Schroding FEP FDM

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The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving

the Single-Band Schrödinger Equation by the
Finite-Difference and Finite-Element Methods
Dušan B. Topalović1,2, Stefan Pavlović3,
Nemanja A. Čukarić1, Milan Ž. Tadić1
Abstract: The finite-difference and finite-element methods are employed to
solve the one-dimensional single-band Schrödinger equation in the planar and
cylindrical geometries. The analyzed geometries correspond to semiconductor
quantum wells and cylindrical quantum wires. As a typical example, the
GaAs/AlGaAs system is considered. The approximation of the lowest order is
employed in the finite-difference method and linear shape functions are
employed in the finite-element calculations. Deviations of the computed ground
state electron energy in a rectangular quantum well of finite depth, and for the
linear harmonic oscillator are determined as function of the grid size. For the
planar geometry, the modified Pöschl-Teller potential is also considered. Even
for small grids, having more than 20 points, the finite-element method is found
to offer better accuracy than the finite-difference method. Furthermore, the
energy levels are found to converge faster towards the accurate value when the
finite-element method is employed for calculation. The optimal dimensions of
the domain employed for solving the Schrödinger equation are determined as
they vary with the grid size and the ground-state energy.

Keywords: Schrödinger equation, Finite-difference method, Finite-element method,

Semiconductor quantum well, Quantum wire, Nanowire.

1 Introduction
Semiconductor nanostructures have been in the focus of research for the
last few decades, with promising applications in electronics and photonics [1-3].
Techniques of molecular beam epitaxy and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
allow fabrication of layered structures of almost arbitrary composition and
thickness. However, most attention has been devoted to the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As
system, since GaAs and (Al,Ga)As are almost lattice matched, therefore no
restrictions are imposed on thickness of the layers of GaAs and (Al,Ga)As.

School of Electrical Engineering, Bul. kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia; E-mail:
Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Belgium; E-mail:

D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

Furthermore, for the mole fraction of GaAs less than 0.4, (Al,Ga)As is a direct
band gap semiconductor, therefore the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As nanostructures are
suitable for fabrication of lasers. The electron states in the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As
quantum wells might be modeled by the single-band Schrödinger equation. To
adopt this approach, quantum well layers should be thicker than about 2 nm,
otherwise influence of the interfaces could be quite large [1, 2].
Besides layered nanostructures, the single-band Schrödinger equation has
been successfully employed to model the electron states in semiconductor
quantum wires and quantum dots [4]. A novel technique to grow nanowires is
the VLS (vapor-liquid-solid) process, which has been employed to create free-
standing and core-shell nanowires with a nearly cylindrical shape [5]. Because
of the axial symmetry of these quantum wires, the single-band Schrödinger
equation could be simply solved in the cylindrical coordinate system.
Furthermore, the potential well in these quantum wires is a few eV deep,
therefore the electrons could be regarded to be confined in an infinitely deep
quantum well.
The secular equation can be derived for only a few confining potentials in
nanostructures. The notable examples are the potential of the rectangular
semiconductor quantum well, the potential of the one-dimensional (1D) linear
harmonic oscillator (LHO), and the isotropic 2D LHO model. For the general
case, however, numerical methods should be employed to solve the single-band
Schrödinger equation [6 – 10]. Two such cases are nanostructures exhibiting
compositional intermixing [11, 12] and modeling the effects of charge
redistribution from the well to the barrier, which should be considered by jointly
solving the Schrödinger and the Poisson equation in a self-consistent manner
[6]. The Schrödinger equation can be numerically solved by the finite difference
method (FDM) [6, 7] and the finite element methods (FEM) [8 – 10]. They are
both relatively easy to implement, the accuracy of the computed energies can be
controlled by varying the grid size and the dimension of the solution domain.
Furthermore, a nonuniform grids can be adopted in both models. However, it is
not a priori clear which of the two methods is more effective for solving the
Schrödinger equation.
The present paper presents the numerical procedures for solving the single-
band Schrödinger equation in the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As quantum wells and quantum
wires. The calculations are based on both the FDM and FEM. The deviations
of the energy levels computed by means of the two methods from the
analytical results are analyzed as they vary with the grid size. For both the
analyzed numerical methods the optimal dimensions of the solution domains are
determined. Moreover, variations of the numerical error of the ground state
energy levels in the quantum wells and quantum wires with both the grid size
and the ground state electron energy are determined and analyzed.

The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving the Single-Band Schrödinger…

2 Theoretical and Numerical Methods

GaAs and (Al,Ga)As have large energy gaps, thus the electron states in the
conduction band of the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As quantum wells can be computed by
the single-band Schrödinger equation
2 d  1 d 
    ( z )  Veff , k|| ( z ) ( z )  E ( z ) . (1)
2 dzm dz
Here m denotes the effective mass which varies along the z axis, and Veff ,k ( z )
is the effective confining potential
2 2
Veff ,k|| ( z )  V0 ( z ) 
k|| , (2)
where V0 ( z ) has the rectangular shape if it arises from the conduction-band
offset, and could be described by the potentials of the linear harmonic oscillator
(LHO) and the modified Pöschl-Teller potential to take into account the effects
of compositional intermixing. The term  2 k2 / 2m in equation (2) describes free
motion of the electron in the quantum-well plane, which takes place with the in-
plane wave vector k . By solving equation (1) for different k values the
subband dispersion relations E (k ) are determined.
In a cylindrical quantum wire the Schrödinger equation reads
2 1 d  1 d 
    ()  Veff , kz    ()  E () . (3)
2  d  m d 
Here, k z denotes the longitudinal wave number describing the electron free
motion along the z direction, and m  m() , where  is the radial coordinate of
the cylindrical coordinate system. Therefore, the effective potential has the form
2 l 2 2 2
Veff ,kz ( z )  V0 ( z )   kz . (4)
2m 2 2m
Even though the effective mass values in GaAs and (Al,Ga)As differ, we
assumed the approximation of the spatially constant effective mass, for which
we adopted the value in GaAs, where the electron is mainly localized.
Furthermore, for the constant effective mass, the depth of the effective potential
well does not depend on the wave vector k or k z , therefore it suffices to
analyze the accuracy of the calculations for k  0 and k z  0 . For this case, the
Schrödinger equation for the planar quantum well has the form
2 d 2 
  V0 ( z ) ( z )  E  ( z ) , (5)
2m d z 2
D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

whereas for the cylindrical quantum wire     is substituted in equation

(3) to remove the term inversely proportional to  , thus the Schrödinger
equation has the form
2  d2 1  1 2 
  2  2   l     V0 ()  E  . (6)
2m  d    4 
In the FDM, equations (5) and (6) are solved by replacing the second derivative
  2 i   i 1
(u )  i 1 . (7)
Here, h is the step of the uniform grid, and  i   (u  ih) . Hence, at each grid
point the differential equation (5) is replaced with the difference equation
 i 1   Di     i   i 1  0, i  1, 2,..., N , (8)
2m 2
Di h Ui  2 , (9)
 2 E. (10)

A similar procedure is adopted to compute the quantum-wire states by the
On the other hand, in the finite element calculations [8] the unknown wave
function is expanded into the shape functions f j (u )
 (u )   a j f j (u ) , (11)
j 1

where a j ’s are the coefficients of expansion. For simplicity, the first-order

(linear) shape functions are employed. Multiplying equation (11) by f i ( z ) and
subsequently integrating (Galerkin approach) equation by parts gives
Ha  ESa , (12)
where a is the vector of the expansion coefficients. The matrix elements
of H and S are given by
d d
2 d fi d f j
2m d d z d z  fi ( z )U 0 ( z ) f j ( z )d z ,
H ij  d z  (13)
Sij  
fi ( z ) f j ( z ) d z , (14)

The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving the Single-Band Schrödinger…

where d  D / 2 is the half-width of the solution domain, and D is the domain

full width. For quantum wires, following the similar procedure a similar set of
equations is derived from equation (6).

3 Computer Implementations
In our calculations, the value of electron effective mass is m  0.067m0 ,
half-width of the rectangular quantum well equals w  10 nm, dimension (width
or diameter) of the solution domain equals D  40 nm, and height of the
rectangular potential well amounts to V0  0.3 eV in both the planar and the
cylindrical geometry.
The accuracy of the employed numerical methods is quantified by the error
of the electron ground state energy,
E  Enum  Eacc , (15)
where Enum and Eacc are the computed and the accurate energy values. If the
domain size D is kept fixed and the number of the subdomains N varies, the
error of the ground state energy in a rectangular quantum well oscillates, as
Figs. 1 and 2 show for the planar and the cylindrical geometry, respectively.
The displayed oscillations originate from varying the position of the grid point
which is closest to the heterojunction boundary. If we denote the number of this
point as nw , the actual width of the quantum well in our numerical calculations
is wnum  nw D / N . For a certain value of N , the value of wnum might be close
to the quantum well half-width w . However, when N increases to N  1 , wnum
could become much smaller than w , which leads to increase in the calculated
eigenenergy. If N increases further, the value of wnum could again approach w ,
therefore the energy decrease. We note that wnum is not allowed to exceed w in
our calculations. Furthermore, we define the numerical half-width of the
quantum well as
wnum  w  fh , (16)
where 0  f  1 . According to (16) wnum  w when N increases, which
explains why amplitude of the oscillations shown in Figs. 1 and 2 decreases.
Interestingly, the oscillations of the ground energy level computed by the FEM
have smaller amplitude in both the planar and cylindrical geometry. It is due to
the fact that the energy value computed by the FEM depends on integrals,
therefore the dependence of the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian on N is
smoothed out, even when the position of the well-barrier boundary is not
precisely determined. Therefore, the FEM was found to be more robust than the
FDM to solve the Schrӧdinger equation.

D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

x 10
EFD1 ,  EFEM1 [eV] 2



10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 1 – The error of the computed electron ground state energy in a rectangular
quantum well as function of the number of the grid points. The oscillatory
curve depicted by blue color is the result obtained by the FDM,
while the green line shows the result of the FEM calculations.
x 10

 EFD1, EFEM1 [eV]







10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 2 – The error of the computed electron ground state energy in a cylindrical
quantum wire for the rectangular variation of the confining potential. The FDM result is
shown by the blue line, while the green line shows the result of the FEM calculations.

The oscillations shown in Figs. 1 and 2 might be avoided by imposing the

w  nw h , (17)

The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving the Single-Band Schrödinger…

where nw is the number of the grid points inside half of the well determined
such that the i  nw grid point is located at exactly z  w . Thus the total number
of the grid points is
N nw . (18)
The similar procedure can be adopted to construct an axially symmetric
grid. Such formed grids can be employed for the piece-wise variation of the
confining potentials, whereas the oscillations demonstrated in Figs. 1 and 2 do
not occur for continuously varying potentials, therefore width of the solution
domain and number of the grid points could both be arbitrarily chosen.

4 Numerical Results and Discussion

Fig. 3 shows how the error of the computed electron ground state energy in
a rectangular quantum well varies with half-width of the solution domain for
N  100 . Both curves shown in this figure exhibit minima around d min  20
nm. The existence of the minimum is a consequence of the rapid decay of the
electron wave function inside the barrier. When the solution domain width
increases above d min , the number of the grid points inside the barrier, where the
wave function has small magnitude, increases, therefore the error increases.
Also, increase of the solution domain leads to reduction of the number of the
grid points inside the quantum well where the electrons are mostly localized.
It is obvious in Fig. 3 that the FEM produces more accurate result than the
FDM for d  d min . We note that the error in Fig. 3 is computed for only several
values of d according to equations (17) and (18). Therefore, the oscillations of
the error of the electron ground state which are demonstrated in Figs. 1 and 2
are not present in Fig. 3.
The deviation of the computed electron ground state from the exact value in
the cylindrical nanowire having the rectangular potential as function of the wire
radius is shown in Fig. 4. It is evident that E computed by both the FDM and
the FEM shows minimum at d min  20 nm, which is close to the value
determined for the planar geometry. However, the error of the calculation by
both methods is less sensitive to variation of d when d  d min . This could be
explained to be an effect of a faster decay of the wave function in the barrier,
and less varying wave function inside the wire. Therefore, the wave functions in
quantum wires are well represented by discretization at smaller number of the
grid points.
We found that the diagrams for the higher energy states have forms similar
to Figs. 3 and 4. Also, we found that the variations of E with d have similar

D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

shapes for the 1D LHO and the isotropic 2D LHO. But, for these latter
potentials we also inspected how d min varies with the grid size and the width of
the confining potential well, which is proportional to the exact value of the
ground state energy E0 .
x 10

EFD1 ,  EFEM1 [eV]



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
d [nm]

Fig. 3 – The error of the computed ground-state electron energy in the rectangular
quantum well as function of the solution domain half-width. The FDM result is shown
by the blue line, and the result of the FEM calculations is shown by the green line.
x 10

 EFD1 ,  EFEM1 [eV]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
d [nm]

Fig. 4 – The error of the computed electron ground-state energy

in the cylindrical quantum wire with the rectangular shape
of the confining potential as function of the solution domain radius.

The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving the Single-Band Schrödinger…


dFEM,min [nm]




200 0.5
300 1
E0 [eV]

Fig. 5 – The optimal half-width of the solution domain as function

of the number of elements and the exact energy of the electron ground
state in the planar quantum well with the potential of the 1D LHO.

dFEM,min [nm]



100 0
200 0.4
300 1
N E0 [eV]

Fig. 6 – Dependence of the optimal radius of the solution domain on the

number of the elements and the exact energy of the electron ground state
in the axially symmetric quantum wire with the potential of the 2D LHO.

The diagrams determined by means of the FEM are displayed in Figs. 5 and 6
for the planar and cylindrical geometry, respectively. It is obvious that for the

D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

given width of the quantum well the optimal dimension of the solution domain
weakly depends on the number of elements. On the other hand, d min decays fast
with E0 in the range from 0 to 100 meV. The functions shown in Figs. 5 and 6
can be fitted with

d min ( E0 , N )  0 log e 1   2 N  , (19)
where  0 , 1 , and  2 are the fitting parameters.
The values of the fitting parameters for the potential of the LHO in the
quantum well (QW) and the quantum wire (QWR) are shown in Table 1. The
difference between the parameters extracted from the calculations by the two
numerical methods is found to be small, and the fitting parameters for the
quantum wells and quantum wires have the similar values.

Table 1
The values of the parameters of the function given by (19)
obtained as the best fits of the results shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
Structure Method 1 2
[nm(eV)1/2 ]
QW FDM 0.8365 0.5774 5.187
QW FEM 1.146 0.4821 3.331
QWR FDM 1.318 0.4444 4.529
QWR FEM 1.837 0.4462 6.437

Finally, we adopt the FEM to numerically compute the energy levels in the
quantum well having the shape of the modified Pöschl-Teller potential
V0 ( z )   . (20)
cosh[( V p / c ) z ]
In this case the accuracy of the calculations depends on both the width and
the depth of the potential well, as Fig. 7 shows. We found that the error of the
electron ground energy level determined by the FEM decreases when either the
well width decreases (the parameter c of the potential increases) or the well
depth (the parameter Vp) increases. The variation shown in Fig. 7 could be
explained by better localization of electrons in deeper and wider quantum
wells. We also employed the FDM to determine the electron states in the
modified Pöschl-Teller potential, and we found it resembles the diagram shown
in Fig. 7.

The Optimal Dimensions of the Domain for Solving the Single-Band Schrödinger…


dFEM,min [nm]



3 0.4
2.5 0.35
2 0.25
1.5 0.2
c 1/2 [eV1/2nm] Vp [eV]

Fig. 7 – The optimal dimension of the solution domain as function

of the parameters of the modified Pöschl-Teller potential.

5 Conclusion
The finite-difference and finite-element methods are employed to solve the
single-band Schrödinger equation in the GaAs/(Al,Ga)As quantum wells and
cylindrical quantum wires. We showed that the computation grid should be
constructed with care at the abrupt interface between the well and the barrier.
For an arbitrary grid the error of the electron ground state energy exhibits
oscillations when the number of the grid points varies. We found that the FEM
results are more accurate for the given grid size, and that the error of the
electron energy levels in the quantum wells and wires computed by the FEM are
less dependent on the size of the solution domain than the energy levels
determined by the FDM. Furthermore, the optimal value of the dimension (half-
width or radius) of the solution domain, for which the ground state is computed
with the lowest error, is determined. For the potentials of the 1D and 2D linear
harmonic oscillators the optimal solution domain width is found to vary
negligibly with the number of the grid points, whereas it exhibits strong
dependence on the width of the potential well. Moreover, our calculations for
the modified Pöschl-Teller potential demonstrate that the accuracy of the
electron ground state energy depends on both the well width and depth.

6 Acknowledgment
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.
D. Topalović, S Pavlović, N. Čukarić, M. Tadić

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