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Nanomaterials describe, in
principle, materials of which a single unit is
sized (in at least one dimension) between 1
and 100 nm (the usual definition
of nanoscale).
Nanomaterials research takes a materials
science-based approach to nanotechnology,
leveraging advances in
materials metrology and synthesis which
have been developed in support
of microfabrication research. Materials with
structure at the nanoscale often have
unique optical, electronic, thermo-physical
or mechanical properties.
Nanomaterials are slowly becoming
commercialized and beginning to emerge as

What are the uses of Nanomaterials?

Due to the ability to generate the materials in a particular

way to play a specific role, the use of nanomaterials spans
across various industries, from healthcare and cosmetics
to environmental preservation and air purification.

The healthcare field, for example, utilises nanomaterials

in a variety of ways, with one major use being drug
delivery. One example of this process is whereby
nanoparticles are being developed to assist the
transportation of chemotherapy drugs directly to
cancerous growths, as well as to deliver drugs to areas of
arteries that are damaged in order to fight cardiovascular
disease. Carbon nanotubes are also being developed in
order to be used in processes such as the addition of
antibodies to the nanotubes to create bacteria sensors.

In aerospace, carbon nanotubes can be used in the

morphing of aircraft wings. The nanotubes are used in a
composite form to bend in response to the application of
an electric voltage.

Elsewhere, environmental preservation processes make

use of nanomaterials too - in this case, nanowires.
Applications are being developed to use the nanowires -
zinc oxide nanowires- in flexible solar cells as well as to
play a role in the treatment of polluted water.

Examples of Nanomaterials and the Industries

they are used in

The use of nanomaterials is prevalent in a wide range of

industries and consumer products.

In the cosmetics industry, mineral nanoparticles –such as

titanium oxide –are used in sunscreen, due to the poor
stability that conventional chemical UV protection offers
in the long-term. Just as the bulk material would, titanium
oxide nanoparticles are able to provide improved UV
protection while also having the added advantage of
removing the cosmetically unappealing whitening
associated with sunscreen in their nano-form.
The sports industry has been producing baseball bats
that have been made with carbon nanotubes, making the
bats lighter therefore improving their performance.
Further use of nanomaterials in this industry can be
identified in the use of antimicrobial nanotechnology in
items such as the towels and mats used by sportspeople,
in order to prevent illnesses caused by bacteria.

Nanomaterials have also been developed for use in the

military. One example is the use of mobile pigment
nanoparticles being used to produce a better form of
camouflage, through injection of the particles into the
material of soldiers’ uniforms. Additionally, the military
have developed sensor systems using nanomaterials,
such as titanium dioxide, that can detect biological

The use of nano-titanium dioxide also extends to use in

coatings to form self-cleaning surfaces, such as those of
plastic garden chairs. A sealed film of water is created on
the coating, and any dirt dissolves in the film, after which
the next shower will remove the dirt and essentially clean
the chairs.

Advantages of Nanomaterials
The properties of nanomaterials, particularly their size,
offer various different advantages compared to the bulk-
form of the materials, and their versatility in terms of the
ability to tailor them for specific requirements
accentuates their usefulness. An additional advantage is
their high porosity, which again increases demand for
their use in a multitude of industries.

In the energy sector, the use of nanomaterials is

advantageous in that they can make the existing methods
of generating energy - such as solar panels - more
efficient and cost-effective, as well as opening up new
ways in which to both harness and store energy.

Nanomaterials are also set to introduce a number of

advantages in the electronics and computing industry.
Their use will permit an increase in the accuracy of the
construction of electronic circuits on an atomic level,
assisting in the development of numerous electronic

The very large surface-to-volume ratio of nanomaterials is

especially useful in their use in the medical field, which
permits the bonding of cells and active ingredients. This
results in the obvious advantage of an increase in the
likelihood of successfully combatting various

Disadvantages of Nanomaterials
Alongside their benefits, there are also a number of
disadvantages associated with nanomaterial use. Due to
the relative novelty of the widespread use of
nanomaterials, there is not a large amount of
information on the health and safety aspects of
exposure to the materials.

Currently, one of the main disadvantages associated with

nanomaterials is considered to be inhalation exposure.
This concern arises from animal studies, the results of
which suggested that nanomaterials such as carbon
nanotubes and nanofibers may cause detrimental
pulmonary effects, such as pulmonary fibrosis. Further
possible health risks are ingestion exposure and dust
explosion hazards.

Additionally, there are still knowledge gaps regarding

nanomaterials, meaning the manufacturing process can
often be complex and difficult. The overall process is
also expensive, requiring optimum results - especially
regarding their use in consumer goods - in order to avoid
financial losses.

Risk-assessments concerning any potential

environmental effects indicate that nanomaterials used in
cosmetic items such as sunscreen, which are applied to
the skin, run the risk of ending up in aquatic
ecosystems after they are washed off. Nanomaterials
that have been engineered may also end up in water
bodies such as lakes and rivers, before accumulating to
create particles of a larger size. This may put freshwater
species - such as snails- at risk by possibly inducing a
decline in life processes such as growth and
reproduction. The same issues caused by the materials in
such freshwater ecosystems are likely to pertain to
marine ecosystems as well. Accumulation of
nanomaterials in other aspects of the environment, such
as soils - through sewage sludge - is an additional
concern. Although the concentrations of these
engineered nanomaterials is expected to be quite small,
repeated release may cause the concentrations to
increase over time, exacerbating the related negative

Types of Nanomaterials
The umbrella field of nanosciences and nanotechnology consists of a
wide range of nanomaterials with various physical, chemical,
mechanical, optical, magnetic, and biological properties and different
internal and external structures. Although various organizations have
proposed several frameworks for the categorization of nanomaterials, a
complete internationally agreed terminology is yet to be formed. There
are two basic classification systems for different types of nanomaterials.

Classification based on Structural

Zero Dimensional Nanomaterials
Zero-dimensional (0-D) structures include materials with all
dimensions at nanoscales of 1 to 100 nm. Most of these materials are
spherical in shape; however, cubes and polygonal shapes with nano-
dimensions are also found under this class.

One Dimensional Nanomaterials

One-dimensional (1-D) structures are materials with two dimensions at
the nanoscale and the other dimension is beyond the nanoscale (>100
nm), meaning that one dimension is outside the nanoscale.
Two Dimensional Nanomaterials
Two-dimensional (2-D) structures are materials with one dimension at
the nanoscale, and two of the dimensions are not confined to the
nanoscale. 2-D nanomaterials exhibit platelike shapes and can be

Three Dimensional Nanomaterials

Three-dimensional (3-D) structures are materials having three arbitrary
dimensions beyond the nanoscale (>100 nm). However, these materials
possess a nanocrystalline structure or involve the presence of
peculiarities at the nanoscale. They can be composed of multiple
arrangements of nanosize crystals, most typically in different


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrical tubes made of rolled sheets of
carbon allotrope graphene with a diameter of nanoscale order. They can
be single-walled (SWCNT) with a diameter of less than 1 nanometer
(nm) or multi-walled (MWCNT), consisting of several concentrically
interlinked nanotubes, with diameters reaching more than 100 nm;
however, their length can reach several micrometers or even
millimeters. CNTs are considered one of the strongest materials known
to man. Carbon nanotubes are prominently known for their remarkable
electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and exceptional tensile
strength. The properties of nanotubes have caused researchers and
companies to consider using them in several fields. For example,
because carbon nanotubes have the highest strength-to-weight ratio of
any known material, researchers at NASA are combining carbon
nanotubes with other materials into composites that can be used to
build lightweight spacecraft. Different production methods for carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) include functionalization, filling, doping, and
chemical modification. Parameters such as structure, surface area,
surface charge, size distribution, surface chemistry, and agglomeration
state, and purity of the samples have a considerable impact on the
reactivity of carbon nanotubes.

Nanocomposites are hybrid nanomaterials that are produced by mixing
polymers with inorganic solids (clays to oxides) at the nanometric scale.
Composites are engineered or naturally occurring solid materials which
result when two or more different constituent materials, each having
their own significant characteristic (physical or chemical properties), are
combined to create a new substance with superior properties than
original materials in a specific finished structure. In mechanical terms,
nanocomposites differ from conventional composite materials due to
the exceptionally high surface-to-volume ratio of the reinforcing phase
and its exceptionally high aspect ratio. It also changes how the
nanoparticles bond with the bulk material. The result is that the
composite can be improved many times concerning the application.
Some nanocomposite materials are 1000 times tougher than bulk
component materials
Nanocomposites are suitable materials to meet several
emerging demands arising from scientific and technological
advances. They offer improved performance over monolithic
and micro-composite counterparts. Several applications
already exist, while many potentials are possible for these
materials, which may open new prospects for the future.
Given their unique properties, nanocomposites have been
utilized in many applications including food, biomedical,
electroanalysis, energy storage, wastewater treatment,

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