Cc01-Team01-Khanhgia Procurement Analysis
Cc01-Team01-Khanhgia Procurement Analysis
Cc01-Team01-Khanhgia Procurement Analysis
We recognize that the report will inevitably lead to some confusion, but we
welcome feedback from instructors and peers. This will allow everyone to gain a more
in-depth understanding of the topic for their own benefit.
There is a strong correlation between the purchasing process and the efficiency of
the business as a whole. In light of this, we have decided to evaluate the purchasing
procedures at Khanh Gia Company Limited, identify any issues that need fixing, and
offer suggestions for how to boost the company's bottom line through strategic
purchasing process.
Khanh Gia Company Limited has been a supplier of materials, equipment, and
technical services to the oil and gas industry (including onshore/offshore), marine, and
power plant industries, etc. With more than two decades of experience and competitive
abilities such as high quality, reasonable price, and on-time delivery, Khanh Gia Co.,
Ltd. has amassed a wealth of knowledge and established a solid reputation and brand
name among its domestic and international clients and business associates.
In this report, we just focus on 3 main products that KGC offers. The first one is
the anchor chain, mainly about how KGC purchases steel from steel suppliers to produce
chains and outsourcing strategy when they need anchors from foreign suppliers to meet
customer demand. The second one is diving equipment. We will describe how KGC
purchases with a global sourcing strategy as a trading company. Similarity with diving
equipment is floating & submarine hose.
3.3. Conclusion.....................................................................................................52
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................53
Figure 7. Length in anchor chain that KGC sold in 2021 & 2022 ................................23
Figure 11. Service level of 3 leading products that KGC offers ...................................26
All important parts of the purchasing process will be presented in this course from
purchasing decision & business strategy, material management, inventory management,
purchasing procedures, supplier selection & evaluation to strategic outsourcing, global
sourcing. In order to consolidate our knowledge about this course, we chose a real-world
firm and applied our learned knowledge to know how the company operates. In this
report we used the numbers from the research, purchasing process and analysis data
collection of the company called Khanh Gia Company. Based on this information, we
can indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this company’s purchasing process as
well as find out the better strategy in order to improve the company’s system.
In this report, we used the number that we got when we analyzed Khanh Gia
Company’s operation and purchasing process. They purchase and sell machines,
equipment and other technical parts.
Beside the Heading, Preface, Table of Contents, Conclusion and References, the
report also include 3 more chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
By using Interview method and actual data directly from the company:
- Ask for information and interview directly with directors and employees of
Khanh Gia company about legal documents, forms of purchase, ordering and receiving
method, payment method, business strategy, etc. After observing how they respond to
issues in real-life situations, we may draw conclusions about both the things the
company does well to advance its operations and certain areas we strongly believe need
improvement if they aim to advance further in the future.
- To accurately depict Khanh Gia company buying and selling operation, data is
obtained straight from monthly/yearly financial statements or reports.
Aspects Information
Main Business Supplying materials and equipment to serve the Oil and Gas
Khanh Gia company does not produce a complete product by itself, they sell a
complete product based on what they have received from their suppliers. (as a
manufacturing company). In addition, Khanh Gia company also imports goods and then
resells them to end-customers. (as a trading company)
Vice Director
The motto is used to address the difficulties of managing the supply chain and
meeting consumer demands. Khanh Gia often use different mottos to communicate their
value proposition to customers.
2. Reliability: It is also important to the company. Khanh Gia uses the motto
“Dependable service you can trust” to communicate their commitment to delivering
high quality products and services consistently. Therefore, customers will continue to
rely on and purchase them.
3. Cost tradeoff: Khanh Gia optimize costs to reduce product and service
prices in order to attract consumers. The company makes a commitment to providing
customers with the best value for their money.
Purchasing Decisions:
product, right customer at the right time, in the right place and condition and especially
at the right cost.
Strategic Purchasing:
The steps listed below will be used to implement KGC's purchasing process:
3) Third is placing orders. KGC will place the order based on customer’s
demand. For the anchor chain, KGC will have 1 more step that the customer service
team will check the inventory in order to make the E-contract, due to all suppliers of
KGC are international companies so E-contract will be faster and more effective and
time saving.
4) Next stage is receiving orders. The customer service team will receive the
product and check if they arrive in time or not.
5) The following stage is checking the order. The technical team will check
the quality of the product. If it does not meet the technical requirements that order will
be returned.
6) And lastly is making payment. Because most of the KGC suppliers are
international suppliers. So, KGC pays via bank transfer.
The product positioning strategy can play an important role in creating value for
customers, increasing the competitiveness of the product, and helping businesses
increase sales.
Business strategy:
Because Cai Mep - Thi Vai Port is the cradle for the shipping industry - logistics.
Due to the fact that every year, many ships from various sizes dock in this port.
Understanding that, KGC has invested heavily in the steel chain manufacturing industry
as an optimal business strategy of the company. They work as a manufacturing company
and their competitive strategy is Cost Leadership strategy. This means that the
company tries to be the lowest-cost manufacturer in the industry. And the company
decides this strategy is the most important one in leading the company to success.
Other special products such as diving equipment and floating & submarine hose
have a long life-span because they need to meet the international requirements of
quality. Due to this reason, when the company currently uses Competitive pricing
strategy in this field, it gains little profit for the company than the above mentioned
Competitive Priorities:
Because KGC has chosen product Cost Leadership strategy as their most essential
competitive strategy so their competitive priorities are:
2) Efficient operation: The technical team, once a month, will evaluate the
system in order to reduce the waste time so that it maximizes productivity in producing
anchor chains. In real-life, the company uses IEES GPRO to track and find the redundant
operation and then they try to optimize the motion of employees to maximize their
4) Tight cost controls: The technical team in KGC has researched and
established a production cost control system in order to manage electricity used,
optimally the use of steel to manufacture anchor chains.
The logistics department in KGC has evaluated the level of risk in the environment
of the supply chain relationships based on the supply chain strategy. If these connections
are made evident, KGC can quickly and profitably make decisions that will increase
earnings and foster profitable business relationships. status in the marketplace.
The supply chain strategy of KGC involved 4 phases to identify the supply chain
1) Evaluate the current system: The logistics department will evaluate the
supply chain system and base on the criteria of the company.
For Product and service positioning strategy: By this way, KGC can understand
what their customers want and what criteria they should focus on to meet customers’
For Business strategy: Despite the fact that the company uses Competitive
pricing strategy, Cost Leadership strategy is still the most important strategy that the
company strictly follows, since it gains higher profit to the company.
For Competitive Priorities: By following these priorities, KGC has reduced the
cost for producing anchor chains. It helps the KGC optimize their resources so that they
bring the maximum profit to the company.
For Supply chain strategy: KGC's supply chain strategy involves evaluating the
current system, analyzing partners' roles and developing solutions to improve the
system. The strategy is well-structured and effective in fostering profitable relationships
and enhancing the company's position in the marketplace.
=> Since, the purchasing decision and business strategy of the company are
exceptional, we cannot propose any solutions to the company.
Purchasing Agent
In order to avoid future disputes, the content of the business procurement contract
should consist of the following contents:
Subject: It is necessary for Khanh Gia to specify the parties' information such as:
business name, head office address, name and position of the legal representative, ID
number (or passport number) of the legal representative, corporate tax identification
number, etc.
Legal rights and obligations: The obligations prior to, during, and following the
performance of the contract as well as the precise time of termination must be made
clear by the parties (KGC and suppliers).
Terms of binding liability: The parties can draft appropriate terms, such as Khanh
Gia's supplier liability for non-payment, or liability, in advance so that they can
anticipate the circumstances that the other party might use to avoid performing the
contract. It is the supplier's obligation to keep the contract's subject matter intact.
Statements and commitments: A clause stating that the suppliers must confirm
and agree to the debts of the business should be included in the contract. By doing this,
disputes and risks for KGC are reduced.
Term of a contract
Khanh Gia Company currently has some criteria in a contract that need to follow:
Regarding the quantity of purchased goods, after being calculated and aggregated
into orders by the sales staff, the purchasing manager will check again to include in the
contract. Responsibility for the quantity of goods will rest with the chief accountant.
=> Using trial-run to determine whether we can cooperate with the suppliers
or not.
The steel supplier will deliver and inspect goods at KGC warehouses. The other
products will be transferred directly to the end-users. Quality problems will be fully
guaranteed from suppliers, KGC will not bear any responsibility for damaged goods
during previous delivery.
Within 7 days, if there is a mistake, compare the goods, the quality is not
guaranteed, transfer it to the warranty department.
=> In case the quality is not guaranteed, the supplier will be notified to make
an exchange/warranty according to the provisions of the contract.
After applying all trade discounts, the price of goods will rise. But in some special
cases, price escalation clauses are used in a contract, due to the instability of delivery
Trade discount:
The purchasing team will meet the suppliers to get some discount. This requires a
good relationship between the KGC and the suppliers so with the new supplier it is quite
difficult to have any trade discount.
Delivery Terms
Steel suppliers deliver goods at the warehouse, import and export goods when
there is an order. As KGC prioritizes fast delivery times and high quality assurance,
delivery time is a strict requirement that suppliers must follow.
+ The higher the sales, the higher the chances of getting a discount
+ Agree on the terms and strictly comply with the signed contract
Purchasing agents receive numerous offers on a daily basis and must be able to
identify complete legitimate offers. The three necessary components of an offer are:
When the offer is lapse, rejected or revoked the KGC purchasing department will
make a new offer with some adjustments to fit with the partner's request.
A counteroffer is a new proposal made by the recipient of an initial offer,
suggesting terms, price, or other conditions that they desire, different from those
proposed in the initial offer. Counteroffers are often used in the negotiation process
between two parties to reach a mutual agreement. With KGC this part is handled by the
purchasing team. There are some steps to do a counteroffer:
1. Evaluate the offer. This will help the company know which part of the
offer is not suitable with its goal and need to change or accept it with some conditions.
2. Make a new proposal which includes the requests and conditions KGC
want to achieve and also the reason for it.
3. Decision. If both buyer and seller accept the offer, they can sign a contract
and start implementing the agreement. If both parties cannot have the same goal, the
company will consider whether or not to work with the partners.
=> By using this, KGC can ensure that the terms of the contract are in
accordance with the requirements of the company and do not cause any
disadvantages to the company. At the same time, it can help the company choose
the most suitable supplier with the cheapest price.
The products that KGC offers consist of 3 main materials: diving equipment,
anchor chain and floating & submarine hose. While anchor chain is the product that
KGC manufactures, others are the products that KGC imports from the foreign countries
and then sells for customers in Vietnam.
$15,622 $26,557
Khanh Gia is
- Buckleys determined to own
BathyCorrometer 11 different types
of diving
$5,810 $9,877 equipment with
1 different functions,
which allow
customers more
opportunities in oil
and gas
- Complete HD exploitation.
Camera Console
$4,752 $8,078
- Connection of
underwater electricity
$2,445 $4,156
- Deck
$4,742 $8,061
- Drivers Apparel
$200 $340
- Diving Helmet
$4000 $6800
$2,500 $4,250
- ROV Parts
Anchor Chain
The Offshore
Mooring Chain
Type 1 (22-59mm): used for offshore
This anchor chain is structures, drilling
mainly used for the ships and FPSO
$105 $178
ship with the DWT is and anchor chain
Anchor Handymax (30001- for ship industry is
Chain – 50000 DWT). manufactured in
2 Offshore the optimal
Type 2 (60-99mm):
Mooring production
For the bigger ships,
Chain environment and
for example Panamax
perfect quality and
(50001-80000 DWT), $128 $217
products are
which their running
pursued through
area is rivers and near
the coasts.
testing and
Type 3 (100-136mm): inspection.
And for the ship with
the DWT from 80001
to 199000 DWT, we $174 $295
have to use this type
of anchor chain due to
size and length.
Material Availability
KGC needs to ensure a consistent supply of raw materials for seamless production.
Material availability analysis is essential to identify potential bottlenecks, supply chain
risks, and ensure a stable manufacturing process. Here is an analysis of the key materials
used by the company:
Anchor chains are primarily made of high-quality steel, such as carbon steel and
alloy steel. These types of steel are known for their strength, durability, and corrosion
KGC do not allow us to know the software for forecasting the demand of
material, so we suggest using IBM/SPSS Statistics 2020 to do this.
As we mentioned before, we just need to forecast the demand for steel because
KGC produces anchor chains. Based on the data collected from the previous month,
using IBM/SPSS software to forecast the demand for the following month.
Figure 7. Length in anchor chain that KGC sold in 2021 & 2022
We aim to forecast the weight of steel we need to install to produce per month in
2022. We use IBM/SPSS Statistics 2020 to solve this problem.
First, we input the data from the sheet into the software:
Service Level
Nowadays, the company currently uses ERP to help them implement resource
planning by integrating all the processes needed to run their companies with a single
system. An ERP software system can also integrate planning, purchasing inventory,
sales, marketing, finance, HR, etc. However, the company is not willing to share their
ERP system to our group, so it is impossible for us to analyze the strengths as well as
the weaknesses when using this system. Therefore, we suggest using ABC analysis to
deal with the inventory, and using POM/QM to determine the reorder point/ safety stock
of the company.
Since, we cannot get access to the ERP of the company, so it’s hard to evaluate
whether this is good enough or not. Therefore, we suggest using ABC analysis for each
type of chain to determine which will provide the greatest benefit for the company. The
total revenue of anchor chains over a year is approximately 45 billion VND. We can
readily calculate the types of chains based on the company’s annual expenditure. Khanh
Gia company can gain lots of benefits by using this technique, in more detail:
- The company can regularly check and control each item, and especially strictly
control those items in group A. The establishment of accurate reports on group A must
be done regularly to ensure safety. in production.
- The capital sources used to purchase group A products need to be more than
those of group C, so there should be proper investment priority in group A governance.
- Thanks to the ABC analysis technique, the level of warehouse staff is constantly
increasing, because they regularly perform inspection and control cycles for each group
of goods.
=> In conclusion, safety stock (in kg) represents the weight that we need to
stock to protect against unexpected fluctuations in demand or supply chain
disruptions. For example, for type1, the safety stock is 1527.73 kg, which means
that the company needs to keep on hand extra 1527.73 kg steel in inventory.
Reorder point (in kg) represents the level at which our stock needs to be
replenished. For example, for type1, the reorder point is 16475.68 kg, which means
that when the inventory level reaches 16475.68 kg, the company knows that it is
time to reorder more inventory to maintain a sufficient stock level.
=> To sum up, these suggestions are just based on our team knowledge, so it’s quite
hard to conclude that it can be useful for the company, since we are not allowed to
gain access with the real software that KGC currently uses.
Khanh Gia company currently uses purchasing corporate policy considers the
following objectives:
Purchasing Procedures
Today, KGC currently uses this type of purchasing procedure whenever they
establish guidelines and rules for the procurement process, ensuring compliance,
improving efficiency, maintaining consistency, and managing risk.
Khanh Gia company now uses this type of purchasing order lifecycle to apply in
real-life situations:
vendor proposal. To arrive at a unified vendor selection decision, the procurement team
will conduct a thorough investigation and also seek input from all stakeholders.
4) Negotiation and PO (Purchase order) dispatch
Once a vendor is selected, it is time for KGC to make contract negotiation. This is
the time when suppliers and buyers discuss and address issues that will forge a better
business relationship. Typically, purchasing negotiations will cover the following items:
● Time constraints
● Delivery expectations
● Quality benchmark
● Payment terms
● Confidentiality of purchase
● Dispute resolutions
Vendors usually send an advance shipment notice to the purchasing team once the
order is shipped. This notice includes shipping date, shipping agency details, tracking
number, a copy of purchase order (PO) and invoice, etc. After receiving the
product/service, the purchasing team checks the packaging slip and PO information and
acknowledges the receipt. Then, the technical team performs a standard quality check
and sends the result to the purchasing team to notify the vendor or reject products in
case of damage or defect in the delivered item.
We would like to compare the purchasing procedures in the company with the
purchasing procedures that we have learned in class.
We cannot propose any solutions to the company, since it is reasonable and still
• Buying firms select suppliers based on their capabilities, and not purely on the
competitive process. The current trend in sourcing is to reduce the supplier base.
After that, KGC needs to specify the category of suppliers. There are 3 different
types of categories such as: strategic suppliers, preferred suppliers, transactional
suppliers according to their level of importance to the business.
Quality - 100% meet the - 80% meet the - 50% meet - <50% meet 0.5
quality deserves quality deserves the quality the quality
the price the price deserves the deserves the
price price
Shipping - Very short lead - Short lead time - Long lead - Very long 0.2
method & time time lead time
- Average
Delivery time
- Means of shipping cost - High - Very high
transport comply shipping cost shipping cost
with all safety
- Low shipping
- Packaging is
Documents - Clear procedure - Fast document - Not clear - Not clear 0.1
processing speed procedure procedure
- Very fast
document - Slow
processing speed document
KGC then determines all feasible suppliers who can support them based on the
scoring rubrics:
Product Supplier
Van Loi
Viet Nhat
- When facing difficult problems during operation, the two parties must actively
communicate with each other to find the root cause and come up with appropriate
measures to solve.
- Process-based evaluation
- Performance-based evaluation
Khanh Gia company currently uses both of these criteria to check whether the
suppliers are working effectively or not.
Review Categories
* high quality
* on-time delivery
Technology and innovation are also important in order to stay ahead of or at pace
with competition and help keep the buying firm at the top of their field.
Multiple Sourcing
The major advantages when KGC uses multiple sourcing strategy is: mitigating
risk of supply chain disruptions, competitive pricing, diversification, innovation and
- For grade: The KGC’s supplier performances in the past are kept on record and
the suppliers receive a “report card” as to how well they are doing compared to other
suppliers. The most common attributes are quality, price, and delivery.
- For hurdle: suppliers of KGC are required to “jump” over higher and higher
hurdles to win the buyer’s business.
Representatives of both sides will meet in order to negotiate and discuss the prices,
ordering methods, procedures and forms of payment, etc. of the contract, so that they
can have the final agreement.
Trial run
Then to identify the long-term cooperation in the future, KGC has to have the Trial
run steps. In this step, KGC will purchase with the partner from 2 to 3 times. Based on
whether the partner delivers on time and right quality products or not, they may make a
decision on whether to engage in a long-term cooperation.
– Categorical method
– Cost-ratio method
KGC is currently using the linear averaging method to determine the best
supplier for each different types of products which they sell (using in trial run).
For example, let’s take a trial run of diving equipment to be the model of a trial
Suppliers Categories
In the past, KGC produced a complete anchor chain but failed to lead the anchor
chain production because their customers were not satisfied with the quality of the
anchor that KGC provided. Consequently, KGC is currently using an outsourcing
strategy in their business. They produce anchor chains from steel they got from
suppliers, but they outsource anchors from another foreign company in order to meet
customer requirements. They are now focusing on their most important task, which is
producing chains.
1. Cost Minimization
2. Refocus Organization to Core
3. Improvement in Operating
Since KGC is now focusing on producing anchor chains and outsource anchors in
order to develop as the leading industry in producing complete anchor chains.
- High specialization: Outsource companies often focus on only one area and
develop the best capabilities in that area. Therefore, qualifications and experience will
bring the best results to the business than internal employees. KGC when outsourcing
can focus on other more important tasks such as producing chains, working as trading
- Minimizing operating costs: KGC recognizes that outsourcing costs less than
training and supporting internal staff since outsourced companies already have
necessary resources and equipment, and there are no additional expenses like salaries,
insurance, and bonuses.
- Improve labor efficiency: External resources can save KGC’s time, improve
productivity, and enhance internal employee security. Working in parallel allows for
focused attention on important tasks and helps KGC stay on schedule.
- Ensure efficient operation: The contract between KGC and the outsource
company requires both parties to ensure the correct implementation of the agreements.
In which, the hired company must complete the assigned work on time and with the
quality of the work, if it is wrong, it must compensate according to the contract.
Therefore, businesses can feel more secure because the outside units will not want to
lose the compensation but will try to ensure the best job completion.
- Responsibility: in fact, not all companies are responsible and try to do their job
well. Some outsource companies do not perform the work on time assigned or work
irresponsibly affecting the progress and quality of the business. Therefore, KGC needs
to be careful in choosing a company when deciding to outsource.
- Quality: in the process of transferring work from the enterprise to the outsourced
unit, in some cases the outsourcing company does not fully understand the purpose and
content of the work. This leads to improper performance of the work according to the
requirements of KGC, causing the quality of work to be reduced.
- Cost of hiring: although outsourcing usually has a lower cost than in-house doing
the work. But in some cases the hired company incurs extra costs in the process. If the
contract between the two parties is not tight, the lessee may have to pay many
unexpected costs. Therefore, in real life, KGC highly focused on contract negotiation
between the two parties.
Labor expense of purchasing personnel: the cost KGC pays for employees
who are responsible for managing relationships with outsourcing providers,
negotiating contracts, and ensuring that the provider is meeting the company's
Travel cost: refers to the expenses that Khanh Gia company incur when
their employees or representatives need to travel to the location of the outsourcing
provider or to a third-party location where the outsourced work is being performed.
➢ Risk assessment.
➢ Risk mitigation.
➢ Risk monitoring.
➢ Contingency planning.
taxes and duties, insurance costs, and other miscellaneous expenses related to
managing the outsourcing relationship.
Element of Outsourcing
consuming, however, it is important to carefully plan and manage the process to ensure
that the outsourcing project is successful.
Global sourcing is when companies purchase goods and services from suppliers in
different countries to get the best quality products at the lowest cost. It helps companies
access a wider variety of goods and services and take advantage of cost differences
between regions.
Due to the high technical requirements related to the safety of divers as well as the
high accuracy requirements, KGC decided to use global sourcing for diving equipment
to be able to meet the above requirements.
3. Market expansion: KGC also uses global sourcing to expand their market
and reach customers in different countries. This can help the company increase their
revenue and diversify their customer base.
Despite its advantages, global sourcing may pose certain disadvantages to KGC if
not managed properly. Some of these disadvantages include:
Cost of Global sourcing for diving equipment and floating & submarine hose:
The cost of global sourcing also the same with domestic sourcing, the most
difference is foreign costs includes:
1. Custom cost: KGC will pay for the cost which may vary depending on the
country of cooperation. The purchasing team will email the Department of Vietnam
Customs to inquire about the cost.
2. Duty charge: To minimize the impact of duty charges in global sourcing,
KGC's purchasing team looks for countries with lower duty rates. This allows them to
reduce the total cost of goods and maximize the value of their sourcing activities.
=> Considering the impact of costs like duty charges and custom cost is
essential in global sourcing. By doing so, KGC can minimize the cost of importing
silent equipment from abroad.
- The final problem is that KGC is heavily reliant on a few key suppliers for
components. There may be delays, stockouts, or complete shutdowns in production if
one or more of the company’s major suppliers experiences a disruption in their
operations. The supply chain can break down as a result of this. Moreover, the quality
issues may occur if the key suppliers are not able to provide high-quality goods or
services consistently, it can affect the company’s products or services. This will harm
the company’s reputation and lead to customer dissatisfaction.
very high demand of the company for forecast accuracy. Consequently, we suggest
instead of using IBM/SPSS Statistics 2020 and POM/QM, the company can use
“Streamline”, which is the most powerful forecasting software. It can give us 99+%
inventory availability, up to 99% forecast accuracy, up to 98% reduction in stockouts,
1-5 percentage points margin improvement, etc. So, KGC can consider utilizing this
software platform since we do not know which program they are currently using.
competitiveness and eliminate wasteful costs associated with the purchase of raw
materials. This new department within the business will be in responsibility for finding
suitable, distant vendors and placing orders on their websites. Developing supplier
selection criteria in this area, such as trustworthiness, delivery time, and price, is also
significant at the same time. With the new department, KGC can improve their operation
process, have a new potential supplier with cheaper price and higher quality and also
reduce the processing time.
Diversifying the company’s supply chain is one of the most effective ways to reduce its
reliance on a small number of key suppliers. This may involve working with additional
suppliers, investigating alternatives sources for raw materials or components, or even
investing in-house production capabilities. At the same time, KGC needs to make an
adjustment for procurement practices. This includes negotiating better contract terms,
exploring new sourcing options and investing in technology or data analysis to better
manage its supply chain and the quality of goods.
3.3. Conclusion
- After having studied the Procurement Analysis of Khanh Gia Company, our team
can have a better understanding of what we have learned from theory that can contribute
to the Procurement Process of KGC from purchasing decisions, business strategy,
material management, inventory management to purchasing procedures, systems
contracting, supplier selection, strategic outsourcing, global sourcing.
- Along with comprehending and being more perceptive in reality, we also offer
some suggestions for the business to enhance their performance in the market. Although
it may not be the most effective solution for the company, we strongly believe that by
researching and evaluating what the company currently applies, our team can have
practical experience, which can advantage our future careers and at least can bring lots
of valuable lessons to our team.