Integer Multiples of Periodic Continued Fractions
Integer Multiples of Periodic Continued Fractions
Integer Multiples of Periodic Continued Fractions
for each integer N > 1, and proved that R(N) is always finite. The
paper of Cohen [2] is devoted to proving various results about S(N, n)
and R(N). In particular, Cohen [2, pp. 141-147] obtained the exact
value of R(N) for infinitely many N and gave a conjecture for the
value of R(N) in all the remaining cases.
Cohen made use of an algorithm given by Mendes France [3] for
computing the continued fraction expansion of Na from the expan-
sion of a, where a is any real number. Cohen [2, §§3 and 4, pp.
132-137] devotes considerable space to showing that if one wants to
use the algorithm of Mendes France [3] in order to study P(Na) for
quadratic irrationals a, then one needs various facts about 2 by 2
matrices with integer entries taken mod JV.
It turns out that the algorithm of Mendes France [3] was already
given by A. Chatelet [1] in a different but equivalent form. The
with nonnegative integer entries at least three of which are positive
can be written in one of the four forms
The same kind of calculation applies if P> Q > S and P> R> S
do not both hold.
Before continuing, we need the following lemma of Chatelet [1,
pp. 12-15].
~\, PS-QR=±1, —^ t f - 1 , Q^N-1
R S] R S
kTP A BTδ,
0 d R S C D]\β
! = 0 mod δ
ί = l,2f
(5) δo = N, do = l , ko = O;
( 8 )
-A/^-i^-i-fci-Λs! mod-^- for i^l.
Our next lemma shows that P(Na) can also be expressed in terms
of LOcJdi).
^ * — 1 — fl*-1 — Γ0 1 f —I f ... fl
£ ^ A V I
Thus if we define sets Γ(m) for each positive integer m by T(m) =
{(mw m2): mlf m2 positive integers such that (mw m2) = 1 and m ^ = m}
(so that if m has A; ^ 0 distinct prime divisors, then T(m) has 2k
members), then (using Lemma 3 and (14)) we see that all possible
values of kjdi9 one for each of the different pairs ku dίf are con-
tained in the set
1:ab m divides N a δ 6T
(ab)" <
% = > ( > ) ^> fa -%)
\ ab=/ A )
Note that Ct(N) will contain repeated elements.
LEMMA5. The set C^N) has f(N) = N JJ (1 + p' ) elements,
where the product is taken over all distinct primes p which divide
LEMMA 6. The sets C^N) and C2(N) are identical for each
Proof. Cohen [2, Proposition 3.4, p. 134] proved that the number
of elements in C2(N) is the number f(N) of Lemma 5. It is easily
seen that the map from C2(N) —• C^N) given by
w hh ee rr ee
(16) &) Σ ( Σ 4
< \p8/ i=o \p
LEMMA 6. Let
a b~ a{M) b{M)~\
(19) M= ad — be = ( — l)n = ε , say ,
c d d(M)\ '
be a unimodular matrix with integer entries. Define sequences r(i)
and s(i) by
r(l) = 1, r(2) = a + d, , r{i) = (α + ώ)r(i - 1) - εr(i - 2) (i ^ 3)
(?) - (f) = o \p/
l/2n(p — 1) odd P-KP -1) impossible P-\P + 1)
l/2n(p - 1 ) even l/2p-(P - 1) p l/2ί>«-ι(ί> + 1)
(b) i/p =
2) = - 1 (i.e., ΰ s δ m o d 8 )
s=1 s =2 s^ 3
» odd 3 6 3 2'-2
8 3
» even 3 3 32 -
if D ΞΞ 0 mod 8 , λ = 2
8 1
i/ JD s 4 mod 8 , λ = 2 /or ί = = 2" /or * ^ 2
Our next lemma shows how X0(p, M)f where p is prime and M
is defined by (17), is related to periodicity properties of the algorithm
(2). We here confine ourselves to the case N = p, p prime, because
the results are simplest in that case.
p 0 1 -Af
A= (0 £ k ^ p - 1) .
0 1 β pj
p 0 Ά B
0 1 C D
for some n and some P in A. Then Mn is in Γ(p) if and only if
Lo ij
p 0
•>I+r p 0"
0 +r D I+r. 0 1
is a typical periodic part of the sequence (2) (of course, this means
§I+r = p, fcI+r = 0, dI+r — 1, as indicated in (23)). If we multiply on
o lj Lc DjLo
for some A, B, C, D, with
(24) M = (α7)(α7+1) (α^J .
It follows from Lemma 8 that M is in Γ(p), so r = w(p + 1)
is possible if and only if there exists a matrix M of form (24) such
that λo(p, Af) = p + 1. By Lemma 7, X0(p, Λf) = p + 1 is possible for
p = 2 and for any p = 3 mod 4, but not for p ^ l mod 4. An easy
calculation shows that λo(2, M) = 3 for ikf = (3)% (w = 1, 2, •)• Thus,
by (13), S(2, w) = 5n for all w and R(2) = 5. For any p = 3 mod 4,
it is also possible to find M such that X0(p, M) — p + 1, but only
when % is odd (by Lemma 7). In fact, if n is odd we can take
M = (α)(2p) (2p) (w — 1 factors (2p)), where a is defined by α Ξ
z+£modp; here z — uΛ vi is any generator of the group of numbers
x + iy, x and # integers, with norm ± l m o d p (this group has
2(p + 1) elements and φ(2(p + 1)) generators, where φ is Euler's
function). A proof that this choice of M satisfies λo(p, M) = p + I
was given by Cohen [2, pp. 142-143] (note that there is an incorrect
factor of 1/2 in the congruence defining a [2, p. 142]). Thus, by
(13), we have S(p, n) = (F(p) + l)n whenever p Ξ 3 mod 4 and n is
odd. Since always S(p, n) ^ (F(p) + ΐ)n by Theorem 1, this proves
If p = 1 mod 4, then by Lemma 7 the largest possible value of
r is wp, and this attained if and only if p divides D(M). Hence
S(p, ri) ^ nF(p); equality actually holds here for n even because
r = np when M = (a)(2p) (2p) (n — 1 factors (2p)), where a
satisfies a2 + 4 = mod p. This is stated without proof by Cohen [2,
p. 145]. A proof using (13) can easily be given by considering the
sequence of triples (aif kif dt) which arises from (2) for this choice
of M. It turns out that each of the p — 1 pairs (kif dt) = (&, p) with
1 ^ k ^ P — 1 occurs n times among the triples (aif ki9 d^) in a period,
and the remaining p triples in the period have the form (2p, 0, 1)
or (2p, 0, p), except for one triple (1, 0, p) Thus we have (22), and
this completes the proof of Theorem 2.