Wind 3
Wind 3
Wind 3
This process is same as renaming a file. Now, the original file is stored in the new
Step 1 Locate your Folder.
Step 2 Right click on the Folder lcon. Selecting More than One File or Folder
You may need to copy or move multiple files and
Step 3 Choose Rename.
folders from one drive to another drive.
Step 4 The folder name is highlighted in blue, ready to be
Steps to copy or move more than
Step 5 Type a new name and press Enter. One File or Folder
Step 1 Hold down the Ctrl key and click
Steps to delete a folder select the Files or Folders you want to
Step 1 Locate your Folder. move or copy.
Step 2 Right click on the Folder lcon. Step 2 The files or folders darken as they get
Step 3 Choose Delete. selected.
Step 4 A Delete Folder dialog box appears asking you, you are Step 3 For copy or move the file/folder, folow
Sure you want to send the file to the
the steps, which are already discusseu
Recycle Bin. in previous headings.
Step 5 Choose Yes.
Note To select a consecutive group of files, click u
Step 6 The folder is deleted and moved to the Recycle Bin. first file, press and hold down the Shift key an
Note You can also press Shift + Delete keys from the keyboard to delete click the last file. All the files will get seleced
files/folders permanently
Steps to Open Computer
prives Step 1 Double click the Cornputer lcon on the desktop.
drive or disk drive, is a hardware device in which you
A driv
store file files and folder Disk drives are assigned by a Step 2 Computer opens.
C, D, E etc.) or
Mter (for e-g.
Right click the Cormputer lcon (on the desktop)
Choose Open.
Open the Start menu and choose Cormputer.
Local Disk(C PaosFileD Backup (E)
Hard Disk Drives (3) Comter
rgarie yem propefes doestel or change s pro
Data isk
Your hard drive (the drive inside your Computer icon) etHood
Ofce Genuane.
is known as the (C:, D:, E: .. drive. Hard Disk drive PrirHoed i n (E)
ovD RW DeeG
is the location where all files are stored in any Recent 11.7 Gee o
Saved Games
computer. Searches Recyce Fckdes
n Windows, the name of hard drive start from C: drive ten den
J i n t e Wndos Twesker
rause it is the first available drive letter. The computer recng
Compate Hord
echer removable media such as tape drives. ACK PC *iorkgrox wCRKGROUP Memon 20 G
Protessr Gerine inteR CPJ
Documents is that
a folder
provides you convenient
pace to store your important files and folders. Remmber,
Minimising, Maximising, Restoring
you can quickly reach documents from the Start menu or and Closing Window
hydouble-clicking the Documents icon on your desktop. Windows allows you to easily enlarge, hide or shrink a
The Documents folder looks something like the picture window using the Minimise, Maximise, Restore and Close
given below: buttons.
The Minimise Button is among the three buttons at the
right end of the title bar. This button has a small dash
(or minus sign). The Minimise button shrinks the window and
Documets kbrary
task bar while leaving the program running. To
places it the
go back to this window, click on task bar where it is shrinked.
The Maximise Button, which Minimise Maximise Close
looks like a small window, is
used to enlarge a window to
cover the entire desktop.
After a window is maximised, the Maximise button changes
to the Restore button. It looks like two Windows near one
Document Folder another. If you click the Restore button, the Maximised window
h e n you save a file, the file is automatically saved in shrinks to its previous size (the size before you maximised it).
Inents unless you have chosen a different folder or The Close button, which is represented by cross sign. If you
rive. click on close button, the operating window will get closed.
this, you c a n easily change the settings (like font, style and for simple drawings and basic image editing.
ige) of your text file. It does not support the line-by-line text
Using painting tools, you draw and edit pictures.
ting mechanism. The size of a notepad file should not be
and is stored in ASCII format. You can use paint like a digital sketchpad to make
orethan 64 kilobytes simple pictures, creative projects, or to add text and
ASCII, stands for American Standards Code for information designs to other pictures.
Interchange. ASCII text files are universally used for exchanging
information between computers.
Untitiec 2i
Home View
To start Notepad:
Step 1 Click the Start button on the taskbar Fi
Paste Select Brushes Shapes
Step 2 Select All Programs AccessoriesNotepad.
Notepad only saves files in the text format (.txt) or html(htm) Clipboard Tools Shapes
Untitled Notepad
File Edit Format View Help
T 1047x 470px
Painting Tool Window
a programming, scientific 1 23
CRpbon agraph
and statistical calculator.
To open Games
Start menu> All Programs
Click on
Windows 8 is a personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft as a part of Windows NT family of oner12
released on 26th October. 201
1st August, 2012. For general availability, it w a s
released to manufacturing
systems. It was
Features of Windows 8
start screen, you got a set of files
Windows 8's new start screen. On the
Screen Once you Log in, you are taken to
()Start and of which show information and notifications that corresponds to the
each of which represents an application, many
associated applications.
in Windows 8, most notably in the
New Windows Windows Explorer has gone through a few changes
like view, it has three ribbon panes ie. Home, Share and View, that
"Ribbon interface. Instead of traditional m e n u s
earlier used to be in the m e n u s .
gives the access to the features that
Windows 8 is the first version of Windows to
include built-in antivirus protection.
(ii) Built-in Antivirus
antivirus package for older versions of Windows, now appears
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), the optional free
Consumer Preview.
under the Windows Defender Umbrella in Windows 8
are an inventive alternatives in
Windows 8 rather than tapping in textul
(iv) Picture Passwords Picture passwords
Windows 8 installation and start from null.
() Reset PC This feature provides an automated way to completely wipe a
Windows 10 n b e r , 2014
Windows 10 is an upcoming version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It was unveiled on 30th Septen
and scheduled to be released in late 2015.
ures of
Windows 10 To Press
start Menu The familiar Start menu is back, but it Search for computers Ctrl+Windows Key +
ings with a new customise space for users' favourite
brin Cut Ctrl +X
and live tiles.
apps Undo Ctrl+Z
To restart the Ctrl+Alt+Del Display or hide the Start menu Windows Key
Display the corresponding menu Alt+Underlined letter Lock your computer it you are Windows Key+L
in a menu name Connected to a network domain,
or switch users of you are not
Select all Ctrl+A connected to a network domain
Copy Ctrl+C Display the system Properties Windows Key +Break
dialog box
Display the Start menu Ctrl+Esc
Show the desktop Windows Key +D
Create shortcut to selected item Ctrl+Shift while
dragging an item Open My Computer Windows Key+E
Search for a file or folder
Highlight a block of text Ctrl+Shift with any of Windows Key+F
the arrow keys Display Windows Help Windows Key+F1
MOve backward through tabs Ctrl+Shift+Tab Minimise all Windows Windows Key +M
in a
dialog box Open the Run dialog box Windows Key+R
Move forward through tabs
in a
Ctrl+Tab Restores minimised windows Windows Key+Shift
dialog box +M
Paste Ctrl+Vor Shift+ Insert Opens Utility Manager Windows Key+U