Methods of Improving Productivity in App
Methods of Improving Productivity in App
Methods of Improving Productivity in App
Abstract: Productivity plays an important role in any garment motion study. Work measurement is additionally called by the
industry. There are various reasons for which the productivity name ‘Time study’. Work measurement is completely essential
decreases and there are many known methods to improve the
for both the design and control of operations. Highly motivated
productivity. Choosing a correct and effective method plays a
crucial role. A garment manufacturing unit is considered for study employees focus their efforts on achieving the precise goals.
and analysis. The study helped in identifying the problems in the It’s the manager’s job, therefore, to motivate the employees to
industry. The study reported that productivity is low due to time get them to take up and try the simplest job. Highly motivated
Study analysis not being followed for the sewing operations. employees call in sick less frequently, are more productive, and
Secondly, employees are not motivated in the workplace. In order are less likely to convey bad attitudes to customers and
to improve the productivity, time study and motion study are the
associates. The motivation given has to be justified and should
effective methods. Work study is known to be a highly effective
productivity improvement method. Determining the standard be rational. It should be ready to fulfill the aim of productivity
work cycle time is one of the most important step used in work improvement otherwise it's going to result into huge loss to the
study, which helps in great deal in improving activities. The time organization and should even cause unethical work practices.
study and method study was carried out and was found that the Rewards and incentives within the workplace have benefits for
employees are not motivated in the workplace and that has both employees and employers. These incentives encourage
resulted in low productivity and efficiency. Subsequently with the
friendly competition between workers when linked to job
help of management various monetary and non-monetary
incentives to employees were suggested in addition to salary on performance. The sharing of a company's profits gives incentive
weekly or monthly basis. The introduction of the incentive schemes to employees to supply a top quality product, perform a top
has motivated the employees to work more efficiently. The time quality service, or improve the standard of a process within the
and motion study carried out in the industry has improved the corporate. Non-financial incentives help in satisfying
productivity by 33% and on an average; an operator makes 32 psychological, social and emotional needs of the workers. Few
pieces per hour.
examples for incentives include attendance bonus, group
Keywords: Time study, Motion study, Work study, Flow process incentives, and monetary awards, allow flexibility and
chart, Time standards, Productivity, Employee motivation, allowances, giving an opportunity to steer, work-life balance,
Incentive schemes. helpful services, healthy food etc.
of human work in all its contexts. And which lead location. This also provides a graphical representation of the
systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect worker's manual tasks in a coordinated manner.
the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed, in 4. Multiple Activity Chart
order to effect improvement.” (George Kanawaty, 1955). It's a graph in which the actions of multiple subjects (worker
or equipment) are reported on a standard time scale to
demonstrate their interdependence.
4) Motion study
Motion research is a form of process study in which the
motion of an operator or a piece of work is examined using the
prescribed methods.
5) Time study
Work measurement is another name for time study. It is
needed for both operational planning and control. Time
research is described by the British Standard Institute as "the
application of techniques designed to determine the time
required for a skilled worker to perform a specified job at a
defined level of efficiency." (Glock and Kunz, 2005).
Fig. 1. Framework of work study
C. Employee Motivation
1) Method study
Motive is described by Webster's Dictionary as "something
“Method study is the systematic recording and critical
that causes an individual to act." Employee motivation refers to
examination or existing and proposed ways of doing work as a
how dedicated an employee is to his or her job, how involved
means or developing and applying easier and more effective
he or she feels in the company's goals, and how motivated he or
methods and reducing cost.” (George Kanawaty, 1955).
she feels in their everyday tasks.
2) Recording techniques for method study
Following the selection of the work to be analyzed, the next Employees who are highly motivated concentrate their
step in the basic procedure is to record all details pertaining to energies on achieving particular objectives. As a result, it is the
the existing method. It is important to provide a method for manager's responsibility to inspire workers and encourage them
tracking all the required information regarding the current to do their best work. Employees who are motivated are less
method in order to imagine the activities chosen for likely to call in sick, are more active, and are less likely to
investigation in their entirety and to improve them by express negative attitudes to customers and coworkers. Job
subsequent critical review. Records are extremely useful for motivation may be extrinsic or intrinsic, which means that an
comparing the success of the proposed improved process before employee's motivation stems from within. (Stephen, 2016)
and after. 1) Incentives
Despite the promotion of alternative motivators, money
3) Types of charts
It can be broadly divided into continues to play a significant role in the mix of motivators.
i. Macro motion charts Employees who participate in benefit sharing receive a share of
ii. Micro motion charts. the profit in addition to their daily pay.
Employees and employers alike benefit from job bonuses and
i. Macro motion charts: rewards. When linked to job results, these incentives promote
Following four charts are used under this type: friendly competition among associates. Employees are
1. Operation Process Chart motivated to create a high-quality product, provide high-quality
It's also known as an outline phase diagram. By documenting service, or increase the quality of a company's process by
only, the main operations and inspections involved in the sharing profits.
process, an activity process map provides a bird's eye view of Non-monetary benefits are those that help workers meet their
the entire process. psychological, social, and emotional needs. Attendance
2. Flow Process Chart bonuses, community rewards, and cash prizes are only a few
The flow process map depicts the flow of work for a product examples of incentives. Others include allowing flexibility and
or a portion of it through a work center or department, with allowances, providing a chance to lead, promoting work-life
activities recorded using appropriate symbols. It is an balance, providing supportive resources, and providing
amplification of the operation process map, which depicts nutritious food.
operations such as inspection, storage, delay, and
transportation. 3. Methodology
3. Two Handed Process Chart Production in the apparel manufacturing industry plays a
The most accurate form of flow chart is a two-handed major role in deciding the profit/loss of the company. There are
(operator process chart), in which the movements of the various reasons that affect the target output or production.
workers' hands are reported in relation to one another. The two- Identifying the reasons troubling productivity and the methods
handed method map is typically limited to work done at a single used to overcome the problems, by utilizing the available
R. Subhashini et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 4, APRIL 2021 132
manpower in a more effective way are discussed in 2) Process Flow Chart and Operation Breakdown Table
methodology. A process analysis can be used to improve understanding of
In order to achieve the objectives of the project, the how the process operates and to determine potential targets for
methodology flow chart has been designed. The methodology the process improvement through removing waste. Thus, the
followed in the study is explained in the Figure 2 and 3. chart shows the flow of operations which needs to be done in
order to complete the sewing of the polo neck T-shirt. It shows
the process flow of both machine and non- machine operations
of each part of the polo T-shirt. Process layout of polo T-shirt
is shown in Table 1. The stitches and machines required to
construct Polo Neck T-shirt is shown in Table 2.
Table 1
Process layout of polo-shirt
A. Productivity Improvement
In order to improve the productivity in the industry following
methods are followed. Table 2
1) Style Analysis Stitches and machines needed to make Polo T-shirt
This polo T-shirt shown in Figure 4 is exclusively designed
for men’s upon considering the comfort. It is made up of 100%
cotton, Pique fabric with 160 GSM. It has sizes from M, L, and
XL. This polo T-shirt has the following parts,
a. Front part
b. Back part
c. Sleeves – 2 No’s
d. Collar
e. Placket
f. Side label
g. Contrast cuff
3) SAM allocation placket finishing, and side seam operation which are 220 and
Based on the motion study and cycle time of an operation, a 130 seconds respectively when the whole operation is
standard time is allocated for every operation known as SMV combined.
(standard minute value). Each operation was measured in 4) The Original Method
seconds and is recorded. Time study sheet is showing the An operation of placket making with side seam of a Polo T-
different types of processes, standard time for each operation in shirt has been taken and it is required to study the existing
minutes, with allowance added 15%, SMV and SAM for Polo original method using work study and thereby propose a new
T-shirt. Table 3 shows the operation breakdown with SMV. method which is more efficient and less time consuming. The
existing method is the traditional method in practice for making
Table 3
polo T-shirt front placket and side seam which is followed.
Operation breakdown with SMV for Polo T- shirt
No. of Operator: 31
Standard Minute Value (SMV): 17.75 (min)
SAM = (SMV + 15% allowance)
= 17.45 + 2.66 = 20.41 (min)
Target per hour: (31×60)/20.41 = 91.13 pcs/hr.
e) Multiple Activity Chart for Placket g) Time Study Chart for Placket
A multiple activity chart for placket is shown in Table 6. A time study chart for placket is shown in Table 8.
Table 6 Table 8
Multiple activity chart for placket Time study chart for placket
Standard Minute Value (SMV): 138 sec
Calculation of SAM:
R. Subhashini et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 4, APRIL 2021 136
Table 12
Multiple activity chart for placket
R. Subhashini et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 4, APRIL 2021 138
Allowance: 15%
SAM (Standard Allowed Minutes) = Basic Time + Total
SAM = (SMV + 15% allowance)
f) Multiple Activity Chart for Side seam = 97 + 15%
A multiple activity chart for side seam is shown in Table 13. = 97 + 14.5
Table 13 = 111 Sec
Multiple activity chart for side seam Therefore, SAM = 111 sec = 1.8 min
Maximum output = (Working time/Maximum process time)
= (60/1.8)
= 33.33 Pcs
Productivity per Operator = Total output / Total manpower
= 33 Pcs/15 Operator
= 2.2 Pcs/Operator is the output.
Table 14
Time study chart for placket
Standard Minute Value (SMV): 100.92 sec
Calculation of SAM:
Allowance: 15%
SAM (Standard Allowed Minutes) = Basic Time + Total
SAM = (SMV + 15% allowance)
= 100.92 + 15%
Calculations: = 100.92 + 15.13
Standard Minute Value (SMV): 97 sec = 116.05 Sec
Calculation of SAM: Therefore, SAM = 116.05 sec = 1.9 min
R. Subhashini et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 4, APRIL 2021 139
From the Figure, it is observed that the output per hour for the employees.
each operator for both placket and side seam in original method
is lower than the proposed method. As we can see that the
output is increased dramatically after we implemented the time
and motion study.
5) Percentage of Efficiency Before and After Motion Study
The following Figure 10 shows the percentage of efficiency
before and after motion study for placket and side seam.
To encourage the working women, a scheme “Gold for improve the work life balance.
Marriage” was suggested. This award was extended to women
who are efficient and good performers in the company. Figure 5. Conclusion
14 shows the gold for marriage scheme. If the employee works Production is one of the most important department in any
in the company for 1 year, 2-gram gold will be awarded. 4 industry, as it plays a major role in deciding the profit or loss.
grams for 2 years and for women working in the company for Therefore, the study was carried in an apparel industry in
about 4 years, 6-gram gold will be awarded. This method Tiruppur to increase the productivity without disturbing the
increases the trust and good relationship between the employees input investment. It is challenging to identify the reasons for
and the management. finding out why productivity is not meeting the planned target
even though everything is planned and executed according to
the buyer’s requirement. The study carried out by analyzing the
productivity and the methods to improve the productivity
through time and motion study. It is found that the time study,
altering the operations, reducing the waiting time of the
machine, helps in improving the efficiency of operators in the
line, which in turn resulting in increased production.
Employee motivation plays greater part in increased
production. As a result, various incentive schemes are
introduced to motivate the employees based on their efficiency,
sincerity and productivity.
Fig. 14. Gold for marriage Thus, the productivity in sewing department is improved by
using work study method. The various process and procedures
4) Chance to Lead are improved and numerous steps are reduced by using motion
Weekly once any one person is chosen from the group to lead study. The efficient use of man machine and materials is
the group activities. They will assist the supervisor in all achieved by time and motion study. The employees are well
matters. During the supervisor’s absence in the company, the motivated.
group leaders will take up the responsibility and guide the rest
of the people in the group. In this way, all the members in the References
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