Effects of Atmospheric Stability and Urban Morphology
Effects of Atmospheric Stability and Urban Morphology
Effects of Atmospheric Stability and Urban Morphology
Relative air-temperature difference variations to the reference weather station for varying atmospheric conditions – determined
from the range of air-temperature differences for all 32 point locations
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study investigates the joint effect of atmospheric conditions and urban morphology, expressed as the Sky
Received 25 October 2017 View Factor (SVF), on intra-urban variability. The study has been carried out in Glasgow, UK, a shrinking city
Received in revised form 9 January 2018 with a maritime temperate climate type, and findings could guide future climate adaptation plans in terms of
Accepted 28 January 2018
morphology and services provided by the municipality to overcome thermal discomfort in outdoor settings. In
Available online xxxx
this case, SVF has been used as an indicator of urban morphology. The modified Pasquill-Gifford-Turner (PGT)
Editor: Scott Sheridan classification system was adopted for classifying the temperature monitoring periods according to atmospheric
stability conditions. Thirty two locations were selected on the basis of SVF with a wide variety of urban shapes
Keywords: (narrow streets, neighbourhood green spaces, urban parks, street canyons and public squares) and compared
Intra-urban temperature differences to a reference weather station during a total of twenty three transects during late spring and summer in 2013.
Atmospheric stability Maximum daytime intra-urban temperature differences were found to be strongly correlated with atmospheric
Urban morphology stability classes. Furthermore, differences in air temperature are noticeable in urban canyons, with a direct cor-
Climate change relation to the site's SVF (or sky openness) and with an inverse trend under open-air conditions.
Urban design
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791 783
example, London's UHI phenomenon had many advantageous connota- between the site's SVF and local warming was found to be more pro-
tions in the 1960s (e.g., longer growing season, lower heating require- nounced under given atmospheric conditions.
ments, less de-icing on railway tracks (Chandler, 1965)). Yet, after The effect of urban geometry, as expressed by the site's SVF, on mi-
b40 years, overheating caused by UHIs was recognised as a problem croclimate is one of the most studied aspects of UHIs. An early attempt
(Kolokotroni & Giridharan, 2008; Kolokotroni et al., 2006; Oikonomou to statistically relate urban geometry and microclimate was first re-
et al., 2012) and policies for mitigation and adaptation have been ported by Oke (1981)). Unger (2004) shows a detailed review of subse-
established (Davoudi et al., 2009; Carter, 2011). quent efforts.
In the context of climate change, the importance of tackling inadver- A review of the relationship between SVF and urban air tempera-
tent UHI effects has been increasingly recognised. This is due to both tures found it to be rather weak and contradictory (Unger, 2009). Strong
current urbanization trends and to the growing intensity of risks facing relationships have been reported in specific parts of a city (such as
cities, often affecting environmental conditions and the quality of urban downtown areas), in Gothenburg, Sweden (R2 = 0.78) (Svensson,
life. Appropriate urban planning options could help ameliorate the UHI 2004). Long-term measurements encompassing larger areas showed,
problem and urban microclimate, thereby reducing climate change- however, weaker relationships, as in a study analyzing the entire
related risks (Kleerekoper et al., 2012). In addition to mitigating climate urban area of Szeged, Hungary (R2 = 0.47) (Unger, 2004). A number
change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, heat management is of studies on the relationship between the SVF and daytime thermal ef-
needed in cold climate cities in terms of using it as a resource in winter fects show divergences, some suggesting a relationship between urban
whereas ameliorating negative consequences in summer (Stone et al., geometry, defined by the SVF, and ambient temperature (Unger, 2004;
2012). However, the role of cities in climate change adaptation is only Svensson, 2004; Souza, 2007), others demonstrating negligible impacts
beginning to be addressed (Hebbert & Jankovic, 2013), with vague and of the SVF on local temperature (Eliasson, 1996; Upmanis & Chen,
uncertain city-specific urban climate change action plans. In particular, 1999).
studies that relate urban form to climate change are still scarce Eliasson & Svensson (2003) showed intra-urban temperature varia-
(Shimoda, 2003). tions reaching up to 9 °C based on data collected during an 18-month
To reduce the risk of overheating due to climate change and as a period at 30 sites in Göteborg, Sweden. Their work focused not only
means of mitigating negative consequences of UHIs, the effectiveness on nighttime variability but also on daytime differences (solar noon,
of certain urban forms needs to be explored when accounting for sea- or 12 pm, local time), thereby allowing comparisons between day and
sonal changes and background atmospheric conditions. Given the in- night conditions. Weather conditions at the times of the field observa-
creasing interest in climate change adaptation and the use of models tions followed a cloudiness/wind classification (clear, cloudy sky,
to evaluate the efficacy of various adaptations (Tomlinson et al., windy, calm). Monitoring sites ranged between dense urban locations
2012), such an assessment would further enhance their extent. to green spaces, with SVF ranging 0.7–1.0. Results showed that, in gen-
eral, temperature variations are more dependent on weather than sea-
2. Background son, the highest correlations (between air temperature and surface
cover) were found for clear, calm conditions, irrespective of season.
The UHI effect in cold climate cities is well known. For example, However, for daytime conditions, variability was more frequent during
comfort, energy and health implications of UHIs in cold climate cities cloudy conditions, irrespective of wind speed. Authors concluded that
(e.g., London) are well described by Mavrogianni et al. (2011). More in- statistically significant temperature differences do exist between
terest in this subject is likely to arise in the coming years due to growing densely built-up areas, large open areas and green areas during windy
changes in global climate. In this sense, Kershaw et al. (2010) developed and cloudy situations, both during day and night. For clear sky condi-
methods to predict the UHI effect in future climate projections for the tions, the lack of statistical significance can be attributed to the small
UK. amount of clear days during the monitoring period.
Exploring land use and meteorological aspects of UHIs in Szeged, Konarska et al. (2016) report findings from a field study involving
Hungary, Unger et al. (2001) reported strong relationships between long-term (two consecutive years) air temperature measurements in
urban thermal excess and distance from the city centre, and between Göteborg, Sweden. Intra-urban thermal variations were analyzed at
urban thermal excess and the built-up ratio. However, the authors ten fixed park and street sites characterized by different types and den-
were not able to relate significant correlations between meteorological sity of vegetation, building geometry, openness and surface cover. The
conditions and UHI intensity. study showed the importance of such spatial characteristics in analyzing
In recent years, there has been more recognition of the need for intra-urban variability in daytime and nighttime air temperature. Al-
more careful analysis of background atmospheric conditions (Lee though most of the sites had some vegetation, with consequent foliage
et al., 2009; Holmer et al., 2012) and synoptic weather patterns shading and evapotranspiration interfering effects (Park Cool Island
(Kolokotsa et al., 2009; Lai & Cheng, 2009) when carrying out UHI mea- ‘PCI’ effect), the relationship between openness and local air tempera-
surements. As observed in a study on the shortcomings of UHI monitor- ture during daytime in the warm half of the year (May–September)
ing and simulation techniques (Mirzaei & Haghighat, 2010), UHIs was positive i.e. followed a direct relationship.
develop from small-scale processes such as human metabolism and Scott et al. (2017) deployed a network of low-cost sensors
meso-scale interactions such as atmospheric forces. Kolokotsa et al. (‘iButtons’) to analyze the intra-urban temperature variability in Balti-
(2009) indicated that anticyclonic conditions greatly contribute to the more, United States. The amount of weather stations employed was
development of UHIs during summer; they used a classification of syn- quite significant (135+ sensors) in that study, though the variability
optic conditions developed by Kassomenos (2003)) as a reference to in- in terms of landscape was low, most sites with significant presence of
vestigate the UHI effect in Chania, Greece. vegetation. Results showed small intra-urban temperature variability
Krüger & Emmanuel (2013) estimated the effects of background at- (as regards daily minima). Authors concluded, from linear regression
mospheric conditions on UHIs and intra-urban air temperature in Glas- analysis that the presence/absence of vegetation is the only reliable pre-
gow, UK. They found that the range of intra-urban air temperature dictor of mean air temperature among the various aspects examined
variability and warming trends at specific urban locations relative to a such as albedo, tree-canopy cover, and distance to the nearest park.
rural condition were accentuated when atmospheric stability is taken The aim of the present study is to understand the effect of back-
into account during field observations. For understanding urban mor- ground atmospheric patterns on intra-urban temperature variability
phology effects on such relationship with a set of air temperature sta- under warm conditions in the maritime temperate climate city of Glas-
tions, authors used the Sky View Factor (SVF) as indicative of gow, UK. Previously published material on Glasgow's UHI (Emmanuel &
morphology attributes at each location surveyed. The relationship Krüger, 2012) point to a warming trend during the last decades.
784 P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791
Considering that local UHI still persists despite the fact that Glasgow can Mobile traverses were performed for measuring air temperature in
be classified as a shrinking city (with a significant decrease in popula- selected points in the central area with differing urban morphology at-
tion over time), the rationale behind the present study is to investigate tributes. A reference weather station (Davis Vantage Pro2) was used,
the intra-urban temperature variability and its main drivers as regards sited on the rooftop of a low-rise building (at approximately 10 m
urban morphology. From previous findings of an outdoor thermal com- above ground) on the central city campus of the Glasgow Caledonian
fort study carried out in downtown Glasgow, internationally established University (GCU).
comfort limits were found not to conform to thermal preference of local Air temperatures were measured on 23 days during spring and sum-
population (Krüger et al., 2013), suggesting a lower onset of thermal mer 2013 for a total of 32 visiting points. The urban area wherein tra-
discomfort due to heat expressed in terms of the human thermal com- verses took place was selected according to a previous study by
fort index PET (‘Physiological Equivalent Temperature’ (Höppe, Emmanuel & Loconsole (2015) where authors used the LCZ classifica-
1999)). Both facts, i.e. the need for the city to adapt to climate change tion (Stewart & Oke, 2012) for Glasgow from LIDAR data available
and the diminished tolerance of Glaswegians to warm climatic condi- with local authorities in order to identify potential problem areas as
tions, point to the relevance of the study. From the understanding of regards overheating in summer. The city centre area (Glasgow City Cen-
the true impact of morphology on intra-urban temperature variability tre West and Glasgow City Centre East) was categorized as the LCZ class
under clearly identified weather patterns, future analyses can more ap- ‘compact midrise’.
propriately address urban design strategies for improving microclimate Three main routes (eastbound, central and westbound, as shown in
and, thus, contribute to a rise of urban quality of life in the study Fig. 1) were defined to access all 32 points as expedite as possible within
location. the boundaries of the area of analysis. At each point, a two-minute mon-
itoring time was allowed, assumed to be sufficient to capture slight
changes in air temperature readings during the area covered on foot
3. Method and/or on a bicycle. Air temperature data were sampled every 10 s
and averaged after discarding the first minute in order to account for
The need for tackling possible health impacts of heat-wave episodes, the sensor's stabilization time. Mobile traverses started at 2:30 pm
which will likely increase in frequency due to global climate change, as local time (near the peak air temperature, typically around 3:00 pm)
pointed out by Koppe et al. (2004), requires effective interventions, and lasted approximately one hour. Eastbound and westbound routes
measures and policies to protect the health of vulnerable Europeans in were covered on bicycle while central route was done on foot.
summer. We investigate the relationship between urban morphology The reference weather station, a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station
on local air temperature profiles accounting for background atmo- was set up at Glasgow Caledonian University and equipped with tem-
spheric conditions during the short periods of field monitoring. The re- perature and humidity sensors, a cup anemometer with a wind vane
search further contributes to findings obtained in a previous study, and pyranometer. For the traverses, we used small data loggers (Tinytag
where Krüger & Emmanuel (2013) evaluated the effect of atmospheric TGP-4500) enclosed in naturally ventilated radiation shields (ACS-5050,
stability on ambient temperature differences using a pair of stationary Stevenson Type Screen).
(urban vs. rural) weather stations and intra-urban differences with a Urban morphology was determined by the site's Sky-View Factor
set of temperature/relative humidity stations for the same city location. (SVF), as measured by fisheye-lens photographs (SIGMA 4.5 mm f 2.8
The present study was carried out in Glasgow, UK (55°52′N, 4°15′ EX) and computed using RayMan Pro (Matzarakis et al., 2010). In
W), a high-latitude location with climate type “5C” (ANSI/ASHRAE terms of SVF, the sampling points represented a wide variety of urban
Standard 90.2, 2004), cool, marine1 and with approximately 600,000 in- forms (narrow street canyons, green areas, urban parks, uniform and
habitants. According to the Koeppen-Geiger climate classification sys- non-uniform street canyons and public squares) (Table 1).
tem, Glasgow lies within a region with temperate climate with Atmospheric stability was classified using the modified Pasquill-
maritime influences (Cfb). The mean maximum temperatures in the Gifford-Turner (PGT) classification ((Turner, 1970), modified by
warmest season (July and August) is lower than 20 °C while mean Mohan & Siddiqui (Mohan & Siddiqui, 1998); Table 2) from data re-
daily temperature is over 10 °C at least during five months of the year trieved from the Weather Underground station “Glasgow EGPF”
(UK MET Office, n.d.). (https://www.wunderground.com/weather/gb/glasgow), comprising
As a continuation of past research initiatives, the study is served by wind speed and solar radiation data. For that, daytime classes were de-
two relevant databases: mobile air-temperature traverses carried out fined according to the mean wind speed and maximum solar radiation
during summer in 2013 and outdoor thermal comfort campaigns con- observed during the monitoring period.
ducted in 2011. The 2013 data were needed for assessing possible rela- Finally, in order to translate local air temperatures to felt tempera-
tionships between morphology and local air temperature whereas the tures in terms of comfort/discomfort, the database obtained from out-
2011 database allowed us to put obtained results into the perspective door comfort campaigns in Glasgow (Höppe, 1999) was used for
of thermal comfort, as perceived by local population as well as to classify relating thermal sensation of passersby to ambient temperatures. Mon-
most recent summer conditions in terms of stability classes. Results are itoring campaigns took place during late winter, spring and summer
structured as follows: 1) classification of atmospheric stability of the 2011, in pedestrian downtown streets within the circumscribed area
days with mobile traverses; 2) comparison between morphology attri- (Fig. 1), at six monitoring points. In those campaigns, meteorological
butes (expressed as the site's SVF) and air-temperature differences to variables were monitored according to ISO standard 7726 (ISO 7726,
the reference weather station; 3) correlation analyses of data subsets; 1998) with a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station, equipped with tem-
4) assessment of thermal comfort/discomfort levels during the tra- perature and humidity sensors, cup anemometer with wind vane, sili-
verses; 5) representativeness of the PGT atmospheric classes when con pyranometer and gray-painted globe thermometer. The weather
compared to a longer series of summer data. station was positioned next to the passerby and variables were mea-
sured close to the person (approximately 1.5 m) except for the ane-
mometer and pyranometer, which were placed just above head height
(at about 2 m) so that both interviewer and respondent would not affect
wind speed readings. Surveys were conducted during daytime, usually
From weather files available at https://energyplus.net/weather. Weather data for
between 10 am and 1 pm. Excluding outliers and respondents who
Glasgow are assumed as at the nearest weather station in Oban, 56°25′N, 5°28′W, 4 m a.
s.l. (Note that the ASHRAE classification shown here is derived algorithmically from the did not meet the criteria of long-term and short-term acclimatization,
source weather data. It may not be indicative of the long-term climate for each location). the sample size for Glasgow was 567 respondents over 19 monitoring
campaigns. We used a thermal comfort questionnaire consisting of
P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791 785
items related to gender, age, height, weight and clothing; residency at least 15 min); thermal perception and thermal preference.
time in Glasgow (exclusion criterion: less than six months) and expo- Concerning the perceptual evaluation (thermal sensation vote, or
sure time to the outdoors prior to the interview (exclusion criterion: TSV), the basic question was “How do you feel at this exact moment?”,
Table 1
Traverse points' specifications (SVF) and fisheye images.
Point SVF Fisheye image Point SVF Fisheye image Point SVF Fisheye image Point SVF Fisheye image
Table 3
Array of transect days, climate descriptors and corresponding PGT classes.
Date Minimum temperature (°C) Maximum temperature (°C) Wind speed (m/s) Solar radiation (W/m2) Atmospheric stability Class (PGT)
Fig. 2. Relative air-temperature differences to the reference station located at GCU, day by day.
promote more heat losses due to ventilation; in the first case, radiation all 32 points) for the canyon situations and are virtually nonexistent in
is the driver, in the latter, air movement. the case of the open-air locations, which shows that such factor (atmo-
Patterns of relationship between relative difference variations and spheric stability) loses its explanatory power entirely in less constrained
atmospheric classes are not as strong as for the whole dataset (i.e., for locations (Fig. 6).
Fig. 3. Relative air-temperature differences to the reference station located at GCU, accounting for atmospheric stability classes (PGT scheme).
788 P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791
Fig. 4. Relative air-temperature difference variations to the reference weather station at GCU for varying atmospheric conditions – determined from the range of air-temperature
differences for all 32 point locations.
Fig. 5. Correlations between relative air-temperature difference variations to the reference weather station at GCU and SVF attributes.
P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791 789
Fig. 6. Relative air-temperature difference variations to the reference weather station at GCU for varying atmospheric conditions – a) for E-W street canyons, b) for open-air locations.
4.2. Thermal comfort within −0.5 and +0.5 thermal sensation vote, normally assumed to
be a feasible comfort range (ISO 7730, 2005).
The thermal votes obtained in the outdoor comfort campaigns over Using the regression formula, the maximum MTS increase relative to
late winter, spring and summer 2011 were binned for each one- the reference weather station at GCU for the 23 traverse days resembles
degree centigrade variation in ambient temperature. Fig. 7 shows the the drop of intra-urban temperature variations shown in Fig. 4 with ris-
obtained graph for the range of air temperatures monitored, with re- ing atmospheric stability. The first two classes (A and A–B) show a max-
spective (binned) thermal sensation votes. imum rise in thermal sensation corresponding to a change in MTS
The regression line and formula give us a comfort band between 11 category, e.g. moving from ‘neutral’ to “slightly warm” or from ‘slightly
and 16 °C (Ta) where the reported mean thermal sensation (MTS) lies warm’ to ‘warm’. In terms of heat stress situations assuming a minimum
Fig. 7. Binned thermal sensation versus air temperature Ta (from outdoor comfort campaigns).
790 P. Drach et al. / Science of the Total Environment 627 (2018) 782–791
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