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5 E Lesson Plan

Subject: Principles of Business

Teacher: Ms. Smith; Ms. Hamilton

Date: March 28, 2023

Grades: 10^1

Duration: 1 Hour

Unit-Title: Internal Organization

Topic: Leadership

Sub-Topic: Leadership Styles

Class Profile:

Within the class, there are around 45 students, there are: 25 girls and 20 boys. The average age of the

students are around sixteen to eighteen years of age, and they all tend to have different learning styles.

These styles include: Visual, Auditory and Writing. There are no special need students, but there are

students that tends to be very slow in learning new content. Their English proficiency are very poor when

communicating, but they do understand the sentences when reading.

General Objectives:

Students should be able to:

 At the end of this lesson students should understand how the different leadership styles in

organizations impact an organization productivity or its operation.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Define the term “Leader”

 Identify the five (5) different Leadership Styles

 State at least two (2) advantages of any Leadership Styles of their choice

 State at least one (1) advantages of any Leadership Styles of their choice

 Construct a Concept Map based on their understanding

 Respectfully participate into class activities

Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will be prompted to recall and apply their knowledge on an activity

based from a previously learned material. Students should be aware to of the different Leadership Styles.

Differentiated Activities: Questions, Explain, Brainstorm, Class-Discussion, Collaboration

Key-Skills: Recall & Interpretation.

Key Vocabulary: Leader, Leadership, Democratic, Leadership Styles

Materials: Whiteboard, Markers, Paper, Pen, Books.

Methodology: The five (5) E’s and Recollection.

Learning Outcomes:

Students should be able to:

● Participate in class discussions and activities

● Apply knowledge to solve problems

● Perform skills by following instructions.

5 E’s

Engage: Duration: 15 mins

There will be four groups. Each group will be given a picture. Based on the picture, they will determine the

type of leader and the definition of the leadership style. When students are finished with that exercise, each

group will stand and share what they came up with.





Exploration: Duration: 15 mins

Students will remain in their groups. In a jar there are papers with the different types of leadership styles

written on each paper. A representative from each group will come to the front of the class and take out one

of the papers. They will open it up and return to their seats. They will be provided with oral instructions

about the task required.

Instructions: You are going to roleplay a scenario less than five (5) in which the following should come out:

 The type of leader you were given.

 Three characteristics of a leader.

 Two (2) advantages and one (1) disadvantage of the leadership style.

Explanation: Duration: 5 mins

After the students have done their research/activity and shared answers. They will be required to engage in

a class discussion with their responses, after each group has presented. Following the discussion, learners

provided with feedback, clarification (if any) and additional information regarding the topic.

Elaboration: Duration: 20 mins

Succeeding the sharing of content and other discussion students will be engaged in a Class Session, going

through the presentation, and what each group has presented on. Since the students are already aware of

how the different Leadership Styles, there will be some advantages and dis-advantages of each Leadership

Styles written on the board. After those have been written, the teacher will elaborate on some of the

advantages and disadvantages of the different leadership Styles. Any further terms will be further explained

by the teacher using the school book, as well as any questions in relations to the topic. Students will be

asked to take notes in their notebooks/phones for future reference.

Evaluation: Duration: 5 mins

Students will be instructed to clear their desk (putting away all notebook and other learning materials) they

will be given a piece of paper. On that piece of paper, they will write no more than two sentences

something that they learnt from this lesson taught.


Characteristics of a Good Leader

 Honesty and integrity Creativity and Innovation

 Empathy Confidence

 Resilience Inspire Others

 Emotional Intelligence Commitment and Passion

 Humility Good Communicator

 Decision Making Capabilities Accountability

 Transparency Delegation and


Democratic Leadership

Democratic leaders include their team members in their decision-making process. While they are ultimately

responsible for making final decisions, they often ask team members what they think and try to take their

thoughts and opinions into account. This can help increase engagement among team members, but it may

not always be the best style for leaders who need to make quick decisions.

Autocratic Leadership

On the other end of the effective leadership styles spectrum, autocratic leaders make all decisions on their

own without consulting with team members. This can be a good system for making quick decisions.

However, it can make team members feel out of touch or dissatisfied with their working environment if

they don’t feel like their opinions or ideas are ever considered in those important decisions.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

Leaders who practice this style are known for giving their team members a lot of freedom. They provide

support and resources for team members when it’s necessary, but they don’t constantly micromanage

employees. This can be an effective leadership style if you have a lot of trust among your team members
and you know that they do good work and manage their time well on their own. However, if you’re

working with newer team members or those who need more guidance or time-management help, it may not

be as effective.

Charismatic Leader

Charismatic leadership is basically the method of encouraging behaviors in others by way of eloquent

communication, persuasion and force of personality. Charismatic leaders motivate followers to get things

done or improve the way certain things are done. This is accomplished by conjuring up eagerness in others

to achieve a stated goal or vision. The charismatic leadership style has its basis in a form of heroism. This

leadership style is almost of divine origin.

Difference between the Democratic and the Authoritarian Leadership Style

The democratic leadership style is quite simple different from the authoritarian leadership style. The

democratic of leadership is quite flexible and encourages an atmosphere of active participation of

employees in the business. The leader is quite firm but approachable and respected by the employees.

The authoritarian is quite inflexible. The leader is extremely firm, quite unapproachable, very forceful,

aggressive, demanding and intimidating, to employees. Employees do as they are told. They are not

involved in the decision-making processes of the business. The work environment may be quite

uncomfortable for employees.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Leadership.

Leadership Styles Advantages (Benefits) Disadvantages (Drawbacks)

Autocratic  Decisions are made  Employees may lack

quickly as there is no a sense of belonging

consultation with within the in as they

subordinates. are not involved in

 There is clear chain the decision-making

of command process.
employees are not  Employees may

confused as who become resentful

they are to report to. towards managers

 New employees can and may retaliate by

be provided with not giving their best

clear directives to on the job.

follow.  Workers creativity

and innovation is

stifled as their ideas

are not sourced by

the leader

Democratic Leadership  Employees may feel  The decision-making

a greater sense of process may be slow.

belonging within the  Employees may

firm as they are influence decisions

actively involved in that are more in line

the decision-making with their personal

process. preferences and

 Teamwork is skills, rather than the

encouraged. goals of the

 Provides a scope for organisation as a

the development of whole.

worker creativity and

innovation as their

ideas are sourced by


Laissez- Faire Leadership  Employees may feel  Decision making

a greater sense of may be slow and

belonging and antagonistic.

accountability within  With little

the firm as they are supervision or input

largely left to make from the leader,

decisions on their employees may

own. make decisions that

 Teamwork may be are more in line with

encouraged as, with their personal

little guidance from preferences and

their leaders, skills, rather than the

workers might it best goals of the

to rely on each other. organisation as a

 Provides a scope for whole.

the development of  With little

worker creativity and supervision, workers

innovation as may also become

employees are laissez-faire and

largely left to unproductive on the

implement their own job.

Charismatic Leadership  Employees may be  The Leader may use

highly motivated and his or her strong

productive. personality to

 Employees may influence employees

develop great loyalty to engage in illegal

towards the leader, or unscrupulous

which makes it a lot activities.

easier for the leader  Employee creativity

to achieve his or her and innovation may

vision for the be stifles. Being so

organisation. loyal to leader,

subordinates may set

aside their own

ideas, and devote

their attention to

helping the leader

develop his or her


 Robinson, K., & Hamil, S. (2011). Carlong Principles of Business for Csec.

Kingston, Jamaica: Carlong Publishers.

 Whitecomb, A., & Hamil, S. (2000). EssentialPrinciples of Business

for CXC (seconded.). Kingston, Jamaica: Carlong Publishers.

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