Dialog English - Golden Snail

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Scene 1

Narator : Kertamarta was the king of Daha. He has two daughters called Dewi
Galuh and Chandra Kirana. Chandra Kirana was purpose to Inu Kertapati.
The King : Kirana, Galuh, come here!
Kirana and Galuh: Yes dad!
The King : I think i was too old, i want Kirana engaged with Raden Inukertapati form
the kingdom of Kahuripan.
Galuh : What? Why Kirana? I'm older.
The King : It's my decision and can't be changed.
Narator : They all returned to their respective places, including Galuh Ajeng
went to her room
Galuh Ajeng : I need to find a way to separate the Prince and the Princess before they get
married I really hate this moment.

Scene 2:
Narator : Galuh Ajeng felt unacceptable and went to see a witch.
Galuh Ajeng : I have a job for you, i want you too kill my sister, Kirana.
Wicth : I can't kill her but i can changes her into golden snail. Here take the bottle
liquid. You only have to splash the liquid to her.
Galuh Ajeng : Okay, i understand. Thank you.

Scene 3:
Narator : At night, Galuh Ajeng went to Candra Kirana's room
Galuh Ajeng : Hi, Kirana. Suddenly i feel afraid to sleep alone, so can i sleep with you?
Kirana : Yes, of course. But wait what is in your hand?
Galuh Ajeng : Watch this!
Kirana : What? What are you doing? Dad!!!!
Narrator : Galuh Ajeng quickly opened the lid of the bottle and splashed the
potion on Kirana. Not long after that, Kirana changed into a golden snail. Then Galuh Ajeng
threw the golden snail into the river. The next day there was an old grandmother named
Mbok Rondo who was looking for fish in the river.
Mbok Rondo : Wow, I cacth so many fish! Oh, wait what is that? (mbok rondo ambil keong
Mbok Rondo : Is this a golden snail? How beautiful! I wanna take it home.
Narator : The next day, mbok Rondo returned to fishing in the river and left the
golden snail at his house. And suddenly the golden snail turn back into Candra Kirana. She
get amnesia and do all the chores like cleaning, cook food, and others. After that he fell
asleep and returned to being a golden snail. At night Mbok Rondo came and was surprised.
Mbok Rondo : Wait a minute… is this food? And how come the house be very clean? Who
doing this? But this food look very delicious, oh nvermind.
Narator : The next day Mbok Rondo go to river again and say good bye to the
golden snail. But Mbok Rondo curious and decided to spy on her house. After Mbok Rondo
came out, the golden snail changed again to Candra Kirana. Mbok Rondo come in and
catches Candra Kirana.
Mbok Rondo : Hey, Oh my God. Who are you? How can you enter my house?
Candra Kirana : I don’t know who am I. I Just know that I’m the golden snail that you found
2 days ago. Can I leave with you Mom?
Mbok Rondo : Oh, sure honey. Btw, would you accompany me to the market? I want to sell
these fish.
Kirana : Of course mom, let’s go.
Scene 5
Narator : They went to the market and Galuh Ajeng accidentally saw Kirana
who was still alive. As soon as possible Galuh Ajeng went to see the witch.
Galuh Ajeng : Wicth! Why Kirana still alive?
Wicth : I already say to you before that, if someone found the golden snail, it can
change into Chandra Kirana again.
Galuh Ajeng : Oh my God! Huh I hate you!

Scene 6
Narator : After Galuh Ajeng left, suddenly Prince Inu Kertapti came in and he
heard everything they were saying. The witch apologized and revealed that Kirana was in
Dapadan village with Mbok Rondo. Immediately the Prince went to tell this incident to the
The King : Oh so that's why Kirana has been missing all this time. We have to pick him
up now!
Prince : True, let’s go Sir.

Scene 7
Narator : Raja, Pangeran, dan Galuh Ajeng pergi ke rumah Mbok Rondo.
Prince : Excuse me, I want meet Candra Kirana.
Mbok Rondo : Who are you? And who Candra Kirana?
Prince : Candra Kirana is golden snail that turns into a girl in your house.
Mbok Rondo : You mean Keong Mas? No! I’m not going to give Keong Mas to you! Keong
Mas is my daughter. Now yoy go from here.
King : I beg Mbok. Restore my daughter. I am very fond of her.
Mbok Rondo : No!
King : I would pay anything as long as Mbok want my child back.
Mbok Rondo : Well, I will restore Keong Mas to you. You don’t nee to pay me anything.
Dear came out.
Candra Kirana : Yes mom…
The King : Kirana! I am your father, do you remember me?
Candra Kirana : DAD!!
The King : Let’s go home dear, thank you so much mbok.
Narator: The King, Prince and Candra Kirana returned to the palace. Galuh Ajeng,
who saw Candra Kirana, felt jealous and went to cry. Finally Prince Inu Kertapati and Candra
Kirana got married and lived happily ever after.

Moral Value (Jenni) : Do good to all people, for goodness brings the beauty white, adn evil
will take you to misery.

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