Tema Uta Ioan Sergiu

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1.What is the Difference Between SLS and SLM?............................................1

2.Stepwise Mechanism of an SLM 3D Printer...................................................3
3.Applications in Which SLM 3D Printed Parts are Used...............................4
4.Pros and Cons of SLM 3D Printing.................................................................5
5.Tabel materiale utilizate in procesul de printare 3d SLM
6.The Conclusion..................................................................................................6
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) 3D Printing -Simply

1.What is the Difference Between SLS and SLM?

Figura 1- Diferenta dintre metodele de printare 3D[1]

Firstly, both of them fall under the same kind of 3D printing technologies i.e. powder bed fusion.

The difference lies in the kind of feedstock and powder used by them. SLS 3D printing mainly
uses Nylon (PA) polymer materials whereas SLM 3D printing uses metal.
A typical SLM 3D printing technology starts with the laser source. The duty of this source is to
sinter the powder together.

This, the laser source does layer after layer until the complete model is printed as in the 3D
design file.

The process of SLM and SLS can be the same if the powder material used in both the
technologies are the same.

However, there is one more difference between these technologies, and this one deals with the
nature of support structures.

In SLM 3D printing you will need to add support structures like the ones of FDM 3D printing.
Remember overhangs? You are going to need them while printing a part out of the SLM process.

Whereas when you are manufacturing apart from SLS 3D printing technology you do not
need any support structures, its powder acts as a support.

2.Stepwise Mechanism of an SLM 3D Printer

Figura 2- Tehnologia SLM [2]

Any SLM 3D printer’s print chamber has to be completely filled with metal powder. The first
step which indicates the start of SLM 3D printing is the spreading of this metal powder. You
need to ensure that this powder is spread all across the substrate or build a plate in thin layers by
a coater blade.
 Once this is done, the laser source is allowed to step in, not before. A high power laser
source starts fusing a two-dimensional slice of the part by selectively melting the
powdered material. As soon as this is achieved, the build plate of the printer drops
down by the height of one layer, and the coater again spreads a fresh layer of metal
powder across the build surface. And this process will be repeated until you get the
final part printed.
 All of this process has to be conducted in a controlled environment. So, you cannot have
a 3D printer with an open-body ever, for SLM 3D printing. You need an enclosed print
chamber that should withstand a certain degree Celsius of temperature.
 After the part is built, it can be removed from the built plate using a bandsaw. As
mentioned above, the support material will be of the same material as the part, the
post-processing can be a little difficult and time-consuming. And needs to be done with
a lot of patience.
 Once you get the parts in your hand you’d notice that the sintered parts are rough and
depending on the application you wish to use them for, they will require post-
processing. Machining of parts made from this technology for getting finer finish
features, surfaces, and holes is a very common practice.

3.Applications in Which SLM 3D Printed Parts are Used

Mostly the objects created from this technology are made from Aluminum and metal alloys. This
implies that these parts can resist high gas pressure and heat that leads.

Due to this feature, SLM 3D printed parts and functional prototypes are used in mechanical
engineering and chemical engineering.

Some of the common goals that you can achieve by SLM 3D printing are: saving in weight, high
performance, cost reduction, and better handling.

The industry which can directly benefit from parts of such nature is Aerospace and Aerospatial

Apart from that, as mentioned above, mechanical industries such as tooling, fixtures, motor parts
such as rotors and impellers, and cooling channels, etc are some of the areas where parts made
from SLM can be used.

Other fields include Automotive, research, dental, and medical engineering. And also to mention,
the technology is getting more and more adaptable with the passage of time and hence is getting
attached to industry after industry. So, the scope of SLM 3D printing is widening with time.

Having stated so, it’s time now to look at the pros and cons of this technology.

4. Pros and Cons of SLM 3D Printing

Although the technology has some of  Allows you to reduce the weight
the greatest benefits that cannot be of parts and functional
offered by any other 3D printing prototypes in various
technologies, it has its own limitations. applications.
 You can produce optimized
PROS: designs using the technology
 You’d able to choose from one of that removes the need for the
the widest range of 3D printing assembly of parts.
material options. The total
number of 3D printing material
that you can print using SLM
3D printers is around seventy- CONS:
 Using this 3D printing technology  The technology is very expensive
you’ll be able to print some of compared to other 3D printing
the hardest to imagine complex technologies such as SLA and
shapes or internal features that FDM 3D printing. Provided if
you cannot via traditional the parts that are produced
manufacturing techniques. using this technology aren’t
optimized or designed for the
 SLM 3D printing technology
reduces lead times, as you
 Not everyone can operate a 3D
require no time for adjusting
printer based on SLM 3D
the tooling.
printing technology. You need
 This technology allows for part skilled hands and an
consolidation and production of experienced workman to make
multiple parts at the same time. sure the parts printed using this

3D printing technology are of this technology have a rough
high quality. finish and thus they require lots
 This technology is currently of post-processing. This
limited to producing parts of increases the overall print time.
smaller build volume. You
cannot print larger build SLM Solutions is one of the major
volumes as you can producers of SLM 3D printers in the
with FDM or SLA, using an market. At the time of writing this article,
SLM 3D printer. it has five printers in this category.
 All the parts and functional
prototypes manufactured using

5.Tabel materiale utilizate in procesul de printare 3d SLM

Materiale  alloys, copper, aluminum, stainless

steel, tool steel, cobalt chrome,

titanium and tungsten.

6.The Conclusion

The way in which more and more people are demanding SLM 3D printers is revolutionizing the
way in which parts are made.

SLM 3D printing lets you manufacture parts and functional prototypes that are impossible to
manufacture with traditional manufacturing techniques.These parts are very complex in nature

and demand laser-sharp precision. Mostly the quality of parts manufactured using SLM 3D
printing depends on the coherence of the laser beam used.That’s why we see more and more
companies manufacturing SLM 3D printers with more than one laser source.It’s all about
exposing more areas of the spread powder to the laser beam for the solidification of that powder
into a part of the wanted geometry.

This 3D printing technology is yet to reveal its complete potential and overcome the limitations
that it is currently facing.


[1] What is the Difference Between SLS and SLM? Disponibil la adresa: SLS-vs-SLM-1-
e1629808473272.png (800×459) (pick3dprinter.com)
[2] Stepwise Mechanism of an SLM 3D Printer Disponibil la adresa: SLM-Technology-
1536x691.webp (1536×691) (pick3dprinter.com)

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