Process To Compel Appearance of Person

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The procedure is laid down in CrPC to compel the attendance of the persons
including the accused and witnesses by issuing of summons, arrest warrant or in
case of absconding, declaring such person as proclaimed offender and attaching
his properties.


 Summons are issued for the purpose of appearance or for production of

document or thing.
 Every summon issued by a court shall be in writing, in duplicate, signed
by the presiding officer of the court and shall bear the seal of the court.
 Every summon should be served by a police officer personally on the
person summoned by delivering a copy of summons after taking a
signature on the duplicate copy, when a person summoned is not present
such summons may be served on some adult member of the family.
 In case of a corporate body, it may be served to the secretary, local
manager or to the principal officer of the corporation.
 In case the above-mentioned persons are not available for serving of
summons the copy of the summon shall be affixed to the out door of the
house in which the person summoned ordinarily resides.
 Where the person is summoned is a government servant summons could
be served through his employer. 


 An arrest warrant is a written order issued by a judge or other proper

judicial officer, upon probable cause, directing the police to arrest a
particular person.
 Where a person has been concerned in a non-cognizable offence he
cannot (except in certain cases) be arrested without a warrant.
 Every warrant of arrest issued by a court should be in writing and must
contain the signature of the preceding officer, name of the person who is
to execute, name of the person to be arrested and seal of the court.
 Every warrant shall remain in force until it is cancelled by the court or
until it is executed. 
 Court may in its discretion make an endorsement on warrant for the
release of the person after executing a bond with sufficient sureties.
 Every warrant issued by any Magistrate in India may be executed in any
place in India or it may be forwarded for execution outside its jurisdiction
to any Executive Magistrate or District superintendent of police or
Commissioner of police within the local limits of whose jurisdiction it is
to be executed. 


(SECTION 82-86)

 Where a person against whom a warrant has been issued has been
absconding or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be
executed, court may be publish a written notice requiring him to appear at
specified place and at specified time not less than 30 days from the date
of publishing such proclamation.
 After issuing of such proclamation if he fails to comply and has been
avoiding his arrest the court may issue an order for the attachment of the
properties of the person absconding.
 The purpose and the object are to compel the appearance of the person. 


 When any person who is bound by any bond to appear before the court,
does not appear, the presiding officer may issue a warrant directing that
such person be arrested and produced before him.

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