A Novel Passive Adhesion Principle and Application For An Inspired Climbing Caterpillar Robot

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Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics.

Malaga, Spain, April 2009.

A Novel Passive Adhesion Principle and Application

for an Inspired Climbing Caterpillar Robot
Houxiang Zhang!

Wei Wang!,2

IFaculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences

University of Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
Email: hzhang@informatik.uni-hamburg.de

Abstract-This paper presents a novel passive adhesion

principle which is used firstly for an inspired modular climbing
caterpillar project. After a related survey on the natural
creatures which can climb on the vertical surface with different
materials, a systematical summarizing on four attachment
methods adopted by climbing robots worldwide is given. Then a
low-frequency vibrating passive attachment principle is
presented in order to keep the merits and eliminate the
shortcomings of using the normal active vacuum suckers. The
adhesion principle, related mathematic model and rational
testing are presented step by step. The new passive suckers based
on this principle are used on an inspired modular climbing robot,
which is currently under development in our consortium. On-site
testing shows application of our passive suction method can free
climbing robots from the heavy vacuum ejectors and realize an
effective simple adsorption, furthermore improve the inspired
technological level and flexibility ofthe locomotion capability.

Jianwei Zhang!
2 Robotics Institute
Beihang University
Beijing, China
Email: wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn

potential four following applications in hazardous and

unmanned environment.

a. Reliable non-destructive evaluation and diagnosis in

hazardous environments such as the nuclear industry, the
chemical industry and the power generation industry (Fig. I a)
[4} [5};





Index Terms-passive adhesion; climbing robot; inspired

caterpillar robot



Climbing is just as challenging a task for autonomous

mobile robots as for human beings. Climbing robots are special
mobile robots which can move and work vertically on the
working targets to implement typical given tasks [1]. They
feature the special working environment and mobility against
As a special potential sub-group of mobile technology,
climbing and walking robots can work in unstructured
environments [2]. Since the fIrst climbing robot was developed
in the 1980s, the last decades have seen an increasing interest
in developing and employing climbing mobile robots for
different applications. Many research projects on climbing
robots have implemented in U.S.A., Japan, Europe, Australia
and China, such as CLA WAR in Europe [3] which issued
many impressive achievements to enhance the mobility and
working capability of mobile climbing robots.
In the recent 15 years, there are considerable achievements
on climbing robots research worldwide by exploring the

978-1-4244-4195-2/09/$25.00 (c) 2009 IEEE

Fig. 1 Possible applications of climbing robots.

(Sources: (a) is from Ref. [4]; (b) is from Ref. [6];
(c) is from Ref. [7]; (d) is from Ref. [l 0])

b. Welding and manipulation in construction

especially of metallic structures such as in bridges,
off-shore industries and buildings' skeletons usually
very high number of dangerous manual operations

involve a
(Fig. I b)

c. Cleaning and maintenance for high-rise buildings (Fig.

Ic) [7} [8).
d Urban search and rescue, military reconnaissance and
civil exploration (Fig. Id) [9} [lO).

The most important issue for climbing robots is the

adhesion methods. The climbing robot has to be safely attached
to the glass wall and has to overcome gravity. With
technological development, combining the techniques from the
fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, bio-inspired
technology, material engineering, and computer science will be
necessary to provide climbing robotic systems suitable for
practical use. For example, climbing robots do need some
special devices to enable themselves for safety attachment to
the vertical wall with different materials. New invented
adhesion materials enhancing the climbing technology is a
possible solution and would simplify the robotic system design.
The purpose of this paper is to present a novel passive
adhesion principle for climbing robots based on an overview of
the latest wide-range achievements in related issues of
climbing and walking robotic technology.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 introduces the
inspired adhesion principles adopted by natural creatures. Then
a systematical survey of the attachment principles of climbing
robots is given. After that a low-frequency vibrating passive
attachment principle is presented in section 3. Section 4
introduces the application of this attachment principle in our
international cooperated climbing robotic project. In the end,
conclusions and future work will be given as a final.




Firstly we will have a look in the natural creatures which

own climbing capabilities. The bio-inspired investigation is
important and necessary for us to understand and design the
possible adhesion methods for industrial climbing robots.

Attachment Mechanism a/the Natural Creatures

Many animals, especially small creatures can move on the
vertical surfaces. In them, caterpillars and snails feature the
limbless kinematics and a soft-body structure.

Fig. 2 Caterpillar climbing mechanism.

Caterpillars are among the most successful climbers and

can maneuver in complex three-dimensional environments,
burrow, and hold on to the substrate using a very effective
passive grasping system [11], as shown in Fig.2. Normally the
caterpillars consist of a head, a torso part and a tail part in total.
They use passive grip to secure themselves to complex
branched substrates and can effect multidimensional
movements. They are able to bend, twist and crumple in ways

that are not possible with a rigid skeleton. The prolegs provide
astonishing fault-tolerant maneuvering ability and stable,
passive attachment. [12].
Without any leg-like structure, snails move by gliding
along on their muscular foot, which is lubricated with mucus
for safe and powerful passive adhesion in nature (Fig. 3). The
locomotion movement is mainly implemented depending on
the muscle's expansion and contraction. However, it is noted
that snails are among the slowest-moving creatures on earth.
From the bionics viewpoint, the torso structure is soft and thus
hard to imitate based on the technological level of mechanical
engineering and material engineering. Furthermore controlling
the soft-body should be totally nonlinear.

Fig. 3 Snail climbing mechanism.

Cicadas and house centipedes use nails on the end of each

leg to grip the texture of the material they crawl on to enable
them to attach to vertical rough surfaces. Here we should
emphasize that cicadas-like insects can only climb on
roughness, as shown in Fig. 4. It is impossible for them to
move on clean and smooth surfaces at all.
It is noted that cicadas use some nails on the end of each
leg to grip the texture of the material. Even if the environment
surface looks relatively smooth for human being to climb on,
for cicadas it is rather rough and easy to grip. Actually this
attachment principle is a totally mechanical grasping which is
similar to that monkeys' flexible climbing on the trees,
mountain goats' astonishing jumping on the mountain rock.

Fig. 4 Multi-legged climbing mechanism.

Gecko's foot features millions of micro-scale adhesive

foot-hairs on each toe, which are arranged in a certain manner.
On the ends of the foot-hairs of gecko feet are tiny twigs. The
tops of these twigs feature curved shape structures like nanoscale suckers. On the one hand, these suckers endow the gecko
with the capability of climbing amazingly and moving on
different materials in three dimensions; while on the other
hand, the geckos' climbing capability is totally dependent on

the feature of millions of adhesive foot-hairs on each toe. From

the authors' viewpoint, geckos are the most flexible climbing
animals on our planet.

Fig. 5 Gecko and its foot.

Honey bees are the other small insects which can stay on
the vertical surface for long time. First, on rough surfaces like
trees and rocks, honey bees can grip the texture and gaps to
move on them like cicadas. While on smooth surfaces like
mirrors and glasses, they can stop in the air and keep their legs
on the surface by controlling the speed and orientation of two
wings, as shown in Fig. 6. From general view point,
aerodynamic force enables the honeybee to attach to and
"climb" a vertical smooth surface. Hovering honey bees flag
two wings back and forth at a high angle of attack during each
stroke to generate lifting and adhesion force at the same time.
That means the counterforce of wing's high-speed movement
effects a pushing benefit to keep the honeybee on the vertical
surfaces well.

Fig. 6 Honey bee (Source: Ref. [13]).

Spiders with a special climbing capability are predatory

invertebrate animals. They have a body with two segments, and
eight legs. Spiders produce silk, which is a thin, strong protein
strand extruded by the spider from spinnerets, to aid in forming
smooth walls for burrows, building egg sacs, wrapping prey,
etc. [14]. Fig. 7 shows its climbing capability. Spiders also use
the silk for moving and climbing. Normally, they only slide or
climb down the silk from a higher position to a lower one. The
moving function is totally dependent on the intensity and
reliability of the silk.

Fig. 7 Spider's climbing mechanism (Source: Ref. [15]).


Investigation on Attachment Methods o/Climbing Robots

Generalized adsorptive force is used to maintain the robot
on the wall surface safe and stable. There are four different
principles of adhesion used by climbing robots:
electromagnetic force; molecular force; vacuum and
mechanical forces. Each one has advantages and disadvantages
at the same time.

Electromagnet is quite efficient method for safety adhesion

on ferromagnetic materials. Another advantage is easy to use
and control. There is no corresponding climbing creature
adopting this adhesion in nature. However electromagnetic
force is not suitable for general climbing robots because of the
validity only on the ferromagnetic surfaces. Meanwhile, for
actuating the electromagnet it still needs a big heavy power
supply. There is no possibility of application on light weight
climbing robots except for some special cases [16].
Inspired by gecko bristles [17], the last few years have
witnessed a strong interest in applying molecular force as a
new attachment method for climbing robots. With the
development of nanotechnology, some flexible climbing
prototypes, like RiSE, are emerging [25]. It is a promising
reliable attachment principle for climbing from the technical
point of view. It is especially suitable for designing a miniscale climbing robot. However, the benefits of this novel
adhesive principle are offset by expensive manufacturing price
and difficulties. Based on the technology level at the moment,
it still will take some time for real industrial application.
Similarly, recently some other research groups are also trying
to use special materials such as PDMS elastomer [27], for
adhesion. However how to keep the adhesion materials clean is
a big problem for the real application.
There are some climbing prototypes using mechanical
forces for attachment on the vertical surface. The attachment is
inspired by cicadas and house centipedes. The grasping gripper
is the relatively prevalent. Usually the climbing robots based
on this attachment are working in some specialized
environment such as metallic-based buildings [18] [19] [25].
Obviously, this adhesion principle will be adopted according to
physical working constraints, thus make it uncommon and
impossible for application on smooth surfaces.
A. Nishi and his colleagues developed a kind of wallclimbing robot using the propulsive force of propellers [20].
Inspiration of this attachment is as same as that of flying honey
bees. The whole robot is relatively light compared with other
climbing prototypes with the similar dimension. But the noise
generated by propellers is too loud to use. Also it is hard to
design a small climbing robot based on this attachment
principle since the propeller has to be rather big to generate
certain lifting and attaching forces.
Currently vacuum is still the most common idea for the
attachment adopted by climbing robots. There are also two
different sub principles to generate vacuum: negative pressure
and vacuum suckers. Actuated by electrical motors [21] in its
negative pressure chamber, the climbing robot can move on the
wall flexibly and continuously. The negative pressure chamber
is not sensitive to a leakage of air. However this method is not
enough for the safe and reliable attachment to the vertical

surface when the robot has to cross some high obstacles ifthere
is one chamber on the robot. In the same attachment principle,
recently a new climbing prototype Cromsci is presented, which
is able to move and inspect vertical surfaces safely, fast [26].
The improved adhesion system of the climbing robot consists
of seven single vacuum chambers which are supported by one
large reservoir chamber at the top of the robot. The round
shape with a complete diameter of 80cm; and the overall
weight is at about 50kg with an additional payload of up to

From the beginning of the process, the passive sucker is

pushed against on the vertical surface. It can be attached when
the inside air is squeezed out so that the internal vacuum is
established, as shown at Tj At the T2, when the squeezing
process almost finished, the negative pressure will be increased
to P2. Then if the passive sucker is lift up suddenly by external
force, the internal vacuum will increase a lot. The reason for
this higher negative pressure P3 is the sucker's internal volume
increases remarkably while the internal air is as same amount
as ever.

The vacuum in the suckers can easily established by

vacuum ejectors or vacuum pumps [22]. The advantages of
high reliability and easy-controlling of vacuum ejectors and
vacuum pumps are offset by adding the long air tube or
relatively heavy devices on the climbing robots, thus limit the
application of this adsorption on smart wall-climbing robots.

It is noted that the internal negative pressure will descend

with the time due to the leakage of vacuum. It is only a matter
of time that passive suckers will release down anyway. The
adsorption time is dependent on the characteristics of the wall
surface, such as smoothness and cleanness. However, if the
passive sucker is pushed down again before it drops down at
time T4, the internal vacuum can be rebuilt for sure. It is a cycle
from Tj to T4 As a result, the passive sucker will keep
attachment reliably on the vertical wall for some longer time.

To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no efficient

passive attachment principle used by any climbing robotic
prototype worldwide. The situation encourages us to
investigate the new adhesion principle and propose our new



Low Frequency Vibrating Adhesion

A new low-frequency vibrating passive suction method is
presented in order to keep the merits and eliminate the
shortcomings of using the normal active vacuum suckers.
Application of a new low-frequency vibrating passive suction
method makes it possible to free climbing robots from the
heavy vacuum ejectors and realize an effective simple
adsorption [23].
Fig. 8 shows the principle of low-frequency vibrating
suction attachment. Where P j is the minimum of the vacuum in
the passive sucker for attachment; P2 is the suitable negative
pressure for reliable attachment; P3 is the maximum of the
vacuum inside the passive sucker.

P3 ____________ _

Simulation and Rational Testing

For idea gas, the following equations represent the passive
suckers' attachment principle. In Fig. 9a, the passive sucker is
at the initial state, where Po, Vo, M o, To are the inside pressure,
volume, mass of air, and temperature respectively; H is the
initial height of passive sucker; r is the radius of the suckers;
P is the density of the idea air; F is the force for squeezing and
lifting. The inside volume of passive sucker is described as (1),
and the mass of the air is (2).



Va =-71r zH


1 z
= pVo = -71r


From Fig. 9a to 9b, firstly the inside air is getting less and
less with the inside volume decreasing. During the squeezing
process, within a certain very short period the pressure is
higher than Po; but we can consider that the inside pressure is
almost as same level as Po. After that, the outside force is
disappeared, the inside volume will recover to Vo since the
sucker is an elastomer due to the compliance of the sucker's
material. Then the negative pressure P 2 is generated due to the
increasing the inside volume. The process can be described as
(3), and (4) since the temperature is always unchangeable
during the whole process. Where x is the change the sucker's

Vz =-71r (H-x)



I!! iil




<.> til


Fig. 8 Principle oflow-frequency vibrating suckers.


Po, Vo, Mo, To

P2, V2, M2, T2

P3, V3, M3, T3

a b c
Fig. 9 Simulation of passive suckers.

From Fig. 9b to 9c is a following similar step. Due to the

lifting force, the inside volume is increasing while the pressure
decreases to P3. In this step, we assume there is no air getting
into the sucker. V3 and P3 are in (5), and (6).


This multifunctional climbing caterpillar will be capable of

walking and climbing not only in different environment but
also on the vertical surfaces and ceilings on the inside of
buildings. It will possess locomotion capacities including
pitching, yawing, lateral shift, and rotating; while features
sensor-servo-based active perception of the environment.
Up to date, a cheap and easy-to-build prototype has been
designed and manufactured as an experimental caterpillar
version. A shell supports an RC servo with a pair of ears. A
new designed passive sucker based on the low-frequency
vibrating principle is implemented on the modular climbing
robot, as shown in Fig. 11. An extra box on the back of the
shell contains the battery, a simple controller and auxiliary
connecting parts for passive suckers. The basic module is
about 50 mm long, 30 mm wide and 30 rom high. All
mechanical parts are manufactured from aluminum.

After that, the air will get into the passive sucker with the
time. When the volume increases to Vo, the inside air will be
squeezed out again. It is noted that the squeezing process is
under the control and faster than vacuum leakage. As a result,
the negative pressure can be gotten periodically for some
longer time.
Based on this principle, a DC motor is used as an oscillator
to realize the pushing and lifting movement automatically, as
shown in Fig. 10. The vacuum inside sucker is established by
low frequency vibration of the cup against the wall surface so
that the stability and reliability are met. This on-site test
confIrms principle described above [24].

Fig. 11 Mechanical module of the inspired climbing caterpillar.

Fig. 10 The testing ofa low-frequency vibrating sucker.


Since 2006 our international group has been working on an
inspired modular climbing caterpillar which will be used as an
intelligent demonstrator and test bed for the implementation of
cognitive functions in robotic systems. We combine climbing
techniques with a modular approach to realize a novel
prototype as a flexible wall climbing robotic platform
featuring an easy-to-build mechanical structure, and various
locomotion capabilities. The robot consists of several
connected modules for moving. Active joints actuated by RC
servos endow the connecting modules with the ability of
changing shapes in two dimensions.

Fig. 12 Climbing experiments on the wall and flat surface.

When we applied symmetrical control to our experimental

prototype, it can attach safely to a vertical wall while
immobile. It could also perform several gaits on the wall, but
eventually dropped down because the suckers were not
adhered safe enough. When unsymmetrical control was
applied, the robot could realize continuous motion on the
vertical wall until a stop order was received. Fig. 12 depicts
the procedure of the robot climbing on the flat wall using one
gait by virtue of unsymmetrical control.

This paper introduces a new passive attachment method In
order to find an efficient and effective attachment principle
which can be adopted by a smart climbing caterpillar; we give
an investigation on inspired climbing mechanisms of natural
creatures. Based on it, a passive adhesion principle featuring
the low-frequency vibrating, cheap and easy manufacturing is
presented. This novel passive sucker make it possible to
complete our cooperated climbing caterpillar idea which
meets all requirements of functionality, safety, flexibility,
extensibility and easy handling while being completely
automatic and able to learn by the robot itself.
Now we are just in the beginning of this project. There is
still a great amount of work for future research. Recently
considering the importance and difficulty of the movement
harmony among modules for realizing different gaits on
surfaces of various materials, we are focusing on a kinematics
model of the caterpillar's locomotion capabilities.


The modular climbing caterpillar project in TAMS,

University of Hamburg, is based on the cooperation with Juan
Gonzalez-Gomez from the School of Engineering,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, and the Robotics
Institute at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(BUAA) in China. The authors also would like to thank for Dr.
Rong Liu from BUAA for his contribution on passive suckers'




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