Final Assembly Instructions - 1424667241 PDF
Final Assembly Instructions - 1424667241 PDF
Final Assembly Instructions - 1424667241 PDF
Final Assembly - 1
You’re almost done! This section will include all the final assembly portions of the build. It’s not super important to do any of these steps
in any specific order. But if you have any questions you can refer to these directions, or post it in the thread!
SERVOS: The servo for the Elev./Rudd. should have the linkage stopper in the 4th hold from the middle
The servos for the wing ailerons should have the linkage stopper in the 3rd hole from the middle.
*The push pull rods should go in the middle hold on the control horns for both.
Start by drawing in the holes for the Rudder and Elevator servo placement.
will be placed on the RIGHT side and UPPER half of the Fuse Is placed on the LEFT side and LOWER half of the fuse.
Cut out and hot-glue in your servos. Cut out the foam for, and hot-glue in, your control horns. Below are some reference pics for
where to place the control horns.
You can run your push-pull wire from the 4th hole on each servo to the middle hole on each control horn.
These servos should have already been installed during the “Wing Build” tutorial, so now all you need to do is run your push-pull rods
from the 3rd hole on the servo arm, to the middle hole on the control horn, on both sides.
LANDING GEAR: The landing gear is made from a thicker gauge piano wire. Unfortunately I don’t have any step by step or
plans for the bends, but I pretty much just threw these together.
Dig out the foam in the spots where the LG will be placed. Put in hot-glue before and after you put in the LG. The 3rd piece
can be wrapped up with safety wire and covered with hot-glue.