Excavation & Trenching Plan

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Excavation / Trenching and

Backfilling Plan



Chièvres, Belgium

February 23th, 2022

Chievres Air Base
Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope of Work............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................4
3. RESPONSIBILITY.....................................................................................................................................4
4. PERMITS & LICENSES.........................................................................................................................6
5. RESOURCES............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Specialized tooling / equipment........................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Product / material..................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Workforce...................................................................................................................................................... 6
6. HEALTH, SAFETY & SECURITY........................................................................................................7
6.1 AHA –Activity Hazard Analysis........................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Requirements............................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Protective & safety requirements..................................................................................................... 7
6.4 Safety precautions.................................................................................................................................... 8
6.5 Welding.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Rescue Plan / Emergency procedures............................................................................................. 8
7. ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................................................................9
7.1 Dust control:................................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Noise and monitoring control............................................................................................................ 9
7.3 Emergency procedures......................................................................................................................... 10
8. QUALITY CONTROL.............................................................................................................................10
8.1 Drawings & specifications.................................................................................................................. 10
8.2 Supervision................................................................................................................................................. 10
9. PROCEDURES / WORK METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................11
9.1 Soil classification..................................................................................................................................... 11
9.2 Excavation and backfilling for the oil-water separator.......................................................13
9.3 Step by step method of work........................................................................................................... 15
A. Site installation........................................................................................................................................ 15
B. Overhead Utilities................................................................................................................................... 15
C. Detection of underground utilities................................................................................................ 15
D. Remove top soil....................................................................................................................................... 15
E. Remove underlayer................................................................................................................................ 15
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F. Create pit for device.............................................................................................................................. 16

G. Place foundation in pit........................................................................................................................ 17
H. Site cleanup............................................................................................................................................... 23
9.4 Water accumulation............................................................................................................................... 24
A. Control measures.................................................................................................................................... 24
B. Drainage...................................................................................................................................................... 24
C. Water control equipment................................................................................................................... 24
10. ATTACHMENT 1 – AHA – RISK ASSESSMENT...................................................................19
11. ATTACHMENT 2 – CP Certificate.......................................................................................................28
12. ATTACHMENT 4 – C.STOPE MXL4/MXT4 detector technical sheet......................29

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1.1 Purpose
This Excavation and Trenching Plan (Plan) addresses the requirements and safe practices
to ensure the safety of employees and contractors who work in or around trenching and
excavation activities performed at APS Zutendaal. These requirements apply to all work
involving excavation, digging, and trenching, grading, or ditching operations.

1.2 Scope of Work

The work mainly consists of the below activities.
- Excavation and backfilling for the placement of an Oil-Water Separator and Fuel
Containment Pads. The excavation is below 1.5m deep.

Project specifications
NEN Regulations
EU regulations EM 385-1-1

- It is the responsibility of the Site Superintendent to ensure that this plan is
followed and adhered to. He shall coordinate all related issues with the team on site
and ensure the required progress is maintained on site.
- Construction team has to ensure that equipment’s and machineries have complete
certificates (Third Party Certificates if necessary) and operators/drivers with valid
licenses/certificates. The SSHO shall also inspect this.
- Site Superintendent/Site Engineer/Supervisor/Foreman together with the SSHO is
responsible for identifying existing hazards in the surroundings, or working
conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to employees and take
prompt corrective measures to eliminate hazards. They have to ensure to achieve
the safety/quality requirements of workers/works carried under his supervision.
- Site in charges are responsible to ensure that the drivers & operators of all
construction machineries are qualified & properly trained to operate their respective
- SSHO will be responsible for monitoring of Health and Safety aspects in the site as
per Standard Safety Requirements.
- SSHO Officer will be responsible for monitoring the activity, compliance with
Government safety procedures and requirements and in parallel ensure adherence
to local host nation requirements.
- The QC is responsible for Inspecting, monitoring and ensuring that works are carried
out to the approved work plan, the Government Quality procedure and the
- The QC also ensures that all submissions and activities subject to formal inspection

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are accepted by the Government and recorded as such.

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- A digging permit shall be approved prior to start of any excavation works.
- Hot works permit shall be obtained before start of cutting, grinding or other similar
(see example in attachment 3)

4.1 Specialized tooling / equipment
- Crawler excavator with long reach
- Dump Truck
- Plate Compactor
- Jackhammer
- Laser levels
- Small tools ex. Markers, Strings, cutters, Spatulas, Hammers, Wrenches etc.
- Utility cable detector

4.2 Product / material

- Backfill material if needed
- Bedding course to include new material or sieved excavated material

4.3 Workforce
- Site Superintendent
- QC
- Supervisor / Foreman
- Workers

Function Name Contact Information

Site Superintendent
QC Fabrice Cambier f.cambier@bbgs.eu
SSHO Bogdan Radu b.radu@bbgs.eu

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During construction phase, the following Safety requirements shall be in place:

5.1 AHA –Activity Hazard Analysis

A risk assessment analyzing potentially high risk involving activities as per the attached
AHA’s. (See Attachment 1).

5.2 Requirements
- Follow requirements of Section 25 Excavation and trenching in EM385-1-1.
- Only authorized equipment / personnel will be allowed within the working area.
- All workers, supervisors and engineers shall use personal protection gears.
- Proper survey of the location to be carried out.
- All heavy equipment shall be maintained in good working condition as per
maintenance schedule.

In order to keep staff aware of Safety issues, BBGS will ensure that robust
communication exists for employees and contractors. The following will be applied:

- General safety induction is mandatory to any personnel working on site.

- Safety team briefings, at least once a month.
- Safety information provided to staff and contractors on a monthly basis.
- Copies of all incident and near miss reports, together with exceptions, violations and
non-conformist reports disseminated at scheduled week meetings.
- Conduct regular health and hygiene inspections.
- STARRT briefing is conducted before each task.

5.3 Protective & safety requirements

- All persons entering the construction area shall be required the minimum personnel
protective equipment such as hardhat, hi visibility vest, and safety shoes.
- All necessary personnel protective equipment shall be worn in accordance with the
safety rules and regulations of the project.
- All workers shall wear full body harness during working at height level.
- All equipment shall be operated and maintained by qualified personnel.
- All necessary barricades, safety notices, safety tools and warning devices shall be
clearly displayed.

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5.4 Safety precautions

- Provide adequate lighting on work location, walkways and access areas.
- Only competent electricians shall carry out all electrical works and repairs.
- Fire extinguishers shall be provided near working areas.
- Electric, gas, water, or other services shall be isolated in case the works are too close
or directly impacted by these services.
- If necessary to maintain any power, water or other utilities during demolition works,
such lines are to be relocated and protected.
- Excavations shall be backfilled as soon as possible.
- If it is required to crossover excavations, walkways or bridges shall be provided.

5.5 Welding
- Welders, cutters, and their supervisor shall be trained in the safe operation of
their equipment, safe welding/cutting practices, and welding/cutting
respiratory and fire protection.
- All welding equipment shall be inspected before each use to ensure that all
required safety devices and ancillary equipment are in place and properly
- The eyes and face of welders shall be protected against UV and infrared
radiation and flying objects during welding, grinding and chipping operations.
- Suitable fire extinguishing equipment of sufficient capacity shall be provided
in the immediate vicinity of welding or cutting operations and maintained in a
state of constant readiness for immediate use.
- Hot work permits shall be required when welding, cutting, or heating
operations are performed.
- Before conducting welding or cutting operations, the area shall be surveyed to
ensure it is free of combustible materials located close to the operation, the
presence or possible generation of potentially explosive atmospheres
(flammable gases, vapors, liquids, or dusts) and the presence or nature of an
oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
- During welding or cutting, a fire watch shall stand with a fire extinguisher
equipment readily available and be trained in its use and in sounding an alarm
in the event of a fire. A fire watch shall be maintained for at least an hour after
completion of the welding or cutting operation to extinguish possible
smoldering fires.

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5.6 Rescue plan / Emergency procedures

In case of emergency or first aid, the Emergency procedures will be followed
according to the APP and its Emergency Plan.

At least two employees will be present on site to administer first aid and CPR with the
required training from organizations whose training adhere to the standard of the

IAW EM385-1-1 section 25.B.06, six ladders (represented by arrows) will be present to access to
the excavation pit separated by a distance <7.6m.
Min. 2 people during the operation:
 one worker inside the hole to perform the required connections to the Oil-Water Separator.
 one first aid worker has to stay at the top of the excavation pit to monitor the worker in the

Each worker will bring a communication device (mobile phone or walkie-talkie) to assure the
best communication.
In case of emergency: call the emergency number 112, describe the situation, and give the
address and all the necessary information to the rescue team. In case of cave-in or any kind of
situation where a worker is immobilized in the excavation pit (unconscious or unable to move),
special method of rescue will be provided by firemen of nearest fire department (Internal fire
department located within Chievres Air Base).
Every emergency has to be reported immediately to the superintendent or SSHO.
The work area will be cleared to permit safe access to the emergency vehicles.
The COR will be informed (+49 611 1435 2490 29) and a person will wait at the gate to lead the
rescue team to the right place.

Access path from entrance gate to working site. Additional plans with route to trenching
area will be submitted

According to the site regulations, all the safety and health care aspects shall be taken care. All
waste materials shall be collected regularly and will be disposed of from site premises unless
otherwise specified by Government.

6.1 Dust control:

- Water spraying shall be undertaken to control dust in case heavy transportation
non-paved roads generate dust in the site.
- Restricted speed of vehicles on off road shall be maintained to minimize dust
- Dust mask shall be provided to workmen working in dusty zone. The employee shall
be instructed in the limitations and the correct method of wearing of the FFP2 masks.
- The if concrete works takes place in locations where public is present, appropriate
dust screens shall be provided so as not to affect general public.

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6.2 Noise and monitoring control

This section includes the various source of noise pollution on construction site describes the
mitigation measures to be taken.
- Noise generated during truck loading, unloading, and hauling operations.
- Noise generated at site during the operation of crane, grinding, use of compressors,
percussion tools, pneumatic drills, etc.
- Noise generated from vehicular movement.
- Noise control measures (PPE), Earplug / earmuff shall be provided to personnel
working in noisy area (exceeding or equal to 85dB).
- Mitigation Measures, to the extent required, meeting the noise limits, efforts would
be made to reduce the noise pollution. The following steps will be taken to
minimize construction noise emission level:
- Scheduling truck loading, unloading and hauling operation to minimize noise
- Locating stationary equipment to minimize noise impact on the
- Equipment and plant are stopped when not in use.
- Use of only well-maintained machinery at site; all equipment & vehicles will be
serviced as per the maintenance schedule.
- Mufflers on all noise generating equipment shall be properly fitted and
- Schedule the work to avoid simultaneous activities that would generate high noise

6.3 Emergency procedures

- All reasonable measures shall be in place to prevent contamination of water or
land because of any incident.

7.1 Drawings & specifications
- All works shall be executed as per the approved shop drawings and specifications.

7.2 Supervision
- Activities shall be monitored as per the Quality Control Plan for this project.
- The Quality Control Engineer shall monitor activities.
- Works shall be performed and supervised by qualified personnel at all times.

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8.1 Soil classification
Before any work is begun on an excavation or trench, the soil classification will be determined by the
competent person and in accordance with the Soil Classification guidelines (29 CFR 1926 Subpart P,
Appendix A).

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Based on the region where the base is located and the information of the soil type found on the following map, and seeing everything surrounding
the base is sand, we can safely assume that the ground underneath the base is also sand. Prior experience in excavations on the base also shows that
we have sand at the base.

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8.2 Excavation and backfilling .

- Ensure all permits are in place.
- All surface encumbrances that are located so as to create a hazard to employees will
be removed or supported, as necessary, to safeguard employees.
- All existing services shall be checked, identified and protected prior to excavation.
- Provide proper fencing and necessary signage’s wherever required before start of
works to prevent personnel, vehicles, and equipment from falling into excavations.
- Use a metal detector in necessary to identify possible services below. Refer regional
KLIP reports included in the digging permit and coordinate excavation works in
accordance with this.
- When operations approach the location of underground utilities, excavation will
progress with caution until the exact location of the utility is determined. While the
excavation is open, underground installations will be protected, supported, or
removed as necessary to safeguard employees.
- If evidence of a situation that could result in possible cave-ins, slides, failure of
protective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other hazardous condition is
identified, exposed workers will be removed from the hazard and all work in the
excavation or trench stopped until all necessary safety precautions have been
- An excavator with rubber wheels will be used together with a dump truck.
- To the extent possible, excavated materials shall be re-used on site to keep the
disposal of excavated material from site to a minimum.
- Set out and peg the locations of the excavation.
- Remove top layer of surface, roughly 20cm.
- Place the material on separate pile; this will be reused as last layer for the backfilling
to bring the surface to the original sate.
- Sufficient working space shall be provided for each trench to enable the workers to
move safely and freely in carrying out works on the trench.
- The excavation pit will be max 1.5m wide by 11.5m long at the bottom and max 1.7
m deep.
- Workers will be provided with safe access into and exiting from trenches (Ladders
used as access to a trench or excavation will extend from the bottom of the
excavation to not less than 3 ft (0.9 m) above the surface).
- The edges of the pit will be sloped or excavated in steps depending the state of the
- The pit will be left open as short as possible without the equipment placed
- The volume around the pit will be filed in layers and compacted
- After installation and backfilling, the top layer will be reinstalled using the original
top soil
- Work requiring welding, cutting, or brazing will require a Hot Work Permit under the
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Plan before the start of any work of this nature in or
around the trench, ditch, or excavated site.

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The maximum excavating depth will be 170 cm below the ground level.

Planned method of shoring, sloping and/or benching.

From the information in the previous topic, we know we have sand at the base, type C soil.
This means we need to have a slope of 1 ½ / 1.

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8.3 Step by step method of work

A. Site installation
Install fences according already submitted plan. Opening on the side of the road as indicated.
The equipment that will be used during the various steps is the following:
Tracing device: will be added later on
Excavation device: will be added later on
Transport of equipment and excavated material:
will be added later on

Lifting device from will be added later on (crane type)

B. Overhead Utilities
There is no overhead utilities in the surrounding of the site.

C. Detection of underground utilities

Underground utilities will be investigated using the following device: will be added later on
detector. The C.SCOPE MXT4 Transmitter is designed for use alongside an MXL4 Locator. It
enables a far more flexible approach to pipe and cable location enabling the operator to
accurately detect, pinpoint, trace and identify the widest range of pipes and cables. Device will
be calibrated. See attachment 4.
All pipes and cables will be marked on the as built drawings.
If cables or pipes are detected this will be reported to the site super intendent, works can only
be proceeded if a clear indication is given what to do with these found utilities.

Utility plans will be attached as a separate submittal.

D. Remove top soil

Prior starting the removal of the topsoil, the edges will be marked using wooden poles.
The location of these poles will be determined by a specialized company (will be added later
After the boundaries are known, the top soil will be removed using an excavator. This top soil is
a layer of roughly 10cm thickness. The top soil will be stored on site with the fences of the
construction site to use in a later stage to cover the area between the concrete slab extension
and the top soil which is not touched.
The material which is left after this will be removed from base. This material will also go to will
be added later on. Here it will be investigated to see if it is contaminated or not. If it is
contaminated, it will be cleaned. Test results of these tests will be handed over to proof the
correct routes are followed to dispose the ground.

E. Remove underlayer
Under layer will be excavated and removed from base. Ground will be also transported to will
be added later on, test report of the ground will be transmitted if it becomes available. We

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estimate to remove will be added later on from the base. This is roughly will be added later on
ton of material. A truck can load 25 ton, this means during the excavation will be added later on
truck rides will be performed to remove the material from site.

F. Create pit for device (HDPE WELDING MACHINE)

The edges of the pit will be excavated and sloped in steps as depicted :

Exact drawing for the pit

The excavation pit will be 1.4 m wide 11.5 m long at the bottom and 1.7 m deep.
At the top, the excavation 2.5 m wide and 11.5 m long with a slope or a bench depending on
the soil .

Workers will be provided with safe access into and exiting from trenches (Ladders used as
access to a trench or excavation will extend from the bottom of the excavation to not less 90 cm
above the surface so as to require no more than 7m of lateral travel for employees.

The pit will be backfilled as soon as possible.

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G. Place foundation in pit (Wet Well)

Execution of guide wall for Wet Well.

Order of piles execution.

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After guide wall is executed the next step is to execute the cap beam.

Excavation will start after the concrete reaches the compressive strength.
Excavation will be executed in two steps.

First step.

For the upper part a large excavator will be brought on site to dig and remove as
much as possible of the soil from the ground level and load it into trucks. The soil
will be placed on site in a storage area.

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Second step

For the last part a small excavator and special container will be lowered by mobile
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Crain into the pit to remove the last remaining soil. Crane diagram will be added
to the lift plan.

Compaction of the bottom of the excavation will be done by a smooth drum

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roller or a single direction plate.

When the pit is excavated a layer of lean concrete will be placed at the bottom.
This will be done using a separate pump or a concrete mixer with a pump included
depending on the availability.



On top the pump is located, below two concrete mixers if needed who can simultaneously
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delivery concrete to the pump truck.

We expect 10 mixers of concrete for this job.

H. Site cleanup
After all works all the debris will be removed from the construction site and the fences will be

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8.4 Water accumulation

A. Control measures
Employees will not work in excavations in which there is accumulated water or in which
water is accumulating unless the water hazards posed by accumulation is controlled.
Freezing, pumping, draining, and similar control measures will be planned and directed
by a registered engineer. Consideration will be given to the existing moisture balances
in surrounding soils and the effects on foundations and structures if the soil is

B. Drainage
Diversion ditches, dikes, or other means will be used to prevent surface water entering
an excavation and to provide good drainage of the area adjacent to the excavation.

C. Water control equipment

When continuous operation of groundwater control equipment is necessary, an
emergency power source will be provided. Water control equipment and operations will
be monitored by a competent person to ensure proper operation.

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Diagram or sketch of the area where the work is to be done, with adjacent and
nearby structures shown. (separate submittal for each trench area)

Plan for traffic control

Separate submittal for each area of work

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Activity/Work Task:                    

A-B 02-0 Excavation Work  

Project Location: Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix  
Utility Modernization, Chievres
Air Base , Belgium Probably  
Contract Number: Severity Frequent Likely Occasional seldom unlikely  
W912GB21-C-0035 catastrophic E E H H M E=Extremly High Risk
Date prepared: critical E H H M L H=High Risk
24.02.2022 marginal H M M L L M=Moderate Risk
prepared by (Name/Tittle): neglible M L L L L L=Low Risk

Bogdan Radu - SSHO            

Reviewed by (Name/Tittle):   Risk  
Will be appointed later on - M

Fabrice Cambier - QCM                  

SECTION 1 General measures to be applied on the site and on the construction site
Arrival on site All risks – information gap
All activities Administrative and site access measures
M Site opening (reminder of the general and specific safety instructions). L
Plan as built on the location of the cables and pipings

Site installation Manual Handling : Staff awareness of ergonomics

Site preparation Risk of the falls movements Wearing PPE
Risk of cuts Parking and unloading at the intended locations
Risk of falling objects M Respect of the rules on site L
Tagging work areas Manual Handling training

Access Chièvres Air Base Risk of contact with third- Due process access
party vehicles M Staff awareness of vehicles codes of good conduct L

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Circulation and handling Risk of contact with third- Labeling of work areas (cones, signs, barriers,…)
activities in the immediate parties near the work site Transmission of information prior to all and in real time
vicinity of the construction site M Coordination of activities (planning to adapt, if necessary) L
Staff awareness

Immediate environment of the In order to avoid all risks The procedures for accessing the site in terms of prevention and protection must
site: with third parties in the imperatively be observed. The site installation plan must also be carefully
Passage of third parties on immediate vicinity of the followed.
existing road site (officials, visitors, etc.) M Temporary fencing and signage request (see plan and requirements). Access to L
the site must be permanently closed due to the almost permanent presence of
third parties in the vicinity of the construction site.

Use of vehicle Vehicles in collision with Site access/egress traffic routes to be put in place to manage site traffic in
people/objects or structures addition to provision for turning.
causing possible injuries or Clear traffic routes to be established identifying sharp bends, blind corners,
death. narrow gaps, overhead cables, steep gradients and excavations.
Vehicles overturning, Operatives must have good visibility and where appropriate banksmen to be used.
resulting in crushing injuries
or death Pedestrian and vehicular traffic to be kept segregated and adequate signage to be
Unattended vehicles displayed.
running out of control, Where necessary a one-way system to be used.
resulting in severe injuries Audible warning devices must be fitted to vehicles when reversing.
or death High risk areas are to be identified and trained banksmen wearing high visibility
clothing are to be used.

All operatives must be fully trained and competent to operate vehicles.

M Provision for adequate lighting levels to be made for poorly lit areas. L
Temporary roads to be adequately prepared for use of site traffic.
Stop blocks to be in place where vehicles tip materials into excavations or load
Vehicles to be maintained in accordance with manufacturers guidelines.
Loads must not be exceeded and must be secured at times of moving.
Persons must not ride on any vehicles unless there is correct seating.
Vehicles must be driven in accordance with site conditions.
Unattended vehicles must be secured when not operating.
Crew cabs must be kept clean and orderly, sudden braking may cause items to
move and injure passengers.
Safety rails are fitted to protect staff when they mount the rear of the vehicle
these must always be in place

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General site hazards Special weather conditions Wear appropriate protective clothing. Adaptation of tasks and execution
includingcuts, dust, projection, (risks related to time.Always use of personal protective equipment. Dust suppression system
etc. cold/hot)Injury to planned (full site coverage of water mist when required. Ensure gloves and
personsManual handling suitable dust masks are worn as per the attached PPE Assessment. Ensure controls
(heavy and bulky objects, are suitable and sufficient to control airborne particulars.All items to be checked
…) : Injury to before manual lifting / ergonomic handlingScreen protection / limited access area
personsSplinter projection: for workersSuitable storage of waste and materials provide for good ventilation,
cut, woundInjury: ingestion good handling of the productsTools must be used correctly, and their condition
and cutaneous contact with checked every dayMaterials on site kept to a minimum and not allowed to
material (mortar, cement, M accumulate. Regular housekeeping to ensure material and equipment does not L
products, ...)Injury: contact become a slip, trip or fall hazard.Material and equipment to be stored in suitable
with toolsCongestion in the places or evacuated daily by the contractor.
activity and traffic zone: risk
of falling

CORONAVIRUS – COVID 19 Virus transmission by Following the latest directives to fight against Coronavirus and specifically dealing
contact: illness, death with the continuity of activities on site, the BBGS company took the following
measures from March 25, 2020, until further notice:
Anyone who feels sick or has been in contact with such a person must stay at
home and cannot access the site (quarantine);
Upon arrival, and before accessing the activity area, staff are requested to report
to the office so that:
+ sign the document entitled "induction site" when it first passes on site
(mentioning the general safety instructions on the site) as well as this information
document relating to the latest measures imposed by BBGS including those
concerning Coronavirus
H + sign the daily attendance list (arrival and departure), L
+ sign the individual daily state of health register.
Depending on its activity, everyone will also be distributed by zone; Space whose
limit has required to be scrupulously respected during the day.
Everyone must have their own material and equipment. Wearing a mask is
compulsory wherever distancing is not possible ... everyone must therefore have a
personal mask at their disposal.
The workstations will now be separated as possible

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During each of their visits to the office (arrival on site, during the day and upon
departure), the staff is asked to wash their hands with the equipment made
available in the room allocated for this purpose.
By extension, these rules, supplemented by common hygiene measures, must also
be observed in the activity area (including in the refectory and the toilet block).
Each member of staff is obliged to respect a MINIMUM distance of 1.5m from
other stakeholders (in their area of activity, circulation and common activities.
The health and hygiene instructions provided by the FPS Health are applicable.
Everyone will be asked to answer declared on honor:
+ “do you have symptoms of influenza and / or COVID 19?”
+ “in the past two weeks, do you have been in contact with a person suffering
from these pathologies?”
If one of your answers is positive, access to the site is prohibited.
The staff is obliged to comply with it as well as with all of the above measures.
Failing to comply with them, the offender will be immediately requested to leave
the activity area and will be forbidden access to the site, without notice and
without compensation.
It is in the general interest and the health of all.

SECTION 2 Mandatory measures to be observed in order to prepare each activities in and around the work area

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Prior activities to secure the Public Entering site: Injury Site to be securely fenced off and locked at end of working day. Signage warning
site to persons of danger.
Gas/Elec/Water: Services to be disconnected and confirmed as disconnected by licensed persons
Explosion/Fire/Shock only.
Waste storage Rubbles on site kept to a minimum and not allowed to accumulate. Staff must be
(overcrowding of the suitably trained.
activity area / respect the Regular housekeeping to ensure waste does not become a slip, trip or fall hazard.
environment) Waste to be stored in suitable containers or evacuated daily by the contractor.
Suitable personal protective equipment must be available.
Congestion in the activity Materials on site kept to a minimum and not allowed to accumulate. Combustibles
and traffic zone: risk of stored in secure compounds or bins and emptied regularly. Staff must be suitably
falling obturation of access trained.
and emergency exits M Regular housekeeping to ensure material and equipment does not become a slip, L
trip or fall hazard.
Slips/trips: injury to persons Material and equipment to be stored in suitable places or evacuated daily by the
Suitable personal protective equipment must be available. cleaning the product
spread on the ground.
Good housekeeper observed, all trip hazards removed

Pre- Unload machineParticle - Ensure that good manual handling techniques are followed Safety Goggles to EN
activitiespreparation(equipmen dust projection Eyes, Skin, 166 B and anti-dust mask must be worn. Use a good washing facilities on site with
t, material,…) lungUse of tools and hand creams supplied.Control of equipment and its adequacy before usePrior
equipment (Breakage of information on the proper use of equipmentControl of expiry dates and the
accessories / wedging, validity of periodic inspectionsStaff awareness (training toolbox meeting)Ensure
crushing / that good manual handling techniques for heavy machinery are followedUse of LV
electrocution)Slips/trips: (12v) and IP44/45 equipment in wet areaMake sure that the filled water cannot
injury to persons come into contact with electricityClear and clean regularly the traffic areas and
product spread on the groundGood housekeeper observed, all trip hazards
M removed L

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Chievres Air Base
Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

Communication Various risks due to a lack Accurate and complete transmission of information is essential for the smooth
of communication (between running of activities, both in terms of implementation and in terms of site safety.
general contractor and its Each company is responsible for this communication between stakeholders at
subcontractors or between each level (general contractor, subcontractors, towards each co-active company,
subcontractors of the same etc.).
general contractor, etc.), Everyone must also be pro-active: inquire about general and specific information
taking into account the particular context of the site (construction site, particular
site, presence of a school, presence of other companies on the site, etc. )
Information is to be received and transmitted prior to any activity (in particular the
risks inherent in the future activities of each company). It is therefore not
permissible not to take any steps while passively waiting for the information to be

Co-activities Various risks due to General and specific coordination of the companies, each in regular consultation
simultaneous presence of with the others.
several companies and Each company will ensure: compliance with procedures, preventive and protective
activities measures in terms of security and implementation.
Respect of timing and pre-established schedule.
Permanent communication with other stakeholders
No unilateral initiative will be tolerated.
Reporting of its area of activity and the risks inherent in its own activities.
Various risks due to lack of Reminder to other stakeholders of the procedures and dangers in real time
equipment and materials (periods and times of disconnection and connection of energy sources,
from companies present on consignment, particular risks, imminent danger, etc.)
the site (Loan of material
and equipment between
companies) M Each company is required to make, the day before its intervention, a complete L
inventory of the material and equipment it will need during its daily activity.
It can only use its own material and equipment (implementation and security). No
equipment will therefore be lent by other companies.
By extension, any company presenting itself without all of the material required
for its services (machines, tools, equipment such as scaffolding, a ladder, etc.) or
without the mandatory protective equipment will have no access to the
construction site ... any hour or day lost as a result will be at his own expense.

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Chievres Air Base
Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

Preparation and restoration of Particle-dust projection Safety Goggles to EN 166 B and anti-dust mask must be worn. Use a good
surfaces (remove dust and Eyes, Skin, … washing facility on site with hand creams supplied.
loose material / removal of Use of tools and equipment
form ties and other (Breakage of accessories / Control of equipment and its adequacy before use
obstruction) wedging, crushing / Prior information on the proper use of equipment
electrocution) Control of expiry dates and the validity of periodic inspections
Slips/trips : injury to Staff awareness (training toolbox meeting)
persons Ensure that good manual handling techniques for heavy machinery are followed
M Ensure that dust is kept to a minimum and is carried out in a well-ventilated area. L
clear and clean regularly the traffic areas
Good housekeeper observed, all trip hazards removed
Clean regularly the product spread on the ground.

Unloading/ Crushing by moving The work / delivery area will be cordoned off with barrier tape to ensure no other
loading of Vehicles vehicles. vehicles can enter the work area. When reversing a spotter will be present.
Falling from Vehicle Workers will work as a team to reduce the likelihood of falling from vehicles and
have appropriate gloves
Materials falling from Materials will be unloaded by HIAB and the area kept clear.
Vehicle. Tools will be unloaded in pairs to avoid ascending and descending from the

SECTION 3 Specific measures to be applied in the work area and due to those activities
Job Steps Hazards RAC Controls AFTER
01. Prior to excavate 01. Damaged to existing 01. Obtain excavation permit for the area of the excavation. Search for existing
underground installation underground installation with suitable electronic detection device. Locate and
M mark underground installation at the site with stakes, 5m wide, in the area of the L
planed excavation route.

03. Excavation site security 03. Falling of personnel into 03. Walkways or bridges with standard guardrails will be provided where people
excavations M or equipment are required or permitted to cross over excavation. Suitable barriers L
to be provided and maintained around excavations.

04. Access and egress 04. Inadequate access and 04. Suitable access and egress will be maintained where personnel are required to
egress enter excavations over 1.2m in depth.
Ladders will be provided to require no more than 7.5m of lateral travel. Ladders
L with the proper lenght will extend from the bottom of the excavation to no less L
than 0.9m above the surface. Where the width of the excavation exceeds 30m, two
or more means of exit will be provided on each side of the excavation

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Chievres Air Base
Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

05. Installation of support 05. Support system failure 05. Support systems designed by a registered engineer, will have the capacity to
systems L resist without failure all loads that are intended or expected to be applied to the L

06. Stability of adjacent 06. The undermining of 06. The stability of adjacent structures to be considered and appropriate
structures adjacent structures leading precautions taken to ensure the stability of the structure.
to their collapse M L

07. Public protection 07. Pedestrians or motorists 07. Protection is required for pedestrians or motorists unsafe access to work site.
being injured by unsafe Work site protection methods will provide safety to pedestrians, motorists, facility
access to work site. workers, and prevent damage to equipment by the use of barriers, warning signs,
lights, flags, traffic cones, barricade, and flagmen as required. Only those signs,
barricades, flags, and cones which conform to the local traffic codes will be used.
Setting up of a lifting exclusion zone to prevent persons being struck by swinging
M load. L
Signs stating, in English and the host nation language, "DANGER CONSTRUCTION
fenced sides of the work site and spaced one sign every 90 meters, at the

08. Personnel Protective 08. Injuries during work or 08. Personnel will wear clothing appropriate to weather conditions and the safety
Equipment PPE exposed to extreme equipment depending of the degree of hazard protection required for the work.
weather conditions. H Minimum PPE requirements: Hard hats, safety-shoes and protective gloves. Where L
necessary eye and ear protection will be used.

09. Excavating equipment 09. Risk associated with 09. When excavation equipment is utilized adjacent to an excavation, substantial
work around excavating stop logs or barricades will be installed and the use of ground guide is
equipment M recommended. Excavating equipment will not be allowed to raise, lower, or swing L
loads over personnel in the excavation without substantial overhead protection.

10. Loading vehicles 10. Loading vehicles 10. Workers will stand away from vehicles being loaded (or unloaded) to avoid
precautions M being struck by spillage or falling materials. L

I01 Include Item Hand Held Port Power  

Unexploded Ordnance UXO
Use of Portable Ladders    


Training requirements & Inspection

Equipment to be used Competent or Qualified Personnel name(s) Requirements

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Chievres Air Base
Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

Employees will wear clothing IAW the following requirements: > SSHO/QC Daily Site Inspections
suitable for the weather and EM 385-1-1, Sections > Access Ways Inspection (Daily)
working conditions. -- 5, PPE >Inspection of PPE, Equipment and Tools for
> Hardhat - 18, Motor Vehicles Conditions and Serviceability (Daily)
> Shirts with sleeves - 24, Safe access, ladders, floor & wall openings, stairs und railing systems > GFCIs (Monthly)
> Long pants - 25, Excavations and Trenching > Power Cord sets (Daily)
> Safety-shoes (S3) > First Aid Kits (Monthly)
> Weekly Tool Box Meeting > Fire Extinguisher (Monthly)
Personal Protective Equipment: > Using Portable Fire Extinguisher > Ladders (every year)
> Safety Glasses / Goggles > Performing First-aid / CPR
> Ear Plugs > Wearing and Maintaining PPE
> Work gloves > Using Hand and Power Tools
> High-visibility Apparel > Emergency Response Procedures
> Hazardous Waste Operations
Safety Equipment: > Using Safe Lifting Techniques-- Only authorized users can operate equipment
> First Aid Kit > Operate vehicles/equipment in strict accordance with manufacturer's
> Fire Extinguisher instructions
> Suitable barriers: plastic
taped barriers or 2m high
mesh fencing

Equipment and Materials:  

> Fence, Signs and Marking
> Barriers, Warning Signs,
Lights, Flags, Traffic
> Ladders
> Power Flexible Cord
> Portable Electric Lighting
> Container for excavation
> Underground detection
> Road building equipment /
excavators / machines for road
> Underground detection
> Excavation support system
> Industrial grade ladder

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Excavation / Trenching and Backfilling Plan

10. ATTACHMENT 2 – CP Certificate

11. ATTACHMENT 3 – C.STOPE MXL4/MXT4 detector technical sheet

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