Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
In this unit we will look at advanced features of Windows 2000 operating system which
includes management of files and folders using windows explorer. We will also look at
windows applications such as Notepad, Calculator, Wordpad, etc. and finally we will
describe about system tools.
5) Choose paste from the toolbar, the edit menu, or the right click context menu.
To Select Multiple Files and Folders these are the Following Steps:
1) In the folder window, hold down the CTRL key, and then click each item to be
2) To select all the files and folders in the window, click the Edit menu, and then click Windows Explorer and
Select All. Applications
3) To select a group of files that are next to each other, hold down the mouse button and
drag a rectangle around the files you want to select.
4) To change the appearance of items in a folder in windows explorer, click the View
menu, and then click one of the following commands: Large Icons, Small Icons,
List, or Details.
Steps to Open a File or Folder
1) Double click the drive that contains the file.
2) To open a f i k or folder double click on it.
To Change the Appearance of Items in a Folder
In my computer or explorer click the View menu, and then click one of the following
commands: Large icons, Small icons, List, Details. You can also sort the items by name,
size, date and type depending on the view.
Steps to Print a Document
1) If the document is open, on the File menu, click Print.
2) If the document is not open, drag the document from My Computer or Windows
Explorer to your printer in the Printers folder.
3) While a document is printing, a printer icon appears next to the clock on the taskbar.
When this icon disappears, it means that your document has finished printing.
4) For easy access to your printer, you can create a shortcut to it on the desktop.
To Send Files to Another Place
1) Select the file in the explorer and then choose send to option from File menu to
2) Or click the right mouse button and select Send To option from the shortcut menu.
3) You can select the destination type from the submenu under Send to option.
To Share a Folder with Others
1) Click the folder you want to share.
2) From the file menu select sharing option.
3) Select the Sharing Tab from the Dialog Box, choose the shared as option and the
corresponding details required.
4) You can also share Disk Drives by using the above mentioned procedure. a
3) In the dialog box click the entire or part of the file name.
4) If the file name is not known then one can take the help of Date modified tab or
Advanced tab.
1) In the windows explorer, if you want to create a new folder then select New option
from File menu.
3) Type a name for the new folder and then press enter.
The menu that appears shows the most frequently used commands for that file or foldef
You can put a shortcut to any program, document, or printer on the desktop or in any
folder. Shortcuts are quick ways to get the items you use often.
For example you can create shortcuts to the printer by using the right mouse button to drag
its icon to the desktop. Then to print a file, just drag its icon to the printer icon.
In windows explorer, open the folder you want to create the shortcut in. On the File
menu, point to New, and then click Shortcut. Follow the instructions on the screen. .
To Delete a File or Polder
If you want to retrieve a file you have deleted, look in the Recycle Bin. The deleted files
remain in the Recycle Bin until you empty it. You can also drag file or folder icons onto
the Recycle Bin icon. If you press shift while dragging, the item will be deleted from the
computer without being stored in the Recycle Bin.
1) In windows explorer, click the file or folder you want to rename. You do not need to
open it.
A filename can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces, But it cannot contain any
of the following characters: V. * ? ".
1) In the Windows Explorer, click the file or folder whose properties you want to
change and then select Properties option from the File menu.
When you want to view or change information about any item, such as a document,
Dromam. folder disk drive. or minter. vou can look as its ~ r o ~ e r t i e Use
s . the right mouse
Windows Explorer and
In the example we will give various examples of windows application such as Notepad,
Paint. Calculator etc.
5.3.1 Notepad
Fig. 5.2
You can use Notepad to create or edit text files that do not require formatting and are
smaller than 64K. Notepad opens and saves text in ASCII (text-only) format only.
Working with Text in Notepad
To Find Specific Characters or Words the Following Steps are Used
2) In the Find what box, type the characters or words you want to find.
Fig. 5.3
1) To delete characters to the left of the insertion point, press the BACKSPACE key.
2) ' To delete characters to the right of the insertion point, press the DELETE key.
3) To delete words, select them, and then press the BACKSPACE dr DELETE key.
4) To cut text so you can move it to another location, select the text. Then, on the Edit
menu, click Cut.
5) To copy texts so you can paste a copy of it in another location, select the text. Then,
on the Edit menu, click Copy.
To paste text you have cut or copies, place the insertion point where you want to
6) . .. . . -. .. n... .. , r. .
Office Management and To Wrap Text to the Window Size
Computer Application
1) On the Edit menu, click Word Wrap.
2) Wrapping text enables you to see all the text on the line, but it doesn't affect the way
text appears when it is printed.
1) Move the insertion point to where you want to add the time and date.
1) On the first line of Notepad document, type the following at the left margin, making
sure you include the period: LOG.
Every time you open this document, Notepad will append the current time and date, as
specified by your computer's clock, to the end of it.
5.3.2 Paint
Vertical Toolbar
Scroll Bars
Colour Pallet
Fig. 5.4
You can use Paint to create, edit, and view pictures.
You can paste a Paint picture into another document you have created, or use it as your
desktop background. You can even use Paint to view and edit scanned photos.
Fig. 5.5
2) To draw the line, drag the mouse pointer.
To Draw a Free-form Line
Fig. 5.6
Fig. 5.7
2) To choose the width the curve will be, click a line width at the bottom of the toolbox.
5) Click where you want one arc of the curve to be, and then drag the mouse pointer to
adjust the curve.
6) Each curve must haw at least one arc but no more rhan two. Repeat this step for a
second arc.
To Draw an Ellipse or Circle
Fig. 5.8
1) Click in the toolbox.
2) Click a colour from the colour box for the shape's outline.
3) To fill the shape, click a colour by using the right mouse button, and then click a fill
style from the bottom of the toolbox.
5) To draw a perfect circle, press and hold down SHIFT while dragging the mouse
6) To undo a change, click Edit and then click Undo. You can undo up to three changes.
To Draw a Rectangle or Square
Office Management and 1) Click in the toolbox to create a square-cornered shape, or click to create a
Computer Application round-cornered shape.
2) Click a colour from the colour box for the shape's outline.
3) To fill the shape with colour, click a colour by using the right mouse button and then
click a fill style from the bottom of the toolbox.
4) To draw a rectangle, draw the mouse pointer diagonally in the direction you want.
5) To draw a square, press and hold down SHIFT while dragging tlie mouse pointer.
To Draw a Polygon
Fig. 5.10
1) Click in the toolbox, and then' click a colour for the polygon outline.
2) To create a colored fill, click a colour by using the right mouse button, and then click
a fill style from the bottom of the toolbox.
3) To draw the polygon, drag the mouse pointer and click at each corner. Double-click
when you are done. a
4) To use only 45- and 90-degree angles, press and hold down SHIFT while dragging
the mouse pointer.
To Q p e and Format Text
Fig. 5.11
1) Click in the toolbox.
2) Create a text frame by dragging the mouse pointer diagonally, and then click the
font, size, and style you want.
3) Click inside the text frame, and then type the text.
4) Move or enlarge the text frame as needed.
5) To change the colour of the text, click a colour in the colour box.
6) To insert the text on a colored background, click on the toolbox, and then click a
colour with the right mouse button to change the background colour.
7) To insert the text into the picture, click outside the text frame.
To Fill en Area or Object with Colour
Fig. 5.12
1) Click in the toolbox, and then click a calour from the colour box.
2) Click the area or object you want to fill.
3) To fill with the foreground colour, click the area with the left mouse button.
4) TOfill with the back~rn~ind
cnlnllr. click the area w i t h the rioht mnllcp hiittnn
Widows Explorer and
To Paint with a Brush Applications
Fig. 5.13
1) Click in the toolbox, and then choose a brush shape from the bottom of the toolbox.
Fig. 5.14
2) To change the size of the spray area, click a size from the bottom of the toolbox.
4) To spray drag the mouse pointer. Use the left mouse button to spray with the
foreground colour, or use the right mouse button to spray with the background
3) Click Define Custom Colours, and then enter new values in either the RGB (red,
green, blue) or HLS (hue, saturation, and luminescence) and colour models.
. .
.. .
2) Click a different colour in the colour box.
3) Pusition the paint cursor so that it is touching the line, and then click.
To Copy Part of a Picture
Office Management and 2) On the Edit 'menu, click Copy.
Computer Application
3) On the Edit menu, click Paste.
Fig. 5.15
4) Click Copy.
7) Select the inserted characters, and then click the arrow on the font list to change to
the same font you used in Character Map.
5.3.4 Calculator
Fig. 5.16
To Perform a Simple Calculation
4) Enter the rest of the data, clicking Dat after each entry.
5) Click Sta.
6) Click the button for the statistics functions you want to use.
4) Click an operator.
7) Click =
5.3.5 Wordpad
To Open a Document
2) In Look In, click the drive that contains the document you want to open.
3) Double-click the folder that contains the document you want to open.
4) Click the document name, and then click Open.
To Delete Text
3) In Find what, enter the text you want to search for, and then click Find Next.
4) To find additional instances of the same text, continue to click Find Next.
Fig. 5.17
To Search and for the ~ e ~ l a Text
1) On the Edit menu, click Replace.
2) In Find what; enter the text you want to replace.
Windows Explorer and
Fig. 5.18
To Insert the Current Date and Time
2) On the Format menu, click Bullet Style, and then type your text. When you press
ENTER, another bullet appears on the next line.
2) In Print Preview, you can click Close to return to the previous view.
2) Make the changes you want in the Page Setup dialog box:
Fig. 5.19
You can use Backup to back up files in the hard disk. You can back up files to floppy
disks, a tape drive, or another computer on the network. When you have made a backup
file, you can restore it if the origi:al files are damaged or lost.
~ R l l a
4) Phone dialer enables gou to place telephbne calls from the computer by using the
mudem or another Windows 'telephony deiice.
Using D m - U P Networking to conned to a Computer or Nehvork
1) To start the dial-up networking setup wizard, double click My Computer, and then
double-clicW<al-~~ Networking.
2) If the Dlal-Up. Networking icon is not My Computer, it is not installed. To find out
how to install it, click Related topics.
Office Management and
Computer Application
iii) Type a name for the new folder and then press enter.
3) Disk Defragmenter is used to rearrange files and unused space on the hard disk so
that program run faster.