RH1 Introduction
RH1 Introduction
RH1 Introduction
In partial fulfillment
Research in Hospitality 1
Amabelle A. Abit
September 2021
Chapter I:
This chapter will introduce the research background, motivation, problem and aim,
In recent decades the service industry has grown in importance (Schettkat & Yocarini,
2003), and manufacturing has declined (Jovane, Yoshikawa, Alting, Boër, Westkamper,
Williams, Tseng, Seliger & Paci, 2008;Berry, Wall & Carbone, 2006). The service sector
accounts for 70% of the employment in all OECD member states, making most countries
dependent on the service sector (Berry, et al., 2006 and Gardner, 1985). More insights into
innovative service processes are needed (Arvanitis, Kubli & Woerter, 2008). Companies
continuously look for new and innovative ways to provide service quality, and differentiate
their service offerings. This is used as a competitive advantage to attract and retain customers
and make a profit (Sandström, Edvardsson, Kristensson, and Magnusson, 2008 and Khan &
Fasih, 2014) through skill exchange and customer co-creation (Prahalad & Ramaswamy,
service (Grönroos, 1982). Seth, Deshmukh & Vrat (2005) defined service quality as the
ability for service providers to match expected service with perceived service to achieve
customer satisfaction. While Grönroos (1982); Lehtinen & Lehtinen (1982) and Parasuraman,
Zeithaml & Berry (1985) defined service quality as the comparison stemming from what
customers feel a company is supposed to offer and the actual service performance of the
corporate. Service quality can be accessed with the SERVQUAL scale (Khan & Fasih, 2014).
SERVQUAL scale measures the quality of a service before and after the consumption of a
service, with five dimensions. Namely; tangibility (visible elements of a service such as
buildings, sites and tools); responsiveness (how fast service providers respond to customer
queries/ the willingness for service providers to assist customers and provide prompt services);
reliability (the ability for a service provider to assure customers of a reliable and proper
service); assurance ( the level of knowledge displayed by a service provider when delivering
its services and their ability to inspire 6 trust and confidence ); and empathy (ability for a
Due to the increased competition faced by companies around the world, companies
choose to expand their market size and increase customer expectations through advancement
in technology and globalization (Lin, Lai, & Yeh, 2007). Hence necessitating businesses to be
more customer centric (Khan & Fasih, 2014; Naidoo, 2011 and Schneider, Ehrhart, Mayer,
Saltz & Niles-Jolly, 2005).The quality of a service positively influences customer satisfaction
(Kaura et al (2012) and as such, service quality is of vital importance to customer satisfaction.
Abd-El-Salam, et al. (2013) and Chen (2010) suggest that customer satisfaction is the
result of a customer's comparison of perceived quality and actual service performance. This
comparison may lead to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Kaura, et al. (2012, after,
Rust & Oliver, 1994) suggest that customer satisfaction reflects the degree to which a
consumer believes that the use or possession of a specific service will evoke positive feelings.
Hence customer satisfaction is the physiological state of emotion associated with the
conformity or nonconformity of a consumer's perceived quality of service during and after
service experience (Kaura, et al., 2012, after, Oliver, Rust & Varki, 1997:13 and Chen, 2010).
The Philippines food service market is expected to witness a CAGR of 4.67% during
the forecast period, 2021 - 2026. After the advent of COVID-19, the food service sector was
majorly hit by the strict lockdown measures introduced in the Philippines to limit the spread
of the virus. However, this resulted to significant decline in the country’s economy. To avoid
further economic decline, food services that can meet government safety protocols were
allowed to reopen, with strict hygiene and social distancing measures being a must.
Service quality remains crucial to the success of any service organization with or
without the intervention of Covid-19 crisis. Ordering food online become the new trends in
this pandemic season and since customers participate in delivery and consumption of services,
they interact closely with various aspects of organizations. This knowledge gives them the
Customers will assess service quality by comparing services they received with their desired
services. Hence, service quality plays a critical role in adding value to the overall service
experience (Lau et al, 2005). Customer satisfaction is affecting repurchase goals and
behaviors. In addition to this, present profit and revenue of the organizations also rely on
customer satisfaction. According to Tam (2000), there’s a close link between service quality
and customer satisfaction. In addition, service quality has been well recognized for playing a
satisfaction, and customer loyalty (Baker and Crompton 2000; Leal and Pereira, 2003;
Organizations that give prevalent service quality have satisfied customers more than the firms
who do not provide service quality (Gilbert & Veloutsou, 2006; Gilbert et al., 2004). There is
less literature available that address the customer satisfaction and quality of the services
Samar. In this small town various emerging food services are on its way of providing a quality
service to its customers. But studies are limited and do not explain the significant association
between customer satisfaction and service quality thus making it hard for food owners to
manage and meet an adequate level of customer’s satisfaction that will sustain their business.
In creating a repetitive and satisfied customer, service quality plays an important role.
Therefore the aim of this research is to provide recommendations for a quality food
service in order to increase the customer satisfaction through identifying the relationship
between service quality and customer’s satisfaction. And in the process we will also be able to
identify the dimensions of quality service and measure the level of customer’s satisfaction on
customer satisfaction.
C. Research Hypothesis
overall satisfaction.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Service Quality
Empathy Satisfaction
Theoretical Framework
Our theoretical framework is a combination of the work of Khan & Fasih (2014) who
suggest that empathy, assurance and reliability have the most impact on customer satisfaction.
Kaura, et al. (2012) also suggested that empathy, assurance and reliability dimension of
service quality are experienced through the people aspect of service quality. We have
narrowed the five service quality dimensions to three (empathy, assurance and reliability)
because previous studies have indicated that these three Servqual dimension have the most
influence on customer satisfaction. We have also narrowed the aspects of service quality
(people, process and physical evidence) to the people aspect of service quality because the
performed/accessed through the people aspect of service quality. Hence, it is logical for us to
This research will provide a great understanding on service quality and customer’s
satisfaction and the relationship of these two variables in some food services in Giporlos
Eastern Samar. This will also be helpful on the management of food establishment to provide
best services to their customers by improving service quality dimensions. Lastly, this will
between service quality and customer’s satisfaction. There are some limitations in this
study, a lot of factors cannot be studied due to limited access from data collection.
to access service quality in association with customer satisfaction. However, this study
will not investigate all the five concepts that impact customer satisfaction. Rather it
will focus on empathy, reliability and assurance dimension of the SERVQUAL scale.
There are three aspects of the servqual scale (people, process and physical evidence),
but this research will be limited to the people aspect of Servqual scale.
Samar, the outcomes are not universal and therefore might not be considered relevant
in some other places in the Philippines. a lot of factors cannot be studied due to limited
Customer’s satisfaction – also known as the respondents of the research, the ones who
will give feed backs or reviews about the food establishment they went to.
Food establishment – where the research takes place, it helps the researcher to easily
Service quality -
Online References
_Customer_Satisfaction_A_Study_on_Fast_Food_Restaurants [accessed Sep 25 2021].