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Asian Journal of Business and Technology

Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Website Usability, Perceived Usefulness and Adoption of

Internet Banking Services in the Context of Sri Lankan Financial
Gayan Nayanajith, D. A.1*, Damunupola, K.A. 2 and Ventayen, Randy Joy M. 3
Doctoral Student, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Senior Lecturer, Uwa Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
Dean, College Business & Public Administration, Pangasinan State University,

Abstract - Research evaluates the effects of website user friendliness or in a broader

sense: web usability (UF), perceived usefulness (PU) and interactions towards internet
banking adoption in the context of Sri Lankan commercial banks and finance companies.
Sample consisting 60 respondents, was drawn from the students of Uwa Wellassa
University considering the simple random sampling method. Questionnaire survey was
performed amongst each of 30 male and female respondents in which they were requested
to rate nine internet banking websites of aforesaid institutions (segregated considering
UF-very high/high/average and PU-very high/high/average attributes and designated nine
websites as first being UF-very high and PU-very high and following the same sequence)
out of total score of 100 with respect to adoption of internet banking services (AoIBS).
TAM and E-SERVQUEL models have been adopted. Mixed design ANOVA was used as the
primary analysis tool. Empirical evidence supported all the four hypotheses indicating the
significance of levels of UF, PU and interactions on AoIBS. Non evaluation of sub
interactions on UF * PU and Gender * UF * PU was a limitation of the present study.
However, findings of the research would be beneficial in uplifting the status of internet
banking adoption in Sri Lanka across the entire banking and financial institutions. Mixed
ANOVA analysis and incorporation of aforementioned related models would contribute
towards originality of the study. Similarly, future researches could be performed in
different contexts alongside related variables in quest of innovative findings.

Keywords – Financial sector, internet banking, mixed design ANOVA, PU, web usability
developing customer-oriented products and
INTRODUCTION services as against merely focusing on
Complex computer systems find their technology orientation. In this context, web
way into contemporary human life styles and usability factors encompass numerous aspects
simultaneously, the online market space is such as small learning curve, easy content
saturated with competing products and services exploration, findability, task efficiency, user
across different industries in connection to satisfaction, automation and voice commands
internet related business operations. This has and etc. These novel components of usability are
made web usability more popular and broadly present as a result of the rapid evolution of the
recognized in recent years as the companies web and personal devices. In view of growing
identify the benefits of researching and
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

number of websites, the necessity has arisen for services with a view to eliminate the frequent
well-designed websites in a fiercely competing cash transactions and continuously facilitates the
market condition. By means of high usability, industry in creation of an environment where
users can find what they are looking for industry embraces technology advancements
instantly. Along with the wide spread mobile wholeheartedly. Consequently, inter-industry
devices and wireless internet access, companies collaborations to strengthen dynamic
are now able to reach a global market with users partnerships enabling to implement fintech
of all nationalities at any time and almost any solutions and open application programming
place in the world. It is important for websites to platforms are well within the recent priorities
be usable despite of users' language, culture and undertaken by the regulator [1].
preferences. Nowadays most of the individuals
conduct wide array of personal activities in OBJECTIVES
online medium, including banking transactions, Primary objective of the study is to
e-learning, e-tourism activities, errands, etc., identify the impact of internet banking website
which offers the people enhanced convenience user friendliness (UF) and websites’ perceived
and comfort. Websites are meant to be usefulness (PU) towards users’ adoption of
accessible for diverse users. The goal of Web internet banking services (AoIBS). As the
usability is to provide user experience second objective, proposed to recognize the
satisfaction by minimizing the time taken from interaction effects of UF * PU and UF * PU *
the user to learn new functionality and page Gender.
navigation system, allowing the user to
accomplish a task or obtain a service efficiently METERIALS AND METHODS
without major drawbacks, providing the user Deductive methodology and quantitative
easy ways to overcome roadblocks and fixing method have been followed [2] [3].
errors and re-adapting to the website or Questionnaire survey was conducted among 30
application system and functionality with male and 30 female students of Uwa Wellassa
minimum effort. University (UWU), during which they have been
requested to rate nine separate internet banking
According to ISO 9241(Ergonomic websites (segregated according to website UF;
Requirements for Office Work with Visual very high, high, average and PU of websites;
Display Terminals), usability has been very high, high, average; first internet banking
elaborated as “the extent to which a product can website designated as UF-very high / PU-very
be used by specified users to achieve specified high, second website designated as UF-very
goals with effectiveness, efficiency and high / PU-high, third website designated as UF-
satisfaction in a specified context of use". Thus, very high / PU-average and other websites also
web usability can be defined as the ability of designated accordingly as per author discretion)
web applications to support web-related tasks out of a total score of 100 in relation to adoption
with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. of internet banking services. Respondents were
Effectiveness represents accuracy and selected on random sampling method as per
completeness when users achieve a specified registration numbers assigned to them by the
goal. Efficiency is resource cost in relation to UWU.
the accuracy and completeness. Satisfaction is
the comfort and acceptability of use. Meanwhile, Technology acceptance model (TAM)
Central bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) encourages and UF as a website design related construct of
usage of the digital platforms in financial E-SERVQUEL model, have been adopted in
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

arriving at the conceptual model. Accordingly, succeeding conceptual model was proposed,

Figure 1 – Conceptual model



Hypotheses of the Study

Website usability/user friendliness, web H11- There is a significant impact of
security aspects have been researched in level of UF towards AoIBS
different country perspectives in relation to H12- There is a significant impact of
online banking services [4] [5]. Influence of PU, level of PU on AoIBS
perceived ease of use (PEOU), website attributes H13- There is a significant impact of
and other factors have been evaluated in interaction of UF * PU and AoIBS
adopting internet banking services across H14- There is a significant impact of
numerous countries and it was found that interaction of UF * PU * Gender on AoIBS
aforementioned factors are significant towards
internet banking adoption [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Researchers have discussed the effects of UF, SPSS V. 20 was used in analyzing data
PU, PEOU and interrelationships among the said and initial analysis demonstrated that socio-
factors on various electronic services including demographic characteristics of population have
internet banking in relation to usage of mobile been sufficiently replicated by the sample. Table
devices, personal computers and other devices 1 demonstrates the results of Mauchly’s
[4] [11] [12]. Similarly, studies have identified sphericity test for each of the three repeated-
effects of gender and demographic variables measures effects in the model. None of the
towards adoption of internet services including effects violate the assumption of sphericity as all
e-banking during which some of the studies of the values in the column labelled Sig. are
have identified and analyzed moderating effects above the threshold value of .05; thus, it enables
and interactions effects in different contexts [13] to assume sphericity when looking at F-statistics
[14] [15] [16]. Considering the aforesaid, in the subsequent tables [17].
following hypotheses were proposed,

Table 1 - Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Within Subjects Effect Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square Sig. Epsilonb
Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound
UF .960 2.315 .962 1.00 .500
PU .929 4.178 .934 .981 .500
UF * PU .613 27.577 .699 .766 .150

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Following table (table 2) shows the variables, male participants’ ratings were
ANOVA summary table for the main effect of basically the same as the female participants’
gender and this reveals a non-significant effect, ratings. Partial eta squared statistic revealed that
P > .05. This effect states that ignoring all other the effect is negligible.

Table 2 - Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Intercept 282083.267 1 282083.267 64563.343 .000 .999
Gender .067 1 .067 .015 .902 .000
Error 253.407 58 4.369
Following table also supports the above
finding, where means are almost the same for
both the genders.
Table 3 – Estimates
95% Confidence Interval (CI)
Gender Mean Std. Error Lower Bound (LB) Upper Bound (UB)
Male 68.600 .382 67.836 69.364
Female 68.533 .382 67.769 69.297

Consistent with table 4, it is noted that different for different levels of UF such as very
there was a significant main effect of UF, F (2, high, high and average levels. This finding
116) = 1365.36, P = .000. This effect shows that, supports the first hypothesis.
ignoring all other variables, AoIBS ratings were
Table 4 - Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta
Squares Squared
Sphericity Assumed 62338.900 2 31169.450 1365.360 .000 .959
U 62338.900 1.923 32409.826 1365.360 .000 .959
UF Huynh-Feldt 62338.900 2.000 31169.450 1365.360 .000 .959
Lower-bound 62338.900 1.000 62338.900 1365.360 .000 .959

Table 5 demonstrates UF levels, means, used to compare UF-very high Vs average (1 Vs

confidence intervals, in which UF level 1 is very 2) and UF-high Vs average (3 Vs 2) as a
high user friendliness of website, level 2 is separate analysis in a subsequent study.
average and level 3 is high. This sequence was
Table 5 - Estimates
UF Mean Std. Error 95% CI
1 82.100 .363 81.372 82.828
2 55.817 .363 55.091 56.543
3 67.783 .457 66.869 68.697

As per the table 6 with the heading of that ignoring all other variables, AoIBS ratings
‘tests of within-subjects effects’ it could note were different for websites with different levels
that there was a significant main effect of PU, F of PU such as very high PU, high PU and
(2, 116) = 1057.70, P = .000. This effect states average PU, supporting the second hypothesis.
Table 6 - Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. P.E. S

1 . .
Sphericity Assumed 69700.800 2 34850.400
057.694 000 948
1 . .
Greenhouse-Geisser 69700.800 1.868 37313.284
057.694 000 948
1 . .
Huynh-Feldt 69700.800 1.961 35542.059
057.694 000 948
1 . .
Lower-bound 69700.800 1.000 69700.800
057.694 000 948

As per table 7, PU levels’s means, CI are very high PU, level 2 is average PU and level 3
different from one another and the levels of PU is high PU.
are labelled simply 1, 2 and 3, where level 1 is
Table 7 - Estimates
PU Mean Std. Error 95% CI
1 82.100 .563 80.974 83.226
2 54.300 .319 53.661 54.939
3 69.300 .408 68.484 70.116

In accordance with ‘tests of within- of ratings across websites of different levels of

subjects effects’ titled table 8, the UF of the PU was different for very high user friendliness
website interacted in some way with how useful of website, high and average level user friendly
the web-site was. From the summary table it websites. The estimated marginal means (Figure
could report that there was a significant 1) shows that the meaning of this interaction
interaction effect in between the UF of the while supporting the third hypothesis of the
website and the PU of same, F (4, 232) = study.
118.04, P = .000. This effect tells that the profile
Table 8 - Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. P.E.S
Sphericity Assumed 12165.800 4 3041.450 118.038 .671
Greenhouse-Geisser 12165.800 3.197 3804.884 118.038 .671
Huynh-Feldt 12165.800 3.464 3511.903 118.038 .671
Lower-bound 12165.800 1.000 12165.800 118.038 .671

Table 9 - UF * PU interaction
UF PU Mean Std. Error 95% CI
1 88.950 .770 87.408 90.492
1 2 69.550 .568 68.414 70.686
3 87.800 .784 86.230 89.370
1 71.750 .696 70.357 73.143
2 2 45.950 .416 45.118 46.782
3 49.750 .674 48.400 51.100
1 85.600 .959 83.681 87.519
3 2 47.400 .494 46.410 48.390
3 70.350 .653 69.043 71.657

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Figure 2 illustrates that the average the difference between high UF and average UF
AoIBS ratings of websites of different levels of websites, a different pattern is observed. For the
UF when the website also had very high levels websites with average PU (white line) there is
of PU (blue line), high PU (green line) and no difference between average UF and high UF
average PU (white line). Initially, look at the websites (this means that if the website’s PU is
difference between very high user friendly and just average, it has to be very high UF if the
high user-friendly websites. The slope in very customers need to adopt it). Nonetheless, for
high PU websites doesn’t change (the line is those with comparatively higher PU, there is a
more or less flat between these two points), but decline in adoption interest if the website is
for websites with high PU or average PU, average UF (so, if the website is average UF,
AoIBS interest levels decline. So, if the having higher PU won’t help it very much).
websites’ PU is very high, it can grab customers, Although this interaction is complex, it could be
with being high UF and customers will still want analyzed separately using the contrasts in SPSS
to transact with that website. Now, investigate for four different situations in detail.
Figure 2 – UF Vs PU

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Finally, the three-way interaction females). Table 10 shows that there is a

estimates whether the UF × PU interaction significant three-way UF × PU × gender
described above is the same for respondent men interaction, F (4, 232) = 77.71, P = .000, whilst
and women (i.e. whether the combined effect of supporting the fourth hypothesis (as per ‘tests of
UF of the website and websites’ level of PU is within-subjects effects’ named table).
the same for male participants as against for
Table 10 - Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. P.E.S
Sphericity Assumed 8009.000 4 2002.250 77.707 .000 .573
Greenhouse-Geisser 8009.000 3.197 2504.834 77.707 .000 .573
UF * PU * Gender
Huynh-Feldt 8009.000 3.464 2311.959 77.707 .000 .573
Lower-bound 8009.000 1.000 8009.000 77.707 .000 .573

Table 11 - Gender * UF * PU interaction

Gender UF PU Mean Std. Error 95% CI
1 88.300 1.090 86.119 90.481
1 2 87.300 .803 85.693 88.907
3 88.500 1.109 86.280 90.720
1 56.800 .984 54.830 58.770
Male 2 2 45.800 .588 44.623 46.977
3 48.300 .954 46.391 50.209
1 82.800 1.356 80.086 85.514
3 2 47.800 .699 46.400 49.200
3 71.800 .923 69.952 73.648
1 89.600 1.090 87.419 91.781
1 2 51.800 .803 50.193 53.407
3 87.100 1.109 84.880 89.320
1 86.700 .984 84.730 88.670
Female 2 2 46.100 .588 44.923 47.277
3 51.200 .954 49.291 53.109
1 88.400 1.356 85.686 91.114
3 2 47.000 .699 45.600 48.400
3 68.900 .923 67.052 70.748

The nature of the three-way interaction is regardless of PU, men will express very little
revealed in figure 3 and 4, which shows the UF interest (ratings are all low; all lines declines to
× PU interaction for men and women separately bottom of graph). The only time PU makes any
(the means on which this graph is based, is as difference to a male participant is, when the
per the data in table 11). The graph for male website is high UF, in which case very high PU
participants shows that when websites are very boosts interest, whereas average PU reduces
high UF, men will express a high interest interest, and having high PU leave things
regardless of PU levels (the blue, green and somewhere in between. The underlying message
white lines all overlap). At the opposite end of is that male respondents are more interested in
the UF scale, when a website is average UF, UF attributes of the website.
Figure 3 – UF Vs PU, of Male respondents

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

The picture for women respondents is boosts interest, and being average UF reduces
somewhat different. If a website has very high the interest on AoIBS. Stating it differently,
levels of PU then it doesn’t really matter how women prioritize PU over website attributes
user friendly the website is, women will transact such as website user friendliness. Once again,
with such web-sites (the blue line is relatively could look at some contrasts to further break this
flat). At the other extreme, if the website’s PU is interaction down where there are another four
average, then they will hardly transact with such interactions which will not be discussed here.
websites, regardless of how UF those websites These contrasts will be similar to those for the
are (the white line is relatively flat). The only UF × PU interactions; additionally, at this point
time UF makes a difference is when a website takes into account the effect of gender as well.
has high PU, in which case being very high UF

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Figure 4 – UF Vs PU, of Female respondents


Mixed ANOVA method compares The tables labelled as ‘Tests of Within-Subjects
several means when there are several Effects’ depicts the results of the ANOVA for
independent variables and study had 2 repeated- the repeated-measures variables and all of the
measures variables (has been measured using the interaction effects; in this study other than for
same participants) and one other (gender- main effect of gender, all other effects that were
between groups variable) has been measured discussed were significant. The table labelled
using different participants. Initially, tested the ‘Tests of Between-Subjects Effects’ exhibits the
assumption of sphericity for the repeated- results of the ANOVA for the between-group
measures variables (UF and PU) when they have variable.
three or more conditions using Mauchly’s test.

ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org

Asian Journal of Business and Technology
Vol. 2, No. 1, (2019)
ISSN 2651-6713 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6721 (Online)

Data analyses denoted that all the four respondents is, when there is high PU, in which
hypotheses have been supported by the case for both genders the UF influences how
empirical evidences of the research. passionate they are about adopting that
Furthermore, what is obvious from the analysis particular website. Non evaluation of sub
is that differences exist between men and interactions was a limitation of the present
women in terms of how they adopt internet study. Nevertheless, findings of the research
banking considering the UF and PU of internet would be beneficial for banks and financial
banking websites. Male respondents appear to institutions, in uplifting the status of internet
be enthusiastic about adopting with any website banking adoption in Sri Lanka in which the
which is user friendly regardless of how useful promoters of internet banking services could pay
that website is. Female participants are almost more attention towards socio-demographic
contradicting with males as they are enthusiastic attributes of the existing and prospective users.
about adopting or transact with a website with Mixed ANOVA analysis and incorporation of
very high PU aspect, regardless of how user related models would contribute towards
friendly the website is (and are less favorable originality of the study. Similarly, future
towards acceptance of websites without PU in researches could be performed in different
spite of how user friendly such websites are). contexts by integrating interrelated variables
The only consistency between male and female seeking distinct findings.

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ISSN 2651-6713 (Print) | ISSN 2651-6721 (Online) | asianjournal.org


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