Chapter Iii Group 6 11 Humss 2
Chapter Iii Group 6 11 Humss 2
Chapter Iii Group 6 11 Humss 2
Department of Education
“Attention span” towards blended learning among grade
11 students in Senior High School
Acena, Comel S.
Baraga, Sandy P.
Delos reyes Alona M.
Salalila Blossom S.
Escoto, Rein win S.
Sinamban, Angeline A.
Jaojao, Honeylen B.
Soliven, Joren C.
December, 2021
Chapter III
Research Methodology
In this chapter present the research methodology used to
describe and evaluate the study of research design,
participants of the study, research instrument, data gathering
procedures and plan for data analysis.
Research design
Since this research study is not just about knowing the impact
of diet on the nutritional status of the respondents but also
aims to look for the pattern, or the dietary or eating habits
of the respondents, it requires a thorough understanding of
their behavior. In that way, a case study was the design used
in conducting this research. The aim of this study is to
accurately describe the impact of diet on nutritional status
through an in-depth examination of the Grade 11 students in
Home Economics. With this study, the researchers can use a
thorough interview, observation, and documentation as their
multiple data collection instruments.
Research Instrument
When the data was gathered, the next step of the researcher is
to analyze and to assess the attention span of Grade 11
students in senior high school in blended learning.