User Experience Analysis of An E-Commerce Website Using User Experience Questionnaire (Ueq) Framework

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Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584

Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343



Kevin Andika Lukita1), Maulahikmah Galinium2), James Purnama3)

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Information
Swiss German University
E-mail: {kevin.lukita[at]student, maulahikmah.galinium[at], james.purnama[at]}

The purpose of this study is to find the attribute of the Nappa Milano online
store that needs improvement the most based on the result of the user
experience (UX) evaluation of the customers of Nappa Milano online store.
Nappa Milano is a brand of male footwear that has been since 2013. This study
uses the UEQ framework to conduct the UX evaluation. There are several
attribute a website has which is the attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency,
dependability, stimulation, and Novelty. The result indicates that the
Perspicuity attribute is the attribute that receives the most positive evaluation
because it receives the score of 2.048 from the scale which ranges from -3 to 3.
On the other hand, the novelty attribute is the attribute of the Nappa Milano
online store that needs most improvement because it receives the most
negative evaluation because it receives the score of 0.157 from the scale which
ranges from -3 to 3.

Keywords: User Experience Analysis, User Experience Questionnaire, Nappa Milano

Nowadays, internet grows very fast to the point that people may purchase items without
getting up from their beds or riding a vehicle to the physical store. E-Commerce helps
people to buy and sell via internet. The user experience (UX) is important for the e-
commerce to gain customers. It is better and less expensive when customers can quickly
find information on an e-commerce website rather than contact the company for assistance.
Customers expect to find relevant information at the right place and fast.UX has been
widely accepted in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), but there is no clear definition to
it. The interest in UX may be caused by the fact that HCI researchers and practitioners have
become well aware of the limitations of the traditional usability framework, which focuses
primarily on user cognition and user performance in human-technology interactions while
UX highlights aspects such as interactions, shifting the focus to user affect, sensation, and
the meaning as well as value of such interactions (Vermeeren, 2009).

The Nappa Milano online shop currently stands at 1000 visitors monthly. A UX evaluation
is needed to define the attribute of the website which needs to be improved in order to
gain more visitors for the website.The purpose of this research is to define the attributes
which needs to be improved based on the result of the UX evaluation.This research can be
used as a guide for the owners of other websites as a guide to conduct a UX research on
their own websites to determine which part needs to be improved.This research can also be
used by other e-commerce websites, especially the start-ups as a guide to determine the
most important attributes on a website.

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

Literature Review
A research was conducted on the E-Learning website of Konkuk University’s Seoul
Campus. This study proposed an integrated theoretical framework of university students’
e-learning acceptance and intention to use based mainly on the technology acceptance
model (TAM). One interesting results of the study is that both e-learning self-efficacy and
subjective norm play an important role in affecting attitude towards e-learning and
behavioral intention to use e-learning. The study demonstrated that some TAM constructs
had a direct and indirect effect on university students’ behavioral intention to use e-
learning (Youl, 2009).Another UX research was conducted on website,
which is a website offering free information on health, nutrition and general well-being.
The research was using the web acceptance model (WAM). The explained almost 70% of
the variance of the user’s intention to visit irrespective of the moderator and its level. This
underscored the need for including the UX in the explanation of website use (Leiva &
Martinez, 2007).

Rauschenberger (2006) conducted a research on how to do an efficient measurement

of a website UX. This research described the construction, the result analyzing and the
validation studies of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) framework. This
framework allows a fast evaluation of the UX of interactive products. It measures not only
pragmatic aspects like efficiency, perspicuity and dependability, but also hedonic aspects
like stimulation or originality.Santoso (2016) conducted a research on the E-Learning
website of the University of Indonesia (UI). The results of the research revealed that, while
the scores for all scales describing a pragmatic quality aspect were good, the scales
describing hedonic quality showed neutral evaluations. The findings were also supported
by students’ answers to open-ended questions. Moreover, the measurement results
provide additional insights into future development of the E-learning management system
of the University of Indonesia. This research also reveals the UEQ framework is capable of
measuring both the pragmatic and hedonic quality aspect of a website.

Both TAM and UEQ frameworks measure the ease-of-use of the interactive product. Ease-
of-use in UEQ is called perspicuity. The TAM framework has a strength in determining
the user behavior based on the perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness. The WAM
framework also measure the ease-of-use of the interactive product which is linked to the
experience of the respondents in using the internet and website to determine the
respondent’s future intention to visit. The weakness of both the TAM and WAM
frameworks is the frameworks are not capable of measuring the general impression of the
website and they don’t measure any hedonic quality of a website. On the other hand, the
UEQ is not capable to measure the user behavior and future intention to visit because it is
a framework that is designed to measure UX. The UEQ framework was chosen in this
research because by the UEQ framework is capable of measuring the general impression
of a product and the hedonic quality such as the joy-of-use and the creativity of a product.

Figure 1 shows the overview of research methodology. The questionnaire is created based
on the UEQ Framework and then a pilot study is conducted to validate the questionnaire.
The respondent target is also defined. In the data gathering process, the questionnaire is
distributed to the target respondent to measure the UX of the targeted website.
Furthermore, the data extraction process is conducted to do the data filtering and data
coding to validate the survey result. Then after the data extraction process, the data
analysis is conducted to measure the UX of the Nappa Milano online shop and to reach the
conclusion of the research.

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

Research Create
Pilot Study
Framework Questionnaire

Data Analysis Data Extraction Data Gathering

Data Verification

Figure 1. Overall Research Methodology

A. Designing the questionnaire

The questionnaire is developed based on the items in each categoryof the UEQ framework.
The questionnaire is designed and distributed to the respondents using online form. The
questionnaire is distributed only to the e-mails which has an account registered in the
online shop of Nappa Milano. The questionnaire for the survey is designed and a pilot
study which consists of a validity and reliability testing is conducted. The number of
respondents also is defined in this step.

Pragmatic Hedonic
Quality Quality

Perspicuity Stimulation

Efficiency Novelty


Figure 2. UEQ framework (Rauschenberger, 2006)

The questionnaire is divided into three parts. Part 1 is the respondent profile and their
experiences using e-commerce websites, the 2ndpart is the main questionnaires about the
target website, and in the 3rdpart, the respondents is asked to leave their comments.The
questionnaire is using the 7-scale Likert scale based on the level of agreement. The
questions are based on the items of the scales of the UEQ framework, which contains 6
categories with 26 items in total.The sample is the users of Nappa Milano online shop who
has an account registered. In determining sample size, the slovin’s formula was chosen.
The population size or the number of users which registered in the Nappa Milano website
is 134 users. With margin of error is 5%. Calculated using the Slovin’s formula, the
minimum sample size is 101 users. The gained sample for this research is 115 users (Israel,

Pilot study is conducted before the questionnaire is distributed to prevent any failures in
the actual study. A questionnaire pilot study should consist of validity and reliability
testing. The main points which can be done to prevent any failure from the actual study
are as follows (Simon, 2011):
1. Check whether the research protocols might not be followed or whether the proposed
methods are inappropriate.
2. Check the questionnaires wording and sentences
3. Check the reliability of the questionnaire
4. Check the validity of the questionnaire

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

The participants of pilot study also may be included in the actual study because the
participants of the pilot study are also the users who have registered an account into the
target website.The validity testing was conducted using the method Pearson’s Product
Moment Correlation Formula. Pearson’s product moment correlation is used to compute
the correlation between two interval or ration variable, the positive coefficient shows that
the two variables systematically vary in the same direction, and the negative coefficient
indicates the two variables systematically vary in opposite directions (Yount, 2006).The
reliability testing was conducted using the Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The Cronbach’s
Alpha formula is the most frequently used when using the Likert-type scales, it is
imperative to calculate and report the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency
reliability for any scales or subscales one may be using (Vermeeren, 2009).

B. Data Gathering
The questionnaire was distributed in an online form of Google forms to the emails of the
users which are used registered in the website. The questionnaire were open from May 1st
2016 until June 8th 2016. The answers of the questionnaire are saved in a document
consisting of every answer of the respondents.

C. Data Set Extraction

This process consists of importing the data from the online form into Microsoft Excel and
conduct the data filtering and data coding.Data filtering is the activity where the data from
the survey will be filtered and decided whether the data is valid or invalid. The filtering
steps are as follow:
 Check whether or not there is any usernames that was put in more than once. If there is
a username that was put in more than once, only one data will be valid, the other one
won’t be valid.
 Check whether or not there are inconsistent answers. For example, in the question
where the respondent was asked whether or not he or she has accessed an online store,
if he or she answered “no” but filled the next question anyway, which is “if YES, what is
the online store you most frequently visit”, then the data will be invalid.

Data coding will process the data from the questionnaire. The scores from the negative
statement from the questionnaire will be inversed. If the score answered by the respondent
is 7, the answer will be written as 1, if the score answered by the respondent is 5, the
answer will be written as 3.

D. Data Analysis
The answers from the participants are scaled from -3 to +3. If a participant selects number
1 on the likert scale of a question in the questionnaire, the said question will be given score
-3, on the other hand if he or she answers 7, the said question will be given score 3. The
total score of a question will be used to calculate the mean score of one question.The mean
score of an attribute will be calculated based on the mean all questions in which comes
from the particular attribute. The mean of the scores will then be used to calculate the score
of the attribute by calculating the average of the score means.

The most negative answer is represented by -3, 0 a neutral answer, and +3 the most
positive answer. Scale values above +1 indicate a positive impression of the users
concerning this scale, values below -1 a negative impression. Due to well-known answer
effects, like the avoidance of extremes, observed scales means are in general in the range of
-2 to +2. More extreme values are rarely observed, so a value near +2 represents a very
positive near optimal impression of participants (Rauschenberger, 2006).

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

E. Lists of Recommendation
A recommendation is created based on the result of the analysis. Mini Group Discussion
is conducted to discuss the list of recommendations.

Result and Discussion

A. Validity and Reliability Test
Table 1 shows the results of the validity and reliability tests on both the pilot study and
the actual study. All the results for the validity testing are above 0.374. In that case, the
questionnaire can be defined as valid. And for the reliability, the questions from each
categories will be considered as reliable if the score is above 0,6.All the results of the
reliability testing are above 0,6. In this case, all the values are above 0,6. In conclusion, all
the questionnaires for each categories are reliable.

Table 1. Validity and Reliability Results

Validity and Reliability
Validity Reliability
Validity Reliability
Question Result Result
Result (Pilot Result (Pilot
Code (Actual (Actual
Study) study)
Category Study Study)
A1 .825 .838
A2 .824 .820
A3 .616 .882
Attractiveness 0.787 .913
A4 .632 .832
A5 .607 .869
A6 .664 .764
P1 .768 .849
P2 .724 .819
Perspicuity 0.697 .807
P3 .604 .716
P4 .750 .768
E1 .784 .768
E2 .653 .706
Efficiency 0.621 .782
E3 .811 .830
E4 .469 .804
D1 .766 .820
D2 .890 .906
Dependability 0.851 .876
D3 .878 .860
D4 .783 .825
S1 .770 .865
S2 .714 .869
Stimulation 0.798 .898
S3 .824 .906
S4 .728 .858
N1 .726 .764
N2 .907 .762
Novelty 0.873 .797
N3 .885 .840
N4 .885 .788

B. Respondent demographic profile and preferred e-commerce sites

There are 115 respondents for this research. 89% of the respondents is male. Most of the
respondents are between the age 18 to 25 with 75% respondents, some respondents are
between 26 to 35 years old with 17% respondents, and a few were 36 to 45 with 8%
respondents. Regarding the occupation, students respondents are 61%, some respondents
are office employees with 23%, 10% respondents are entrepreneurs, 3% are designers, 2%
are programmers, and just 1% is a manager. Regarding preferred e-commerce websites, all
respondents have purchased some items from an online store.42% respondents choose
Tokopedia as their frequently visited online stores. 23% respondents have selected Lazada
as their preferred online store, 20% have chosen, 7% chose OLX, 6% chose

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343 and 2% chose Bukalapak.All of the respondents browsed the online store of
Nappa Milano web-based, and none of the respondents browsed the store mobile-based
and mostly have conducted a transaction at the Nappa Milano online store with 74
respondents, while the other 41 respondents have not conducted any transactions in the
Nappa Milano online store.

C. UEQ Analysis Result

Figure 3. UEQ Result

As seen on figure 3, the attractiveness category receives the score of 1.775, which lies in the
zone of positive evaluation score which range from 0.8 to the maximum score of 3. It
means that the respondents liked the way the Nappa Milano online shop was
designed.The perspicuity category receives the score of 2.048, once again, receiving a
positive evaluation. The perspicuity category receives the best result of any other category.
It means that the respondents find the Nappa Milano online shop is easy to get familiar.
The efficiency category receives the score of 1.807, the score that makes the efficiency
category of the Nappa Milano online shop receives a positive evaluation. It means that the
respondents can solve their tasks with ease and no need of unnecessary effort.

The dependability category receives the score of 1.889, which lies in the positive
evaluation zone. It means that the website buttons redirects the page to the right place, and
the website does not redirecting to the other websites, making the users feels in control
with the interaction.The stimulation category receives the score of 1.461, which lies in the
positive evaluation zone. It means that the users feels motivated to use the website.The
novelty category receives the score of 0.157, which lies in the zone of neutral evaluation
which ranges from -0.8 to 0.8. The novelty category receives the worst result of all the other
categories which means that the view of the online shop of Nappa Milano lacks of

D. Data Benchmarking
The UEQ provides a benchmarking tool which contains the data of 163 various product
evaluations with the UEQ (with a total of 4818 participants in all evaluations). The
benchmark classifies a product into 5 categories (Schrepp, 2010)
a. Excellent: In the range of the 10% best results.
b. Good: 10% of the results in the benchmark data set are better and 75% of the results are
c. Above average: 25% of the results in the benchmark are better than the resultfor the
evaluated product, 50% of the results are worse.
d. Below average: 50% of the results in the benchmark are better than the result for the
evaluated product, 25% of the results are worse.
e. Bad: In the range of the 25% worst results.

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

Figure 4.Nappa Milano UEQ benchmark result

As seen on figure 4, the Nappa Milano online store was categorized as ‘Excellent’ in the
Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, and Dependability category. This means that the
Nappa Milano online store is in the range of 10% of the best results from the 163 previous
product evaluations in terms of its Attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, and
dependability. The Stimulation category was categorized as ‘Above Average’, which
means that the user’s motivation to use Nappa Milano website is in the zone of 50% best
results of the previous 163 product evaluations.The Novelty category was categorized as
‘Bad’, which means that the website’s creativity is in the range of the 25% worst results.

E. Mini Group Discussion Result

Table 2. Lists of Recommendation and Discussion Result
Recommendation A B C Owner Conclusion

Change the content of slideshow to

Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree
ongoing promotional or events

Zoom out the login and register page Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

Add dropdown into the "shop" button Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree
Add login and register button instead of
Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
“My Account”
Change the background color Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Change the transactional flow Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree

The first recommendation is to change the content of the slideshow in the first page. 3 out
of 4 persons agreed because the slideshow only containing product images is quite
annoying and according to them, it will be better if the slideshow content changes to any
promotional offers or ongoing events. Therefore, the owner agrees to change the content of
the slideshow into available promotions and ongoing events.The second recommendation
is to zoom out the login and register page everybody agrees because it contains
unnecessary blank spaces and doesn’t look neat. The owner agrees to zoom out the login
register page.The third is to add dropdown into the “shop” button, in which 3 persons
including the owner disagree because it destroys the structure of the buttons, one person
recommends that instead of adding a dropdown, it can be done to change the button word
into “products” instead. The owner decides to take the advice and change the button word
into “products”.

The fourth is to add login and register button instead of “My account” button, which all
the persons agreed because the “My Account” button is designed commonly for pages that
have a user logged in. The owner states that the button was designed to limit the number
of buttons in the header, but he agrees to change to a separate login and register

Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

button.The fifth is to change the background color from white into any other color because
most e-commerce website uses white as their background color. This recommendation is
refused by every people involved in the discussion because according to them, white color
is neutral and is the proper color for online shops.The sixth is to change the transaction
flow of the website, which was refused by every people involved in the discussion because
by doing so, it will only confuse the users, because most B2C e-commerce have a
transaction flow that is the same with others.

The research is conducted to find the attribute of the online shop of Nappa Milano that
needs improvement. The UEQ is used as the main framework and the result is obtained
and analyzed using the UEQ framework.The result from the analysis of UX shows that the
general impression from most users of the Nappa Milano online shop is receiving a
positive evaluation. This is proved from the result of the attractiveness component in
figure 4, the score for the attractiveness component receives more than 0.8, which means it
is included in the positive evaluation zone.The attribute that receive the most positive
impression from the users is the perspicuity attribute, which as proved in figure 4, receives
a score of 2.048, which means that the users easily gets familiar with the Nappa Milano
online shop.

The attribute that receive the most negative impression is the novelty attribute. It receives a
score between -0.8 and 0.8, receiving a neutral evaluation from the users. This means that
the Nappa Milano online shop lacks in creativity. The research objective is limited to the
UX evaluation and provides recommendation to the owner to improve the UX of the
website. The next research could be the modification and retesting the Nappa Milano
online store to determine whether or not the UX of Nappa Milano online store is increased

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Seminar Nasional Pakar ke 1 Tahun 2018 ISSN (P) : 2615 - 2584
Buku 1 ISSN (E) : 2615 - 3343

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