This slip distribution produces surface displacements do so, we calculate the posterior predictive distribution p(d|dobs ) us-
that are exactly identical to the input target slip model in a layered ing the stochastic forward model p(d|m) in eq. (4) and the posterior
half-space. Of course, in common source inversion practices, faults model distribution p(m|dobs ) in eq. (8):
are parametrized with a limited depth extent and the prediction er-
ror cannot be perfectly mapped in the distribution of slip. Fig. 13 p(d|dobs ) = p(d|m) p(m|dobs ) dm. (27)
illustrates such case with a constant target slip model discretized M
in four slices down to 0.9H. We note strong oscillations when Cp This equation can be obtained directly from the total probability
is neglected. Although there is no obvious analytical solution such theorem (e.g. Bishop 2006) and describes the posterior variability
as Savage (1987) in this case, these oscillations are clearly due to on the predictions d due to modelling error [i.e. p(d|m)] and pos-
inaccuracies of half-space predictions since this is the only source terior uncertainty on the slip distribution [i.e. p(m|dobs )]. The PDF
of uncertainty considered here. On the other hand, the model in- p(d|dobs ) can also be seen as the posterior information on the dis-
cluding Cp is able to properly resolve the input target model since placement field. This posterior predictive PDF is illustrated in black
error in the Green’s function cannot be perfectly reproduced by slip in Figs 6(e)–(f) by showing 1000 stochastic realizations drawn from
oscillations. p(d|dobs ). In Figs 6(h)–(i), we show the corresponding residuals af-
To get more insight on the improvement of inversion results using ter subtracting the data vector from each predictive realization. For
our formulation of Cp , we propose here to estimate the posterior comparison, Figs 6(d) and (g) also show the posterior predictive
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 13
Figure 10. Evolution of the prediction covariance Cp at each transitional step. The values of β in eq. (22) are specified on top of each subfigure.
14 Z. Duputel et al.
PDF for the target slip model, assuming no uncertainty on the slip use the stochastic forward model based on Cp for the same g(m) (i.e.
distribution (i.e. p(m|dobs ) = δ(m − mtrue ) where mtrue is the target p(d|m) = N [d|g(m), Cp ]). The posterior predictive uncertainty is
model). Figs 6(e) and (h) show the data fit if the prediction uncer- significantly larger if Cp is taken into account. Even if the posterior
tainty is neglected [i.e. p(d|m) = δ(d − g(m)), where g(m) are the variability of the source model is incorporated when Cp is neglected,
predictions for a homogeneous half-space]. In Figs 6(f) and (i), we we note that the posterior predictive uncertainty is negligible
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 15
compared to the variability when Cp is included. Moreover, when should be spent to improve forward modelling capabilities. The
comparing data with predictions for a homogeneous half-space, the ultimate goal would be to allow for updating the uncertainty in all
data misfit is clearly smaller if the prediction uncertainty is ne- model parameters (i.e. m, , φ) by sampling from their posterior
glected. This small data residual is due to data overfitting resulting PDF but this requires greatly increasing the computational speed for
from the use of a deterministic forward model. By neglecting Cp , the forward modelling, either by computer hardware and/or faster
too much information is conferred to imperfect forward predictions, algorithms (e.g. building surrogate (meta-) models of the forward
leading to spurious posterior distributions which favour source mod- model using machine learning methods; Bishop 2006).
els that closely explain observations. The differences between in-
version results in Fig. 6(b) and the target model in Fig. 6(a) are thus
certainly due to overfitting of observations using predictions for an
6 C O N C LU S I O N
inaccurate earth model (i.e. a homogeneous half-space instead of
a layered medium). On the other hand, using a stochastic forward This study improves the modelling of the misfit covariance ma-
problem, we gain an extra flexibility by allowing some variability trix as used in inversions for the distribution of slip on subsurface
in the predictions, which allows us to select models having larger faults. The misfit covariance, Cχ , is a combination of the observa-
and correlated data residuals. Thus, the impact of including the pre- tional covariance matrix, Cd , and the modelling covariance matrix,
diction covariance Cp is not just a better analysis of the posterior Cp . The latter class of uncertainty is often entirely ignored even
uncertainty. In fact, the use of Cp also improves source parame- though prediction errors scale with the size of earthquakes and
ter estimates by using physically based relative weights between are thus generally larger than the observation uncertainty for large
measurements and by preventing overfitting of observations. events. Furthermore, prediction errors can induce important cor-
In this study, we have mainly focused on the impact of inaccu- relation between the observation points that should be taken into
racies in the earth model, which significantly contribute to forward account in source inversion problems. This work provides a gen-
earthquake engineering such as volcano monitoring and earthquake Duputel, Z., Rivera, L., Fukahata, Y. & Kanamori, H., 2012a. Uncertainty
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We thank Bernard Valette and Yukitoshi Fukahata for their helpful
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puero, Jean Virieux, Romain Brossier, Victor Tsai, Romain Jolivet Geophys. J. Int., 173(2), 353–364.
and Luis Rivera. MS acknowledges sabbatical support from the Hartzell, S.H. & Heaton, T.H., 1983. Inversion of strong ground motion
Univ. Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France) during which this project and teleseismic waveform data for the fault rupture history of the 1979
started. PSA was supported by the Keck Institute of Space Studies Imperial Valley, California, earthquake, Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 73(6),
Postdoctoral Fellowship. Our Bayesian sampling algorithm is based 1553–1583.
on the ALTAR implementation of CATMIP developed by Michael Hernandez, B., Cotton, F. & Campillo, M., 1999. Contribution of radar
Aivasis and Hailiang Zhang. This work made use of the Matplotlib interferometry to a two-step inversion of the kinematic process of the
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supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
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Press. −1/2
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C−1 T
d + g(, m) Cp (m)
dpred = R · u, (B12)
u i (x) = Hi j (x, xs ) f j (xs ) d3 xs , (B2)
where R is a sampling operator acting on the complete displacement
where V s is the volume of the source region. Let us now assume field u(x). Similarly, the integral form in eq. (B10) can be discretized
that a perturbation of the earth model to express the model prediction uncertainty () as
ci jkl (x) → ci jkl (x) + δci jkl (x) (B3) = R · δu
leads to a perturbation of the predicted displacement field: = R · Jμ · δ ln μ. (B13)
u i (x) → u i (x) + δu i (x). (B4) From the definition of in eq. (14) of Section 3.1, we can then write
To derive the displacement sensitivity to the medium elastic prop- the sensitivity kernel as
erties, we insert eqs (B3)–(B4) into eq. (B1) and drop second-order Kμ = R · Jμ . (B14)
∂ ∂δu k
V ∂ x
j ∂ xl
sitional step. The approach (3) described in Section 4.4 of the main
text is used here: Cp is calculated at β = 0 assuming a uniform
∂u k
+ Hmi (x, x
)δci jkl (x
n j d2 x
, (B8) unitary slip distribution as a function of depth (cf. model shown in
S ∂ xl Fig. S4 for β = 0).
where nj is the normal to the Earth’s surface. The second integral Figure S4. Slip models used for the calculation of the prediction
vanishes because of homogeneous boundary conditions. If we as- covariance Cp . The approach (3) described in Section 4.4. of the
sume an isotropic medium, assuming only perturbations in the shear main text is used here: the model used for the calculation of Cp at
modulus (μ) while holding the Poisson’s ratio constant, we can then β = 0 assuming a uniform unitary slip distribution as a function of
write depth (cf. model shown for β = 0).
Figure S5. One-dimensional marginal posterior PDFs for each
∂ Hi j (x, x
) σ jk (x
δu i (x) = − δμ(x
) d3 x
, (B9) patch as a function of depth. The marginal probability density his-
V ∂ xk
tograms are shown in green (a) when the prediction uncertainty
where σ ij (x
) = cijkl (x
)uk, l (x
). For practical implementation, we is neglected and (b) when the prediction uncertainty is taken into
can discretize the elastic medium into a limited number of layers account by including Cp in the inversion problem. The target slip
(as done in Section 4) or tectonically parametrized regions (e.g. model is indicated as dashed black lines and mean of the distribution
crust, mantle). If we allow for piecewise variation of μ in such is shown in blue. The results in (b) are obtained using approach (3)
regions, we can then simplify eq. (B9) using again the divergence described in Section 4.4 of the main text: Cp is calculated at β = 0
theorem to obtain the following 2-D surface integral (Du et al. using the posterior mean model for which Cp is neglected (cf. blue
1994) bars in (a) and Fig. S7).
Figure S6. Evolution of the prediction covariance Cp at each tran-
δu i (x) = − δ ln μ r
Hi j (x, x
) σ jk (x
) n rk (x
) d2 x
, (B10) sitional step. The approach (3) described in Section 4.4. of the main
text is used here: Cp is calculated at β = 0 using the posterior mean
where n rk (x
) is the normal to the surface S r delimiting the rth model for which Cp was neglected (cf. Fig. S7 and blue bars in
perturbed region. From this equation, we can directly extract the Fig. S5a).
Accounting for model prediction uncertainty 19
Figure S7. Slip models used for the calculation of the prediction diagonal elements are proportional to observations (cf. approach
covariance Cp . The approach (3) described in Section 4.4. of the (4) described in Section 4.4 of the main text).
main text is used here: the model used for the calculation of Cp at Figure S10. Slip models used for the calculation of the prediction
β = 0 is the posterior mean model when Cp is neglected (cf. blue covariance Cp . We use a preliminary form of Cp whose diagonal el-
bars in Fig. S5a). ements are proportional to observations (cf. approach (4) described
Figure S8. One-dimensional marginal posterior PDFs for each in Section 4.4 of the main text).
patch as a function of depth. The marginal probability density his- Figure S11. Same as Fig. 7 in the main text but using strictly
tograms are shown in green (a) when the prediction uncertainty positive constraints with a prior p(m) = U(0, 20) M (http://gji.
is neglected and (b) when the prediction uncertainty is taken into
account by including Cp in the inversion problem. The target slip
model is indicated as dashed black lines and mean of the distribution
is shown in blue. The results in (b) are obtained using approach (4)
described in Section 4.4 of the main text: We use a preliminary form Please note: Oxford University Press are not responsible for the
of Cp whose diagonal elements are proportional to observations. content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by
Figure S9. Evolution of the prediction covariance Cp at each tran- the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
sitional step. At β = 0, we use a preliminary form of Cp whose directed to the corresponding author for the article.