9_5774_05USE SAM x-4 v1.14
9_5774_05USE SAM x-4 v1.14
9_5774_05USE SAM x-4 v1.14
Master controller
20120202 092948
6 Installation
6.1 Installation ........................................................................................................................ 24
6.2 Reporting transport damage ............................................................................................ 24
6.3 Compressed air supply during installation ....................................................................... 24
6.3.1 Station with emergency operating mode ............................................................ 24
6.3.2 Stations without emergency operating mode ..................................................... 25
6.4 Installing the control cabinet ............................................................................................. 25
6.5 Identifying the machines .................................................................................................. 25
6.6 Connecting the pressure transducer ................................................................................ 26
6.6.1 Mechanical connection ....................................................................................... 26
6.6.2 Power Supply ...................................................................................................... 28
6.7 Planning cabling ............................................................................................................... 28
6.7.1 Accessories needed for a link via Profibus ......................................................... 29
6.7.2 Requirements for a link via a floating relay contact ............................................ 29
6.8 Laying cables ................................................................................................................... 30
6.8.1 Building up the Profibus network ........................................................................ 30
6.8.2 Building up the compressor station via floating relay contacts ........................... 32
6.9 Connecting the cables to the master controller ................................................................ 33
6.9.1 Connecting the equipotential bond ..................................................................... 33
6.9.2 Leading in cables and connecting the screening ................................................ 34
6.9.3 Laying the cables in the control cabinet ............................................................. 35
6.9.4 Connecting the cables ........................................................................................ 36
6.10 Connecting floating relay contact signals for sensors ...................................................... 36
6.11 Setting up the machines ................................................................................................... 36
6.11.1 Linking via Profibus ............................................................................................. 37
6.11.2 Linking via floating relay contact ......................................................................... 37
6.12 Setting the slave address on the Profibus expander ........................................................ 38
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 43
7.2 Configuring the master controller ..................................................................................... 43
7.2.1 Switching on the master controller ...................................................................... 43
7.2.2 Changing the display language .......................................................................... 44
7.2.3 Selecting menu options ...................................................................................... 44
7.2.4 Entering characters ............................................................................................. 44
7.2.5 Selection lists ...................................................................................................... 44
7.2.6 Password level and key lock ............................................................................... 45
7.2.7 Checking/Setting time and date .......................................................................... 46
7.2.8 Setting summer / winter ...................................................................................... 46
7.2.9 Country-specific settings ..................................................................................... 46
7.2.10 Setting up the display ......................................................................................... 47
7.3 Linking compressors to the master controller .................................................................. 47
7.3.1 Linking the machines .......................................................................................... 47
7.3.2 Settings for machines with frequency-controlled drive (FC) ............................... 48
7.3.3 Registering the Profibus expander ..................................................................... 49
7.3.4 Activating the Profibus interface ......................................................................... 49
7.3.5 Setting the operating hours and maintenance interval counters ........................ 49
7.4 Setting the required pressure ........................................................................................... 50
7.5 Setting the station parameters ......................................................................................... 50
7.5.1 Setting the parameters for the required pressure ............................................... 50
7.5.2 Setting the network pressure .............................................................................. 51
7.5.3 Configuring the restart and charging the compressed air network ..................... 51
7.5.4 Additional settings ............................................................................................... 52
7.6 Programming the shift clock ............................................................................................. 53
7.6.1 Setting the switching points ................................................................................ 53
1.2 Copyright
This service manual is copyright protected. Queries regarding use or duplication of the documenta‐
tion should be referred to KAESER. Correct use of information will be fully supported.
Material Here you will find details on special tools, operating materials or spare parts.
Precondition Here you will find conditional requirements necessary to carry out the task.
Here conditions relevant to safety are named that will help you to avoid dangerous situations.
2 Technical Data
2.1 Master controller models
The first number in the model name shows the number of machines that can be linked to the mas‐
ter controller concerned. The second number stands for the number of machines without
SIGMA CONTROL that can be directly linked.
The master controllers dealt with in this manual are called SIGMA AIR MANAGER and SAM
for short.
➤ Please enter the system data of your SIGMA AIR MANAGER here:
System data
Material number
serial number
Operating system
Battery life
2.5 Hardware
2.5.1 Industrial computer
■ Industrial computer with Pentium® class processor
■ Analog inputs and outputs (0-20 mA)
■ 230/115 V relay outputs (floating contacts)
■ 24 V common negative rail digital inputs
■ Internal under-voltage monitoring of 24 V supply
2.5.2 Interfaces
The SIGMA AIR MANAGER has the following interfaces:
■ RS 232 for SIGMA AIR CONTROL visualization and interface converter
■ Profibus DP Master (187.5 kbit/s) for KAESER PBE and SIGMA CONTROL
■ Ethernet for visualization and central control systems
■ PCMCIA slot for KAESER storage module, KAESER modem and updates RS 232
■ no potential isolation
■ max. 38.4 kbit/s
■ 9-pin sub-D connection (master controller: pin and socket)
■ 4-40 UNC screw locking
■ Mating connector (screened housing)
■ Screened connector cable
■ See attachment for pin assignments Ethernet
2.6 Software
■ RMOS real-time operating system
■ Controller software
■ Visualization software
■ Data base
Model I II
Measurement range [psig] 0–14.5 0–
Overload limit [psig] 50 double final pressure
Deviation of characteristic from final value ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 (0.25 typical)
Limit setting [%]
Model I II
Air connection. male thread G 1/2 B DIN 16288 G 1/4 A DIN 3852
Stainless steel Stainless steel
Viton seals
Rated temperature range [°F] –4...+176 –13...+185
Rated temperature range [rankine] 455...635 446...644
Mean temperature range [°F] –22...+212 –40...+212
Mean temperature range [rankine] 437...671 437...671
Storage temperature range [°F] –40...+212 –40...+212
Storage temperature range [rankine] 419...671 419...671
Temperature influence / 18 rankine at zero [%] ± 0.2 ± 0.15
Temperature influence / 18 ranking over the range ± 0.2 ± 0.15
Output signal (two-wire technique) [mA] 4–20 4–20
Power supply connection PG 11 PG 9
(plug to EN 175301-803)
Enclosure stainless steel stainless steel
Enclosure protection IP 65 IP 65
Tightening torque [Nm] 17–20 17–20
Width [in] 15 15 20 32
Height [in] 20 20 28 47
Depth [in] 9 9 10 12
Weight [lb] 33 33 88 441
Sheet metal, painted RAL 7035 light-grey
Only Profibus expanders from KAESER and any combinations thereof that are listed below may be
All Profibus expanders are equipped with their own housing (exception: PBU 8 K) with integrated
power unit and require a power supply (115/230V). They have to be registered on the master con‐
troller (see chapter 7.3.3).
■ PBE 8:
─ Additional connection of up to eight digital inputs or outputs for further signals, for example,
from air treatment components, signal sensors or output signals from user's components.
■ PBE 8 K:
─ As for PBE 8, however, without housing. It can be integrated in machines or refrigerated
■ PBE 8 R:
─ Typical application: LOAD/IDLE signal via coupling relay, "motor running" feedback signal
via digital inputs. Only one PBE with a cable connection (bus cable) to the master controller
is required for control of up to four conventional compressors (in one room).
■ PBE 32:
─ Additional connection of up to 32 digital inputs for further signals to the master controller, for
example from air treatment components, conventional compressors, other sensors.
■ PBE 4 + 4:
─ The additional connection of up to four analog inputs and outputs, for example system pres‐
sure to the master controller, forwarding of the required pressure to user's components.
■ PBU 4T:
─ Additional connection of up to 4 analog, two, three or four-line PT100 inputs, e.g. for sens‐
ing room temperature, cooling water temperature or the temperatures of other user's devi‐
The master controller is manufactured to the latest engineering standards and acknowledged safe‐
ty regulations. Nevertheless, dangers can arise through its operation:
The master controller is intended exclusively for the operation of compressors, blowers and vac‐
uum systems in industrial fields and may only be operated within its associated control cabinet.
Any other use is considered incorrect.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damages that may result there from. The user alone is liable
for any risks incurred.
➤ Adhere to the specified use given in this manual.
Converting or changing the master controller constitutes improper use. The manufacturer's warran‐
ty is made invalid in such cases.
1. Adhere to the specifications in the service manual.
2. Do not allow conversions or changes.
➤ Ensure that personnel entrusted with operation, installation and maintenance are qualified and
authorized to carry out their tasks.
3.5 Dangers
The general safety instructions in this chapter describe possible dangers and how to deal with
them. Special safety instructions are found in this service manual at the beginning of each chapter
or directly before a task instruction.
➤ Take full heed of all safety instructions.
3.6 Warranty
This service manual contains no independent warranty commitment. Our general terms and condi‐
tions of business apply with regard to warranty.
A condition of our warranty is the specified use of the master controller under observation of the
specific operating conditions.
Due to the large number of possible applications, it is incumbent on the user to determine whether
the master controller can be used for any specific application.
Correct maintenance and repair means the use of genuine Kaeser spare parts.
➤ Obtain confirmation from KAESER that your specific operating conditions are suitable.
Both compressors with SIGMA CONTROL and those with conventional controllers can be linked to
the master controller.
4.2.1 Keys
Symbol Key Function
«Arrow keys» Move the cursor (depending on operational situation ei‐
ther field-wise or entry-wise to the left, right, up or
«escape» Jump back to the next higher menu level. Exit edit mode
without saving the edited parameter.
«Automatic mode» Switch the station between manual and automatic mode.
«Acknowledgement» Confirm messages and reset the event memory (if per‐
Machine selection This machine is selected (is available to the master controller).
1 16
4.2.3 Display
The display is arranged as follows:
Main display area 2 : depending on operational state and setup, various events and settings are
Footer 3 : the functions and menu options that can be called up with the keys «F1» to «F6» are
The level of authority required will be quoted in this manual for every function.
Menu Submenu
«F1»: Alarm, service and warning messages ■ «F1»: Current messages
■ «F2»: Event history
«F2»: Operational Messages ■ «F1»: Current messages
■ «F2»: Event history
«F3»: SMS status
«F4»: SAC plus status
«F5»: System status
«F6»: Memory access
Further information See chapter 7.5.4 for further information on power limiting settings.
EMERGENCY mode can cause large pressure swings in the air main.
The air compressors linked to the master controller are automatically switched to emergency mode
if power is lost to the master controller while it is switched on (LED "Station ON" is illuminated), if
the connection to the pressure transducer is interrupted or the master controller itself fails. The
compressors then run under their internal controllers, independent of the master controller.
The machines can be manually switched to EMERGENCY operation (manual mode) for test pur‐
The output relays trip if power to the master controller is lost, if the connection to the pressure
transducer is interrupted or the controller itself fails. This causes air compressors linked to the mas‐
ter controller to switch to idle or off. The compressed air system no longer delivers compressed air.
Further information For linking a PC to the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, see chapter 7.9.
Ambient temperatures
Ambient temperature 0 to 104 °F
Storage temperature -13 to +131 °F
Models 4/4 and 8/4 master controllers may be operated under general or industrial conditions.
➤ Install the master controller as appropriate.
Models 8/8 and 16/8 master controllers may only be operated in industrial areas that are supplied
from their own supply transformer. This transformer may not supply power to a residential area out‐
side the industrial area.
➤ Install the master controller as appropriate.
Certain conditions for the installation location must be fulfilled:
6 Installation
6.1 Installation
Link SIGMA CONTROL Conventional Chapter
Installing the control cabi‐ x x See 6.4
Identifying the machines x x See 6.5
Connecting the pressure x x See 6.6
Planning cabling x x See 6.7
Laying cables x x See 6.8
Building up the Profibus x − See 6.8.1
Building up the compres‐ − x See 6.8.2
sor station
via floating relay
Lead in the cables and x x See 6.9
connect to the
master controller
Setting up the machines x x See 6.11
Tab. 18 Installation
■ The display must be level with the eyes to ensure good readability.
■ The fixing materials must be compatible with the type of wall and the weight of the control
■ A template for the boreholes is to be found in the annex.
■ Pay attention to the installation conditions (see chapter 5.2)
➤ Mount the control cubicle on the wall.
The machines and controller must carry a warning notice when they are in remote mode.
■ via Profibus
(for machines with SIGMA CONTROL or machines that are connected to a Profibus expander
(see chapter 6.8.1)
■ via floating relay contacts
(for conventional machines without SIGMA CONTROL; see chapter 6.8.2).
These two methods can be mixed, that is, some of the machines can be linked via a Profibus and
some via floating contacts.
A supply disconnecting device must be installed by the user. On model 16/8 this device is included
as standard.
The maximum lengths for digital input and output cables are listed below.
■ Use galvanic isolation on cables laid outside the building to ensure lightning protection (pref‐
erably fibre optic cable).
■ See circuit diagrams in the annex for cable types, cross-sections and cable selection. Use flex‐
ible cables as far as is possible. Flexible cables must be used in the control cabinet on mod‐
els 4/4 and 8/4, except power supplies, equipotential bonds and Profibus.
■ Suppress inductive loads connected to the relay outputs of the master controller on models 4/4
and 8/4, see chapter 6.8.2.
■ If the SMS option is chosen, fit and connect a KAESER modem, see SMS instruction memo‐
■ Profibus cables
■ Profibus plug for SIGMA AIR MANAGER (already supplied with model 16/8)
■ Profibus plug set for SIGMA CONTROL
If a machine is not equipped for connection to a master controller, it can be retrofitted. Documents
and parts for the retrofit are available separately.
Contact with live electric components can cause serious injury or death.
➤ Isolate the master controller and external sources from all voltage.
1. Switch off all phases of the controller and external power sources.
2. lock them out,
3. observe all accepted safety regulations and national legislation applicable to all work carried
out on the master controller.
4. Have the master controller connected to the power supply by an authorized and qualified elec‐
trician to national legislation and the regulations of the electricity company concerned.
The terminals in the master controller that could be supplied by an external voltage source
are marked:
■ Orange or
■ Label
5. Make the connections to the power supply, to the individual machines and to the pressure
transducer as detailed in the circuit diagrams.
Too tight a bend radius can cause a defect in the Profibus cable.
➤ Do not kink Profibus cables. Wiring changes on the machines when connecting to models 4/4 and 8/4
Interruptions to the air supply caused by unsuppressed inductive loads connected to the relay
outputs of the master controller, such as auxiliary contactors or solenoid valves.
2. Connect the interference suppressor in parallel with the coil (connections A1–A2). If the con‐
nections are inaccessible, e.g. solenoid valves, the suppressor can also be connected to the
corresponding terminals on the terminal strip.
3. Use an RC interference suppressor suited to the coil voltage and apparent holding power, see
chapter 13.10.
➤ Remove the jumper between the terminals (terminals 32W and 21 or 18) to allow sequencing. Wiring changes on the machines when connecting to models 8/8 and 16/8
If a jumper is connected between the terminals for manual operation [-X1 (W) 20 or 17 and -
X1 (W) 24 (W)] on the terminal strip for connection of the master controller, then it must be re‐
moved. A more precise designation of the terminals is given in the electrical diagrams for the ma‐
➤ Remove wire jumper if necessary.
1. Lead non-screened cables (for digital inputs and relay outputs) through the front cable glands
fitted with ferrite suppressors to protect them against electromagnetic interference.
2. Lead screened cables (for pressure transducer, analog outputs, Profibus and Ethernet) and the
power supply cables through the rear cable glands without ferrite suppressors.
1. Strip off the cable insulation by about 0.4 in. where the cable passes through the cable gland.
2. Push the cable through the metal cable gland on the control cabinet until the stripped section
snaps in and contacts the earth clamp in the cable gland.
At the master controller:
1. Strip off the cable insulation by about 3/4 in. at the terminal.
2. Unscrew the spindle of the cable screening clamp completely.
3. The screening connects to the controller via the housing.
4. Use a cable screening clamp to secure the screening.
1. Strip off the cable insulation by about 0.4 in. at the terminal.
2. Ensure electrical contact of the cable screening with the screening clamp next to the power
supply unit.
1. Lead the cable through a suitable cable gland on the lower side of the control cabinet.
2. Strip the insulation off the cable screening at the clamping point for a length of 3/4 in.
3. Ensure electrical contact of the cable screening to the screening rail using a screening clamp.
1. Route 24 V DC cables into the control cabinet through the left-hand duct 1 .
2. Route 115/230 V AC cables into the control cabinet through the right-hand duct 2 .
3. Route cables leading to the master controller (Profibus, Ethernet, RS232, modem cables)
through to the cabinet door, as shown in the illustration.
Damage to drive motors can occur when the permissible motor starting frequency is exceed‐
ed on machines without idle control (piston compressors, blowers).
➤ Set the SIGMA AIR MANAGER pressure band to a width that prevents the motor switch‐
ing frequency from being exceeded.
➤ If necessary, increase the capacity of the air receiver.
Precondition The settings described in this section must be entered in full for every machine to ensure faultless
operation under control of the master controller. Make sure that the compressed air system re‐
mains in operation should the master controller fail.
If the wrong slave number is entered then either the wrong machine or no machine at is con‐
1. Enter pressure setpoint p2 and set as default for "Manual mode pressure". In manual mode, the
pressure setpoint of each machine should be staggered by 4.35 psig to prevent all machines
starting together. The stagger time for station operation must be set. Suggestions for these set‐
tings are found in the Annex (see chapter 13.8.2).
2. Activate and set up automatic restart after a power failure.
3. Configure Profibus operation.
The following settings are recommended as parameters for bus alarms:
■ Start td: 40 sec
(maximum period that the machine waits for a signal from the Profibus after return of the
power supply. If no signal arrives before the period ends, the machine switches to self-con‐
■ Timeout: 5 sec
(Period after which the machine switches to self-control if a fault occurs in the master con‐
■ Restart: auto (not on SIGMA CONTROL 2)
auto = the machine automatically reconnects when the Profibus runs again after a bus
■ Restart: man (not on SIGMA CONTROL 2)
man = after a bus alarm, the machine remains under its own internal control until it is con‐
nected to the bus again when the «remote» key is pressed.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for any additional machines.
➤ Note the settings made here in the table in the Annex (see chapter 13.8)
Screw compressors always have an emergency mode. Piston compressors and blowers may
or may not have this emergency mode.
When the machine is linked, the system pressure switch (-B1) remains in operation. This has the
function of an additional safety pressure switch. The system automatically runs in EMERGENCY
mode via these pressure switches if power to the master controller should fail or the master con‐
troller itself malfunction, ensuring a supply of compressed air.
➤ Setting up the pressure switch.
Further information Setting recommendation for the pressure switch: See Annex in chapter 13.8.1.
A blow off protection safety relief valve pressure switch (-B6) or a master controller operation safe‐
ty pressure switch (-B1) is fitted on the machines to prevent:
■ machine overloading, or
■ relief valve blow off because of
─ switching points set too high,
─ defective master controller,
─ excessive pressure loss between the machine and the compressed air transducer connec‐
tion to the master controller.
➤ Set the safety pressure switch (-B1). Recommended settings: See Annex in chapter 13.8.1.
➤ The internal pressure switches for manual mode (-B1.1) must be set on a scaled basis so that
the machines switch on one after the other.
On such air systems, blowers and reciprocating compressors are not fitted with a pressure switch
that would ensure EMERGENCY operation.
When these machines are connected, the LOAD/IDLE switching is controlled by the master con‐
These stations will stop delivering compressed air if the master controller fails.
Precondition Profibus expanders have the required power supply and are wired according to their electrical dia‐
1 8 7
L1 N + + - - RUN
AC 100-240 V Class 2
456 X1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 01
24V X2
06 05 04 03 02 01
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PE N 24V
0V X3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 06-C0252
Profibus expander 4T
1 8 7
L1 N + + - - RUN
AC 100-240 V Class 2
456 X1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 01
24V X2
06 05 04 03 02 01
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PE N 24V
0V X3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 06-C0252
Fig. 18 PBU 4T
1 Safety cut-out 5 Termional strip X2 for PT100 inputs
2 Power supply terminals 6 Termional strip X1 for PT100 inputs
3 Socket for the Profibus plug 7 Setting wheel for slave address X10
4 Screening rail 8 Setting wheel for slave address X1
Profibus expander 8
7 6 5
L1 N + + - -
3 X2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 06-C0250
Fig. 19 PBU 8
1 Safety cut-out 5 Slave address setting wheels
2 Power supply terminals 6 Slave address setting wheels
3 Terminal strip X1 / X3 for digital outputs 7 Socket for the Profibus plug
4 Terminal strip X1 / X2 for digital inputs
Profibus expander 32
6 5 4
9 01
L1 N + + - -
Input: Output DC 24V/1,3A
9 01
AC 100-240 V Class 2 456
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
2 06-C0251
Fig. 20 PBU 32
1 Safety cut-out 4 Socket for the Profibus plug
2 Power supply terminals 5 Setting wheel for slave address X10
3 Terminal strip for digital inputs 6 Setting wheel for slave address X1
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Overview
The master controller was designed and developed for a number of applications. Thus, a great va‐
riety of settings is possible.
Prior to delivery, the master controller is preconfigured with a standard configuration. Gener‐
ally, most of these settings can be used for many applications or need only minor modifica‐
tions. Thus, not all the steps listed below may be required for the initial start-up, depending
on the application involved.
Subjects discussed:
■ 7.2 Configuring the master controller
■ 7.3 Connecting the machines to the master controller
■ 7.4 Setting the group sequence and required pressure
■ 7.5 Setting the parameters for the compressor station
■ 7.6 Programming the clock
■ 7.7 Configuring the peripheral devices
■ 7.8 Commissioning the master controller
■ 7.9 Connecting an external PC to the master controller
■ 7.10 Communication
There is risk of damage to the compressed air supply through premature changeover to au‐
tomatic mode.
➤ Do not press the «Automatic» mode key until all the settings in this chapter have been
■ Compressor stations without emergency mode capability will not be delivering com‐
pressed air.
■ In compressor stations with emergency mode capability, the machines run under their
own internal control. Logout
The password sets itself back to level 0 if no entries are made over a period of five minutes.
A list of the passwords together with the related password levels is displayed.
1. Call up the menu option <Password «F4» Password list «F2» >.
2. If required, enter password for level 3.
3. Press the «esc» key to close the list.
1. Call up the menu option <Password «F4» Key lock «F3» >.
2. If required, enter password for level 2.
3. Select the required key with the arrow keys.
4. Press the «Enter» key until "locked" is displayed.
5. Press «esc» to return to the next higher level.
1. Call up the menu option <Password «F4» Assign password «F4» >.
➤ Correctly set and regularly check the clock before activating SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus; see
chapter 7.10.2.
Check/set time and date.
1. Select menu options <Settings «F1» system «F1» general settings «F1» date and time «F1» >.
2. Select date or time with the arrow keys.
3. Press «Enter».
4. If required, enter password for level 2.
5. Enter date and/or time (see chapter7.2.4 for entering characters).
6. When the date and time is correct press the «esc» key to return to the next higher level.
If the machine is being operated with a clock program, check the time at regular intervals for
discrepancies (generally once per year).
1. Menu options <settings «F1» system«F1» general settings «F1» country-specific settings «F3»
2. Use the arrow keys to select the individual settings and confirm with the «Enter» key.
3. If required, enter password for level 1.
4. Set the language, units of measure and date and time formats.
5. Press «esc» to return to the next higher level.
Precondition The electrical and mechanical connections to the machine have already been made.
Menu point <Settings «F1» Compressor «F3» > is selected.
Conventional link
Precondition Menu point <Settings «F1» Compressor «F3» Linking «F1» > is selected.
1. Select inputs and outputs for conventional connection with the «F1» key.
2. If required, enter password for level 3.
3. Set and activate the addresses of the inputs and outputs used according to the connections
selected in the electrical diagram.
Sign State
✓ Active
Sign State
x Inactive
If these standard settings are used and the machine is connected according to the circuit dia‐
gram in the Annex (EMERGENCY mode), then an EMERGENCY mode is ensured. Contact
KAESER SERVICE if the standard settings are not used.
If the machine has frequency-controlled drive, the input values for FAD and power consumption at
a given speed must be entered. These values are used to project an approximation curve to esti‐
mate the FAD and power consumption of the FC machine. In this way, the machine's duty cycle
can be determined.
The value of the settings for the FC machine are recorded in a data sheet that can be re‐
quested. An example is found in the Annex. In order to display the FAD, software from ver‐
sion 72.30 or 80.xx must be installed on the SIGMA CONTROL. Contact KAESER Service
for advice.
1. In the main menu, select <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» Profibus expander «F6» >.
2. Select the linked Profibus expander:
■ Profibus expander with eight digital channels (PBE 8, PBE 8K, PBE 8R): press «F1».
■ Profibus expander with 32 digital channels (PBE 32): press «F2».
■ Profibus expander with four analog inputs and four analog outputs (PBE 4+4): press «F3».
■ Profibus expander with four PT100 inputs (PBU 4T): press «F4».
3. If required, enter password for level 3.
4. Activate the Profibus expander.
Only for Profibus expander with eight digital channels (PBE 8, PBE 8K, PBE 8R):
Further information The required pressure can also be set in the list of machines displayed in the Machine overview
window (see chapter 8.1).
Sign State
✓ Active
x Inactive
Precondition The menu option <Settings «F1» Station «F4» > is selected.
1. Delete all switching points for the shift clock (menu < «F1» – «F5» – «F1» >, see chapter 7.6.2)
2. Set the minimum required pressure to 1.0 bar (menu < «F1» – «F4» – «F1» >, see chapter
3. Set the required pressure to 3.0 bar (menu < «F1» – «F2» >, see chapter 7.4)
4. Set the maximum required pressure to 4.0 bar (menu < «F1» – «F4» – «F1» >, see chapter
5. In order to set the final pressure for the measuring transducer 45 bar, use the «UP arrow» for
the specification in the selection list.
7.5.3 Configuring the restart and charging the compressed air network
Automatic restart of the machines and recharging of the compressed air network after a power fail‐
ure is configured in this menu option.
An automatic restart after a power failure is only possible if a SIGMA CONTROL software
version 0.70 or later is installed. In earlier software versions the machines run in manual
mode when the power supply returns. Contact KAESER SERVICE for advice.
Precondition The menu option <Settings «F1» Station «F4» > is selected.
Precondition The menu option <Settings «F1» Station «F4» > is selected.
The switching points entered are repeated weekly. During non-standard periods such as
company holidays, the compressed air system has to be switched manually.
➤ In the main menu, select <Settings «F1» Shift clock «F5» >.
Further information See chapter 13.9.1 for examples of switching point setting.
1. Select the switching points to be deleted with the«F5 »and «F6» keys.
➤ Select from the main menu <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» External alarms, warning and ser‐
vice messages «F1» >.
Precondition Menu <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» External alarms, warning and maintenance messages «F1»
> is selected.
Definable message texts can be entered in this menu option. It is differentiated between alarm and
maintenance/warning messages.
Precondition Menu <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» External alarms, warning and maintenance messages «F1»
> is selected.
If machines are externally preselected, the machine selection keys on the master controller are in‐
active. If they are pressed, a message is displayed. The LEDs in the selection keys also indicate
which machines are preselected. External preselection cannot function when the "Send/Receive"
preselection option is active.
There is a screen for every machine with the machine number at the top right. The machines can
be selected with the «F5» and «F6» keys.
Precondition The external controller must be connected to the digital inputs of the master controller (see circuit
diagram in the annex).
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Compressor «F3» Further settings «F5» >.
2. If required, enter password for level 3.
3. Enter the address of the external preselection input.
4. Activate the input (can be activated in password level 2)
Sign State
✓ Active
x Inactive
In this menu option the following functions can be configured via further external inputs:
■ Remote OFF/ON: When this function is activated, the master controller can be switched off
and on from a remote contact.
■ Remote MANUAL/AUTO: When this function is activated, the master controller can be switch‐
ed between manual and automatic mode from a remote contact.
■ Remote shift clock: When this function is activated, clock operation in the master controller can
be switched on or off from a remote contact.
■ Switching compressors online: When this function is activated and the input signal changes,
the system will add the next possible machine, regardless of the network pressure.
■ Decrease required pressure: When this function is activated and the input signal is given, the
system will decrease the required pressure at a constant upper limit of the pressure range.
Please contact KAESER SERVICE for more information.
■ Power limiting: When this function is activated, the power limit is cut in and cut out via the input
See chapter 7.5.4 for further information on power limiting settings.
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» Further input functions «F4» Digital inputs
«F1» >.
2. Select the required function with keys «F5 »and «F6».
3. If required, enter password for level 3.
4. Activate the function.
5. Enter the input to which the message signal for this function is connected.
6. Specify whether the message is to be triggered by open contact 0V or closed contact 24V.
Analog inputs can be freely configured. They can be used for the following applications:
■ The functional values of analog components can be displayed on the master controller.
■ If a value exceeds a preset threshold value, a message can be triggered. Inputs 16.0–16.7 and
17.0–17.7 and outputs 16.0–16.7 and 17.0–17.7 are available. Outputs are directly linked in the
software to the inputs, e.g. output 16.0 to input 16.0.
■ If a value exceeds a preset threshold value, a binary output signal can be outputted to light, for
example, a remote control lamp.
Input values at 4–20 mA and PT100 are monitored for open and short circuit.
At 4–20 mA:
■ open circuit: < 3 mA
■ short circuit: > 21 mA
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» Further input functions «F4» Setting ana‐
log inputs «F2» >.
2. If required, enter password for level 3.
3. Enter description / message text (24 characters).
4. Select analog input.
5. Activate the input.
6. Enter unit of measure (8 characters).
7. For AI: Enter value at 0/4 mA, (range +/-10000 x factor (1/0.1/0.01/0.001).
8. For AI: Enter value at 20 mA, (range +/-10000 x factor (1/0.1/0.01/0.001).
■ Example:
─ Line 2 x 1.0 mm2
─ Material: copper
─ 60 m long (single length from the master controller to the PT100 sensor)
─ Line compensation =
((0.0178 Ohm mm2 / m x 2 x 60 m) / 1.0 mm2) = 2.14 Ohm
Line compensation is not needed for three and four-line sensors and the value remains at 0
10. Configure threshold values 1 and 2:
■ Select the comparison "smaller/larger".
■ Assign the comparison to the digital output to which the comparison result is assigned.
An alarm is to be displayed on the master controller when a dew point exceeds 41°F. The dew
point sensor is connected to analog input 1 and has a measurement range of 23°F to 95°F. Pro‐
ceed as follows:
1. Enter the designation "dew point".
2. Enter unit of measurement °C.
3. Activate the input.
4. Select analog address AI 1.
5. Enter value for 4 mA: "−5 x 1".
6. Enter value for 20 mA: “35 x 1”.
7. Select comparison ">"
8. Enter threshold value "5 x 1"
9. Enter output address 16.0.
10. Activate output.
11. Select menu option defined messages (alarm) (press <esc – esc «F1»–«F2» >).
12. Search for a non-allocated message number with «F5» and «F6».
13. Enter the message text "dew point over 41°F".
14. Activate the message.
15. Enter time delay 1.
16. Enter input address 16.0.
The signals "load" and "group alarm" can be assigned to a digital output for every machine to allow
them to be forwarded to other equipment.
There is a screen for every machine with the machine number at the top right. The machines can
be selected with the «F5» and «F6» keys.
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Compressor «F3» Further settings «F5» >.
2. If required, enter the password for level 3 (password level two is sufficient to activate or deacti‐
vate outputs).
3. Enter a free address for the load output and activate it.
4. Enter a free address for the group alarm output and activate it.
5. Negate the outputs, as required:
■ n = relay closes at an event
■ p = relay drops out at an event
6. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for any further machines.
Free digital outputs can be assigned the following functions in this menu option:
■ Group alarm
■ Controller operational
■ Group maintenance/group warning
■ External alarm
■ Maintenance / external warning
■ Compressor alarm
■ Compressor maintenance / warning
■ Pressure low
■ Dryer group alarm 1-8
■ Shift clock channel 1
■ Shift clock channel 2
■ Shift clock channel 3
■ Shift clock channel 4
■ REMOTE mode
■ CLOCK mode
■ Compressor station ON
■ No compressor preselected
■ Group alarm (pulse)
■ Pressure high
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» Further output functions «F5» Digital out‐
puts «F1» >.
2. Select the required function with keys «F5» and «F6».
3. If required, enter password for level 3.
4. Activate the function.
5. Enter a free output address (see circuit diagram in the Annex).
6. Decide whether the output should be open or closed when the function is active.
Free analog outputs can be assigned the following functions in this menu option:
■ System pressure
■ Required pressure
■ Delivery
■ FC set point pressure
■ Power
1. Select menu option <Settings «F1» Periphery «F6» Further output functions «F5» Analog out‐
puts «F2» >.
2. Select the required value with the «F5 »and «F6» keys.
3. If required, enter password for level 3.
4. Activate output.
5. Select analog output.
6. Normalize the output.
■ A signal range of 20 mA therefore represents:
■ (8 bar / 16 mA) x 20 mA = 10 bar
■ 0 mA is thus => 8 bar –10 bar = -2 bar
Tab. 23 Settings
Tab. 24 Commissioning
Precondition All points in the checklist are complied with, see table 24.
➤ Press the «machine preselect» key for the required machines on the master controller.
Stations with emergency mode facility Stations without emergency operating mode
1. Set the machines to remote mode. 1. Switch on the machines.
2. Press the «automatic mode» key on the 2. Start the compressed air supply by pressing
master controller. the «automatic» key on the master control‐
➤ Connect the master controller (0X4 Ethernet interface) to the local network:
■ via a 10Base T (industrial twisted pair) cable with a RJ45 plug or
■ via a point-to-point Ethernet connection with a crosslink cable.
The IP address and the subnet mask have to be determined by the network administrator.
The user name "Kaeser1" and password "11" are preset in the shipped system. If the pass‐
word is changed, switch the master controller off and on again to make the change effective
for the SIGMA AIR CONTROL as well.
1. Start the browser and enter the master controller's Ethernet IP address.
2. Confirm with «Enter».
The SIGMA AIR CONTROL home page appears.
The left margin of the home page displays the navigation bar.
Open additional pages via the links on the navigation bar.
3. Enter user name and password as quoted above in the user name and password fields; use
correct upper and lower cases.
The IP address has to be determined by the network administrator. Take note of the user in‐
formation for the modem retrofit kit.
1. Call up menu option <Settings «F1» System «F1» Interfaces «F3» Modem «F3» >.
2. If required, enter password for level 3.
3. For a PC modem card PzP coupling select "PPP modem PC Card COM 3", and for a GSM
modem PzP coupling select "PPP GSM modem COM 1".
4. Enter the PPP IP address, e.g.:
5. Exit the selection window by pressing «esc».
6. Wait for the message "0624 write EPROM is finished. Wait for Restart needed (H)".
7. Press the «Acknowledge» key twice until the messages disappear from the display.
8. Switch the master controller off and on again to accept the changed settings.
The dial-up connection for the following operating systems will be described:
■ Microsoft Windows XP
■ Microsoft Windows 2000
Result The dial-up network connection will be configured. The connection can be called up from the start
menu with < Start Connect with Connection name >, e.g. “SAM”.
Result The dial-up network connection will be configured. The connection can be called up from the start
menu with < Start Settings Network and data connections Connection name >, e.g. “SAM”.
The user name "Kaeser1" and password "11" are preset in the shipped system. If the pass‐
word is changed, switch the master controller off and on again to make the change effective
for the SIGMA AIR CONTROL as well.
1. Start the browser and enter the master controller's Ethernet IP address.
2. Confirm with «Enter».
The SIGMA AIR CONTROL home page appears; call up further pages with the links in the
navigation bar.
3. Enter user name and password as quoted above in the user name and password fields; use
correct upper and lower cases.
The dial-up connection for the following operating systems will be described:
■ Microsoft Windows XP
■ Microsoft Windows 2000
Result The dial-up network connection will be configured. The connection can be called up from the start
menu with < Start Connect with Connection name >, e.g. “SAM”.
Result The dial-up network connection will be configured. The connection can be called up from the start
menu with < Start Settings Network and data connections Connection name >, e.g. “SAM direct”.
The user name "Kaeser1" and password "11" are preset in the shipped system. If the pass‐
word is changed, switch the master controller off and on again to make the change effective
for the SIGMA AIR CONTROL as well.
1. Start the browser and enter the master controller's Ethernet IP address.
2. Confirm with the «Enter» key.
The SIGMA AIR CONTROL home page appears; call up further pages with the links in the
navigation bar.
3. Enter user name and password as quoted above in the user name and password fields; use
correct upper and lower cases.
7.10 Communication
The functions in the Communication menu are optionally available.
➤ Select from the main menu < Settings «F1» System «F1» Communication «F5» >.
Precondition Either a KAESER PC card modem or a KAESER GSM modem is installed in the master controller.
Further information Modem retrofit kits are available. See Annex in chapter 13.10, table 98.
Data loss from switching off the controller power supply or setting back the clock.
➤ The SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus must be deactivated before taking these actions.
1. Deactivate the SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus before interrupting the power supply.
2. Deactivate the SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus before setting back the clock.
Further information SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus as retrofit kit, see Annex in chapter 13.10, table 98.
Further information Send/Receive Ethernet Layer 4 is optionally available. See Annex in chapter 13.10, table 98.
8 Operation
8.1 Displaying operating data
The current data of the compressed air system is shown in the main menu. These are distributed
over six display windows that can be scrolled with the «F5» and «F6» keys.
Symbol Meaning
1 Machine 1 is preselected
[4] Machine 4 is activated last
2 Machine 2 is only monitored, load and idle are internally controlled.
1 Machine 1 is not available to the master controller.
Symbol Meaning
Machine ready for operation, waiting for command
Displayed are:
■ Type 16/8 only: Required pressure
■ Power: the current power consumption of the machines
■ Delivery: the current delivery of the machines
■ Specific: the current specific power consumption of the station's running machines
■ Switchings: idle/load swtichings of the station's machines (moving average of the last 7
■ Consumption: the current compressed air consumption of the station
6. Select "Pressure values"
The following values are displayed:
■ Maximum system pressure, together with the respective time of occurrence
■ Mean system pressure since last reset
■ Minimum system pressure, together with the respective time of occurrence
■ Date and time of the last reset in the line above the word "Reset".
■ The display of these three values can be reset at the same time, by using "Reset" and the
password (password level 2).
New messages that are not acknowledged are displayed together with the following data:
■ Message (event) number
■ Date and time
■ Message text
■ Type of message:
─ A=Alarm
─ S=Service
─ W=Warning
─ N=Note
124 Input value X from AI Check the cable at the respective ana‐
short circuit log input.
209– Dryer x Dryer reports a fault. Remove the fault in the dryer.
216 High dew point.
217– Dryer x Dryer reports a fault. Remove the fault in the dryer.
224 Fault
225– Dryer x Dryer reports a fault. Remove the fault in the dryer.
240 Condensate drain x
241– Air receiver x Air receiver reports a Remove the fault on the condensate
242 condensate drain fault. drain.
243– Filter x Filter reports a fault. Remove the fault on the condensate
250 Condensate drain drain.
251– Condensate treatment Connected compo‐ Remove the fault in the connected com‐
256 x nent reports a fault. ponent.
417– Compressor x Machine power or FAD not Enter power and FAD.
432 Data incomplete. entered.
481– Message text may be Connected component ini‐ Carry out maintenance according
488 defined. tiates a service message. to manual.
9.2.4 Notes
No. Message Possible cause Remedy
579 Input already as‐ Select a spare input from the DI
signed. list.
580 Delay period too The period entered is too long and Enter an acceptable period.
long. cannot be accepted by the master
(0s to 999s) controller.
Tab. 35 Notes
■ The complete master controller system is stopped, all outputs are deactivated.
■ On compressor stations with emergency operation capability, the machines run under their
own internal control.
■ Stations without this capability cannot supply compressed air.
1. If such a message appears, write it down in full and then contact KAESER SERVICE.
2. Leave the station running in emergency mode.
3. On stations without an emergency mode capability, try to remove the fault by switching the
power supply to the master controller off and then on again.
10 Maintenance
10.1 Maintenance tasks on electrical equipment
Maintenance talks on electrical equipment may only be carried out by the following persons:
■ trained technicians
■ by technicians trained to maintain the master controller and by service personnel instruct‐
ed by and under the supervision of such a trained technician
■ an authorized KAESER service representative
1. Check personnel for specialized suitability.
2. Assign suitable personnel to maintenance tasks.
3. Instruct on correct maintenance procedures in accordance with the service manual.
4. Document maintenance tasks carried out.
Enter completed maintenance tasks in the list in the service manual.
If the battery is discharged and a power failure occurs the event memory settings and clock
time are lost after approximately one hour.
1. Remove the securing pins on the side cover 1 of the master controller with a screwdriver.
2. Remove the side cover 1 . The battery 2 is fixed to the side cover.
3. Carefully withdraw the plug on the battery cable 3 from the socket.
4. Remove the battery 2 from the fixing.
5. Insert a new battery.
1. Isolate the master controller (power supply disconnecting device) from all power phases.
2. Switch off external power sources.
12.2 Disposal
Precondition The master controller is decommissioned.
13 Annex
13.1 Anchor holes for the control cabinet
See instructions in chapter 6.4
No. Model Machine Year of manufacture Electrical diagram Bus address / slave
number number number
Result These entries simplify the task of determining the cause if any problems should arise.
Slave 21 − I I I I I I I I
Slave 22 − I I I I I I I I
Slave 23 − I I I I I I I I
Slave 24 − I I I I O O O O
Slave 25 − I I I I O O O O
Slave 26 − I I I I O O O O
Slave 27 − I I I I O O O O
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No, I ≙ Input, O ≙ Output
Slave 28 −
Slave 32 −
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Slave 36 −
Slave 44 −
Slave 52 −
Slave 60 −
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Date / time
Name Factory settings
Switchover active +
Hours offset (h) 1
Winter → summer changeover
Relative weekday second
Weekday Sunday
Month March
Time 2
Summer → winter changeover
Relative weekday first
Weekday Sunday
Month November
Time 3
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Subnet mask
IP router address
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Date / time
Name Unit Factory
Required pressure [psig] 110
Pressure low
Pressure low dpt [psig] 7
Pressure low dpt [s] 10
Pressure low dpt active +
Pressure low pt [psig] 0.00
Pressure low pt [s] 10
Pressure low pt active −
Pressure high
Pressure high ph [psig] 145 / 232
Pressure high ph [s] 60
Pressure high ph active −
Date / time
Name Unit Factory set‐
Required pressure
Maximum required pres‐ [psig] 110
Minimum required pres‐ [psig] 60
Analog input 1
Required pressure 0 psig [mA] 4
+ = Yes, − = No
Date / time
Name Unit Factory set‐
Required pressure at 20 [psig] 232
System pressure
Analog input 1 0
Weighting [%] 100
Analog input 2 0
Weighting [%] 0
Final pressure of pres‐ [psig] 145 / 232
sure transducer
Actual pressure value [s] 1
Automatic restart +
Delay period for restart [s] 60
Minimum pressure with Active –
air system OFF
Network charging with [psig/min] 14.5
Further settings
Monitoring period for mo‐ [s] 60
tor running
Power limiting [kW] 500
Power limiting active −
Activate compressors, #
Activate compressors, #
first rigid
+ = Yes, − = No
Date / time
Switching point Weekday Time Pressure Channel Compressors
Date / time
Switching point Weekday Time Pressure Channel Compressors
Machine 1 2 3 4
None X X X X
Conventional − − − −
Controlled X X X X
Monitored − − − −
Delivery[cfm] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
at pressure [psig] 0 0 0 0
Idle consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
Engine running 0.0 / 1.0 0.1 / 1.2 0.2 / 1.4 0.3 / 1.6
Active − − − −
No alarm 0.0 / 1.1 0.0 / 1.3 0.0 / 1.5 0.0 / 1.7
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.1 / 4.5 0.2 / 4.6 0.3 / 4.7 0.4 / 4.0
Active − − − −
Negative +/− +/− +/− +/−
Automatic 0.0 / 4.1 0.0 / 4.2 0.0 / 4.3 0.0 / 4.4
Active − − − −
FC machine − − − −
Characteristic curve No. − − − −
Conventional connection
Analog input AI 0 AI 0 AI 0 AI 0
Active − − − −
Speed = 0 at [mA] 4 4 4 4
Speed at 20 mA 4000 4000 4000 4000
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 5 6 7 8
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 5 6 7 8
None X X X X
Conventional − − − −
Controlled X X X X
Monitored − − − −
Delivery[cfm] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
at pressure [psig] 0 0 0 0
Idle consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
Engine running 0.0 / 2.0 0.0 / 2.2 0.0 / 2.4 0.0 / 2.6
Active − − − −
No alarm 0.0 / 2.1 0.0 / 2.3 0.0 / 2.5 0.0 / 2.7
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 / 12.5 0.0 / 12.6 0.0 / 12.7 0.0 / 12.0
Active − − − −
Negative − − − −
Automatic 0.0 / 12.1 0.0 / 12.2 0.0 / 12.3 0.0 / 12.4
Active − − − −
FC machine − − − −
Characteristic curve No. − − − −
Conventional connection
Analog input AI 0 AI 0 AI 0 AI 0
Active − − − −
Speed = 0 at [mA] 4 4 4 4
Speed at 20 mA 4000 4000 4000 4000
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 9 10 11 12
None X X X X
Conventional − − − −
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 9 10 11 12
Controlled X X X X
Monitored − − − −
Delivery[cfm] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
at pressure [psig] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption in 0 0 0 0
idle [kW]
Engine running 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
No alarm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Negative − − − −
Automatic 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
FC machine − − − −
Characteristic curve No. − − − −
Conventional connection
Analog input AI 0 AI 0 AI 0 AI 0
Active − − − −
Speed = 0 at [mA] 4 4 4 4
Speed at 20 mA 4000 4000 4000 4000
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 13 14 15 16
None X X X X
Conventional − − − −
Controlled X X X X
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 13 14 15 16
Monitored − − − −
Delivery[cfm] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption [kW] 0 0 0 0
at pressure [psig] 0 0 0 0
Power consumption in 0 0 0 0
idle [kW]
Engine running 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
No alarm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
Negative − − − −
Automatic 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Active − − − −
FC machine − − − −
Characteristic curve No. − − − −
Conventional connection
Analog input AI 0 AI 0 AI 0 AI 0
Active − − − −
Speed = 0 at [mA] 4 4 4 4
Speed at 20 mA 4000 4000 4000 4000
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Machine 1 2 3 4
Date and time
Machine 1 2 3 4
Date and time
Power consumption [kW]
at pressure [psig]
Idle consumption [kW]
Engine running
No alarm
FC machine
Characteristic curve No.
Conventional connection
Analog input
Speed = 0 at [mA]
Speed at 20 mA
Machine 5 6 7 8
Date and time
Machine 5 6 7 8
Date and time
Power consumption [kW]
at pressure [psig]
Idle consumption [kW]
Engine running
No alarm
FC machine
Characteristic curve No.
Conventional connection
Analog input
Speed = 0 at [mA]
Speed at 20 mA
Machine 9 10 11 12
Date and time
Machine 9 10 11 12
Date and time
Power consumption [kW]
at pressure [psig]
Idle consumption [kW]
Engine running
No alarm
FC machine
Characteristic curve No.
Conventional connection
Analog input
Speed = 0 at [mA]
Speed at 20 mA
Machine 13 14 15 16
Date and time
Machine 13 14 15 16
Date and time
Power consumption [kW]
at pressure [psig]
Idle consumption [kW]
Engine running
No alarm
FC machine
Characteristic curve No.
Conventional connection
Analog input
Speed = 0 at [mA]
Speed at 20 mA
13.4.6 FC characteristic
See instructions in chapter 7.3.2
FC characteristic 1
Tab. 55 FC characteristic 1
FC characteristic 2
Tab. 56 FC characteristic 2
FC characteristic 3
Tab. 57 FC characteristic 3
Date / time
Name Factory
Machine 1
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 2
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 3
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 4
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 5
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Date / time
Name Factory
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 6
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 7
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 8
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 9
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Date / time
Name Factory
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 10
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 11
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 12
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 13
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Date / time
Name Factory
Machine 14
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 15
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Machine 16
Source SC
Total hours: [h] 0
Hours on load [h] 0
Preset (maintenance in‐ [h] 500
Remaining (maintenance [h] 500
Active (y/n) −
Factory setting
Machine all
External selection 0.0
Active −
Machine all
Negative −
Personal setting
Machine 1 2 3 4
Date and time
External selection
Machine 5 6 7 8
Date and time
External selection
Machine 9 10 11 12
Date and time
External selection
Machine 13 14 15 16
Date and time
External selection
Factory setting
Remote ON/OFF
Function active −
Input 0.0
Factory setting
Active at: 24 V
Function active −
Input 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Function active −
Input 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Switching compressors
Function active −
Input 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Decrease required pres‐
Function active −
Input 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Power limiting
Function active −
Input 0.0
Active at: 24 V
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
at 0 mA at 20 mA
Line compensation
Threshold value 1 Output Active
Input value
Threshold value 2 Output Active
Input value
Factory setting
Machine all
Load 0.0
Active −
Negative −
Group alarm 0.0
Active −
Negative −
Personal settings
Machine 1 2 3 4
Date and time
Group alarm
Machine 5 6 7 8
Date and time
Group alarm
Machine 9 10 11 12
Date and time
Group alarm
Machine 9 10 11 12
Date and time
Machine 13 14 15 16
Date and time
Group alarm
Factory setting
Group alarm
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Controller operational
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group maintenance/group warning
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
External alarm
Function active
Active at:
Maintenance/external warning
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Compressor alarm
+ = Yes, − = No
Factory setting
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Compressor maintenance / warning
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Pressure low
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 1
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 2
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 3
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 4
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 5
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 6
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 7
Function active −
+ = Yes, − = No
Factory setting
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm dryer 8
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Timer channel 1
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Timer channel 2
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Timer channel 3
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Timer channel 4
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
CLOCK mode
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Compressor station ON
Function active −
Output 0.0
+ = Yes, − = No
Factory setting
Active at: 24 V
No compressor preselected
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Group alarm (pulse)
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
Pressure high
Function active −
Output 0.0
Active at: 24 V
+ = Yes, − = No
Factory setting
System pressure
Output active +
Analog output 0
I = 0 mA 0.00 psig
I = 20 mA 232.00 psig
Required pressure
Output active −
Analog output 0
I = 0 mA 0.00 psig
I = 20 mA 232.00 psig
Free air delivery
Output active −
Analog output 0
I = 0 mA 0 cfm
I = 20 mA 1766 cfm
FC setpoint pressure
Output active −
Analog output 0
+ = Yes, − = No
Factory setting
I = 0 mA 0.00 psig
I = 20 mA 232.00 psig
Output active −
Analog output 0
I = 0 mA 0.000 kW
I = 20 mA 500,000 kW
+ = Yes, − = No
Date / time
Name Factory settings
SMS active −
Language SMS German
Send air system data −
Call-repeat blocking 60
time [min]
Subsidiary CBG
Dial initialization ATX 3 DT0,
Telephone number
Contact person
SAM's phone number
Send GSM PIN −
Sign-of-life active −
Time of sending:
Channel 1
Protocol TAP
Auto re-dial 3
Pause [min] 1
Call-center's phone num‐ 01712521002
Customer Service phone 017118637270
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Date / time
Name Factory settings
Channel 2
Protocol TAP
Auto re-dial 3
Pause [min] 1
Call-center's phone num‐ 01712521001
Customer Service phone 017118637270
+ ≙ Yes, − ≙ No
Technician's settings
Personal settings
Date / time
Switching point ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF
Machine 1 [psig]
Machine 2 [psig]
Machine 3 [psig]
Machine 4 [psig]
Machine 5 [psig]
Machine 6 [psig]
Date / time
Switching point ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF
Machine 7 [psig]
Machine 8 [psig]
Machine 9 [psig]
Machine 10 [psig]
Machine 11 [psig]
Machine 12 [psig]
Machine 13 [psig]
Machine 14 [psig]
Machine 15 [psig]
Machine 16 [psig]
Personal settings
Date / time
Switching point ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF
Machine 1 [psig]
Machine 2 [psig]
Machine 3 [psig
Machine 4 [psig]
Machine 5 [psig]
Machine 6 [psig]
Machine 7 [psig]
Machine 8 [psig]
Machine 9 [psig]
Machine 10 [psig]
Machine 11 [psig]
Machine 12 [psig]
Machine 13 [psig]
Machine 14 [psig]
Machine 15 [psig]
Machine 16 [psig]
Date / time
Time delay tv [s] tv [s] tv [s] tv [s] tv [s] tv [s]
Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3
Machine 4
Machine 5
Machine 6
Machine 7
Machine 8
Machine 9
Machine 10
Machine 11
Machine 12
Machine 13
Machine 14
Machine 15
Machine 16
Precondition The menu item <Settings «F1» – Shift clock «F5» > is selected.
If a # is entered in the first place of a group sequence, the group sequence #-#-#-#-#-#-# is
automatically set when the «F2 » key (new) is pressed.
1. Remove the check mark from Fri by placing the cursor over Fri and pressing «Enter».
Only Mon to Thur are still selected.
2. Enter switching time 17:00.
3. Enter compressors #-#-#-#-#-#-#.
4. Press «F2» to save the switching points.
Switching point 20
There are 8 compressors of the same size, each with a 110 psig maximum pressure. Four are
equipped with SIGMA CONTROL. The compressor station is made up as follows:
The FC machine receives the pressure set-point and current pressure value from the master con‐
in the event of a master controller break-down, the machines regulate themselves using their inter‐
nal pressure transducers.
Setting parameters
■ The compressor station comprises the following machines:
─ 4 new machines (1, 2, 3, 4)
─ One old machine to be used as reserve (5)
■ In order for the reserve machine not be deactivated for a very long time, it is to be used every
week on Friday between 10:00 and 12:00 AM.
Precondition The menu option <Settings «F1» Station «F4» – Other settings «F4» > is selected.
Enter password for level 2 if necessary.
Precondition The menu item <Settings «F1» – Shift clock «F5» > is selected.
Enter password for level 2 if necessary.
Example: 87 psig
1. In the speed line of the table 96. start with the highest speed and enter the FAD and power at
nominal pressure.
2. Enter the remaining values in relation to decreasing speed.
The zero point is added automatically.
Tab. 98 Installation accessories for SIGMA AIR CONTROL plus and communication
Pressure transducer
RC interference suppressor