Focus4 2E Grammar Quiz Unit2 5 GroupB

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Name: __________________________________
3 Kids who are brought up with dogs learn
Class: __________________________________ better social skills. are
Total: _________/20
Kids __________________________________

2.5 Relative clauses 4 Dog ownership, which has been linked to better
1 Complete the sentences with who, which, that health, is a great source of joy. which
or whose only where necessary. Sometimes
more than one option is possible. Dog ownership, _________________________
Yesterday we decided to get a dog for our kids,
which we want to keep secret from them until 5 Dogs make great companions for only
Christmas. The puppy 1____________ we chose children. Dogs also help guard houses. WHICH
was born just three weeks ago to our friends' dog,
2 Dogs __________________________________
____________ is a national champion. My wife,
3 ______________________________________.
____________ has never had a pet in her whole
life, is extremely excited about this, 4__________ 6 Some children’s parents don’t allow them to
doesn't surprise me at all. I grew up in a house have a dog. These children miss out on
____________ was always home to a four-legged something very valuable. WHOSE
creature of some kind and I couldn't imagine a
better gift for my own children, 6 ____________ Children ________________________________
emotional development will only benefit from this ______________________________________.
wonderful addition to our family.
7 Families that live in houses with gardens are in a
___ /6 good situation to adopt a pet. LIVING

2 Rewrite the sentences, using the words in Families _______________________________

capitals (where present) and not using the words ______________________________________.
in bold.
___ /14
0 My cousin is a pilot. He is visiting us this
weekend. WHO

My cousin, who is a pilot, is visiting us this


1 The dog is a mixed breed. We adopted it from

a shelter. which/that

The dog _______________________________


2 Children who grow up around dogs or cats are

less likely to develop allergies. GROWING

Children _______________________________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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