Citi's 'The Coal To Zero (C20) Opportunity' Presentation
Citi's 'The Coal To Zero (C20) Opportunity' Presentation
Citi's 'The Coal To Zero (C20) Opportunity' Presentation
A vehicle for socially responsible
June 2021
C20 Mission Generate a positive, measurable environmental and social impact, including
Statement investment in a just transition, alongside a financial return for investors
Increased climate change activism driving the shift Likelihood of further bankruptcies and public burden
to a low-carbon world for mine rehabilitation
Decreasing costs for cleaner and Alternative Continued consolidation to ownership with lower
Energy transparency standards
Financial institutions repurposing funding to Extended mine lives at lower operational standards
Alternative Energy sources to avoid closure costs
C20 Strategy Roadmap
Part 2: The Social, Environmental and Economic Impact Opportunity for C20
Clear opportunity to drive positive social and environmental change through experience,
organization and accountability while generating attractive long-term returns for its investors
Opportunity Set
Acquisition Criteria
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
1st or 2nd quartile cost position (Tier 1) Quality Economically Assets which
producing mines favorable accelerated require immediate
Stable political / mining jurisdictions
with cash flow closure assets closure and
(Australia, US, South Africa, Indonesia)
Supply focused on developing markets
Public valuations at generational lows 790 active coal mines in target
Platform to apply ESG improvements jurisdictions
Increased financial pressures (26
Acquisition cost within returns framework bankruptcies in US over L10Y) 200+ mines on care & maintenance
Attractive acquisition
Margin Improvement Economies of scale Portfolio Leverage
Sale of land for
alternative use
Operating cash flow Carbon Credits Partnerships with existing mine owners
4 Utilize best-in-class practices to close, rehabilitate and repurpose the asset base
Service Repurpose
Tailings Reduced
Best practice model on for
management capital risk
mine closure rehabilitation alternative
and clean-up via bonding
works land use
5 Create positive social impact for local communities via Energy Transition Fund
Sponsor Credentials and Governance
Pa 3: C20 Sponsors Are Well-Qualified To Successfully Execute This Strategy
The Sponsors have combined to provide the market leading practices necessary to achieve
al e for C20 s stakeholders hile de-risking the investment platform.
Benefits to C20
Extensive experience in commissioning
and operating process plants globally
One of the world s leading Global
Environment & Sustainability (E&S)
team in the mining sector experienced
in all aspects of closure planning,
design and implementation
Independent management team 1 The Financial Stability Board s Task Force on Climate
Section 1
Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)
Sponsor Returns tied to KPI performance The Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty
Developing a short and medium/ long-term strategy setting
3rd party oversight of Energy Transition Fund
scope 1 and 2 targets for each asset
Committing to 3rd party assurance
The Investment Opportunity
Part 4: The Investment Opportunity
The Sponsors are seeking to partner with global thought-leaders in ESG and sustainability
investment to build the C20 fund
Singapore domiciled, tax efficient vehicle
Long-dated investment horizon will deliver returns via strict distribution policy of nearly all earnings after
tax, returning capital annually
Returns structure anticipates direct correlation between financial returns to investors, Sponsors and
funds allocated to the Energy Transition Fund social impact initiative
Strategy assumes no leverage, however, the Sponsors remain flexible to investor structural
“Colorado created the Office of Just Transition in 2019 to assist workers and
communities that will be adversely affected by the loss of jobs and revenues due to
the closure of coal mines and coal-fired power plants. Its purpose is to help workers
continue to thrive by transitioning to good new jobs, and to help communities
Colorado Government continue to thrive by expanding and attracting diverse businesses, creating jobs, and
(Dept. of Labor &
replacing lost revenues.
“The Just Transition Fund can support development projects in a manner that
promotes social justice, particularly in Mpumalanga. An example would be a
reskilling programme in Mpumalanga, so that workers who lost their jobs in coal-fired
power stations or coal mines would have a better chance of taking on new
South Africa
(South Africa National
opportunities. Financing the transition is particularly important in a developing
Climate Policy Finance country like South Africa, with pressing needs for investment in development and for
Initiative (SNAPFI) Study) societal justice.
C20 is committed to a new way of thinking about mining coal. Through the accelerated closure
of its portfolio of coal mines, C20 will advance the global energy transition, while striving to
deliver positive social and environmental outcomes.
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