Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
Iranetta Wright - 1 Mid Year Evaluation Document
● In October of 2023 the CPS Board approved the SY22-23 evalua on framework for Superintendent Wright. (See Appendix.)
This framework has two parts: (a) a set of performance outcomes with measurable targets for SY22-23 and (b) the Ohio
Superintendent Standards.
● The Board has conducted a mid-year review this spring aligned to that framework. This review has the following aligned
o Mid-year data on her SY22-23 targets (7% ahead of schedule, 73% on schedule, 20% behind schedule)
o Board ra ngs on the Ohio standards (18% “above” (4s or 5s), 51% “meets” (3s), 31% “below” (1s or 2s)).
o A list of strengths we hope she con nues to demonstrate, as well as ac ons we would like to see her begin.
● The superintendent’s final evalua on for SY22-23 will take place in the fall of 2023 so that it can include final data for this
past school year.
To Con nue:
1. The superintendent gives strong focus to student achievement outcomes (e.g., goals and guardrails).
2. The superintendent provides comprehensive data on outcomes in the district.
3. She has provide strong insights and demonstrated a real commitment to curriculum and instruc on.
4. She is very driven and very focused.
5. She is a very talented individual communicator.
6. She has demonstrated strong involvement in board commi ee work.
To Begin:
1. Appreciate that the Board is the representa ve of the community and recognize the Board’s authority and board members’
experience when developing district-wide ini a ves. Recognize the authority of the Board and accept guidance from the
2. Recognize and value the unique a ributes and needs of school sites as you listen to their respec ve leadership and
governance bodies.
3. Collaborate with all union leaderships in order to understand the challenge facing all collec ve bargaining unit members and
their families.
4. Ensure that you and your direct reports acknowledge the professionalism and experience of CPS employees and work units
and communicate with dignity and apprecia on at all mes.
5. Recruit and hire for qualifica ons, experience, commitment to public educa on and respect for unionism and professional
6. In a district this large and this diverse, the superintendent cannot and should not do it all herself (e.g., make decisions, own
ini a ves; vs. empower other leaders to make decisions).
7. Show a recogni on and respect for the historical reliance we’ve had on community partnerships. If a partner is genera ng
posi ve outcomes, improve those rela onships.
8. Understand and value the district’s historical context.
Appendix – Board-Approved Evalua on Framework for SY22-23
Descrip on Performance measure Baseline Target
Lead indicator #1 - % of teachers
comple ng PD sequence for ELA N/A 66%
Conduct monthly engagement sessions 11 during 100-day entry 80% SA/A session was a valuable
across stakeholder groups use of me
Staff survey - % of staff members taking
survey Baseline 12.1.22 Set target 1.31.23
Provides leadership for
Culture Staff survey – % expressed overall
assessing, developing and
(20%) sa sfac on with the district Baseline 12.1.22 Set target 1.31.23
improving climate and culture.
Staff survey - % who agree at work people
Baseline 12.1.22 Set target 1.31.23
are always treated with respect
Staff survey - % who agree everyone at CPS
is treated fairly regardless of individual Baseline 12.1.22 Set target 1.31.23
Reorganiza on of Human Resources with
developed plan for overall improvement
Monitor the district opera ons, which includes monitoring metrics
Organiza onal ensuring mely provision of
Management responses to schools and Reorganiza on of transporta on with
(30%) departments. developed plan for overall improvement N/A N/A
which includes monitoring metrics
Partners and community – Increase PTO
48 65
organiza ons
Direc ons: Ra ngs will be averaged across all Board members to determine ra ng. Competencies will serve as 50% of overall evalua on in year 1
Competency 1 Establish a vision, expect con nuous improvement, and develop a focused plan 1.1 Develop a shared vision for the district.
for achieving district goals. 1.2 Expect, model and support the effec ve
use of data.
1.3 Create a coherent plan with a limited
number of goals.
1.4 Implement the district plan and monitor
the strategies for achieving the goals.
1.5 Review progress and revise the strategies
for achieving district goals.
1.6 Communicate the district’s vision, goals
and focused plan.
Competency 2 Establish processes to communicate and collaborate effec vely 2.1 Demonstrate communica on
competence with all stakeholders.
2.2 Develop, implement and maintain
effec ve communica on systems.
2.3 Communicate effec vely and openly and
demonstrate a willingness to collaborate
with the board of educa on, the district
treasurer and the district staff.
2.4 Communicate effec vely and openly and
demonstrate a willingness to collaborate
with external stakeholders.
Competency 3 Work with the board of educa on to iden fy, priori ze and set policies and 3.1 Review, develop and recommend policies
governance procedures that maximize the success of all students. for the district.
3.2 Implement and con nuously assess
policies and prac ces.
3.3 Iden fy and respond to societal and
educa onal trends that affect the district and
3.4 Advocate for children and families.
3.5 Model and expect professional conduct.
Competency 4 Lead the crea on of instruc onal systems designed for high student 4.1 Require district-wide use of an
achievement. established curriculum.
4.2 Ensure the development and
implementa on of high-quality,
standards-based instruc on.
4.3 Set expecta ons for and guide the
crea on of a comprehensive assessment
system for the district.
4.4 Ensure that the district curriculum,
instruc on, and assessment program are
designed to provide full access and
opportunity to all students.
4.5 Implement processes to monitor and
assess the district-wide implementa on of
curriculum, instruc on and assessment.
4.6 Provide for high-quality, professional
development for all staff aligned with district
Competency 5 Manage and organize the district’s resources (human, fiscal, opera onal and 5.1 Recruit, develop, evaluate and retain
material) to accomplish district goals. quality staff and oversee human resource
5.2 Organize me and schedules focused on
district goals.
5.3 Manage and priori ze fiscal resources to
align expenditures with district goals.
5.4 Iden fy and equitably allocate materials
and technology to support district goals.
5.5 Oversee the district’s facili es and
opera ons.