1 s2.0 S2090447920302501 Main
1 s2.0 S2090447920302501 Main
1 s2.0 S2090447920302501 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Nowadays, design, development, and motion planning of a mobile robot explore research areas in the
Received 1 November 2019 field of robotics. Mobile robots have an extensive area of applications in various fields like space explo-
Revised 29 September 2020 ration, military application, industrial use, and many more. Hence, the design and development of a
Accepted 6 November 2020
mobile robot is a crucial part of the above application. Among all the mobile robot, the quadrupedal robot
Available online 3 December 2020
is a legged robot, which is superior to wheeled and tracked robot due to its potential to explore in all the
terrain like the human and animal. In this paper, the survey concentrates on various design and develop-
ment approaches for the quadrupedal robot, and environment perception techniques are discussed.
Quadruped robot
Legged robot
Besides, Spot is one of the most advanced and intelligent quadrupedal robots. The performance of each
Gait quadruped robot and the future outline are provided in details.
Actuator Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
Payload This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
1. Introduction environments. The legged robot has more potential to roam almost
all the earth surfaces in different terrains, just like the human and
In the last three decades, the mobile robot has made much an animal [4]. Animals used their legs to move fast with reliably in
attention because of exploring in the complex environment, space, different terrains with excellent locomotion and agility. Most
rescue operation, accomplishing a task without human effort, etc. often, they gear up with high speed and efficiency depending on
The mobile robot can be broadly classified into three categories; environmental conditions. The stability and efficient gait point of
wheeled robot, tracked robot, and legged robot [1]. The robot loco- view, even the number of legs are more suitable in universal [5–
motion system is an essential characteristic of mobile design, and 7]. The quadruped robots are the best choice among all legged
it depends not only on working space but also on a technical mea- robots related to mobility and stability of locomotion. The four legs
sure like maneuverability, controllability, terrain condition, effi- of the robot are easily controlled, designed, and maintained as
ciency, and stability. Each system has its own advantages and compared to two or six legs. The biologically inspired locomotion
disadvantages [2,3]. The detailed comparison of the technical crite- of running gaits is the ability to take high payload and robot bal-
ria of the legged robot over wheel robot is shown in Table 1. The ancing of quadruped robot started earlier by the researcher. To
Development of terrestrial locomotion of legged robot has been achieve real-time speed and natural movement like a cow, dog,
continuously grown over the few decades because of more advan- cheetah, the developed control system, and dynamical gait gener-
tages than wheel robot vehicles, which is observed from Table 1. ation of quadruped robots are required [8–10].
The advantages of legged locomotion depend on the postures, This paper is well-ordered as follows: the revolutions of bionic
the number of legs, and the functionality of the leg. Though four-footed robots and its progress are reviewed in Section 2. Sec-
wheeled and tracked robots can work in plane terrain, but most tion 3 describes the recent significance of quadruped robots with
of them couldn’t work in cluttered terrain, complex and hazardous future scopes. The last part of this paper is summarized with the
conclusion and the future aspect of the four-footed robot.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: priyaranjan.phd@nitap.ac.in (P. Biswal).
2. State-of -the -art review
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
2090-4479/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Table 1 as shown in Fig. 3 (b). This 13500-ton big Muskie had four
Comparison between wheel robot with legged robot. hydraulically-actuated legs with a height 160ft and boom length
Technical Criteria Wheel Robot Legged Robot 310ft. The top walking speed was 0.1 mph and dismantled in 1990.
Maneuverability X ✔ In 1976, Hirose and Kato [16] brought a significant milestone in
Transvers ability X ✔ the development of quadrupeds, in particular, inspired by the long-
controllability ✔ X legs spider, excluding four legs, as shown in Fig. 4(a). The spider-
Terrain Land X ✔ like quadruped robot KUMO-1 weighed 14 kg and was 1.5 m in
Efficiency X ✔
Stability ✔ X
Cost effective ✔ X Each leg had one driving motor and one clutch to generate
Navigation over obstacles X ✔ walking motion. After four years, the Pre -Ambulate Vehicle (PV-
II) was developed by Horse, as shown in Fig. 4(b). It was the fore-
father of KUMO-I, which made the history of climbing stairs on
robot. Chebyshev developed the first walking mechanism in 1870, sensor-based motion control for the first time in the world [16].
which primarily converts rotational motion to translation motion In the early 1980s, a new revolution took place in the robotics field
with constant velocity based on the four-bar mechanism, as shown only due to Raibert and his co-workers at the Massachusetts Insti-
in Fig. 1. The Chebyshev’s mechanism looks like the Greek letter tute of Technology (MIT) [12]. He made a planner and three-
Lambda; therefore, the linkage is also named a lambda mechanism. dimensional machine that ran and hopped in as the single-legged
This device could walk dynamically on flat terrain only and does kangaroo, as shown in Fig. 4(c).
not have an independent leg motion. Later, this mechanism got
incorporated into two machines MELWALK and DANTE [11]. 2.3. Early 1990s quadruped Robot:
Another walking machine named as a mechanical horse, which
is discussed by Raibert [12]. Rygg developed the mechanical horse The one-legged balance and dynamics patented principle not
in 1893. Different types of links and crank were used to transmit only surpassed all sorts of legged systems but also went way
the power to the machine by the help of rider pedals, as shown beyond any biological legged robot. This principle was a landmark
in Fig. 2 (a). The earliest dedicated attempt to build a locomotive of walking-running indeed with motion control of dynamical sta-
machine with independently controlled legs was made in Britain bility for a four-footed robot. After PV-II, Hirose’s TITAN series
in 1940 by Hutchinson [13], as shown in Fig. 2 (b). It was a four- [16] was the most exceptional achievement in the development
legged model, about 60 cm high, whose eight joints were con- of quadruped robotics. First, he developed TITAN-III quadruped
trolled by flexible cables which in turn controlled by an operator’s robot, which was the more prominent form of PV-II in which a
two feet’s and hands. Later on, this concept was adopted by Gen- three-dimensional pantograph mechanism incorporated in a
eral Electric for MOSHER/WALKING TRUCK in the 1960s, as shown legged mechanism, as shown in Fig. 5(a). It was the world’s first
in Fig. 2 (c). Similar innovations also took place for the develop- climbing robot equipped with an intelligent program, toe tactile
ment of Walking Truck [14] in mid-1900s. Walking Truck quad- sensor, and an attitude sensor. TITAN -IV developed in 1986 with
ruped was developed by Mosher with the collaboration of extra features like it can convert crawl walking to trot by gradually
General Electric Corporation (G.E), while a 90H.P gas engine con- increasing the speed, as shown in Fig. 5(b). Similarly, TITAN-V and
trolled the energy of this quadruped. TITAN-VI developed for the other testing purpose like weight,
mechanism, dynamic walking, so forth. The walking quadruped
2.2. Mid 1900s quadruped Robot: robot TITAN-VII [17] was designed mainly for assisting construc-
tion work at steep slope like moving scaffold, as shown in Fig. 5
The first autonomous quadruped robot in the United States was (c). Among all, TITAN-VIII [18] was the most popular working
constructed in the 1960s at the University of Southern California. It quadruped robot. It has been designed with a new tethered driving
was named ‘‘phony pony” [11], while some called it ‘‘The California mechanism considering Gravitational Decoupled Actuation (GDA)
Horse,” as shown in Fig. 3 (a). Each leg of this robot had two iden- with 400 m leg length and 40 kg weight, as shown in Fig. 6(a).
tical rotary joints with electrically actuated and capable of produc- Similarly, TITAN-IX [19–20] is used for the humanitarian dem-
ing several gait patterns like trot, walk including crawl with ining task, as shown in Fig. 6(b). TITAN-XI [21–22] performed the
plodding speed. It was also able to maintain a stationary upright same as TITAN-VII with extra features like bore drill on the steep
stability gait because each foot is based on an inverted T shape slopes, as shown in Fig. 6(c). 700 kg weighted TITAN-XI built-in
or pelvic structure that provides stability in the frontal plane. By 2008 with a hydraulic actuator, onboard computer, and it was run-
using electric logic based on flip-flow, the quadruped performed ning on Linux. TITAN-XII [23] quadruped robot can go over a mas-
crawling as well as diagonal trot depending on synchronized sive obstacle and speediness 1.5 m/s with precise by external
selected state diagram gait. Again, a giant legged locomotive computer and microcontroller, as shown in Fig. 7(a).
‘‘The Big Muskie” [15] was developed by Bucyrus-Brie Co. in 1969, The latest walking quadruped robot of TITAN series is TITAN XIII
[24], which is a sprawling type quadruped robot, as shown in Fig. 7
(b). TITAN XIII can walk efficiently with 1.38 m/s speed and pow-
ered by a battery. The dynamic walking robot Collie-I was designed
and developed by Miura and et al. [25], as shown in Fig. 7 (c). It has
a total of 12 number of DOF with approximate dimension 15 cm
(L) 13.5 cm(W) 28 cm(H). Similarly, Collie-II developed by
Kimura et al. [26,27], and it has a total of 6 DOF and actuators on
each leg, as shown in Fig. 8 (a). These robots weighed about
7.5 kg and became unstable when the stride period exceeds 0.9 s.
In 1999, SCOUT-I and II [28,29] were designed by Buchler and
Robert at McGill University, as shown in Fig. 8(b), (c). In SCOUT-I,
each leg has only one actuated degree of freedom, and RC-
Servomotor controls the hip. In SCOUT-II quadruped robot is a lar-
Fig. 1. Chebyshev Mechanism [7]. ger version of 1.2 kg weighted SCOUT-I, in which stair climbing
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Fig.2. (a) Mechanical Horse; (b) Hutchinson Four legged; (c) General Electric Walking Truck.
Fig. 4. (a) Kumo-1; (b) PV-II; (c) One Legged Hopping robot.
simulations with the working model to explore dynamic gaits. A et al. [31–33]. In Patrush, each leg has three joints, and the approx-
bionic four-legged robot WRAP1 was developed by the Royal Insti- imate weight of the robot is 5.2 kg, as shown in Fig. 9(b). It can
tute of Technology, Sweden, in 1998 to study static and dynamic walk with speed 0.6 m/s on the flat surface and controlled and
locomotion in rough terrain [30]. WRAP1weighs about 60 kg and written by RT-Linux, C-language respectively. In TEKKEN series,
has total 12 no. of DOFs well controlled by dedicated 6 Controller the developer achieved different dynamic locomotion like trot,
Area Network (CAN) buses, as shown in Fig. 9(a). walk, gallop by a single mechanism, an unalterable control method
based on a neural system and central pattern generator (CPG) [34],
as shown in Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 10(a). A biologically four-legged
2.4. Early 2000s quadruped Robot:
walking machine ‘‘BISAM” [35] was developed by a group of
researchers in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Each
In the early 20th century, Patrush, and then followed by the
leg divided into four segments, which consist of revolute joints
biomorphic quadruped TEKKEN series have developed by Kimura
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Fig. 5. (a) TITAN III; (b) TITAN IV; (c) TITAN VII.
Fig. 6. (a) TITAN VIII; (b) TITAN IX; (c) TITAN XI.
based on ball screw actuator and a Faulhaber 12-DC servo motor generative, terrain adaptation, and stability. It has a total of 12
drives it. The robustness of BISAM was increased due to couple number of DOF and mimicking the legs of an insect with electric
neuro oscillators with adaptive sensor-based reflexes and also actuated. Experimentally, it used for developing the educational
offered future investigation mammal and reptile-like locomotion, robot and the demands from the different researchers; later creator
as shown in Fig. 10(b). offered the process designed in the form of a book. To be a better
JROB-1 and JROB-2 is an inter-university research program sup- understanding of cursorial quadruped gallop gait, in a collaborative
ported by the ministry of education, Japan for scientific research in effort of OhioState University (OSU) and Stanford University have
intelligent robotics, as shown in Fig. 10(c) and Fig. 11(a) [36,37]. In constructed a quadruped name as OSQ Stanford quadruped
JROB design, TITAN-VIII with motor drive, color tracking vision, (OSQ), as shown in Fig. 11(c) [39]. It plans to construct quadruped
vision board, interspace board, and RT-Linux adopted. Initially, with several single legs and with complete quadruped simulation.
JROB developed for the experiment in a common research plat- The single-leg can walk with maximum speed at 4.15 m/s. The
form. SILO4 is a four-footed walking robot designed by Industrial Kinematically Ordered Locomotive Tetrapod (KOLT) robot is a
Automation Institute (CSIC), Spain, in 1999, as shown in Fig. 11 modified version of OSQ, as shown in Fig. 12(a). The Stanford
(b) [38]. The main objective of the designer was to focus on motion Dynamic Articulated Structure for High Performance (DASH) leg
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Fig. 11. (a) JROB-2; (b) SILO4; (c) Single leg of OSQ.
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
is installed in the main body of KOLT [40,41]. This modified model ing, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
design is mainly concentrated on the legged locomotion in a gal- as shown in Fig. 15(b). The total weight of the robot is 42 kg, with
loping gait and used to estimate energy loss in between bound trot dimensions 0.8 m(L) 0.34 m(W) 0.86 m(H). Each leg has 3
and gallop gait. Each leg has three number of DOF with electro- members of active DOF, and all joints are driven by harmonic drive
magnetic actuation. reduction gear with a combination of Brushless DC electric motors
The School of Mechanical Engineering Sungkyunkwan Univer- (BLDC motors).
sity is then designed Multifunctional Robot for Wall Inspection- Harbin Institute of Technology, China developed a quadruped
III (MRWALLSPECT-II) for industrial utilities along with the better robot named MBBOT [59], in which all actuators are powered by
capability of terrain adaptability like a walk-in plane, climb walls the external hydraulic pump, as shown in Fig. 15(c). Each leg of
with convex corner using suction pads, as shown in Fig. 12(b) the robot has four active joints with one passive prismatic spring
[42]. The active joints are actuated by three gear DC motor pre- mounted with a 3-component force sensor in feet and Inertial Mea-
cisely. It has two controllers; one embedded by using Pentium-III surement Unit (IMU). The total weight of the body is 100 kg and
and another one is Real Time-Linux (RT-Linux). able to run on the treadmill with speed 0.83 m/s. In 2013, Shanghai
Soon after MRWALLSPECT-III, they developed another dog type Jiao Tong University developed a four-footed robot named as ’Baby
quadruped walking robot named as Artificial Digitigrade Natural Elephant’ because of the jumbo like appearance and able to carry
Environment (AiDAN-I) in 2007 and followed by AiDAN-III in the heavy load in different kinds of terrain, as shown in Fig. 16
2013, as shown in Fig. 12(c) and Fig. 13(a) [43,44]. Each limb of (a) [60]. The jumbo consists of 4 serial-parallel hybrid mechanism
the robot has 3 number of DOF with one passive joint. It has one legs driven by a newly developed hydraulic actuator (Hy-Mo). Bei-
central controller and 16 sub-controllers. Each controller is embed- jing Institute of Technology, China introduced a prototype design
ded with CAN configuration and operated by RT-Linux. Quadruped of a bionic quadruped based on a hydraulic system, as shown in
robot qRT (I and II) proposed by Korea Institute of Industrial Tech- Fig. 16(b) [61]. The robot has a total of 16 number of DOF powered
nology [45], which has a two-legged and two-wheel robot with the by the gasoline engine. The robot can take backward, forward, and
total number of 12 DOF, as shown in Fig. 13(b), (c). Robot qRT is a turning movement smoothly. The total weight of the robot is
front-drive system powered by gasoline engines with a hydraulic 120 kg, and the maximum Speed of trotting in forwarding direction
linear actuator controlled by an online method. Department of 3 km/h.
telecommunication and control, Sao Paulo University presented a SCalf-1[62] developed by Shandong university in 2010, as
tree-climbing bio-inspired robotic platform with the primary pur- shown in Fig. 16(c). This robot has a total of 12 numbers of DOF,
pose of environmental research, is named as Kamanbare, as shown and an identical linear hydraulic servo cylinder triggers all actua-
in Fig. 14(a) [46]. The four-footed tree climbing robot has a total of tors. The robot is powered by an IC engine and can run at a velocity
16 no. of DOF with a gait pattern based on the chamaeleonid family of 1.8 m/s with a trot pattern. In 2012, the modified SCalf-2 [63]
in a controlled approach. Approximately it has 1.3 kg weight and is was introduced by the same research group and modified in the
controlled by a Linux operating system. Maufroy et al. [47] devel- hydraulic power system, servo controller, and also installed Inertial
oped the quadruped robot ‘Koteshu’ supported by a ‘grant aid for Measure Unit, force sensor, etc.
scientific research on priority areas’ in Japan. The design concepts
of ‘Koteshu’ are very similar to TAKEN-I quadruped robot, as shown
in Fig. 14(b). The rhythmic motion of the robot is achieved by CPG, 2.5. Modern quadruped robot:
which control the phase modulation using each leg loading/un-
loading [48]. In 2010, Wait, and his member presented a pneumat- Semini designs hydraulic Quadruped (HyQ) [64,65] under the
ically servo actuated quadruped robot with three number of DOF in supervision of Caldwell from the Advanced Robotics Department,
each leg, as shown in Fig. 14(c) [49]. Simply trotting gait is imple- Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2010, as shown in Fig. 17
mented by the designer, which follow the same trajectory as walk- (a). The robot has a total of 8 hydraulic actuators and 4 electric
ing gait. actuators. The hydraulic quadruped robot HyQ is designed to per-
In the control system laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute form different tasks like jumping, hopping, and running [66]. The
presented an electrically actuated quadruped robot named robot also navigated successfully on different rough terrain using
Robocat-1, as shown in Fig. 15(a) [50]. In this robot, each leg has stereo vision camera and IMU [67,68]. The robot is controlled by
2 no. of DOF with an overall weight of 6.85 kg. This prototype robot PC104 with real-time RT-Linux. Two improved versions of HyQ
successfully tested the trot-running cycle used with a control algo- were introduced by the same researcher named as HyQ2max and
rithm for fast locomotion. Hung et al. [58] developed a quadruped HyQ2cetaur [69]. The following parameters like robustness, relia-
robot named HuboDog in the Department of Mechanical Engineer- bility, joint angle and output torque, etc. are improved in HyQ2-
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
max. In HyQ2cetaur, one pair of the hydraulic arm with a total 6 actuators and capable of achieving dynamic running gait. The
DOF actuator is incorporated in HyQ2max. weight of small size ANYmal is less than 30 kg and able to carry
In 2010, Hutter designed a medium-sized dog named Star1ETH the equipment like batteries, optical and thermal cameras, micro-
in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, as shown in phones, dynamic lighting and gas detection sensor, etc.
Fig. 17(b)[70–72]. The series of high standard elastic actuators Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a highly effi-
are installed in star1ETH, which have similar behavior as our ten- cient quadruped robot named MIT Cheetah in 2013 [74]. The
don and muscles to keep a large amount of energy temporarily. The researcher implemented four design principles that can reduce
robot is incorporated with IMU, which gives the kinematic infor- energy loss-mechanism in locomotion. The total power utilized
mation from the joint. Another versatile quadruped robot is by the robot is about 973 W, and the cost of transport (COT) is 0.5,
designed for the robotic system at Star1ETH Zurich called ANYmal, which is very much similar to running animals [75]. The same
as shown in Fig. 17(c) [73]. It is designed for special commercial institute again developed MIT Cheetah-2 in 2015, as shown in
and industrial operations in challenging environments such as oil Fig. 18(a) [76]. The researcher incorporated a novel algorithm suc-
and gas platforms or search and rescue operations by using its cessfully in the robot to achieve untethered running with a wide
environment perceive. The robot is driven by highly precise range of speeds from 0 to 4.5 m/s in a stable manner. The robot
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Fig. 16. (a) Baby Elephant; (b) Bionic Quadruped; (c) Scalf-1.
can run on a treadmill as well as grassy and uneven terrain in a with a real-time mobile operating system quenix (QNX). In BigDog,
controlled manner. The robot can jump over hurdles up to fifty sensors are integrated for locomotion like joint position,
400 mm high while running at 2.5 m/s. Boston Dynamics Corpora- ground contact, joint force, a gyroscope, ground load, Light Detec-
tion developed an advanced autonomous quadruped named Big tion and Ranging (LIDAR) and a stereo vision camera, etc.
Dog 1st, funded by the USA Defence Advanced Research Project In 2008, the BigDog team introduced the 2nd generation BigDog
Agency (DARPA) [78]. Each leg of the robot has four DOF, and all [78] that can drive 130 m continuously without the help of an
hydraulic actuated behave like an animal’s flexible elements to operator, as shown in Fig. 18(b). It has the ability to travel on icy
absorb energy and release energy from one step to another. It terrain, in mud, walk through a forest and recover balance after
can trot at speed 0.8 m/s and step onto 35° inclined surface. The skidding in slope or when kicked by someone. The primary pur-
robot is powered by a gasoline engine that delivers 15 HP and car- pose of this robot is that it works like a mule for U.S soldiers, but
ries an onboard computer that contains a PC104 Pentium processor BigDog project was discontinued due to high noise generation by
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Table 2
Summary of published performance reports of quadruped robots.
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Table 2 (continued)
D: Dimension(m); L: Length(m); W: Width(m); H: Height(m); l: Leg Length(m); G: Gait; v: Speed(m/s); W: Weight(kg); PL: Pay Load(kg); DOF: Degree of Freedom; A: Actuator,
m: meter, m/s: meter per second, Normalized Speed(NS) : Speed/Body length, Payload Capacity(PLC) (%) =Payload
, Normalized Work Capacity(NWC) : Normalized Speed Payload
Capacity, f r : Froude No ¼ v 2 =2gl;Hy: Hydraulic, E: Electric , F :Stride per Second.
point of view, toed animals, such as tigers, leopards, lions, and was used to increase their robustness and efficiency. The charac-
wolves, have a three-joint structure in their legs, which imparts teristics of hydraulic drive quadruped robots, such as Scalf-1. LS3
excellent advantages in running speed and energy efficiency. Ter- and BigDog, are to produced large carrying capacity and locomo-
restrial animals use symmetric gaits (usually the walk and trot) tion in outdoor applications. However, it requires all hydraulic
at low speeds, whereas asymmetric gaits at high speeds. In sym- setup, which makes the entire structure more complex. ANYmal
metric gait, the feet have the same phase difference, so that left is a quadrupedal robot driven by special compliant and precisely
and right feet are set down at an equal interval of time. In asym- torque controllable actuators; the system is capable of dynamic
metric gaits, the trailing foot is set down immediately before the running and high-mobile climbing [89]. Moreover, most of the
short interval, and the leading foot is set down immediately after quadruped robots have developed with electric actuators such as
the interval. The trailing foot should exert a small decelerating ANYmal, Spot, and Littledog for indoor applications.
impulse, followed by a larger accelerating impulse [88]. In this
way, positive and negative work done by each leg can be balanced.
In principle, each leg behaves as a passive spring, storing up strain 3.3. Gait analysis
energy in its muscles and then returning it in an elastic coil. MIT
Cheetah robot adopted the three-part structure, which achieved a Gait is the synchronize pattern of leg locomotion. The quad-
6 m/s running speed and cross obstacles with high energy ruped animal can follow various leg motions such as walk, run, gal-
efficiency. lop, trot, amble, bound, pace, half bound, transverse galloping, etc.
The fundamental distinction between walk and running gait is that
walk gait has a duty factor more than 0.5, and running gait has a
3.2. Actuators: duty factor less than 0.5. In walk gait, at one stage both the pair
of feet on the ground simultaneously, but in running gait, both
Mechanical leg motion involves repeated dynamic events such the feet of the pair off the ground. Asymmetrical gait, in which
as impact, rapid leg swing, and high force interaction with uncer- each pair of the leg has the same duty factor and with a 0.5 phase
tain terrain. Designing actuator systems for high dynamic legged difference. Thus, amble, trot, pace, and human walking and run-
robots has always been one of the major challenges in robotics ning are symmetric gaits. As large animals are increased their
research. The selection of a robot actuator for each joint is most speed by regulating their stride length (SL) while the small animal
important after defining the nature of the leg structure and the focuses on stride frequency. The robot running with high stride fre-
number of joints present. Most of the quadruped robots actuated quency is more stable but less efficient. The trot pattern is the most
by a single type actuator; commonly, they are electrical, hydrauli- commonly used gait practically and straightforwardly. In the trot
cally, or pneumatic. Assembly of each actuation gives its advantage gait, the leg swinging time and support phase of each leg is identi-
and disadvantages. The most appropriate actuator is to be selected cal. Among all, ANYmal robot consists of free gait mode, where the
depending on the primary function and requirements. For HYQ leg sequence does not follow a particular pattern. The Froude num-
quadruped robot, the hybrid actuation (Hydraulic and Electrically) ber (f r ) is used to analyze and measure the dynamic locomotion of
P. Biswal and P.K. Mohanty Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 2017–2031
Fig. 21. The comparison performances of Normalized Speed (a) Normalized Speed of Electrical Robot; (b) Normalized Speed of Hydraulic Robot.
Fig. 22. The comparison performances of Payload Capacity (a) Payload Capacity of Electrical Robot; (b) Payload Capacity of Hydraulic Robot.
Fig. 23. The comparison performances of Normalized Work Capacity (a) Normalized Work Capacity of Electrical Robot; (b) Normalized Work Capacity of Hydraulic Robot.
Cheetah-Cub achieved a running trot with a flight phase with the state of the art, performances, and novel applications are dissemi-
highest Froude number f r ¼ 1:3 and 6.9 body length per second. nated through the article, and the most recent bibliography are
given for those readers who want to make a dip into this area.
3.4. Performance report After decades of development, the quadruped robots have made
significant progress, but there is still a big gap compared with the
The mechanical performance of the developed quadruped robot four-footed animal. In the above survey on quadruped robots, it
can be evaluated by NWC (Normalizing Work Capacity), which is has been concluded that machines, that are like animals have
suggested by Binnard [91]. The comparison performances of pub- served mankind only due to the advanced technology and the qual-
lished quadruped robots are shown in Figs. 21–23. NWC gives rela- ity of design. The quadruped robots are made to perform in practi-
tion a directly proportional between NS (Normalized Speed) and cal applications like mine inspection, space exploration, fire-
PLC (Payload Capacity). The normalized speed is the ratio of max- fighting or where navigation is required in an unconstrained envi-
imum speed and body length, whereas, payload capacity is the ronment. The following points are summarized from the literature
ratio of the weight of the robot to the payload. As per the Binnard’s survey of quadrupedal robots.
insinuation, TITAN-XIII, which is driven by an electric actuator, has
an NS, PLC, and NWC of 4.4, 88% and 387%, respectively. Similarly, (1) The robustness of the mobile robot is increased due to high
SCALF-1 is operated by a hydraulic actuator, has an NS, PLC, and precise joint actuators and controller. Joint actuators play a
NWC of 1.8, 65% and 117% respectively. From Fig. 21 and Fig. 22, significant role in accounting for the complexity, cost, and
it is observed that TITAN-XIII and SCALF-1 gives better- weight of robots. It is very essentially to ensure that the joint
normalized speed compared to their higher PLC. Fig. 23 shows that actuators have a high torque output to the weight ratio. In
TITAN-XIII and SCALF-1 are the most efficient in terms of mechan- hydraulic and pneumatic actuating types have a high output
ical performance in an electrical and hydraulic quadruped robot, power to weight ratio, fast response and easy
respectively. implementation.
(2) It is also well known that quadruped mammals can be
3.5. Future scope selected their synchronized pattern of leg movement (e.g.,
walking, galloping, trotting) according to speed. The quad-
Based on the review, it is clear that the last one decade has ruped robots are more favorable to incorporate Artificial
moved the area to a new level, at the same time, has opened Intelligence (AI) due to their mobility and stability of
new research area for fundamental and topics with new opportu- locomotion.
nities. However, Boston Dynamics’ Spot, Star1ETH, and SCALF-1 (3) The current mobile robot systems are limited by the visual
have created milestones in the robotics field; some of the future perception system. The features like recognize, memorizes,
research themes include the following. and learn from the environment should be focused to imple-
ment to help the mobile robot for more autonomy.
1. A high-level task and adaption are required not only to grasp (4) The human-robot interaction may be required in the form of
the object but also to solve constraints in the real-world envi- physical and social or emotional. The physical interaction of
ronment. Next-generation robotics should have the ability to human-robot will help directly physical handicraft or use as
get experience itself by performing tasks regularly. Most of service robotics for daily assistance.
the robots are developed and optimized for a specific job or goal (5) After the long decade of research into the legged robot field,
to fulfill the objective. It means the particular theory is required the MIT Cheetah, Bigdog, and Spot are the class of medium-
that supports the ‘‘joint evolution” of complex systems to solve sized quadrupedal robots developed by the researcher. A few
a real-world environmental problem. years down the line, ‘‘novel kind of quadruped robots”, that
2. The future work of a mobile robot is to be produced a cognitive will serve people in their personal life and also do useful
robot which is concerned with a robot with intelligent behavior. work at home.
The different high technologies are needed to develop high per-
formance in the quadruped system. Cognitive robotics aims to
design and to realize mobile robots by providing about how
Declaration of Competing Interest
to behave in response to complex tasks in a real environment.
3. The more researches on wheel-leg hybrid drive system are
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
required so that it can combine the advantages of both forms
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
of motion like it will move in rough-terrain and roll in a flat
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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