Oscillations in Neutral Functional Differential Equations" "
Oscillations in Neutral Functional Differential Equations" "
Oscillations in Neutral Functional Differential Equations" "
Jack K. Kale
Tills work was partially completed while the author was a guest of
CNR at Florence, Italy, and also was partially supported by the
Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AF-APOSR 71-2078, the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NG-L ^0-003-015
United Statec Army - Durham, DA-ARO-D-Jl-12H-71-G12S2.
Jack K. Hale
use the method of proof to give a brief survey of some recent develop-
ments in the theory of NFDE which have applications far "beyond the
problem of periodic solutions.
vector space with norm | -|, C([a,b],E ) the space of continuous func-
/ [dT](0)]ep(0)
D = D + D
DQcp = cp(0) - Z
K= J-
D^ = / A(0)cp(0)d0
(2) Up =9(0) - / [dn(0)]cp(e).
(5) a,, .
(6) DQyt = 0.
stated as:
(7) -
(8) . / y(t)dll(t) = 0
fer all co- periodic row vector solutions y of the "adjoint" equation
0 0
(9) £e [y(t) - / y(t-0)dti(0)] = -/ y(t-0)dri(0).
-r -r
such that the set of all H satisfying (8) is (l-J) & and there is
a continuous linear operator _$^: (l-J)i^ -> & such that SjfR is a
- co co
solution of (7) for each H e (l-J) & .
It is part of the conclusion of Theorem 1 that the integral
in (8) is well-defined even though H is only continuous.
It is also possible to explicitly describe the operator J
and in doing this we will also rephrase the entire problem in terms of
the solution of an operator equation in a Banach space. This terminology
makes clear the relationship of the above theorem to the general problem
of solving functional equations .
Let A'. & -» & be defined by
(10) Ax(t) = Dx, - DK_ - / Lx ds.
t 0 s
Sh = U / u ' (s)U(s)ds / U' (s)]r
0 0
(11) t
~co — CD
JH(t) = / V (s)ds / V(s)V (s)ds V(s)dH(s).
0 0 0
where G(-,cp) e & , F(-,cp) e' & for each 9 e C. In fact, if we de-
Ax = NX
x = Sx + _5f (l-j)Nx
JWx = 0.
b such that
such that
implies the following: for any fixed a > a^ , all elements n(t) in
the spectrum cr(T(t,D,L)) of T(t,D,L) with |n(t)| > eat belong to
the point spectrum, the number of such n(t) is finite, the generalized
eigenspace of each n(t) is_ finite dimensional, and there exists sub-
o>-periodic solutions of (3) and this implies the existence of the pro-
equal to one. The theory in [2] now implies one can decompose C as
a('l(t,D,L)) 0 (X'. \\\ < 1], P finite dimensional and P,Q are de-
characteristic value of ( if
0 0
(1?) det A(X) = 0, A(X) = X
- -r/
be a basis for the initial values of all solutions of (3) of the form
E Pk(t)e , X^ e A, PkOO polynomials in t, and ¥ = col(\|r . ..,\|r )
0 6
(ot/p) = a(0)Dp + / / a(|-e)[dn(e)](p(i)d|
o e
- / / a(|-e)[dTi(0)]cp(!)de
-r 0
C = P © Q
Q - (9 e C'. (f,9) = 0 ) .
-w < t < oo, of bounded variation, continuous from the right, X(t) = 0,
D(Xt) = / L(Xs)ds + 1, t > 0
such that, if X. = T(t)X , the initial value problem for (7) is
equivalent to
Ke~ } t > 0. Therefore, it follows from [6] that one can also suppose
K,a are such that JT(t,D,L)XQ] < Ke"0^, t > 0. Thus, there is a
unique <p = cp (H) continuous and linear in H such that the solution
differential equation
for the autonomous case although the nonautonomous case is also treated
in [?].
For the statement of the principal results on boundary value
generality, one can suppose both r\f[i are continuous from the left
on (-09, -r]. Let Bft be the space of functions \|r. [-r,0] -> E * (the. "'
(t.cp) = / [dt(e)Me), t eB cp G c.
It is then not difficult to prove that for any t e R, \|r e BO, there
is a unique y: R -» E of bounded variation on finite intervals,
continuous from the left such that y = \|r, y vanishes on [t,«) and
(22) holds for s < t - r. If this solution is denoted by y(t,i|r) and
s = y(s+0), -r <
••e < 0. y°(0)
s = 0. then y°(t,i|r)
s e B_
u for each
s < t.
Let n: BQ -» B be the quasinilpotent operator defined by
0 0
(2?) fli|r(0) = -/ [di|r(p)]ji(0-p) + / i|r(P)n(0-P)«3p, -r < 0 < 0, $ e B .
6 6
for all solutions y, i|; of the adjoint problem: ij; e V*, y satisfies
so that
- T(U>,D,L) =
A in (10). Since it also is shown in [7] that the dimension of the space of
the space of co-periodic solutions of (3) and, thus, is finite, there exists
proved .
Incidentally, the above argument applies equally as well to
7. Henry, D., Adjoint theory and boundary value problems for neutral
functional differential equations. J. Differential Equations.
To appear.