A Study On Impact of Globalization On Business PDF
A Study On Impact of Globalization On Business PDF
A Study On Impact of Globalization On Business PDF
T he contemporary generous,
capitalistic and economic action
becomes a conglomerate of things and
more or less a mutual advantage of
certain cooperation is recognized, a
business connection is immediately
reasons, analysis, information, means, established.
mediums, skills and predispositions.
In terms of minimized barriers and KEYWORDS
openness of the world, the inevitable Globalization, Internationalization,
process of the globalization and thus business, global markets, economic
the business actions represent projects integration
that face success potentials, also as risk
and failure potentials. The indisputable INTRODUCTION
accent on these aspects is certainly The global changes in the world,
and thus success and therefore the changes in political, economic and
reliability of the business ventures that business activities as well as the
the last word goal is that the economic development of technology, transport
satisfaction, minimizing the risks and communications, impose the
as well because the establishment need for enterprises in its struggle for
of long-term experiences so as to survival, to change their strategies and
take care of a specific enterprise go out from the borders of their own
during a particular environment. The country. Limited market, competitive
participation on the world’s global pressure, demand for cheaper resources
markets, the internationalization and the dynamics of the postmodern
and therefore the transfer of the era, forcing business leaders to change
business activities on all geographic their focus from traditional targets to
meridians, encountering different and alternative measures for successful
sometimes uncertain environments business and the entrance on global
may be a constant business story of markets, with the purpose of making
the international economic activity for competitive advantage.
a minimum of three centuries ago.
The global economic interaction is as THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION
old because it is old the society in its ON THE BUSINESS
more or less organized form. From The globalization of markets refers to the
the economic revolution until today, growing economic integration and the
there’s ongoing irreversible global growing interdependence of countries
economic integration. The reasons worldwide. Internationalization of the
are simple, business and profits don’t companies refers to the tendency
recognize borders, national and cultural of the companies to systematically
One Day Online International Conference Organised by IRBE Publications, Denver, USA 135
International Review of Business and Economics
One Day Online International Conference Organised by IRBE Publications, Denver, USA 137
International Review of Business and Economics
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