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Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Geochemical anomaly definition using multifractal modeling, validated by

geological field observations: Siah Jangal area, SE Iran
Zahra Mokhtari a, *, Behnam Sadeghi b, c
Department of Geology, Faculty of sciences, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran
EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Earth and Sustainability Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia


Handling Editor: Carita Augustsson Recognition of geochemical anomalies is a pivotal assignment in exploration projects. This study aims to
delineate different Au–Cu geochemical anomalies using number-size (N-S) and concentration-area (C-A) mul­
Keywords: tifractal models in the Siah Jangal area, SE Iran. In this research, lithogeochemical datasets were applied for the
Geochemical anomaly exploration of Au and Cu. A comparison between geochemical anomaly maps based on the N-S and C-A fractal
Number-size and concentration-area fractal
models shows the N-S fractal modeling is a powerful tool for separation of weak elemental geochemical
anomalies in all of sampling zones. Based on a comparison between the results of these two methods and field
Siah Jangal
Iran studies, the geochemical anomaly zones, defined by the N-S fractal model, are more accurate than those
recognized by the C-A fractal model. The obtained results of the N-S and C-A fractal models have been inter­
preted with the extensive set of information including structural interpretation, geological and alteration data.
Au and Cu mineralization in the Siah Jangal area are hosted mainly by Oligocene-Miocene sub-volcanic rocks,
especially strongly altered porphyric quartz diorite, hornblende diorite and diorite. Moreover, the positive
dependence between various alteration zones and high concentrations of Au and Cu proves that strongly
anomalous areas are correlated with these alteration zones. High grade Au (> 1000 ppb) and Cu (>150 ppm) are
associated with the altered sub-volcanic rocks in the northern, eastern, and SW parts of the study area. There­
with, the strong anomaly populations are mostly occurred within the fault and fracture systems in the study area.
This is a promising signal because quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets are associated with such structures.

1. Introduction various geochemical anomalies and the relevant background areas

(Sadeghi, 2020).
Precious to base metal ore deposits are economic accumulations that The traditional statistical methods have been developed to identify
are concentrated hundredths to thousands times higher than the average various threshold values for geochemical anomaly classifications (Car­
crustal levels. These deposits develop either as a result of the ore- ranza, 2008, 2010; Zuo, 2011; Cheng, 2012). Such methods are mainly
forming elements transportation followed by their preferential deposi­ applicable to cases with normal distributions of geochemical data;
tion in a restricted volume, or by the selective dissolution of non-ore- however, various natural mineralization result in complicated, but not
forming elements and their transportation away from the site of disso­ normal patterns. Hence, these methods cannot be applied to identify the
lution (Hobbs et al., 2000). Several factors control the transportation of frequency and spatial distributions of geochemical data (Razumovsky,
the dissolved material. According to the Cox et al. (1987), fluid 1940; Ahrens, 1954a, 1954b; Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000; Li et al.,
composition, fluid-rock ratio, temperature and pressure, redox condi­ 2003; Bai et al., 2010; He et al., 2013; Luz et al., 2014; Khalajmasoumi
tions, and permeability are amongst the most important of such factors. et al., 2015, 2017; Daneshvar Saein and Afzal, 2017; Afzal et al., 2010,
Discrimination of geochemical anomalies from the barren terrains for 2017; Ahmadfaraj et al., 2019; Sadeghi, 2020). Different observations
the determination and modeling of the different mineralized zones is a present power-law distributions in geochemical data that are modeled
fundamental issue in mineral exploration. Therefore, a variety of more accurately using robust methods such as fractal models (Cheng
mathematical and statistical methods have been developed to define et al., 1994; Sanderson et al., 1994; Monecke et al., 2001; Zuo et al.,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Mokhtari).
Received 31 March 2021; Received in revised form 10 May 2021; Accepted 14 May 2021
Available online 27 May 2021
0009-2819/© 2021 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Zahra Mokhtari, Behnam Sadeghi, Geochemistry,
Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Geo-Tectonic map of the Makran zone and Neogene Baluchistan volcanic arc (from Grando and McClay, 2007 and Ellouz-Zimmermann et al., 2007).

2009; Daneshvar Saein et al., 2013; Momeni et al., 2016; Khalajma­ Mokhtari et al., 2015a; Mokhtari et al., 2015b; Mokhtari, 2015).
soumi et al., 2015; Zuo and wang, 2016; Khalajmasoumi et al., 2017; In this research, based on the multifractal theory and the Cu–Au
Daneshvar Saein and Afzal, 2017; Afzal et al., 2017; Ahmadfaraj et al., lithogeochemical data collected from the study area, the N-S and C-A
2019; Sadeghi et al., 2020). fractal method were applied to define the various spatial geochemical
Fractal/multifractal theory is a nonlinear mathematical branch distributions (anomalies and background) in the Siah Jangal area. In
(Mandelbrot, 1983) that has been widely applied to various fields of addition, the probable spatial correlations between the threshold values
geosciences. Multiple geological factors such as alterations, host rocks of various geochemical anomalies and the related structural and alter­
and diverse mineralization processes causing geochemical patterns of ation data were also studied and recognized by remote sensing tech­
different elements have fractal dimensions (Bølviken et al., 1992; Cheng niques, field observations and geochemical analysis. This paper aims at
et al., 1994). studying the geology of Au–Cu mineralization and comparing the re­
Several fractal classification models have been developed to define sults obtained from N-S and C-A fractal models that are applied to the
and characterize background and various geochemical anomalies. Some geochemical data of the Siah Jangal area. In continue, we explain the
of the most important fractal/multifractal models are number-size (N-S) geology of the study area, the classification models applied, and the
(Mandelbrot, 1983), concentration-area (C-A) (Cheng et al., 1994), results obtained based on the available dataset. After that, the results
spectrum-area (S-A) (Cheng, 1999), concentration-distance (C–D) will be compared and validated by the geological field observations to
fractal model (Li et al., 2003), singularity model (Cheng, 2007), conclude if the models work efficiently.
concentration-volume (C–V) (Afzal et al., 2011), simulated size-
number (SS-N) fractal models (Sadeghi et al., 2015) as well as global 2. Geology of the study area
simulated size-number (GSS-N) (Madani and Sadeghi, 2019), co-
simulated size-number (CoSS-N) (Madani and Carranza, 2020) and 2.1. Geological setting
quite recently developed fractal models of concentration-concentration
(C–C) (Sadeghi, 2020, 2021), and category-based (Sadeghi and Cohen, The Siah Jangal area is an Au–Cu exploration marker, located in the
2021). north of the Taftan volcanic field, SE Iran. The Taftan is the most active
Porphyry ore deposits are extremely important resources of Cu and volcanic center in Iran. Taftan (Bazman/Iran) and Kuh Sultan (Pakistan)
Au typically occurring throughout the subduction-related subvolcanic volcanos were generated as a result of the subduction of Oman oceanic
rocks, which consist mainly of quartz-diorite, diorite, granodiorite and crust beneath the southern margin of the Makran zone (Farhoudi and
granite porphyry (Lowell and Guilbert, 1970; Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Karig, 1977; Berberian et al., 1982). This belt is called as Neogene
Sillitoe, 2010). The Northern Makran magmatic arc, in which the Siah Baluchistan volcanic arc (NBVA) (Fig. 1). The NBVA surrounded by
Jangal area is located, is one of the important areas for mineral explo­ various magmatic zone and fault systems has created a magmatic arc
ration and prospecting for Cu–Au porphyry and other epithermal de­ parallel to the Makran zone. The most significant tectono-magmatic
posits in Iran. The Siah Jangal area has great potentials for Au ± Cu structures are Sahand-Bazman magmatic belt, main Zagros thrust and
porphyry and epithermal deposits (e.g., Ag, Mo, Pb and Zn). Geological Minab fault in the west, and Ornach-Nal fault zone and the Himalaya
features such as ancient underground excavation represent that the Mountains in the east of NBVA (Fig. 1; Grando and McClay, 2007;
mining has a long history in the study area. Moreover, the recent Ellouz-Zimmermann et al., 2007).
geological and geochemical studies emphasize the importance of Au and Intrusive rocks, including Cretaceous Bazman granitoid, show E-W
Cu exploration in this area (Taghizadeh, 1996; Zarcan Company, 2003; trend having the same direction with the Neogene Baluchistan volcanic
Kavoshgaran Company, 2003, 2006; Mehrpartou and Padiar, 2003; arc. Moreover, the Mount Taftan is situated at the base of Eocene-

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Three dimensional RGB (531) Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite image of the Siah Jangal area with rock chip sampling zones (white squares) and some field pictures
from the most important mineralized zones; a) unaltered sub-volcanic porphyritic diorite, quartz diorite rocks, b) and c) strongly altered sub-volcanic rocks.

Miocene stocks and dykes. These rocks were formed from young Miocene magmatic rocks are comprised mainly of porphyric diorite,
magmatic products, which are related to the subduction of the Oman quartz diorite, hornblende diorite and andesite in the study area
Oceanic crust beneath the Makran zone (Berberian et al., 1982), whereas (Mokhtari, 2015). Flysch deposits and older igneous rocks are uncon­
the closuring of the Sistan ocean and syn-collision to post-collision formably overlain by dacite and andesite lava flows and volcanoclastics
magmatism events have caused the formation of these sub-volcanic belonging to the Pleistocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks. The youn­
stocks and dykes (Tirrul et al., 1983). gest exposures in the Siah Jangal area contain Quaternary alluvial sed­
Various sections of the Neogen Baluchistan volcanic belt host Cu and iments and terraces that are locally retained along the waterway
Au–Cu mineralization, particularly at Saindak and Reko Diq (Pak­ (Mehrpartou and Padiar, 2003). Field observations, petrographic studies
istanian) (Rowan et al., 2006; Perelló et al., 2008) and Au–Cu miner­ and XRD analysis show that there are four major types of hydrothermal
alization in the Siah Jangal area (Iran) (Mokhtari, 2015). Extensive and alterations represented by silicification, phyllitization, argillization and
various hydrothermal alterations and mineralized zones occur in the propylitization (Fig. 4a, b and c; Mokhtari, 2015). Intensely argillic and
Siah Jangal area (Fig. 2) due to extensive magmatic activities mentioned phyllic-altered subvolcanic rocks are widespread in the north, east and
above. southwestern parts of the Siah Jangal area. Advanced argillic alteration
formed due to the interaction of host rocks with strong acidic fluids
(Pirajno, 2009). This type of alteration occurred mostly along the main
2.2. Lithology and mineralization
faults within the porphyry diorite rocks in the study area. Alteration
minerals in this zone are kaolinite, illite, Fe-oxide/hydroxide, gypsum,
The oldest outcropped rocks in the Siah Jangal area are mainly the
calcite and quartz. The argillic alteration zone is represented by clay
Eocene siliciclastic deposits known as eastern Iran’s flysch zone (Fig. 3).
minerals such as kaolinite replacing feldspars, illite, muscovite, quartz
These rocks comprise a thick sequence of meta-pelitic shales with thin
and plagioclase phenocryst. Mineral assemblages in phyllic (sericite)
lava flows of basalt and carbonate rocks; psammite sediments consisting
alteration zone consist of quartz, pyrite, sericite (as a replacement of
of medium-bedded sandstones; and minor scattering of fossiliferous
muscovite), muscovite and calcite. Moreover, pyrite has accumulated in
limestone, calcareous sediments and greywacke (Mehrpartou and
some parts of this alteration zone, by name pyritization event (Mokhtari,
Padiar, 2003). These flysch-type sedimentary rocks were intruded by
Oligocene-Miocene intermediate high-level porphyry intrusions and
Magmatic activities related to the Eocene in the east of Iran are
dikes. Based on petrographical and geochemical studies, the Oligo-

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Simplified geology map of the Siah Jangal area (After Mehrpartou and Padiar, 2003).

characterized by Calc-alkaline nature that extends to the Oligo-Miocene The mineralization in the Siah Jangal can be classified as hypogene
whereas a younger volcanic activity has an alkaline characteristic (Camp and supergene types. Hypogene mineralization occurs as disseminated
and Griffis, 1982). These calc-alkaline igneous rocks are hosted and vein/veinlet types, with the former observed as the only sulfide
numerous mineralization such as various porphyry (Cu–Au, Au, mineral in intrusive rocks. Vein and veinlet type of mineralization
Au ± Cu ± Mo) and vein-type base metal deposits in Eastern Iran. contains pyrite and rare chalcopyrite. Supergene mineralization is
The Eocene volcanic lava and pyroclastic rocks consisting of flysch characterized by Fe and Mn oxides and oxy-hydroxides in the study area.
units, andesite, dacite and pyroclastics were intruded by several sub- A large volume of the igneous and sedimentary rocks has strongly and
volcanic stocks, including Oligo-Miocene porphyric diorite, quartz dio­ extensively altered (Mokhtari, 2015).
rite and hornblende diorite in the study area (Figs. 2 and 3). Au–Cu Moreover, the petrography of fluid inclusions in the silicic veins re­
mineralization in the area is hosted mainly by the Oligo-Miocene sub- veals that the main type of them are poly-phase and vapor-rich. Ac­
volcanic intrusions. Ore minerals are predominated by pyrite and lesser cording to the micro-thermometric measurements, maximum
chalcopyrite, malachite and azurite. homogenization temperatures and salinity of the poly-phase of fluid
Identifying hydrothermal alterations, specifically potassic, phyllic inclusions are 500 ◦ C and 80 wt% NaCl equiv. respectively. The fluid
and argillic/advanced argillic, and their geochemical characteristics in inclusions studies of the gold mineralization in the Siah Jangal area have
porphyry deposits is critical because they host major mineralization shown the typical characteristics of the porphyry ore deposits (Mokh­
zones (Lowell and Guilbert, 1970; Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Sillitoe, tari, 2015).
2010). A thick mineralized silicic vein outcropping in the central part of
the Siah Jangal area, which is confined to various alteration zones 2.3. Regional structures
display sericitic (phyllic), argillic and propylitic alterations (Fig. 4a).
Propylitic alteration is an outermost zone from this vein, which is Closure of the Sistan Ocean has resulted in the formation of large
characterized by chlorite, epidote and pyrite. Sericite, illite, quartz and folds with NW trend in Eocene turbidities and remaining of the ophio­
pyrite are the most important minerals in the sericitic zone, which is the litic rocks of upper Cretaceous within the Sistan suture zone (Fig. 5a).
most extensive alteration zone in the study area. The widespread argillic Moreover, the formation and development of conjugate fracture zones
alteration in the eastern side of the quartz vein is characterized by with various trends (NE and NW) are related to progressive convergence
kaolinite and illite (Mokhtari, 2015). of the Lut Block and Afghan Block on the both sides of the Sistan Ocean.

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Various hydrothermal alteration zones in the Siah Jangal area: a) Phyllic, argillic and propylitic alteration zones in porphyry diorite around the central quartz
vein; b and c) occurrence of phyllic, argillic and propylitic alterations in subvolcanic rocks.

Taftan magmatism products have been formed due to subduction of In this equation, ρ is element concentration, N(≥ρ) is the cumulative
oceanic lithosphere of Oman under the continental lithosphere of number of samples that concentration values are greater than or equal to
Makarn zone that has interrupted these folded and faulted sequences ρ, F is a constant, and scaling exponent fractal dimension of the distri­
(Fig. 5b). On the other hand, Arabian-Eurasian collision has caused bution of element concentrations is show with D. Based on the frequency
significant shortening in Eastern Iran. These compressional movements distribution of element concentrations and their cumulative number of
extended the Jun Abad (with NW left-lateral strike-slip) and Saravan samples, a power-law frequency model has been proposed to explain the
(with NE right-lateral strike-slip) fault systems in the Sistan suture zone N-S relationship (Turcotte, 1996; Sanderson and Zhang, 1999; Zuo et al.,
(Figs. 5c and 6). The main geologic structures of the Siah Jangal area are 2009; Sadeghi et al., 2012b).
NE-SW and NW-SE trending fault systems (Figs. 7 and 12). The above­ On the basis of the N-S model, a concentration-size multifractal
mentioned fault systems act as conduits promoting fluid-flow and method proposed for separation of geochemical populations by Agter­
thereby hydrothermal alterations and mineralization. These tectonic berg (1995). Moreover, the N-S fractal model can be applied to delineate
and magmatic activities played an important role in various type of different geochemical anomalies without pre-processing of data (Sade­
mineralization in the study area. Moreover, different rock sequences and ghi et al., 2012b). Log-log diagrams in the N-S model, has been con­
all mineralized zones have been affected by the various fault system such structed based on an inverse relation between each concentration and its
as left-lateral strike-slip Jun Abad fault in the northern part of the Siah cumulative frequency that N(≥ρ) plotted versus ρ. Breakpoints of the
Jangal area. straight-line segments, fitted based on the least-square regression
(Agterberg et al., 1996; Spalla et al., 2010), are applied as the desired
3. Methodology thresholds to disassemble various mineralized zones from background
(Mandelbrot, 1983; Deng et al., 2010).
3.1. Number-size (N-S) fractal model
3.2. Concentration-area (C-A) fractal model
The N-S fractal model is used for describing the relationship between
the elemental concentration values (e.g., Au and Cu concentrations in The C-A method was introduced by Cheng et al. (1994) that has been
this paper) and their cumulative numbers of samples. This model is used for identifying various geochemical anomalies (cf. Cheng et al.,
introduced by Mandelbrot (1983) and its equation is as follows. 1994, 1996; Goncalves et al., 2001; Deng et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2010;
Carranza, 2010, 2011; Sadeghi et al., 2012a; Zuo et al., 2013). This
N( ≥ ρ) = Fρ− D
model has a general form as follows (Cheng et al., 1994, 1996):

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Summary of the tectonic evolution in the Sistan suture zone, SE Iran (Modified after Mokhtari et al., 2015b).

Fig. 6. Landsat 7 ETM+ (RGB: 741) image and major structural features in the Sistan suture zone, SE Iran (from Mokhtari et al., 2015b).

A(ρ ≤ μ)∞ρ− a1
; A(ρ > μ)∞ρ− a2
(2) point. Concentration–area relations were estimated by summing all A(ρ)
s, and finally, log-log diagrams for target elements are produced based
In this equation, μ indicates the threshold, A (ρ) shows the cumula­ on decreasing grades.
tive areas with concentration values less than or equal to μ, and α1 and α2
represents the fractal dimensions (Cheng et al., 1994, 1996). The C-A
model is applied to delineate the thresholds of anomalous concentra­
tions. In this model, an area of influence is devoted to each sampled

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 7. Location map of lithogeochemical sampling zones on the geological map of the Siah Jangal area (The legend is based on that of Fig. 3).

4. Data processing and results Location map of lithogeochemical sampling zones in the study area is
represented in Fig. 7.
During systematic sampling within four zones gridded of In this study, because the Au and Cu were target commodities in
20 m × 20 m (in zone A) and 50 m × 50 m (in zones B, C and D), a altered sub-volcanic rocks and therefore, they were selected for multi­
collection of 669 lithogeochemical samples were taken from the major fractal modeling. Decomposition pretreatment method for Au was NiS
rock types constituting geologically favorable hosts for Au–Cu miner­ fire assay, including Te co-precipitation for better Au recovery. The Cu
alization in the Siah Jangal area (Fig. 7). The sampling sites were not and Au detection limits are 0.2 ppm and 1 ppb, respectively. As a result
directly influenced by external pollution. Bulk samples (8–10 kg) were of varying geological characteristics such as host rocks, alterations,
powdered (200–250 mesh) and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma faults/ fractures and mineralogy, raw geochemical dataset shows highly
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for Cu and Au mineralization. spatially variable distribution (Ford and Blenkinsop, 2008;

Table 1
Statistical parameters of the raw data based on lithogeochemical sample analysis in the Siah Jangal area.
Max Min Median Mean Skewness Kurtosis

Zone A Au (ppb) 11,300 <1 20.00 254.10 1185.033 7.552 59.559

Cu (ppm) 133 5 21.00 25.72 17.913 2.814 11.478
Zone B Au (ppb) 13,900 <1 10.00 196.20 1069.70 11.233 139.299
Cu (ppm) 229 5 28.00 42.07 39.08 2.233 5.554
Zone C Au (ppb) 1070 4 40.00 79.35 129.101 5.154 32.295
Cu (ppm) 499 6 81.00 93.61 64.922 2.604 10.899
Zone D Au (ppb) 2220 <1 36.00 175.10 401.144 4.706 23.307
Cu (ppm) 350 11 74.00 87.57 64.951 1.350 2.414

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2 Khalajmasoumi et al., 2015; Khalajmasoumi et al., 2017; Daneshvar

Shapiro-Wilk test applied to lithogeochemical data of the Siah Jangal area. Saein and Afzal, 2017; Afzal et al., 2017; Ahmadfaraj et al., 2019). The
Statistic df (degrees of freedom) Significance main statistical properties of the lithogeochemical data in the study area
are demonstrated in Table 1, which shows a wide range of differences
Zone A Au 0.191 200 0.000
Cu 0.750 200 0.000 between the maximum and minimum values as well as the highest mean
Zone B Au 0.155 199 0.000 values for Au and Cu in the zones A and C, respectively.
Cu 0.745 199 0.000 The most common methods to define the normal distribution in
Zone C Au 0.508 161 0.000 geochemical data are Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965), box
Cu 0.798 161 0.000
Zone D Au 0.431 109 0.000
plots, quantile-quantile (Q-Q) probability plots and histograms. In
Cu 0.876 109 0.000 Shapiro-Wilk test, if the significance of value is greater than 0.05, data
distribution is normal and if it is below 0.05, the data distribution

Fig. 8. Q-Q plots of Au and Cu lithogeochemical data collected from the Siah Jangal. area.

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. Histograms of Au and Cu lithogeochemical data from various sampling zones in the Siah Jangal area.

significantly deviates from a normal distribution (Shapiro and Wilk, implies the presence of several populations in the individual datasets;
1965). According to the Shapiro-Wilk test (Table 2), (Q-Q) plots (Fig. 8) additionally, their histograms have no normal distribution as depicted in
and histograms (Fig. 9), Au and Cu concentrations demonstrated non- Fig. 9. The skewness values of Au and Cu show that the original data are
normal distribution in the Siah Jangal area. not normally distributed (Table 1). Non-normal distribution of
Moreover, the Q-Q plots of the Au and Cu concentrations (Fig. 8) geochemical data indicates that different geological events occurred

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3 on the N-S and C-A fractal models shows that the N-S fractal modeling is
Various Au concentration zones classified based on the N-S fractal model in the a powerful method to recognize weak elemental geochemical anomalies
Siah Jangal area (Fig. 11a, c and e). in all of the sampling zones (Fig. 11 and Supplementary Fig. 2). In terms
Zones Au range (ppb) of locations, there are similarities between the two fractal models in
Zone AB Zone C Zone D
specifying high anomaly zones. Both the N-S and C-A fractal models
reveal high Au anomaly zones in the central part of the zone AB, the
Background <77.62 <20.89 <13.18
northern part of the zone C, and the north, east and south parts of zone D
Weak intensity anomaly 77.62–501.19 20.89–95.50 13.18–100
Moderate intensity 501.19–1202.26 95.50–141.25 100–239.88 (Fig. 11a, c, e and Supplementary Fig. 2a, c, e). According to these
anomaly models, strong Cu anomalies occur in the NE part of the zone AB, as well
High intensity anomaly 1202.26–7943.26 141.25–371.54 239.88–501.19 as the north and south parts in the zone D (Fig. 11 b, f and Supple­
Very high intensity >7943.26 >371.54 >501.19 mentary Fig. 2b, f). The Cu geochemical anomaly map based on the N-S
and C-A fractal models shows different results in zone C (Fig. 11d and
Supplementary Fig. 2d). The strongly anomalous zones of Cu based on
the N-S model are defined more accurately than those of the C-A model
Table 4 in zone C. The Cu strongly anomalous zones are located in the northern,
Various Cu concentration zones classified based on the N-S fractal model in the eastern and southern parts of the zone C (Fig. 11d). In other words,
Siah Jangal area (Fig. 11b, d and f).
based on Fig. 11 and Supplementary Fig. 2, those strongly anomalous
Zones Cu range (ppm) zones defined by the N-S model are more extensive than those of the C-A
Zone AB Zone C Zone D model.
Background <12.88 <39.81 <30.20
There is not any known gold occurrence in the study area. Therefore,
Weak intensity anomaly 12.89–23.44 39.82–75.86 30.21–81.28 in order to validate the results of the N-S and C-A fractal models, the Au
Moderate intensity anomaly 23.45–83.18 75.87–112.20 81.29–141.25 and Cu geochemical anomalies have been spatially correlated with the
High intensity anomaly 83.19–173.78 112.21–190.55 141.26–204.17 specific geological features including the various alteration zones and
Very high intensity anomaly
faults. Hydrothermal alteration in the Siah Jangal area pervasively oc­
>173.78 >190.25 >204.17

curs covering an area greater than 18 km2. The Argillic and phyllic al­
during ore-forming processes in the study area. terations, especially advanced argillic alternations, are indicative of Au
and Cu mineralization. In general, the most parts with high concentra­
tions of Au and Cu in both models are underlain by strongly altered sub-
4.1. Number-Size (N-S) fractal modeling
volcanic rocks and advanced argillic alterations (Figs. 12, 13 and Sup­
plementary Fig. 3). The high intensity of Au (over 1000 ppb) and Cu
Based on the Au and Cu N-S log–log plots, several geochemical
(over 150 ppm) anomalies are correlated with these alteration zones in
populations were classified as background value and weakly, moder­
the N, E and SW parts of the study area.
ately, highly and very highly anomalous zones. The strongest Au
The Au strong anomalies coincide with strong alterations in the
anomaly zones are considered to have concentrations more than
center of the zone AB (Fig. 13a and Supplementary Fig. 3a). However,
7943 ppb, located in zone AB, SW Siah Jangal area (Table 3).
the strong alterations in some parts of this zone represent the correlation
Moreover, the geochemical populations obtained from N-S multi­
with moderate or weak Au and Cu concentrations. The majority of the
fractal modeling in zone AB reveals Au background values <77 ppb
highest Cu concentrations are correlated with weakly altered rocks, and
whereas the highest grade (zone D) Cu anomaly zones have concentra­
only a small part coincides with strongly altered units (Fig. 13b).
tions more than 204 ppm north of the study area (Table 4).
Therefore, Au and Cu anomalies in the zone AB are more related to the
Copper geochemical background population in this zone is less than
NE trending faults.
72 ppm. Based on the results of the N-S model, distribution maps of Au
The most parts of the C and D zones are underlain by strongly altered
and Cu grade were illustrated in Fig. 11. The thresholds, obtained by the
sub-volcanic rocks with advanced argillic alterations (Figs. 12, 13 c, d, e,
N-S model, were applied to the IDW interpolated maps of the elements to
f and Supplementary Fig. 3c, d, e, f) that have positive spatial correlation
generate the classified maps (Fig. 10).
with Au and Cu anomalies. Also, the high concentrations of Cu are
coincided with these alteration zones.
4.2. Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal modeling Fig. 12 shows the location of faults and their rose diagram. In this
study, faults have been detected by remote sensing techniques and
According to the thresholds obtained from the C-A model (see Sup­ checked by field studies. Rose diagram of this structure showing the
plementary Fig. 1), five Au geochemical populations were identified. main stress has a NE-SW trend relevant to the left-lateral strike-slip fault
Moreover, the Au strongest anomalies have concentrations more than system of Jun Abad (see Section 2.3 for more information). Considering
7286 ppb, located in zones A-B, SW Siah Jangal area (see Supplementary Figs. 12, 13 and Supplementary Fig. 3, the fault locations and elemental
Table 1) (Mokhtari, 2015). distribution maps clearly indicates the positive relationships, and the
The C-A fractal model in this zone reveals background values most parts of the strongly anomalous areas overlap these structures.
<281 ppb. In addition, based on the thresholds of Cu contents deter­ These anomalous zones are associated with the fault zones. The high
mined by the C-A fractal model, there are four different populations in concentrations of Au (especially in the zones AB and D) have a close
the Cu data (see Supplementary Table 2). relationship with these structures (Figs. 12, 13a, e and Supplementary
The strongest Cu anomalous zones have concentrations >281 ppm, Fig. 3a, e). This is a good sign because the silicified structures and
in zone C, east of the study area (see Supplementary Table 2). The quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets have occurred along these faults.
background value is less than 20 ppm in this zone. Au and Cu grade
distribution maps defined by the C-A plot are presented in Supplemen­ 6. Conclusions
tary Fig. 2 (Mokhtari, 2015).
Based on the correlation between outcomes driven by fractal
5. Comparison between fractal models results and geological modeling and geological evidences from satellite image processing,
features geological map and field studies, highly anomalous zones derived from
fractal models (especially the N–S model) have close relationships with
A comparison between Au and Cu geochemical anomaly maps based faults and various alteration zones in the study area.

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Fig. 10. N-S log-log plots of Au and Cu lithogeochemical data collected from the Siah Jangal area.

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Fig. 11. Au and Cu geochemical population maps generated based on the N-S method in all sampling zones in the Siah Jangal area.

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Fig. 11. (continued).

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Fig. 11. (continued).

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Fig. 12. Simplified alteration map of the Siah Jangal area based on the remote sensing and field studies with sampling zones (Mokhtari, 2015).

Z. Mokhtari and B. Sadeghi Geochemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 13. The relationship between Au and Cu concentrations based on the N-S method, faults (red lines), and strongly altered rocks (bold polygons), weakly altered
rocks (soft polygons) and advanced argillic alteration zone (enclosed by dashed-lines) in the Siah Jangal area. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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Fig. 13. (continued).

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Fig. 13. (continued).

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