Ampong, Andgielyn L. - Deontology - Final Projec

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Name: Ampong,Andgielyn L.

Date: December 9, 2022

Course, Yr.&Sec: BSED FIL -2B Grade:

Whistle-Blowing and the Duty of Speaking Truth to Power

Business ethics is a field of applied moral philosophy wherein the principles of right and
wrong (as we are learning about deontology, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, among others)
are made pertinent and relevant to the workplace. Just because the primary purpose of
business is the proverbial bottom-line called profit, it does not mean that profit is the only
motive. More and more people are realizing that to make a business sustainable, we need
to make decisions that balance a triple bottom-line; namely, people, planet, and profit.
This requires that we must improve our competence in decision-making that calibrates
benefits for the stakeholders (people), the environment (planet), and the investors (profit).
Often, those business decision-makers who do everything, especially the illegal and
immoral acts to maximize profit in a single-minded way, somehow harm their company’s
long-term sustainability. For example, they may lose customers if they produce
substandard goods and services just to make short-term profit. On the other hand, their
employees might keep resigning and they have to continuously hire new people because
the compensation is not fair and just. They lose money in the long-term because they
spend more for training costs because they pay below minimum wage salaries therefore
hiring employees that lack certain qualities they need for their company. Thus, there is a
place for ethical principles in certain qualities they need for their company. Thus, there is
a place for ethical principles in business, insofar as a business decision-maker’s goal is
sustainability and not merely profit. But what can someone in the workplace do in the
face if unethical business practices?
Recent history in the Philippines has witnessed many controversial whistle-blowers.
Names such as Primitivo Mijares, Heidi Mendoza, and Rodolfo Lozada Jr. have become
part of the narratives of different ethical scandals in the past few decades. But what is
whistleblowing? We can consider it as a kind of speaking truth to power. It happen often
in the workplace that an authority figure violates a law or makes an unethical decision,
such as bribery or extortion, deception, and exploitation of labor, among others. When it
happens that an authority figure instructs a subordinate to do an unethical act, the
subordinate may not agree with undertaking the act if he wants to live by certain moral
principles. There is a problem that arises here. On one hand, the subordinate must follow
the instructions of the authority figure because the employer-employee contract binds the
subordinate to follow the orders of the authority figure. To do otherwise would be
insubordination, which can be grounds for termination. He could lose his job. On thee
other hand, if the unethical act that is instructed by the authority figure is clearly against
the principles of the subordinate, can he refuse to do it without fear of losing his job? In
this problematic scenario, the subordinate needs to find a solution. Whistle-blowing is
one way of making an ethical intervention.
However, the whistle-blowers that we named above resorted to one kind of whistle-
blowing; namely, exposing the wrong doing externally either by testifying in a public
panel or by going to mass media such as a radio announcer or journalist. While external
whistle-blowing can be effective, it is not the only manner by which a subordinate can
blow the whistle against an erring authority figure. Here are three other intervention
methods: (1) secretly informing a higher authority figure (the “boss of the boss”) about
the unethical act, (2) writing an anonymous letter to the authority figure threatening to
expose the wrongdoing, and (3) collaborating with like-minded colleagues to sabotage
the undertaking of the unethical act and to prevent it from being done. It takes a strong
moral character to stand up to authority in the spirit of doing the right thing. But more
than moral character, it is important to be wise and clever in choosing which intervention
method to use in order to uphold one’s moral principles.

Answer the following activities below:

Activity 1
Go online and look for news items on whistle-blowers. Identify the crime or unethical act that
they are exposing as well as the perpetrators of the crime. Detail your findings and opinion
The whistleblower news that I search is about, about government selling the broken
facesheild. Based on Krizle Grace Mago who revealed the government selling face shield. She
said that the government buy and sold the face shield in Pharmally Pharmaceuticals Corp And
selling it to the Filipino people even it is not good for use. Plus, the other one corruption. Based
on Thorrsson Montes Keith the works of Philhealth, she revealed the funds of the Philhealth
was stolen by the syndicate. By that ms.thorrsson was resigned and testify to the senate
investigation about the P15 billion Philhealt Funds.
My opinion to ms.krizle revealed about selling face shield is, I it’s good for her
strongly dedication to say what government doing for faceshield because we know that face
shield is very needed in pandemic to Protect our self in covid. So, revealing how and what face
shield we use is impossible because face shield is very useble in every where and without
knowing the government doing selling broken face shield the possible is our county will be
increase to have a covid patience. But as we can see the duty of the government is to protect
their country in covid, that’s why they sold the face shield in corporation to sell it to filipino
people to be protected even it isn't really safe to use based on ms.krizle. for the other, To Ms.
Thorsson I say, it good also to her testify in the Senate to reveal what happened to the funds of
the Philhealth because knowing where is the funds of the philhealt us important to the people
specially when it comes to medical bills or about health. As we can see the duty of Ms.Thorsson
is to insure the funds will be secure and use of the member of Phil heath. After that I search, I
really satisfied to the two person who revealed the unethical act on there’s workplace. And
alsobI really appreciate their dignity to do there duty to become a honest to there work because
we know that in every work we do there’s a rules that we need to follow.

Activity 2
Suppose you are already working for a company and your boss tells you that you should offer a
bribe to a government agent to obtain permit to build and operate a factory inn a province. What
would you do? What are your alternatives if you believe that it is wrong to bribe government
For me, I will not accept it because no matter where we look, it is wrong to bribe others
because it is possible for a person to get used to it, especially in the government. When they get
used to such a system, it will be unfair to other people, and most of all, it will be unfair to other
companies that have gone through a legal process. And as for, if you want to get a permit, you
can go through a legal process because, in getting a permit, the place and condition of the
people involved in the construction depend on it. So it is important to go through a legal process
so that the rights of each individual are safe and covered. But we know that many of the agents
are skilled at doing this, which causes wrongdoing by the government as well. There are many
ways to get a permit, such as by negotiating without taking bribes. So for me, I won't accept it
becausee the government system is not good anymore where bribery will be added, so we will
see the government and the communists only rising in such work.

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