Unit7 - GroupA Focus 3
Unit7 - GroupA Focus 3
Unit7 - GroupA Focus 3
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
actor, you should go to a lot of 3 This show is ideal for people with a
actor, you should go to a lot of auditions. 4 This novel leaves a lot to the
_____________. It doesn’t explain why
2 How many people watched the final
or how everything happened.
episode of the show?
How many v____________ did the first 5 The young actor is nervous about
playing the ____________ of Hamlet in
episode of the show have? the new production.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
MiniMatura Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
MiniMatura Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
thought when you learn whether or not E Watch your favourite programmes
you got the role. So when you have
F Lots of programmes – nothing worth
finished, just thank everyone, go home watching
and wait for news. Maybe it will be the THE FUTURE OF TELEVISION
big break you’ve been waiting for! 1 _____
Television has changed a lot since the
days when there were only two or three
7 Translate the phrases in brackets. channels to choose from. People were
Use no more than six words. happy with that because there was
I need a new (parę okularów) pair of nothing else but, with the introduction of
videos and later, the Internet, television
needed to offer something better. At
1 Pauline asked her agent (czy wygrała) first, this was done by satellite or cable
companies offering hundreds of
_____________________ the audition.
channels for a monthly fee.
2 I tried to do some research about that Unfortunately, many of these were poorly
made and often more time was spent
actor, but it turns out that (informacje
changing channels trying to find
były błędne) _____________________. something interesting to watch than
actually watching something.
3 His mum told Stephen (aby nie włączał)
_______________________ TV before 2 _____
dinner. So, what does the future hold for
television? Firstly, more and more people
4 Sylvia (odpowiedziała, że była) are now buying smart TVs which are
______________________ too tired to linked to the Internet. This will allow a
number of new ideas to be introduced.
walk home. One idea is for the television to
5 I enjoy watching historical dramas, but remember what you have watched and,
when you next switch on, it will tell you
that new (serial kryminalny jest)
about programmes that you might be
______________________ exactly interested in. We will also be able to link
our televisions to our friends’ televisions
what I like.
and find out what they are watching so we
6 (Czy masz coś przeciwko) can watch the same.
______________________ if we take a
3 _____
few photos of your house? This idea, though, still assumes that
_____/6 television will work as it does now, with
programmes appearing at a certain time
READING each week. Many companies offer a
8 Read the text. Match sentences A–F catch-up service where you can watch
with texts 1–5. There is one extra programmes from the previous week that
sentence. you have missed but do we need to miss
programmes at all? There are now online
A A television that gets to know you.
television providers who allow you to
B A failure to keep up with technology.
watch what you like, when you like. You
C The importance of price
can watch a whole series in one night.
D Good for those with minority tastes
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
MiniMatura Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)