Adverbs DLP

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DETAILED Grade and

School: **** GRADE 4 -

Name of *****
Day: ***
Teacher: Teacher

Date: Quarter: ****

Head ***** Learning

Teacher: School Principal Area:

A. Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place and time) in sentences.


A. Reference K-12 English 4 Teacher’s Guide


B. Instructional Laptop, Power point presentation, monitor, chalk and board, pictures,
Materials Bluetooth speaker, activity charts, activity sheets.



1. Daily Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking the attendance
4. Passing the Assignment

B. REVIEW Last meeting we have discussed about

collective nouns. Do you still
Yes, Ma’am.

What is collective noun?

Collective nouns are groups of
people, things, animals or

Very good! Will you please give me

examples of group of people?
Class, Audience, Team, Crowd,
Good! How about group of places? Country, chain, nation

Brilliant! How about group of animals? Swarm, flock, herd

Very good! And the last one, how about

group of things?
Collection, set, bouquet

Well done, class. I think we are ready

for the next lesson. Do you have any
questions regarding Collective nouns?

None, Ma’am.

C. LESSON PROPER Before we proceed with our lesson for

today, we will have an activity. This
activity is called “Act it out”.

I will flash a word, and all you have to

do is to create a scenario and act it out.
For example:


(The teacher puts the pen above the


Did you get it, class?

Okay. Just raise your hand if you want

to volunteer! Yes, Ma’am.


1. Quickly
2. Loudly
3. Gently
4. Extremely
5. Never

Very good class! What a brilliant ideas

you have! Those words have something
to do with our lesson for today. (The students will create

Will you please enumerate the words I

have flashed?

The words are

1. Quickly
2. Loudly
Okay. Those words are examples of
3. Gently
Adverbs. Have you ever heard the word
4. Extremely
adverb before?
5. Never

How do you define adverb?

Yes, Ma’am.
Exactly! An adverb is a word which
modifies the meaning of a verb, or an
adjective, or another adverb. It Adverbs describes a verb, an
answers the questions how often, adjective and another adverb.
when, how and where.

For example:

1. “The door opens frequently.”

What is the noun in the sentence?

Good! How about the action word, or

the verb?

The noun in the sentence is

“door”, Ma’am.
Good! Based from the definition of
adverbs, it describes a verb. What do
you think is the word that describes The verb in the sentence is
“opens”? “opens”, Ma’am.
Very good! You’ve found the adverb!

Another example:

2. “We have found an amazingly

beautiful place!”
“Frequently”, Ma’am.

Identify the noun.

Good! How about the verb?

Nice! Do we have adjective here?

Nice observation. Lastly, have you

found the adverb in the sentence?


Yes, Ma’am! It’s the word

Very good class! Do you know that
beautiful. It describes the place.
adverbs has different kinds?

We will discuss three kinds of adverb.

Are you ready to listen? Yes, Ma’am. It’s the word
“Amazingly”. It modifies the
adjective “beautiful”.
Let’s first discuss the Adverb of time.

It answers the question “when”. It tells

us when an action happened, also it
tells how long and how often the action
has been done.

For example:
Yes, Ma’am.

1. I always organize my closet.

The adverb of time here is “always”,

since it tells us how often the action
has been done.

Another example:

2. Tomorrow will be my pet’s


Identify the adverb of time.

Very good! And here are examples of

adverbs of time.

(the teacher will flash examples in the

power point presentation)

Can you make a sentence out of the

adverb of time given?
The adverb of time in the
sentence is “tomorrow”, Ma’am.

Very good. Let’s proceed to adverb of

manner. It answers the question “how”.

For example:

1. I accidentally open my mom’s

phone. What is the adverb of
manner here?

(The student’s answer varies.)

Good! How about in this example?

2. We talked quietly inside the

classroom. What is the adverb
of manner here?
Nice! And here are some of the
examples of Adverb of manner:
The adverb of manner in the
sentence is “accidentally”.

(the teacher will flash examples in the

power point presentation)

Have you noticed something?

What a keen observation! Most of the

words under Adverb of Manner ends
with –ly. The adverb of manner in the
sentence is “quietly”.

Can you follow?

Can you make a sentence out of the

adverb of manner given?

All your answers are correct.

Yes, Ma’am. Most of the words

ends with –ly.
The last one is the Adverb of Place. It
answers the questions “where” and it
describes where something happens.

For example:

1. They first rode in a hot air

balloon. Yes, Ma’am.

What is the adverb of place?

(The student’s answer varies.)

Very good! The adverb of place in a hot

air balloon tells where did they first
rode. It modifies the verb rode.
Another example:

1. Mary entered in a magical


What is the adverb of place?

The adverb of place in the

Good! The adverb of place in the
sentence is in a hot air balloon,
magical kingdom tells where Kiel enter.
It modifies the verb entered.

Here are some examples of Adverb of


(the teacher will flash examples in the

power point presentation)

Can you make a sentence out of the

adverb of place given?

The adverb of place in the

sentence is in a magical
kingdom, Ma’am.
(The student’s answer varies.)

IV. GENERALIZATIO Now class, I have here a photo. All you

N have to do is to create 6 sentences that
describes the photo. Take note! All
sentences must have:

2 Adverb of Time

2 Adverb of Manner

2 Adverb of Place

Are you with me?

Yes, Ma’am.

(the students will do the


V. APPLICATION For the last activity, I want you to pick

a partner and communicate with them
with random topics. List down all the
adverbs that you have heard from your

Do you undertstand?

Yes, Ma’am.

Prepared by:

Teacher II

Observed by:

School Principal

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