Fo Ar Cash Management Procedures PDF
Fo Ar Cash Management Procedures PDF
Fo Ar Cash Management Procedures PDF
3.2 Receipting 3
3.2.1 General Receipts Rules 4
3.2.2 Cash Register Receipts 4
3.2.3 Computerized Point of Sale Receipts 5
3.2.4 Manual Receipts 6
3.5 Deposits 10
3.5.1 Deposit Sheets 10
3.5.2 Supporting Documentation 11
3.5.3 Transelect 12
3.5.4 IVR Receipts 12
3.5.5 Overages and Shortages 12
3.5.6 Month End 12
3.5.7 Cash Audit Tracking 13
3.5.8 Deposit and Recording Frequency 13
3.6 Refunds 13
3.6.1 Method of Recording Refunds 13
3.6.2 Credit Card Refunds 14
3.6.3 Cash Debit and Cheque Refunds 15
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Cash Management
Standard Operating Procedure
1 Purpose
To define rules and guidelines that will;
Provide a full understanding of the related cash handling responsibilities and accountabilities to the
units conducting cash sales.
Create strong internal controls to ensure cash sale proceeds are appropriately safeguarded,
deposited, and accurately reflected in the University’s General Ledger.
Ensure appropriate record keeping to maintain the integrity of the University’s accounting strategy.
2 Definitions
“Cash” refers to all forms of monetary transactions including but not limited to cash (bank notes
and coin), cheques, debit card, credit card, money orders, and bank drafts.
“Cash Sales” are the sale of goods and services where the monies are collected at the time the good
or service is supplied. They do not include donations or payment of University invoices.
“Accounts Receivable” or “AR” is a unit within University’s Finance department. It is responsible for
developing, maintaining, and executing institutional procedures for billing and AR business
Any department accepting cash payments must adhere to the rules set forth in the Cash
Management and Billing Policy as well as this procedures document. Departments not willing to
comply with these rules are not authorized to accept cash on behalf of the University.
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Standard Operating Procedure
3.1.1 With the decision to accept payments come rules. Responsibilities, accountabilities and risks.
The general rules, responsibilities, accountabilities and risks are outlined below:
3.1.2 All cash received on behalf of the University of Calgary is considered to be University funds.
3.1.3 All areas accepting payments must do so in accordance with the guidelines for receipting,
float management, cheque handling, deposits, refunds, reconciliations and record retention
as set forth in this document.
3.1.4 Payments accepted by a department or faculty are the responsibility of that unit until such
time as they are deposited with Finance. Cash must be stored in a secure location. During
the day cash must not be left unattended. Overnight (or while unattended during the day)
cash must be stored in a cash box or safe within an area with restricted access. Areas
holding more than $1,000 must use a safe that is secured to the floor.
3.1.5 Only appropriately trained and authorized personnel are permitted to receive cash on behalf
of the University of Calgary.
3.1.6 Payments for University PeopleSoft invoices should not be included in deposits. They must
be forwarded to Accounts Receivable. Donations should not be included in deposits unless
previously agreed upon with the development office. Under no circumstances should
banknotes or coin be sent via campus mail. These forms of payment must be delivered in
3.1.7 All funds received (other than for payment of University PeopleSoft invoices) must be
deposited. Under no circumstances are these monies to be used to cover University
expenditures, make employee advances, grant loans, or to pay for petty cash purchases.
3.1.8 A cash float is under the responsibility of a sole custodian. Only that custodian or their
designate(s) should have access to it. Floats are only to be issued by AR. Floats must be
managed in accordance with section 3.3 of this document.
3.1.9 No cheque should be accepted or debit card/credit card transactions be processed for an
amount greater than the amount owed for the good or service being provided. Change may
only be given for transactions conducted using bank notes or coin.
3.1.10 If a department or faculty accepts a counterfeit bank note it is that unit’s responsibility to
absorb the cost up to and including the amount of the University’s insurance deductible.
3.1.11 Additional cash control procedures may be established by Accounts Receivable for certain
3.2 Receipting
A receipt must be issued for every cash transaction made on behalf of the University. All cash
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Standard Operating Procedure
must be receipted using one of the following methods:
The cash register must produce two summarized totals for each batch close out:
• X‐tape ‐ the cash register must produce a detail tape locked in the register, which is
a continuous record of the amounts recorded that day, with a total (X total).
• Z‐tape ‐The cash register should also provide, under a separate key control, the
accumulated total amount of sales (Z total) that is carried forward for a longer time
period, until authorized to be reset at zero.
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Standard Operating Procedure
The detail tape (X total) must not be accessible to the person using the register, and the
reset key (Z total) should not be accessible to the supervisor of the activity involved.
In order to obtain effective control, the cash register detail tape (X total) must be accessible
only to a supervisor, who does not operate the cash register. The reset key (Z total) should
be in the custody of management senior to the supervisor.
At the close of the business day, the supervisor should unlock the register and read the X
total. The supervisor should then clear the cash register for the following day, thus
automatically recording on the Z tape the transaction total (X total) of the current day's cash
receipts. The detail tape (X total) should then be removed from the register and retained for
subsequent comparison with the total cash turned in from the register.
The cashier must count the cash and the Deposit Form must be prepared for all receipts by
someone other than the cashier. All differences between cash receipts and the cash register
tapes over $10 must be recorded on a Cash Discrepancy Approval Form. This form must be
reviewed, approved by the supervisor and included with the deposit. Section “E” of the
deposit sheet must also be completed.
Once a tender summary has been printed the department/faculty must balance their cash
If an error is made while processing a transaction the incorrect item must be voided in the
POS system. Voided receipts are to be attached to the front of the deposit slip. Each voided
receipt requires a signature from the department’s/faculty’s signing authority.
All differences between cash receipts and the summary by tender over $10 must be
recorded on a Cash Discrepancy Approval Form. This form must be reviewed, approved by
the supervisor and included with the deposit.
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Standard Operating Procedure
3.2.4 Manual Receipts
If a department does not use a cash register or computerized point of sale system, a manual
receipt must be completed for each transaction or payment received. Only official
pre‐numbered triplicate University of Calgary receipts may be issued.
The receipt must not be altered after being issued. If an error is made while processing a
transaction all copies of the incorrect receipt must be marked “void”. Both original and
yellow copies must be attached to deposit slip; the pink copy should be kept by the
department/faculty. A replacement receipt is to be issued.
Cheques must not be held for extended periods as delays in depositing may result in the
payment being returned by the bank as a dishonored item.
Cheques that do not meet all of the above listed criteria should not be accepted; however in
some cases the information on the cheque may be altered to meet the above listed
• If the date or body and figure are incorrect they may be altered and
initialed by the customer.
• If the cheque is missing a signature the customer may sign it.
No University employee may alter the cheque in any way, all changes must be done by the
person who has written the cheque.
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Standard Operating Procedure
Immediately upon receipt, cheques must be restrictively endorsed to show “For deposit to
the credit of University of Calgary”. The department must include the department name and
department ID on the back of the cheque.
Canadian currency cheques (with or without micro‐encoding) drawn on a foreign bank must
be sent for collection through the Treasury unit of Finance (see section 3.4.3)
The following Foreign currency cheques cannot be deposited directly into the University’s
bank account, but must be sent for collection through the bank by Accounts Receivable:
Foreign currency cheques that require collection must be sent to AR. Any cheque being
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Standard Operating Procedure
considered for collection must be greater than $100 CAD, otherwise the collection fee will
exceed the value of the item. Each item should include the following:
• Account information
• Location of the financial institution (if unavailable, contact the Royal Direct
Centre at 1‐800‐769‐2520 for assistance in determining the origin of the
The cost of sending a cheque to collection is between $100 and $160, these fees will be
charged to the department depositing the funds. The time required for a foreign cheque to
come back from collections can take over six months. AR will not record the deposit until the
funds have come back from collection. It is strongly suggested that all payments are
requested in Canadian dollars.
RBC slips and Brinks bags are available at the main campus bookstore.
Physical deposit of funds from the University to the Bank may only be performed via armored
car pick up service. To request this service, please contact AR at
In order to maintain the integrity of accounting records, deposits must be legible, laid out and
assembled according to the standard set forth.
All cash received and/or refunded must be documented using the appropriate slips as well as
recorded on a deposit sheet and deposited through the appropriate bookstore in a timely
There are two types of deposit, online and manual. Both require a deposit sheet to be filled
out appropriately. There are a limited number of high volume departments that have been
given access to create on‐line deposits. For information about on‐line deposits please contact All of the departments, regardless of deposit type, must adhere to the
following procedures.
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Standard Operating Procedure
• Every section of the deposit sheet must be completed and should include
the following information:
All receipts are to be recorded in Section A or B of the deposit
All refunds are to be recorded in Section C of the deposit sheet.
All IVR (credit card telephone authorization) and transelect
totals are to be recorded in Section C of the deposit sheet.
A Cash and Coin Listing in section D Over/short information is to
be recorded in Section E
Complete cheque listing
Accurate and complete accounting distribution
Period Covered by Receipts
Date of Deposit
Depositor’s Name
Depositor’s Phone Number
Depositor’s Signature
Other documentation may be required to support the deposit and includes the following:
• contract
• purchase order (PO)
• work order
• notice of award communications with the customer
If the unit creates the deposit in PeopleSoft, all supporting documentation must be uploaded
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Standard Operating Procedure
in PeopleSoft. If a unit sends cash/cheques to Accounts Receivable to deposit, the
documentation must be submitted with the funds.
3.5.3 Transelect
Where payment has been made or a refund has been given using a transelect machine (Visa,
MasterCard, Amex, Debit) a transelect batch report is to be printed for each transelect
machine used and must be printed every time a transelect machine is closed. A copy of all
End of Batch Reports (including batch reports with a zero total) must also be retained in the
unit and reconciled to ensure that all batch information has been included in the deposits
(see section 3.6 – Reconciliation)
The batch report must read “Closed” and “Balanced –Yes” at the bottom of the printout. If
the batch does not show as closed and balanced your department is required to contact
Moneris (1‐866‐319‐7450) to confirm the status of the batch (be sure to have your merchant
number ready prior to making the call). The reference number for the phone call is to be
noted on the transelect slips.
Transaction slips that contain the customer’s credit card numbers and/or signature must be
kept in a secure location by the issuing department.
During month end, if transactions are simultaneously being conducted for the current and
prior month, separate receipts and deposit sheets are to be used for each month.
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Standard Operating Procedure
All old month deposits must be delivered to the bookstore prior to noon on the first business
day of the new month.
Please refer to the Finance Calendar for detailed information about Month End and Year End
As such it is necessary for depositors to issue and submit these slips in sequential order,
even if they have been marked as void.
If AR discovers a gap in the sequential ordering of any of these documents, departments are
required to work in conjunction with AR in order to reach a resolution for this issue.
Departments depositing directly through armored car pick up service must record their
revenue in PeopleSoft within two business day of the deposit.
3.6 Refunds
3.6.1 Method of Recording Refunds
• Every refund must be issued using the same method of recording as the
original transaction i.e. manual receipt, cash register, POS System.
• All in‐person refunds, regardless of how they are issued require a refund
slip. Departments must use a University of Calgary official triplicate refund
book. Departments may also use their own custom form, provided that it
has been approved by AR.
• Refund books must be stored in a secure location.
• Do not use white‐out on refund slips or any supporting documentation.
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Standard Operating Procedure
Refunds for transactions originally recorded using manual receipts must be handled by
completing an official University of Calgary triplicate manual refund slip. Refund books must
be obtained at AR. All refunds slips must be authorized and signed by the Units’ signing
authority as well as the customer. Refund books must be stored in a secure location. Every
refund slip must record:
Any unused refund books are to be returned to AR. Each refund slip must be used in
sequential order as they are tracked by AR. The refund slip must not be altered after being
If an error is made while processing a refund, all copies of the incorrect refund slip must be
marked “void”. Both original and yellow copies must be attached to deposit slip; the pink
copy should be kept by the department. A replacement refund slip is to be issued.
The refund slips must match to the information provided on the cash register Z‐tape or the
daily transaction listing produced by the POS system.
If an error is made while processing a refund the incorrect item must be voided in the cash
register. Voided refunds must be attached to the front of the deposit slip.
Refunding a credit card payment via any other method, or to a different credit card than was
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Standard Operating Procedure
originally used for payment is in direct breach of our contractual obligations to our credit
card processing provider.
Where the original payment method was by cheque, a refund may not be processed until 3
weeks after the cheques was deposited, to ensure the funds have cleared the bank. If the
cheque was from a US bank, the waiting period is 6 weeks. If the cheque was not eligible for
regular deposit and has been sent for collection through the Treasury department, a refund
must not be process unless the department has confirmation from AR that the funds have
been received.
Cash refunds may not be taken out of your float; at all times, your float must contain the
authorized and issued amount of cash. If you do not have the funds required to provide a
cash refund, the refund must be provided via debit card or cheque. For rules and procedures
for requesting cheque refunds please visit the Supply Chain Management website located at
For regulations concerning appropriate retention time periods and disposal of documents,
please refer to the University of Calgary Master Record Retention Schedule at
Debit and credit card transactions must be treated with the same level of security as any
other confidential information. Failure to do so may result in unauthorized use of a credit card
number, for which the University may be held accountable. The protection of cardholder
information must be considered a priority. Detailed information about the rules relating to
confidential information can be found at the FOIP website:
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