Ppu 300 Designers Handbook 4189341097 Uk
Ppu 300 Designers Handbook 4189341097 Uk
Ppu 300 Designers Handbook 4189341097 Uk
PPU 300
Paralleling and Protection Unit
1. About the Designer's handbook
1.1 Intended users of the Designer's handbook............................................................................................................................................................ 14
1.2 Symbols and conventions.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.3 Software versions................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.4 Technical support .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.5 Warnings and safety.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.6 Legal information.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2. System principles
2.1 About the controllers............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
2.1.1 About.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21
2.1.2 Controller types................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
2.1.3 About the display unit DU 300....................................................................................................................................................................................22
2.1.4 Display unit DU 300 options........................................................................................................................................................................................22
2.2 Application as a system...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.1 How it works.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
2.2.2 Application single-line diagram.................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.2.3 Change controller type.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
2.2.4 Maximum number of controllers................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
2.2.5 Control and command structure................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
2.2.6 Priority of input sources................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
2.3 Control and modes................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
2.3.1 About the control modes...............................................................................................................................................................................................31
2.3.2 Switchboard control........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
2.3.3 Local control (default).................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.4 Remote control................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.3.5 Command sources.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.6 Controller not powered.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
2.4 Controller functions............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
2.5 CODESYS (optional).............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
2.5.1 Inputs and outputs...........................................................................................................................................................................................................36
2.5.2 Activating controller outputs........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.6 Alarms and protections....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.6.1 How alarm processing works......................................................................................................................................................................................37
2.6.2 Alarm parameters............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
2.6.3 Common alarm actions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
2.6.4 Alarm levels........................................................................................................................................................................................................................47
2.6.5 Operate time...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
2.6.6 Acknowledge an alarm.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
2.6.7 Alarm latch and reset..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
2.6.8 Shelve an alarm............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
2.6.9 Out of service an alarm................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
2.6.10 Alarm test......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
2.6.11 Alarm status digital outputs....................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
2.6.12 Customising alarms......................................................................................................................................................................................................54
2.6.13 Customised inhibits...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
2.6.14 Suppress action inhibit................................................................................................................................................................................................55
2.7 CustomLogic..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
2.7.1 Use CustomLogic............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 55
7. Regulation
7.1 About regulation....................................................................................................................................................................................................................169
7.1.1 How it works.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
7.1.2 Analogue regulation..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
7.1.3 Relay regulation.............................................................................................................................................................................................................172
7.1.4 Droop..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................174
9. GENSET controller
9.1 About the GENSET controller........................................................................................................................................................................................ 237
9.1.1 GENSET controller functions................................................................................................................................................................................... 237
9.2 GENSET controller principles........................................................................................................................................................................................ 238
9.2.1 GENSET controller nominal settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 238
9.2.2 Run coil or stop coil...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 239
9.2.3 Running detection......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 240
9.2.4 Regulation........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 244
9.2.5 Ready for operation......................................................................................................................................................................................................244
9.2.6 AC configuration............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 244
9.2.7 Breaker configuration.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 244
9.3 Engine start.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 244
9.3.1 Engine start function.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 244
9.3.2 Engine start flowchart..................................................................................................................................................................................................248
9.3.3 Engine start sequence................................................................................................................................................................................................ 249
9.3.4 Interruption of the start sequence.......................................................................................................................................................................... 252
9.4 Engine stop.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 252
9.4.1 Engine stop function.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 252
9.4.2 Engine stop flowchart.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 255
9.4.3 Engine stop sequence................................................................................................................................................................................................ 256
9.4.4 Engine shutdown flowchart....................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
9.5 Generator breaker................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 257
9.5.1 How it works.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
9.5.2 Generator breaker close flowchart........................................................................................................................................................................ 258
9.5.3 Generator breaker blackout close flowchart...................................................................................................................................................... 259
9.5.4 Generator breaker open flowchart......................................................................................................................................................................... 261
9.5.5 Generator breaker trip flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................. 263
9.6 Other GENSET controller functions........................................................................................................................................................................... 263
9.6.1 Priming.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 263
9.6.2 Temperature-dependent power derating............................................................................................................................................................. 264
9.6.3 Engine operating values as analogue outputs..................................................................................................................................................265
14. Modbus
14.1 Modbus in the controller................................................................................................................................................................................................ 343
14.1.1 How it works................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 343
14.1.2 Warnings........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 343
14.2 Modbus implementation in the controller.............................................................................................................................................................343
14.2.1 Modbus TCP protocol............................................................................................................................................................................................... 343
14.2.2 Modbus communication port................................................................................................................................................................................. 344
14.2.3 Controller identifier..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 344
14.2.4 Data handling............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 344
14.3 Modbus tables......................................................................................................................................................................................................................345
14.3.1 Download Modbus tables........................................................................................................................................................................................345
14.3.2 About the Modbus tables........................................................................................................................................................................................ 345
14.4 Specific Modbus function groups............................................................................................................................................................................. 346
14.4.1 CustomLogic: Modbus signal................................................................................................................................................................................ 346
16. Glossary
16.1 Terms and abbreviations................................................................................................................................................................................................384
16.2 Units.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 390
16.3 Symbols...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................391
16.3.1 Mathematical symbols.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 391
16.3.2 Drawing symbols........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 392
16.3.3 Flowchart symbols..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 394
16.3.4 Module faceplate symbols...................................................................................................................................................................................... 395
The Designer's handbook descriptions are based on functions. Each function description includes the associated input and output
functions, and parameters.
Generator > Nominal settings > Nominal settings 1 > Voltage (V)
The above path is for the Voltage (V) parameter under Nominal settings 1 for the Generator.
Most of the controller inputs and outputs are configurable. You can assign functions to inputs or outputs with either the display or
PICUS. These functions are assigned to a hardware module and set of corresponding terminals. Functions can also be assigned to
an ECU, if the ECU is configured in Fieldbus.
To configure a function:
NOTE * Only functions applicable for the type of terminal are listed.
You can select and change the parameters with either the display or PICUS.
To configure a parameter:
NOTE * Some parameters are only visible after a corresponding input or output function has been configured.
Some parameters and inputs or outputs can be used by more than one function. Search the whole Designer's handbook to see the
impact of a change.
Generator > Nominal settings > Nominal settings 1 > Voltage (V)
This parameter is for the genset Nominal voltage for the first set of nominal settings. The Nominal voltage is the basis for
all of the voltage alarms.
General names
Square brackets [ ] are used to create general names. General names are used to avoid repeating the same function description.
The hash symbol # is used when there are several numbered possibilities.
Controller ID #: # represents 1 to 64. That is, the system can have up to 32 controllers, each with their own unique
Controller ID between 1 and 64.
More information
This shows where you can find more information.
How to ...
This shows a link to a video for help and guidance.
DEIF arranges training courses at DEIF offices worldwide.
When you install and operate the equipment, you may have to work with dangerous currents and voltages. The installation must
only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in working with electrical equipment.
The controller must have a reliable power supply and a backup power supply. The switchboard design must ensure sufficient
protection of the system, if the controller power supply fails.
If the controller has no power supply, it is OFF and does not provide any protection. The controller cannot enforce any trips,
shutdowns or latches when it is off. The controller does not provide any control or load sharing. All the controller relays de-energise.
Failure to ground
Failure to ground the controller (or extension rack) could lead to injury or death.
You must ground the controller (or extension rack) to a protective earth.
Switchboard control
In Switchboard control, the operator operates the equipment from the switchboard. When Switchboard control is activate:
• The controller trips the breaker and/or shuts down the engine, if an alarm situation arises that requires a trip and/or shutdown.
• The controller does not accept operator commands.
• The controller cannot and does not prevent manual operator actions.
The switchboard design must protect the system when the controller is in Switchboard control.
The controller is delivered pre-programmed from the factory with a set of default settings. These settings are based on typical values
and may not be correct for your system. You must therefore check all parameters before using the controller.
The controllers require an operator, a PLC, and/or CustomLogic or CODESYS to control the system. The controllers do not do
system calculations or system power management. Each controller simply follows the commands that it receives. The controllers do
not evaluate whether the commands are appropriate for the system state.
The PLC is supplied by a third-party. DEIF is not responsible for the PLC design and testing.
The class society may require limitation of the parallel time for a shaft generator and diesel genset. The controller does
NOT monitor whether the shaft generator and diesel genset are in parallel. The controller does NOT trip any breaker
because the maximum parallel time is exceeded.
The controller does not evaluate whether regulation set points are appropriate. The controller simply attempts to regulate
to achieve the set point. If the operating value exceeds an alarm set point, then the controller activates the alarm action.
Electrostatic discharge
Protect the equipment terminals from electrostatic discharge when not installed in a grounded rack. Electrostatic discharge can
damage the terminals.
You can shelve and/or take selected alarms out of service. However, only qualified personnel should shelve and/or take alarms out
of service. This must be done carefully, and only as a temporary measure, for example, during commissioning.
The controller trips a breaker because of over-current. The operator then manually (that is, not using the controller) closes
the breaker while the Over-current alarm is still latched.
If another over-current situation arises, the controller does not trip the breaker again. The controller regards the original
Over-current latched alarm as still active, and it does not provide protection.
Only use the hardware modules that are listed in the Technical specifications. Unsupported hardware modules can make the
controller malfunction.
Data security
DEIF takes no responsibility for the installation or operation of any third party equipment, including the genset.
The rack may only be opened to remove, replace, and/or add a hardware module or the internal battery on PCM3.1. The procedure
in the Installation instructions must be followed. If the rack is opened for any other reason, and/or the procedure is not followed,
then the warranty is void.
This product contains open source software licensed under, for example, the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) and GNU
Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). The source code for this software can be obtained by contacting DEIF at
support@deif.com. DEIF reserves the right to charge for the cost of the service.
DEIF, power in control and the DEIF logo are trademarks of DEIF A/S.
Bonjour® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Adobe®, Acrobat®, and Reader®are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United
States and/or other countries.
CANopen® is a registered community trademark of CAN in Automation e.V. (CiA).
SAE J1939® is a registered trademark of SAE International®.
CODESYS® is a trademark of CODESYS GmbH.
EtherCAT®, EtherCAT P®, Safety over EtherCAT®, are trademarks or registered trademarks, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
GmbH, Germany.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
© Copyright DEIF A/S. All rights reserved.
DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the contents of this document without prior notice.
The English version of this document always contains the most recent and up-to-date information about the product. DEIF does not
take responsibility for the accuracy of translations, and translations might not be updated at the same time as the English document.
If there is a discrepancy, the English version prevails.
The PPU 300 Paralleling and Protection Unit is a highly configurable controller designed for marine use. The controller contains the
functions required to protect and control a generator or inverter and its breaker (specifically, a diesel generator, an inverter with
power source, a shaft generator, a shore connection, or a bus tie breaker). You can connect up to 32 controllers to create one
system, with load sharing sections.
The PPU 300 can be ordered with a PLC environment (CODESYS) as an add-on option. CODESYS can be used to extend the
controller functionality and/or create custom CODESYS projects for the controller.
Typically, CODESYS or an operator will send commands to the PPU 300 to close or open the breaker. CODESYS or an operator
can also send commands to start or stop the generator or inverter, change the regulation mode, and change the regulation set
You can also use an alternative PLC to send commands to the PPU 300.
AC measurements can be configured with average filters for use on noisy or oscillating systems. This is only for the displayed
values. All calculations and protections continue to use the actual values. *
The controller display unit can have push-buttons for the operator to change the controller mode, close and open the breaker, and
start and stop a generator or inverter. The colour graphic screen shows status and info messages. Visual synchronisation screen
shows the synchronisation state and values. The screen also allows access to live data, and alarm management. With the right
authorisation, the operator can also check and/or change the input/output and parameter configuration. The light indicators of the
display unit show the system status.
Each controller includes processors and high-speed internal communication. This provides fast protection functions.
The controller design is modular, and hardware modules may be replaced or added in the field.
PICUS is a proprietary, free PC software interface to the controller. The designer can use PICUS to create a flexible application
diagram for the system, and configure the inputs, outputs, and parameters for all the controllers in the system. PICUS also offers
system emulation, supervision, management of permissions, backups, trending, and firmware updates.
The network communication can be configured for IP address settings and for type of Ethernet port and connection node.
Engine communication with CAN bus J1939 can be configured to communicate with an ECU.
More information
See the Engine interface communication manual for supported engines, protocols, and functions.
NOTE * Measurement averaging is not enabled in the default configuration. It may not be allowed for some Maritime classification
approval societies.
More information
You can find additional technical documentation at www.deif.com/documentation/ppu-300/
The GENSET controller type controls both a breaker and the genset engine. The HYBRID controller type controls both the inverter
breaker and the inverter. The SHAFT generator, SHORE connection, and BUS TIE breaker controller types each control one
The general PPU 300 controller features apply to all controller types. The GENSET controller includes a number of additional
features, due to engine control and regulation.
SHAFT Control and protection for Blind module Blind module Blind module
PSM3.1 ACM3.1 IOM3.1 PCM3.1
generator a shaft generator
SHORE Control and protection for Blind module Blind module Blind module
PSM3.1 ACM3.1 IOM3.1 PCM3.1
connection a shore connection
BUS TIE Control and protection for Blind module Blind module Blind module
PSM3.1 ACM3.1 IOM3.1 PCM3.1
breaker a bus tie breaker
The controller can run with or without a display, but we recommend to use the DU 300 display unit. Alternatively, you can use a
touch display from the DEIF AGI 400 series.
The display unit is the operator's interface to the controller. The 5-inch colour graphic display shows real-time operating information,
and it supports all languages with UTF-8 fonts.
The power supply terminals include circuit protection against load dump transients and JEM177 surge transients (rugged design).
1. Top part
Switchboard control P1
Home 12:00
• Same for all DU 300 display units
2. Bottom strip with control
Configure Tools Info
• Different for each controller type (shown
for GENSET controller)
Log on Alarm Log Live data
The bottom strip of the front of the display can include LEDs that show the equipment and controller status, as well as push-buttons
for operator actions.
• Remote control
◦ Remote commands start sequences (from digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or
CustomLogic or CODESYS)
Control modes ◦ Display push-buttons for sequences are ignored
• Local control
◦ Display push-buttons start sequences
◦ Remote commands for sequences are ignored
• Remote control
◦ Remote commands start sequences (from digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or
CustomLogic or CODESYS)
Control modes ◦ Display push-buttons for sequences are ignored
• Local control
◦ Display push-buttons start sequences
◦ Remote commands for sequences are ignored
• Remote control
◦ Remote commands start sequences (from digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or
CustomLogic or CODESYS)
Control modes ◦ Display push-buttons for sequences are ignored
• Local control
◦ Display push-buttons start sequences
◦ Remote commands for sequences are ignored
A number of controllers are used together to create a controller system. Each controller has configurable hardware, which in turn
has configurable inputs and outputs. The controller gets information from the measurements, the inputs, and the DEIF Ethernet
network. The controller sends out information using the outputs, and the DEIF Ethernet network.
Switchboard 2 Display
Other 3
PLC 2 9
3 9
8 Controller
3 Controller
5 Extension
6 10
3 Computer
7 GOV 4 Other
Analogue or digital The controller can control the genset governor Regulate the genset frequency, and/or
4 outputs for governor (GOV) using digital outputs (relay control), or active power (depending on the system
control analogue outputs. configuration).
The controller can control the genset automatic Regulate the genset voltage and/or reactive
Analogue or digital
5 voltage regulator (AVR) using digital outputs (relay power (depending on the system
outputs for AVR control
control), or analogue outputs. configuration).
The DEIF equipment communicates with other DEIF Send inputs from the display to the
9 DEIF network
equipment using this network. controller, and information from the
Allows external devices to communicate with the A wide variety of purposes, including
10 Modbus TCP/IP controller using the Modbus TCP/IP communication monitoring, off site control, and alarm
protocol. handling.
Allows DEIF controllers to communicate with DEIF Extend controller functionality by adding
11 Internal communication extension racks. The communication ports are additional inputs and outputs to one or
located on the power supply modules (PSM). more extension units.
Configurable hardware
After you assign a function to an input or output, you can assign parameters to that function. Each controller type has a default
Most of the controller inputs and outputs can be assigned any function. Functions are not restricted to specific hardware modules.
For example, governor and AVR control functions can use any inputs and outputs, and do not have to use the inputs and outputs on
the Governor and AVR modules (GAM3.1 and/or GAM3.2).
For example, a breaker close can be initiated by an operator using the display unit, PICUS, a digital input, CustomLogic, or an
external system using a Modbus or CODESYS command.
Similarly, the generator excitation (AVR) can be controlled using an analogue output, or digital outputs.
The DEIF network allows the controller to use information from other controllers.
Each controller's display only displays the operating information for the paired controller.
The system (application) is defined by the Application single-line diagram created with PICUS.
The single-line diagram is created in PICUS and must be broadcast to all connected controllers in the same system. If different
single-line diagrams are detected in the system, the controller activates an alarm.
More information
See the PICUS manual for how to create and broadcast the Application single-line diagram.
You can change the type of the controller from the application's single-line diagram. This feature requires the necessary permission
in order to access it.
You can only change the controller type if it is safe for commissioning:
1. The engine must be stopped (not applicable to BUS TIE breaker controller).
2. The breaker must be open.
3. The controller must be in switchboard control.
Configuration reset
If a Controller ID is assigned a new controller type on the single-line diagram, then all of the controller's existing
configuration is deleted, this also includes the log. The IP address configuration and permissions (both users and
groups) are not deleted.
It is recommended to take a backup of your controller before changing controller type if you require the settings.
More information
See Application in the PICUS manual for how to create the application single-line diagram.
There can be up to a total of 32 controllers per DEIF Ethernet network ring. That is, you can assign up to 32 unique Controller ID
numbers out of a possible range of 64.
A system can consist of PPU 300 controllers in the same DEIF Ethernet network. It is also possible to include other ML 300
controllers (using Modbus communication) in the system.
HYBRID controller 0 to 32
The controllers communicate with each other using the Ethernet connections between controllers. This is a virtual network referred
to as the DEIF Ethernet network. The Ethernet connections can also be used by other systems, such as SCADA or alarm systems.
An external command can only start a sequence if all the conditions are met, and the controller mode allows the external command
to start the sequence.
The controller provides several different ways in which to start the same sequence.
Using Modbus communication, an A PLC has a Modbus connection to the required controller. The PLC writes 1
operator, a SCADA system, a (True) to Modbus address 1000 in the discrete output coil using the Modbus
controller with CODESYS installed, function code 05 or 15.
or a PLC sets a Modbus address in
the function group Command to 1
The controller gets the command, and starts the sequence to start the genset.
The controller detects that the digital input is activated, and starts the sequence
to start the genset.
The operator presses the controller Start button on the Supervision page in
The operator selects a virtual PICUS.
display push-button on the Remote
Supervision page in PICUS.
The controller gets the command over the DEIF network, and starts the
sequence to start the genset.
The controller detects that the function is activated, and starts the sequence to
start the genset.
The operator presses a push-button The operator presses the Start button on the display unit.
on the display unit.
The controller gets the command over the DEIF Ethernet network, and starts
the sequence to start the genset.
The controller ignores the command and displays an information message if the controller cannot execute the command. For
example, if a controller is in local control, it ignores a remote Start engine command. The controller displays the information
message Not under remote control.
Each controller can receive inputs from a number of sources. The rules for when a source can be used, as well as how the controller
handles conflicting inputs, are described below.
Commands from display unit push-buttons have the same priority as wiring connected to hardware.
1. If the analogue input function is assigned to hardware, Modbus can only read the input value. Modbus and CustomLogic or
CODESYS cannot modify the input value.
2. If the analogue input function is not assigned to hardware, Modbus and CustomLogic or CODESYS can modify the input value.
3. If Modbus and CustomLogic or CODESYS send conflicting signals, then the controller uses the CustomLogic or CODESYS
The controllers use control modes to distinguish between operator and external control.
In Switchboard control, the operator controls and operates the equipment from the switchboard. The operator can manually regulate
the frequency and voltage using digital inputs (if configured) or Modbus.
In Switchboard control, the controller does not accept any commands from the display or other external sources (for example, PLC
and Modbus) to open or close the breaker. The GENSET controller does not accept any commands to start or stop the engine.
However, the controller alarms can still trip the breaker, and the GENSET controller alarms can shut down the engine.
Manual slope
These parameters are active when the controller is in switchboard control, and the operator manually controls the regulator. They
are only visible if a governor or AVR output is configured.
If an action is performed from the switchboard that activates a controller alarm while the controller is under Switchboard control, the
controller will execute the associated alarm action. For example, if an alarm with an alarm action Trip generator breaker and
shutdown engine is activated while the controller is under Switchboard control, then the controller trips the breaker and shuts down
the engine.
For a GENSET controller, you can create a low oil pressure alarm (based on an analogue input from a sensor) that has the
action Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine. If there is a low oil pressure, then this alarm shuts down the engine
when the controller is under Switchboard control.
You can create a low oil pressure alarm with the Warning alarm action. If there is a low oil pressure, then this alarm
activates and the warning appears even if the controller is in Switchboard control.
By default, the controllers run in local control. While in local control, the operator can use the display push-buttons for breaker open
and close (as well as engine start and stop for a GENSET controller).
While in remote control, the display ignores the push-buttons for breaker open and close (as well as engine start and stop for a
GENSET controller).
You can prohibit certain command sources from use in the system. For example, you could restrict the display function for start/stop
of the engine. Command sources can be configured as parameter settings or dynamically with CustomLogic or Modbus.
You can configure different restrictions for when in either LOCAL or REMOTE mode.
You can use parameters to enable or disable the display command sources.
Not enabled,
PICUS commands - Enabled Allow or prohibit PICUS commands to be used.
Not enabled,
Modbus commands - Enabled Allow or prohibit Modbus commands to be used.
Not enabled,
I/O commands - Enabled Allow or prohibit I/O commands to be used.
In this example, a GENSET controller has a digital input is associated with an OPERATE block for the function Display
commands. The value set in the OPERATE block relates to value for the command source.
When the digital input is not active the OPERATE value is set to 0. No push-buttons can be used.
When the digital input is active the OPERATE value is set to 31. All push-buttons can be used.
Parameters > Local > Command sources > Active [source] sources *
To enable these commands set the OPERATE value to 1.
To not enable these commands set the OPERATE value to 0.
0 = Not enabled
PICUS commands Allow or prohibit PICUS commands.
1 = Enabled
0 = Not enabled
Modbus commands Allow or prohibit Modbus commands.
1 = Enabled
0 = Not enabled
I/O commands Allow or prohibit I/O commands to be used.
1 = Enabled
0 = Not enabled
CustomLogic commands Allow or prohibit CustomLogic commands to be used.
1 = Enabled
0 = Not enabled Allow or prohibit CODESYS commands to be used, only if CODESYS is installed
CODESYS commands
1 = Enabled on the controller.
Mute alarm 1 2
Start/stop engine 2 4
Open/close breaker 3 8
Mute alarm 1 2
Open/close breaker 2 4
Example 1
In this example, we enable only the Start/stop engine, and Open/close breaker push-buttons on a GENSET controller.
Start/stop engine 2 4
Open/close breaker 3 8
A controller is not powered if it loses power, for example, because the power supply is disconnected. When a controller has no
power, none of its protections and functions are active.
A not powered controller does not communicate with the rest of the system, and is invisible to the rest of the system.
The following alarms activate when a controller detects that one of the system's controllers is not powered:
• Missing controller ID #
All relays return to their de-energised hardware condition. For example, on IOM3.1 there is a changeover switch on terminals 1 to 3.
If the controller loses power, then there will be an open circuit between terminals 1 and 2 (the normally open terminals of the
changeover switch), and a closed circuit between terminals 2 and 3.
The analogue output terminals on GAM3.1 (terminals 12 and 13, and terminals 16 and 17) and GAM3.2 (terminals 3 and 4, and
terminals 5 and 6) will have a resistance of over 10 MΩ.
Even though a controller relay may be configured as normally energised, it is also de-energised if the controller loses power.
Most of the controller inputs and outputs can be assigned any function. Functions are not restricted to specific hardware modules.
For example, governor and AVR control functions can use any inputs and outputs, and do not have to use the inputs and outputs on
the Governor and AVR module (GAM3.1).
The controllers allow the same function to use a number of alternative types of inputs and/or outputs. This makes the controllers
very versatile and compatible with a wide range of equipment and systems.
Each controller's display only displays the operating information for that controller. However, the controller processor also has
access to operating information from the rest of the system.
When CODESYS is installed on the controller, it is no longer possible to use CustomLogic on the controller.
More information
See the Multi-line 300 CODESYS guidelines for a description of how to use CODESYS with the controller.
Assign CODESYS inputs and outputs under Configure > Input/output. Select the hardware module, then select the input/output to
configure. These inputs and outputs must first be defined in the CODESYS program, and written to the controller before they can be
Local > CODESYS > Pulse/ If this input is activated, then the controller activates the
Digital input
CODESYS digital input (× 40) continuous corresponding CODESYS digital input function.
Local > CODESYS > As CODESYS changes the value of this analogue output, the
CODESYS analogue output (× - corresponding analogue output value on the controller
40) changes.
CODESYS cannot directly activate controller outputs that are configured for controller functions. For example, CODESYS cannot
activate the [Breaker] > Control > Open digital output.
However, CODESYS can activate external commands, for example, the [Breaker] > Open command. The CODESYS command has
the same effect as, for example, the [Breaker] > Command > Open digital input. The controller only follows the command if the
controller is under remote control.
You can not configure some alarms, as the system must maintain a basic level of protection.
Alarm detection
The controller alarms prevent unwanted, damaging, or dangerous situations from occurring. The alarm handling is an adaptation of
the ISA 18.2 standard. You can configure alarm parameters to suit your design and operational needs.
Some of the alarms are Enabled by default in the controller. You can enable or disable certain alarms and configure their alarm
settings (typically the Set point and Delay) as required.
An alarm is detected when the Alarm condition is met (typically, the operating value reaches the Set point), the controller starts the
Time delay. During this period the controller checks whether the Alarm condition remains active. If the Alarm condition is not
longer active, the alarm is not activated. If the Alarm condition continues after the time delay has expired the Alarm action is
expired? No
The alarm results in both a visual and audible indication (subject to design of your system) for the operator. The system controls the
alarm states as necessary based upon the operational conditions.
Some alarms can be configured to be automatically acknowledged. Auto acknowledge can be useful during commissioning and
troubleshooting. However, DEIF does not recommend Auto acknowledge during normal operation. The Auto-acknowledge feature is
not be approved for use by some Maritime classification societies.
During operation the system continues to monitor the Alarm condition(s) and moves alarms between different states as necessary.
Operator action can also move the alarm(s) to other states.
Alarm Alarm
State Symbol Acknowledge Notes
condition action
State A - Not active - Normal state
Unacknowledged alarm
• An alarm condition occurred.
• An alarm action is active.
State B Active Active Unacknowledged
or • An alarm requires acknowledgement.
• An alarm requires action to clear the alarm
Acknowledged alarm
• An alarm condition occurred.
• An alarm action is active.
State C Active Active Acknowledged
or • An alarm is acknowledged.
• An alarm requires action to clear the alarm
Shelved alarm
Active or Not Not • An alarm is shelved for a period of time.
State G -
or active active • An alarm returns automatically after the period has
The three special Shelve (Stage G), Inhibited (Stage H), and Out of service (State I) are not shown in this diagram.
Alarm Alarm
condition condition
clears? No clears? No
Yes Yes
State D Operator
Latched Latched Return to normal
alarm? No alarm? No
alarm alarm
Yes Yes
Alarm Alarm
condition? condition?
No No
Yes Yes
NOTE Alarms configured with a Latch continue to have the Alarm action active even if the Alarm condition is no longer active.
The alarm requires first acknowledgement and then reset by an operator before the alarm can be cleared and return to
Inhibited, Shelved, or Out of service alarms are forced to be not active in the system, even if the Alarm condition is present.
Automatic actions
The controller controls the following automatic actions:
• Horn/siren output
• Inhibits alarms (if applicable)
• Auto-acknowledges alarms (if configured)
• Controls the alarm state
• Suppress action (if configured)
The alarm settings are configured as parameter settings in the controller. Each alarm parameter is explained in detail in the following
sections. Some alarm settings are not configurable and may not be shown for some alarms.
Not enabled,
1 Enable Enabled alarms activate in the system if the Alarm condition occurs.
4 Delay Varies A time delay before the Alarm action becomes active.
Not enabled,
7 Auto acknowledge If Enabled the alarm is automatically acknowledged when it occurs. *
Not enabled, If Enabled the alarm is latched when it occurs and requires both
8 Latch
Enabled acknowledgement and reset (unlatch) to clear the Alarm action.
Not enabled, If Enabled the alarm action is suppressed. The alarm message will appear in
9 Suppress action
Enabled the alarm list.
Select Start test to start an alarm test. Starting an alarm test also activates the
Start test, Stop alarm action.
11 Alarm test
Select Stop test to stop the alarm test.
When the operating value, that the alarm is based on, reaches the Set point, the controller starts the Time delay (if applicable) for
the alarm. The Set point is often a percentage of the controller's nominal setting. Most alarms require a Set point to be configured.
For example, the Set point for the Over-current 1 alarm can be 100 %. This means that the current from the equipment must be 100
% (or more) of the nominal current to activate the alarm.
Reset hysteresis
The Reset hysteresis prevents the operating value from being too close to the alarm Set point when the alarm is reset. The Reset
hysteresis makes the system more stable by imposing hysteresis on the alarm Set point. The Reset hysteresis is a value that is
subtracted from the set point of high alarms (and added to the Set point of low alarms).
A Reset hysteresis can only be used where the alarm is based on an analogue value.
Under-speed example
An Under-speed alarm with a Set point of 80 % of the nominal speed and a Reset Reset
hysteresis of 5.0 %. The alarm is only reset when the operating value is above 85.0
% of the nominal speed.
When the alarm Set point is exceeded and an alarm Delay is configured, the controller starts the timer for the alarm. If the
operational value stops exceeding the Set point, the timer is stopped and reset. If the value exceeds the alarm Set point for the
whole of the Delay, the controller activates the alarm.
tdelay tdelay
The total delay before the alarm Action is activated is the Operate time for the alarm plus the Delay parameter.
Trigger level
If the reference value must be equal to or higher than the Set point to activate the alarm, a High Trigger level is selected in the alarm
Similarly, if the reference value must be equal to or lower than the Set point to activate the alarm, a Low Trigger level is selected in
the alarm configuration.
For most alarms the Trigger level is set and cannot be changed. Custom I/O alarms can be configured for High or Low setting of the
Trigger level.
Auto acknowledge
When Auto acknowledge is selected, the alarm is immediately marked as acknowledged in the alarm display when the alarm is
Alarms that have a Latch configured, even if automatically acknowledged, still require unlatching by the operator.
The Alarm action is the response that you allocate to the Alarm condition. Each alarm can only be assigned one Alarm action.
The controllers are delivered with pre-defined alarm actions. You can change the Alarm action for most alarms.
Alarm actions are used to assign a set of responses for each alarm. Each Alarm action consists of a group of actions that the
system takes when the Alarm condition is met. Alarm actions act as a type of alarm categorisation. Minor alarm situations may be
assigned warnings, while a critical situation may trip the breaker and shutdown the genset.
The Alarm actions are effective as long as the operating value exceeds the alarm Set point (including the Reset hysteresis if
configured) or the alarm is latched.
One alarm activates Trip generator breaker and stop engine, and at the same time another alarm activates Trip generator
breaker and shutdown engine. Trip generator breaker and stop engine includes a cooldown period, while Trip generator
breaker and shutdown engine does not. The controller shuts down the engine without cooling, regardless of the order of
the alarms.
If an inhibit with active conditions is created for an active, unacknowledged alarm (with or without a latch), then the alarm state
changes to an inactive, unacknowledged alarm (with or without a latch). The alarm must be acknowledged (and unlatched) before it
is removed from the alarm list.
Inhibited alarms are not shown in the alarm list, unless they have occurred and are unacknowledged before they were inhibited.
The controller types are delivered with default inhibits for each alarm. You can remove these inhibits, and/or add more inhibits. In
addition to the default inhibits, you can also configure three customisable I/O inhibits for selection.
More information
See Customised inhibits for how to configure customisable I/O inhibits.
For example, for a GENSET controller, for generator under-voltage, the inhibits Engine not running is selected. This means that if
the genset is either starting up, or if there is no running detection, the generator under-voltage alarm is disabled.
In addition to the default inhibits available, some alarms include permanent inhibit conditions. These inhibits are not configurable,
and are described under the alarm that uses them.
For some alarms, inhibits are not applicable. The controller will not allow you to select any inhibits for these alarms.
Suppress action
For all controller types, an alarm action is suppressed when Suppress action is Enabled for the alarm, and the function Alarm
system > Additional functions > Suppress alarm action is activated by a digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or
If the Alarm action is suppressed, when the alarm is activated, the alarm is shown in the alarm handling system, but the Alarm
action is only Warning.
You can configure a Latch on any alarm. When an alarm with a Latch is activated, the Alarm actionremains in force until the alarm
is acknowledged and then reset (unlatched). Alarm latching provides an extra layer of safety.
For example, you can create a low oil pressure alarm with a latch and a Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine alarm action.
Then, if there is low oil pressure, the controller trips the breaker and stops the engine. The engine remains stopped and will not be
able to start until the alarm is reset.
Enable *
Some alarms can be Not enabled or Enabled, according to your requirements.
If the alarm is Not enabled, it does not respond to changes in the operating values, and is never activated.
If the alarm is Enabled, it is activated when the alarm Set point and Delay are exceeded. However, if the conditions for one or more
inhibits are met, then the alarm and its Action are inhibited, and not activated.
NOTE * Some alarms settings are not configurable. You can not configure some alarms, as the system must maintain a basic
level of protection.
Alarm test
The alarm test activates the alarm and its Alarm action. You can use the alarm test parameter to test individual alarms, for
example, during commissioning.
Alarm tests of individual alarms can be stopped one at a time using the parameter, or at the same time using the Stop test button on
the Alarms page in PICUS.
Information Notes
Reset counter value Changes the Counter parameter value to the selected value.
Priority Low
Priority -
Breaker closing is blocked: If the breaker is open, the controller will not close it. (If the breaker is
closed, this Alarm action does not open the breaker.)
Genset start is blocked: If the genset is stopped, the controller will not start it. (If the genset is running,
this Alarm action does not stop the genset.)
Trip [Breaker]
Priority High
Effect The controller trips the [Breaker] (that is, without de-loading).
Priority High
The controller trips the genset breaker (that is, without de-loading). After the cooldown period, the
controller stops the engine.
Priority High
Effect The controller trips the inverter breaker (without de-loading) and stops the inverter at the same time.
Priority Highest
The controller trips the genset breaker (that is, without de-loading). The controller shuts down the
engine, without a cooldown period.
Trip AVR
Priority High
Effect The controller trips the AVR (that is, stops voltage or reactive power regulation).
Priority High
The controller trips the genset or shaft generator breaker (that is, without de-loading) and the AVR (that
is, stops reactive power regulation).
Priority High
The controller trips the inverter breaker (that is, without de-loading) and the AVR (that is, stops reactive
power regulation).
Priority High
The controller trips the genset breaker (that is, without de-loading) and the AVR (that is, stops reactive
power regulation). After the cooldown period, the controller stops the engine.
Priority High
The controller trips the inverter breaker (that is, without de-loading) and the AVR (that is, stops reactive
power regulation). The controller stops the inverter.
Priority Highest
The controller trips the genset breaker (that is, without de-loading) and the AVR (that is, stops reactive
power regulation). The controller shuts down the engine, without a cooldown period.
Stop inverter
Priority High
Effect The controller stops the inverter without checking the breaker position.
Alarm levels refers to configuring a number of alarms for one reference value. For each alarm level, the Set point, Time delay,
Alarm action and other parameters are configured.
Over-voltage 2
Voltage [% of nominal voltage]
Over-voltage 1
100 No voltage alarms
Under-voltage 1
Under-voltage 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 Delay [s]
If the operation is in the green area, the controller does not activate any busbar voltage alarms.
In the example, an over-voltage Warning alarm is activated if the busbar voltage has been over 105 % of the busbar's nominal
voltage for 5 seconds. If the busbar voltage is over 115 % of the nominal voltage for more than 3 seconds, the controller activates
the Trip [Breaker] alarm action. Both alarms will be active if the busbar voltage is over 115 % of the nominal voltage for more than 5
seconds. The alarm action Trip [Breaker] has a higher priority than Warning.
The operate time is the total time that the controller takes to respond to a change in the operating conditions. The operate time is a
controller characteristic, and not a configurable parameter.
The controller operate time is listed for each AC protection. The operate time starts when the AC conditions change so that the
alarm set point is exceeded. The operate time is completed when the controller has changed its output(s) accordingly.
Operate time = measurement time + calculation time + time to change the controller output(s)
For example, the operate time may be "< 100 ms". This means that the controller protection responds to the change in the
alternating current conditions within 100 ms.
The operate times do not include any provision for the time delay configured for the AC protection. For example, over-voltage has an
operate time of < 100 ms, but the default time delay for Over-voltage 1 is 5 seconds. The Over-voltage 1 alarm action is therefore
between 5.0 and 5.1 seconds after the alarm set point is exceeded.
Alarms must be acknowledged. The operator must take action regarding the Alarm condition. The operator can mark the alarm as
acknowledged. Alarms that have Auto-acknowledge do not require acknowledge by operator action.
Digital inputs
Function I/O Type Details
Alarm system > Command > When this input is activated, the controller acknowledges all its
Digital input Pulse
Acknowledge all alarms alarms.
Power management > When this input is activated, the controller acknowledges all its
Acknowledge all alarms in Digital input Pulse own alarms, along with all the alarms in all the other controllers in
system the system.
An additional layer of protection can be added by using a Latch on most alarms. When a Latch is Enabled on an alarm, there is an
extra confirmation that must be made by the operator, before the alarm can be cleared. The Alarm action remains active, even if
the Alarm condition clears, until the operator resets the latched alarm.
A latched alarm can only be reset by an operator after both the alarm has been acknowledged and the Alarm condition has
cleared. Acknowledging the alarm does not Reset the alarm latch.
For example, you can configure a low oil pressure alarm with a latch enabled, with a Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine
alarm action and an Engine not running inhibit. If there is low oil pressure, the controller trips the breaker and shuts down the
engine. The engine remains stopped and will not be able to start until the operator acknowledges the alarm AND resets the latch.
9. The operator resets the latch on the alarm, and the alarm
returns to normal State A.
alarm latch
State A
The operator can shelve each alarm for a period of time, during any alarm state (except if the alarm is already Out of service).
If an unacknowledged alarm is shelved, the alarm is automatically acknowledged. If a latched alarm is shelved, the latch on the
alarm is reset. While the alarm is shelved, the alarm action is not active.
When the period expires, the alarm is automatically unshelved. Alternatively, an operator can manually unshelve the alarm. The
alarm then responds as normal to alarm conditions.
Shelved alarms
Shelving certain alarms can disable critical protections. In addition, shelving automatically acknowledges the alarm and
resets the latch.
4. The operator unshelves the alarm, the alarm returns back to its original state.
Operator 5. The controller checks if the shelve period has expired:
Shelves • If the shelve period has not expired, the alarm remains as shelved.
6. The system unshelves the alarm if the shelve period has expired.
4. 3.
Unshelves State G
alarm Shelved
expired? No
You can take any alarm Out of service, during any alarm state (except if the alarm is already Shelved). When an alarm is Out of
service, the alarm is suspended indefinitely.
2. 4. The operator returns the alarm to service, the alarm returns back to its original state.
Removes from
State I
Out of service
Returns to
NOTE The system does not automatically return an Out of service alarm, an operator must perform this action.
An alarm test activates the controller alarms and all their Alarm actions. You can activate alarm tests from the PICUS Alarms page,
or by starting an alarm test for an individual alarm using the alarm's Alarm test parameter.
More information
See Alarms in the PICUS manual for the alarm test buttons available on the Alarms page in PICUS.
If an alarm was acknowledged before the test, the alarm status changes to unacknowledged during the alarm test.
If an alarm is acknowledged during the test, the alarm remains on the alarm list, and the alarm action continues until the alarm test
• Latched alarms: Alarms with latches can be acknowledged and the latches reset manually during the test. If an alarm latch is
reset during the test, then the alarm is removed from the alarm list, and the alarm action stops.
• Shelved alarms: The alarm test unshelves these alarms, and they remain unshelved after the test.
• Out of service alarms: The alarm test returns these alarms to service. These alarms remain in service after the test.
Alarms that were acknowledged before the alarm test are still acknowledged when the alarm test stops.
You can configure a digital output with a function for an alarm status. The controller activates the digital output if the alarm status is
Alarm test
The alarm test activates these outputs. Acknowledging the test alarms deactivates the outputs.
You can customise the alarms for your system by configuring the alarm parameters. The parameters that you can configure are
restricted for some alarms.
You can also create custom alarms for the input/output configurations for both analogue and digital terminals.
The list of alarms is fixed, and you cannot add more alarms.
Additional alarms
If an alarm is not available, you can set it up in CustomLogic. However, it will not be part of the alarm
list, or the alarm management system.
Some alarms cannot be disabled. For example, the Phase sequence error protection (which prevents
Certain alarms synchronisation when the phase sequence is not the same on either side of the breaker) is always
You cannot change certain alarm actions. For example, for Voltage or frequency not OK, the action is
Certain alarm actions
always Block, to stop the breaker from closing.
You cannot create additional alarm actions. You can only choose alarm actions from the list of alarm
Additional alarm actions
You can set up responses to operating values or conditions in CustomLogic, but these will not be
available as alarm actions to the alarms.
You cannot add more inhibits to the list of inhibits available for selection for the controller type. For
example, you cannot select the Tie breaker closed inhibit, as this is not applicable to the GENSET
Inhibits that are not controller.
configured for the
controller type
However, there are three custom inhibits for each controller. You can activate a custom inhibit using a
digital input, Modbus, and/or CustomLogic.
Change the Trigger level Most alarms have a fixed Trigger level. For example, Busbar over-voltage is always a High alarm, while
for certain alarms Busbar under-frequency is always a Low alarm.
In addition to the default inhibits, you can also use three custom inhibit functions (Inhibit 1, Inhibit 2 and Inhibit 3). You can activate a
custom inhibit using a digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or CustomLogic or CODESYS.
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
Alarm system > Inhibits > When the digital input is activated, then the controller
Digital input Continuous
Activate inhibit # * applies Inhibit # *
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 3.
Select the customised inhibit:
Where [Alarm] represents any alarm, and [number] represents the number of the inhibit field.
Range Notes
The controller inhibits, plus Inhibit #, where # is 1 If you select Inhibit #, and the digital input Activate inhibit # is activated, then
to 3 the controller inhibits the alarm.
It can be useful to use a digital input function to suppress the alarm action for certain alarms. You can activate the function using a
digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or CustomLogic or CODESYS.
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
Alarm system > Additional
When the digital input is activated, then the controller
functions > Suppress alarm Digital input Continuous
suppresses all the alarms with Suppress action enabled.
2.7 CustomLogic
2.7.1 Use CustomLogic
CustomLogic is used in PICUS to create and configure customised logical operations for use in the system. These functions are built
using ladder logic elements and can include interaction with external equipment, or more advanced logic interfaces.
When CODESYS is installed on the controller, it is no longer possible to use CustomLogic on the controller.
More information
See CustomLogic in the PICUS manual for how to use CustomLogic.
Not enabled: The controller ignores the CustomLogic projects. The inputs and
Not enabled, outputs remain assigned to CustomLogic and cannot be used elsewhere.
Enable Not enabled
Enabled: The controller executes the CustomLogic project.
Custom parameters can be used with CustomLogic for reading, comparing, or writing values. Up to 50 customer parameters can be
Custom parameter # *
Parameter Range Default Comment
CustomLogic cannot directly activate controller outputs that are configured for controller functions. For example, CustomLogic
cannot activate the [Breaker] > Control > Open digital output.
However, CustomLogic can activate external commands, for example, the [Breaker] > Open command. The CustomLogic
command has the same effect as, for example, the [Breaker] > Command > Open digital input. The controller only follows the
external command if the controller is in remote control.
Each controller has 20 Modbus signals that can be assigned to contacts and coils.
When a Modbus signal is assigned to a contact, the contact can be activated and deactivated using the correct Modbus address for
the signal number.
2.7.7 Restrictions
However, the controller does not accept external commands in switchboard control. For example, if CustomLogic activates a
command to open a breaker, the controller ignores the command.
If the logic should not be processed while the controller is in switchboard control, a open normally closed contact should be added to
the logic lines where necessary. Set the normally closed contact to Mode > Inputs > Under switchboard control.
2.8 Emulation
With emulation you can run your controllers in a virtual operating mode. During emulation you can simulate various real-world
actions, such as starting or stopping the genset without actually having any genset connected. You can also test and configure your
controller, and mimic inputs or outputs that are configured.
More information
See Emulation in the PICUS manual for how to use and configure the emulation feature.
Custom parameter # *
Parameter Range Default Comment
The date and time can be set manually from PICUS or the display, or automatically obtained from an external time server.
The time is stored locally on each controller, and automatically synchronised between all DEIF controllers connected in the same
network. The alarms, logs, and display unit use the time.
If two Ethernet networks with DEIF controllers are joined, then the time from the network with the controller that has been powered
on for the longest is used.
If the time master fails, the controllers in the network determine which controller has been ON the longest. The controller that has
been on the longest, then becomes the new time master.
The time difference can initially be a few seconds. This is adjusted down over time. The time synchronisation can take some time
(for example, 30 minutes) to synchronise the controllers.
Date format YYYY-MM-DD
The adjustment for daylight saving is based on the time zone, and
is automatically applied by the controller.
Time zone Selectable list Etc/UTC
Daylight savings is not applied to the controller when you select
the Etc/UTC time zone.
• 12 hour clock The AM/PM selector for Time is only visible when 12 hour clock is
Time format 24 hour clock
• 24 hour clock selected.
• 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 If an NTP server is configured, then you are not able to change
• 12:00:00 AM to 11:59:59 PM the time manually.
NOTE If a setting is changed on any controller in the network, the new setting is synchronised to all controllers in the network.
Type the IP address or server address of the NTP server in this field. When either of the Host
Host * -
fields have data inside them, it is no longer possible to configure the date or time manually.
Unicast: The controller sends requests to the specified host and to request the date and time.
The controller updates the date and time when the host responds to the request.
• Unicast
Mode * Unicast
• Multicast
Multicast: The controller waits for a date and time to be broadcast from a server on the host
location. The controller updates the date and time when a broadcast is received.
Use the Configure > Time settings page in PICUS or the display to set the time manually.
When you change the time on any controller in the network, the new time is shared with all the controllers in the network through the
time master.
To use external NTP servers, the network design must allow the controllers to access the NTP server(s).
If two NTP servers are configured, then the NTP server with the lowest Stratum is the server used. If the NTP servers have the
same Stratum, then the NTP server configured in Server 1 is the server used.
Permission structure
The permissions structure allows the creation and maintenance of users and groups within each controller configuration. These are
stored locally on each controller, and therefore each controller can store its own set of user permissions and groups.
Controller Controller
1 2
User 4
User 1 User 3
User 2
User 5
However, you can also Broadcast these settings to any or all of the other connected controller(s), which creates the same
permissions on them.
Create the same permissions on all the connected controllers. If a controller must have different permission settings, do not
broadcast these settings.
Each user is a member of a group. The group gives the user permissions to associated features or functions of the controller.
When a user is assigned to a group, they inherit the permissions for that group.
In the following diagram, you can see the permissions that User 1 and User 2 have to the controller. Both User 1 and User 2 are
members of a basic permission group, and they inherit the permissions from that specific group.
Basic group
User 1
Read access User 2
No access
In the diagram, User 1 and User 2 are members of the Basic group. They have read access to the Alarms, and Log, but they have
no access to the Tools or Configure functions.
Permissions access enables you to easily control which user can access which function. This provides a layer of control for the
operation of the controller.
Permissions access
You can only access the user permissions option if you are a member of a group that has access to that function.
The following information is stored for each of the Users on the controller.
Organisation Optional
Notes Optional
Permissions are divided into group settings and the permission levels under that group.
Group settings
The Group settings contain the general information about the permission group.
Name Required
Owner Optional
Notes Optional
Group permissions
The group permissions grant or remove access to each of the different areas in the software.
Setting Notes
Mixed access Where permissions are different at different levels within the permission area.
• Single-line creator
Application • Emulation
• Single-line supervision
• Alarm acknowledge
• Alarm reset latch
• Alarm out of service
• Alarm shelved
• Log
• Engine interface J1939 DM2
• Translations
• Report
• Backup
• Restore
• Restore configuration
• Trending
Tools • Communication
• Regulator status
• Alarm test
• Advanced
◦ Firmware
◦ Change controller
◦ Permissions
Live data ●
Live data ●
Application ●
Single-line creator ●
Single-line supervision ●
Alarms ●
Alarm acknowledge ●
Alarm shelved ●
Log ●
Log ●
Engine interface ●
Tools ●
Translations ●
Report ●
Backup ●
Restore ●
Restore configuration ●
Communication ●
Regulator status ●
Alarm test ●
Firmware ●
Permissions ●
Configure ●
View design ●
Parameters ●
Counters ●
CustomLogic ●
Flexible Modbus ●
Fieldbus configuration ●
Fieldbus supervision ●
Live data ●
Live data ●
Application ●
Single-line creator ●
Single-line supervision ●
Alarms ●
Alarm acknowledge ●
Alarm shelved ●
Logs ●
Log ●
Engine interface ●
Tools ●
Translations ●
Report ●
Backup ●
Restore ●
Restore configuration ●
Communication ●
Regulator status ●
Alarm test ●
Firmware ●
Permissions ●
Configure ●
view design ●
Parameters ●
Counters ●
CustomLogic ●
Flexible Modbus ●
Fieldbus configuration ●
Fieldbus supervision ●
Live data ●
Live data ●
Application ●
Single-line creator ●
Single-line supervision ●
Alarms ●
Alarm acknowledge ●
Alarm shelved ●
Logs ●
Log ●
Engine interface ●
Tools ●
Translations ●
Report ●
Backup ●
Restore ●
Restore configuration ●
Communication ●
Regulator status ●
Alarm test ●
Firmware ●
Permissions ●
Configure ●
View design ●
Parameters ●
Counters ●
CustomLogic ●
Flexible Modbus ●
Fieldbus configuration ●
Fieldbus supervision ●
Live data ●
Live data ●
Application ●
Single-line creator ●
Single-line supervision ●
Alarms ●
Alarm acknowledge ●
Alarm shelved ●
Logs ●
Log ●
Engine interface ●
Tools ●
Translations ●
Report ●
Backup ●
Restore ●
Restore configuration ●
Communication ●
Regulator status ●
Alarm test ●
Firmware ●
Permissions ●
Configure ●
View design ●
Parameters ●
Counters ●
CustomLogic ●
Flexible Modbus ●
Fieldbus configuration ●
Fieldbus supervision ●
Live data ●
Live data ●
Application ●
Single-line creator ●
Single-line supervision ●
Alarms ●
Alarm acknowledge ●
Alarm shelved ●
Logs ●
Log ●
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If an ECU has been configured, you can also switch to see the DM2 logs.
The NEL must be assigned to the controller on the Application single-line diagram in order for the NEL functions to be visible under
the controller inputs and outputs.
More information
See the PICUS manual for how to create the Application single-line diagram and add a non-essential load.
Non-essential load trip (NEL) groups are tripped to protect the busbar against imminent blackout. The NEL can be configured to trip
(that is, disconnect) if over-current, low busbar frequency, overload and/or reactive overload is measured by a controller.
Each non-essential load (NEL) trip is a function with a warning alarm. The trip is active until the measurement that activated the
alarm returns to normal (unless the alarm is latched; then the trip remains active until the latch is reset). The operator can then
reconnect the non-essential load.
For NEL alarms, you can only set the set point and the delay. You cannot assign other alarm actions.
The NEL trip relay is activated when one or more of the NEL alarms is activated. It remains active whenever there is at least one
NEL alarm, even if the original NEL alarm is deactivated.
For redundancy and secure operation, DEIF strongly recommends that all controller NEL trip settings are identical.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
DEIF recommends that you connect each non-essential load to each controller, so that any controller can trip the non-essential
loads. As a minimum, each non-essential load should be connected to at least two controllers. However, it is possible to connect
each controller to up to three non-essential loads, with no interaction from the other controllers.
Digital output
For each controller assign the non-essential load outputs. The NEL must be added to the application single-line diagram before you
can configure this digital output.
The non-essential load parameter is only visible when the Non-essential load trip # function is configured.
Not enabled: Controller breaker trips have no direct effect on the non-
essential load trips.
Trip when Not enabled,
Not enabled
breaker trips Enabled Enabled: Whenever the controller breaker trips, then the controller also
activates the Non-essential load trip # output. The NEL trip remains active as
long as the breaker trip is active.
Test functions > Lamp test
Parameter Range Default Comment
Enabled: When the parameter is saved, the lamp test starts. After the lamp
Not enabled,
Activate Not enabled test, the controller automatically changes the parameter to Not enabled.
Alternatively, you can start the lamp test from the display unit (Tools >
Advanced > Lamp test) or a digital input (see above).
Duration 1 s to 1 h 18 s The time for the lamp test.
The time that each colour is lit. The colour cycle is green, yellow, red. The
Color cycle color cycle repeats for the duration of the lamp test.
1 s to 1 h 3s
For the default settings, the lamp test will cycle through all the colours twice.
2.15 Alive
To confirm that the controller is operational, a digital output can be configured to activate for a specified amount of time in a time
period. If the signal does not repeat within the defined time period, then the controller is no longer operational.
The output is set to high for the Duty cycle time each Period.
Local > Alive Digital
> Alive output For example, if the Duty cycle is set to 50 % and the Period is set to 2 s, then the output
is high for 1 s and low for 1 s. This signal repeats while the controller is operational.
Duty cycle 0 to 100 % 50 % If the Duty cycle is set to 0 %, then the I/O output is always low.
The bus tie breakers create busbar sections. The bus tie breakers can be externally controlled, or controlled by a BUS TIE breaker
The busbar sections are dynamic. That is, the sections change whenever bus tie breakers are opened or closed.
Bus tie
breaker 4
Section 4 Section 3
When the breaker(s) are open, each busbar section is independent from the other section(s). The controllers in the section can
share the load in that section.
If the breaker(s) are closed, then the connected busbar sections together form one busbar section, as shown in the example below.
The controllers in the connected busbar section can share the load for the combined busbar section.
Bus tie
breaker 4
Section 4 Section 1-2-3
NOTE The busbar sections are numbered here to make it easier to understand sections. However, busbar section numbers are
not used in PICUS.
The externally controlled bus tie breaker function allows an externally controlled bus tie breaker to be present. This breaker is
opened or closed by the operator. The DEIF controllers only receive position feedback from the breaker, and do not control it.
Additional equipment
You should install a check sync relay or a paralleling relay in the switchboard, to check the synchronisation before closing, for
example, the DEIF CSQ-3 or HAS.
Wiring example
More information
See Wiring examples for controller functions, Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of
external breaker wiring.
Table 3.1 Hardware required in addition to the minimum standard controller wiring
Breakers > External breaker #> Feedback > The feedback ensures that the controller system
Digital input Continuous
External breaker # closed* knows when the external breaker is closed.
Breakers > External breaker # > Feedback > The feedback ensures that the controller system
Digital input Continuous
External breaker # open* knows when the external breaker is open.
Breakers > External breaker # > State > External breaker # is Activated when the breaker is
Digital output Continuous
closed* closed.
*Note: # represents the external breaker number. Up to 4 external breakers can be assigned to a controller.
More information
See Busbar sections and load sharing, Load sharing alarms, External breaker # position failure for more information
about the alarm.
The externally controlled shore connection function allows an externally controlled shore connection to be present. You can also use
this to connect other feeders to the busbar. This breaker is opened or closed by the operator. The DEIF controllers only receive
position feedback from the breaker, and do not control it.
If configured, the externally controlled shore connection is shown on the Supervision page in PICUS. The externally controlled
shore connection has no influence on the busbar sections, or on the operation of any controllers.
Single-line diagram
You can assign a total of up to 4 external breakers (these can be bus tie breakers and/or shore connections) to each controller.
Each external breaker can be assigned to any controller type, anywhere in the single-line diagram.
If the system includes a generator that is not controlled by a PPU 300, include this generator on the single-line diagram as an
externally controlled shore connection.
Additional equipment
You should install a check sync relay or a paralleling relay in the switchboard, to check the synchronisation before closing, for
example, the DEIF CSQ-3 or HAS.
Wiring example
More information
See Wiring examples for controller functions, Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of
external breaker wiring.
Breakers > External breaker # > Feedback > The feedback ensures that the controller system
Digital input Continuous
External breaker # closed* knows when the external breaker is closed.
Breakers > External breaker # > Feedback > The feedback ensures that the controller system
Digital input Continuous
External breaker # open* knows when the external breaker is open.
Breakers > External breaker # > State > External breaker # is Activated when the breaker is
Digital output Continuous
closed* closed.
*Note: # represents the external breaker number. Up to 4 external breakers can be assigned to a controller.
More information
See Busbar sections and load sharing, Load sharing alarms, External breaker # position failure for more information
about the alarm.
BUS TIE breaker controllers and/or externally controlled bus tie breakers can be installed in system with a ring busbar.
A ring busbar connection is only allowed if there are at least two bus tie breakers in the single-line diagram. These bus tie breakers
can be controlled by BUS TIE breaker controllers and/or externally controlled.
The controllers can share the load (both active power (P) and reactive power (Q)) over the DEIF network.
The load is shared equally between the GENSET controllers in the same section with load sharing mode activated. The gensets
each run at the same percentage of nominal load. This allows differently sized gensets to share the load.
NOTE Only DEIF controllers can be used for load sharing over the DEIF network. No other vendors' controllers can be used for
load sharing over the DEIF network.
Name Type Details
DEIF network Ethernet The DEIF network can be used for equal load sharing (active and/or reactive power).
Equal load sharing example
A 1000 kW genset is supplying a load of 900 kW. A 500 kW genset is then connected to the same section. Load sharing is
activated in both GENSET controllers.
Together, the gensets run at 900 kW / (1000 kW + 500 kW) = 0.6 = 60 % of their nominal load. Therefore, the 1000 kW
genset supplies 600 kW, and the 500 kW genset supplies 300 kW.
The following alarms can affect the DEIF network load sharing:
If any of these alarms are present, load sharing can be unpredictable. You must therefore find and correct the cause.
Switchboard control
If a controller is under switchboard control, then that controller does not control load, and therefore it cannot participate in load
The controller activates the alarm if the difference between the reference and measured values is outside the activation range for
longer than the delay.
This alarm is not activated when the deviation of the error swings in and out of the activation range above and below the set point.
This is because this alarm is only activated when the deviation of the error stays either above or below the activation range for the
delay time.
The alarm is based on the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the internal controller set point, as a
percentage of the genset nominal reactive power.
The controller activates the alarm if the difference between the reference and measured values is outside the activation range for a
time longer than the delay.
This alarm is not activated when the deviation of the error swings in and out of the activation range above and below the set point.
This is because this alarm is only activated when the deviation of the error stays either above or below the activation range for the
delay time.
This alarm is for an externally controlled breaker position failure.
The alarm is based on the externally controlled breaker feedback signals, which are digital Breaker
inputs to the controller. The alarm is activated if the breaker Closed and Open feedbacks are feedback
both missing for longer than the delay time. The alarm is also activated if the breaker Closed 0
and Open feedbacks are both present for longer than the delay time.
1 1
This alarm is for any bus tie breaker position Breaker Breaker
failure. open open
feedback feedback
0 0
The alarm is based on the breaker feedback
signals, which are digital inputs to the controller.
1 1
The alarm is activated if the breaker Closed and Breaker Breaker
Open feedbacks are both missing for longer than closed closed
the delay time. The alarm is also activated if the feedback feedback
breaker Closed and Open feedbacks are both 0 0
present for longer than the delay time.
1 1
Delay Delay
The alarm is activated in ALL of the controllers in Breaker Breaker
the sections connected to the bus tie breaker. position position
0 0
Time Time
System > Monitoring > Any bus tie breaker position failure
This alarm is always enabled.
Controller B
Voltage [%]
This alarm communicates that not all controllers in the section detected the blackout. 0
The alarm is based on the blackout detection for all the controllers in the section. The alarm 100
Controller A
Voltage [%]
is activated when one or more controllers detect a blackout, while one or more controllers in
the same section do not detect a blackout, and this continues for longer than the delay time.
This alarm is present in GENSET, HYBRID, SHAFT generator and SHORE connection
• Not enabled
Enable Not enabled
• Enabled
Action Warning
The alarm is based on the network between the controllers included in the single-line diagram. The alarm is activated when the
controller cannot communicate over the network with any other controllers. If this alarm is activated, the Missing controller ID #
alarms are not activated.
This alarm communicates a communication failure with one or more controllers in the single-line diagram.
The alarm is always enabled, and the alarm action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm communicates that there is another controller with the same Controller ID in the network.
The alarm is based on the network between the controllers included in the single-line diagram. The alarm is activated when the
controller detects another controller with the same Controller ID as itself.
This alarm communicates that the single-line diagram cannot be read from the controller, or that no single-line diagram is configured
for the controller.
The alarm is always enabled and the action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm communicates that different single-line diagrams are present on one or more controllers in the system.
This alarm is activated when a single-line diagram is written to a controller, but not Broadcast to the remaining controllers. The alarm
is always enabled, and the action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm occurs if the controller has a Controller ID that is not included in the application single-line diagram. Check or configure
the system under Application.
The alarm is always Enabled, and the action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
Stand-alone applications
You must also create a single-line diagram if the controller is in a stand-alone application. The application single-line diagram has
only that controller.
This alarm occurs if a controller in the application single-line diagram is missing from the network.
This alarm applies to the DEIF network connection between the controller PCM modules. The alarm is activated when there is no
redundant communication between the controllers. This alarm is based on the single-line diagram and the application
communication. That is, all of the controllers in the network must be included in the application single-line diagram.
NOTE This alarm must either be Enabled for all the controllers in the system, or Not enabled for all the controllers in the system.
This alarm only applies to top ring topology in a configuration using CODESYS. This alarm applies to the DEIF network connection
between the controller PCM modules in a top ring configuration. The alarm is activated when there is no redundant communication
for the top ring connections between each group of connected controllers. This alarm only applies to top ring topology in a
configuration using CODESYS.
Communication > DEIF network > DEIF network top ring redundancy broken
Parameter Range Default
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
NOTE This alarm must either be Enabled for all the controllers in the system, or Not enabled for all the controllers in the system.
More information
See the Multi-line 300 CODESYS guidelines for more information about the network restrictions when using a top ring
network configuration.
4.1 AC configuration
Phase configuration: AC configuration
This parameter must be the same for all the controllers in the system.
Single-phase L2: The generator and busbar are single-phase. Use the
L2 terminal for the voltage and current measurements (not the L1 or L3
terminals). The current measurement on the neutral phase (N) is
Single-phase L3: The generator and busbar are single-phase. Use the
L3 terminal for the voltage and current measurements (not the L1 or L2
terminals). The current measurement on the neutral phase (N) is
More information
See System AC configuration in the Installation instructions for examples of three-phase, single-phase wiring, and
split-phase wiring.
Measurements from the neutral line can be present for phase-to-phase measurements.
This parameter does not affect the nominal voltages. The nominal voltages are always phase-to-phase voltages.
Phase-phase: The controller uses the phase-to-phase voltages for the alarms (that is,
L1-L2, L2-L3, and L3-L1). See the Installation instructions for a wiring examples
for a phase-to-phase AC configuration.
• Phase-
phase Phase-
AC setup Phase-neutral: The controller uses the phase-to-neutral voltages for the alarms (that is,
• Phase- phase
L1-N, L2-N, and L3-N). Measurements from the neutral line must be present in a phase-
to-neutral system.
If you select Single-phase L1 (or L2 or L3), you must also select Phase-neutral.
More information
See System AC configuration in the Installation instructions for examples of three-phase, single-phase wiring, and
split-phase wiring.
This parameter must be the same in all the controllers in the system.
[V] L1 L2 L3
AC phase • L1-L2-L3
L1-L2-L3 Time [s]
rotation • L1-L3-L2
L1-L3-L2: We do not recommend that you wire the system L1-L3-L2, due to the
potential for confusion. However, this parameter allows the controller to function
correctly even though the generator is wired L1-L3-L2.
L1 L3 L2
The names used for [Source] and [Busbar] for the AC configuration of each controller type:
Voltage transformer
These parameters relate to the terminals on the ACM3.1.
Set these parameters if there is a voltage transformer on the source's voltage measurement.
If Primary:Secondary ratio is 1, the controller uses the voltage measurement without any correction for a voltage transformer.
The controller does not need information about the voltage transformer type (for example, open delta, star-star, and so on).
Phase shift is not allowed in the voltage transformer. The phase angle must be
Secondary 17 to 690 V 400 V NOTE the same on the high and low voltage sides of the voltage measurement
The minimum normal operating voltage for the controller is 100 V. However, this
range starts at 17 V to allow switchboard tests.
More information
See [Source] AC configuration in the Installation instructions for an example of generator voltage transformer wiring.
Current transformer
These parameters relate to the terminals on the ACM3.1.
If you change the current transformer values and the set points for the over-current and fast over-current protections are out of the
set point range, then the Protection set point out of range alarm activates. The alarm action is warning, and cannot be configured.
You must set these parameters for the current transformer on the source's current measurement. These parameters only apply to
the current measurements on L1, L2 and L3.
More information
See ACM3.1 terminal connections and default wiring in the Installation instructions for examples of generator current
transformer wiring.
The current transformer secondary side (controller side) nominal current. You can select
Secondary 1 or 5 A 1A
either 1 A or 5 A.
More information
See ACM3.2 terminal connections and default wiring in the Installation instructions for examples of generator current
transformer wiring.
S1 S2 Protected
Current • Towards prot. obj.
Towards prot. object
reference • Away from prot.
obj. Towards:
dir. obj.
S2 S1 Protected
More information
See ACM3.2 terminal connections and default wiring in the Installation instructions for examples of generator current
transformer wiring.
S1 S2 Protected
Current • Towards prot. obj.
Towards prot. object
reference • Away from prot.
obj. Towards:
dir. obj.
S2 S1 Protected
Minimum OK The voltage must be above this voltage (as a percent of nominal voltage) for
70 to 100 % 95 %
voltage the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
During a blackout, the controller uses these parameters to calculate whether the voltage and frequency from the generator
measurements are OK, so that the breaker can close.
Minimum OK The voltage must be above this voltage (as a percent of nominal voltage) for
70 to 100 % 95 %
voltage the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Maximum OK The voltage must be below this voltage (as a percent of nominal voltage) for
100 to 120 % 105 %
voltage the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Minimum OK The frequency must above this frequency (as a percent of nominal
70 to 100 % 94 %
frequency frequency) for the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Maximum OK The frequency must below this frequency (as a percent of nominal
100 to 110 % 106 %
frequency frequency) for the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Voltage transformer
Set these parameters if there are voltage transformers on the busbar voltage measurement.
If Primary:Secondary ratio is 1, the controller uses the voltage measurement without any correction for a voltage transformer.
The controller does not need information about the voltage transformer type (for example, open delta, star-delta, and so on).
Secondary 17 to 690 V Note: No phase shift is allowed in the voltage transformer. That is, the phase angle must be
400 V
the same on the high and low voltage sides of the busbar voltage measurement transformer.
Note: The minimum normal operating voltage for the controller is 100 V. However, this range
starts at 17 V to allow switchboard tests.
More information
See [Busbar] AC configuration in the Installation instructions for an example of busbar voltage transformer wiring.
If the busbar voltage and frequency are OK for this time in seconds, then the
Voltage and
0 s to 3600 s 0s busbar LED becomes steady green. The breaker is not allowed to close before
frequency OK
the busbar LED is steady green (that is, not flashing).
Minimum OK The voltage must be above this voltage (as a percent of nominal voltage) for the
70 to 100 % 95 %
voltage breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Maximum OK The voltage must be below this voltage (as a percent of nominal voltage) for the
100 to 120 % 105 %
voltage breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Minimum OK The frequency must above this frequency (as a percent of nominal frequency) for
70 to 100 % 98 %
frequency the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Maximum OK The frequency must below this frequency (as a percent of nominal frequency) for
100 to 110 % 102 %
frequency the breaker to start to synchronise and close.
Blackout detection
[Busbar] > AC setup > Blackout detection
The controller does not allow the breaker to blackout close, or any other blackout
0 to 3600 s 0 s actions, unless blackout is still present after this time. All the Blackout delay timers in the
section must run out before any controller can allow a blackout close.
For the [Source] and the [Busbar], you can configure digital outputs with functions for Voltage and frequency OK and No voltage and
frequency. These functions are based on the AC measurements and parameters, and can be useful for troubleshooting.
Digital outputs
Function I/O Type Details
Activated if the voltage and frequency from the source are within the
[Source] > State > range specified in:
Voltage and frequency Continuous
OK Configure > Parameters > [Source] > AC setup >
Voltage and frequency OK
[Source] > State > No Digital Activated if the phase-to-phase voltage from the source is less than
voltage and frequency output 10 % of the nominal voltage.
Activated if the voltage and frequency at the [Busbar] are within the
[Busbar] > State > range specified in:
Voltage and frequency Continuous
OK Configure > Parameters > [Busbar] > AC setup >
Voltage and frequency OK
[Source] > State > No Digital Activated if the phase-to-phase voltage at the [Busbar] is less than
voltage and frequency output 10 % of the nominal voltage.
Nominal current
Local > 4th current input > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Current (I4) *
Nominal setting Nominal setting Nominal setting Nominal setting
Parameter Range Notes
1 2 3 4
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Current transformer
Set these parameters if there is a current transformer on the 4th current input measurement.
The current transformer secondary side (controller side) nominal current. Select either 1
Secondary (I4) 1 or 5 A 1A
A or 5 A.
More information
See the Installation instructions for examples of 4th current input wiring for the neutral phase.
The controller nominal settings are used in a number of key functions. These include power management and protections. Many
protection settings are based on a percentage of the nominal settings.
Each controller can store four sets of nominal settings. You can easily change the active set of nominal settings by changing the
parameter, using a digital input, analogue input, or an external source (for example, Modbus).
Always check that the conditions are safe to change the nominal settings. Changing nominal settings while a genset is running with
a load could lead to unexpected actions. For example, the generator breaker can trip due to an under frequency alarm when
changing the nominal frequency from 50 Hz to 60 Hz.
The nominal settings for the controller are mainly the alternating current (AC) settings. Changing the nominal settings set also
changes the engine nominal speed, and analogue governor and AVR offsets.
More information
See each controller type for more information about the nominal settings and regulation for more information about the
analogue regulator offsets.
This is how the AC measurements on the ACM3.1 module relate to the controller types:
L2 3
*4 4
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
More information
See each controller type for the nominal setting parameters for voltage, current and generator speed (if applicable).
• Nominal setting 1 The selected nominal setting group for the controller.
Selection Nominal setting 1
• Nominal setting 2
• Nominal setting 3 Changing the nominal setting group using a digital input, analogue input,
• Nominal setting 4 or external command changes this parameter.
[Source] > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Calculation method *
Parameter Range Default Notes
[Source] > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Calculation method *
Parameter Range Default Notes
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
For GENSET or HYBRID controllers, you can optionally use either a step-up or step-down power transformer connected to the
ACM3.1.You can configure the Phase shift, and to use either the nominal voltages or user defined values.
Power transformer > Nominal settings # *
Parameter Range Default Notes
Phase shift -180 to 180 deg 0 deg Phase shift value in degrees (°)
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
** These parameters are only visible if Winding nominal voltage source is set as User defined and written to the
You can configure average filtering on the primary AC measurements for smooth measurement readout on noisy or oscillating
The AC filtered measurements are used on the values shown in Live data, CustomLogic, Modbus, CODESYS and other shown
operational values. The internal calculations and protections continue to use the actual values.
You can configure an analogue output with the function for an alternating current (AC) operating value. This value may be measured
directly or calculated from the AC measurements. The controller then adjusts the analogue output to reflect the AC operating value.
Alternatively, an analogue output may be wired to a switchboard instrument, to help troubleshooting. For example, the voltage
unbalance between two phases (Busbar | L-L unbalanced [V]) can be displayed.
Function names
The [Source] AC measurement function names follow these formats:
Shore busbar > Phase angle > Shore | Phase angle L3-L1 [degrees]
The controller outputs the magnitude of the zero sequence voltage from the
[Equipment] | Zero sequence [V AC]
The controller outputs the lowest L-N voltage (that is, for the phase with the
[Equipment] | L-N min. [V AC]
lowest L-N voltage).
The controller outputs the highest L-N voltage (that is, for the phase with the
[Equipment] | L-N max. [V AC]
highest L-N voltage).
The controller outputs the L-N unbalanced voltage from the source, relative to the
[Equipment] | L-N unbalanced [V AC]
zero of the star point.
The controller outputs the lowest L-L voltage (that is, for the phases with the
[Equipment] | L-L min. [V AC]
lowest L-L voltage).
The controller outputs the highest L-L voltage (that is, for the phases with the
[Equipment] | L-L max. [V AC]
highest L-L voltage) from the source.
The controller outputs the L-L unbalanced voltage between the phases of the
[Equipment] | L-L unbalanced [V AC]
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the lowest frequency (based on the voltage
[Equipment] | Min. [Hz]
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the highest frequency (based on the
[Equipment] | Max. [Hz]
voltage measurement).
[Equipment] | L1 [Hz] The controller outputs the L1 frequency (based on the current measurement).
[Equipment] | L2 [Hz] The controller outputs the L2 frequency (based on the current measurement).
[Equipment] | L3 [Hz] The controller outputs the L3 frequency (based on the current measurement).
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the lowest frequency (based on the current
[Equipment] | Min. [Hz]
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the highest frequency (based on the
[Equipment] | Max. [Hz]
current measurement).
The controller outputs the magnitude of the zero sequence current from the
[Equipment] | Zero sequence [A]
[Equipment] | Min. [A] The controller outputs the lowest phase current.
[Equipment] | Max. [A] The controller outputs the highest phase current.
[Equipment] | L1 (Neutral side) [A] The controller outputs the L1 current from the neutral side.
[Equipment] | L2 (Neutral side) [A] The controller outputs the L2 current from the neutral side.
[Equipment] | L3 (Neutral side) [A] The controller outputs the L3 current from the neutral side.
[Equipment] | Min (Neutral side)
The controller outputs the lowest phase current from the neutral side.
The controller outputs the difference between the consumer and the neutral side
[Equipment] | L1 differential [A]
of the L1 current.
The controller outputs the difference between the consumer and the neutral side
[Equipment] | L2 differential [A]
of the L2 current.
The controller outputs the difference between the consumer and the neutral side
[Equipment] | L3 differential [A]
of the L3 current.
The controller outputs the lowest difference between the consumer and the
[Equipment] | Min differential [A]
neutral side phase currents.
The controller outputs the highest difference between the consumer and the
[Equipment] | Max differential [A]
neutral side phase currents.
[Equipment] | L1 restraint [A] The controller outputs the L1 restraint current.
[Equipment] | L2 restraint [A] The controller outputs the L2 restraint current.
[Equipment] | L3 restraint [A] The controller outputs the L3 restraint current.
[Equipment] | Min. restraint [A] The controller outputs the lowest phase restraint current.
[Equipment] | Max. restraint [A] The controller outputs the highest phase restraint current.
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the highest frequency
[Equipment] | Frequency [Hz]
(based on the ACM3.2 current measurements).
The controller outputs the available power for the source in kW. Available power = Nominal
[Equipment] | Available [kW]
power - Total power
The controller outputs the available power for the source, as a percentage of the source's
[Equipment] | Available [%]
nominal power. Available power = Nominal power - Total power
The controller outputs the total reactive power, as a percentage of the source's nominal
[Equipment] | Total [%]
reactive power.
[Equipment] | Available The controller outputs the available reactive power for the source in kvar. Available
[kvar] reactive power = Nominal reactive power - Total reactive power
The controller outputs the available reactive power for the source, as a percentage of the
[Equipment] | Available [%] source's nominal reactive power. Available reactive power = Nominal reactive power -
Total reactive power
The controller outputs the total apparent power, as a percentage of the source's nominal
[Equipment] | Total [%]
apparent power.
The controller outputs the available apparent power for the source in kVA. Available
[Equipment] | Available [kVA]
apparent power = Nominal apparent power - Total apparent power
The controller outputs the available apparent power for the source, as a percentage of the
[Equipment] | Available [%] source's nominal apparent power. Available apparent power = Nominal apparent power -
Total apparent power
[Equipment] | A-B phase angle L1 The controller outputs the phase angle between L1 of the source and L1 of
[degrees] the busbar.
[Equipment] | A-B phase angle L2 The controller outputs the phase angle between L2 of the source and L2 of
[degrees] the busbar.
[Equipment] | A-B phase angle L3 The controller outputs the phase angle between L3 of the source and L3 of
[degrees] the busbar.
Function names
The busbar AC measurement function names follow these formats:
[Equipment] | Zero sequence [V AC] The controller outputs the magnitude of the zero sequence voltage.
The controller outputs the lowest L-N voltage (that is, for the phase with the
[Equipment] | L-N min. [V AC]
lowest L-N voltage).
The controller outputs the highest L-N voltage (that is, for the phase with the
[Equipment] | L-N max. [V AC]
highest L-N voltage).
[Equipment] | L-N unbalanced [V AC] The controller outputs the L-N unbalanced voltage.
The controller outputs the lowest L-L voltage (that is, for the phases with the
[Equipment] | L-L min. [V AC]
lowest L-L voltage).
The controller outputs the highest L-L voltage (that is, for the phases with the
[Equipment] | L-L max. [V AC]
highest L-L voltage).
[Equipment] | L-L unbalanced [V AC] The controller outputs the L-L unbalanced voltage.
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the lowest frequency (based on the voltage
[Equipment] | Min. [Hz]
The controller outputs the frequency of the phase with the highest frequency (based on the
[Equipment] | Max. [Hz]
voltage measurement).
Analogue outputs
Function Details
Local > 4th current input > Current (I) > The controller outputs the 4th current (based on the 4th current
L4 [A] measurement).
Local > 4th current input > Frequency (f) The controller outputs the 4th frequency (based on the 4th current
> L4 [Hz] measurement).
Local > 4th current input > Power (P) > The controller outputs the 4th power (based on the 4th current
L4 [kW] measurement and the [Busbar] L1 voltage).
Local > 4th current input > Reactive The controller outputs the 4th reactive power (based on the 4th current
power (Q) > L4 [kvar] measurement and the [Busbar] voltage).
Local > 4th current input > Apparent The controller outputs the 4th apparent power (based on the 4th current
power (S) > L4 [kVA] measurement and the [Busbar] voltage).
Local >4th current input > Power factor The controller outputs the power factor, calculated as cos phi (based on
(PF) > L4 | cos phi the 4th current measurement and the [Busbar] voltage).
Local > 4th current input > Power factor The controller outputs the power factor (based on the 4th current
(PF) > L4 | Power factor measurement and the [Busbar] voltage).
Local > 4th current input > Phase angle > The controller outputs the phase angle between the 4th current
L4 [degrees] measurement and the [Busbar] L1 voltage measurement.
This section describes the AC protections based on the controller's measurements on the [Source] side of the breaker.
The controllers include the following alternating current (AC) protections, according to IEEE Std. C37.2-1996 (R2008).
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest phase-to-phase voltage, or the highest phase-to-
neutral voltage, from the source, as measured by the controller. The phase-to-phase voltage is Set
the default.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
● ● ● ● ●
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
● ● - - ●
Default inhibits
A GENSET controller controls a genset with a nominal voltage of 230 V. The L1-L2 voltage is 235 V, the L2-L3 voltage is
225 V, and the L3-L1 voltage is 210 V.
The average voltage is 223.3 V. The difference between the phase-to-phase voltage and the average is 12.7 V for L1-L2,
2.7 V for L2-L3 and 13.3 V for L3-L1.
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
● ● - - ●
Negative sequence voltages can occur where there are single phase loads, unbalanced line
short circuits and open conductors, and/or unbalanced phase-to-phase or phase-to-neutral
L2 L3
The alarm response is based on the estimated phase-to-neutral voltage phasors, as measured
from the source.
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
● ● - - ●
Zero sequence voltages arise when the phases rotation is positive, but the vector zero value
(star point) is displaced. This zero sequence voltage protection can be used instead of using
zero voltage measurement or summation transformers (zero sequence transformers).
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest phase current true RMS values from the source, Set
as measured by the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest phase current true RMS values from the source, Set
as measured by the controller. point
NOTE ** Where # is 1 or 2.
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
● ● - - ●
The alarm response is based on the highest difference between any of the three phase current
true RMS values, as measured by the controller. You can choose either the Average method
(ANSI) or the Nominal method to calculate the Current unbalance. Delay
Average method
The Average method uses the ANSI standard calculation method to determine current unbalance. The controller calculates the
average current for the three phases. The controller then calculates the difference between each phase current and the average
current. Finally, the controller divides the maximum difference by the average current to get the current unbalance.
A GENSET controller controls a genset with a nominal current of 100 A. The L1 current is 80 A, the L2 current is 90 A, and
the L3 current is 60 A.
Nominal method
The controller calculates the difference between the phase with the highest current, and the phase with the lowest current. Finally,
the controller divides the difference by the nominal current to get the current unbalance.
A GENSET controller controls a genset with a nominal current of 100 A. The L1 current is 80 A, the L2 current is 90 A, and
the L3 current is 60 A.
● ● - - -
The alarm response is based on the highest phase current true RMS value, with the direction Set
from the active power from the source, as measured by the controller. point
For a positive set point, the alarm trigger level is High. When a negative set point is written to the controller, then the controller
automatically changes the alarm trigger level to Low.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest phase current true RMS
values, based on IEC 60255 part 151, as measured by the controller.
t(G) = TMS α +c
G -1
c* 0.000 s to 1 min 0s
IEC Inverse
1 10 G / Gs 100
(1.1 GS) G
In this controller, if the rated secondary current of the current measurement transformer is 1 A (that is, the current transformer rating
is -/1 A), then GD = 17.5 × ICT primary for this protection. However, if the rated secondary current of the current transformer is 5 A
(that is, -/5 A), then GD = 3.5 × ICT primary .
A current transformer has a primary rating of 500 A and a secondary rating of 5 A. The nominal current of the system is
350 A, and the three-phase inverse time over-current alarm Limit is 100 %.
If the performance of the inverse time over-current protection is important, DEIF recommends using a current transformer that is
rated for a 1 A secondary current (that is, -/1 A).
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
Alarm present in controller types
● ● - - ●
Negative sequence currents can occur where there are single phase loads, unbalanced line
short circuits and open conductors, and/or unbalanced phase-phase or phase-neutral loads.
This protection is used to prevent the generator from overheating. Negative sequence currents
produce a magnetic field in the generator counter-rotating to the rotor. This field crosses the
rotor at twice the rotor velocity, inducing double-frequency currents in the field system and in
the rotor body. L2 L3
The alarm response is based on the estimated phase-to-neutral current phasors, from the
source, as measured by the controller.
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
Alarm present in controller types
● ● - - ●
Zero sequence currents arise when the phases rotation is positive, but the vector zero value
(star point) is displaced.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the lowest fundamental frequency (based on phase voltage),
from the source. This ensures that the alarm only activates when all of the phase frequencies Set
are above the set point.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
● ● ● ● ●
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
The alarm response is based on the active power (all phases), from the source, as measured Set
by the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
● ● ● ● -
The alarm response is based on the active power (all phases), to the source, as measured by Set
the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
- ● - - -
The alarm response is based on the active power (all phases), to the source, as measured by Set
the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the reactive power (Q) from the source, as measured and Set
calculated by the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Reactive power import (loss of excitation/under-excitation) Q<, Q<< 40U < 100 ms
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the reactive power (Q) to the source, as measured and Set
calculated by the controller. point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
The alarm response of the high set differential current protection only
depends on the differential current. That is, the RMS value of the
fundamental frequency part of the sum (or difference) of the neutral side
and consumer side currents.
More information
See [Source] AC configuration for changing the reference direction of the current transformer.
The synchronisation check includes blackout close. That is, if equipment is trying to close a Frequency
breaker to a busbar that does not have voltage, the breaker is allowed to close without [Hz]
The check is based on the frequency difference, the voltage difference, and the phase Phase
angle across the breaker, as measured by the controller. angle [°]
The synchronisation check does not have an alarm or inhibits. However, if the controller
cannot synchronise within the time allowed, there will be a sync failure alarm. L3 L2
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest phase-to-phase voltage, or the highest phase-to- Delay
neutral voltage, from the busbar, as measured by the controller. Set
For the BUS TIE breaker controller, these voltages are measured on busbar B.
Default inhibits
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the lowest phase-to-phase voltage, or the lowest phase-to- Delay
neutral voltage, from the busbar, as measured by the controller. Set
For the BUS TIE breaker controller, these voltages are measured on busbar B.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
NOTE * This operate time includes the minimum user-defined delay of 100 ms.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest difference between any of the three busbar phase-
to-phase voltage or phase-to-neutral true RMS values and the average voltage, as measured
by the controller. The phase-to-phase voltage is the default. Value
If phase-to-phase voltages are used, the controller calculates the average phase-to-phase Set
voltage. The controller then calculates the difference between each phase-to-phase voltage point
and the average voltage. Finally, the controller divides the maximum difference by the average
voltage to get the voltage unbalance. See the example.
For the BUS TIE breaker controller, these are the voltages measured on busbar B.
Default inhibits
The busbar has a nominal voltage of 230 V. The L1-L2 voltage is 235 V, the L2-L3 voltage is 225 V, and the L3-L1 voltage
is 210 V.
The average voltage is 223.3 V. The difference between the phase-to-phase voltage and the average is 12.7 V for L1-L2,
2.7 V for L2-L3 and 13.3 V for L3-L1.
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the lowest fundamental frequency (based on phase voltage),
from the busbar. This ensures that the alarm only activates when all of the phase frequencies
are above the set point. Set
For the BUS TIE breaker controller, this is the frequency measured on busbar B.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
Default inhibits
● ● ● ● ●
The alarm response is based on the highest fundamental frequency (based on phase voltage), Delay
from the busbar. This ensures that the alarm only activates when all of the phase frequencies Set
are below the set point. point
For the BUS TIE breaker controller, this is the frequency measured on busbar B.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
The lockout relay ensures that the alarm action continues for an alarm, until the lockout relay is reset. The controller can function as
a lockout relay for alarm conditions which have the Latch parameter enabled. The protection is in effect until the alarm condition is
cleared, the alarm acknowledged and the latch is reset.
1. Alarm condition
3. Alarm
4. Acknowledge alarm
5. Latch
1. Alarm condition
• When an alarm condition occurs, an alarm-dependent delay timer activates.
• If the alarm condition occurs for longer than the delay timer, the protection activates.
2. Controller protection active
• If a latch is enabled for the protection, the latch activates when the controller protection activates.
• The protection will remain active until the latch is reset, even if the alarm condition clears.
3. Alarm
• The alarm output, for example, an alarm horn, remains active until the alarm is acknowledged.
• When the alarm is acknowledged, the protection remains active if a latch is enabled.
4. Acknowledge alarm
• The alarm can be acknowledged while the alarm condition is still active, or when the alarm condition has cleared.
• If a latch is active and the alarm is acknowledged after the alarm condition has cleared, the protection will remain active.
5. Latch
• If a latch is enabled for the alarm, the alarm latch will activate when the controller protection activates.
• While the latch is active, the alarm protection will also be active.
6. Clear latch (reset)
• The alarm latch can only be removed once the alarm condition is no longer active and the alarm is acknowledged.
• The protection will remain active until the latch is cleared.
For most alarms, a latch can be Enabled as a parameter under [Alarm location] > [Alarm] > Latch
[Alarm location] is the location of the alarm parameters, for example, Busbar > Voltage protections.
When the controller is connected to an external lockout relay, the controller interfaces with the lockout relay. When the controller
interfaces with an external lockout relay, the controller is not seen as the lockout relay for the system.
The alarm response is based on the ground current, as measured by the
4th current measurement filtered to attenuate the third harmonic (at least 18
dB). A 128 tap FIR low pass filter is applied. The busbar frequency, as
measured by the controller (f0), is used as the cutoff frequency. The filter
has 0 dB attenuation at f0, and 33 dB attenuation at 3 × f0.
You must wire the 4th current measurement on ACM3.1 (terminals 15,16) to measure the ground current.
The Earth inverse time over-current and Neutral inverse time over-current alarms each require the 4th current measurement. You
therefore cannot have both of these protections at the same time.
Limit (the set point, also known as LIM) 2 to 200 % of nominal current (4th current input) 10 %
c* 0 s to 1 min 0s
More information
See Inverse time over-current (ANSI 51N) for the calculation method, the standard curves, and information about the
definite time characteristic.
You must wire the 4th current measurement on ACM3.1 (terminals 15,16) to measure the neutral current.
More information
See Wiring examples for controller functions in the Installation instructions for an example of how to wire the neutral
current measurement.
Local > 4th current input > Neutral inverse time over-current
Neutral inverse time
Parameter Range
Curve See the reference IEC Inverse
Limit (the set point, also known as LIM) 2 to 200 % of nominal current (4th current input) 30 %
c* 0 s to 1 min 0s
More information
See Inverse time over-current (ANSI 51) for the calculation method, the standard curves, and information about the definite
time characteristic.
These non-essential load trips (NELs) are for over-current protection. The over-current trip may,
for example, be activated by inductive loads and an unstable power factor (PF < 0.7), which Value
increase the current. Delay
The trip response is based on the highest phase current true RMS values from the source, as point
measured by the controller.
By default, up to three NEL trips are available.
Parameter Range Trip 1 > Over-current Trip 2 > Over-current Trip 3 > Over-current
Set point 50 to 200 % of nominal current 100 % 100 % 100 %
Delay 0.1 s to 1 h 5.0 s 8.0 s 10.0 s
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled Not enabled Not enabled
NOTE * where # is 1 to 3.
** The NEL function also trips NEL #. You cannot reconnect the NEL until the alarm is deactivated. The alarm action cannot
be changed.
Inhibits: The trips are inhibited if the breaker to the busbar is open.
Parameter Range Trip 1 > Under-frequency Trip 2 > Under-frequency Trip 3 > Under-frequency
70 to 100 % of nominal
Set point 95 % 95 % 95 %
Delay 0.1 s to 1 h 5.0 s 8.0 s 10.0 s
NOTE * where # is 1 to 3.
** The NEL function also trips NEL #. You cannot reconnect the NEL until the alarm is deactivated. The alarm action cannot
be changed.
These non-essential load trips (NEL) are for overload protection. Tripping the NEL groups
reduces the active power load at the busbar, and thus reduce the load percentage on all the
running gensets. This can prevent a possible blackout at the busbar due to overloading the Value
running gensets. Delay
The alarm response is based on the active power (all phases), supplied by the source, as point
measured by the controller.
By default, up to six NEL trips are available. You can configure Overload 1 for three overload
trips, and Overload 2 for three fast overload trips.
Parameter Range Trip 1 > Overload 1 Trip 2 > Overload 1 Trip 3 > Overload 1
Set point 10 to 200 % of nominal power 100 % 100 % 100 %
Delay 0.1 s to 1 h 5.0 s 8.0 s 10.0 s
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled Not enabled Not enabled
NOTE * where # is 1 to 3.
** The NEL function also trips NEL #. You cannot reconnect the NEL until the alarm is deactivated. The alarm action cannot
be changed.
Non-essential load trip > Trip # > Overload 2 *
These parameters are only visible if the non-essential loads are configured on the application single-line diagram.
Parameter Range Trip 1 > Overload 2 Trip 2 > Overload 2 Trip 3 > Overload 2
Set point 10 to 200 % of nominal power 110 % 110 % 110 %
Delay 0.1 s to 100 s 1.0 s 1.0 s 1.0 s
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled Not enabled Not enabled
NOTE * where # is 1 to 3.
** The NEL function also trips NEL #. You cannot reconnect the NEL until the alarm is deactivated. The alarm action cannot
be changed.
Inhibits: The trips are inhibited if the breaker to the busbar is open.
These non-essential load trips (NELs) are for reactive overload protection. Tripping the NELs
reduces the reactive power load at the busbar, and thus reduce the load percentage on all the Value
running gensets. This can prevent a possible blackout at the busbar due to overloading the
running gensets.
The alarm response is based on the reactive power (all phases), supplied by the source, as
measured by the controller.
By default, up to three NEL trips are available.
NOTE * where # is 1 to 3.
** The NEL function also trips NEL #. You cannot reconnect the NEL until the alarm is deactivated. The alarm action cannot
be changed.
Inhibits: The trips are inhibited if the breaker to the busbar is open.
This alarm communicates that there is a problem with one of the hardware modules in the
The system is okay if all of the following conditions are met: Alarm >
Status OK
• All the modules in the rack are sending an OK signal.
• All the modules in the rack have a software version that is compatible with the 0
controller application software.
• All the modules required for a specific controller type are present in the rack.
• The alternating current module has received all the required settings (wiring mode,
nominal settings, and so on) at start-up.
• The controller software has started and is running OK.
By default, the Status OK alarm output is configured to terminals 3 and 4 of the power
supply module of the controller. This configuration cannot be removed or changed.
More information
See Alarm status digital outputs for how the Status OK alarm is configured.
The alarm communicates that the controller's critical communication and/or processing are disrupted.
The alarm action is Warning and the alarm is always enabled. The controller also activates the System not OK alarm. The alarm
parameters are not visible.
It is unlikely that customers will see this alarm. If you do see this alarm take the following actions:
1. Restart the controller.
2. If restarting does not help, update the controller software to the latest version.
3. Contact DEIF.
The controller activates this alarm if an operator and/or external equipment is changing the controller configuration too quickly. For
example, a programming error on a PLC can create a storm of Modbus changes.
To protect the controller's internal memory, the excess configuration changes are not stored immediately. The delay can be up to 10
minutes. If the controller loses power during this time, the changes may be lost.
The alarm is always enabled. The alarm action is Warning. The alarm is automatically acknowledged when the configuration
changes are stored. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm ignores switchboard control. If the controller is in remote control when switchboard control is activated, then the alarm is
This alarm is for the internal communication between the controller and its extension units. If there is a redundancy connection, this
alarm communicates that an Ethernet connection is missing or broken.
The alarm is always enabled, and the alarm action is Block. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm is for the internal communication between the controller and its extension units. If there is a hardware change or
hardware failure, this alarm communicates that the hardware configuration does not match the previous hardware configuration. Use
Configure > Fieldbus configuration in PICUS to correct the hardware configuration.
The alarm is always enabled, and the alarm action is Block. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm communicates that the user has never configured the Controller ID. When this alarm is active, the controller is always
under Switchboard control.
The alarm is always enabled and the action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm communicates that there is an alarm configured that has a Trip AVR alarm action, but the Trip AVR output is not
The alarm is always enabled and the action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
The Trip AVR digital output can be configured under Generator > AVR > Trip AVR on the Input/output page. Alternatively the
output can be configured using Modbus.
The alarms NTP server 1 not connected, NTP server 2 not connected, or No NTP server(s) connected are activated when the NTP
server(s) are configured, but the controller did not connect to the server(s) within 10 minutes after the configuration is written to the
controller. These alarms are triggered if the controller network cannot access the NTP server(s), or if the NTP server(s) are not set
up correctly.
Configure the parameters for these alarms under Communication > NTP. The alarm action is always Warning and cannot be
The alarms NTP server 1 no response, NTP server 2 no response, or No NTP server time synchronisation are activated when the
controller was successfully connected to NTP server(s), but the server(s) did not respond to the controller for up to 22 minutes.
Configure the parameters for these alarms under Communication > NTP. The alarm action is Warning and cannot be changed.
This alarm informs the operator that live power was detected during emulation.
The controller activates this alarm if Test functions > Emulation > Emulation active is Enabled and live power is
detected on ACM3.1.
The alarm is always enabled. You cannot see or change the alarm parameters.
This alarm informs the operator that emulation has been disabled (because live power was detected during emulation).
The alarm is always enabled. You cannot see or change the alarm parameters.
You can configure custom alarms for any of the controller digital inputs (DI). When the digital input (DI) is triggered the alarm
becomes active in the system and the controller does the associated alarm action.
You can configure custom alarms for the controller analogue inputs (AI). When the analogue input alarm set point is exceeded for
longer than the delay time, then the alarm becomes active in the system and the controller does the associated alarm action.
Configure the analogue input (AI) sensor setup (including the scale) before creating an alarm for the input. The configuration of the
analogue input determines the configuration of the alarm. For example, the analogue input can be configured as a 0 to 20 mA
current input that corresponds to a percentage. The analogue input alarm is then configured for a certain percentage set point.
Configure the analogue input for the oil pressure sensor under Configure > Input/output > [Hardware module] > AI >
Sensor setup. In this example, the sensor provides a 4 to 20 mA signal, which corresponds linearly to 0 to 10 bar.
If the engine is running, but the oil pressure falls below 1 bar (this corresponds to an analogue input of less than 5.6 mA)
for more than 0.1 seconds, then the alarm is activated. The controller trips the breaker and shuts down the engine.
This alarm is activated if any of the hardware modules in the controller have a software version installed that differs from the
expected version. The alarm action is Warning. This alarm activates the System not OK alarm. The alarm parameters are not visible.
NOTE This alarm is only activated if you install a replacement hardware module in the controller. The new module can have
different software to the rest of the controller. Reinstall or update the controller firmware to fix the problem.
This alarm communicates that some of the default hardware modules for the controller type were not found. The alarm action is
This default alarm is for power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the PSM. The alarm is activated
when the power supply voltage is less than the set point for the delay time.
This default alarm is for power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the PSM. The alarm is activated point
when the power supply voltage exceeds the set point for the delay time.
This default alarm is for power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the PSM. The alarm is activated
when the power supply voltage is less than the set point for the delay time.
This default alarm is for power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the PSM. The alarm is activated point
when the power supply voltage exceeds the set point for the delay time.
Controller types: GENSET, HYBRID, SHAFT generator, SHORE connection and BUS TIE breaker controllers
Wire break
Controller types: GENSET, HYBRID, SHAFT generator, SHORE connection and BUS TIE breaker controllers
The controller only activates the alarm when all of these conditions are met: Busbar
• The generator breaker is closed
• Voltage is detected by one set of ACM voltage measurements
• No voltage is detected on one of the phases for the other set of ACM voltage
Wire break
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 3.
The alarm communicates that the data protocol in the alternating current module (ACM) is not correct.
This can occur when the ACM software version is incorrect. Contact DEIF support if you see this error.
The alarm action is Warning, and the alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This alarm communicates that the configuration data for protections and measurements are not correct in the controller alternating
current module (ACM).
The alarm action is Warning, and the alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This default alarm is for auxiliary power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the EIM. The alarm is activated
when the power supply voltage is less than the set point for the delay time.
This default alarm is for auxiliary power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the EIM. The alarm is activated point
when the power supply voltage exceeds the set point for the delay time.
This alarm is for magnetic pickup wire break. If the engine is running but there is no
pulse for 2 seconds, then the controller monitors the cable. If there is no change during
the alarm delay time, then the controller activates the alarm. 2s 10 s
This alarm is for EIM3.1 # relay 4 (terminals 9,10) wire break detection (where # is 1 to
3). The wire break monitoring is only active when the relay is de-energised. Hardware:
EIM 3.1 *
Relay 4 can be configured for any digital output function, for example, Stop coil. This
alarm then acts as stop coil wire break detection.
This alarm activates if the shutdown has been executed by the EIM3.1 hardware module, and manual reset is not set high after, or if
an alarm is running then application is started up again.
This alarm communicates that the GAM3.2 cannot perform stand-alone regulation. This may be due to incomplete or incorrect
The alarm is always enabled, and the alarm action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
This default alarm is for auxiliary power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the GAM. The alarm is activated
when the power supply voltage is less than the set point for the delay time.
This default alarm is for auxiliary power supply voltage protection. Delay
The alarm is based on the power supply voltage measured by the GAM. The alarm is activated point
when the power supply voltage exceeds the set point for the delay time.
This is a built-in alarm for the controller internal temperature, as measured on PCM3.1. The alarm is triggered when the controller
internal temperature is higher than 80 °C (176 °F). The alarm action is Warning. The alarm parameters are not visible.
If the controller operates at internal temperatures higher than 80 °C (176 °F), the performance and the lifetime of the controller is
significantly reduced.
The PCM clock battery failure alarm is activated when the battery in PCM3.1 needs to be replaced. The alarm action is Warning.
The alarm parameters are not visible.
More information
See the Operator's manual for how to change the battery.
The alarm communicates that the controller has a different network protocol from the rest of the controllers in the system.
The alarm can for example activate when a controller with a newer software version than the other controllers is added to the
network. This includes different DEIF products in the same system, for example, PPU 300 controllers and PPM 300 controllers.
The alarm action is Warning. You cannot see or change the alarm parameters.
This alarm alerts the operator that there is a communication problem between CODESYS
CODESYS and the controller. communication Delay
If communication between CODESYS and the controller was active and became
inactive, the delay timer starts. If the communication does not become active within the
delay period, the alarm is triggered. Inactive
Controller types: This alarm is present in all controllers that have CODESYS installed.
This alarm alerts the operator that the same I/O is configured on the controller and on CODESYS.
To clear the alarm, delete the I/O from either the controller or CODESYS, then do a warm reset of CODESYS.
Controller types: This alarm is present in all controllers that have CODESYS installed.
More information
See the Multi-line 300 CODESYS guidelines for more warm reset information.
6.1 About
6.1.1 How it works
A number of power sources can supply power to the same busbar. These power sources must be synchronised in order to safely
connect them. Synchronisation consists of matching the voltage, frequency and phases on both sides of the breaker that must be
The GENSET controllers can adjust the frequency and phase of the genset(s) by regulating their governors.
The GENSET controllers can adjust the voltage of the genset(s) by regulating their AVRs.
Each controller type monitors the voltage, frequency and phase across its breaker. If the measurements are within the configured
limits, the controller can activate the Breakers > [Breaker] > Control > [*B] close output.
More information
See Regulation for information on the regulation of the gensets.
See each controller type for information on each controller's breaker sequences.
When one of these controllers gets a Close breaker command, it broadcasts over the network the voltage, frequency and phase that
it requires to synchronise. In response, the GENSET controller(s) in the same section that have External set point (network)
activated then regulate according to the network set point.
When a GENSET or SHAFT generator controller gets an Open breaker command and it is the only connected power source on the
busbar section, the controller will open the breaker without de-loading.
More information
See GENSET controller for more information about the generator breaker open sequence.
When one of these controllers gets an Open breaker command, it broadcasts over the network the active and reactive power set
point that it requires to de-load. In response, the GENSET controller(s) in the same section that have External set point (network)
activated then regulate according to the network set point.
If the controller is under local control, to start synchronisation, the operator must press the push-button Close breaker on the
display unit. The controller automatically closes the breaker if the synchronisation meets the requirements within the time allowed.
If the controller is under remote control, to start synchronisation, the controller must receive an external command (for example, from
a digital input, PICUS, Modbus, and/or CustomLogic or CODESYS or a PLC). The controller monitors the synchronisation, and
automatically closes the breaker if the synchronisation meets the requirements within the time allowed.
To get in switchboard control, the controller must receive an external signal. This is normally done using a switch on the switchboard
that is connected to one of the controller's digital inputs. That digital input is then assigned the Local > Mode > Switchboard
control function.
During switchboard control, when the operator presses the buttons, the controller adjusts the governor and/or AVR output.
More information
See Control and modes for more information.
The controller protections are still active during switchboard control. These protections minimise the damage that an operator can do
during switchboard control. For example, if the engine speed reaches 120 % of the nominal speed, the controller will shut down the
Wiring examples
More information
See Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of pulse breaker wiring.
Breakers > [Breaker] configuration > Configuration
Parameter Range Default Notes
• Pulse breaker
Pulse This breaker requires a pulse signal to close, and a different pulse
Breaker type • Compact breaker
breaker signal to open.
• Continuous breaker
Sequence diagram
Table 6.1 Closing a pulse breaker
To close a compact breaker, the controller sends an open pulse to load the spring, followed by a pause, and then a close pulse.
Wiring examples
More information
See Wiring for controller functions, Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of compact breaker
The controller activates the [*B] open output to open the breaker.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Digital
Pulse The controller also activates the [*B] open output to spring-load
Control > [*B] open output
the breaker.
The controller activates the Trip output when an alarm with a trip
breaker action activates.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Digital
Control > [*B] trip output
The output remains active until all alarms with a trip breaker
action are resolved.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Wire this feedback from the breaker, to inform the controller when
Digital input Continuous
Feedback > [*B] closed the breaker is closed.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Wire this feedback from the breaker, to inform the controller when
Digital input Continuous
Feedback > [*B] open the breaker is open.
Breakers > [Breaker] >
Optional. The breaker sends this pulse when it is spring loaded.
Feedback > [*B] spring Digital input Pulse
There is also a timer for spring loading.
The following inputs and outputs are not part of the breaker configuration and are all optional.
Breakers > [Breaker] configuration > Configuration
Parameter Range Default Notes
The length of the synchronisation pulse (that is, the maximum amount of
time that the Breakers > [Breaker] > Control > [*B] close output is
Pulse time activated).
0.0 to 10.0 s 1.0 s
If the controller receives breaker closed feedback within this time, the
controller stops activating the breaker close output.
Pulse time During the close sequence, after spring-loading, the controller will not
0.0 to 10.0 s 0.5 s
OFF send the [*B] close pulse until after this time has elapsed.
The breaker is de-loaded when the power flowing through the breaker is
Open point 1.0 to 20.0 % of
5% less than this set point. The nominal power is the nominal power of the
(de-loading) nominal power
Sequence diagrams
Table 6.4 Closing a compact breaker
(3) Close
(4) closed
1. Open breaker: Breakers > [Breaker] > Control > [*B] open (digital output). To spring load the breaker, the
controller activates this output until there is spring loaded feedback, or for the Spring load time. After the breaker is spring
loaded, the controller waits for the Pulse time OFF.
2. Optional: Spring loaded feedback: Breakers > [Breaker] > Feedback > [*B] spring loaded (digital input). This
input is activated when the breaker is spring loaded.
3. Close breaker: Breakers > [Breaker] > Control > [*B] close (digital output). The controller activates this output
until there is breaker open feedback, or for the Pulse time ON.
4. Breaker closed feedback: Breakers > [Breaker] > Feedback > [*B] closed (digital input). This input is activated
when the breaker is closed.
You can configure a continuous breaker to use a open breaker signal, an close breaker signal, or an open and a close breaker
signal to open and close the breaker. Configuring both an open and a close breaker signal for a continuous breaker ensures that
synchronisation is precise and that AC protections meet the required operation times.
Wiring examples
More information
See Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of continuous breaker wiring.
The controller activates the Open output when the breaker must
Breakers > [Breaker] > Digital open. The controller deactivates the Open output when the breaker
Control > [*B] open output must close. The Open relay ensures the AC protection operate
The controller activates the Trip output when an alarm with a trip
breaker action activates.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Digital
Control > [*B] trip output
The output remains active until all alarms with a trip breaker action
are resolved.
Breakers > [Breaker] > Wire this feedback from the breaker to inform the controller when
Digital input Continuous
Feedback > [*B] closed the breaker is closed. *
Breakers > [Breaker] > Wire this feedback from the breaker to inform the controller when
Digital input Continuous
Feedback > [*B] open the breaker is open. *
Breakers > [Breaker] >
Optional. Wire this feedback from the breaker if a short circuit
Feedback > [*B] short Digital input Continuous
Due to class requirements, this breaker type is not suitable for marine use.
This is because the ship would lose power if the controller failed.
Open point The breaker is de-loaded when the power flowing through the breaker is
1.0 to 20.0 % of
(de- 5% less than this set point. The nominal power is the nominal power of the
nominal power
loading) source.
Sequence diagrams
Table 6.7 Closing a continuous breaker
(4) open
(6) open
Redundant breaker feedback can be configured on bus tie breaker controllers and externally controlled breakers.
Wiring examples
More information
See Breaker wiring in the Installation instructions for an example of redundant breaker feedback wiring.
NOTE * Where # is the number of the breaker that has it's redundant breaker feedback assigned to the controller.
Breakers > [Breaker] > State > [*B] is Activated when the system is synchronising the
Digital output Continuous
synchronising breaker.
Breakers > [Breaker] > State > [*B] is Activated when the system is de-loading the
Digital output Continuous
de-loading breaker.
A digital output with a breaker state may be wired to a switchboard light, to help the operator.
For example, for a SHAFT generator controller, a digital output may have the Shaft generator breaker > State > SGB is
de-loading function. A switchboard light is lit when the controller system is de-loading the shaft generator breaker.
During dynamic synchronisation, the synchronising genset can run at a slightly different speed to the genset(s) on the busbar. This
speed difference is called the slip frequency. Dynamic synchronisation is recommended where fast synchronisation is required, and
where the synchronising genset is able to take load when the breaker closes.
The synchronising genset is typically run with a positive slip frequency. That is, the synchronising genset runs at a slightly higher
speed than the genset(s) on the busbar. This is to avoid a reverse power trip after synchronisation.
This type of synchronisation is relatively fast because of the minimum and maximum frequency differences. Synchronisation is
possible while the controller is still busy regulating the frequency towards the set point. The frequency does not have to be the same
as the busbar frequency. As long as the frequency difference is within the limits and the phase angles are matched, the controller
can send the close breaker signal.
Breakers > [Breaker] configuration > Synchronisation setting
Name Range Default Notes
Sync. type Dynamic, Static Dynamic Dynamic must be selected.
The generator frequency must be between 50.0 Hz and 50.4 Hz for synchronisation.
For a SHAFT generator controller, the synchronisation settings for power take home (PTH) can be configured separately. These are
under Synchronisation setting (PTH).
More information
See Power take home (PTH) for how to configure these settings.
Slip frequency
The slip frequency is calculated as follows:
The slip frequency is 0.0 Hz. There is a risk that there will be no movement, and thus no synchronisation.
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 Time [s]
The two power sources are the three-phase electricity from the generator and the three-phase electricity at the busbar.
Synchronisation minimises the phase angle difference between the power sources.
In this example, the synchronising genset is running at 1503 RPM (about 50.1 Hz). The online genset is running at 1500 RPM
(about 50.0 Hz). This gives the synchronising genset a positive slip frequency of 50.1 Hz - 50.0 Hz = 0.1 Hz. If the slip frequency is
In the example above, the difference in the phase angle between the synchronising genset and the busbar gets smaller and smaller.
When difference in the phase angle is near zero, the controller will send the breaker close signal based on the Breaker closing time
(this is not shown in the example). In this way, the breaker physically closes when the genset is exactly synchronised with the
When the generator is running with a positive slip frequency of 0.1 Hz relative to the busbar, the two systems will be synchronised
every 10 seconds:
The phases for both three-phase systems rotate. However, in this example, the vectors for the busbar are shown as stationary to
simplify the explanation. This is because we are only interested in the phase angle difference to calculate when to send the
Breakers > [Breaker] > Control > [*B] Close signal.
The proportion of the load that the synchronising genset takes depends on the frequency difference, and the prime mover
The following example shows that at a given positive slip frequency, the synchronising genset will export power to the load after the
breaker closes.
Figure 6.2 Example of load distribution after synchronisation with a positive slip frequency
0% 100 % 0% 100 %
Power Power
The following example shows that at a given negative slip frequency, the synchronising genset will receive power from the
connected genset when the breaker closes. This can cause a reverse power trip.
0% 100 % 0% 100 %
Power Power
NOTE To avoid trips caused by reverse power, configure the synchronisation parameters for a positive slip frequency.
Close breaker signal
The controller always calculates when to send the close breaker signal to get the best possible synchronisation of the power
sources. The close breaker signal is sent just before the power sources are synchronised. The close breaker signal is timed so that
the breaker is closed when the difference in the phase angle of the L1 vectors is zero.
The timing of the close breaker signal depends on the Breaker closing time and the slip frequency.
For example, if the response time of the circuit breaker (tCB) is 250 ms, and the slip frequency (fslip) is 0.1 Hz:
degreesCLOSE = 360 degrees × tCB × fslip = 360 degrees × 0.25 s × 0.1 Hz = 9 degrees
In this example, the controller will start the close breaker signal when the difference between the phase angles of the sources is 9
During static synchronisation, the synchronising genset runs very close to the same speed as the generator on the busbar. The aim
is to let the gensets run at exactly the same speed, with the phase angles of the source and the busbar matching exactly. Static
synchronisation is most suited to systems with a very stable busbar frequency.
Static synchronisation should only be used with an analogue output (that is, not relay outputs).
Use static synchronisation during commissioning, to synchronise the genset to the busbar while the breaker closing is
disabled. The commissioning engineer can then measure the voltages across the breaker, as a safety check.
Phase window * 0.0 to 45.0 deg 5.0 deg The maximum phase angle difference allowed for synchronisation.
To close the breaker, the measurements must show that the controller
Minimum time in
0.1 s to 15 min 1.0 s will be able to keep the phase angle difference within the phase
phase window *
window for this minimum time.
The generator frequency must be between 50.0 Hz and 50.4 Hz for synchronisation.
For a SHAFT generator controller, the synchronisation settings for power take home (PTH) can be configured separately. These are
under Synchronisation setting (PTH).
More information
See Power take home (PTH) for how to configure these settings.
L3 L3
L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2
L2 L2 L2
Time [s]
When the genset-busbar difference is 50 mHz, the phase synchronisation function takes over. The controller now ignores fset point.
The controlling parameter for the phase synchronisation regulation is the phase angle difference between the synchronising genset
and the busbar.
The response time of the breaker is not relevant when using static synchronisation, because the slip frequency should be either very
small or zero.
Vbusbar Direction of
Vbusbar + Delta voltage max
During synchronisation the controller regulates the governor to change the frequency and phase angle. These settings are only used
during synchronisation, and can be configured to optimise the synchronisation speed for the system.
Ti 0 s to 1 min 2.5 s
To turn off the integral component, set Ti to 0. This might cause unexpected regulator
Td 0 to 2 s 0s The PID control derivative.
Ti 0 s to 1 min 2.5 s
To turn off the integral component, set Ti to 0. This might cause unexpected regulator
Td 0 to 2 s 0s The PID control derivative.
For CustomLogic contacts, access the synchronisation status outputs under Functions > Breakers > [Breaker] >
Outputs > Sync. status. These outputs are all optional.
Synchronisation status
Function Type Details
Delta frequency above Activated when the [Source] side frequency is above the sum of the [Busbar] side frequency
max. and Delta frequency max.*
Delta frequency below Activated when the [Source] side frequency is below the sum of the [Busbar] side frequency
min. and Delta frequency min.*
Delta voltage above Activated when the [Source] side voltage is above the sum of the [Busbar] side voltage and
max. Delta voltage max.*
Delta voltage below Activated when the [Source] side voltage is below the sum of the [Busbar] side voltage and
min. Delta voltage min.*
Activated when the difference in phase angles on either side of the breaker is outside the
Vector mismatch alarm set point. However, this function does not use a low frequency
Vector mismatch Continuous
inhibit. Also, the vector mismatch detection is active all the time (and is not affected by the
breaker state).
Phase angle outside Activated when the phase angle difference is outside the Phase window* (only available for
window Static or Automatic synchronisation).
This alarm alerts the operator about a breaker synchronisation failure.
The alarm is based on the synchronisation of the source to the busbar, as measured by the
controller. The alarm is activated if the controller has not been able to synchronise within the Delay
delay time. 0
This alarm alerts the operator to breaker de-load failure. Delay
The alarm is based on the load across the breaker, as measured by the controller. When the
controller internal set point has ramped down to the breaker open point, the timer starts. The Set
controller activates the alarm if the load across the breaker is not reduced to the Open point (de- point
loading) within the delay time. Time
More information
See Regulation for more information about de-loading.
-20o L1+20o
The alarm is based on the difference between the phase angles on either side of the breaker, L3
as measured by the controller. The alarm is activated when synchronisation is ON and the L3 L2
difference in the phase angles is more than the set point.
On the diagram to the right, the vector diagram for the busbar is black, and the mismatch that is Value
allowed by default is green. The vector diagram for the source is red. L2 is outside the allowed Delay
10 s
Delay 5 s to 1 min DEIF recommends that this delay is lower than the genset Breaker synchronisation failure
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
Action Warning
Frequency-based inhibit
The Vector mismatch alarm is inhibited outside of the synchronisation window. That is, it is inhibited if the frequency from the source
is more than the Delta frequency min. below the busbar frequency, or the Delta frequency max. above the busbar frequency. These
parameters are defined under Synchronisation settings.
This alarm alerts the operator to a breaker open failure if a breaker open feedback is present.
The alarm is based on the breaker feedback signal, which is a digital input to the controller. The
alarm timer starts when the controller sends the signal to open the breaker. The alarm is Delay
activated if the breaker feedback does not change from Closed to Open within the delay time. 0
If no breaker feedback is configured in the Input/output for the breaker, then the parameters are not visible.
This alarm is for breaker closing failure. close
The alarm is based on the breaker feedback signal, which is a digital input to the controller. The
alarm timer starts when the controller sends the signal to close the breaker. The alarm is
activated if the breaker feedback signal does not change from Open to Closed within the delay Delay
time. 0
If no breaker feedback is configured in the Input/output for the breaker, then the parameters are not visible.
1 1
Delay Delay
Breaker Breaker
position position
0 0
Time Time
If only one or no breaker feedbacks are configured in the Input/output for the breaker, then the parameters are not visible.
This alarm alerts the operator to an externally-initiated breaker trip.
The alarm is activated if the controller did not send an open signal, but the breaker feedback
shows that the breaker is open.
The alarm response is based on the digital input with the Breaker > Feedback > [*B] short Breaker >
circuit function (see below). This digital input is typically wired to the breaker's short circuit Feedback >
feedback. Short circuit
Breakers > [Breaker] monitoring > Short circuit
The alarm action is Trip [Breaker].
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
-40o +40o
The controller continuously checks the line voltage vectors on either side of the breaker against 70 %
the orientation defined in the controller. If the voltage is more than the detection voltage, and
the phase angle differs from the expected angle by more than ±40º, the alarm is activated. This
means that the alarm will also detect if the phase rotation is different from the direction of L3 L2
rotation defined in the controller.
There are two alarms for each controller. These alarms correspond to the controller's AC
measurements. There is one alarm for the voltage from the [Source] (terminal B), and another
alarm for the voltage on the [Busbar] (terminal A). Delay
NOTE * The alarm is inhibited if the voltage is below this set point.
[Busbar] > AC setup > Phase sequence error
The alarm action is Trip [Breaker] and cannot be changed.
NOTE * The alarm is inhibited if the voltage is below this set point.
This alarm blocks breaker operation if the breaker is not properly configured. The alarm is activated if a breaker is present on the
Application single-line diagram, but the Input/output functions that are required for the breaker type are not fully configured.
This alarm is always enabled, and has the alarm action Block, Latch enabled. You cannot see or change the parameters for this
The GENSET controllers can use analogue and/or relay control functions for regulation.
There are five governor regulation modes and six automatic voltage regulator (AVR) regulation modes (including manual regulation)
that can be selected on the controller to control the genset regulators. These modes can be activated by configuring the phactivation
function to a digital input, or by using CustomLogic, or by sending the activation signal over Modbus. To change from one regulation
mode to another regulation mode, select the new regulation mode using your configured activation function.
If you have a GAM3.2 module installed, then the controller also has a stand alone regulation mode for both governor and AVR.
When the controller is in Switchboard control, or when certain alarm conditions are active, regulation must be done manually.
More information
See Switchboard control for how to control the regulators manually through the controller.
All the input and output information in this chapter is written from the DEIF controller point of view, except if clearly stated otherwise.
Relay control is not able to produce the same precision as a well-tuned analogue controller. However, setting up relay control is
simpler. To extend the life of relays, the controller has a range around the set point where the controller does not send regulation
signals to the governor or automatic voltage regulator when using relay control. This range is called the regulation deadband.
Analogue regulation does not have a deadband area, which contributes to more accurate regulation of the governor or AVR.
Configure the parameter Regulators > [Regulator] general configuration > Regulator output > Output type
to Analogue (where [Regulator] is Governor or AVR).
Assign the Regulators > GOV > GOV output [%] function to the PWM terminals.
More information
See Pulse width modulation (PWM) output characteristics for the relationship between duty cycles and the PWM output.
Reference value
Measured value
PID control
The PID controller consists of three parts.
Proportional part 1 Kp
The gain (Kp) determines the amplitude of a signal. The amplitude increases for a gain higher than 1, and decreases for a gain
between 0 and 1.
The same gain (Kp) is applied to each part of the analogue controller. That is, increasing the gain not only increases the
proportional part, but also increases the integral part and the derivative part.
Proportional part
The proportional part contributes the amplified error to the PID output.
Gain (Kp) is the only term in the proportional part of the controller. That is, the contribution of the proportional part of the controller is
directly proportional to the calculated error. For example, if Kp is 15 and the calculated error is +0.02, the proportional contribution is
A low Kp makes the system respond more weakly to the error. A low Kp reduces the settling time. However, the response can be too
small, and therefore ineffective.
Integral part
The integral part eliminates the steady-state error.
Ti is the time it takes for the contribution of the integral part to be equal to the contribution of the proportional part. If Ti is shorter, the
contribution of the integral part is higher.
Do not set Ti too low. This can make the operation unstable (the effect is similar to a very high gain).
The figures below show the effect of Ti (a constant error is used to simplify the example).
When the system is far away from the reference point the integral part will have a large contribution to the correction. When the
system is close to the reference value, the integral part will have a small contribution to the correction.
I contribution
Ti Ti
I contribution
P contribution P contribution
Error Error
Derivative part
The derivative part stabilises operation, allowing higher gain and lower integral action times. The derivative part can improve the
settling time.
The derivative part uses a linear extrapolation of the current rate of change over Td to predict the future error. This works well for
slower systems, since they are easier to predict than faster systems. If Td is higher than the optimal time, the settling time can be
very long. For very high values, the system might not be able to settle at the reference value (the effect is similar to a very high
From experience, the derivative part can improve regulation during load sharing, power regulation and static synchronisation, when
the parameter is properly tuned.
Relay control activates or deactivates the [Regulator] increase and [Regulator] decrease relays to increase or decrease the control
signal, based on the output of the controller (where [Regulator] is either GOV, or AVR).
Configure the parameter Regulators > [Regulator] general configuration > Regulator output > Output type
to Relay (where [Regulator] is Governor or AVR).
The measured value is far away from the reference value. The [Regulator] increase * or
[Regulator] decrease * relay is activated for the maximum time allowed by the Period time and the
Closed or
Constant Maximum ON time percentage. If the measured value is still far away after the maximum time was
intermittent reached, then the relay is reactivated after the Period time is reached.
See point 1 on the figures below for an example where the Maximum ON time is set to 100 %.
The measured value is approaching the reference value, but is not in the deadband range yet. The
[Regulator] increase * or [Regulator] decrease * relay pulses. The signal from the relay is thus
Variable Intermittent The length of the pulse is dependent on the distance from the reference value, the period time and
range open/close the controller gain, Kp. If the measured value is further away from the reference value, the
controller uses a longer pulse. If the measured value is closer to the reference value, the controller
uses a shorter pulse. You can define the minimum pulse width.
The measured value is so close to the reference value that it is within the deadband percentage of
the reference value. The deadband is specific to the control type that is active, and you can define
Deadband the deadband value. The [Regulator] increase * and [Regulator] decrease * relays remain
range deactivated continuously.
If the output is in either the constant or the variable range, the controller activates the configured relay (governor increase or
decrease, or AVR increase or decrease) for the required time. The figures below show how the time decreases from the value set for
Period time to the value set for Minimum ON time as the measured value gets closer to the set point for high Kp values and low Kp
values. The Maximum ON time parameter is set to 100 %.
Relay up
1 on time [%]
High Kp
2 100
Low Kp
3 75
4 50
Frequency [Hz]
Relay down
on time [%]
Figure 7.3 Relay action based on measurements at the end of the period time
1 2 3 4 5 6
Pulse properties
A relay control pulse has three main properties:
• Period time
• Minimum ON time
• Maximum ON time
The Period time is measured from the start time of one pulse to the start time of the next pulse.
The Minimum ON time sets the minimum amount of time a relay is allowed to be closed. This should be similar to the minimum time
required for the system to respond to the output signal.
The Maximum ON time sets the maximum amount of time a relay is allowed to be closed when the regulation is in the constant
range. The parameter is a percentage of the Period time.
The pulse length is never shorter than the Minimum ON time. Once the pulse length is equal to or greater than the period time, the
controller shifts from the variable range to the constant range, if the Maximum ON time is set to 100 %. The deviation where this shift
occurs depends on Kp and the period time. As Kp increases, the variable range decreases. As Kp decreases, the variable range
The droop percentage for a genset governor is a measure of how much the engine speed changes when there is a change in the
genset power output. Similarly, for a genset AVR, the droop percentage shows the relationship between the generator voltage and
the reactive power output.
The droop setting in the controller. This refers to the Frequency droop parameter, the Voltage droop
parameter, or both parameters.
Controller droop
The controller droop setting is only active when the frequency droop and/or voltage droop is the selected
regulation mode. When the regulation mode is active, the controller sends signals to the governor and/or AVR
to follow the droop curve based on the controller droop.
This droop value is related to the engine speed. Since engine speed and the generator frequency are
Speed droop
proportional, you can also use the generator frequency to calculate speed droop.
Voltage droop The droop value that is related to the generator voltage.
Regulation of a genset using frequency droop or voltage droop might be required under certain system conditions. For example,
when the controller cannot communicate with all the controllers in the system.
When the controller is in Frequency droop or Voltage droop mode, the regulation of the governor and AVR simulates a situation
where the load sharing is only controlled by the droop. For example, when there is a higher load, the controller regulates the
governor to get a slightly lower frequency. The droop setting in the controller does not change the actual droop in the governor or
The genset frequency follows the frequency of the busbar when more than one power generating equipment or mains is connected
to the busbar. The power output is related to the frequency by the droop curve when droop is activated on the governor, or when
frequency droop is the active regulation mode on the controller. When the load on the busbar changes (for example, when a load is
added or removed), all the gensets that are connected to the busbar that are in droop mode will adjust their power output according
to the droop curve at the same frequency. If the gensets have the same droop value, then the load is shared equally between the
Figure 7.4 Example of a frequency droop curve for a genset with 4% frequency droop
frequency [Hz] 50
0 50 100
load [%]
Gensets A, B and C have a nominal power of 1500 kW each and operate at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. Each genset
has a 4 % controller droop. The droop curve for each genset is the same, and is shown in the figure below.
Figure 7.5 Droop curve for gensets A, B and C
frequency [Hz] 50
0 50 100
load [%]
All of the gensets are connected to the busbar and are running frequency droop as the active regulation mode. When the
load on the busbar increases from 0 to 2250 kW, the gensets are able to share the load equally because they have the
same droop. The new frequency of the busbar and the gensets is 49 Hz (50 Hz × (1 - 0.04 × 750 kW / 1500 kW) = 49 Hz).
At a total load of 2250 kW, the system runs at 49 Hz. Gensets A, B and C each supply 750 kW (50 % of nominal power).
750 750
kW kW
4% 4% 4%
droop droop droop
If the gensets that are connected to the same busbar section have different droop settings, the genset(s) with a lower droop will be
loaded more. When the droop curve for one or more gensets are different from the other gensets on the busbar, the gensets take a
different proportion of the load at the same frequency value due to the different droop curves.
Gensets A, B and C have a nominal power of 1500 kW each and operate at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. Genset A has a
3 % droop and gensets B and C each have a 4 % droop.
All of the gensets are connected to the busbar and are running frequency droop as the active regulation mode. When the
load on the busbar increases from 0 to 2250 kW, the load is not shared equally between the gensets. The new frequency
on the busbar is 49.1 Hz. Because all the generators on the busbar operate at the same frequency, Genset A takes more
of the load than gensets B and C.
At a total load of 2250 kW, the system runs at 49.1 Hz. Genset A supplies 900 kW (60 % of nominal power), while Gensets
B and C each supply 675 kW (45 % of nominal power).
675 675
kW kW
3% 4% 4%
droop droop droop
More information
See Frequency droop and Voltage droop for information about these regulation modes.
During regulation of the system, the guidelines for the controller mode selection should be followed. The suggested regulation mode
in the table is always for the equipment on the left side of the busbar in the image.
The controller
commands to
genset to the
frequency and
The controller
commands to
de-load the
open breaker
All the
G G gensets in one
of the busbar
sections, must
change mode
to External set
All the
gensets on the
busbar that will
G G split sections,
must change
mode to
External set
You can use the Freeze regulator digital input to override the regulation settings on a genset. The Freeze regulator command stops
regulation on the governor and the AVR when it is activated.
When the Freeze regulation input is active the Regulator status screen on the display will show No regulation.
The genset regulation system consists of a number of basic control modes for the governor. Each controller processes the input
information and calculates what action the genset should take to reach the required operating value. The calculated value is then
modified according to the governor interface, and sent to the governor.
When a generator breaker is closed and a governor regulator is configured, the operator, CustomLogic, CODESYS or PLC must
select a regulation mode. If no mode is selected, then the Governor regulator mode not selected alarm activates informing the
operator that no regulation mode is selected.
While the generator breaker is closed, the operator, CustomLogic, CODESYS or PLC can change the regulation mode by activating
a different regulation mode. When a new regulation mode is selected, the previous regulation mode is deactivated automatically. If
multiple regulation modes are written to the controller at almost the same time, the mode that was received last will be the new
active mode.
In some cases the operator might want to deactivate regulation. This can be done with the Deactivate regulation functions.
When the genset is running, it is recommended to always have a regulation mode selected. It is possible to change the regulation
mode from one regulation mode to another without deactivating the current regulation mode first. In some special cases you might
want to deactivate the controller regulation mode.
When the Deactivate regulation governor regulation mode is selected, the current regulation mode is deactivated and the governor
regulation status is No regulation. While no governor regulation mode is selected, the controller does not send any regulation signals
to the governor. It is also not possible to send manual regulation signals to the governor through the controller inputs (Manual GOV
increase and Manual GOV decrease). This means that the genset has the same frequency and power production (if governor
droop is active) as before the regulation mode was deactivated, unless the changes are directly caused by the genset.
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
Regulators > GOV > Modes > The operator activates this input to deactivate the current
Digital input Pulse
Deactivate regulation governor regulation mode.
If a genset is operating as a stand-alone genset, the operator, CustomLogic, CODESYS or PLC can select fixed frequency
regulation, so that the controller uses the nominal frequency as the regulation set point.
More information
See External communication how the fixed frequency set point is configured using an analogue input or Modbus.
Regulators > GOV > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed frequency
Digital output Continuous
frequency regulation is selected regulation is selected.
Regulators > GOV > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed frequency
Digital output Continuous
frequency regulation is active regulation is active.
If a genset is connected to the busbar along with other power generating equipment, the controller can use fixed power (that is,
active power) regulation to ensure that the genset provides a constant amount of power to the busbar regardless of the busbar
frequency. The genset that is under fixed power regulation will provide a constant amount of power to the busbar, regardless of the
frequency on the busbar. This means that there must be other power generating equipment on the busbar, to regulate the frequency
of the busbar.
If only one genset is connected to a busbar without any other power generating equipment, then fixed power regulation is not
possible. In this situation changing the goevrnor output only changes the frequency of the genset, and not the power.
The controller also uses fixed power regulation when ramping up the power of a genset (increasing the load), or when ramping down
the power of a genset (decreasing the load).
If more than one genset is connected to the busbar, then the total load on the busbar must be greater than the fixed power set point.
To ensure that the busbar frequency is stable, you must have more gensets under load sharing regulation than fixed power
Alternatively the fixed power set point can be determined by an analogue input, CustomLogic, Modbus, or CODESYS.
More information
See External communication how the fixed power set point is configured using an analogue input or Modbus.
Regulators > GOV > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed power regulation is
Digital output Continuous
power regulation is selected selected.
Regulators > GOV > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed power regulation is
Digital output Continuous
power regulation is active active.
Regulators > GOV regulation set points > Fixed power
Parameter Range Default Notes
0 % of nominal genset The regulation set point for fixed power, as a percentage of the genset's
Set point -100 to 100 %
power nominal power.
0 % of nominal genset This value is added to the fixed power set point when the Active power
Offset 1 -100 to 100 %
power offset 1 digital input is activated.
0 % of nominal genset This value is added to the fixed power set point when the Active power
Offset 2 -100 to 100 %
power offset 2 digital input is activated.
0 % of nominal genset This value is added to the fixed power set point when the Active power
Offset 3 -100 to 100 %
power offset 3 digital input is activated.
This value is the upper or lower limit for the power set point for fixed power
0 % of nominal genset
Limit 1 -300 to 300 % regulation.
It does not matter whether Limit 1 is higher or lower than Limit 2 when the
controller determines the set point range.
This value is the upper or lower limit for the power set point for fixed power
100 % of nominal
Limit 2 -300 to 300 %
genset power
It does not matter whether Limit 2 is higher or lower than Limit 1 when the
controller determines the set point range.
A genset that is running parallel to other gensets is under fixed power regulation. The fixed power set point is 30 % of the
nominal genset power. Offset 1 is set to -5 %, Offset 2 is set to 5 %, and Offset 3 is set to 10 %.
1. Active power offset 1 is activated. The fixed power set point changes from 30 % to 25 %.
• New set point = Current set point + offset = 30 % + (-5 %) = 25 %
2. Active power offset 1 is deactivated. The fixed power set point changes from 25 % to 30 %.
• New set point = Current set point - offset = 25 % - (-5 %) = 30 %
3. Active power offset 2 and Active power offset 3 are activated. The fixed power set point changes from 30 % to 45
• New set point = Current set point + offset 2 + offset 3 = 30 % + 5 % + 10 % = 45 %
A genset that is running parallel to other gensets is under fixed power regulation. The fixed power set point is 30 % of the
nominal genset power. Offset 1 is set to 20 %, Offset 2 is set to 30 %, and Offset 3 is set to 40 %. Limit 1 is set to 2 %
and Limit 2 is set to 100 %.
If Active power offset 1, Active power offset 2 and Active power offset 3 are activated at the same time, then the
calculated set point is 120 % of nominal genset power. But this value is higher than Limit 2. The power set point is 100 %,
because the calculated value is outside of the set point range that is determined by Limit 1 and Limit 2.
Limit 1 is changed to 80 % and Limit 2 is changed to 40 % and all other parameters remain the same as earlier in the
example. The set point range is 40 % to 80 %.
1. The genset has a fixed power set point of 40 % when no offsets are activated. This is because the Set point (30 %) is
lower than the lower limit (Limit 2 = 40 %).
• Because the Set point (30 %) is lower than the set point range, the set point is adjusted to the lower limit of the
range (Limit 2 = 40 %).
2. If Active power offset 1 is activated, the set point changes from 40 % to 50 %.
• New set point = current set point + offset = 30 % +20 % = 50 %.
• The new set point is within the set point range, and is not adjusted by Limit 1 and Limit 2.
3. If Active power offset 1 and Active power offset 3 are activated at the same time, then the fixed power set point is
80 %.
• New set point = current set point + offset 1 + offset 3 = 30 % + 20 % + 40 % = 90 %
• The new set point is not inside the set point range. The set point is adjusted to the upper limit of the range (Limit 1
= 80 %).
If a genset is connected to the busbar, with or without other power generating equipment connected to the same busbar section, the
controller can use frequency droop to regulate the genset frequency/power.
This setting does not provide optimal regulation of the genset, and should only be used if there is a specific design reason for its
During frequency droop regulation the controller regulates the governor output to follow the droop setting of the controller.
More information
See Droop for the relationship between the controller droop and the governor droop.
Regulators > GOV > State > Frequency The relay activates when frequency droop
Digital output Continuous
droop regulation is selected regulation is selected.
Regulators > GOV > State > Frequency The relay activates when frequency droop
Digital output Continuous
droop regulation is active regulation is active.
Regulators > GOV analogue configuration > Frequency droop
Parameter Range Default Notes
The droop percentage that the controller is regulating towards. The controller droop does not
have to be the same as the genset's governor droop.
Droop 0 to 10 % 4 %
A high droop setting results in high frequency deviations from nominal frequency.
A too low droop setting results in not adding the necessary stability to the system.
The droop percentage that the controller is regulating towards. The controller droop does not
have to be the same as the genset's governor droop.
Droop 0 to 10 % 4 %
A high droop setting results in high frequency deviations from nominal frequency.
A too low droop setting results in not adding the necessary stability to the system.
The droop setting for an analogue regulator is not linked to the droop setting for a relay regulator. This means that if you change
from an analogue output to a relay output (or from a relay output to an analogue output), you must check the droop setting and
correct it if required.
During power (kW) load sharing, the controller uses the nominal frequency as a reference to regulate the governor output to the
genset. The nominal frequency reference can be adjusted by contributing a weighted amount of the power set point to the reference
Power (kW) load sharing can be used in a system where more than one genset is connected to the same busbar section. At least
two of these gensets must have power load sharing regulation mode activated in order to share the load between them.
All gensets on the same busbar section that have power load sharing active, will share an equal percentage of the load.
More information
See Busbar sections and load sharing.
Regulators > GOV > State > Power load The relay activates when active power load
Digital output Continuous
sharing is selected sharing (kW) is selected.
Regulators > GOV > State > Power load The relay activates when active power load
Digital output Continuous
sharing is active sharing (kW) is active.
If P weight is 100 %, the controller uses the power and frequency set points equally during load
sharing regulation. If P weight is 0 %, the controller ignores the power set point during load
sharing regulation.
P weight 0 to 100 % 15 %
DEIF recommends that you start with the default value, and then, if necessary, adjust this
parameter. If P weight is too low, the load sharing will not be effective and the load will float
between the controllers. If P weight is too high, the frequency regulation will be too slow, for
example, when a big load connects.
Regulators > GOV relay configuration > Power load sharing regulation
Parameter Range Default Notes
Kp 0 to 100 10 This is the gain for the regulator.
f deadband 0.2 to 10 % 1 % The default deadband is ± 1 %. That is, for a genset with a nominal frequency of 50 Hz, the
deadband is 1 Hz. When the controller frequency set point is 50 Hz, the regulator will not
control the frequency if it is between 49.5 and 50.5 Hz.
P deadband 0.2 to 10 % 2 % The default deadband is ± 2 %. That is, for a genset with a nominal power of 100 kW, the
deadband is 4 kW. When the controller power set point is 50 kW, the regulator will not control
the power if it is between 48 and 52 kW.
If P weight is 100 %, the controller uses the power and frequency set points equally during
load sharing regulation. If P weight is 0 %, the controller ignores the power set point during
load sharing regulation.
P weight 0 to 100 % 10 %
DEIF recommends that you start with the default value, and then, if necessary, adjust this
parameter. If P weight is too low, the load sharing will not be effective and the load will float
between the controllers. If P weight is too high, the frequency regulation will be too slow, for
example, when a big load connects.
When Manual regulation is the active regulation mode, the operator controls the governor output manually. The operator can
increase or decrease governor output of the genset using digital inputs (if configured) or Modbus. During Manual regulation, both the
synchronisation and the de-loading must also be manually controlled.
Regulators > GOV analogue configuration > Manual slope
This parameter is only visible if a governor analogue output is configured.
The controller increases or decreases the GOV output [%] analogue output by this
Manual GOV slope 0 to 200 %/s 10 %/s amount when the Manual GOV increase or Manual GOV decrease digital inputs are
You can make the governor response faster by decreasing the Period time. However, if the
Period 40 ms to 1 rest of the system is slow anyway, you can reduce the wear on the relays by increasing the
2000 ms
time h Period time.
Although a relay controller is capable of fast responses, the Period time should be similar to
the response of the system to extend the relay life.
The Minimum ON time must be long enough to ensure that the governor can detect the
shortest pulse that the controller sends to it. You can increase the Minimum ON time to
force a slow system to respond more to the controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the governor output, the GOV increase digital output is
Minimum ON 40 ms to 1
200 ms activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the governor
time h
output, the GOV decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the governor output, the GOV decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the governor
output, the GOV increase digital output is not activated.
You can decrease the Maximum ON time to force a fast system to respond less to the
controller's regulation. The Maximum ON time is a percentage of the Period time.
If the controller needs to increase the governor output, the GOV increase digital output is
Maximum ON 0 to 100 activated for no longer than the Maximum ON time. While the controller is increasing the
100 %
time % governor output, the GOV decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the governor output, the GOV decrease digital output is
activated for no longer than the Maximum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the
governor output, the GOV increase digital output is not activated.
Stand-alone mode allows an operator to send regulation signals manually to regulate the governor using only a GAM3.2. This mode
can be used if the rest of the controller is disabled, or if the main controller power supply fails. For stand-alone mode, the controller
must have a correctly configured GAM3.2 module.
If you want to use stand-alone mode during emergencies, DEIF recommends a reliable back-up power supply for GAM3.2.
The digital inputs Manual GOV increase and Manual GOV decrease are also used for manual regulation.
More information
See Synchronisation in switchboard control for information about manual regulation.
More information
See Configuration alarms for information about the incorrect configuration alarm.
For relay regulation, the GAM3.2 activates the relay outputs in response to the manual inputs.
For analogue regulation, the GAM3.2 initially keeps the analogue output at its last value. The GAM3.2 then adjusts the analogue
output in response to the manual inputs.
The GAM3.2 regards the rest of controller disabled when it cannot communicate with the rest of the controller. As long as the
GAM3.2 has power and the required wiring, you can use it for stand-alone manual regulation.
All inputs or outputs used for manual control must be configured on the GAM3.2. The controller must not have any other governor
inputs or outputs.
When the controller is disabled, activate the Stand-alone mode digital input. The GAM3.2 then sends regulation signals based on
manual regulation inputs.
For analogue regulation, the GAM3.2 initially keeps the analogue output at a preset value. The GAM3.2 then adjusts the analogue
output in response to the manual inputs.
For analogue regulation, the GAM3.2 initially keeps the governor analogue output at its last value. Before taking over control from
GAM3.2, the controller adjusts the regulation set point for bumpless transfer.
The controller uses the frequency synchronisation parameters to synchronise the frequency of a synchronous prime mover to the
frequency of the busbar. These regulation parameters are used automatically when the controller receives the Close breaker
command and any regulation mode (except Manual regulation) is active on the controller.
The controller uses the phase synchronisation parameters to synchronise the phase angle of a synchronous prime mover to the
phase angle of the busbar during static synchronisation. These regulation parameters are used automatically when the controller
receives the Close breaker command and any regulation mode (except Manual regulation) is active on the controller.
The genset regulation system consists of a number of basic control modes for the AVR. Each controller processes the input
information and calculates what action the genset should take to reach the required operating value. The calculated value is then
modified according to the AVR interface, and sent to the AVR.
When a generator breaker is closed and an AVR regulator is configured, the operator, CustomLogic, CODESYS or PLC must select
a regulation mode. If no mode is selected, then the Regulation mode not selected alarm activates (if enabled) informing the operator
that no regulation mode is selected.
While the generator breaker is closed, the operator, CustomLogic, CODESYS or PLC can change the regulation mode by activating
a different regulation mode. When a new regulation mode is selected, the previous regulation mode is deactivated automatically. If
multiple regulation modes are written to the controller at almost the same time, the mode that was received last will be the new
active mode.
In some cases the operator might want to deactivate the regulation mode. To do this the operator must activate the Deactivate digital
When the genset is running, it is recommended to always have a regulation mode selected. It is possible to change the regulation
mode from one regulation mode to another without deactivating the current regulation mode first. In some special cases you might
want to deactivate the controller regulation mode.
When the Deactivate regulation AVR regulation mode is selected, the current regulation mode is deactivated and the AVR
regulation status is No regulation mode selected. While no AVR regulation mode is selected, the controller does not send any
regulation signals to the AVR. It is also not possible to send manual regulation signals to the AVR through the controller inputs
(Manual AVR increase and Manual AVR decrease). This means that the genset has the same voltage and reactive power
production (if AVR droop is active) as before the regulation mode was deactivated, unless the changes are directly caused by the
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
Regulators > AVR > Modes > The operator activates this input to deactivate the current
Digital input Pulse
Deactivate regulation AVR regulation mode.
The controller can regulate and maintain the genset voltage at its nominal voltage by sending a signal to the AVR to adjust the
exciter current.
When the genset is not connected to the busbar and fixed voltage is selected, the controller regulates the voltage to the genset
nominal voltage. During synchronisation the controller regulates the voltage to the busbar voltage. If a genset is already connected
to a load, the controller matches the generator voltages before closing an additional generator breaker.
Alternatively the fixed voltage set point can be determined by an analogue input, CustomLogic, Modbus, or CODESYS.
More information
See External communication how the fixed voltage set point is configured using an analogue input or Modbus.
Regulators > AVR > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed voltage
Digital output Continuous
voltage is active regulation is active.
If a genset is connected to the busbar along with other power generating equipment or mains, the controller can use fixed reactive
power regulation to ensure that the genset provides a constant amount of reactive power to the busbar regardless of the active
power produced by the genset. The controller can regulate and maintain the reactive power (kvar) of the genset at its set point by
sending a signal to the AVR to adjust the exciter current. This changes the phase angle between the current and the voltage, hereby
regulating the reactive power.
The controller also uses fixed reactive power regulation when ramping up the reactive power of a genset (increasing the load), or
when ramping down the reactive power of a genset (decreasing the load).
If multiple gensets are connected to the same busbar section, the controller can regulate its genset to provide fixed reactive power.
Connected gensets automatically run at the same voltage. Therefore, decreasing the excitation in the generator automatically
decreases the reactive power that it provides, and increases the load on the other power generating equipment. Increasing the
excitation in the generator automatically increases the reactive power that it provides, and decreases the load on the other power
generating equipment.
Alternatively the fixed reactive power set point can be determined by an analogue input, CustomLogic, Modbus, or CODESYS.
More information
See External communication how the fixed reactive power set point is configured using an analogue input or Modbus.
Regulators > AVR > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed reactive power
Digital output Continuous
reactive power is active regulation is active.
Regulators > AVR regulation set points > Fixed reactive power
Parameter Range Default Notes
0 % of The regulation set point for fixed reactive power, as a percentage of the
nominal genset's nominal reactive power.
Set point -100 to 100 %
power The genset's nominal reactive power is calculated by the controller.
Preferred: The set point will remain at the fixed set point, but in certain
situations, for example during de-load of another breaker, the produced
Set point Preferred,
Preferred power is allowed to change.
adjustment Locked
Locked: The controller will always regulate to the selected set point.
This value is added to the fixed reactive power set point when the Reactive
Offset 1 0 to 100 % 0%
power offset 1 digital input is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading
cos phi value (capacitive).
Offset 1 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then
the offset is added to the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive
or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset is subtracted from the set point.
This value is added to the fixed reactive power set point when the Reactive
Offset 2 0 to 100 % 0%
power offset 2 digital input is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading
cos phi value (capacitive).
Offset 2 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then
the offset is added to the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive
or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset is subtracted from the set point.
This value is added to the fixed reactive power set point when the Reactive
Offset 3 0 to 100 % 0%
power offset 3 digital input is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading
cos phi value (capacitive).
Offset 3 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then
the offset is added to the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive
or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset is subtracted from the set point.
This value is the upper or lower limit for the reactive power set point for fixed
0 % of reactive power regulation.
Limit 1 -300 to 300 %
It does not matter whether Limit 1 is higher or lower than Limit 2 when the
controller determines the set point range.
This value is the upper or lower limit for the reactive power set point for fixed
100 % of reactive power regulation.
Limit 2 -300 to 300 %
It does not matter whether Limit 2 is higher or lower than Limit 1 when the
controller determines the set point range.
1. Reactive power offset 1 is activated. The fixed reactive power set point changes from 30 % inductive to 35 %
• New set point = Current set point + offset = 30 % + 5 % = 35 %
2. Reactive power offset 1 is deactivated. The fixed reactive power set point changes from 35 % inductive to 30 %
• New set point = Current set point - offset = 35 % - 5 % = 30 %
3. Reactive power offset 2 and Reactive power offset 3 are activated. The fixed reactive power set point changes from
30 % inductive to 55 % inductive.
• New set point = Current set point + offset 2 + offset 3 = 30 % + 10 % + 15 % = 55 %
Reactive power offset 1 is activated. The fixed reactive power set point changes from 30 % inductive to 25 % inductive.
• New set point = Current set point - offset = 30 % - 5 % = 25 %
• The offset is subtracted from the set point because the set point is an inductive value and the offset is a capacitive
A genset that is running parallel to mains is under fixed reactive power regulation. The fixed reactive power set point is 30
% of the nominal reactive power. Offset 1 is set to 20 %, Offset 2 is set to 30 %, and Offset 3 is set to 40 %. Limit 1 is set
to 2 % and Limit 2 is set to 100 %. The set point and all the offsets are set to Inductive.
If Reactive power offset 1, Reactive power offset 2 and Reactive power offset 3 are activated at the same time, then
the calculated set point is 120 % (inductive) of nominal reactive power. But this value is higher than Limit 2. The reactive
power set point is 100 % (inductive), because the calculated value is outside of the set point range that is determined by
Limit 1 and Limit 2.
Limit 1 is changed to 80 % and Limit 2 is changed to 40 % and all other parameters remain the same as earlier in the
example. The set point range is 40 % to 80 %.
1. The genset has a fixed reactive power set point of 40 % when no offsets are activated. This is because the Set point
(30 %) is lower than the lower limit (Limit 2 = 40 %).
• Because the Set point (30 %) is lower than the set point range, the set point is adjusted to the lower limit of the
range (Limit 2 = 40 %).
2. If Active power offset 1 is activated, the set point changes from 40 % inductive to 50 % inductive.
• New set point = current set point + offset = 30 % +20 % = 50 %.
• The new set point is within the set point range, and is not adjusted by Limit 1 and Limit 2.
3. If Active power offset 1 and Active power offset 3 are activated at the same time, then the fixed reactive power set
point is 80 % inductive.
• New set point = current set point + offset 1 + offset 3 = 30 % + 20 % + 40 % = 90 %
• The new set point is not inside the set point range. The set point is adjusted to the upper limit of the range (Limit 1
= 80 %).
The controller can send regulation signals to the genset's AVR to keep the genset's cos phi value at the controller set point. When
fixed cos phi is the active regulation mode, the controller sends signals to the AVR to adjust the exciter current when the cos phi
value changes due to loads that were added to or removed from the busbar. By keeping the cos phi value at a fixed value, the
reactive power is regulated according to the amount of active power being produced by the genset.
Alternatively the fixed cos phi set point can be determined by an analogue input, CustomLogic, Modbus, or CODESYS.
The fixed cos phi mode will only be used when multiple gensets are connected to the same busbar section. If only one genset is
connected, then the cos phi value is decided by the system and regulation will not work.
More information
See External communication how the fixed cos phi set point is configured using an analogue input or Modbus.
Regulators > AVR > State > Fixed The relay activates when fixed cos phi regulation is
Digital output Continuous
cos phi is active active.
Regulators > AVR regulation set points > Fixed cos phi
Parameter Range Default Notes
If the generator production requires reactive power from the system, it is a capacitive
production with a leading cos phi value.
Set point Inductive
If the generator production supplies reactive power to the system, it is an inductive
production with a lagging cos phi value.
This value is added to the cos phi set point when the fixed cos phi Offset 1 digital input
Offset 1 0 to 1 0
is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading cos phi
value (capacitive).
Offset 1 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset
is subtracted from the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive or
capacitive) to the set point, then the offset is added to the set point.
This value is added to the cos phi set point when the fixed cos phi Offset 2 digital input
Offset 2 0 to 1 0
is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading cos phi
value (capacitive).
Offset 2 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset
is subtracted from the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive or
capacitive) to the set point, then the offset is added to the set point.
This value is added to the cos phi set point when the fixed cos phi Offset 3 digital input
Offset 3 0 to 1 0
is activated.
Select whether the offset has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading cos phi
value (capacitive).
Offset 3 Inductive
Capacitive If the offset has the same value (inductive or capacitive) as the set point, then the offset
is subtracted from the set point. If the offset has a different value (inductive or
capacitive) to the set point, then the offset is added to the set point.
This value is the upper or lower limit for the cos phi set point for fixed cos phi
Limit 1 0 to 1 0.8
It does not matter whether Limit 1 is higher or lower than Limit 2 when the controller
determines the set point range.
Inductive, Select whether the limit has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading cos phi
Limit 1 Inductive
Capacitive value (capacitive).
This value is the upper or lower limit for the cos phi set point for fixed cos phi
Limit 2 0 to 1 1 regulation.
It does not matter whether Limit 2 is higher or lower than Limit 1 when the controller
determines the set point range.
Inductive, Select whether the limit has a lagging cos phi value (inductive), or a leading cos phi
Limit 2 Inductive
Capacitive value (capacitive).
The examples below demonstrate how the cos phi offset is added to the set point.
Adding an inductive cos phi offset to an inductive cos phi set point example
cos phi = 1
The cos phi Set point is set to the default value of 0.9 inductive. Offset 1 is set to 0.25 inductive. The set point
range (determined by Limit 1 and Limit 2) is not taken into account for this example.
When the Cos phi/Reactive power offset 1 digital input is activated the cos phi set point changes to 0.9I +0.25I =
0.65 inductive.
Adding a capacitive cos phi offset to an inductive cos phi set point example
cos phi = 1
The cos phi Set point is set to the default value of 0.9 inductive. Offset 1 is set to 0.25 capacitive. The set point
range (determined by Limit 1 and Limit 2) is not taken into account for this example.
When the Cos phi/Reactive power offset 1 digital input is activated the cos phi set point changes to 0.9I +0.25C =
0.85 capacitive.
If a genset is connected to the busbar, with or without other power generating equipment connected to the same busbar section, the
controller can use voltage droop to regulate the genset voltage/reactive power.
This setting does not provide optimal regulation of the genset, and should only be used if there is a specific design reason for its
use. For example, another genset that cannot communicate with the controller is connected to the same busbar section.
During voltage droop regulation the controller regulates the AVR output to follow the droop setting of the controller.
More information
See Droop for the relationship between the controller droop and the AVR droop.
Regulators > AVR > State > Voltage The relay activates when voltage droop
Digital output Continuous
droop is selected regulation is selected.
Regulators > AVR > State > Voltage The relay activates when voltage droop
Digital output Continuous
droop is active regulation is active.
Regulators > AVR analogue configuration > Voltage droop
Parameter Range Default Notes
The droop percentage that the controller emulates. The controller droop does not have to be the
same as the genset's AVR droop.
Droop 0 to 10 % 4 %
A high droop setting results in high voltage/reactive power deviations from nominal voltage.
A too low droop setting results in not adding the necessary stability to the system.
The droop percentage that the controller emulates. The controller droop does not have to be the
same as the genset's AVR droop.
Droop 0 to 10 % 4 %
A high droop setting results in high voltage/reactive power deviations from nominal voltage.
A too low droop setting results in not adding the necessary stability to the system.
The droop setting for an analogue regulator is not linked to the droop setting for a relay regulator. This means that if you change
from an analogue output to a relay output (or from a relay output to an analogue output), you must check the droop setting and
correct it if required.
During reactive power (kvar) load sharing, the controller uses the nominal voltage as a reference to regulate the AVR output to the
genset. The nominal voltage reference can be adjusted by contributing a weighted amount of the reactive power set point to the
reference value.
Reactive power load sharing can be used in a system where more than one genset is connected to the same busbar section. At
least two of these gensets must have reactive power load sharing activated in order to share the load between them.
All gensets on the same busbar section that have reactive power load sharing active, will share an equal percentage of the load.
More information
See Busbar sections and load sharing.
Regulators > AVR analogue configuration > Reactive power load sharing regulation
Parameter Range Default Notes
Kp 0 to 60 2.5 The PID gain for the regulator.
Ti 0 s to 1 min 2.5 s
To turn off the integral component, set Ti to 0. This might cause unexpected regulator
Td 0 to 2 s 0s The PID control derivative.
If Q weight is 100 %, the controller uses the reactive power and voltage set points equally
during load sharing regulation. If Q weight is 0 %, the controller ignores the reactive power set
point during load sharing regulation.
Q weight 0 to 100 % 15 %
DEIF recommends that you start with the default value, and then, if necessary, adjust this
parameter. If Q weight is too low, the reactive power load sharing will not be effective and the
load will float between the controllers. If Q weight is too high, the voltage regulation will be too
slow, for example, when a new heavy consumer connects.
Regulators > AVR relay configuration > Reactive power load sharing regulation
Parameter Range Default Notes
Kp 0 to 100 10 This is the gain for the regulator.
V deadband 0 to 10 % 1% The voltage deadband for the regulator, as a percentage of the nominal voltage.
The reactive power deadband for the regulator, as a percentage of the nominal reactive
Q deadband 0 to 10 % 2%
If Q weight is 100 %, the controller uses the reactive power and voltage set points equally
during load sharing regulation. If Q weight is 0 %, the controller ignores the reactive power
set point during load sharing regulation.
Q weight 0 to 100 % 15 %
DEIF recommends that you start with the default value, and then, if necessary, adjust this
parameter. If Q weight is too low, the reactive power load sharing will not be effective and the
load will float between the controllers. If Q weight is too high, the voltage regulation will be too
slow, for example, when a new heavy consumer connects.
When Manual regulation is the active regulation mode, the operator controls and operates the equipment from the switchboard. The
operator can increase or decrease voltage output of the genset using digital inputs (if configured) or Modbus.
This input only has an effect when Manual regulation is the selected
regulation mode.
When this input is activated, the controller increases the output to the
Regulators > AVR > AVR. This affects the Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR
Manual > Manual AVR Continuous increase digital output, or the Regulator > AVR > Control >
increase AVR output [%] analogue output.
Set the percentage change of the AVR voltage per second for manual
analogue regulation under Regulators > AVR analogue
configuration > Manual slope.
This input only has an effect when Manual regulation is the selected
regulation mode.
When this input is activated, the controller decreases the output to the
Regulators > AVR > AVR. This affects the Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR
Manual > Manual AVR Continuous decrease digital output, or the Regulator > AVR > Control >
decrease AVR output [%] analogue output.
Set the percentage change of the AVR voltage per second under
Regulators > AVR analogue configuration > Manual
Regulators > AVR analogue configuration > Manual slope
This parameter is only visible if an AVR analogue output is configured.
The controller increases or decreases the AVR output [%] analogue output by this
Manual AVR slope 0 to 200 %/s 10 %/s amount when the Manual AVR increase or Manual AVR decrease digital inputs are
You can make the AVR response faster by decreasing the Period time. However, if the rest
of the system is slow anyway, then decreasing the Period time will provide no additional
Period 40 ms to 1 benefits.
2000 ms
time h
Although a relay controller is capable of fast responses, it is recommended to set the Period
time to be similar to the response of the system.
The Minimum ON time must be long enough to ensure that the AVR can detect the shortest
pulse that the controller sends to it. You can increase the Minimum ON time to force a slow
system to respond to the controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
Minimum ON 40 ms to 1
200 ms activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the AVR
time h
output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the AVR
output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
You can decrease the Maximum ON time to force a fast system to respond less to the
controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
Maximum ON 0 to 100 activated for no longer than the Maximum ON time. While the controller is increasing the
100 %
time % AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for no longer than the Maximum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the
AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
Stand-alone mode allows an operator to send regulation signals manually to regulate the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) using
only a GAM3.2. This mode can be used if the rest of the controller is disabled, or if the main controller power supply fails. For stand-
alone mode, the controller must have a correctly configured GAM3.2 module.
If you want to use stand-alone mode during emergencies, DEIF recommends a reliable back-up power supply for GAM3.2.
Configure either an analogue AVR output (AVR output [%]), or two relay
AVR output - -
AVR outputs (AVR increase and AVR decrease), on the GAM3.2.
Regulators > AVR >
Digital Optional. The relay activates when stand-alone mode is the active
State > Stand-alone Continuous
output regulation mode.
is active
More information
See Automatic voltage regulator for general information on regulation.
The digital inputs Manual AVR increase and Manual AVR decrease are also used for manual regulation.
More information
See Synchronisation in switchboard control for more information on manual regulation.
More information
See Configuration alarms for the incorrect configuration alarm.
For relay regulation, the GAM3.2 activates the relay outputs in response to the manual inputs.
The GAM3.2 regards the rest of controller disabled when it cannot communicate with the rest of the controller (you could even
remove the GAM3.2 from the rack). As long as the GAM3.2 has power and the required wiring, you can use it for stand-alone
manual regulation.
When the controller is disabled, activate the Stand-alone mode digital input. The GAM3.2 then sends regulation signals based on
manual regulation inputs.
For analogue regulation, the GAM3.2 initially keeps the analogue output at a preset value. The GAM3.2 then adjusts the analogue
output in response to the manual inputs.
For analogue regulation, the GAM3.2 initially keeps the AVR analogue output at its last value. Before taking over control from
GAM3.2, the controller adjusts the regulation set point for bumpless transfer.
For certain actions and in some regulation modes it is possible to for the controller to receive its set point from an external source.
This source can for example be an analogue input, or a set point from CustomLogic, Modbus, or CODESYS.
If a SHAFT generator controller, SHORE connection controller or BUS TIE breaker controller is included in the system, then you
must configure the external set point digital input functions on all GENSET controllers. The function must be activated on the
connected gensets in a busbar section in order to synchronise or de-load the breaker of these controllers.
NOTE * [Regulator] is either Governor or AVR, depending on which regulator is configured for the controller.
How to synchronise using external communication over the DEIF network
For a SHAFT generator controller or SHORE connection controller:
1. When the controller receives a close breaker command, the controller waits for the busbar to synchronise with the shaft
generator or shore connection.
2. To synchronise the busbar section, activate the Activate external set point (network) digital input for all the connected GENSET
controllers on the busbar section.
3. The GENSET controllers now receive their synchronisation set points from the connecting SHAFT generator controller or
SHORE connection controller.
4. Once the busbar is synchronised, the controller closes the breaker.
5. After the breaker closes, activate the Deactivate external set point (network) digital input on all the connected GENSET
6. The GENSET controllers can now to resume operation in a normal regulation mode (for example, Fixed frequency).
1. When the controller receives a close breaker command, the controller waits for the busbar sections to synchronise.
2. To synchronise the busbar section(s), activate the Activate external set point (network) digital input for all the connected
GENSET controllers on the synchronising busbar section(s).
• The PLC can control which busbar(s) to synchronise by using the Activate external set point (network) digital input for the
gensets on that busbar(s).
3. The GENSET controllers on the synchronising busbar section(s) now receive their synchronisation set points from the BUS TIE
breaker controller.
4. Once the busbar sections are synchronised, the controller closes the bus tie breaker.
5. After the breaker closes, activate the Deactivate external set point (network) digital input on all the connected GENSET
6. The GENSET controllers can now resume operation in a normal regulation mode (for example, Fixed frequency).
1. When the controller receives an open breaker command, the controller waits for the breaker to de-load before opening.
2. To de-load the breaker, activate the Activate external set point (network) digital input for all the connected GENSET controllers
on the busbar section.
3. The GENSET controllers now receive their de-load set points from the SHAFT generator controller or SHORE connection
4. Once the breaker is de-loaded, the controller opens the breaker.
1. When the controller receives an open breaker command, the controller waits for the breaker to de-load before opening.
2. To de-load the breaker, activate the Activate external set point (network) digital input for all the connected GENSET controllers
on both sides of the bus tie breaker.
• The PLC can control which busbar(s) to de-load to by using the Activate external set point (network) digital input for the
gensets on that busbar(s).
3. The GENSET controllers now receive their de-load set points from the BUS TIE breaker controller.
4. Once the bus tie breaker is de-loaded, the controller opens the bus tie breaker.
5. After the breaker opens, activate the Deactivate external set point (network) digital input on all the connected GENSET
6. The GENSET controllers can now resume operation in a normal regulation mode (for example, Fixed frequency).
You can use set point values from an external source, for example analogue inputs or Modbus, instead of using the controller
internal set points.
Configure the external set point digital input functions on the GENSET controller. When the functions are active, the controller
ignores the internal set points configured in the parameters and uses the set points it receives from the external source.
Inputs from external set points must come from the same source. That is, either from analogue inputs or from Modbus. If an
analogue input is configured for an external set point and Modbus communication is available, then the controller will always receive
its external set point value from the analogue input. The Modbus address for that external set point becomes a read-only value,
which is equal to the value of the analogue input for that set point.
These inputs and outputs are only visible if a regulation output (either relay or analogue) is configured.
When configured, the controller receives the cos phi set point
Regulators > AVR > Cos phi Analogue
from this analogue input. The internal controller value for the
set point input
cos phi set point is ignored.
NOTE * [Regulator] is either Governor or AVR, depending on which regulator is configured for the controller.
It is also possible activate and deactivate the controller mode, including the external communication modes, using CustomLogic,
Modbus, or CODESYS. This is only possible if the function has not been assigned to a digital input in PICUS.
More information
See Discrete output coil (01; 05; 15) in the Modbus tables for more information about the Modbus functions and their
Modbus parameters
The parameters are not visible in the controller or PICUS. To configure these parameters, you must have a Modbus interface to the
Modbus Valid
Modbus Scaling
Parameter function Modbus Unit Comment
address (10-x)
codes range
More information
See Holding register (03;06;16) in the Modbus tables for more information about the Modbus functions and their
7.5 Governor
7.5.1 Governor regulation function
A governor is external equipment used to control the engine speed for the genset. During frequency regulation, when the speed
drops below the required speed, the governor increases the fuel supply to the engine which increases the engine speed. Similarly,
by decreasing the fuel supply, the engine speed also decreases. The frequency of the genset is directly related to engine speed and
the number of poles in the generator.
The governor must allow external adjustment (digital inputs or analogue input), to let the GENSET controller bias the governor
internal set point.
Digital inputs
Function I/O Type Details
Regulator output
If a governor analogue regulation output and both governor relay regulation outputs are configured, then one output must be
selected as the output that sends feedback to the governor.
Off: The controller does not attempt to regulate the governor, and ignores any
configured hardware.
• Off
Regulator Relay: The controller uses the relay outputs to regulate the governor (only visible if both
• Relay Relay
output relays for the governor regulation are configured).
• Analogue
Analogue: The controller uses an analogue output to regulate the governor (only visible
if a governor analogue regulator output is configured).
Regulation delay
This parameter sets the time the controller waits before starting to regulate the genset. The delay time starts after the running
feedback confirms that the genset is running. It is not desirable to start regulation exactly when running feedback is achieved.
Frequency and voltage are still low compared to the nominal value at this point. The regulation delay is intended to delay regulation
until the frequency and voltage have stabilised at their preset values. This prevents regulation overshoot at start-up.
The controller waits for the amount of time specified by this parameter, before regulating
Regulator delay 0 s to 1 h 0 s the genset.
This time can for example be used to set the regulation mode.
The parameter consists of two curves. Each curve can consist of 2 to 10 coordinates for the time and the percentage of the genset
nominal power.
Regulators > GOV regulation set points > Active power ramp up
You want a 100 kW genset to ramp up to 50 % of its nominal power at 5 %/s, and 10%/s between 50 % and a 100 % of its
nominal power. This means that it will take at least 15 seconds to ramp up the genset load from 0 kW to 100 kW.
The coordinates for the primary power ramp up curve are: (0 s; 0 %), (10 s; 50 %) and (15 s; 100 %).
This means that the controller regulates the genset to follow a slope of 5 kW/s for the first 50 % of the genset's nominal
power. And the controller regulates the genset to follow a slope of 10 kW/s between 50 % and a 100 % of the genset's
nominal power.
The parameter consists of two curves. Each curve can consist of 2 to 10 coordinates for the time and the percentage of the genset
nominal power.
Regulators > GOV regulation set points > Active power ramp down
Parameter Range Default ramp 1 Default ramp 2 Notes
[s] 0 to 3600 s 0 s; 20 s 0 s; 1000 s The time coordinate for the power ramp down curve.
You want a 100 kW genset to ramp down to 50 % of its nominal power at 10 %/s, and 5%/s between 50 % and a 0 % of its
nominal power. This means that it will take at least 15 seconds to ramp down the genset load from 1000 kW to 0 kW.
The coordinates for the primary power ramp up curve are: (0 s; 100 %), (5 s; 50 %) and (15 s; 0 %).
This means that the controller regulates the genset to follow a slope of 10 kW/s between 100 % and 50 % of the genset's
nominal power. And the controller regulates the genset to follow a slope of 5 kW/s between 50 % and a 0 % of the genset's
nominal power.
If the genset load is 50 kW, and 0 kW is required from the genset, it takes at least 10 seconds to ramp down the genset
If the genset load is 70 kW, and 0 kW is required from the genset, it takes at least 12 seconds to ramp down the genset
You can configure an analogue output on the controller to regulate the governor. You can also set a number of parameters for the
governor analogue regulation function.
NOTE The setup and parameters for governor regulation using pulse width modulation (PWM) is exactly the same as for an
analogue output.
More information
See Input/Output in the PICUS manual for how to configure an analogue output.
Regulators > GOV analogue configuration > Offset
To see the governor analogue control parameters, you must assign the function to an analogue output.
When you start and/or run a genset, you might want to adjust the starting point for analogue regulation. This is done by changing the
output offset.
You can configure relay outputs on the controller to regulate the governor. You can also set a number of parameters for the governor
relay regulation function.
Wiring example
Digital outputs
Function I/O Type Details
Regulators > GOV > Variable- The controller activates this output to regulate the governor to
Digital output
Control > GOV increase length pulse increase the engine speed or power.
Regulators > GOV > Variable- The controller activates this output to regulate the governor to
Digital output
Control > GOV decrease length pulse decrease the engine speed or power.
These parameters are only visible, if you assign the functions to digital outputs.
An AVR is used to control the excitation of the genset. When the current to the exciter is increased, the magnetic field of the exciter
also increases. During voltage regulation, this increases the voltage output from the genset. Similarly, by decreasing the current to
the exciter, the voltage output from the genset is decreased. Reactive power is adjusted in the attempt to increase or decrease
The AVR must be prepared for external adjustment (digital inputs or analogue input), to let the genset controller bias the AVR
internal set point.
The sections below describe the input and output setup and common input parameters for the automatic voltage regulator (AVR).
The operator activates this input to pause the voltage ramp up or voltage
Regulators > AVR > ramp down process.
Command > Pause Digital input Continuous
ramping When the voltage ramp up or voltage ramp down in paused, the
operator can deactivate this input to unpause the process.
The AVR general configuration and AVR regulation set point settings apply to all the controller's AVR regulation
outputs (for example, relay or analogue).
These parameters are only visible, if you configure an AVR output function.
Off: The controller does not attempt to regulate the AVR, and ignores any configured
• Off
Regulator Relay: The controller uses the configured relay outputs to regulate the AVR (only visible
• Relay Relay
output if both relays for governor regulation are configured).
• Analogue
Analogue: The controller uses the configured analogue output to regulate the governor
(only visible if a governor analogue regulator output is configured).
The controller waits for the amount of time specified by this parameter, before regulating
the genset.
Regulator delay 0 s to 1 h 2 s
This time can for example be used to set the regulation mode.
Regulators > AVR regulation set points > Reactive power ramp up
These parameters are only visible, if you configure an AVR output function.
This parameter limits the speed of the ramp up of the genset reactive power when the genset is connected to a busbar or when the
fixed reactive power set point changes. This reduces the mechanical strain on the generator when the breaker closes and the
generator starts to supply reactive power to the system. Limiting the reactive power ramp up speed also increases the system
In Island regulation mode for power load sharing, the power ramp up is only used an initial power ramp up to the load share set point
during initial connection. Afterwards the ramp is not used.
The curve can consist of 2 to 10 coordinates for the time and the percentage of the genset nominal reactive power.
The percentage of nominal reactive power of the genset coordinate for the reactive power
[%] 0 to 100 % 0 %; 100 %
ramp up curve.
You want a 100 kvar genset to ramp up to 50 % of its nominal reactive power at 5 %/s, and 10%/s between 50 % and a
100 % of its nominal reactive power. This means that it will take at least 15 seconds to ramp up the genset reactive power
from 0 kvar to 100 kvar.
The coordinates for the primary power ramp up curve are: (0 s; 0 %), (10 s; 50 %) and (15 s; 100 %).
If the genset reactive power is 0 kvar, and 50 kvar is required from the genset, it takes at least 10 seconds to ramp up the
genset reactive power.
If the genset reactive power is 0 kvar, and 70 kvar is required from the genset, it takes at least 12 seconds to ramp up the
genset reactive power.
Regulators > AVR regulation set points > Reactive power ramp down
This parameter limits the speed of the ramp down of the genset reactive power when the fixed reactive power set point changes or
when the genset disconnects from the busbar. This reduces the mechanical strain on the generator and breaker when the breaker
opens and the generator stops supplying reactive power to the system. Limiting the reactive power ramp up speed also increases
the system stability.
The curve can consist of 2 to 10 coordinates for the time and the percentage of the genset nominal reactive power.
When Fixed cos phi is selected as the ramping method, and the active power
reaches the Cos phi reset point, the controller stops using a fixed cos phi value for
the remainder of the ramping down of the reactive power.
Cos phi
0 to 100 % 5% When the active power reaches the Cos phi reset point, the cos phi value is
reset point
regulated to 1 in the remaining de-load time.
The Cos phi reset point is a percentage of the active power before the breaker open
[s] 0 to 3600 s 0 s; 20 s The time coordinate for the reactive power ramp down curve.
The percentage of nominal reactive power of the genset coordinate for the reactive
[%] 0 to 100 % 100 %; 0 %
power ramp down curve.
The cos phi value at the start of the breaker de-load sequence is maintained until the active power reaches the cos phi reset point.
During the breaker de-load sequence the controller does not use the cos phi set point (internal or external) as the fixed cos phi
You want a 100 kvar genset to ramp down to 50 % of its nominal reactive power at 10 %/s, and 5 %/s between 50 % and a
0 % of its nominal reactive power. This means that it will take at least 15 seconds to ramp down the genset reactive power
from 100 kvar to 0 kvar.
The coordinates for the power ramp up curve are: (0 s; 100 %), (5 s; 50 %) and (15 s; 0 %).
This means that the controller regulates the genset to ensure that the reactive power ramp down does not exceed 10
kvar/s between 100 % and 50 % of the genset's nominal reactive power. And the controller regulates the genset to ensure
that the reactive power ramp down does not exceed 5 kvar/s between 50 % and a 0 % of the genset's nominal reactive
If the genset reactive power is 50 kvar, and 0 kvar is required from the genset, it takes at least 10 seconds to ramp down
the genset reactive power.
If the genset reactive power is 70 kvar, and 0 kvar is required from the genset, it takes at least 12 seconds to ramp down
the genset reactive power.
A 100 kW genset ramps down from 80 % of its nominal active power and 0.92 inductive cos phi to the breaker open point
at 5 %/s (default ramp down curve). This means that it will take 15 seconds to reach breaker open point.
The cos phi reset point is 5 % before the open point. In this example the cos phi value will be regulated to 1 between 14.25
and 15 seconds. The reactive power will respond accordingly. The resultant ramp down can be seen in the image below:
Cos phi
Active power [%]
5% 0.92 I
14.25 15 Time [s]
You can configure an analogue output on the controller to regulate the AVR. You can also set a number of parameters for the AVR
analogue regulation function.
Example of pulse width modulation analogue output wiring for AVR regulation
NOTE The setup and parameters for AVR regulation using pulse width modulation (PWM) is exactly the same as for an analogue
To see the AVR analogue control parameters, you must assign the Regulators > AVR > AVR output [%] function to an
analogue output (that is, AO or PWM).
The offset is added to the AVR analogue output. The number of the offset relates to
the nominal settings set. If you select Nominal settings 1, then the controller uses
AVR output offset 1. The nominal settings set also determine the values of other
AVR output nominal settings and engine RPM.
offset 1
AVR output
When the genset is started, it will start from the offset value, allowing the genset to
offset 2 -100 to
0% reach the set point quickly. Ideally, the AVR should be tuned so that if there is no
AVR output 100 %
signal, the genset runs at its nominal voltage if there is no load. However, if this is not
offset 3
possible, AVR output offset allows you to compensate the output to the AVR.
AVR output
offset 4
To set this parameter, start with AVR output offset = 0 %. Change the offset value in
small increments to fine tune the voltage output of the genset. When you reach the
desired genset voltage output, the offset is tuned.
You can configure relay outputs on the controller to regulate the AVR. You can also set a number of parameters for the AVR relay
regulation function.
Wiring example
Regulators > AVR relay configuration > Automatic configuration
These parameters adjust the controller's relay control output. To see these parameters, you must assign the functions to digital
You can make the AVR response faster by decreasing the Period time. However, if the rest
of the system is slow anyway, then decreasing the Period time will provide no additional
Period 50 ms to benefits.
500 ms
time 15 s
Although a relay controller is capable of fast responses, it is recommended to set the Period
time to be similar to the response of the system.
The Minimum ON time must be long enough to ensure that the AVR can detect the shortest
pulse that the controller sends to it. You can increase the Minimum ON time to force a slow
system to respond to the controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
Minimum ON 10 ms to 3
100 ms activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the AVR
time s
output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the AVR
output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
You can decrease the Maximum ON time to force a fast system to respond less to the
controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
Maximum ON activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the AVR
0 to 100 % 100 %
time output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the AVR
output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
The alarm is based on the Input/output configuration of the controller. The controller activates the alarm when only one of the
following digital outputs is configured:
• Regulators > GOV > Control > GOV increase
• Regulators > GOV > Control > GOV decrease
The alarm action is Warning and the alarm remains active until the configuration is corrected.
The alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
The alarm is based on the Input/output configuration of the controller. The controller activates the alarm when only one of the
following digital outputs are configured:
• Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR increase
• Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR decrease
The alarm action is Warning and the alarm remains active until the configuration is corrected.
The alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
The controller activates the alarm if an output, either relay or analogue, was selected as the regulation output, but the selected
output is then removed from the Input/output configuration.
The alarm is always enabled. You cannot see or change the alarm parameters.
The controller activates the alarm if an output, either relay or analogue, was selected as the regulation output, but the selected
output is then removed from the Input/output configuration.
The alarm is always enabled. You cannot see or change the alarm parameters.
The controller activates this alarm if a GAM3.2 is present, but the GAM3.2 does not have inputs and outputs that are correctly
configured for governor stand-alone mode.
Regulators > GOV general configuration > Stand-alone configuration error
Parameter Range Default
Delay 0 s to 1 h 1 min
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled
Alarm action Warning
The controller activates this alarm if a GAM3.2 is present, but the GAM3.2 does not have inputs and outputs that are correctly
configured for AVR stand-alone mode.
Regulators > AVR general configuration > Stand-alone configuration error
Parameter Range Default
Delay 0 s to 1 h 1 min
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled
Alarm action Warning
This alarm shows when there is an error with the governor controlled regulation.
The alarm is based on the difference between the measured value and the required set point, as a percentage of the set point. The
larger the set point, the more the measured value is allowed to differ from the set point.
The alarm activates if the measured value is outside of the permitted range for longer than the delay.
Do not set the alarm set point lower than the deadband percentage for relay regulation. Doing so might activate the alarm in an area
where regulation is not possible.
1. The controller is trying to control the genset to run at 50 Hz, and the measured frequency is 49.5 Hz.
• The deviation from the set point is |(49.5 Hz - 50 Hz)| / 50 Hz =0.01 = 1 %.
• The deviation is less than the alarm set point, and the alarm is not activated.
2. The controller is trying to control the genset to run at 60 Hz and the measured speed is 62 Hz.
• The deviation from the set point is |(62 Hz - 60 Hz)| / 60 Hz = 0.03 = 3.3 %.
• The deviation is less than the alarm set point, and the alarm is not activated.
3. The controller is controlling 1500 kW genset, and is running fixed power regulation with a set point of 1000 kW. The
measured power is 600 kW.
• The deviation from the set point is |(600 kW - 1000 kW)| / 1000 kW = 0.4 = 40 %
• The deviation is more than the alarm set point. If the measured power is stays below 700 kW for longer than the
delay, then the alarm activates.
This alarm shows when there is an error with the AVR controlled regulation.
The alarm is based on the difference between the measured value and the required set point, as a percentage of the set point. The
larger the set point, the more the measured value is allowed to differ from the set point.
The alarm activates if the measured value is outside of the permitted range for longer than the delay.
This alarm is not activated when the genset voltage swings in and out of the permitted range above and below the set point. This is
because this alarm only activates when the measured value is constantly above the upper limit, or constantly below the lower limit
for the entire delay period.
Do not set the alarm set point lower than the deadband percentage for relay regulation. Doing so might activate the alarm in an area
where regulation is not possible.
1. The controller is running fixed voltage regulation with a set point of 400 V, and the measured voltage is 250 V.
• The deviation from the set point is |(250 V - 400 V)| / 400 V × 100 = 38 %.
• The deviation is more than the alarm set point. If the measured power is stays below 280 V for longer than the
delay, then the alarm activates.
2. The controller is running fixed reactive power regulation with a set point of 0 % of nominal reactive power, and the
measured value is 2 % of nominal reactive power.
• The deviation from the set point is 2 %.
• The deviation is less than the alarm set point, and the alarm is not activated.
3. The controller is running fixed cos phi regulation with a set point of 0.9 I, and the measured value is 0.95 C.
• The deviation from the set point is |(0.95 C - 0.9 I)| / 0.9 I × 100 = 17 %.
• The deviation is less than the alarm set point, and the alarm is not activated.
When the genset is running and the generator breaker is closed, a governor regulation mode must be selected when the controller is
not under switchboard control.
• Fixed frequency
• Fixed power
• Power load sharing
• Frequency droop
• Manual regulation
If a regulation mode is not selected within the alarm delay, the alarm is activated. While no governor regulation mode is selected, no
regulation will take place.
Regulators > GOV monitoring
Parameter Range Default
Delay 0 s to 1 h 2s
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
Alarm action Warning
When the genset is running and the generator breaker is closed, an AVR regulation mode must be selected when the controller is
not under switchboard control.
• Fixed voltage
• Fixed reactive power
• Fixed cos phi
• Reactive power load sharing
• Voltage droop
• Manual regulation
If a regulation mode is not selected within the alarm delay, the alarm is activated. While no AVR regulation mode is selected, no
regulation will take place.
Regulators > AVR monitoring
Parameter Range Default
Delay 0 s to 1 h 2s
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
Alarm action Warning
The alarm is based on the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the internal controller set point, as a
percentage of the genset nominal power.
The controller activates the alarm if the difference between the reference and measured values is outside the activation range for
longer than the delay.
This alarm is not activated when the deviation of the error swings in and out of the activation range above and below the set point.
This is because this alarm is only activated when the deviation of the error stays either above or below the activation range for the
delay time.
The alarm is based on the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the internal controller set point, as a
percentage of the genset nominal reactive power.
The controller activates the alarm if the difference between the reference and measured values is outside the activation range for a
time longer than the delay.
8.1 About
8.1.1 How it works
The controller can receive information from an ECU using the CAN bus communication. The information can be used as input for the
controller functions. The controller also uses the information as display values, alarms, and as values to be transmitted through
Switchboard control P1
Home 12:00
Configure Tools Info
External network
External network
Extension Controller 2
Standard network (sub-ring)
Controller 2
Table 8.1
No. Notes
Most of the engine communication protocols are based on the SAE J1939 standard. J1939 is a very large standard, and most of it is
irrelevant to engine communication. The controller supports only relevant parts of J1939, as described in Generic J1939.
The ECU is wired to the CAN bus A communication on the controller's PCM3.1 module. The ECU is added to the controller using
the Fieldbus configuration and assigned the source address.
Once added to your controller, the ECU can be accessed from PICUS or the display as an additional hardware selection. For
example, you can configure the ECU input or output settings, functions, or alarms. You can also include the ECU on the I/O status
page to see the status of the analogue inputs, or see the ECU on Live data. Alarms (DM1) and logs (DM2) can also be accessed.
This example shows how to configure an ECU to read and use the value of the engine oil level.
4. Under CAN A, select the protocol Generic J1939.
5. Enter the source address, if different from the default address 0.
3. The ECU information is now shown.
4. You can now:
• Configure functions
• Configure the sensor setup for the curve/function
• Create and configure custom alarms
3. The ECU Engine oil level can be found in the list:
More information
See Fieldbus configuration in the PICUS manual for how to configure and supervise Fieldbus.
These are the J1939 measurements that the controller supports. Not all measurements are supported by all engines (see the
specific engine description).
By default, the engine is expected to use source address 0 (the most commonly used setting on ECUs). If a different source address
is required, you can configure it on the Fieldbus configuration page and assign a different source address. The range is 0 to 255.
Measurements can be viewed in PICUS on the I/O status page by selecting the configured ECU.
You can also configure an Analogue Output function to read the measurement:
Coolant filter differential pressure 65270 56 8 6 112 kPa 0.5 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine coolant pump outlet temperature 64870 8 8 6 4193 °C 1.0 °C/bit -40.0 °C
Engine auxiliary coolant pressure 65172 0 8 6 1203 kPa 4.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Diesel particulate filter lamp command 64892 0 3 6 3697 1.0 /bit 0.0
Aftertreatment 1 intake NOx 61454 0 16 6 3216 ppm 0.05 ppm/bit -200.0 ppm
Aftertreatment 1 outlet NOx 61455 0 16 6 3226 ppm 0.05 ppm/bit -200.0 ppm
Aftertreatment 2 intake NOx 61456 0 16 6 3255 ppm 0.05 ppm/bit -200.0 ppm
Aftertreatment 2 outlet NOx 61457 0 16 6 3265 ppm 0.05 ppm/bit -200.0 ppm
Drivers demand engine percent torque 61444 8 8 3 512 % 1.0 %/bit -125.0 %
Particulate trap inlet pressure 65270 0 8 6 81 kPa 0.5 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Mean trip fuel consumption 65203 32 16 7 1029 L/h 0.05 L/h/bit 0.0 L/h
Fuel supply pump inlet pressure 65130 8 8 6 1381 kPa 2.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine fuel filter differential pressure 65276 16 8 6 95 kPa 2.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine filtered fuel delivery pressure 64735 8 8 6 5579 kPa 4.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Ambient conditions 2 specific humidity 64992 16 16 6 4490 g/kg 0.01 g/kg/bit 0.0 g/kg
Engines desired operating speed 65247 8 16 6 515 RPM 0.125 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
Engine amber warning lamp command 64775 2 2 6 5078 1.0 /bit 0.0
Engine red stop lamp command 64775 4 2 6 5079 1.0 /bit 0.0
Air inlet pressure 65270 24 8 6 106 kPa 2.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Air filter differential pressure 65270 32 8 6 107 kPa 0.05 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Air filter differential pressure 2 64976 0 8 6 2809 kPa 0.05 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine oil pressure 65263 24 8 6 100 kPa 4.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine oil filter differential pressure 65276 24 8 6 99 kPa 0.5 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine oil-filter outlet pressure 65130 32 8 6 3549 kPa 4.0 kPa/bit 0.0 kPa
Engine rated speed 65214 16 16 7 189 RPM 0.125 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
Engine speed at idle point 1 65251 0 16 6 188 RPM 0.125 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
Engine turbocharger 1 speed 65245 8 16 6 103 RPM 4.0 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
Engine turbocharger 2 speed 65179 8 16 7 1169 RPM 4.0 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
Engine turbocharger 3 speed 65179 24 16 7 1170 RPM 4.0 RPM/bit 0.0 RPM
This configures how the controller expects the ECU to be powered. The ECU can be powered by:
• The engine run coil digital output
• The ECU Power digital output function (see below)
• Externally powered
The ECU must be configured in the Fieldbus configuration for the functions and alarms to be shown.
Digital output
Function Type Details
Engine > Control > ECU Power Continuous Connect this to the ECU power control.
Communication> Fieldbus > CAN bus > ECU > ECU Power configuration
Range Default Comment
Auto : The controller expects either the engine run coil or ECU power digital output. If neither of these
Auto, Always are configured it is expected to be always on.
Always ON : The controller expects the ECU is powered externally and is always powered on.
Communication > Fieldbus > CAN bus > ECU > ECU Communication failure
Parameter Range Default
Delay 0 s to 120 s 1s
Alarm parameters
Communication > Fieldbus > CAN bus > Bus off > CAN-A bus off
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled
Communication > Fieldbus > CAN bus > Bus off > CAN-B bus off
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Red stop lamp
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Latch - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Red stop lamp (ECU2)
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Latch - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Amber warning lamp
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Amber warning lamp (ECU2)
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Protect lamp
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Latch - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Protect lamp (ECU2)
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Latch - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Malfunction indicator lamp
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Engine > ECU > Diagnostic alarms > ECU Malfunction indicator lamp (ECU2)
Parameter Range Default
Enable - Enabled *
Each GENSET controller can connect up to three non-essential load groups (NEL).
◦ Fixed frequency
◦ Fixed active power
◦ Active power load sharing
◦ Frequency droop (controller regulation emulates droop)
◦ External set point: Frequency offset, or Power set point
◦ Manual
◦ Off
• AVR modes
◦ Fixed voltage
◦ Fixed reactive power
◦ Fixed cos phi
◦ Reactive power load sharing
◦ Voltage droop (controller regulation emulates droop)
◦ External set point: Voltage offset, Reactive power set point, or cos phi set point
◦ Manual
◦ Off
• External set point
◦ From the network, to synchronise/de-load another controller
◦ From Modbus
• Configurable: Power ramp up, power ramp down
• Temperature-dependent power derate settings
• Optional inputs: Manual regulation
The controller nominal settings are used in a number of key functions. For example, many protection settings are based on a
percentage of the nominal settings.
The maximum current flow in one phase (that is, L1, L2 or L3) from the
Current (I) 1 A to 9 kA 866 A
genset during normal operation.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Q nominal calculated
Reactive power (Q) nominal Q nominal = P nominal Q nominal calculated
Q nominal = S nominal
No calculation
P or S nominal P nominal calculated No calculation
S nominal calculated
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
More information
See Nominal power calculations for how these are used.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
** The Nominal value source must be configured as User defined and written to the controller, for the nominal
voltage setting to be visible.
The engine start and stop functions are suitable for genset start systems with either a run coil or a stop coil. Marine classification
societies generally require stop coil systems. A set of controller digital output terminals must be connected to and configured for
either the run coil output, or the stop coil output.
For a Stop coil, if wire break detection is required, use EIM relay 4 ( * ) (terminals 9,10).
If all power to the controller is lost, then the genset keeps running.
Engine > Control > Stop
Digital output Continuous
Required if there is no Run coil.
The controller can be configured to receive engine running feedback from a variety of measurements. There can be more than one
running feedback measurement.
Running detection is a state calculated by the controller, and used by a number of functions. It is either OFF or ON. If any running
feedback measurements show that the engine is running, then Running detection is ON.
The controller can also use the following inputs for running feedback.
Generator voltage
Frequency Continuous Note: The controller cannot measure the frequency at very low voltages.
See the Data sheet for the measurement range. The voltage must also
be at least 10 % of nominal for the controller to use the frequency for
running detection. For safety, DEIF recommends that you install at least
one other running detection input.
Optional. The MPU input (on the first EIM3.1 in the controller rack) is
MPU HSDI Continuous
connected to an MPU mounted on the engine.
Optional. The W input (on the first EIM3.1 in the controller rack) is
connected to the battery recharging generator and measures the engine
W HSDI Continuous
speed. Alternatively, the W input can be connected to an NPN/PNP
Engine >
Running Pressure in Optional. This set of analogue input terminals are connected to a
Analogue input
detection > bar transducer for the engine oil pressure.
Oil [bar]
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Engine > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Number of teeth *
Parameter Range Default Comment
Number of magnetic The controller uses the number of teeth to calculate the engine speed from
1 to 10000 1
pickup teeth the MPU/W/NPN/PNP measurement signal.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Engine > Running detection > Feedback type
Parameter Range Default Comment
For example: For a 60 Hz system, you can use a detection set point of 45 Hz.
Not enabled: The engine oil pressure is ignored and not used for running
Use oil Not enabled,
Enabled detection.
pressure ** Enabled
Enabled: The engine oil pressure is used as a running detection input.
Example 2: The detection set point for frequency is 45 Hz. When the frequency rises above 45 Hz, running detection
changes to ON. However, the frequency has to drop below 43 Hz for running detection to change to OFF.
Set point
(2) RPM
(3) running
1. Frequency: The engine starts and the frequency rises above the set point.
2. RPM: (MPU/W/NPN/PNP input). The engine starts and the RPM rises above the set point.
3. Digital running detection: Engine > Feedback > Digital running detection (digital input). In the example, the response of this
input is slower than the other running detection inputs.
4. Running detection: Running detection changes from OFF to ON when any running feedback (in this case, the frequency) rises
above the Detection set point.
Set point
(2) RPM
(3) running
1. Frequency: The engine slows down and the frequency drops to 2 Hz below the set point.
2. RPM: (MPU/W/NPN/PNP input). The engine slows down and the RPM drops to 5 % below the set point.
3. Digital running detection: Engine > Feedback > Digital running detection (digital input). In the example, the response of this
input is slower than the other running detection inputs.
4. Running detection: Running detection changes from ON to OFF when none of the running feedbacks detect that the engine is
The software only uses the frequency measurements when the voltage is at least 10 % of the nominal voltage. This could cause
trouble, since the voltage does not necessarily increase linearly with speed (this depends on the AVR).
If the frequency curve for the genset start up has a dip around the detection set point, the controller can interpret the dip as no
running detection, and stop the genset. Increasing or decreasing the set point away from the dip would solve this problem.
40 3
0 1 2 3 4 Time
1. Crank begins.
2. Fuel in.
3. If the running detection set point is 30 Hz, running detection is ON.
9.2.4 Regulation
The GENSET controller can regulate both a governor (GOV) and an AVR.
More information
See Regulation for how regulation works.
The genset associated with a GENSET controller is ready for operation when the following conditions are met:
• There are no alarms blocking the start.
• If configured, the Start enable digital input is activated.
• The controller is not in switchboard control.
9.2.6 AC configuration
Generator [Source]
Busbar [Busbar]
More information
The AC configuration and nominal settings for general information about AC configuration.
For the GENSET controller, replace [Breaker] with "Generator breaker" in the descriptions.
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for how to configure breakers.
The controller software includes a pre-programmed engine start sequence. For the engine's start function, you must configure these
inputs and outputs, and parameters.
If a parameter needs an input or output to be configured, then that parameter is not visible until an input or output is configured with
the relevant function.
More information
See [Controller] protections for the engine start protections, and how to configure them.
Controller modes
Under remote and local control, the controller uses these inputs and outputs, and parameters to start the genset.
Optional. The Start prepare digital output may, for example, be wired to start a
pump, so that the engine oil pressure can build up before cranking. Note that
Start prepare does not have any provision for feedback. The Start prepare
function is only a timer, and does not check whether, for example, the pump
Engine > Control Digital
Continuous start was successful.
> Start prepare output
The Start prepare digital output is not needed if the third party engine controller
ensures that all start prepare conditions are okay before activating the Start
enable digital input.
Engine > Control Digital Optional. Connect this output to the engine idle run if supported. Not all engines
> Idle run output support this feature.
Engine > Idle
Digital Optional. The operator or another system can activate this input to request the
run > End idle Pulse
input controller to end the engine start idle run.
Optional. The engine controller activates this input. In response, the GENSET
controller deactivates the Crank output, although the Crank on timer continues
Engine >
to run.
Function >
Remove start Pulse
input This input is useful when only frequency is used for Running detection, but the
(release crank
relay) genset frequency increases slowly, and the crank must be removed before there
is Running detection. Even when this input is activated, the start sequence tries
to detect that the engine is running for the whole of the Crank on time.
Optional. The operator or another system can activate this input so that
Engine > Command >
Digital input Continuous the controller cannot start the engine. The input blocks the start in both
Block engine start
remote and local control.
Engine > Command >
Optional. When the controller is under remote control, the operator or
Start engine and
Digital input Pulse another system can activate this input to request the controller to start
close generator
the engine and then synchronise and close the breaker.
For the Crank on part of the start sequence, the controller activates the Crank
Crank on 1 s to 3 min 5s
output for this period.
If there is no running detection during Crank on, then the controller deactivates the
Crank off 1 s to 3 min 5s
Crank output for this period.
The controller deactivates the Crank output when the engine speed reaches this
set point, although the Crank on timer continues to run. This parameter only has
an effect if an engine speed measurement (for example, an MPU/W/NPN/PNP) is
1 to 2000 RPM 400 RPM configured.
Even when Disengage crank is used, the start sequence tries to detect that the
engine is running for the whole of the Crank on time.
This parameter limits the wear on the genset from too many start attempts. This is the maximum
number of start attempts.
Normal 1 to 10 3
If the genset does not start after these attempts, the Start failure alarm is activated.
After Running detection is ON, the engine must run for this period before the breaker close
Delay 1 s to 5 min 2 s
sequence can start.
Parameters (optional)
Engine > Start sequence > Start prepare
You must configure the Engine > Start prepare digital output to see these parameters.
Optional. If the start conditions are OK, the controller activates the Start prepare
Start prepare 0 s to 5 min 5 s output for this time. When the Start prepare timer expires, the controller activates the
Crank output. See Start prepare in the Engine start sequence.
Extended start Optional. The controller keeps the Start prepare output activated for this time during
0 to 20 s 0s
prepare cranking.
Follow crank: If the start attempt fails, the controller deactivates the Crank
output and the Run coil.
During start Follow crank,
Follow crank
attempts Always on Always on: If the start attempt fails, the controller deactivates the Crank
output. However, the Run coil remains activated until the maximum number
of start attempts is reached.
Activated: The stop coil is activated during the start sequence if there is no
running detection and the crank is off.
During crank Activated, Not
off activated
Not activated: The stop coil is not activated during the start sequence if there is
no running detection and the crank is off.
Idle run may not be allowed with certain maritime classification societies.
If this is configured, the controller will activate the digital output Engine > Control > Idle run before starting the engine. The
controller then waits for one of the engine conditions (coolant temperature, oil temperature, external input condition, or the maximum
timer) to be fulfilled before increasing to nominal speed.
During the idle run start period, the operator can override the period and press Start on the display, the controller then cancels
the idle run start period and increases to nominal speed.
Additionally, during the idle run start period, the operator can press Stop to abort the engine start sequence and run the engine
stop sequence..
Optional. You must configure the Engine > Control > Idle run digital output to see these parameters.
Enables the engine to idle run until a condition is true before changing to
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled
nominal speed.
This extends the inhibit period after the idle run is complete, so that
0 s to 60 min 2s while the engine is changing to nominal speed, certain alarms are not
Uses minimum set point to determine if the engine is ready to increase to nominal
Use Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
Delay 0 s to 120 min 5s This is the minimum time the idle run start is active. *
Uses coolant temperature set point to determine if the engine is ready to increase
Use Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
to nominal speed.
Set point - 50 to 200 ⁰C 50 ⁰C The temperature the engine coolant must reach before ending the idle run start.
Uses oil temperature set point to determine if the engine is ready to increase to
Use Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
nominal speed.
Set point - 50 to 200 ⁰C 40 ⁰C The temperature the engine oil must reach before ending the idle run start.
Uses the external condition to determine if the engine is ready to increase to nominal
Not enabled,
Use Enabled
The external condition is configured with the digital input Engine > Idle run > End
idle run start , or with CustomLogic or CODESYS.
Uses maximum set point to determine if the engine is ready to increase to nominal
Use Not enabled, Enabled Enabled
Delay 1 s to 120 min 60 s This is the maximum time the idle run start can operate.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. Under switchboard control, if the operator presses the push-button Start
on the display, the controller ignores the command and shows an info message.
start command
and mode Info message 1. Command and mode match: The controller checks that the
match command source and the controller mode match.
Yes 2. Start conditions OK: The controller checks whether the start
conditions are OK:
Start • If configured, the Start enable digital input is activated.
conditions Info message
No • There are no active or unacknowledged alarms to prevent the
genset start. These alarm actions prevent a genset start:
◦ Block GB
◦ Trip generator breaker and stop engine
Crank output ◦ Trip generator breaker and AVR and stop engine
activated ◦ Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine
◦ Trip generator breaker and AVR and shutdown engine
3. Crank output activated: If all the start conditions are OK, the
controller activates the Crank output and a timer.
4. Running detection ON: While the start timer runs, the controller
Crank on Running
checks whether Running detection is ON.
timer detection No
expired ON • When the controller detects that the genset is running, the
Yes genset start is complete.
Yes 5. Crank on timer expired: If Running detection is OFF after the
Genset Crank on timer runs out, the controller checks the number of start
Max start started attempts:
attempts No • If the maximum number of start attempts has not been
reached, the controller attempts to start the genset again.
Crank output • If the maximum number of start attempts has been reached,
deactivated the controller activates the Start failure alarm and stops the
Genset stop
NOTE * Both Start prepare and Idle run start functions are not shown here.
(2) Crank
t1 = Crank on (Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Crank > Crank on)
1. Start attempts: The engine starts during the first start attempt.
2. Crank: Engine > Crank (digital output). The controller activates the Crank output. If Running detection changes from OFF to
ON, cranking stops.
3. Running detection. The engine is regarded as started when Running detection is ON.
Figure 9.4 Failure of engine start sequence for a stop coil system
1 2 3
t1 t2
(2) Crank
t2 t3
t1 Crank on (Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Crank > Crank on)
t2 Crank off (Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Crank > Crank off)
t3 Extended stop (Parameters > Engine > Stop sequence > Extended stop) (optional)
Table 9.2 Successful engine start sequence for a run coil system
Figure 9.5 Failure of engine start sequence for a run coil system
1 2 3
t1 t2 t3
(3) Crank
t2 Crank on (Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Crank > Crank on)
t3 Crank off (Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Crank > Crank off)
1. Start attempts: Parameters > Engine > Start sequence > Start attempts > Normal = 3.
2. Run coil: Engine > Run coil (digital output). The controller activates the Run coil at the time in the Run coil before crank
parameter. If Running detection is still OFF after cranking, the controller deactivates the Run coil for the time in the Crank off
parameter. This ensures that the engine is stopped if the engine start was not detected. The engine cannot be started during the
Crank off time.
3. Crank: Engine > Crank (digital output). The controller activates the Crank output for the Crank on time, and deactivates it for
Crank off time.
4. Running detection. There is no running detection.
5. Start failure. The controller activates the Start failure alarm after the last unsuccessful start attempt.
• There is a Stop engine command. For example: Under local control, the operator pushes the push-button Stop on the
display unit.
• The following alarm actions:
◦ Trip generator breaker and stop engine
◦ Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine
The Block alarm action will not interrupt the genset start sequence after it has begun. However, the Block alarm action prevents a
new genset start sequence from starting.
When the start sequence is interrupted, the controller does the following:
• Deactivates the Crank output.
• Activates the Stop coil output (if present). Alternatively, deactivates the Run coil output (if present).
• Deactivates the Start prepare output (if present).
NOTE If Running detection is ON, the controller regards the engine as started. When the engine has started, the actions listed
here do not interrupt the engine start sequence, but result in a engine stop instead. The engine stop normally includes the
cooldown period configured in the controller. However, for a shutdown, there is no cooldown period.
For a normal genset stop, the controller ensures that the genset runs for a cooldown period before stopping. If a shutdown alarm
action shuts down the genset, there is no cooldown period. You can also configure an idle run stop period before the engine shuts
Parameters that need a hardware function are not visible until the function is assigned to an input or output.
More information
See GENSET controller alarms for more information on how the engine stop alarms work, and how to configure them.
Controller modes
Under remote and local control, the controller uses these inputs and outputs, and parameters to stop the genset.
When the operator stops the genset under switchboard control, the controller is not involved. These sequences do not apply to
stopping a genset under switchboard control.
Optional. Connect this output to the engine idle run if supported. Not
all engines support this feature.
Engine > Control >
Digital output Continuous
Idle run
This digital output is needed to use either idle run start and/or idle
run stop.
Engine > Idle run > Optional. The operator or another system can activate this input to
Digital input Pulse
End idle stop request the controller to end the engine stop idle run.
Engine > Command >
Optional. When the controller is under remote control, the operator
Open generator
Digital input Pulse or another system can activate this input to request the controller to
breaker and stop
de-load and open the breaker, and then stop the engine.
Engine > Cooldown > Optional. This input measures the engine water temperature, and is
Analogue input Units = °C
Coolant water [C] used for temperature-dependent cooldown.
Engine > Stop sequence > Cooldown
Parameter Range Default Comment
After the engine stop signal or command, the engine runs for this period before
Cooldown time 1 s to 3 h 240 s
the controller activates the Stop coil (or deactivates the Run coil).
Temperature Optional. The engine cooldown stops if the engine coolant water temperature
0 to 150 °C 0 °C
threshold reaches this threshold before the cooldown timer expires.
During the idle run stop period, the operator can override the period and press Stop on the display, the controller then cancels
the idle run stop period and stops the engine.
Additionally, during the idle run stop period, the operator can press Start to abort the engine stop sequence and run the engine
start sequence.
Optional. You must configure the Engine > Control > Idle run digital output to see these parameters.
Optional parameters
Engine > Idle run stop > Idle run
Parameter Range Default Comment
Enables the engine to idle run until a condition is true before stopping the
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled
Not enabled, Uses the external condition to determine if the engine is ready to stop.
Use Enabled
The external condition is configured with the digital input Engine > Idle run >
End idle run stop, or with CustomLogic or CODESYS.
The following flowchart shows how the controller normally stops a genset. An engine shutdown is described later.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not stop the genset. If,
for example, the operator presses the push-button Stop on the display unit, the controller ignores this command, and the
controller display unit shows an info message.
1. Command and mode match: The controller checks that the command
Genset stop
source and the controller mode match.
2. GB open: The controller checks whether the genset breaker is open. If the
genset breaker is not open, the controller cancels the stop sequence and the
display unit shows an info message.
and mode Info message 3. Cooldown timer expired: The genset runs without load for the cooldown
match time. The controller checks whether the cooldown timer has expired or the
Yes stop button was pressed again.
• If the cooldown timer has not expired, but the engine stop button was
pressed again, the controller stops the cooldown.
GB open Info message 4. Stop engine: To stop the engine:
• Stop coil system: The controller activates the Stop coil output.
• Run coil system: The controller deactivates the Run coil output.
5. Running detection OFF: The controller checks whether the engine has
Cooldown Stop
timer pressed • If Running detection is ON, the controller activates an alarm.
No No
expired again • If Running detection is OFF, the engine has stopped and the stop
sequence has been completed successfully.
Yes Yes
Stop engine
detection Alarm
(1) Stop
(2) Cooldown t1
(3) Stop coil t2
(1) Stop
(2) Cooldown t1
(3) Run coil
t1 Cooldown (Configure > Parameters > Engine > Stop sequence > Cooldown > Normal)
Extended stop (Configure > Parameters > Engine > Stop sequence > Extended stop > Stop coil
* Up to this point, the engine can be restarted immediately, without completing the stop sequence.
1. Stop. The stop command can come from the controller, an operator, or an external source. See Engine stop flowchart.
2. Cooldown (optional). The controller allows the genset to run for the time configured. There is no cooldown for shutdowns, an
emergency stop, or an operator stop by pressing the engine stop push-button again. Temperature-dependent cooldown is also
possible (see below).
3. Stop engine:
• Stop coil: Engine > Stop coil (digital output). The controller activates the stop coil digital output until running feedback
is OFF. The controller then keeps the stop coil activated for the time in the (optional) Extended stop parameter.
• Run coil: Engine > Run coil (digital output). The controller deactivates the run coil digital output after the cooldown
period. The genset cannot restart during the time in the (optional) Extended stop parameter.
4. Running detection. When the running detection is OFF, the controller regards the engine as stopped.
Temperature-dependent cooldown
Temperature-dependent cooldown stops the engine cooldown when the engine coolant water temperature reaches the configured
threshold before the cooldown timer expires. The cooldown can be shorter than when just a timer is used, which reduces fuel use.
NOTE You must configure the analogue input function to see the parameters.
The engine is also shutdown if the controller's Emergency stop input is deactivated.
Genset 1. GB open: The controller checks whether the generator breaker is open. If not,
shutdown the controller trips the generator breaker.
command 2. Stop engine: The controller shuts down the engine:
• Stop coil system: The controller activates the Stop coil output.
• Run coil system: The controller deactivates the Run coil output.
3. Running detection OFF: If Running detection is still ON after the time
allowed, the controller activates the Stop failure alarm.
GB open Trip GB
NOTE The controller does not require the engine stop conditions to be met
for an engine shutdown. Similarly, there is no cooldown time for an
engine shutdown.
Stop engine
detection Alarm
The generator breaker (GB) connects the genset to the busbar. The genset must be running, and synchronised with the busbar, for
the generator breaker to close. The generator breaker is an important part of the system safety, and trips to protect the genset from
problems on the busbar. The generator breaker also trips to stop genset problems from disturbing the busbar.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is in switchboard control, it will not close the breaker. If, for
example, the operator presses the push-button Close breaker on the display, the controller ignores this command.
More information
See Generator breaker blackout close flowchart for how to allow the genset to connect to a dead busbar.
1. Command and mode match: The controller checks that the command
GB close
source and the controller mode match.
2. GB open: The controller checks whether the generator breaker is open. If
the generator breaker is already closed, the sequence stops, and an info
message is shown.
and mode Info message 3. Genset V & Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and
match frequency from the genset are within the allowed range*. If these are not in
Yes the range, then the controller cancels the close command and displays an
info message.
4. Busbar V & Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and
GB open Info message frequency on the busbar are within range*. If these are not in the range,
then the controller cancels the close command and displays an info
Yes message.
5. Sync GB: The controller tries to synchronise the genset to the busbar.
• When the genset and busbar are synchronised, the controller activates
V & Hz Info message the Breakers > Generator breaker > Control > GB close output to close
OK the breaker.
Yes • If the genset and busbar do not synchronise within the time allowed, the
controller activates a GB synchronisation failure alarm.
6. GB closed: The controller checks whether the generator breaker has
V & Hz Info message closed.
OK • If the generator breaker has closed, the generator breaker close
Yes sequence has been completed successfully.
• If the generator breaker has not closed, the controller activates the GB
closing failure alarm.
Sync GB
Yes Yes
Close GB
GB closed Alarm
GB closed
The Blackout close function sets the action that the controller allows when a dead busbar is detected. If the parameter is not Off,
then an operator or a remote input can close the breaker directly to the black busbar.
Incorrect settings
Incorrect blackout close parameter settings can lead to equipment damage or loss of life.
Blackout conditions
A blackout is present if the phase-to-phase voltage is less than 10 % of the nominal voltage (VL-L < 10 % of Vnom). This percentage
is fixed.
Breakers > Generator breaker configuration
Name Range Default Notes
Off: The controller will never activate the close breaker relay if any blackout
is detected.
Protection of system
The system must be adequately protected if you use the (*) options for genset applications.
Breaker close
No flowchart
Check Blackout
close parameter
Generator is Parameter: One
Parameter: Off Generator OK, Parameter: On
dead, busbar busbar is alive
busbar is dead
Activate close
breaker relay
closed? No
Yes Alarm
GB closed
1. Breaker close command: An operator or a remote command attempts to close the breaker.
2. Blackout: The controller detects a blackout on one or both of the busbars, and the conditions for blackout close are met.
3. Check Blackout close parameter:
a. Off: The controller does not allow the breaker to close. The controller shows an info message, and the sequence ends.
b. Generator is dead, busbar OK: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the Generator.
• Blackout only at the Generator: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout was only at the Busbar or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message, and the
sequence ends.
c. Generator OK, busbar is dead: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the Busbar.
• Blackout only at the Busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout only at the Generator or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence
d. One busbar is alive: The controller checks if the blackout was detected only at the Generator, or only at the Busbar.
• Blackout only at the Generator, or only at the Busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence ends.
e. On: If there is a blackout on either/both busbars, the controller activates the close breaker relay.
The flowchart shows the sequence that the controller normally uses to open the generator breaker.
The alarm action Block does not open a closed breaker, although it stops an open breaker from closing. If the controller or an
operator sends a GB open command while Block is active, the controller uses this sequence.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not open the breaker
(except for a trip). If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Open breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores
this command.
and mode Info message
Info message
closed No
Load < open timer
set point No No
Open GB Alarm
GB opened Alarm
GB opened
1. Command and mode match: The controller checks that the command source and the controller mode match.
2. GB closed: The controller checks whether the generator breaker is closed. If the generator breaker is open, the sequence
3. The only connected feeder: The controller checks whether the genset is the only connected power source in the section.
• If the genset is the only connected power source in the section, then the controller opens the breaker without deloading.
4. All other feeders are de-loading: If there are other connected power sources in the section, the controller checks whether the
power sources are busy deloading.
• If all of the other power sources are busy de-loading, then the controllers opens the breaker without de-loading.
5. De-load genset: If there is at least one other power source connected that is not busy de-loading, then the controller adjusts
the regulation to de-load the genset:
• When the load is less than the set point for the breaker to open, the controller activates the Generator breaker > Control >
GB open output.
• If the controller cannot de-load the breaker before the de-load timer expires, the controller activates the GB de-load failure
alarm. The controller continues to try to de-load the breaker.
6. GB opened: The controller checks whether the generator breaker has opened:
• If the generator breaker has opened, the generator breaker open sequence has been completed successfully.
• If the generator breaker has not opened, the controller activates the GB opening failure alarm.
The controller automatically trips the generator breaker (GB) for these alarm actions:
• Trip generator breaker
• Trip generator breaker and stop engine
• Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine
The generator breaker also trips if the controller's Emergency stop input is deactivated.
The controller does not require the genset stop conditions to be met for a breaker trip. Similarly, the breaker is not de-loaded for a
breaker trip
Open GB 1. Open GB: When a trip is required, the controller activates the Breakers >
Generator breaker > Control > GB Open output to open the breaker.
2. GB opened: The controller checks whether the breaker has opened:
• If the breaker has opened, the trip is successful.
GB opened Alarm • If the breaker has not opened, the controller activates the GB opening failure
No alarm.
GB tripped
The priming function activates an output at regular intervals while the engine is not running. Priming is not active while the engine is
starting or stopping. For example, priming can be used for an engine heater or lube oil pump. For the priming function, you must
configure the following output and parameters.
Digital output
Function I/O Type Details
Engine > Maintenance > Priming
To see these parameters, you must assign the Priming function to a digital output.
Not enabled: The controller does not activate the Priming output.
output for the period configured under OFF timer. The on and off cycle repeats
until the engine starts.
ON timer 0 s to 1 h 5s The priming period.
OFF timer 0 s to 1 h 30 s The interval between each priming.
The temperature-dependent power derating function reduces the genset nominal load by reducing the genset nominal power used
by load sharing. The derating function can be configured for up to three temperature measurements.
Analogue input
Function I/O Type Details
Engine > Power derate > This can measure any temperature,
The measurement must be
Temperature > Derate # Analogue input for example, the engine cooling water.
in °C.
temperature [C] *
Engine > Temperature > Power derate # *
The analogue input(s) must be configured to see the power derate parameter and curve.
Not enabled: The load sharing uses the genset nominal power, no matter
what the derate temperature is.
Not enabled,
Enable derate Not enabled
Enabled: The controller uses the power derating curve to derate the power for
load sharing within the configured range. See How it works.
Setup Use this section to set up the power derate curve.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 3.
How it works
You can create a customised curve for each temperature input.
Power derate affects load sharing and fixed power regulation, since these are based on a percentage of nominal power.
There are two 1000 kW gensets in the system. For genset A, the power derate curve is 100 % until 80 °C, then linearly
down to 70 % at 100 °C. Genset B does not have power derating.
The derated nominal power for genset A is 85 % of the nominal power, that is, 850 kW. The total genset nominal power is
1850 kW.
For equal load sharing, each genset runs at 1480 kW / 1850 kW × 100 % = 80 % of their nominal load. Genset A runs at
680 kW, and genset B runs at 800 kW.
You can configure an analogue output with a function for an engine operating value. The controller receives this value from an
engine measurement. The controller then adjusts the analogue output to reflect the engine operating value.
Analogue outputs
Function I/O Units Details
Engine > Power derate The controller outputs the derate temperature. For this function
> Derate # temperature -50 to 200 °C to work, there must be an analogue input to the controller with
[C] * the engine derate temperature.
The controller outputs the engine oil pressure. For this function
Engine > Running Analogue
0 to 10 bar to work, there must be an analogue input to the controller with
detection > Oil [bar] output
the engine oil pressure.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 3.
An analogue output with an engine operating value may be wired to a switchboard instrument, to help the operator with
troubleshooting. For example, the engine speed measured by the MPU (Engine > Running detection > MPU [RPM]) can be
You can configure a digital output with a function for an engine state. The controller activates the digital output if the engine state is
present. These can be useful for troubleshooting.
Digital outputs
Function I/O Type Details
Engine > State > Running Digital output Continuous Activated if there is running detection for the engine.
Engine > State > Not
Digital output Continuous Activated if there is no running detection for the engine.
Engine > State > Not ready Activated if there is any condition that would block the
Digital output Continuous
to start controller from starting the engine.
Engine > State > Ready to Activated if there are no conditions that would block the
Digital output Continuous
start controller from starting the engine.
9.6.5 Counters
You can view, edit and reset all the counters on the display unit under Configure > Counters.
Running hours trip works like a car trip meter. For example, you can use this counter to track the running hours since the last
Digital outputs
You must configure the digital output function to see the parameters.
Generator > Production counters > Active energy export
Parameter Range Default Comment
Pulse every 1 kWh to 10 MWh 10 kWh The value when a digital output sends a pulse.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
Pulse every 1 kvarh to 10 Mvarh 10 kvarh The value when a digital output sends a pulse.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
Table 9.6 Energy counter function and corresponding parameter full names
With the example setup the controller sends a 1 second pulse to the external counter for each 100 kWh the controller logs.
The Trip AVR output ensures that excitation is stopped when an alarm activates with a Trip AVR alarm action. In cases where there
is high voltage present, stopping the excitation reduce the time required to stop an engine in case of an emergency.
Digital output
Function I/O Type Details
When this output is configured it is possible to assign alarm actions that trip the
[Source] > AVR Digital
Continuous When an alarm with a Trip AVR action activates, the Trip AVR digital output
> Trip AVR output
activates and stays activated until all alarms with a Trip AVR action are resolved.
When the output is active, the controller pauses AVR regulation.
These alarms are in addition to the AC protections and general alarms for PPU 300 controllers.
Emergency stop
Overspeed (2 alarms)
Under-speed (2 alarms)
Crank failure
Start failure
NOTE * These alarm actions are only available if the Trip AVR digital output is configured.
9.7.3 Inhibits
Generator breaker closed The Breakers > Generator breaker > Feedback > GB closed digital input is activated.
Generator breaker open The Breakers > Generator breaker > Feedback > GB open digital input is activated.
Generator voltage present The generator voltage is above 10 % of the nominal voltage.
No generator voltage The generator voltage is below 10 % of the nominal voltage.
Generator frequency
The generator frequency is above 10 % of the nominal frequency.
Controller under SWBD The Local > Mode > Switchboard control digital input is activated, OR a system problem
control forced the controller under switchboard control.
All these conditions are met:
• The generator breaker is closed
ACM wire break • Voltage is detected by one set of ACM voltage measurements
• No voltage is detected on a phase, or on all three phases for the other set of ACM voltage
Inhibit 1 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 1 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 2 The Alarm systems > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 2 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 3 The Alarm systems > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 3 digital input is activated.
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for breaker handling and alarms in general.
Generator phase sequence error Generator > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
Busbar phase sequence error Busbar > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
9.7.5 AC alarms
More information
See AC configuration and nominal settings for information about the AC alarms in general.
Busbar over-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar voltage unbalance Busbar > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance Busbar voltage unbalance
Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 1
Busbar over-frequency 1 or 2 Busbar over-frequency
or 2
You can configure one of the controller's digital inputs as the emergency stop. high
When this input is present, the alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not
visible. The alarm action is Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine, latch enabled.
9.7.7 Overspeed
These two alarms are for overspeed protection. Delay
The alarm response is based on the genset speed, as measured by the MPU/W/NPN/PNP point
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
9.7.8 Underspeed
This alarm alerts the operator that a genset is running too slowly. Delay
The alarm response is based on the engine speed as a percentage of the nominal speed. If the
engine speed drops below the set point for the delay time, then the alarm is activated.
NOTE * Where # is 1 or 2.
The alarm response is based on the MPU/W/NPN/PNP input. This alarm is only available if the Set
magnetic pickup (MPU) has been chosen as the primary running feedback. point
The timer starts when cranking starts (that is, when the Crank output is activated). The alarm is
activated if the set point has not been reached within the delay time. 0
This alarm is for genset running feedback failure. This alarm is only
available if more than one running feedback is present. The alarm is Start
activated if running is detected on any of the secondary running feedbacks attempt
but not on the primary running feedback.
The sequence diagram on the right shows how the primary running (2) Crank
feedback failure alarm works.
1. Start attempt: The controller gets a start signal.
2. Crank: The controller activates the Crank output.
(3) running
3. Primary running feedback: If the primary running feedback has failed, feedback
it does not detect the genset start.
4. Secondary running feedback: The secondary running feedback Secondary
detects the genset start. The crank stops after running is detected. The (4) running
alarm timer starts when running is detected on the secondary running feedback
feedback, but not on the primary running feedback. t1
5. Alarm: If the primary running feedback does not detect that the genset (5) Alarm
has started within the delay time (t1), the Primary running feedback
failure alarm is activated.
The alarm response is based on the engine start-up sequence. This alarm is activated if the engine start-up procedure is interrupted
by the loss of the Start enable input before the engine has started.
Engine > Start sequence > Start enable remove during start
Parameter Range Default
Alarm action Warning
Enable Not enabled, Enabled Not enabled
This alarm is for genset stop failure. tdelay
The controller attempts to stop the genset by activating the Stop coil output (if present) or
alternatively, by deactivating the Run coil output (if present). If Running detection is still ON
after the delay time, the controller activates this alarm. OFF
detection Delay
This alarm is to alert the operator to an externally-initiated engine start.
The alarm is activated if the controller did not initiate an engine start, but Running detection
shows that the engine is running.
detection Delay
This alarm alerts the operator to an externally-initiated engine stop.
The alarm is activated if the controller did not initiate an engine stop, but Running detection
shows that the engine has stopped.
This alarm notifies the operator when the total running hours exceeds the set point.
The alarm response is based on the Total running hours counter.
This alarm notifies the operator when the trip running hours exceeds the set point.
The alarm response is based on the Trip running hours counter.
This alarm alerts the operator that the voltage or frequency is not in the required operation Value tdelay
range within a specified time after running detection is active. V OK
A delay timer starts when running detection activates. If the voltage and frequency are not in
the required operation ranges when the delay timer expires the alarm activates. f OK f
The alarm response is based on the voltage and frequency from the source. time
The HYBRID controller only directly controls an inverter and the inverter breaker. It does not control or provide any management of
the actual power source, for example a Battery Management System (BMS). The customer must ensure that the necessary
management system for the power source is installed and approved, according to the applicable Maritime classification societies.
Each HYBRID controller can control up to three non-essential load groups (NEL).
Example application
DEIF network
Power source
• Local mode
◦ Inverter start and stop with the start/stop push-buttons, and the breaker is controlled by the
close/open push-buttons.
Control modes
• Remote mode
◦ Inverter and breaker controlled from CustomLogic, a PLC or integrated Codesys * combined
with parameter settings.
The controller nominal settings are used in a number of key functions. For example, many protection settings are based on a
percentage of the nominal settings.
The maximum current flow in one phase (that is, L1, L2 or L3) from the
Current (I) 1 A to 9 kA 867 A
inverter during normal operation.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Calculation method
Inverter > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Calculation method *
Calculation method Options Default
Q nominal calculated
Reactive power (Q) nominal Q nominal = P nominal Q nominal calculated
Q nominal = S nominal
No calculation
P or S nominal P nominal calculated No calculation
S nominal calculated
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
** The Nominal value source must be configured as User defined and written to the controller, for the nominal
voltage setting to be visible.
Digital outputs
For a Inverter stop, if wire break detection is required, use EIM relay 4 ( * ) (terminals 9,10).
The controller uses digital running detection to receive inverter running feedback.
Running detection is a state calculated by the controller, and used by a number of functions. It is either OFF or ON. If digital running
detection shows that the inverter is running, then Running detection is ON.
Digital input
Function I/O Type Details
Inverter > Feedback > Digital running
Digital input Continuous Required to show the inverter is running.
The following sequence diagram is an example of how Running detection changes during an inverter start. Running
detection changes from OFF to ON when running feedback detects that the inverter is running.
The following sequence diagram is an example of how Running detection changes during an inverter stop. Running
detection changes from ON to OFF when running feedback detects that the inverter is not running.
3. Digital
running detection
4. Running detection
The inverter associated with a HYBRID controller is ready for operation when there are no alarms blocking the start.
10.2.5 AC configuration
More information
The AC configuration and nominal settings chapter describes the AC configuration in general.
The following table shows how the general AC configuration description applies to the HYBRID controller.
Inverter [Source]
Busbar [Busbar]
More information
The Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading chapter describes breaker configuration in general. For the HYBRID
controller, replace "[Breaker]" with "Inverter breaker" in these descriptions.
The controller software includes a pre-programmed inverter start sequence. For the inverter's start function, you must configure
these inputs and outputs, and parameters.
More information
See Start failure for how the inverter start alarm works, and how to configure it.
Controller modes
In LOCAL and REMOTE mode, the HYBRID controller uses these inputs and outputs, and parameters to start the inverter. See the
following sections for the inverter start flowcharts and sequences.
When the operator starts the inverter in switchboard control, the HYBRID controller is not involved. These sequences do not apply to
starting an inverter in switchboard control.
Optional. The operator or another system can activate this input so that
Inverter > Command > Digital the controller cannot start the inverter. The input blocks the start in both
Block inverter start input LOCAL and REMOTE mode. However, the input will not prevent an
inverter start when the controller is under switchboard control.
Inverter > Command > Optional. When the controller is in LOCAL mode, the operator or another
Connect (Inverter/ Pulse system can activate this input to request the controller to connect the
breaker) inverter, synchronise and close the breaker.
Required parameters
Inverter > Start sequence
Parameter Range Default Comment
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. In switchboard control, if the operator presses the push-button Start on the
display unit, the controller ignores the command and shows an info message.
Timer detection
expired? No ON? No
Yes Yes
t1 = Start on (Inverter > Start sequence > Start > Start on)
1. Start attempts
2. Start inverter
3. Running detection
1. Start attempts: The inverter starts during the first start attempt.
2. Start inverter: The inverter starts before the Start on timer expires.
3. Running detection: The inverter is regarded as started when Running detection is ON.
1. Start attempts
2. Start inverter
3. Running detection
4. Start failure
The Block alarm action will not interrupt the inverter start sequence after it has begun. However, the Block alarm action prevents a
new inverter start sequence from starting.
If Running detection is ON, the controller regards the inverter as started. When the inverter has started, the actions listed here do
not interrupt the inverter start sequence, but result in a inverter stop instead.
The controller software includes pre-programmed inverter stop sequences. For the inverter's stop function, you must configure these
inputs and outputs, and parameters.
More information
See Stop failure for how the inverter stop alarm works, and how to configure it.
Controller modes
In LOCAL and REMOTE mode, the HYBRID controller uses these inputs and outputs, and parameters to stop the inverter.
When the operator stops the inverter under switchboard control, the controller is not involved. These sequences do not apply to
stopping an inverter in switchboard control.
Required parameters
Inverter > Stop sequence
Parameter Range Default Comment
Restrictions > Allow Breaker is open, Breaker is The controller allows the stop of the inverter only if
Breaker is open
stop when closed, Breaker in any state the inverter breaker is in the state required.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not stop the inverter. If,
for example, the operator presses the push-button Stop on the display unit, the controller ignores this command, and the
controller display unit shows an info message.
4. The controller starts deloading the breaker..
• The controllers checks if the load has reached the
Deload open set point.
• Deload timer:
◦ If the deload timer has not expired, the controller
continues to deload the breaker.
◦ If the deload timer has expired and load has not
Load < open Timer
set point? No expired? No reached the open set point, an alarm is
Yes Yes
◦ The controller continues attempt to deload the
ALARM breaker.
5. 5. The controllers attempts to stop the inverter and starts
the stop timer.
inverter • If the stop timer has expired and running detection is
ON, the controller activates the Stop failure alarm.
• If the stop timer has not expired, the controller
checks if running detection is OFF.
Timer detection ◦ If running detection is OFF the inverter is
expired? No OFF? No
Yes Yes ◦ If running detection is ON, the timer continues.
1. Stop attempts
2. Stop inverter
3. Running detection
1. Stop attempts: The inverter stops during the first stop attempt.
1. Stop attempts
2. Stop inverter
3. Running detection
4. Stop failure
3. 4.
Timer detection
expired? No OFF? No
Yes Yes
The inverter breaker connects the inverter to the busbar. The inverter breaker is an important part of the system safety, and trips to
protect the inverter from problems on the busbar. The inverter breaker also trips to stop inverter problems from disturbing the
Configure the inverter breaker open or close conditions under Breakers > Inverter breaker configuration.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not close the breaker.
If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Close breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores this command.
• If the inverter is not running, the controller continues from step 7.
running? 4. The controller checks if the voltage and frequency from the inverter are
in the allowed range *. If these are not in the range, then the controller
cancels the close command and displays an info message.
4. 5. The controller checks if the voltage and frequency on the busbar are in
the allowed range **. If these are not in the range, then the controller
Inverter cancels the close command and displays an info message.
V & Hz Info message
OK? No 6. The controller attempts to synchronise the inverter to the busbar.
• When the inverter and busbar are synchronised, the controller
Yes activates the Breakers > Inverter breaker > Control >
5. Breaker Close output to close the breaker.
Busbar • If the inverter and busbar do not synchronise within the time allowed,
V & Hz Info message the controller activates a Breaker synchronisation failure alarm.
OK? No
7. The controller checks if the inverter breaker is closed:
Yes • If the inverter breaker has closed, the inverter breaker close
6. sequence has been completed successfully.
• If the inverter breaker has not closed, the controller activates the
Breaker closing failure alarm.
Yes Yes
closed? No
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10.5.3 Inverter breaker open flowchart
The following flowcharts shows the sequence that the controller normally uses to open the inverter breaker. The sequence depends
upon the active mode.
The alarm action Block does not open a closed breaker, although it stops an open breaker from closing. If the controller or an
operator sends a Breaker open command while Block is active, the controller uses this sequence.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not open the breaker
(except for a trip). If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Open breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores
this command.
open? No
The controller automatically trips the inverter breaker for these alarm actions:
• Trip breaker
• Trip breaker and stop inverter
• Trip AVR
• Trip breaker + AVR
• Trip breaker + AVR + stop inverter
Inverter breaker
Open inverter 1. Open breaker: When a trip is required, the controller activates the Breakers >
breaker > Control > Open output to open the breaker.
2. Breaker opened: The controller checks whether the breaker has opened:
• If the breaker has opened, the trip is successful.
Breaker • If the breaker has not opened, the controller activates the Opening failure
open No alarm.
breaker tripped
The temperature-dependent power derating function reduces the inverter nominal load by reducing the inverter nominal power used
by load sharing. The derating function can be configured for up to three temperature measurements.
Analogue input
Function I/O Type Details
Inverter > Power derate > Derate # The measurement must be in This can measure any
Analogue input
temperature [C] (where # is 1 to 3) °C. temperature.
Inverter > Power derate # *
The analogue input(s) must be configured to see the power derate parameter and curve.
Not enabled: The load sharing uses the inverter nominal power, no matter
what the derate temperature is.
Not enabled,
Enable derate Not enabled
Enabled: The controller uses the power derating curve to derate the power for
load sharing within the configured range.
Setup Use this section to set up the power derate curve.
NOTE * Where # is 1, 2 or 3.
How it works
By default, the inverter nominal power is 100 % for temperatures up to 90 °C. If there is a Derate temperature input, then the power
is derated linearly to 80 % at 130 °C. However, you can create a customised curve for each temperature input.
Power derate affects load sharing, since load sharing is based on a percentage of nominal power.
The percentage-dependent power derating function reduces the inverter nominal load by reducing the inverter nominal power used
by load sharing.
Analogue input
Function I/O Type Details
Inverter > Power derate > Percentage > Derate
Analogue input The measurement must be in %.
percentage [%]
Inverter > Power derate > Percentage
The analogue input(s) must be configured to see the power derate parameter and curve.
Not enabled: The load sharing uses the inverter nominal power, no matter
what the derate percentage is.
Not enabled,
Enable derate Not enabled
Enabled: The controller uses the power derating curve to derate the power for
load sharing within the configured range.
Setup Use this section to set up the power derate curve.
You can configure an analogue output with a function for an inverter operating value. The controller receives this value from an
inverter measurement. The controller then adjusts the analogue output to reflect the inverter operating value.
You can configure a digital output with a function for an inverter state. The controller activates the digital output if the inverter state is
present. These can be useful for troubleshooting.
Digital outputs
Function I/O Type Details
Inverter > State > Running Digital output Continuous Activated if there is running detection for the inverter.
Inverter > State > Ready to Activated if there are no conditions that would block the
Digital output Continuous
start controller from starting the inverter.
10.6.5 Counters
You can view, edit and reset all the counters on the display unit under Configure > Counters.
Running hours trip works like a car trip meter. For example, you can use this counter to track the running hours since the last
Digital outputs
You must configure the digital output function to see the parameters.
Generator >
Production counters Digital
> Reactive energy output
export pulse
Generator >
Production counters Digital
> Active energy output
import pulse
Generator >
Production counters Digital
> Reactive energy output
import pulse
Inverter > Production counters > Active energy export
Parameter Range Default Comment
Pulse every 1 kWh to 10 MWh 10 kWh The value when a digital output sends a pulse.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
Table 10.4 Energy counter function and corresponding parameter full names
With the example setup the controller sends a 1 second pulse to the external counter for each 100 kWh the controller logs.
The Trip AVR output ensures that AVR regulation is stopped when an alarm activates with a Trip AVR alarm action. In cases where
there is high voltage present, stopping the AVR regulation reduces the time required to stop an inverter in case of an emergency.
The Trip AVR output and alarm action does not initiate a breaker trip. To trip the breaker and the AVR, digital outputs for both actions
must be configured and the correct alarm action must selected. For example, the Trip breaker + AVR alarm action.
When this output is configured it is possible to assign alarm actions that trip the
Inverter > AVR > Digital
Continuous When an alarm with a Trip AVR action activates, the Trip AVR digital output
Trip AVR output
activates and stays activated until all alarms with a Trip AVR action are resolved.
When the output is active, the controller pauses AVR regulation.
These alarms are in addition to the AC protections and other alarms for PPU 300 controllers.
Emergency stop
NOTE * These alarm actions are only available if the Trip AVR digital output is configured.
10.7.3 Inhibits
Inverter breaker open The Breakers > Inverter breaker > Feedback > Breaker open digital input is activated.
Inverter voltage present The inverter voltage is above 10 % of the nominal voltage.
No inverter voltage The inverter voltage is below 10 % of the nominal voltage.
Inverter frequency present The inverter frequency is above 10 % of the nominal frequency.
No inverter frequency The inverter frequency is below 10 % of the nominal frequency.
Controller under SWBD The Local > Mode > Switchboard control digital input is activated, OR a system problem
control forced the controller under switchboard control.
All these conditions are met:
• The inverter breaker is closed
ACM wire break • Voltage is detected by one set of ACM voltage measurements
• No voltage is detected on a phase, or on all three phases for the other set of ACM voltage
PTI running The Alarm system > Inhibits > PTI running digital input is activated.
PTO running The Alarm system > Inhibits > PTO running digital input is activated.
Standby running (Hybrid) The Alarm system > Inhibits > Standby running (Hybrid) digital input is activated.
Inhibit 1 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 1 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 2 The Alarm systems > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 2 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 3 The Alarm systems > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 3 digital input is activated.
More information
The Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading chapter describes breaker handling and alarms in general.
The following table shows where to configure these alarms for the HYBRID controller, as well as which general alarm corresponds to
each HYBRID controller alarm.
Breaker de-load failure Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > De-load failure Breaker de-load failure
Vector mismatch Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Vector mismatch Vector mismatch
Breaker opening failure Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Opening failure Breaker opening failure
Breaker closing failure Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Closing failure Breaker closing failure
Breaker position failure Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Position failure Breaker position failure
Breaker trip (external) Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Tripped (external) Breaker trip (external)
Breaker short circuit Breakers > Inverter breaker monitoring > Short circuit Breaker short circuit
Inverter phase sequence error Inverter > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
Busbar phase sequence error Busbar > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
10.7.5 AC alarms
More information
The AC configuration and nominal settings chapter describes AC alarms in general.
The following tables show where to configure these alarms for the HYBRID controller.
Inverter voltage unbalance Inverter > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance Voltage unbalance
Negative sequence voltage Inverter > Voltage protections > Negative sequence voltage Negative sequence voltage
Zero sequence voltage Inverter > Voltage protections > Zero sequence voltage Zero sequence voltage
Fast over-current 1 or 2 Inverter > Current protections > Fast over-current 1 or 2 Fast over-current
Inverter > Current protections > Current unbalance (average Current unbalance (average
Current unbalance (average calc.)
calc.) calc.)
Inverter > Current protections > Current unbalance (nominal Current unbalance (nominal
Current unbalance (nominal calc.)
calc.) calc.)
Directional over-current 1 or 2 Inverter > Current protections > Directional over-current 1 or 2 Directional over-current
Inverse time over-current Inverter > Current protections > Inverse time over-current Inverse time over-current
Negative sequence current Inverter > Current protections > Negative sequence current Negative sequence current
Zero sequence current Inverter > Current protections > Zero sequence current Zero sequence current
Stabilised differential
Stabilised differential current Inverter > Current protections > Stabilised differential current
High set differential current Inverter > Current protections > High set differential current High set differential current
Reverse power 1 or 2 Inverter > Power protections > Reverse power 1 or 2 Reverse power
Overload reverse power 1 or 2 Inverter > Power protections > Overload reverse power 1 or 2 Overload reverse power
Busbar over-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 1 or 2 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar voltage unbalance Busbar > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance Busbar voltage unbalance
Busbar over-frequency 1 or 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 1 or 2 Busbar over-frequency
Busbar under-frequency 1 or 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Under-frequency 1 or 2 Busbar under-frequency
You can configure one of the controller's digital inputs as the emergency stop. high
When this input is present, the alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not
visible. The alarm action is Trip breaker and stop inverter.
Assign the Emergency stop input under Configure > Input/output. Select the hardware module, then select the input to configure.
Configure the start failure parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Start sequence > Start failure.
Action Block
Configure the start failure parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Start sequence.
Restrictions > Allow start when Breaker is open, Breaker is closed, Breaker in any state Breaker is open
This alarm is for inverter stop failure. ON
The controller attempts to stop the inverter. If Running detection is still ON after the delay time
and/or the restriction on breaker state is not correct, the controller activates this alarm.
Delay 0 s to 5 m 5s
Action Warning
Configure the start failure parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Start sequence > Restrictions.
Allow stop when Breaker is open, Breaker is closed, Breaker in any state Breaker is open
detection Delay
This alarm is to alert the operator to an externally-initiated inverter start.
The alarm is activated if the controller did not initiate an inverter start, but Running detection
shows that the inverter is running.
Configure the parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Start sequence > Inverter started (external).
Action Warning
detection Delay
This alarm alerts the operator to an externally-initiated inverter stop.
The alarm is activated if the controller did not initiate an inverter stop, but Running detection
shows that the inverter has stopped.
Configure the parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Stop sequence > Inverter stopped (external).
Action Block
This alarm notifies the operator when the total running hours exceeds the set point.
The alarm response is based on the Total running hours counter.
Configure these parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Maintenance > Running hours total.
Action Warning
This alarm notifies the operator when the trip running hours exceeds the set point.
The alarm response is based on the Trip running hours counter.
Configure these parameters under Configure > Parameters > Inverter > Maintenance > Running hours trip.
Action Warning
This alarm alerts the operator that the voltage or frequency is not in the required operation range Value tdelay
within a specified time after running detection is active. V OK
A delay timer starts when running detection activates. If the voltage and frequency are not in the
required operation ranges when the delay timer expires the alarm activates. f OK f
The alarm response is based on the voltage and frequency from the source. time
See Configure > Parameters > Inverter > AC setup. The parameters that the alarm is based on are under Voltage and
frequency OK. The alarm is configured under Voltage or frequency not OK.
Delay 1 s to 1 h 30 s
More information
See Hardware characteristics and configuration for more information.
Running detection • Multiple feedback options: Frequency, MPU/W/NPN/PNP (RPM), Digital input
The maximum current flow in one phase (that is, L1, L2 or L3) from the
Current (I) 1 A to 9 kA 867 A
shaft generator during normal operation.
The controller uses the nominal settings to calculate the nominal reactive power (nominal Q) for the shaft generator. The controller
can be configured to calculate the nominal active power (nominal P) or the nominal apparent power (nominal S). In this case, the
controller uses the calculated values, and ignores any entered values.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
More information
See Nominal power calculations.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
The shaft generator breaker (SGB) connects the shaft generator to the busbar. For the shaft generator breaker to close, the shaft
generator must be running, and the busbar must be synchronised with the shaft generator. The shaft generator breaker is an
important part of the system safety, and trips to protect the shaft generator from problems on the busbar. The shaft generator
breaker also trips to stop shaft generator problems from disturbing the busbar.
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for information about synchronisation and breakers. This includes the inputs
and output functions and the parameters to configure.
For the SHAFT generator controller, the breaker abbreviation ([*B]) is SGB. [Breaker] refers to Shaft generator breaker.
More information
See Shaft generator breaker blackout close flowchart for how to allow the shaft generator to connect to a dead busbar.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not close the breaker.
If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Close breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores this command.
Command 3. SG V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and frequency from
and mode Info message the generator are within the allowed range. If these are not in the range, then
match the controller cancels the close command and displays an info message.
Yes 4. Busbar V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and frequency
on the busbar are within range. If these are not in the range, then the
controller cancels the close command and displays an info message.
SGB open Info message 5. Synchronised: The controller broadcasts the required set point on the
busbar section. The GENSET controllers that have external network set point
Yes activated then use this set point for regulation.
• If the shaft generator and busbar are synchronised, the controller
activates the Breakers > Shaft generator breaker > Control
SG V&Hz Info message > SGB close output to close the breaker.
• If the shaft generator and busbar do not synchronise within the time
Yes allowed, the controller activates an SGB synchronisation failure alarm.
6. SGB closed: The controller checks whether the breaker has closed.
Busbar V&Hz • If the breaker has closed, the breaker close sequence has been
Info message
OK No completed successfully.
• If the breaker has not closed, the controller activates the SGB closing
failure alarm.
Broadcast set
point to busbar
Yes Yes
Close SGB
SGB closed
The alarm action Block does not open a closed breaker, although it stops an open breaker from closing. If the controller or an
operator sends an SGB open command while Block is active, the controller uses the shaft generator breaker open sequence, shown
below, to open the SGB.
(except for a trip). If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Open breaker on the display, the controller ignores this
SGB opened
Activate network set point for all the GENSET controllers on the busbar section. If the network set point is only activated for one
GENSET controller, that controller tries to take the whole load.
The Blackout close function sets the action that the controller allows when a dead busbar is detected. If the parameter is not Off,
then an operator or a remote input can close the breaker directly to the black busbar.
Blackout conditions
A blackout is present if the phase-to-phase voltage is less than 10 % of the nominal voltage (VL-L < 10 % of Vnom). This percentage
is fixed.
Off: The controller will never activate the close breaker relay if any blackout is
• Off Generator is dead, busbar OK*: If a blackout is detected at the Generator, but
the Busbar is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to close.
• Generator is dead,
busbar OK
Blackout Generator OK, busbar is dead: If a blackout is detected at the Busbar and the
• Generator OK, Off
close Generator is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to close.
busbar is dead
• One busbar is alive
One busbar is alive*: If a blackout is detected at the Generator or the Busbar,
• On and the live busbar is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to close.
On*: If a blackout is detected at the Generator and/or at the Busbar, then the
controller allows the breaker to close.
System protection
The system must be adequately protected if you use the (*) options for generator applications.
Breaker close
No flowchart
Check Blackout
close parameter
Generator is Parameter: One
Parameter: Off Generator OK, Parameter: On
dead, busbar busbar is alive
busbar is dead
Activate close
breaker relay
closed? No
Yes Alarm
GB closed
1. Breaker close command: An operator or a remote command attempts to close the breaker.
2. Blackout: The controller detects a blackout on one or both of the busbars, and the conditions for blackout close are met.
3. Check Blackout close parameter: The controller checks the Blackout close parameter:
a. Off: The controller takes does not allow the breaker to close. The controller shows an info message, and the sequence ends.
b. Generator is dead, busbar OK: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the Generator.
• Blackout only at the Generator: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout was only at the Busbar or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message, and the
sequence ends.
c. Generator OK, busbar is dead: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the Busbar.
• Blackout only at the Busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout only at the Generator or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence
d. Only one live busbar: The controller checks if the blackout was detected only at the Generator, or only at the Busbar.
• Blackout only at the Generator, or only at the Busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence ends.
e. On: If there is a blackout on either/both busbars, the controller activates the close breaker relay.
The controller automatically trips the shaft generator breaker (SGB) for this alarm action:
• Trip shaft generator breaker
SGB tripped
You can use the SHAFT generator controller regulate a shaft generator, in just the same way as you would use a GENSET
controller to regulate a genset. You can use shaft generator regulation to transfer load directly from one shaft generator to another.
More information
See Regulation for detailed description about regulation.
When the regulation outputs are configured, all of the other regulation inputs and outputs become available.
When the regulation outputs are configured, all of the regulation parameters become available.
For regulation, you must configure the SHAFT generator running feedback measurement. See Running detection under GENSET
How it works
When Regulation ON is activated, the SHAFT generator controller can receive regulation set points from other controllers on the
DEIF network. The SHAFT generator controller can send regulation signals to adjust the frequency and/or voltage of the shaft
You can use any of the following for shaft generator regulation:
• The regulation inputs and outputs
• The regulation parameters
• The regulation alarms
• The regulation modes
• External regulation set points
• Stand-alone GAM3.2
The system has two shaft generators (SG1 and SG2). SG1 has shaft generator regulation.
SG1 is running and is connected to the busbar. To transfer the load from SG1 to SG2:
1. If it is not already running, start SG2.
2. Activate Regulation ON on SG1.
3. Select the External set point (Network) regulation mode on SG1.
4. Activate Close SGB on SG2.
• SG1 regulates its frequency and voltage to match the set point from SG2.
• When the shaft generators are synchronised, the breaker for SG2 closes.
5. After SG1 and SG2 are connected, activate Open SGB on SG1.
• SG1 de-loads and opens its breaker.
The load has successfully been transferred from SG1 to SG2.
You can view some counters on one of the live data pages in the display unit and PICUS.
You can view, edit and reset all the counters on the display unit under Configure > Counters. The counters include breaker
operations and trips, active and reactive power export, and active and reactive power import. There are also counters for the
associated external breaker operations.
Digital outputs
You must configure the digital output function to see the parameters.
You must configure the digital output function to see these parameters.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
With the example setup the controller sends a 1 second pulse to the external counter for each 100 kWh the controller logs.
The Trip AVR output ensures that excitation is stopped when an alarm activates with a Trip AVR alarm action. In cases where there
is high voltage present, stopping the excitation reduce the time required to stop an engine in case of an emergency.
The Trip AVR output and alarm action does not initiate a breaker trip. To trip the breaker and the AVR, digital outputs for both actions
must be configured and the correct alarm action must selected. For example, the Trip breaker + AVR alarm action.
Digital output
Function I/O Type Details
When this output is configured it is possible to assign alarm actions that trip the
[Source] > AVR Digital
Continuous When an alarm with a Trip AVR action activates, the Trip AVR digital output
> Trip AVR output
activates and stays activated until all alarms with a Trip AVR action are resolved.
When the output is active, the controller pauses AVR regulation.
These alarms are in addition to the AC protections and general alarms for PPU 300 controllers.
NOTE * These alarm actions are only available if the Trip AVR digital output is configured.
11.5.3 Inhibits
Shaft breaker closed The Shaft generator breaker > Feedback > SGB closed digital input is activated.
Shaft breaker open The Shaft generator breaker > Feedback > SGB open digital input is activated.
Generator voltage present The shaft generator voltage is above 10 % of the nominal voltage.
No generator voltage The shaft generator voltage is below 10 % of the nominal voltage.
Generator frequency
The shaft generator frequency is above 10 % of the nominal frequency.
No generator frequency The shaft generator frequency is below 10 % of the nominal frequency.
Controller under SWBD The Mode > Switchboard control digital input is activated, OR a system problem forced the
control controller under switchboard control.
ACM wire break All these conditions are met:
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for a description of breaker handling and alarms in general.
The following table shows where to configure these alarms for the SHAFT generator controller, as well as which general alarm
corresponds to each SHAFT generator controller alarm.
Generator phase sequence error Generator > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
Busbar phase sequence error Busbar > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
11.5.5 AC alarms
More information
See AC configuration and nominal settings for a description of AC alarms in general.
The following tables show where to configure these alarms for the SHAFT generator controller.
Current unbalance (average Generator > Current protections > Current Current unbalance (average
calc.) unbalance (average calc.) calc.)
Current unbalance (nominal Generator > Current protections > Current Current unbalance (nominal
calc.) unbalance (nominal calc.) calc.)
Generator > Current protections > Directional
Directional over-current 1 Directional over-current
over-current 1
Reverse power 1 Generator > Power protections > Reverse power 1 Reverse power
Reverse power 2 Generator > Power protections > Reverse power 2 Reverse power
Generator > Reactive power protections >
Reactive power export 1 Reactive power export
Reactive power export 1
Busbar over-voltage 1 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 1 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar over-voltage 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 2 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 1 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 1 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 2 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar voltage unbalance Busbar > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance Busbar voltage unbalance
Busbar over-frequency 1 Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 1 Busbar over-frequency
Busbar over-frequency 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 2 Busbar over-frequency
Busbar under-frequency 1 Busbar > Frequency protections > Under-frequency 1 Busbar under-frequency
Busbar under-frequency 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Under-frequency 2 Busbar under-frequency
The system nominal frequency. All the controllers in the system should
Frequency (f) 48 to 62 Hz 50 Hz
have the same nominal frequency.
Configure the value according to the shore connection. Set the value to
Power (P) 1 kW to 900 MW 480 kW ensure the shore connection over-power alarm is triggered at the correct
Apparent power (S) 1 kVA to 1 GVA 600 kVA Shore connection apparent power.
Power factor (PF) 0.6 to 1 0.8 Shore connection power factor.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
The controller uses the nominal settings to calculate the nominal reactive power (nominal Q) for the shore connection. The controller
can be configured to calculate the nominal active power (nominal P) or the nominal apparent power (nominal S). In this case, the
controller uses the calculated values, and ignores any entered values.
More information
See Nominal power calculations.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
** The Nominal value source must be configured as User defined and written to the controller, for the nominal
voltage setting to be visible.
The shore connection breaker (SCB) connects the shore connection to the busbar. For the shore connection breaker to close, the
shore connection must be live, and the ship busbar must be synchronised with the shore connection. The shore connection breaker
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for more information about synchronisation and breakers. This includes the
inputs and output functions and the parameters to configure.
For the SHORE connection controller, the breaker abbreviation ([*B]) is SCB. [Breaker] refers to Shore connection breaker.
More information
See Shore connection breaker blackout close flowchart for how to allow the shore connection to connect to a dead busbar.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not close the breaker.
If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Close breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores this command.
Command 3. SC V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and frequency from
and mode Info message the shore connection are within the allowed range. * If these are not in the
match range, then the controller cancels the close command and displays an info
Yes message.
4. Busbar V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and frequency
on the ship busbar are within range. * If these are not in the range, then the
SCB open Info message controller cancels the close command and displays an info message.
5. Broadcast set point to busbar section: The controller broadcasts the
Yes required set point on the ship busbar section. The GENSET controllers that
have external network set point activated then use this set point for
SC V&Hz Info message • If the shore connection and ship busbar are synchronised, the controller
activates the Breakers > Shore connection breaker >
Yes Control > SCB close output to close the breaker.
• If the shore connection and ship busbar do not synchronise within the
time allowed, the controller activates an SCB synchronisation failure
Busbar V&Hz Info message alarm.
6. SCB closed: The controller checks whether the breaker has closed.
• If the breaker has closed, the breaker close sequence has been
completed successfully.
Broadcast set • If the breaker has not closed, the controller activates the SCB closing
point to busbar failure alarm.
Yes Yes
Close SCB
SCB closed
NOTE * See [Source] / [Busbar] > AC setup > Voltage and frequency OK for these ranges.
The alarm action Block does not open a closed breaker, although it stops an open breaker from closing. If the controller or an
operator sends an SCB open command while Block is active, the controller uses this sequence.
(except for a trip caused by an alarm). If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Open breaker on the display unit,
the controller ignores this command.
SCB opened
Activate network set point for all the GENSET controllers on the busbar section. If the network set point is only activated for one
GENSET controller, that controller tries to take the whole load.
The Blackout close function sets the action that the controller allows when a dead busbar is detected. An operator or a remote input
can close the breaker even though there is a blackout (if the parameter is not Off).
Blackout conditions
A blackout is present if the phase-to-phase voltage is less than 10 % of the nominal voltage (VL-L < 10 % of Vnom). This percentage
is fixed.
Off: The controller will never activate the close breaker relay if any blackout is
• Off Shore busbar is dead, ship busbar OK: If a blackout is detected at the shore
busbar, but the ship busbar is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to
• Shore busbar is
dead, ship busbar
Shore busbar OK, ship busbar is dead: If a blackout is detected at the ship
Blackout • Shore busbar OK,
Off busbar and the shore busbar is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to
close ship busbar is
• One busbar is
One busbar is alive: If a blackout is detected at the shore busbar or the ship
busbar, and the live busbar is stable, then the controller allows the breaker to
• On close.
On: If a blackout is detected at the shore busbar and/or at the ship busbar, then
the controller allows the breaker to close.
Breaker close
No flowchart
Check Blackout
close parameter
Parameter: Parameter:
Shore busbar is Shore busbar Parameter: One
Parameter: Off Parameter: On
dead, ship OK, ship busbar busbar is alive
busbar OK is dead
Activate close
breaker relay
closed? No
Yes Alarm
SCB closed
1. Breaker close command: An operator or a remote command attempts to close the breaker.
2. Blackout: The controller detects a blackout on one or both of the busbars, and the conditions for blackout close are met.
3. Check Blackout close parameter:
a. Off: The controller takes does not allow the breaker to close. The controller shows an info message, and the sequence ends.
b. Shore busbar is dead, ship busbar OK: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the shore busbar.
• Blackout only at the shore busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout was only at the ship busbar or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message, and the
sequence ends.
c. Shore busbar OK, ship busbar is dead: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only at the ship busbar.
• Blackout only at the ship busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout only at the shore busbar or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the
sequence ends.
d. Only one live busbar: The controller checks if the blackout was detected only at the shore busbar, or only at the ship
• Blackout only at the shore busbar, or only at the ship busbar: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence ends.
The controller automatically trips the shore connection breaker (SCB) for this alarm action:
• Trip shore connection breaker
SCB tripped
You can view, edit and reset all the counters on the display unit under Configure > Counters.
Digital outputs
You must configure the digital output function to see the parameters.
Shore connection > Production counters > Active energy export
Parameter Range Default Comment
Pulse every 1 kWh to 10 MWh 10 kWh The value when a digital output sends a pulse.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
Table 12.1 Energy counter function and corresponding parameter full names
With the example setup the controller sends a 1 second pulse to the external counter for each 100 kWh the controller logs.
These alarms are in addition to the AC protections and general alarms for PPU 300 controllers.
12.5.3 Inhibits
Shore connection breaker The Breakers > Shore connection breaker > Feedback > SCB closed digital input is
closed activated.
Shore connection breaker The Breakers > Shore connection breaker > Feedback > SCB open digital input is
open activated.
Shore voltage present The shore busbar voltage is above 10% of the nominal voltage.
No shore voltage The shore busbar voltage is below 10% of the nominal voltage.
Shore frequency present The shore busbar frequency is above 10% of the nominal frequency.
No shore frequency The shore busbar frequency is below 10% of the nominal frequency.
Controller under SWBD The Local > Mode > Switchboard control digital input is activated, OR a system problem
control forced the controller under switchboard control.
Inhibit 1 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 1 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 2 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 2 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 3 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 3 digital input is activated.
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for breaker handling and alarms in general.
The following table shows where to configure these alarms for the SHORE connection controller, as well as which general alarm
corresponds to each SHORE connection controller alarm.
Table 12.2 Breaker alarm names for the SHORE connection controller
Busbar phase sequence error Busbar > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
12.5.5 AC alarms
More information
See AC configuration and nominal settings for a description of AC alarms in general.
Table 12.4 Busbar AC alarm names for the SHORE connection controller
Busbar over-voltage 1 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 1 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar over-voltage 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 2 Busbar over-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 1 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 1 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar under-voltage 2 Busbar > Voltage protections > Under-voltage 2 Busbar under-voltage
Busbar voltage unbalance Busbar > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance Busbar voltage unbalance
Busbar over-frequency 1 Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 1 Busbar over-frequency
Busbar over-frequency 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Over-frequency 2 Busbar over-frequency
Busbar under-frequency 1 Busbar > Frequency protections > Under-frequency 1 Busbar under-frequency
Busbar under-frequency 2 Busbar > Frequency protections > Under-frequency 2 Busbar under-frequency
There is no restriction on the number of BUS TIE breaker controllers. There can be a ring busbar connection.
Example application
Synchronisation and de- • Broadcast the set point for GENSET controllers
loading ◦ In the busbar A section, and in the busbar B section
Configure each BUS TIE breaker controller on the application single-line diagram with PICUS.
The BUS TIE breaker controller measures the current and voltage on busbar A. The BUS TIE breaker controller also measures the
voltage on busbar B. Busbar A for one BUS TIE breaker controller can be busbar B for the next BUS TIE breaker controller.
More information
See Busbar sections and load sharing for more information about busbar sections.
The controller nominal settings are used in a number of key functions. For example, many protection settings are based on a
percentage of the nominal settings.
The maximum current flow in one phase (that is, L1, L2 or L3) in busbar A
Current (I) 1 A to 9 kA 867 A
during normal operation.
The nominal active power for the bus tie breaker. Ignored if P nominal
Power (P) 1 kW to 900 MW 480 kW
calculated is selected.
The nominal apparent power for the bus tie breaker. Ignored if S nominal
Apparent power (S) 1 kVA to 1 GVA 530 kVA
calculated is selected.
Power factor (PF) 0.6 to 1 0.9 The nominal power factor at the bus tie breaker.
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
Busbar A > Nominal settings > Nominal settings # > Calculation method *
Calculation method Options Default
Q nominal calculated
Reactive power (Q) nominal Q nominal = P nominal Q nominal calculated
Q nominal = S nominal
No calculation
P or S nominal P nominal calculated No calculation
S nominal calculated
NOTE * Where # is 1 to 4.
More information
See Nominal power calculations for more information.
The system nominal frequency, typically either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. All the controllers in
Frequency (f) 48 to 62 Hz 50 Hz
the system should have the same nominal frequency.
This is the sequence that the controller normally uses to close the bus tie breaker.
More information
See Bus tie breaker blackout close flowchart for how to allow the bus tie breaker connect to a dead busbar.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not close the breaker.
If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Close breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores this command.
1. Command and mode match: The controller checks that the command
BTB close
source and the controller mode match.
2. BTB open: The controller checks whether the breaker is open. If the breaker
is already closed, the sequence stops, and an info message is shown.
Command 3. Busbar A V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and
and mode Info message frequency from busbar A are within the allowed range*. If these are not in the
match range, then the controller cancels the close command and displays an info
Yes message.
4. Busbar B V&Hz OK: The controller checks whether the voltage and
frequency on busbar B are within range *. If these are not in the range, then
BTB open Info message the controller cancels the close command and displays an info message.
5. Broadcast set point to busbars A & B sections: The controller broadcasts
Yes the required set points on the busbar A section and the busbar B section. The
GENSET controller(s) that have external network set point activated then use
these set points for regulation.
Busbar A
V&Hz Info message • If busbar A and busbar B are synchronised, the controller activates the
OK Breakers > Bus tie breaker > Control > BTB close output to close the
Yes breaker.
• If the busbars do not synchronise within the time allowed, the controller
activates a BTB synchronisation failure alarm.
Busbar B Info message 6. BTB closed: The controller checks whether the breaker has closed.
V&Hz OK No
• If the breaker has closed, the breaker close sequence has been
Yes completed successfully.
• If the breaker has not closed, the controller activates the BTB closing
Broadcast set failure alarm.
point to busbars
A and B
Yes Yes
Close BTB
BTB closed
NOTE * See parameters: [Source] / [Busbar] > AC setup > Voltage and frequency OK for these ranges.
The following flowchart shows the sequence that the controller normally uses to open the bus tie breaker.
The alarm action Block does not open a closed breaker, although it stops an open breaker from closing. If the controller or an
operator sends a BTB open command while Block is active, the controller uses this sequence.
This flowchart does not apply to switchboard control. When the controller is under switchboard control, it will not open the breaker
(except for a trip). If, for example, the operator presses the push-button Open breaker on the display unit, the controller ignores
this command.
BTB opened
Possible blackout
Opening the bus tie breaker may cause a blackout.
Activate set point for all the connected GENSET controllers on both busbar sections. If the network set point is only activated for one
GENSET controller, that controller tries to regulate to de-load the bus tie breaker, which may cause a trip.
The Blackout close function sets the action that the controller allows when a dead busbar is detected. An operator or a remote input
can close the breaker even though there is a blackout (if the parameter is not OFF).
Blackout conditions
A blackout is present if the phase-to-phase voltage is less than 10 % of the nominal voltage (VL-L < 10 % of Vnom). This percentage
is fixed.
Breakers > Bus tie breaker configuration
Name Range Default Notes
Off: The breaker is not allowed to close, unless both busbars are live and
Breaker close
No flowchart
Check Blackout
close parameter
Parameter: Parameter:
Busbar A is Busbar A OK, Parameter: One
Parameter: Off Parameter: On
dead, busbar B busbar B is busbar is alive
OK dead
Activate close
breaker relay
closed? No
Yes Alarm
BTB closed
1. Breaker close command: An operator or a remote command attempts to close the breaker.
2. Blackout: The controller detects a blackout on one or both of the busbars, and the conditions for blackout close are met.
3. Check Blackout close parameter: The controller checks the Blackout close parameter:
a. Off: The controller takes does not allow the breaker to close. The controller shows an info message, and the sequence ends.
b. Busbar A is dead, busbar B OK: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only on busbar A.
• Blackout only on busbar A: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout was only on busbar B or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message, and the sequence
c. Busbar A OK, busbar B is dead: The controller checks whether the blackout was detected only on busbar B.
• Blackout only on busbar B: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout only on busbar A or on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence ends.
d. One busbar is alive: The controller checks if the blackout was detected only on busbar A, or only on busbar B.
• Blackout only on busbar A, or only on busbar B: The controller activates the close breaker relay.
• Blackout on both sides of the breaker: The controller shows an info message and the sequence ends.
e. On: If there is a blackout on either/both busbars, the controller activates the close breaker relay.
4. Breaker closed: The controller checks whether the bus tie breaker has closed.
The controller automatically trips the bus tie breaker (BTB) for this alarm action:
• Trip bus tie breaker
1. Open BTB: When a trip is required, the controller activates the Breakers > Bus tie
Bus tie breaker
breaker > Control > BTB open output to open the breaker.
2. BTB opened: The controller checks whether the breaker has opened:
• If the breaker has opened, the trip is successful.
• If the breaker has not opened, the controller activates the BTB opening failure
Open BTB alarm.
BTB tripped
You can view, edit and reset all the counters on the display unit under Configure > Counters. The counters include:
• Bus tie breaker operations and trips
• Active and reactive energy export (to busbar B)
• Active and reactive energy import (to busbar A)
• Active and reactive energy differential (the difference between the energy export and import)
• External breaker operations
Configure the digital outputs under Busbar A > Production counters > [Counter pulse].
Busbar A > Production counters > Active energy export
Parameter Range Default Comment
Pulse every 1 kWh to 10 MWh 10 kWh The value when a digital output sends a pulse.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the pulse
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
can be registered by the external counter.
The length of the pulse that is sent. This value should be long enough so the
Pulse length 0.1 s to 1 h 1s
pulse can be registered by the external counter.
Table 13.3 Energy counter function and corresponding parameter full names
All the BUS TIE breaker controller alarms are included in the AC protections and general alarms for PPU 300 controllers.
13.5.3 Inhibits
Controller under The Mode > Switchboard control digital input is activated, OR a system problem forced the
SWBD control controller under switchboard control.
All these conditions are met:
• The bus tie breaker is closed
ACM wire break • Voltage is detected by one set of ACM voltage measurements
• No voltage is detected on a phase, or on all three phases for the other set of ACM voltage
Inhibit 1 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 1 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 2 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 2 digital input is activated.
Inhibit 3 The Alarm system > Inhibits > Activate inhibit 3 digital input is activated.
Busbar A phase sequence error Busbar A > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
Busbar B phase sequence error Busbar B > AC setup > Phase sequence error Phase sequence error
More information
See Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading for breaker handling and alarms in general.
13.5.5 AC alarms
Current unbalance (average Busbar A > Current protections > Current Current unbalance
calc.) unbalance (average calc.) (average calc.)
Current unbalance (nominal Busbar A > Current protections > Current Current unbalance
calc.) unbalance (nominal calc.) (nominal calc.)
Busbar A > Current protections > Directional
over-current 1
Directional over-current 1 Busbar A > Current protections > Directional
Directional over-current 2 over-current 2 Directional over-
Directional over-current 3 Busbar A > Current protections > Directional current
Directional over-current 4 over-current 3
Busbar A > Current protections > Directional
over-current 4
Busbar A > Current protections > Inverse time Inverse time over-
Inverse time over-current
over-current current
Busbar A > Current protections > Negative Negative sequence
Negative sequence current
sequence current current
Busbar A > Current protections > Zero sequence Zero sequence
Zero sequence current
current current
BUS TIE breaker alarm Configure > Parameters > General name
Busbar B over-voltage 1 Busbar B > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 1
Busbar over-voltage
Busbar B over-voltage 2 Busbar B > Voltage protections > Over-voltage 2
Busbar voltage
Busbar B voltage unbalance Busbar B > Voltage protections > Voltage unbalance
Busbar B > Frequency protections > Over-frequency
Busbar B over-frequency 1 1 Busbar over-
Busbar B over-frequency 2 Busbar B > Frequency protections > Over-frequency frequency
More information
See AC configuration and nominal settings for general information about the AC alarms.
Modbus is generally accepted as a standard communication protocol between intelligent industrial devices. This means that the
Modbus protocol is used as a standard method to represent and communicate data in intelligent industrial devices.
The controller includes a built-in Modbus TCP/IP slave. The Modbus TCP/IP slave allows external devices to communicate with the
controller using the Modbus TCP/IP communication protocol. For example:
• A PLC can request that specific data is read from the controller, such as the settings for the nominal AC configuration.
• A PLC can send commands to the controller using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol.
This document will only describe the information required to communicate with the controller using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol. For
more information about Modbus in general and the Modbus TCP/IP protocol, refer to the documentation freely available at http://
Refer to the Modbus tables, available for download at www.deif.com, to see how the controller data is mapped to the Modbus
NOTE All values in this chapter are decimal values, unless specifically stated that a value is hexadecimal.
14.1.2 Warnings
Cyber security
The DEIF controllers do not include a firewall or other Internet security measures.
It is the customer's own responsibility to protect the network. The controller provides no access restrictions (for example
group and user permissions) when accessed through Modbus TCP. If the controllers are connected to a network
connection outside of the controller network, the controller can be accessed and configured through Modbus TCP by
anyone connected to the network.
The controller uses the Modbus TCP protocol to communicate with an external device over the Modbus network and through the
internet. The communication protocol uses static IPv4 addresses to send information. Dynamic IPv4 addresses (created by a
dynamic host configuration protocol server (DHCP server)) and IPv6 addresses are not supported by the controller for Modbus
communication purposes.
By default the controller uses port 502 (standard for Modbus TCP protocol) for TCP communication. Create a custom Modbus server
to use a different communication port.
The Modbus TCP protocol will always use the controller IPv4 address to identify the controller that the master wants to communicate
with. However, some Modbus communication tools will still require/automatically add a Modbus Slave ID, also known as a unit
identifier, for the unit that the server is communicating with. For these cases the controller accepts Modbus Slave IDs from 1 to 247.
This is the case for all ML 300 controllers in the network that communicate using the Modbus TCP protocol.
If two Modbus servers are enabled at the same time that use the same communication port, then a unique Modbus Slave ID must
be configured for each server.
Specific controller identifiers can be selected for the controller when you configure a custom server.
NOTE Always document and store changes that you make to the way that the controller interprets Modbus data.
Data format (endian)
To ensure that the correct data is retrieved from the controller, the request from the Modbus master must match the data format of
the selected address. The data format is configured in the Modbus server, and are applied to the Holding register and the Input
In general, the integer data (16-bit and 32-bit) that is accessed from the controller through Modbus TCP are signed integer values.
Data in the Holding register and Input register of the Modbus table is converted according to the conversion template selected for
that address. When data is read using Modbus, then the Formula is used to convert the Modbus data. When data is written using
Modbus, then the Reverse formula is used to convert the data into a form that can be stored in the Modbus protocol.
The parameter nominal power factor is assigned to an unused address in a custom Modbus protocol. The controller can
process inputs to the forth decimal value (for example, 0.8002) for the nominal power factor. To read and write values
correctly using Modbus a conversion template X * 10000 is assigned to the address. The Formula equal to x*10000 and a
Reverse formula equal to x*0.0001.
To write a value of 0.85 to the controller using Modbus, the value that should be written to the controller is:
Result = Reverse formula => Result = x * 0.0001 => 0.85 = x * 0.0001 => x = 8500
Refresh rate
Data stored in the Modbus addresses is refreshed at the following maximum rates:
This spreadsheet contains an overview of the other four spreadsheets. The information includes a
description of each function group listed in the tables spreadsheets.
You can read or write information to the addresses that are listed in this spreadsheet. Use Modbus function
Discrete output coil code 01 to read whether a coil is on or off. Use Modbus function code 05 or 15 to toggle the coil value.
Read-only addresses will return a 0 value if you try to write to them.
Discrete input You can only read information from the addresses that are listed in this spreadsheet. Use Modbus function
contact code 02 to read whether the contact is on or off.
You can read or write information to the addresses that are listed in this spreadsheet. Use Modbus function
Output holding code 03 to read the information stored at the requested Modbus address(es). Use Modbus function code 06
register or 16 to write information to the Modbus address(es). Read-only addresses will return a 0 value if you try to
write to them.
You can only read information from the addresses that are listed in this spreadsheet. Use Modbus function
Input register
code 04 to read the information stored at the requested Modbus address(es).
This spreadsheet contains an overview of texts associated to Modbus output values. This association is
Controller text
only available for selected Modbus addresses.
You can find the function group CustomLogic: Modbus signal in the Discrete output coil (01; 05; 15) and the Discrete input contact
(02) sheets of the Modbus table. The function group allows you to interact with the CustomLogic of the controller using Modbus.
When you read a value from these addresses, the controller will return a value to show if the flag for the signal is active (true, 1) or
not active (false, 0). When you write a value to the addresses in the Discrete output coil, the value stored in the address changes to
the new value.
NOTE You cannot write values to Modbus signals that have been assigned to coils in CustomLogic.
More information
See CustomLogic in the PICUS manual for how to assign a Modbus signal to CustomLogic elements.
How it works
You can find the function group Breaker priority: Buffered value in the Holding register of the Modbus table. The function group acts
as a temporary storage area for the breaker priority values that will be written to the controller using the function group Breaker
priority: Write values.
When you read a value from these addresses, the breaker priority that you want to assign to the breaker that is stored in the
address is returned to you. When you write a value to these addresses, the value is stored and ready to be written to the controller
when you activate Breaker priority: Write values.
Genset 1 connection Genset 2
Genset 3
In this example, it is assumed that the application single-line diagram was drawn by placing the components in the diagram in the
following order:
1. Genset 1
2. Shore connection
3. Bus tie breaker
4. Shaft generator
5. Genset 2
6. Emergency genset
This means that the breakers were assigned the values and priorities:
Genset 1 14001 0 1
Genset 2 14005 0 2
14006 0 0
Emergency genset
14007 0 0
The Modbus addresses are assigned to the breaker for the controller. This means an emergency genset always uses two Modbus
addresses for breaker priority, one for each breaker. The Modbus addresses are assigned to the components in the order that they
were inserted into the application single-line diagram. The Modbus address(es) assigned to a component will not change when the
controller ID changes.
Only genset breakers will be assigned a breaker priority value that is between 1 and 128. All other components and addresses
which are unassigned (for example 14008 in the example above) have a breaker priority value of 0. Both the breakers for an
emergency genset always have a breaker priority of 0. Breakers with a breaker priority of 0 assigned to them, cannot be changed.
If a component is removed from the application single-line diagram, the Modbus address becomes free and can be reassigned. The
breaker priorities are automatically reassigned for all the remaining components in the application single-line diagram. For example
if we remove Genset 1 and the emergency genset from the example above the table will look as follows:
- 14001 0 0
Genset 2 14005 0 1
- 14006 0 0
- 14007 0 0
If we add the emergency genset to the application single-line diagram and then add Genset 1, the table will look as follows:
Updated breaker priority values and Modbus addresses after adding components
Modbus address (Holding Breaker priority: Buffered
Component Breaker priority: Value
register and input register) value
Genset 2 14005 0 1
Genset 1 14007 0 2
The table above shows that the breakers are assigned the first open Modbus address in the Modbus table. This means that it is
possible for an emergency genset to have its breakers assigned to Modbus addresses that do not follow directly on one another.
Because Genset 1 has a higher Modbus address (14007) than Genset 2 (14005), by default it is assigned a lower priority than
Genset 2 after the change was made in the application single-line diagram.
When you want to change the breaker priorities by using Modbus, write the desired priority value to the Modbus address in the
function group Breaker priority: Buffered value. When you are satisfied with the breaker priorities, activate Breaker priorities: Write
values to write the values to the controller. Only values between 1 and 128 are accepted inputs for breaker priorities. Breakers that
already have a priority of 0 assigned to them, cannot be changed. You cannot write the breaker priorities to the controller if there are
duplicate non-zero entries in Breaker priority: Buffered value. The tables below show the results after new breaker priorities were
written to the buffered values, and after the buffered values were written to the controller.
Breaker priority values after writing new values to the buffer addresses
Modbus address (Holding Breaker priority: Buffered
Component Breaker priority: Value
register and input register) value
Genset 2 14005 2 1
Genset 1 14007 1 2
Genset 2 14005 2 2
Genset 1 14007 1 1
In order to communicate with a controller through Modbus TCP, the following conditions must be met:
• The device interfacing with the controller must be connected to one of the following:
◦ An Ethernet connection on the controller communication module (that is, PCM3.1).
◦ Another controller in the DEIF network.
• The controller must have a unique IPv4 address which is active.
• Modbus TCP communication software must be installed on the device communicating with the controller.
More information
See Wiring the communication in the Installation instructions for more information about how to wire the Ethernet
connection to the controller.
The controller activates this alarm if there are no Modbus requests within the delay time.
The descriptions may include references to hardware modules that are not supported by the controller type. The supported
hardware modules are listed in the Data sheet.
Technical specifications
More information
See the Data sheet for technical specifications for the hardware modules and terminals.
DU 300
The frame ground is required by classification societies. Among other things, it makes the equipment more robust, for example
against lightning.
Frame ground
The frame ground is connected to the power supply terminals through transient voltage suppression diodes (commonly
known as transorbs).
To protect the frame ground and power supply, no more than 36 V is allowed between the frame ground and the power
supply terminals.
DU 300
Frame ground
The frame ground is connected to the power supply terminals through transient voltage suppression diodes (commonly
known as transorbs).
In order to protect the frame ground and power supply, no more than 36 V allowed across the frame ground and the
power supply terminals.
Backup power
The DEIF equipment does not contain a backup power supply. The power supply source must therefore include the power backup
Start current
When the power supply is connected, the start current may briefly exceed the current that corresponds to the maximum power on
the data sheet.
For other types of power supply, for example, an AC-to-DC supply, the start current may be a problem. The minimum rating for the
power supply current limiter is therefore included on the data sheet.
Reverse polarity
The power supply is protected against reverse polarity. That is, if the power supply terminals are switched, the DEIF equipment will
not be damaged. However, the DEIF equipment will not be able to operate until the power supply has been connected correctly.
Diode compensation
Diode compensation is available in PSM3.1, PSM3.2, EIM3.1 and GAM3.2.
This corrects the power supply measurement values used for the supply voltage alarms.
Diode offset 0 to 1 V DC 0 V DC
Use this to compensate for a small decrease in voltage over the diode.
Supply 2 24 V DC
Supply 1 24 V DC
F1 F2
∆V = 0.7 V
23.3 V
0 V DC
0 V DC
Heat emission
For the heat emission from the equipment, use the maximum power consumption for the power supply (or power supplies).
The controller can use relay outputs for many purposes. Examples: Activate alarm devices, open and close breakers, and genset
speed and voltage regulation.
All relay outputs are configurable, except for PSM3.1 terminals 3,4 (Status OK), GAM3.2 terminals 14,15 (GAM3.2 1 Status OK),
and the DU 300 relays. A controller can have a number of relay outputs.
You can assign a digital output function or an alarm for a relay output.
You can also create customised digital output functions using CustomLogic, and assign a relay output.
Relay state
The relay state (whether it is open or closed) depends on the relay hardware, the coil state and the function (or alarm) state. The
following table shows how these combine to give the relay state.
The effect of the relay hardware, the coil state and the function (or alarm) state is also shown below under Coil state.
Relay hardware
The relay hardware can be normally open or normally closed. The relay hardware returns to its normal state when the controller has
no power. The relay hardware type is shown on the hardware module faceplate.
Coil state
You can configure the normal coil state in the display unit or PICUS. For input/output terminals, select Normally de-energised (the
default) or Normally energised for the Coil state.
(1) Function
1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The controller
software activates the function. For example: Breakers > [Breaker] >
(2) Coil
Command > [*B] Close.
2. Coil: The controller energises the relay coil when the function is activated.
3. Normally open circuit: The normally open circuit closes when the coil is
(3) NO circuit
(1) Function
1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The controller
software activates the function. For example: Breakers > [Breaker] >
(2) Coil
Command > [*B] Close.
2. Coil: The controller de-energises the relay coil when the function is activated.
3. Normally open circuit: The normally open circuit opens when the coil is de-
(3) NO circuit
(1) Function
(2) Coil 1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The controller
software activates the function. For example: Breakers > [Breaker] >
Command > [*B] Close.
(3) NO circuit 2. Coil: The controller energises the relay coil when the function is activated.
3. Normally open circuit: The normally open circuit closes when the coil is
(4) NC circuit 4. Normally closed circuit: The normally closed circuit opens when the coil is
(1) Function
(2) Coil 1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The controller
software activates the function. For example: Breakers > [Breaker] >
Command > [*B] Close.
(3) NO circuit 2. Coil: The controller de-energises the relay coil when the function is activated.
3. Normally open circuit: The normally open circuit opens when the coil is de-
(4) NC circuit 4. Normally closed circuit: The normally closed circuit closes when the coil is
The digital input is a bi-directional input. The wiring to the input and common terminals may be changed around without affecting its
Each group of digital inputs (that is, each group of digital inputs that share a common terminal) must share the same reference
polarity (high or low). However, different groups of digital input terminals can have different reference polarities.
In general, the controller activates the associated digital input function for a HIGH digital input. However, for the Emergency stop
safety function, the controller activates the digital input function for a LOW digital input.
All digital inputs are configurable. A controller can have a number of digital inputs.
For each digital input, you can assign digital input function(s) and/or configure an alarm.
You can also create responses to digital inputs using CustomLogic. You can also activate some digital input functions using a
Modbus command.
To see certain digital input functions, you must include the corresponding equipment in the single-line diagram.
Controller operation
Some of the digital input functions are only applicable in certain controller modes. If the controller is in another mode, it ignores the
digital input.
The controller can use an analogue input to receive operating data. The controller can also activate alarms based on the analogue
You can assign one (or more) of the controller's analogue input functions to the input. You can only select functions that use the
same units.
Alternatively, if you want to use the analogue input as a supervised binary input, you can assign one (or more) of the controller's
digital input functions to the input.
The sensor setup requires a curve. The curve allows the controller to convert the analogue input to the selected function's value.
You can select a previously customised curve, select a pre-configured curve, or customise a curve.
Pt100 or Pt1000
If you choose a Pt100 pre-configured curve, for the sensor output you must select Pt100 ohm.
If you choose a Pt1000 pre-configured curve, for the sensor output you must select Pt1000 ohm.
Sensor failure
You can configure customised alarms for sensor failure. The Below range alarm is activated when the analogue input is below the
specified value. Similarly, the Above range alarm is activated when the analogue input is above the specified value.
Use an analogue input curve to define the supervised binary input. As shown in the examples, for the supervised binary input the
curve is a step function. That is, the curve consists of a horizontal line (with the value 0 or 1), a vertical line (the point where the
curve changes), and another horizontal line (with the value 1 or 0).
If the sensor output corresponds to the change point, the controller uses the last point specified in the curve. For the Supervised
GB short circuit example, if the sensor output is exactly 150 Ω, then the function input is 0.
To avoid instability, configure the curve so that the change point is far away from the input closed and open values.
If the analogue input measurement corresponds to a function input that is not zero, then the controller uses one as the function
The designer creates the following wiring for a GB short circuit digital input:
COM GB short
200 Ω
50 Ω
When the GB short circuit is open, the circuit has a resistance of around 200 Ω. When the GB short circuit is closed, the
circuit has a resistance of around 40 Ω (the combined resistance of the 50 Ω and 200 Ω resistors in parallel).
If the GB short circuit digital input is activated, the controller activates the GB short circuit alarm.
The designer creates the following wiring for an Emergency stop digital input:
COM Emergency
300 Ω
100 Ω
When the Emergency stop is closed, the circuit has a resistance of around 75 Ω (the combined resistance of the 100 Ω
and 300 Ω resistors in parallel). When the Emergency stop is open, the circuit has a resistance of around 300 Ω.
The Emergency stop function requires that the digital input is normally activated. If the Emergency stop digital input is not
activated, the controller activates the Emergency stop alarm.
The designer therefore configures a customised function curve with an output of 0 up to 200 Ω, and an output of 1 above
200 Ω. The short circuit sensor failure is below 10 Ω. The wire break sensor failure is above 325 Ω.
You can configure any number of alarms for an analogue input. However, you cannot exceed the maximum number of customised
alarms for the controller.
IOM3.2 (PWM)
GAM3.1 (PWM)
GAM3.2 (PWM)
More information
See the Data sheet for the technical specifications for each module terminal and connection.
An analogue output (AO) can be used for regulation (for example, governor regulation or AVR regulation). Alternatively, the AO can
be used to output operating data to provide a reading on a switchboard instrument.
You can select a previously customised curve, select a pre-configured curve, or customise a curve.
The customer has a 1 MW genset, and wants to display the power from the genset on the switchboard. He uses a DEIF
DQ-96x with a scale from -100 to 1500 kW.
The designer creates the following wiring for a Generator > Power (P) > Generator | Total [kW] analogue
The designer configures a customised function curve with an output of 4 mA for -100 kW, and 20 mA for 1500 kW.
You can configure an analogue output with a function for the power supply voltage. The controller then adjusts the analogue output
to reflect the operating value.
Analogue output
Function I/O Units Details
An analogue output with the power supply voltage may be wired to a switchboard instrument to help the operator.
The first relay output (terminals 3,4) on PSM3.1 is reserved for the Status OK function. You cannot change the function for this relay.
The two other relay outputs on PSM3.1 are configurable (that is, terminals 5,6 and terminals 7,8 can be assigned any function).
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration.
The controllers communicate with their extension units using the Ethernet cables and the internal communication ports (OUT and IN,
marked with a red border on the PSM3.1 and PSM3.2). This is type of communication is referred to as Internal communication.
For communication redundancy, the extension units can be connected in a ring. If there is a disruption or failure, the DEIF
proprietary ring protocol changes the communication path within 100 milliseconds.
The order that the extension units are wired, determines in which order they appear in the software. The controller the extension
units are connected to is always the first unit in the order.
NOTE Extension racks must be powered off when exchanging or re-connecting to another controller. If the extension rack is not
powered off, there could be unintended actions from the rack modules.
Internal communication restrictions
• Up to five extension units can be connected to each other in each network chain or ring.
• Only Network chain or Network ring controller configurations are supported.
◦ Do not connect switches or other non-DEIF network equipment as part of the network chain or ring.
• The Ethernet cables must not be longer than 100 metres, point-to-point.
• The Ethernet cables must meet or exceed the SF/UTP CAT5e specification.
Factory settings
The hardware configuration for each controller is created in the factory. If the hardware is changed, the controller activates a
Fieldbus conflict alarm. The controller hardware configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
When a new extension rack is connected, the controller always activates a Fieldbus conflict alarm. The extension rack hardware
configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
More information
See EtherCAT connections in the Installation instructions for network topology examples and how you can wire the
You can configure an analogue output with a function for the power supply voltage. The controller then adjusts the analogue output
to reflect the operating value.
Analogue output
Function I/O Units Details
An analogue output with the power supply voltage may be wired to a switchboard instrument to help the operator.
The first relay output (terminals 3,4) on PSM3.2 is reserved for the Status OK function. You cannot change the function for this relay.
The two other relay outputs on PSM3.2 are configurable (that is, terminals 5,6 and terminals 7,8 can be assigned any function).
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration.
The controllers communicate with their extension units using the Ethernet cables and the internal communication ports (OUT and IN,
marked with a red border on the PSM3.1 and PSM3.2). This is type of communication is referred to as Internal communication.
For communication redundancy, the extension units can be connected in a ring. If there is a disruption or failure, the DEIF
proprietary ring protocol changes the communication path within 100 milliseconds.
The order that the extension units are wired, determines in which order they appear in the software. The controller the extension
units are connected to is always the first unit in the order.
NOTE Extension racks must be powered off when exchanging or re-connecting to another controller. If the extension rack is not
powered off, there could be unintended actions from the rack modules.
Internal communication restrictions
• Up to five extension units can be connected to each other in each network chain or ring.
• Only Network chain or Network ring controller configurations are supported.
◦ Do not connect switches or other non-DEIF network equipment as part of the network chain or ring.
• The Ethernet cables must not be longer than 100 metres, point-to-point.
• The Ethernet cables must meet or exceed the SF/UTP CAT5e specification.
Factory settings
The hardware configuration for each controller is created in the factory. If the hardware is changed, the controller activates a
Fieldbus conflict alarm. The controller hardware configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
When a new extension rack is connected, the controller always activates a Fieldbus conflict alarm. The extension rack hardware
configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
More information
See EtherCAT connections in the Installation instructions for network topology examples and how you can wire the
The ACM has two sets of terminals for voltage measurement. The first set of terminals (1 to 4) measures the voltage on the busbar.
The second set of terminals (5 to 8) measures the voltage from the source. The ACM uses these measurements for logging, alarms
and protective functions. For power functions, the second set of voltage measurements (terminals 5 to 7) and the current
measurements (terminals 9 to 14) from the ACM are used together.
The ACM measures the current, then uses these measurements for logging, alarms and protective functions. For power functions,
the second set of voltage measurements (terminals 5 to 7) and the current measurements (terminals 9 to 14) from the ACM are
used together.
You do not have to connect and measure the 4th current input (terminals 15,16). You can measure the neutral line, the earth current
or a custom current with the 4th current input.
The ACM3.2 has two sets of terminals for current measurement. The first set of terminals (1 to 6) measures the current at the
consumer side of the generator. The second set of terminals (7 to 12) measures the current at the neutral side of the generator. The
ACM3.2 uses these measurements for logging, alarms and protective functions relating to differential current protection in the
The relay hardware can be normally open or normally closed. The relay hardware returns to its normal state when the controller has
no power. The relay hardware type is shown on the hardware module faceplate.
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration for standard changeover relay characteristics.
IOM3.1 has 10 digital inputs on terminals 13 to 22, with a common on terminal 23.
More information
See Digital input characteristics and configuration .
IOM3.2 has 4 relay outputs on terminals 1 to 2, 3 to 4, 5 to 6, 7 to 8. Default state for all relay outputs is normally open.
The relay hardware can be normally open or normally closed. The relay hardware returns to its normal state when the controller has
no power. The relay hardware type is shown on the hardware module faceplate.
More information
See the IOM3.2 wiring in the Installation instructions for the relay wiring.
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration for standard relay output characteristics.
IOM3.2 has 4 analogue multifunctional outputs on terminals 9 to 10, 11 to 12, 13 to 14, 15 to 16. Terminals 9 to 10 and 11 to 12 can
also be used as pulse width modulation (PWM) outputs.
The analogue outputs are active, that is, they have their own power supply, and they must not be connected to an external supply.
Using a configured or selected output curve, the controller converts the operating value to the corresponding current (-25 to 25 mA)
or voltage (-10 to 10 V).
More information
See the IOM3.2 wiring in the Installation instructions for the different wiring possibilities and how to connect these to the
More information
See Analogue output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
IOM3.2 has 4 digital inputs on terminals 17 to 20, with a common on terminal 21.
More information
See Digital input characteristics and configuration .
IOM3.2 has 4 analogue multifunctional inputs on terminals 22 to 23, 24 to 25, 26 to 27, 28 to 29.
The I/O configuration determines whether the input is current or resistance. For resistance, the I/O configuration also determines the
type of resistance input. Using a configured or selected input curve, the controller converts the input to a corresponding value. You
can also configure the input to activate functions and/or alarms.
More information
See the IOM3.2 wiring in the Installation instructions for the different wiring possibilities and how to connect these to the
More information
See Analogue input characteristics and configuration for general analogue input characteristics.
IOM3.3 has 10 analogue multifunctional inputs on terminals 1 to 3, 4 to 6, 7 to 9, 10 to 12, 13 to 15, 16 to 18, 19 to 21, 22 to 24, 25
to 27, and 28 to 30.
The I/O configuration determines whether the input is current or resistance. For resistance, the I/O configuration also determines the
type of resistance input. Using a configured or selected input curve, the controller converts the input to a corresponding value. You
can also configure the input to activate functions and/or alarms.
More information
See the IOM3.3 wiring in the Installation instructions for the different wiring possibilities and how to connect these to the
More information
See Analogue input characteristics and configuration for general analogue input characteristics.
The controller can use transistor outputs for many purposes. Examples: Activate alarm devices, open and close breakers, and
genset speed and voltage regulation.
All transistor outputs are configurable. You can assign a digital output function, or configure one alarm, for a transistor output.
You can also create customised digital output functions using CustomLogic, and assign a transistor output.
To see certain digital output functions, you must include the corresponding equipment in the single-line diagram.
Transistor state
The transistor hardware itself is normally open. The transistor output state (whether it is open or closed) depends on the
configuration in software and the function (or alarm) state. The following table shows how these combine to give the transistor state.
Configured state
You can configure the normal transistor state in software in the display unit or PICUS. For the terminals, select Normally de-
energised (the default) or Normally energised for the Coil state.
(1) Function 1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The
controller software activates the function. For example: Breakers >
[Breaker] > Command > [*B] Close.
2. Transistor: The controller closes the transistor when the function is
(2) Transistor
(1) Function 1. Function: The digital output function assigned to the terminals. The
controller software activates the function. For example: Breakers >
[Breaker] > Command > [*B] Close.
2. Transistor: The controller opens the transistor when the function is
(2) Transistor
IOM3.4 has 2 groups of 8 digital inputs, a total of 16 digital inputs. The first group is terminals 15 to 22, with a common on terminal
23. The second group is terminals 24 to 31, with a common on terminal 32. The groups are not connected to each other.
More information
See Digital input characteristics and configuration .
If the EIM power supply fails or is not connected, the PSM will supply power to the EIM. If the PSM power supply fails, the EIM will
run on its independent power supply. However, the EIM will not supply power to the PSM.
More information
See Power supply characteristics.
You can configure an analogue output with a function for the auxiliary power supply voltage. The controller then adjusts the
analogue output to reflect the operating value.
Analogue output
Function IO Units Details
An analogue output with the power supply voltage may be wired to a switchboard instrument. The operator can then see if the
auxiliary power supply fails.
The magnetic pickup unit (MPU) input can be
used for an MPU input. This input can be
useful during startup, when the generator
frequency is too low to be a reliable indication
of genset speed.
By default, the MPU input is used as a backup Time
running detection. However, the MPU input [s]
can be used as the primary running detection.
The MPU input measures the number of pulses as metal teeth on the flywheel pass the detector. It is therefore important to
configure the number of teeth correctly, since engine speed (RPM) = pulses per minute / (number of teeth).
More information
See Running detection under GENSET controller principles for the parameter to configure the number of teeth for the
The W input is a signal from one of the Figure 15.3 W voltage-time graph
phases of the generator, or from an NPN/
PNP. This input can be useful during
startup, when the generator frequency is Voltage
too low to be a reliable indication of genset [V]
By default, the W input is used as a backup Time
running detection. However, the W input [s]
can be used as the primary running
The W input is an oscillating signal. Use the generator gear ratio and the number of fields in the generator to configure a "number of
teeth" to convert the wave to the engine speed.
More information
See Running detection under GENSET controller principles for the parameter to configure the number of teeth.
Notes on a W input
The engine speed calculated from the W input can differ from the actual engine speed. The accuracy depends on the genset design
and is producer-specific.
This analogue input can be configured as either current (0 to 25 mA) or resistance (0 to 2500 ohm). Using a configured or selected
input curve, the controller converts the input to a corresponding value. You can also configure the input to activate functions and/or
Maximum voltage
This input is protected against voltages higher than 2.5 V. At higher voltages, the measurement circuit is shut off and gives an error
reading. However, if the maximum voltage in the Data sheet is exceeded (that is, 36 V), then this input or the equipment may be
Current input
The current input may be either active or passive, and a combination of active and passive inputs may be used.
Resistance input
The resistance inputs are always passive inputs. The controller sends a small current through the external equipment and measures
the resistance.
There is no software compensation for the wire length to the resistance input. Create a custom curve for the analogue input to adjust
for errors due to wire length.
If you use a resistance input as a supervised binary input, then the maximum circuit resistance is 330 Ω.
More information
See the Installation instructions for information about wiring details.
There is one relay with wire break detection on EIM3.1, that is, terminals 9,10.
More information
See Relay output with wire break detection in the Installation instructions for examples of relay wiring and more
information about the wire break detection current.
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration.
The EIM3.1 can operate in standalone mode, where it can act as a hot standby shutdown unit in case the application should be not
capable of handling the engine shutdown. The EIM runs in one of two possible modes.
Not enabled : The EIM operates in Passive mode and the application
controls alarms and actions.
Not enabled,
Enable Not enabled
Enabled : The EIM operates in Active mode and controls alarms and
In active mode, the EIM takes over the function of performing the necessary actions for any alarm conditions that might occur. These
actions are pre-configured and stored in the EIM module so that it can enter standalone mode directly from start-up. The EIM does
not know what the individual alarms indicate. It only knows the input, set point and timer delay associated with each alarm and then
During active standalone mode the EIM can evaluate and action both inhibit and shutdown override inputs. These must already
have been configured and wired to the EIM module. If the communication with the EtherCAT master and application is restored and
no engine shutdown is currently active, the EIM returns the control back to the application.
1. 2.
Yes Yes
expired? No
override ALARM
enabled? No
override ALARM
enabled? No
Any alarms configured with the fail class shutdown are used on the first EIM3.1 hardware module:
• Relay 4 supervision
• Emergency stop
• Digital and analogue custom alarms
• Above alarms on inputs
• Below alarms on inputs
• Oil pressure alarms
• Oil temperature alarms
• Coolant temperature alarms
• Coolant level alarms
• Under speed alarms
• Over speed alarms
• MPU wirebreak detection
Oil pressure 2 1.0 bar Trip generator breaker and shutdown engine
Shutdown sequences
The shutdown sequence can be configured with or without a manual reset. The shutdown sequence with manual reset, which must
be both configured and operated before the shutdown is completed.
The manual reset is configured by using the parameter Engine > Safety shutdown > Keep stop coil active (see
It is important to remember that with a manual reset configured, the EIM must have a manual reset in order to complete the
sequence. If no manual reset occurs the engine remains stopped and can only be restarted by power cycling.
Running Shutdown
feedback? No
stop timer
reset? No
Alarm Notes
Number of configured stand-alone alarms Activates if more than 23 alarms have been configured. Above and below using 2
is too high alarms.
Activates if the shutdown has been executed by EIM3.1 hadware module, and
EIM3.1 safety shutdown still has control manual reset is not set high after, or if an alarm is running then application is started
up again.
EIM3.1 safety shutdown configuration is not Activates if the required configuration for active standalone is not correct. See
correct Required configuration for Active standalone mode above.
The analogue outputs are active, that is, they have their own power supply, and they must not be connected to an external supply.
Using a configured or selected output curve, the controller converts the regulation output or operating data to the corresponding
current (-25 to 25 mA) or voltage (-10 to 10 V).
More information
See Analogue output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
The pulse width modulation (PWM) output is a regulation output for low power circuits. It may be used to regulate an electronic
engine, but not an actuator.
The PWM output (0 to 100 %) is configured as a curve, in the same way as the other analogue outputs.
More information
See Analogue output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
Duty cycles
The PWM uses duty cycles for its output. The PWM frequency determines the cycle length. One cycle is therefore 1/500 Hz = 0.002
seconds long, ±10 %. The following table illustrates the output for various duty cycles.
Voltage Cycle
100 %
0.002 0.004 time [s]
Voltage Cycle
50 %
0.002 0.004 time [s]
Voltage Cycle
12.5 %
0.002 0.004 0.006 time [s]
This analogue input can be configured as either current (0 to 24 mA) or voltage (-10 to 10 V). Using a configured or selected input
curve, the controller converts the input to a corresponding value. You can also configure the input to activate functions and/or
More information
See Analogue input characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
Galvanic connection
The two analogue inputs on GAM3.1 are galvanically connected. You therefore cannot use the analogue inputs on GAM3.1 in series
with each other (for example, for a back-up measurement).
If you need two analogue inputs in series, you can use an analogue input on another hardware module in series with an analogue
input on GAM3.1 (since the hardware modules are galvanically isolated from each other).
Current input
The current input may be either active or passive, and a combination of active and passive inputs may be used.
More information
See the Installation instructions for more information about the current input wiring.
The analogue outputs are active, that is, they have their own power supply, and they must not be connected to an external supply.
Using a configured or selected output curve, the controller converts the regulation output or operating data to the corresponding
current (-25 to 25 mA) or voltage (-10 to 10 V).
More information
See Analogue output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
The pulse width modulation (PWM) output is a regulation output for low power circuits. It may be used to regulate an electronic
engine, but not an actuator.
The PWM output (0 to 100 %) is configured as a curve, in the same way as the other analogue outputs.
More information
See Analogue output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
Duty cycles
The PWM uses duty cycles for its output. The PWM frequency determines the cycle length. One cycle is therefore 1/500 Hz = 0.002
seconds long, ±10 %. The following table illustrates the output for various duty cycles.
Voltage Cycle
100 %
0.002 0.004 time [s]
Voltage Cycle
50 %
0.002 0.004 time [s]
Voltage Cycle
12.5 %
0.002 0.004 0.006 time [s]
The first relay output (terminals 14,15) on GAM3.2 is reserved for the Status OK function. You cannot change the function for this
The four other relay outputs on GAM3.2 are configurable (that is, terminals 16,17; 18,19; 20,21; and 22,23 can be assigned any
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
PCM3.1 includes an internal battery for timekeeping during a power supply failure. If there is no power supplied to the controller or
the PCM module, the controller uses the battery power for its internal clock.
During normal operation, the controller power supply powers the internal clock.
If both the power supply and clock battery fail, the controller internal clock time is lost.
If the clock battery fails, there is a PCM clock battery failure alarm.
More information
See Hardware, Controller hardware, Processor and communication module PCM3.1 in the Data sheet for more
information about the type of battery.
More information
See Maintenance, PCM3.1 internal battery, Changing the battery in the Operator's manual for information about
changing the battery.
You cannot change the relay configuration. The relay is always energised when the communication is OK.
More information
See Relay output characteristics and configuration for the general characteristics.
The controllers communicate with each other to manage the system over the DEIF Ethernet network. Controllers are connected
together in a network with Ethernet cables.
Controllers must only be connected with Network chain or Network ring configuration. Do not include display units or other
equipment in the chain or ring.
Connect the controller in a Network ring configuration for communication redundancy. If there is a disruption or failure to one of the
connections, the DEIF proprietary ring protocol changes the communication path within 100 milliseconds.
You can use either the Display or PICUS to configure the controller rack communication. You must use the Display to configure the
display specific IP address settings. Changes to communication settings require a
A new controller has a default Controller ID of 0 (zero). You must configure the ID to the required ID number, otherwise an alarm
occurs. The controller ID must be the same as on the application single-line diagram.
Power cycle
The controller or display must be powered off and powered on for communication changes to apply.
This must be done by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in accessing the power supply or
installation design. Take extreme care in the enclosure next to the ACM terminals. The controllers must not be in
operation and the controlled breakers must be open.
More information
See PCM3.1 network connections in the Installation instructions for topology examples.
Category Details
• Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6, Auto), or Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4, Static)
◦ IPv6 is used by default until Static is specified as the IP address mode
• Up to 32 controllers per system
• Configure and optionally restrict Ethernet ports 1 to 5 on PCM3.1 module.
NOTE * The range of addresses that you can actually use depends on your network design. If you select Static, then you must
give the controller a unique IPv4 address. In addition, some addresses in this range are reserved.
The controller must be powered off and powered on again for changes to these settings to take effect.
Automatic :
• The port automatically detects the type of device or connection.
Standard (sub-ring):
• Allows only interconnection between ML 300 controllers.
• Automatic
• Standard (sub-ring)
Interconnection (major ring):
• Interconnection (major
Port 1 to 5 Automatic • Select to specify the port as part of a major ring.
• External network/PICUS
• Disabled * External network/PICUS:
• Select to specify external network (Modbus, external switch,
utility software, etc. ) or PICUS utility software.
• Select to stop any Ethernet communication on the port.
NOTE * You cannot configure all Ethernet ports as Disabled. At least one Ethernet port must remain configured.
NOTE * The range of addresses that you can actually use depends on your network design. If you select Static, then you must
give the display a unique IPv4 address. In addition, some addresses in this range are reserved.
More information
See Communication in the Operator's manual for how to configure communication from the display.
15.15.6 Restrictions
Marine applications
For marine applications, you must use a marine-approved managed switch to connect the DEIF network to your own
network. The switch must support and be enabled for Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), otherwise there will be a
network failure.
The controllers communicate with their extension units using the Ethernet cables and the internal communication ports (OUT and IN,
marked with a red border on the PSM3.1 and PSM3.2). This is type of communication is referred to as Internal communication.
For communication redundancy, the extension units can be connected in a ring. If there is a disruption or failure, the DEIF
proprietary ring protocol changes the communication path within 100 milliseconds.
The order that the extension units are wired, determines in which order they appear in the software. The controller the extension
units are connected to is always the first unit in the order.
NOTE Extension racks must be powered off when exchanging or re-connecting to another controller. If the extension rack is not
powered off, there could be unintended actions from the rack modules.
Internal communication restrictions
• Up to five extension units can be connected to each other in each network chain or ring.
• Only Network chain or Network ring controller configurations are supported.
◦ Do not connect switches or other non-DEIF network equipment as part of the network chain or ring.
• The Ethernet cables must not be longer than 100 metres, point-to-point.
• The Ethernet cables must meet or exceed the SF/UTP CAT5e specification.
Factory settings
The hardware configuration for each controller is created in the factory. If the hardware is changed, the controller activates a
Fieldbus conflict alarm. The controller hardware configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
When a new extension rack is connected, the controller always activates a Fieldbus conflict alarm. The extension rack hardware
configuration must be confirmed in PICUS.
Action The pre-defined set of actions that an alarm initiates. Also known as fail class.
The number of alarms that can be assigned to an operating value. For example, the
Alarm levels
Over-current protection by default has two alarm levels.
Alarm monitoring Third party equipment used to monitor the controller system's alarms, for example, by
system using Modbus TCP/IP communication.
Alternating current AC
Alternating current A replaceable PCB with voltage and current measurement inputs. Used in the DEIF
module 3.1 controller.
American National
Standards Institute
American wire gauge AWG A standardised wire gauge system, also known as the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge.
Terminals on a controller hardware module that the controller uses to send an analogue
output. The analogue output type and range are typically selected during commissioning
Analogue output AO
from a list of pre-configured voltage and current output ranges. A pre-configured
analogue output function can also be assigned to the output.
Automatic voltage Regulates the genset voltage. The AVR is external equipment. The AVR can have a
regulator fixed voltage set point. Alternatively, the DEIF controller can control the AVR.
The generator supplies a constant load. For GENSET controllers, configure the
Base load
asymmetric load sharing parameters to have a base load from a specific genset.
The wiring to a controller's digital input and common terminals may be swapped around
Bi-directional input
without affecting the input's operation.
The busbar voltage is less than 10 % of the nominal voltage, and all generator breakers
are open.
A hardware module that consists of only a module faceplate. These are installed over
Blind module
empty slots, to protect the controller electronics.
A mechanical switching device that closes to connect power sources to the busbar, or to
Breaker connect busbar sections. The breaker opens to disconnect the power sources or to split
the busbar.
The copper conductors which connect the power sources to the power consumers.
Represented on the single-line diagram as the line that connects all the power sources
Busbar and power consumers. If the bus tie breaker is open, there are two separate and
independent busbar sections. Similarly, if the bus tie breaker is closed, there is only one
The busbar side of the breaker. For a SHORE connection controller, this is the ship
busbar. For a BUS TIE breaker controller, this is Busbar B.
Physically disconnects two main busbars from each other, so that they operate as two
Bus tie breaker BTB separate (split) busbars. Also reconnects split busbars so that they operate as one
busbar. A BUS TIE breaker controller can control a bus tie breaker.
BUS TIE breaker Controls and protects a bus tie breaker. The controller ensures that the two busbars are
controller synchronised before closing the bus tie breaker.
Canadian Electrical A standard published for the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment in
Code Canada.
The careful and systematic process that takes place after installation and before the
Commissioning system is handed over to the operator. Commissioning must include checking and
adjusting the controller.
This is generally connected to either a power source, or the supply return. See the
Common terminal COM
wiring examples for more information.
Assigning input and output functions to terminals, and setting parameters, so that the
Configuration controller is suitable for the application where it is installed. Configuration also refers to
the arrangement of hardware and wiring.
The product meets the legal requirements described in the applicable directive(s). All
CE products with CE marking have free access to markets in the European Economic Area
DEIF equipment that measures system conditions and then uses outputs to make the
system respond appropriately.
A transformer for a current measurement, so that the current at the controller is within
Current transformer CT
the controller's specifications.
The ladder logic system included in the controller software, which can be configured for
customised responses to measured or calculated values.
Differential current A replaceable PCB with current measurement inputs on consumer and neutral sides.
module Used in the DEIF controller.
Terminals on a controller hardware module that the controller uses to measure a digital
Digital input DI
input. A pre-configured digital input function or alarm can be assigned to the input.
Terminals on a controller hardware module that the controller uses to send a digital
Digital output DO
output. A pre-configured digital output function can be assigned to the output.
Direct current DC
Electromagnetic The radiation emitted by the equipment as well as radiation that can affect the
interference performance of equipment.
A controller test environment, accessible from PICUS, that does not require live AC
power. A virtual operation mode, to simulate the effect of various real world actions.
Endian refers to how the order of bytes in a multi-byte value is perceived or acted upon.
Endian It is the system of ordering the individual elements in a digital word in a computer’s
memory as well as describing the order of transmission of byte data over a digital link.
Engine interface A replaceable PCB, with its own power supply. This module includes 4 relay outputs, 4
module 3.1 digital inputs, an MPU and W input, and 3 analogue inputs.
Software that is installed in the controller. This software enables the controller to:
Firmware process inputs and outputs, display operating data, keep track of the equipment status,
and so on.
The breaker between a generator (for example, a genset) and the busbar. The GENSET
Generator breaker GB
and EMERGENCY genset controllers can control a generator breaker.
Generator tacho A generator tacho measurement. This can be used as a backup measurement for
(measurement/output) generator speed.
Controls and protects a genset. This includes control of the generator breaker. The
GENSET controller Power Management System can automatically start and stop gensets to ensure that the
required power is available.
A replaceable PCB, which includes load sharing capability. This module also includes 4
Governor and AVR
GAM3.1 relay outputs, 2 analogue current or voltage outputs, a pulse width modulation output,
module 3.1
and 2 analogue current or voltage inputs.
Governor and AVR A replaceable PCB with its own power supply, two analogue outputs, a pulse width
module 3.2 modulation output, five digital inputs, a status relay output, and four relay outputs.
A connection between the equipment and earth. For marine applications, a ground is a
connection to the ship's frame.
The controller's digital output(s) that can be connected to a horn, a siren, lights, or other
Horn output
equipment. This alerts the operator that one or more alarms are activated.
HYBRID controller Controls and protects an inverter with battery energy storage and the inverter breaker.
Hysteresis An offset added to prevent rapid switching when a value is near the control point.
Ingress Protection
The degree of protection against solids and water provided by mechanical casings and
Rating, or International IP
electrical enclosures.
Protection Rating
A pre-defined condition that inhibits the alarm action. For example, for the inhibit ACM
wire break, if the controller detects a wire break on the voltage measurements, the
voltage unbalance alarm is prevented from occurring. Inhibited alarms are not shown in
the alarm display.
Input output module A replaceable PCB, with 4 relay outputs, 4 analogue multifunctional outputs, 4 digital
3.2 inputs, and 4 analogue multifunctional inputs.
Institute of Electrical
and Electronics IEEE
Association of
Electrotechnical IEC
Organization for ISO
Internet Protocol A protocol for communication across networks. IPv4 currently routes the most traffic on
version 4 the Internet, but will gradually be replaced by IPv6.
Internet Protocol A protocol for communication across networks. Among other things, IPv6 has a much
version 6 larger address space than IPv4.
Inverter Equipment that changes the direct current to alternating current for the busbar.
An extra layer of protection that keeps the alarm action activated. When the alarm is not
active and acknowledged, it can be unlatched.
Light emitting diode LED Used to show the controller and equipment status and alarms.
The screen of the display unit. The information displayed varies, depending on the
Liquid crystal display LCD
controller mode, the equipment operation and the operator input.
The controllers adjust the gensets so that each genset supplies the right amount of the
Load sharing total power. For equal load sharing, each genset supplies the same proportion of its
nominal power.
A controller operating mode. Operator commands using the display unit push-buttons
Local control LOCAL (for example, close breaker) start pre-programmed sequences in the controller. Remote
commands are ignored.
Measures the genset speed (that is, RPM). This sensor is normally located at the genset
Magnetic pickup MPU
A standardised, replaceable printed circuit board that is mounted in the rack. For
example, PSM3.1 is a hardware module that supplies power to the rest of the rack.
Multi-line 300 ML 300 A DEIF product platform. PPM 300 is part of ML 300.
All controllers perform all the power management calculations, based on shared
Multi-master system
Square brackets show that the name inside the square bracket must be adapted
Name [] according to the controller type. For example, for a GENSET controller, [Source] is
National Electrical A standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment in the United
Code States.
An Ethernet connection topology where the controllers are connected in a line, and the
Network ring
last controller is connected back to the first.
Network chain An Ethernet connection topology where the controllers are connected in a line.
The expected voltage and frequency for the system, and each power source's maximum
Nominal setting nom or NOM load and current. Many of the controller's alarms are based on percentages of the
nominal settings.
A load that is not critical to the system. These may be disconnected by the controller in
Non-essential load NEL
the event of over-load, over-current, or busbar under-current.
Hash represents a number. The description is the same for each item in the range. For
Number #
example, "Controller ID #" represents any of the possible controller IDs.
Oil pressure OP
The time that the controller takes to measure, calculate, and change the controller
Operate time output. For each alarm, the reaction time is based on the minimum setting for the time
A state that an alarm can be assigned to by an operator. Out of service alarms are
Out of service inactive alarms. Out of service alarms do not automatically return to service and require
operator action.
A value, or set point, used to determine the controller's operation. Parameters include
Parameter nominal values, the configuration options for the configurable inputs and outputs, and
alarm settings.
Personal computer PC Used to run the PICUS software. For example, a laptop computer.
The power line for one phase of a three-phase electrical system. Corresponds to R in
Germany, Red in the UK and Pacific, Red in New Zealand, Black in the USA, and U on
Phase L1 L1
electrical machine terminals. The above colour codes are for guidance only. If uncertain
perform a phase measurement.
The power line for one phase of a three-phase electrical system. Corresponds to S in
Germany, Yellow in the UK and Pacific, White in New Zealand, Red in the USA, and V
Phase L2 L2
on electrical machine terminals. The above colour codes are for guidance only. If
uncertain perform a phase measurement.
The power line for one phase of a three-phase electrical system. Corresponds to T in
Germany, Blue in the UK and Pacific, Blue in New Zealand, Blue in the USA, and W on
Phase L3 L3
electrical machine terminals. The above colour codes are for guidance only. If uncertain
perform a phase measurement.
Power supply module A replaceable PCB that powers the controller. This module includes three relay outputs
3.1 for status signals. Used in the DEIF controller.
Power take home PTH The shaft generator is used as a motor to drive the ship's propellor.
A mode only on the HYBRID controller where power is taken in to the inverter which
Power take in PTI
charges the power source.
A mode only on the HYBRID controller where power is taken out from the inverter which
Power take off PTO
discharges the power source.
Processor and
A replaceable PCB, which contains the controller processor, as well as the CAN bus
communication PCM3.1
connections and Ethernet communication connections. Used in the DEIF controller.
module 3.1
Programmable logic
PLC A digital computer used for the automation of electromechanical processes.
Proportional integral
PID A feedback controller.
Pulse width Terminals with an output that uses variable pulse widths, and behaves as an analogue
modulation output.
An aluminium box with a rack system that houses the hardware modules. Each
controller consists of a rack and a number of hardware modules.
A controller operating mode. Remote commands (for example, close breaker) start pre-
Remote control REMOTE programmed sequences in the controller. The remote commands can come from a PLC,
PICUS or a digital input. Commands from the display unit push-buttons are ignored.
RMI Variable resistance device, used for some of the input terminals on genset controllers.
measurement input
Refers to the mean magnitude of a sinusoidal wave. For example, RMS V refers to the
Root mean squared RMS
mean AC voltage.
A genset is regarded as running if the engine is started and there is running detection. A
running engine does not necessarily have to be synchronised with the busbar.
Part of the busbar that is isolated from the rest of the busbar because bus tie breaker(s)
Section are open. Busbar sections can run independently of each other, and do not have to be
Shaft generator SG A generator installed on the ship's main shaft that produces electricity.
Shaft generator The breaker between the shaft generator and the main busbar/switchboard. A SHAFT
breaker generator controller can control a shaft generator breaker.
SHAFT generator
Controls and protects the power supply from the shaft generator.
A temporary state that an alarm can be assigned to by an operator. Shelved alarms are
inactive alarms, but only for a selected period by the operator. When the period of time
expires, the alarm is automatically unshelved by the system restoring the alarm to the
previous alarm state. Alarm conditions are checked again.
The ship is supplied with electricity from land while in harbour through the shore
Shore connection SC
Shore connection The breaker between the shore connection and the main busbar/switchboard. A SHORE
breaker connection controller can control a shore connection breaker.
SHORE connection
Controls and protects the power supply from the shore connection.
Shutdown An emergency or fast stop of the genset engine. No cooldown time is allowed.
A system where the load is connected between one phase and the neutral. Note:
Single-phase Single-phase does NOT mean a 3-wire single-phase distribution system, where the
waveforms are offset by a half-cycle (180 degrees) from the neutral wire.
The source side of the breaker. For GENSET, EMERGENCY genset, and SHAFT
[Source] generator controllers, this is the generator. For a SHORE connection controller, this is
the shore connection. For a BUS TIE breaker controller, this is Busbar A.
A mode only on the HYBRID controller where the inverter is started and the inverter
breaker is closed to the busbar but is not supplying any power. Standby allows the
controller to very quickly supply additional power to the busbar if needed, such as when
a Heavy consumer needs to start.
A PICUS function to monitor the operation of the entire system, and to send commands
to any of the controllers.
Supervisory control
and data acquisition SCADA
The cabinet where the power sources are connected to the power consumers. See
Busbar too.
The gensets, the other power sources, all breakers, the busbars, and all their
System controllers. Within the system, the DEIF controllers work together to supply the power
required safely and efficiently.
Equipment other than the DEIF controller. For example: The genset, the genset engine
Third-party equipment
control system, the wiring, the busbars, and the switchboard.
Time t
An alarm must exceed its set point continuously for the period in its Time delay
Time delay
parameter before the alarm is activated.
Transmission control
The Internet protocol suite. It provides end-to-end connectivity by specifying data
protocol/internet TCP/IP
United Kingdom UK
United States of The USA sometimes requires different technical standards. They also use their own
America system of units.
For certain controller actions, both the voltage and frequency must be within the
Voltage and
V & Hz specified range. For example, for busbar OK, or to start synchronising a genset to the
A transformer for a voltage measurement, so that the voltage at the controller is within
Voltage transformer VT
the controller's specifications.
16.2 Units
The table below lists the units used in the documentation, as well as the US units where these are different. In the documentation,
the US units are given in brackets, for example, 80 °C (176 °F).
A ampere Current
1 bar = 0.980665
atmosphere (atm)
pounds per square
bar bar Pressure psi 1 bar = 14.5 psi
1 bar = 100,000
Pascal (Pa)
Noise or interference
dB decibel
(a logarithmic scale)
h hour Time
mA milliampere Current
ms millisecond Time
N·m newton metre Torque lb-in pound-force inch 1 N·m = 8.85 lb-in
s second Time
V volt Voltage
Voltage (direct
V DC volt (direct current)
W watt Power
Ω ohm Resistance
16.3 Symbols
16.3.1 Mathematical symbols
+ Addition 2+3=5
- Subtraction 5-2=3
/ Division 15 / 3 = 5
Σ Summation Σ Nominal power for connected gensets = 1000 kW + 1500 kW + 500 kW = 3000 kW
Electrical symbols
Symbol Symbol name
3-phase breaker
Contactor Contactor with RC snubber
Connector dot
Current transformer (S1 and · show "current in"; S2 shows "current out")
F Fuse
Ω Ohmmeter
Relay Relay with freewheeling diode
R Resistor (IEC-60617)
Voltage transformer. This is a generic voltage transformer, without any information about the transformer
connections. These could for example be: open delta, star-star, closed delta, and so on.
Display DU 300
Server or desktop PC
First-angle projection
G Genset
G Shaft generator
Shore connection
E Non-essential load
Rack R7
Symbol Notes
# shows step number.
Start or end
Symbol Symbol name
Frame ground
Power supply
Current transformer
COM Common
Digital input
Relay output (changeover relay, with normally open and normally closed terminals)
Transistor output
- Transistor common
Symbol Symbol name
Symbol Symbol name
SD card
Terminal groups
Example Explanation
The vertical line to the right of the symbols shows terminal groups. In the example, the digital inputs have the
same common.