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ia) VV LINDON VV OODsS Mr. Anthony Smith, Superintendent eS cir SHOGL STRICT SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (2015-2016) (islet ao 4: student Achievement —At Winton Woods, we wil ensure oll student achieve GE igh eves, meeting 67 Siceeding state and ret measures, Goals & Objectives intender & Board Response/Recommendations Keeps the School Board informed on “in order for the board to be up to date on all issues ‘he Board desires an open communication problems, solutions, and the general | associated with Winton Woods City Schools there is a style and appreciates the Superintendent's operations of the school system while | specifi process connected with open communication. Each | wilingness to update she Board via an | constructively handling disagreements with ‘month the Superintendent updates the entire board on additional _meeting update structure. | School Board on policy decisions. events that may have positive and/or negative impacts to Operational transparency is necessary for the district. Board members are offered the opportunity to continued understanding, have open dialogue with the Superintendent offering suggestions, ideas and comments that may lead to a clearer i i understanding of the district's operational procedures. Uses student achievement data to make All courses are vetted through the teaching and learning ‘The Board appreciates the process of | instructional leadership decisions while department and consolidated with the agreement of the pulling the leadership eam together to understanding the present levels of student WWTA. All general courses of study are aligned with the make these instructional leadership Performance based on consistent assessments | state standards and there is a catalog that is reviewed by | decisions, The Board hopes this will lead that reflect state anid national academic the board when new courses are recommended: The | to improved student achievement in the standards. Meets at least 14 of 33 State ‘master schedule is developed by each BLT to enhance the | next 5 years. Report Card indicators on 2014-2015. overall structure of the district with promoting improved The District met 6 of 33 State Report Card student achievement for all students attending Winton _ indicators on the 2014-2015 schoo! year. Woods City Schools. Although this was not the goal, we appreciate the framework and other instructional leadership items that were ut into place to strategically improve the ‘outcomes for our student’s achievement. ‘The Board wants to see 20 of the 33 indicators met on the 2015-2016 State . - Report Card _! "Decision in teacher assignments, course ‘The Superintendent works with the Teaching and Learning | The Board would like to understand the content, schedules, and student curriculum Department and Human Resources in concert with the | specific needs for improved student based on specific needs for Improved student | principals to determine what will best ensure all students are | achievement. The Board would also like to achievernent, set up for success. better understand the criteria in staff placement/re-positioning for strategic . . leadership decisions. . | Routinely shares examples of specific ‘The executive team along with the board receives regular “Continual communication on this topic _ leadership, teaching, and curriculum strategies __PD from the superintendent to enhance collaboration and from the Superintendent to the Board a)IN VW OODS PHOOL DISTRICT ‘that are associated with improved student achievement. Demonstrates the ability to implement ‘educational innovations and successful curriculum changes which improve the ‘educational program. | Organizes planned program of curriculum evaluation, assessment, and improvements providing positive, responsible leadership for | coordination, development and support of the educational program. Successful impiementation and utilization of Naviance | Program, Echo, and Progress Book. essential leadership skills, A few of the books have | discussed in various educational settings including but not. limited to BLT/DLT/principal leadership teams as well as the | weekly executive sessions facilitated by the Tequested. It is necessary for the Board's knowledge to be kept up to date on these strategies in order for the Board and the Superintendent to stay on track towards Superintendent. Textbooks and course outlines are also | our goals. to. improve student agreed upon by the leadership team and delivered to the | achievement. The Board also desires a boerd for yearty approval. schedule of -——_BLT/DLT/principal | leadership/Executive Session meeting | _ dates for future attendance interest. After the successful years of studying data trends The Board looks forward to our] associated with the New Tech Experience ~ the implementation of New Tech and PBL superintendent helped to forge an educational opportunity | across the entire District Brades. We will that would meet the needs of all students in the Winton revisit this once there is data in existence Woods City School District. Beginning in 2016-17 three to study the outcomes of our investment schools will have launched into the New Tech Network , in this program. Experience ~ high school, middle school and the | intermediate building. in 2017 the elementary school, } Primary North and Primary South will be added to | ‘educational project-based learning experience. This will make Winton Woods City Schools one of two fully | restructured districts under the umbrella of the New Tech Network of Schools. i Progress Book Winton Woods uses the Progress Book Grade Book Suite, which is @ suite of applications that support teachers and their work. Progress Book can house teachers’ lesson plans, student daily attendance, and is a vehicle for student grade reporting and communication with parents, Students and parents have access to Progress Book as well, allowing schools, teachers, parents and students to partner to support student academic success. Parents and students can set up elerts in Progress Book to get notice uf eny | change or drop in a student's grade. internally, teachers | can use Progress Book to access student Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Written Education Plans (WEPS). Winton Woods is one of thirty-five school districts that | utilize Progress Book through the Hamilton/ Clermont Qi The Board wants to see the assessment of the following 3 programs and how they are evaluated for effectiveness and coordination amongst our student body, | The Board is aware that these programs are in place, and The Board desires to see the utilization and outcomes to | substantiate these programs to further determine effectiveness.qs SMO INVLON VV OOM 12S. C>STRIC ‘Cooperative Association (HCCA). Echo Echo™ isthe learning management system of the New Tech | Network, Use of Echo is required of all New Tech affiliated | ‘schools. Echo has all of the functions of Progress Book. It can house teacher lesson plans and student grades. Students and parents have access to Echo, and there is parent notification of grade changes. However, Echo is specifically designed for project-based and collaborative learning environments that require students have voice and choice in their learning. Echo provides teachers a structure to organize. projects that support student exploration of content so that they may exercise personal agency and responsibility in their own learning. Project Briefcases, housing all of a project-based learning unit’s requirements and resources, live in Echo and can be accessed 24-7. For grading, Echo provides a mechanism to report student progress not only on academic content but on the schoo!- wide learning outcomes as well. In addition, Echo provides a robust set of to-go, professional development resources for staff to support their growth as project-based learning facilitators. Within Echo, teachers can access an extensive project library as they buid out projects for specific courses. All teachers in the district will have an Echo account, and we will utilize Echo to provide professional development for teachers beginning next year. Naviance Naviance is a comprehensive web-based college and career readiness platform that supports student self-discovery, career exploration, academic planning, and college preparation. Currently, Naviance is used at Grades 7-12 in Winton Woods. Guidance counselors use the Naviance curriculum to teach students lessons in four key areas: See What's Possible for Them; Develop Critical Non-Cognitive Skills; Acquire College Knowledge; and Take Ownership @]‘Over Their Path. Students can take Career surveys and compare the results of those surveys against their current | | academic performance (GPA; ACT score; and course | concentrations) to identify possible career matches. Students can search for colleges thet meet their financial j and career interest needs. All college recommendations are completed by teachers through Navience. Naviati is also used for teachers to make course recommendations during the scheduling process. ‘These three products give our teachers, students, and Parent's tools to support and manage academic progress in real-time, while planning for a successful post-secondary journey in either the career and/or college enviranment. — —— =} “| Promotes staff development activities | Please see attached for samples of BLT & DLT minutes, ‘The Board appreciates the continued appropriate to meet the academic goals of the | PD timeline for 2015-2016 transparency on this topic. The Board district. would also like to see an enhanced PD curriculum surrounding the topics of classroom management and cultural | et Sy competence for our teaching staff. Encourages high personal expectations in the Please see attached letters to staff. | The Board recognizes the value of our performance of all personnel and students. Superintendent leading by example and | has seen a cultural shift with the | introduction of the growth mindset amongst District leadership. The Board would like to see that this cultural shift be permeated throughout the teaching staff . 7 . . and all other District staff. ‘Creates a feeling of unity and enthusiasm ‘The Superintendent is deliberate in recognizing teachers and | Again, The Board recognizes and among those in contact with the administrators at public engagements regarding their | appreciates the cultural change. in the superintender contributions to the district. Executive team surrounding the growth 1 mindset ~ the Board would now like to see this cultural change be implemented | across all district staff oy(Gl!) VV INSLOD) VV OODS ST cr b STRICT District Goal #2: Resource Allgnment—At Winton Woods, resources willbe aligned to meet district goals and objectives and all financial decisions will consider the impact on student achievernent. . . | Goals & Objectives rintendent’s 6 & Comments Board Response/Recommen Demonstrates the initiative and persistence needed to accomplish financial goals and objectives. Goals are ($.M.A.R.T.) Specific, Measureable, | Attainable, Relevant, and Timely and lead to | successful and practical results. Effectively manages the operating budget in collaborations with the treasurer. Develops a timely budget that supports student achievement. | Effectively advocates for the budget on behalf of the stakeholders (parents, community, local municipalities, and Schoo! Board) Demonstrates positive professional relationship with district personnel that empowers people throughout the district to be leaders, problem solvers, and effective decision makers. Schedules weekly meetings with the Treasurer to view upcoming financial necessities regarding building repairs, five year forecast, bond, operating levies, staffing as well es contractual obligations that _may Impact the outcome of appropriations affecting the five year financial forecast. All goals associated with the Winton Woods City Schoois district follow the same format. ALL members of the executive team | are required to subrnit annual SMART goals. The goals must be specific - measurable ~ attainable — realistic ~ and timely. All goals are due to the Superintendent's office for review no later than July 26, 2016, : _ . ‘Schedules weekly meetings with the Treasurer to view upcoming financial necessities regarding building repairs, five year forecast, bond, operating levies, staffing as well as contractual obligations that may impact the outcome of appropriations affecting the five year financial forecast. | | The Superintendent 1s well aware that 2019 may require the | Board to seek an operational levy. All raises will be recommended to be frozen, depending on the voting outcome. Meets regularly one-on-one with each member of the executive ‘team for coaching and guidance as well as accountability, and meets collectively with the team weekly. The Superintendent also avails himself to the principals for coaching and guidance as situations arise, The Board acknowledges that the Superintendent has established courses of | action to work with the Treasurer, and | would ike the Superintendent to continue investigating and researching community partnerships to retain resources for future ; initiatives, a i The Superintendent has demonstrated the feadership persistence, in completion of SMART goals for the administration and | staff. The Board would like to see these SMART goals continue to be results oriented throughout the district. The Board is pleased that the district has received the grant to implement New Tech Network across the District. The Board congratulates the Superintendent and his executive team on this achievement. The Board wishes to see | continuous resource alignment for future | district initiatives. . |The Board is in agreement with salary | freezes in lieu of seeking an operational levy as our community stakeholders | deserve transparency in all levy decision making. ee . The Board recognizes and appreciates the | Superintendent's coaching and mentorship skills in training his executive team. The Board has seen evidence that | this is working however the Board wants | to see this type of coaching and mentoring across all district staff_especially ourL Developing sirong District Leadership Teams who are capable of immediately assuming leadership responsibility within the schools and administrative offices. Encouraging the use of research and creativity among employees while effectively implementing and monitoring the performance of leadership team. 1 BLT Notes: ‘The subject area where the technical skills are more needed, Math and Science, are seeing great growth. In these areas there is lite skill in the beginning as the content and skills are new ‘end the students are making great gains. In some of the other areas. World History, Government and English 9, we saw growth. There was some discussion of the TBT's (Teacher based teams) being spread over break, AIR (American institute for Research) retesting and MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing in some cases, The team talked of concerns with test fatigue but stil shared that there is still no reason for the students to lose growth. We are seeing growth in some of the subject areas that are all PBL (project based learning) Biology | and World History. Students are still growing into and struggling through the learning process of understanding PBL (Project Based Learning) in NTA (New Tech Academy). Students are trying to learn the process but it is not completely concerting into their academic growth. Teachers should be using IAKTs (individual assessment of knowledge and thinking) to ensure that all students are leaning at the material. Teachers are also improving in their use of workshops to ensure that the students are receiving the work. The PBL (project based learning) mentors will continue to work with the teachers to help them understand that content should be individually scored and that the culmination of the project tis the group's process. There needs to be some clarification to staff of the SWLO (schoo! wide learning outcomes) for the staff that are learning PBL (project based learning). How are we implementing RTI (response to intervention) as a part of the PBL (project based learning) beyond just the workshop model? Mastery is always the goal. DIT Notes: 4) Student performance Data ) Observations {6) teaching staff to continue cur positive cultural shift/growth mindset happening throughout the district. gy The Board appreciates this example from the BLT attachment. The Board has recognized this Issue regarding the | Broup/individual grades where PBL is concerned. We expect the Superintendent through further coaching of his administrators to hold our teachers accountable for this particular grading format. The Board realizes this is a contentious piece of the successful | implementation of the New Tech Network | design. The Board appreciates this example from the DLT attachment. The Board expects the educators to continue to search for | ways to grow our students in their creativeee) VAAN = Ty (a) PARRC LON VV OODs 7 DISTRIC (a) HS: Geometry was a strength for 9" grade; | 20% points or higher below the indicator attainment goal; We did not make any indicators for the report card; We know the | tests are different because of the | difference between OGT scores and PARRC | scores. No advanced in ALG 1 and GEOM on | ‘the PARRC, 5 only hit accelerated on the | reading. i {b) MS: 20% points or higher below the | indicator attainment goal; ALG/GEOM 7* and ® had great results (81% and 100%); | {c} INT: 6" grade math was lower than 5 | grade math when traditionally it has been the opposite; 20% points or higher below | the indicator attainment goal; | (d) ELEM: highest was 4" grade social studies; No indicators met; 5% between what we earned and the what we needed for the indicator; largest growth between the fall and spring ever (2) MAP {a) The students are scoring at a 6" grade level in high schoo! in math. Kids come in half year behind andit snowballs so by HS there isa 3-4 year gapin both reading and math, ‘At primaries SWD scored higher than the ALL (N for special ed is low); Language is ‘the weakest area- farthest behind for the middle school; some of the highest performing children were recently enrolled students. Not alltenth graders took the math MAP Sabout 70 students)- only those who were in geometry; change in using MAP for TGRG- Number “on track” will be smaller for RIMPS and EMIS; ELEM: 3° 7 and critical thinking. The Board’ expects the Superintendent to continue monitoring the performance of our leadership teams. The Board also expects these leadership teams to mentor and further carry these goals to all other teaching staffCED WINE Veeps ‘grade math and reading the weakest. Need ‘to make the largest gains; First assessment for primaries. {b) ACT Alignment: Lose traction along the way- instead of gaining it. From 19% in 6” to 10% in tenth. By tenth grade we need to have a higher rit score Disteict Goal #3: Parent & Community Engagement—At Winton Woods, the district will partner and engage parents and community stakeholders to . encourage shared ownership of our succe: Goals & Objectives Superintendent's Reflections & Comments Demonstrates ability to work with members of | Whenever concerns are brought to the office of the the Schoo} Board, local municipalities, Superintendent, we collaborate with the students, parents, | administrative team, teachers, students, and | administrators, and teachers to resolve the situation that is, parents and earn thelr respect while | first and foremost, best for the children. The process is based empowering them to be solution-driven. | on the chain of command in which the superintendent first | allows the building leadership the opportunity to resolve the matter, The Superintendent is an active committees/organizations: BASA (Buckeye Association of School Administrators) Regional Successfully manages superintendent committees, striving to build effective ips between the community, local surrounding. school districts, | Meetings: and local businesses. 1/25/16 | 3/76 ipant in the HCESC Superintendents Meetings: 10/16/15 1/8/36 3/18/16 ‘VASA (Valley area Superintendents Association) Meetings: 9/18/16 2/1/15 | 2/5/16 (81 lowing ! Board Response/Recommendations | The Board recognizes the extenuating ~ efforts the Superintendent has put in to not only his collaboration but his process in resolving parental and community concerns. The Board also appreciates that these concerns have been communicated and brought to the attention of the Board. | The Board appreciates this operational | transparency. The Board recognizes the Superintendent’s unique ability to work with a variety of team members to align the district's values and beliefs. The Board would like to see the Superintendent create more initiatives promoting camaraderie among the commur municipalities, surrounding school districts, and local businesses for more enhanced community partnerships.Qe WINTON ‘Maintains liaison with local, state, federal legislators communicating the information to the educational leaders in an effort to accomplish improvements for the district. Solicits parent and community input and commitment to district goals, policies, and program through the development of a survey process to: 1) gain feedback from parents who ‘exit the district; 2) gain feedback from parents ‘on their perception of many aspects of the VY wo PHOOL WCC (Hamilton County Cooper Meetings: 4/afis Greater Cincinnati School Advocacy Network Meetings: 9/28/15 10/27/15 123/15 Student Achievement Committee Meetings occurring monthly, Communication Team Meetings occurring bimonthly, Conversation with the Superintendent Meetings with HS Seniors: 9/4/15 9/25/15 10/a/a5 10/23/15 11/13/15 11/20/15 12/4/15 1/15/16 3/29/16 2/2/16 3/46 Receives regular legislative updates from Jeanette Oxender, lobbyist for Hamilton county Educational Service Center. | [examples of survey questions that have been sent out: © Overall, were you pleased with the Winton Woods City | implement ‘Schools experience? Please explain why you were or were not pleased. * What did Winton Woods child/children? do best for your ‘= Please check the box below to indicate the reason why {9} ‘The “Superintendent” shares legislative information on a regular basis amongst the Board Members and the Board appreciates this constant update in our meetings and the overall transparency of legislative affairs that may or may not affect our school district. The Board appreciates the | fn of these surveys thet | iwere not in effect prior to the | Superintendent's leadership. And, the Board wishes to see these surveys expanded to the greater community to reach further than parents with enrolled students. The Board understands there_your child(ren) is/are leaving the district: © Relocating © Open Enroliment 2. Private/Parochial School © Other ‘What is the most helpful method to communicate Information about the implementation of New Tech Network (including project. based learning Y What would you like more information about? ‘Say 5 lon: however we believe inclusion within all areas of our communities is both desired and requested on a regular basis. Board Response/Recommendations "Examples: Quality Report, State of the Schools, revised parent |The Board appreciates these instituted tion guidelines, established communications team, reinstituted DLT, Advancedtd on diploma, increased athlet examples, and the Superintendent has already recelved recognition for these | GPA requirement, community engagement coordinator, | items. The Board would like to see a conversations with the Superintendent. 110) broader dissemination of the Quality Report to our community. The Board | would like to see increased attendance at | , the State of the Schools from parents and | ‘community stakeholders. The Board wishes to see the difference made by the revised visitation guidelines in each building. The Board expects the Superintendent to invoWe the Board Liaison to our Community Engagement process and perhaps all communications | team meetings. The Board appreciates the | reinstitution of the BLT/DLT meetings, and | as mentioned before requests a meeting schedule, The Board cecognizes the implementation of AdvancedEd on our student diplomas where this was _Reglected_prior to the Superintendent's‘The Board has been @ partner of the Superintendent's increased athletic GPA requirement and we will continue to support all efforts to increase student achievement as well as expectations of our student body. The Board has recognized the —_Superintendent’s placement of our communiiy engagement coordinator. The Board has attended the | conversations with the Superintendent | and believes this is a very nutritional | process in gaining feedback from our students ~ the Board looks forward to the Le HL continuance of this event. Strives to create and maintain a professional" Monthly update to the Board, Board Retreat, monthly BOE | The Board expects the Superintendent to and trustworthy relationship between the Meetings. build and maintain wholesome and ‘Schoo! Board and superintendent. transparent communication so that the Board is continually informed on issues & ‘opportunities concerning the district when going into the communities to | communicate with our stakeholders. | | ~ a _.._ Boged Response/Recommendations Cn The Board is encouraged by the strategic measures you have made this year. The Board both appreciates these implementations and looks forward to reaping the fruits of your labor in results for our District. The Board Is confident You possess the necessary, even exemplary leadership skills to move our district forward on our continued path of progress. The Board does realize and take into consideration the since taking this position; we congratulate you on successes made thus far and the extreme efforts put forth by you to assess the situation, set forth a plan to remedy and/or improve the system, and to continue leading by example for our strategic cultural shift of our staff, students, and communities. There is still a great deal of work to be done to be able to come full circle of what needed to be done | here in our schoo! district when you arrive. The Board is confident in your capability to get the job done. | faa}rd Is concern about the mathematics foundation and ability for students to successfully achieve higher level rematics, the basic understanding of concepts and application necessary to be successful in everyday life. It would je necessary to provide a much defined, methodical plan to vertically align math curriculum. PBL/New Tech does not ! Provide a program for this achievement so we must provide our own uniquely, imaginative design with our specific Boals applied. The Administration should invite teacher collaboration year over year to deliver missing pieces in an effort to improve State Assessment scores. Since we are creating our own curriculum, what better time to engage our team to solve these issues. It is a great opportunity for a project based idea for teachers. |_| The Board expects your leadership and presence for the upcoming bond campaign ~ your vision and strategie goals for | our school district must be communicated to the entire community and this platform holds great opportunity to | accomplish this engagement. | | ‘In conclusion, The Board is very pleased with your progress and we look forward to realizing the results of your ' \ continual efforts put forth while enhancing our public educational system. eR attMr. Anthony Smith, Superintendent ane yw. INLON vw. « — SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (2015-2016) ITY SCHOOL PD foams pecs Popes ttc thn VISION, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, & FOCUS OF DISTRICT WORK Establish a vision, expect continuous improvement, and develop a focused plan for achieving 4 district goals a a o a COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Establish processes to communicate and collaborate effectively a & o a a POLICIES AND GOVERNANCE Work withthe board of education to identity, prioritize and set policies and governance bool lp procedures that maximize the success of all students IsrrucTion Lead the ereation of instructional systems designed for high student achievement: nm oo Ro a RESOURCES Manage and organize the district’ resources (human, fieal, operational and materials) to 5 ooo lo accomplish district goals & ‘OVERALL PERFORMANCE a {23}
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Iranetta Wright - 2-Superintendent Evaluation - MOY Review March 2023 - DH 7-11-23
3 pages
Iranetta Wright - 2-Superintendent Evaluation - MOY Review March 2023 - DH 7-11-23
WCPO 9 News
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Sycamore Township Waste Site: Emails With Township
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Sycamore Township Waste Site: Emails With Township
WCPO 9 News
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Andrew Wall's Credit Card Transactions Between Dec. 26 and Dec. 29
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Andrew Wall's Credit Card Transactions Between Dec. 26 and Dec. 29
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Sycamore Township Waste Site: Email To Facility
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Sycamore Township Waste Site: Email To Facility
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Visit Cincy Arena
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Visit Cincy Arena
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Letters From OTR Business Owners
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Letters From OTR Business Owners
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Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
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Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
WCPO 9 News
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Letters From OTR Business Owners
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Letters From OTR Business Owners
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Iranetta Wright - 4 Mid Year Summary
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Iranetta Wright - 4 Mid Year Summary
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Ohio EPA Letter
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Ohio EPA Letter
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Kenton County Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Kenton County Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
WCPO 9 News
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Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
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Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
WCPO 9 News
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Winton Wood Superintendent Evaluation 15-16
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Winton Wood Superintendent Evaluation 15-16
WCPO 9 News
100% (1)
MemorialDay2023 PIO
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MemorialDay2023 PIO
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Winton Woods Summative 20-21
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Winton Woods Summative 20-21
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Three Rivers Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Three Rivers Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Winton Wood Superintendent Evaluation (Incomplete) 19-20
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Winton Wood Superintendent Evaluation (Incomplete) 19-20
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Batavia Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Batavia Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Walton-Verona Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Walton-Verona Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Southgate Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Southgate Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Ross Local Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Ross Local Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Sycamore Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Sycamore Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Newport Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Erlanger-Elsmere Independent Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Boone Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Boone Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Beechwood Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
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Beechwood Superintendent Evaluation 21-22
WCPO 9 News
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)