Stewart and Oke 2012
Stewart and Oke 2012
Stewart and Oke 2012
he study of urban heat islands (UHIs) implicates two of
the most serious environmental issues of the twentieth
century: population growth and climate change. This
partly explains why the worldwide stock of heat island
studies has grown so remarkably in recent decades. From
Cairo to Tokyo, London to Dallas, and Delhi to Nairobi, cit-
ies of every cultural and physical description have been the
focus of a formal heat island investigation. The global reach
of this literature reflects both the widespread repercussions
of the heat island effect in all urban areas, and the scientific
curiosity about a phenomenon so seemingly simple.
“Urban heat island,” a term first coined in the 1940s (e.g.,
Balchin and Pye 1947), refers to the atmospheric warmth of a
city compared to its countryside. Heat islands occur in almost
all urban areas, large or small, in warm climates or cold. The
traditionally described heat island is that which is measured
at standard screen height (1–2 m above ground), below the
city’s mean roof height in a thin section of the boundary
layer atmosphere called the urban canopy layer. Air in this
layer is typically warmer than that at screen height in the
countryside. The physical explanation for this is more com-
plex than generally acknowledged in the literature (Table 1).
The main causes of the heat island relate to structural and
land cover differences of urban and rural areas. Cities are
rough with buildings extending above ground level, and are
dry and impervious with construction materials extending
View of LCZ 1 in Seattle, Washington. across natural soils and vegetation. Also important is the
Photo: I. D. Stewart
heat and moisture release from people and their urban and rural categories has given researchers a
activities. These urban characteristics alter the simple framework to separate the effects of city and
natural surface energy and radiation balances such country on local climate (e.g., Lowry 1977).
that cities are relatively warm places (Oke 1982; Lowry However, recent research shows that through this
and Lowry 2001). popular use of urban–rural classification, the methods
The extra warmth in cities has several practical and communication in heat island literature have
implications. Whether these are considered to be suffered critically. In a review of many such studies,
positive or negative depends upon the macroclimate Stewart (2011a,b) found that more than three-quarters
of the city. In cities with a relatively cold climate, or of the observational heat island literature fails to
with a cold season, the heat island can convey benefits give quantitative metadata of site exposure or land
such as cheaper house heating costs, improved cover. Most investigators simply rely on the so-called
outdoor comfort, fewer road weather hazards such as urban and rural qualifiers to describe the local land-
Fig. 1. Examples of urban field sites in climate literature. Conventional methodology defines these sites as
universally “urban” despite obvious differences in building structure, land cover, and human activity: (a) modern
core of Vancouver, Canada; (b) old core of Uppsala, Sweden; (c) town center of Toyono, Japan; (d) business
district of Akure, Nigeria; (e) city airport of Phoenix, Arizona; (f) university campus of Szeged, Hungary.
1. Compact high-rise Dense mix of tall buildings to tens of A. Dense trees Heavily wooded landscape of
stories. Few or no trees. Land cover deciduous and/or evergreen trees.
mostly paved. Concrete, steel, stone, Land cover mostly pervious (low
and glass construction materials. plants). Zone function is natural
forest, tree cultivation, or urban park.
2. Compact midrise Dense mix of midrise buildings (3–9 B. Scattered trees Lightly wooded landscape of
stories). Few or no trees. Land cover deciduous and/or evergreen trees.
mostly paved. Stone, brick, tile, and Land cover mostly pervious (low
3. Compact low-rise Dense mix of low-rise buildings (1–3 C. Bush, scrub Open arrangement of bushes, shrubs,
stories). Few or no trees. Land cover and short, woody trees. Land cover
mostly paved. Stone, brick, tile, and mostly pervious (bare soil or sand).
concrete construction materials. Zone function is natural scrubland or
4. Open high-rise Open arrangement of tall buildings to D. Low plants Featureless landscape of grass or
tens of stories. Abundance of pervious herbaceous plants/crops. Few or
land cover (low plants, scattered no trees. Zone function is natural
trees). Concrete, steel, stone, and grassland, agriculture, or urban park.
glass construction materials.
5. Open midrise Open arrangement of midrise buildings E. Bare rock or paved Featureless landscape of rock or
(3–9 stories). Abundance of pervious paved cover. Few or no trees or
land cover (low plants, scattered plants. Zone function is natural desert
trees). Concrete, steel, stone, and (rock) or urban transportation.
glass construction materials.
6. Open low-rise Open arrangement of low-rise buildings F. Bare soil or sand Featureless landscape of soil or sand
(1–3 stories). Abundance of pervious cover. Few or no trees or plants.
land cover (low plants, scattered trees). Zone function is natural desert or
Wood, brick, stone, tile, and concrete agriculture.
construction materials.
7. Lightweight low-rise Dense mix of single-story buildings. G. Water Large, open water bodies such as seas
Few or no trees. Land cover mostly and lakes, or small bodies such as
hard-packed. Lightweight construction rivers, reservoirs, and lagoons.
materials (e.g., wood, thatch,
corrugated metal).
8. Large low-rise Open arrangement of large low-rise VARIABLE LAND COVER PROPERTIES
buildings (1–3 stories). Few or no
trees. Land cover mostly paved. Variable or ephemeral land cover properties that change
Steel, concrete, metal, and stone significantly with synoptic weather patterns, agricultural practices,
construction materials. and/or seasonal cycles.
9. Sparsely built Sparse arrangement of small or b. bare trees Leafless deciduous trees (e.g., winter).
medium-sized buildings in a natural Increased sky view factor. Reduced
setting. Abundance of pervious land albedo.
cover (low plants, scattered trees).
s. snow cover Snow cover >10 cm in depth. Low
admittance. High albedo.
10. Heavy industry Low-rise and midrise industrial struc- d. dry ground Parched soil. Low admittance. Large
tures (towers, tanks, stacks). Few or Bowen ratio. Increased albedo.
no trees. Land cover mostly paved
or hard-packed. Metal, steel, and w. wet ground Waterlogged soil. High admittance.
concrete construction materials. Small Bowen ratio. Reduced albedo.
Table 5. Davenport classification of effective terrain roughness. Correspondence with LCZs is given for
each Davenport class.
Davenport Roughness LCZ
class length, z 0 (m) Landscape description correspondence
Open water, snow-covered flat plain, featureless desert, tarmac, and
1. Sea 0.0002 E, F, G
concrete, with a free fetch of several kilometers.
Featureless landscape with no obstacles and little if any vegetation
2. Smooth 0.0005 E, F
(e.g., marsh, snow-covered or fallow open country).
Level country with low vegetation and isolated obstacles separated by
3. Open 0.03 D
50 obstacle heights (e.g., grass, tundra, airport runway).
Low crops or plant covers; moderately open country with occasional
4. Roughly open 0.10 obstacles (e.g., isolated trees, low buildings) separated by 20 obstacle 7, C, D
High crops, or crops of varying height; scattered obstacles separated
5. Rough 0.25 by 8 to 15 obstacle heights, depending on porosity (e.g., buildings, 5–10, B, C
tree belts).
Intensely cultivated landscape with large farms and forest clumps
6. Very rough 0.5 separated by 8 obstacle heights; bushland, orchards. Urban areas with 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, B
low buildings interspaced by 3 to 7 building heights; no high trees.
Landscape covered with large, similar-height obstacles, separated by
7. Skimming 1.0 1 obstacle height (e.g., mature forests). Dense urban areas without 2, 4
significant building-height variation.
Landscape with irregularly distributed large obstacles (e.g., dense
8. Chaotic ≥2 urban areas with mix of low and high-rise buildings, large forest with 1, 4, A
many clearings).
Source: Davenport et al. (2000)
Quantifying the surface properties for field sites its nearest LCZ class should be identified by these
and source areas located on or near the border of two differences and described with the appropriate LCZ
(or more) zones is problematic. If the location of the name.
sensor can be moved, it should be placed where it Alternatively, users can create new subclasses for
samples from a single LCZ. Land cover and exposure sites that deviate from the standard set of classes
at that location should then be representative of the shown in Table 2. New subclasses represent combina-
designated LCZ: for compact built zones (e.g., LCZs tions of built types, land cover types, and land cover
1–3), “representative” implies a sheltered street canyon properties (Fig. 6). The notation for new subclasses
with paved ground; for open built zones (e.g., LCZs is LCZ Xai, where X is the higher parent class in the
4–6), it implies an exposed setting with vegetated standard set of LCZs, a is the lower parent class (if
ground, scattered trees, and nearby buildings. If the applicable) from the standard set, and i is a variable
location of the sensor cannot be moved, temperature or ephemeral land cover property (if applicable).
data retrieved from that site should be stratified Land cover properties are selected from the subset
first according to wind direction, then to LCZ. In of bare trees (b), snow cover (s), dry ground (d), and
transitional urban–rural areas, or along breaks in wet ground (w) (Table 2). Identifiers a and i may
land use, split classifications will occur. A site with each be assigned one or more classes or properties.
split classification is less ideal for heat island studies For example, a site whose building geometry is open
because changes in airflow and stability conditions midrise (LCZ 5) but whose surface cover is pre-
confuse the relation between surface form/cover and dominantly bush, scrub (LCZ C) should be notated
air temperature. It is recommended that transitional as LCZ 5C to represent the main features of its two
areas be avoided when siting meteorological instru- parent classes, the first in a higher position of the
ments (Oke 2004, 2008). LCZ order (baseline character 5) and the second in a
lower position (subscript C). By this convention, other
Step 3: Select the local climate zone. Metadata collected subclasses include open midrise with paved ground
in step 1 should lead users to the best, not necessarily (LCZ 5E ), open midrise with open low-rise (LCZ 56 ),
exact, match of their field sites with LCZ classes. open low-rise with dense, bare trees (LCZ 6Ab ), low
Metadata are unlikely to match perfectly with the sur- plants with wet ground (LCZ Dw ), and bare soil with
face property values of one LCZ class. If the measured dry ground (LCZ Fd ).
or estimated values align poorly with those in the LCZ All standard LCZ classes with extensive pervi-
datasheets, the process of selecting a best-fit class ous cover (A–D, F, 4–6, and 9) are prescribed an
becomes one of interpolation rather than straight intermediate soil moisture status, meaning that soil
matching. Users should first look to the surface cover water content is below field capacity but above wilting
fractions of the site to guide this process. If a suitable point. In this state, soil moisture is available to plants
match still cannot be found, users should acknowl- and the soil feels pliable and slightly sticky. If soils
edge this fact and highlight the main difference(s) are saturated (i.e., water content is above field capac-
between their site and its nearest equivalent LCZ. For ity, and water is easily squeezed from the soil), the
example, a site having considerably more traffic flow site should be subclassified as “wet” (with subscript
(and therefore anthropogenic heat flux) or noticeably w). Soils submerged in shallow water due to natural
taller, shorter, or more variable building heights than drainage or flood irrigation (e.g., wetlands, paddy
Fig. 6. LCZ subclasses to represent combinations of “built” and “land cover” types.
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