Rizal - by Pair

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Activity 2: Character Representation (by pair)

List down at least five (5) characters from the novel of Dr. Jose
Rizal and identify their representations during Rizal’s time and at
present. Write your answer on the space provided or on your
answer sheet. (50 points)
Characters in Rizal’s time At present

1. Juan The protagonist of the He represented the well-

Crisostomo Ibarra y story is Juan Crisóstomo off, liberal Filipinos who had
Magsalin Ibarra y Magsalin, who is their education in Europe.
frequently referred to as Being democratic,
Ibarra or Crisóstomo in unconstrained, and
the text. The mixed-race nationalistic, he desired to see
(mestizo) child of Filipino his people advance. Crisostomo
entrepreneur Don Rafael Ibarra embodied the vision Jose
Ibarra. Rizal had for the youth of the
2. Sisa The persona played by Sisa is a representation of the
Sisa is that of the ordinary Inang Bayan, which was forced
Filipina wife. She puts up into exile as a result of the
with her gambler Spanish colonists' cruel
husband's cruelty and treatment of the Filipino people.
negligence while yet In the same way that her form
considering him to be a has been in mourning, she
"god." assumed the role of the
homeland, which was lamenting
the loss of her children.

3. Padre Damaso Verdolagas is
Damaso a Franciscan friar and
the former parish

curate of San Diego.
He is a notorious
character for being
cruel and harsh.
who use
of power
Activity 2. Symbolism (by pair)
Choose ten (5) characters that you think are the most
important from the novel El Filibusterismo. Discuss brieIly their
symbolism and how they contributed to national consciousness
and revolution from the time of Rizal; and their symbolism to
the present, maximum of Iive (3) sentences. (50 points)

Important Rizal’s Time Today/Present

1. Simoun Simoun, the protagonist of He is recognized as being
the follow-up book, was powerful in the Spanish
once a confidant of the colonial authority in the
Captain General, a cynical Philippines and is connected
saboteur who wanted to the Captain-General.
vengeance against the
Spanish government by
planning a revolution.
Simoun's strategy involved
trying to sway the Captain
General's judgment so that
he would make poor
choices that would spark a
2. Don Custodio a well-known journalist He is a high-ranking
whom the pupils question government official who has
regarding Academia de held numerous positions for
Castellano. To join Manila's which he was unqualified.
upper society, Don Custodio He obtained these positions
wed a wealthy woman. by using his wealthy wife's
funds. People rely on his
mistress, a dancer by the
name of Pepay, to help them
influence Don Custodio
when they need a favor from
3. Isagani Basilio's closest buddy, a Isagani is a representation
poet; of youth,
presented as sentimental who has a deep passion for
and their nation
reactive; boyfriend of to the extent of being labeled
Paulita Gómez idealistic
prior to being abandoned for
a fellow
Juanito Peláez, a pupil
4. Kabesang Tales Former Telesforo Juan de He stands in for the
Dios, barangay chief who indigenous, additionally
came back as the dreaded
Luzón farmers whose lands were
Matanglawin thief. the friars had taken them, a
why Filipinos turned into
5. Father Florentino Isagani's godfather, and a Father Florentino served as
secular priest; was engaged a representative of the
to be married, but chose the country's clerics.
priesthood instead Additionally, the author
emphasized his opposition
to a deadly uprising through
his persona.

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