Speech Motor Planning and Programming
Speech Motor Planning and Programming
Speech Motor Planning and Programming
To cite this article: Anita Van Der Merwe (2020): New perspectives on speech motor planning
and programming in the context of the four- level model and its implications for understanding the
pathophysiology underlying apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders, Aphasiology,
DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2020.1765306
New perspectives on speech motor planning and programming in the context of the four-
level model and its implications for understanding the pathophysiology underlying apraxia
of speech and other motor speech disorders
Professor Emeritus.
Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology,
University of Pretoria,
South Africa.
Background: The complexity of speech motor control, and the incomplete conceptualisation
of phases in the transformation of the speech code from linguistic symbols to a code
amenable to a motor system, tend to obscure the understanding of acquired apraxia of
speech (AOS). The four-level framework (FLF) of speech sensorimotor control (Van der
Merwe, 1997; 2009) suggests the differentiation between speech motor planning,
programming and execution and locate the locus of disruption in AOS in the motor planning
phase. Currently, terminological confusion and uncertainty regarding phases in speech
motor control still complicate the characterisation of AOS. This neuromotor disorder is
inconsistently described in the literature as a “planning or programming”, “planning and
programming”, or as a “planning and/or programming” disorder.
Purpose: To describe a new version of the FLF, the FL (four-level) model, which further
explicates and differentiates between speech motor planning, programming, and execution
levels or phases of processing; to integrate concepts from computational modelling into the
FL model and propose distinct control architectures for both the planning and programming
levels; and to identify the loci and nature of disruption in the motor planning phase which
could explain the pathophysiology and core features of AOS.
Discussion and Conclusions: A four-level model is presented that differentiates two pre-
execution phases and an execution phase. The first pre-execution phase is controlled by a
motor planner and involves an inverse model, an efference copy, and a forward model for
each sound or over-learnt utterance. This phase also involves a forward predictive planner
which enables the system to handle the planning of several sounds and to plan
coarticulation of sounds. The motor planner is operated according to an auxiliary forward
model architecture. AOS is depicted as a breakdown at several possible points in the motor
planning phase. The second pre-execution phase is driven by a motor program generator
and predictive controller that is governed by an integral forward model architecture. The
final execution phase is portrayed as being driven by closed loop control. The
conceptualization of the programmer challenges the traditional view of execution and not
only that of planning as is generally accepted. The implications for the classification of
motor speech disorders are discussed. Future research should address the exact nature of
articulatory movements and other features of speech across the range of planning, pure
programming, programming-execution and pure execution disorders.
Key words: apraxia of speech, speech motor control, motor planning, motor programming,
Darley, Aronson and Brown (1975) are recognized as early pioneers in the field of speech
motor disorders who identified the acquired neurogenic speech disorder which they called
programming” (p. 250) At the time, the idea of a speech programmer was quite a novel and
“planning” interchangeably in reference to this pre-execution process. The terms were used
in this way with regard to apraxia of speech and also in speech motor control theory. A
first published in 1997, proposed speech motor planning and programming as distinct pre-
execution phases in motor control and posited apraxia of speech as primarily a motor
planning disorder (Van der Merwe, 1997; 2009). To capture the essence of this model, it has
planning, which necessarily precedes speech production, and three levels of motor control
namely motor planning, motor programming, and execution. Differentiation of four phases
or levels in speech production as proclaimed in the FLF (Van der Merwe, 1997; 2009) and
the updated FL model which is presented in this paper, is contrary to the traditional model
in speech pathology which proposes only three phases – a linguistic phase, a motor
envisaged to respectively cause aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria (or a combination of these
with multiple impairment). The traditional three-level model still prevails as dominant
The FLF (Van der Merwe, 1997) created an awareness of the possible distinction
between motor planning and programming phases and between programming and
execution, but this theory has not yet significantly advanced the conceptualization of the
underlying disorder in AOS. The state of the art is reflected in the inconsistent use of
terminology in summative descriptions of the nature of AOS. Some researchers still use the
AOS, but few are decisive in their description. Apraxia of speech is inconsistently described
McNeil, Spencer, Yorkston, & Kendall, 2017), “planning and/or programming” (ASHA, 2007),
“planning or programming” (Duffy, 2013), motor planning and programming (McNeil, Doyle,
& Wambaugh, 2000) or as a motor planning disorder due to impaired motor programs
(Mailand, Maas, Beeson, Story, & Forster, 2019; Brendel, et al., 2011).
apraxia of speech (AOS) have been well described and are accepted widely (Ballard et al.,
2016; Bislick & Hula, 2019; Duffy, 2007, 2013; McNeil, Robin, Schmidt, 1997, 2009; McNeil,
Ballard, Duffy, & Wambaugh, 2016), but the exposition of the underlying pathophysiology of
apraxia remains incomplete and contentious. The matter in dispute is whether AOS should
disorder. Underlying this deliberation is the question whether these phases or levels of
processing are indeed separable and have distinct roles in speech motor control. This
Viewpoint paper presents updated theory substantiating the differentiation between these
two pre-execution phases and elucidating the potential implications for our understanding
The purpose of this paper is: (a) to propose a new refined version of the FLF, the
four-level (FL) speech production model, which further clarifies and differentiates between
speech motor planning, programming, and execution levels of processing; (b) to show how
the FL model addresses control of segmental and also suprasegmental features of speech;
(c) to integrate computational concepts into the explication of motor planning in the FL
model and indicate how such concepts could explain the pathophysiology and core features
of acquired apraxia of speech; (d) to position the phases identified in the FL model in the
theoretical context of modern-day computational models of speech motor control; and (e)
to posit distinct motor control architectures to account for control of motor planning and
example, Darley et al., 1975; Guenther & Perkell, 2004; Hickok 2014; Hickok, Houde, &
Rong, 2011; Van der Merwe, 1997; 2009; Ziegler, 2009; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015) were
developed for this purpose. Currently computational modelling and neural engineering are
greatly influencing the design of speech production models. One such model, the Directions
AOS. Parrell, Lammert, Ciccarelli and Quatieri (2019) describe computational models as
“formal, mathematical models”. They regard the various components of speech motor
control as layered modules or levels and conceptualise these as: a higher-level linguistic
processor which also controls prosody, a planner (responsible for motor program generation
and sequencing movements), a controller (that takes a speech plan and issue motor
commands) and the plant (the vocal tract and articulators). The focus of Parrell, and
colleagues (2019) is on the lower-level control layer which they regard as the “bridge”
articulators. They proclaim that models which provide a formal description of the control
layer include, for example, the DIVA model (Guenther 2016), Task Dynamics (TD) (Saltzman
& Munhall, 1989), State Feedback Control (SFC) (Houde & Nagarajan, 2011) and Feedback
Aware Control of Tasks in Speech (FACTS) model (Parrell, Ramanarayanan, Nagarajan, &
theoretical orientation and introduce fundamental terminology. Key concepts in the field of
control), forward predictive control (also named model-predictive control, the predictor
based on intended consequences), forward internal models (models that predicts the future
state of the system), corollary discharge (output of the forward model), inverse-forward
scheme, motor commands and efference copy (copy of the current motor command fed
back to the system). The role assigned to feedback signals (proprioceptive, tactile, and
auditory in the case of speech production), feedforward control, forward predictive control,
and the efference copy determines the control architecture of a theoretical or cognitive
model (Andersen & Cui, 2009; Cui, 2016; Davidson & Wolpert, 2005; Franklin & Wolpert,
2011; Parrell, Lammart, et al., 2019; Parrell & Houde, 2019; Pickering & Clark, 2014).
tactile response produced afferent feedback. However, feedback signals occur late and
outdated state information is relayed to the controller. The alternative theory to feedback
(Guenther, 2016; Parell & Houde, 2019; Parrell, Lammert, et al., 2019). However, pure
feedforward control cannot explain how the system deals with unexpected perturbations.
Apart from modelling the control architecture, models should also propose solutions for
several problems inherent in sensorimotor control. These include, for example, nonlinearity,
delays, uncertainty, noise (Franklin & Wolpert, 2011), interference and unexpected
perturbations (Parrell & Houde, 2019). The liabilities of feedback and feedforward control
are overcome by the concept of forward models (Pickering & Clark, 2014, Wolpert,
Diedrichsen, Flanagan, 2011; Wolpert, Ghahramani, & Flanagan, 2001; Wolpert & Kawato,
1998) and forward predictive motor control (Cui, 2016; Davidson & Wolpert, 2005; Parrell,
Lammert, et al., 2019; Wolpert & Kawato, 1998). A forward internal model is a model within
the brain that can predict the likely sensory consequences of an action (Andersen & Cui,
2009; Wolpert et al., 2001; Itoh, 2008). Model predictive control does not make use of
outputs from the plant to maintain control. An error is detected internally and is not derived
Divergent accounts of the role of forward models in motor control have been
proposed. For example, in an auxiliary forward model (AFM) architecture, the output of an
inverse model (the motor commands) is copied to the forward model in an efference copy
and is then used by the forward model to estimate feedback and finesse the outcome. In an
integral forward model (IFM) architecture, the predictions act as action commands and
there is no need for an efference copy (Pickering & Clark, 2014). These examples illustrate
that models differ in their conceptualization of the role of feedback and feedforward
Building on a traditional feedback control system, the State Feedback Control (SFC)
model was developed to overcome the noisy and delayed nature of reafferent sensory
feedback and the limitation this place on pure feedback control (Parell, Lammert, et al.,
2019; Houde & Nagarajan, 2011). The SFC integrates sensory feedback with internal model
error. The final state estimate relayed back to the model controller is based on a
combination of state prediction (internal feedback) and sensory processes. The SFC is
characterised as “an integrated model predictive feedback control architecture” (Parrell &
Houde, 2019; Parrell, Lammert, et al., 2019, p. 1468). Hickok et al. (2011) takes this further
to develop an Integrated SFC model which also involve psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic
systems like the “motor phonological system”, “auditory-motor translation” and the
“auditory phonological system” (p. 413). Hickok (2014) also proposes a hierarchical state
feedback control model, the HSFC, which is best classified as a psycholinguistic model.
The original SFC model was recently expanded to formulate the Feedback-aware
Control of Tasks in Speech or FACTS model (Parrell, Ramanarayanan, et al., 2019). This
model postulates that the speech system is not organized to control individual articulator
movements, but higher order tasks. The tasks they propose to be constrictions in the vocal
tract. Examples are lip protrusion, location and degree of constriction between the tongue
tip and palate and degree of velum opening. The tasks are controlled according to standard
SFC principles. The FACTS model operates hierarchically. A “high-level task state feedback
controller” operates on a “low-level articulatory state feedback controller” which drives the
speech sensorimotor control and also endeavours to explain the underlying pathophysiology
of AOS. It utilizes a hybrid control system which means that it combines a feedforward
controller with separate somatosensory feedback and auditory feedback controllers that
process feedback. Together, the output of the three controllers generate the motor
commands to the speech system. The system can operate in a purely feedforward style, but
highest processing level in the DIVA model is the activation of the appropriate nodes of a
speech sound map. The sound map is a neural representation of a sound or a well-known
syllable or word. The hypothesized location of the speech sound map is the left ventral
premotor cortex (vPMC). This area is proposed to be the source of direct projections to
articulator maps in primary motor cortex and also via the cortico-cerebellar loop (Guenther,
2016; Guenther & Vladusich, 2012). Damage to these projections disable feedforward
According to Guenther (2016) the speaker with AOS cannot access the appropriate
feedforward commands or motor programs. Damage to the speech sound map will also
impact feedback control. The proposed reason is that the projections from vPMC to higher-
order auditory and somatosensory areas that carry sensory targets for speech sounds are
damaged. Increased duration of pauses between syllables and abnormal prosody in AOS
could best be explained by the GODIVA model according to Guenther (2016) and relates to
slow retrieval from a phonological content buffer that temporarily stores the phonological
content for upcoming utterances. Terband, Rodd and Maas (2019) tested hypotheses about
the underlying deficit of AOS through computational modelling with the DIVA model. The
deficit best resembled the group findings of human speakers with AOS.
The fundamental premise of the FL model is that speech motor planning and programming
are differentiable pre-execution phases. Motor planning takes place in cortical motor areas
in the dominant hemisphere while motor programming is mediated via bilateral subcortical
areas and cortical-subcortical circuits in the brain. Justification for this distinction can be
Theoretical accounts of the motor control of human kinetics focus mainly on the role
of specific areas or structures in the brain, such as the basal ganglia (for example,
Groenewegen, 2003; Leisman, Baraun-Benjamin, & Melillo, 2014), the cerebellum (for
example: Callan, Kawato, Parsons, & Turner, 2007; Itoh, 2008; Habas, 2010; Xu, Liu, Ashe,
Bushara, 2006), the supplementary motor area, the premotor area, and the primary motor
area (for example, Fetz, 1993; Murata, Wen, Asama, 2016; Reis et al., 2008). Phases or levels
of control in the preparation of movement during the pre-execution stage are not always
identified in this body of literature. However, many researchers who adopt a holistic
approach do present an overview of phases in motor control and all posit the existence of
two pre-execution phases and then a final execution phase. To lend credence to the claims
and proposals made in this article, some verbatim quotes are included in the following
sections. The quotes are from the work of authors who are prominent researchers in their
respective fields.
(Evarts, 1982), preprogramming (Allen & Tsukuhara, 1974), the idea of a movement that is
expressed in patterns of excitation in the association cortex (Allen & Tsukuhara, 1974;
Eccles, 1977), intention (Cui, 2014; Frith & Haggard, 2018), or movement planning at a
cognitive level (Andersen & Cui, 2009; Cui, 2016). Motor planning is proposed to occur at
the highest level of the motor control hierarchy and is mediated by the association cortex
and cortical motor areas. These include the prefrontal cortex, Area 6, the supplementary
motor area (SMA), areas 5 and 7 (posterior parietal areas) and also Broca’s and Wernicke’s
areas (Andersen & Cui, 2009; Brooks, 1986; Burbaud, Doegle, Cross, Bioulac, 1991; Di
Pellegrino & Wise, 1991; Frith & Haggard, 2018; Itoh, 2008; Jeannerod, 1994, 1995; Magill,
which are conceived as “internal models of the goal of the action” (Jeannerod, 1995, p.
1427) denote motor plans and planning at the highest level of motor control. Jeannerod
(1995) found evidence of this level of control when studying motor imagery. During covert
speech production, which does not require control of physical movements, activity was
observed in higher cortical areas. Patterns of activation that resemble that of action (overt)
execution were observed. The aim of his study was to examine the implications of this
between intention, planning at a cortical level, programming and then execution that is
mediated by lower levels in the motor system. Using electrocorticography, Brumberg et al.
(2016) studied cortical activity during continuous overt and covert speech production and
they too found a common neural substrate in both conditions as well as cortical
Parrell, Lammert, et al. (2019) also propose the existence of a planner which
or task such as producing a specific word. They differentiate between task and mobility
space with the task space conceived as a “higher” level space. Reference vectors are
proclaimed to be insufficient for use as motor commands and require transformation into
The middle level of control “converts plans received from the highest level to a
number of smaller programs which determine the pattern of neural activation” (Magill,
2007, p. 75; Widmaier, et al., 2006; Cui, 2016). Motor programs are prepared at the middle
level of the motor hierarchy, presumably by the basal ganglia (Evarts & Wise, 1984;
Goldberg, Farries & Fee, 2013; Groenewegen, 2003; Johnson, Vernon, Almeida, Grantier, &
Jog, 2003) and the lateral cerebellum (Ackerman, 2008; Allen & Tsukuhara, 1974; Dreher &
Grafman, 2002; Habas, 2010; Ishikawa, Tomatsu, Izawa, Kakei, 2016). In the words of
Jeannerod (1995, p. 1427) the “global internal model of the action activates an appropriate
plan, which in turn activates motor programs”. Brooks (1986) explains the planning-
programming relationship by using the terms strategy and tactics. Strategies determine the
“general nature of plans”, while tactics provide “particular specifications in space and time”
(p. 26). In the FL model, the middle level motor phase is referred to as the programming
Finally, at the third and lowest (local) level, the programs and subprograms
transmitted from the middle control levels are fed forward to the brainstem and spinal cord
Widmaier, et al., 2006). The motor cortex, lower motor neurons, peripheral nerves, and
motor units in the muscles are the final structures that handle efferent motor signals.
Efferent fibres from the cerebellum and basal ganglia reach the motor cortex via the
thalamus but some fibres pass directly to the motor centres of the brainstem (Allen &
Tsukuhara, 1974; Ishikawa, et al., 2016; Nolte 1999). Appropriate muscle tone, strength, and
The controller of speech production as conceived by Parrell and colleagues (Houde &
Nagarajan, 2011; Parrell & Houde, 2019; Parrell, Lammert, et al. 2019; Parrell,
Ramanarayanan, et al., 2019) and presented in the SFC and FACTS models, most likely
controller, motor programs (note the use of the word programs) are represented indirectly
as desired target end states that the articulators should achieve and not desired articulatory
positions (trajectories) (Parrell & Houde, 2019, p. 2971). They also proclaim that the
purpose of the controller is issuing motor commands that will lead to movements of the
plant (Parrell, Lammert, et al., 2019, p. 1459). In the SFC and FACTS models, the operation of
the controller is not distinguished from an execution phase. Their conception of the
functions of the controller in these models appears too complex to be assigned to activity at
the execution level. Therefore, the inference may be made that they are actually describing
the activity of a programmer as portrayed in the FL model. However, the act of execution
does give rise to reafferent auditory and somatosensory feedback which potentially could
feedback (Parell & Houde, 2019, p. 2978), but this process likewise appears to be too
The conception of the motor control hierarchy as found in the limb control literature
appears to provide adequate justification for the differentiation made in the FLF and
updated FL model between motor planning, programming, and execution (Van der Merwe,
1997, 2009). Motor planning takes place at the highest level of control while motor
viewpoint is the point of departure for further exploration of the intricate process of speech
motor control and for unravelling the nature of AOS and other motor speech disorders.
The ensuing section presents a discussion of speech motor planning and programming. The
Speech motor planning is an interface stage between phonological planning, which entails
the selection and sequencing of phonemes that occur in an utterance, and the preparation
symbols are assigned properties amenable to a motor code. Phonemes are changed into
sounds which have discrete place and manner of articulation features. During speech
acquisition, a core motor plan (CMP) for the production of each sound, needs to be
developed (Van der Merwe, 1997, 2009). The need for CMPs in speech production becomes
obvious when a speaker attempts to produce a word containing a sound which has not
previously been acquired. An example would be the voiceless, lingual, lateral, apico-alveolar
click /ǁ/ in the Zulu word Ixoxo (Niesler, Louw, & Roux, 2005; Van der Merwe & Steyn, In
Press). The unilateral release of air, which can be on either side, would probably need
careful motor planning by the non-native speaker, even during imitated production. The
primary role of single sounds is also acknowledged in the DIVA and other models (Guenther,
2016; Guenther & Perkell, 2004; Hickok, 2014). During motor learning of speech production
skills, acquisition of the CMPs of the sounds of the language plays a key role and these
elements act as the “building blocks” of speech production (Van der Merwe & Steyn, 2018).
In contemporary neurophysiology, motor skill learning and performance are
From this viewpoint the brain is a processor that converts (transforms) sensory inputs to
motor outputs (Andersen & Cui, 2009; Cooper, 2010; Crochet, Seung-Hee, & Petersen, 2019;
Wolpert et al., 2001). Sensory input constitutes the aggregate of sensory feedback provided
by our sense organs (reafferent feedback) and also internal feedback derived internally from
an efference copy of the descending motor command (Wolpert et al., 2001, p. 488). Each
inverse model converts intentions into motor commands and the forward model predicts
the future state of the system and estimate sensory feedback (Franklin & Wolpert, 2011;
Kawato, 1999; Pickering & Clark, 2014; Wolpert & Kawato, 1998). Transformations are
systems such as the joint angles of the arm and position of the hand. Dynamic
transformations are, as the name implies, dynamic and they correlate motor commands to
the movement of the system. An example would be learning the force that should be
applied to achieve a specific outcome (Wolpert, et al., 2001). The acquired representations
of these transformations within the central nervous system are referred to as dynamic
internal models (Cui, 2016; Itoh, 2008; Kawato, 1999; Kawato & Gomi, 1992; Wolpert et al.,
2001). Internal models enable the central nervous system to determine the motor
commands required to perform a task and to predict the consequences of motor commands
(Kawato & Wolpert, 2007). Conceptually, internal models are regarded as motor primitives
which are used to structure intricate motor behaviours with an extensive range. By
modulating the contribution of a set of internal models, a great repertoire of actions can be
Skilled motor behaviour requires both inverse and forward models. An inverse model
transforms a desired sensory outcome into the motor commands that could realize it
(Wolpert et al., 2001). The definition of an inverse model by Kawato and Gomi (1992) refers
to a neural representation of the transformation, from the desired movements to the motor
commands that are required to achieve these movement goals. An inverse model provides
a controller that does not need feedback and allows feedforward control of movements in
which response feedback is available too late to guide the movement (Itoh, 2008).
Neurophysiological evidence indicates that the cerebellum plays a role in the long-term
storage of internal models for limb and trunk control, but the role of a higher order
controller is also acknowledged (Ackermann, 2008; Andersen & Cui, 2009; Itoh, 2008;
the notion of a CMP for the production of a sound as depicted in the FL model. These
inverse internal models or CMPs are proposed to be encoded during the acquisition of
speech and contain spatial (place and manner of articulation) and temporal (relating to
involved in the production of a sound. The size of the motor plan or inverse model in speech
production is not always predictable. The FL model proposes a CMP for each sound, but it is
possible that there are stored syllable-sized and even word- or phrase-sized internal models
for highly automated and over-learnt utterances (Van der Merwe, 2007). In speech
production, inverse models also need to be flexible in the sense that certain non-critical
specifications can be adapted to the phonetic context in which a sound occurs and which
allows for the coarticulation of sounds. This conception is viable as frontal cortical areas
have been shown to encode information including subsequent movement parts, directions,
and temporal organization (Andersen & Cui, 2009). It is proposed that inverse models for
speech production are centred in the dominant hemisphere of the brain and in the higher
Forward models which predict the future state of a system and the sensory
consequences of a set of motor commands (Andersen & Cui, 2009; Franklin & Wolpert,
2011; Itoh, 2008; Pickering & Clark, 2014; Wolpert et al., 2001) could be implemented for
how efference copies of motor commands are routed back to sensory areas in the brain to
internally monitor movement and execute predictive sensorimotor control (Cui, 2016).
Recent conceptions of motor control have extended the notion of forward models to also
response is accomplished by predicting the flow of sensation that would occur during
performance of a target action. In this type of account there is no need for an efference
copy and the predictions act as action commands (Friston, Daunizeau, Kilner, Kiebel, 2010;
Pickering & Clark, 2014). The exact location of the predictor is not known, but the
place in the posterior parietal cortex (Anderson & Cui, 2009; Cui, 2014; 2016; Frith &
Haggard, 2018). The sensory consequences of speech production include movement related
somatosensory and also auditory information. Because motor acts aim to reach sensory
targets, the neural network underlying the planning of speech movements requires
sensorimotor integration and translation (Hickok, 2012). According to Hickok (2012) the Spt
(Sylvian parietal-temporal) area in the left planum temporale region, acts as a sensorimotor
integrator and generates forward predictions in the auditory cortex during speech
Speech motor programming
At the middle level of the motor control hierarchy, mediated by the sensorimotor cortex,
lateral cerebellum, and the basal ganglia (Groenewegen, 2003; Magill, 2007), motor plans
received from the highest level are augmented with muscle-specific motor programs that
“shape the final descending signal” (Groenewegen, 2003, p. 108). Tactics or specifications
regarding muscle tone, movement direction, velocity, force, range and mechanical stiffness
of joints are added to sets of motor plans (Brooks, 1986; Miall, Weir, & Stein, 1987; Rose
1997; Schultz & Romo, 1992). In other words, motor programs are superimposed on a set of
CMPs, and the parameters that are added prepare the speech code for externalization and
finally execution.
The new version of the FLF, the FL model, proposes that suprasegmental features
are controlled at the level of motor programming. Spatiotemporal and force parameters are
specified for movements of the articulatory, phonatory, and respiratory muscles during
factors (for example, the need to talk louder or faster or with increased force) and by
linguistic factors. The latter would include suprasegmental features of an utterance such as
intonation, stress, duration and juncture. The principle determinants of these perceptual
qualities are fundamental frequency, amplitude and duration (Borden, Harris, & Raphael,
2003). Sentence intonation would require a change in the pitch of the fundamental
(in the cricothyroid muscles bilaterally) and length of the vocal folds, which would result in a
change in fundamental frequency of vibration (Borden, et al., 2003), are necessary. The
same applies to changes in pitch across a word for lexical (syllabic) tone production in tone
languages. Syllabic stress is dependent on muscle-specific increased tension (force).
Stressed syllables are produced with greater loudness, higher pitch and longer duration. The
added expiratory force that creates the extra air pressure required for the stressed syllables
is attained by contraction of the internal intercostal muscles (Borden et al., 2003). To realize
these changes, muscle-specific programs need to be specified for a set of motor plans
2003), repeated initiation and feed-forward of co-occurring and successive motor programs
for speech production are controlled at the programming level. Prompt initiation and a
smooth flow of motor programs determines rate, rhythm and fluency of speech. The
selection and activation of motor programs that are appropriate for a particular context
might be one of the primary functions of the basal ganglia (Groenewegen, 2003; Mink,
1996; Redgrave, Prescott, & Gurney, 1999). Well-practiced components of a particular task
become automatic habitual responses which are fed forward. A basal ganglia disorder leads
(Hernandez, Obeso, Costa, Redgrave, & Obeso, 2019). This underlying problem could by
ganglia and cerebellar loops (Leisman, et al., 2014). Traditionally, the primary signs of
hypokinetic disorders (for example, Parkinson’s disease) and hyperkinetic disorders (for
example, chorea) were assumed to provide a model of the role of the basal ganglia in motor
emphasise also the cognitive, executive and emotional-motivational functions of the basal
ganglia. Engagement at this level is subserved by the involvement of the basal ganglia in a
number of cortical-subcortical circuits, including primary motor, premotor, and associative
(cognitive) and limbic prefrontal cortical areas (see for example Doya, 2000; Groenewegen,
2003; Leisman, et al., 2014; Marsden, 1984). Recent studies have also substantially
extended the traditional view on the cerebellum “from a mere coordinator of automatic and
mechanism” (Ackermann, 2008; Ishikawa, et al., 2016; Mariën, 2012, p. 470; Leisman et al.,
2014, Xu, et al., 2006). The more precise determination of the relative contribution of the
basal ganglia and cerebellum to the “learning and programming of skilled movements” is an
important issue for future research (Groenewegen, 2003, p.119). The development in this
execution level of motor control and challenges the assumption in speech pathology that all
and feed-forward. The first-mentioned problem would cause inaccurate articulation and
compromised laryngeal and respiratory function. This could be due to disrupted assignment
range, direction, velocity, muscle tension adaptation, and force of movements would be
prosodic features such as monotone speech and incorrect lexical stress assignment, all of
second-mentioned problem at the programming level could cause slow initiation and
disrupted feedforward of motor programs resulting in rate, rhythm and fluency disorders in
In neuropathology the symptoms of cerebellar and basal ganglia disorders are
lending support to the view that these brain areas are involved in both programming and
presence of both execution and programming deficiency, in basal ganglia and cerebellar
disorders, is not a novel concept (for example, Sheridan, Flowers & Hurrell, 1987).
Dysarthria due to cerebellar and basal ganglia disorders are traditionally considered as pure
execution disorders, but lesions in these areas which cause hypokinetic, hyperkinetic and
ataxic dysarthria may lead to dual symptomatology (Diehl et al., 2019; Skodda, 2011;
Spencer & Rogers, 2005; Spencer & Slocomb, 2007; Stipinovich & Van der Merwe, 2007).
execution level disorder was found in ataxic, hypokinetic and hyperkinetic dysarthria.
Examples of such symptoms or signs are short rushes of speech, variable rate, prolonged
intervals, abnormally fast rate, repeated sounds and inappropriate silences which occur in
hypokinetic and hyperkinetic dysarthria (Diehl et al., 2019; Duffy, 2007). These signs could
point to disrupted feedforward of motor programs which occurs together with execution
level problems such as muscle tone disorders and the occurrence of involuntary
movements. In the theoretical context of the FL model, ataxic, hypokinetic and hyperkinetic
dysarthria are best classified as programming-execution speech disorders (Stipinovich & Van
Spencer and Rogers (2005) investigated the hypotheses that people with ataxic
sequences before the onset of movement and that people with hypokinetic dysarthria due
between responses. The results provided evidence of deficits in these speakers that are
separable from execution impairments. Reilly and Spencer (2013) did a study on the effects
by Reilly and Spencer) on speech production in speakers with either hypokinetic or ataxic
dysarthria. The analyses revealed significantly higher error rates and longer within-syllable
vowel and pause durations in more complex utterances in both groups. Task effects are not
involuntary movements are the cause of the speech disorder. Other studies also report task
effects on the speech of individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and hypokinetic dysarthria
(Van Lancker Sidtis, Cameron, & Sidtis, 2012; Van Lancker Sidtis, Pachana, JeVrey,
Cummings, & Sidtis, 2006; Lowit, Marchetti, Corson, Kuschmann, 2018). A reaction time
study also found disruption of speech initiation and programming in individuals with PD and
hypokinetic dysarthria (McAllen, Spencer, France, & Shulein, 2010). Many individuals with
movement disorders in due course demonstrate a coexisting cognitive deficit and the role of
cognitive load in task effects needs to be considered during the interpretation of results.
Following this line of argumentation, the only pure execution dysarthria would be
flaccid dysarthria as the lesions are in the lower motor neurons which are pathways for the
production comprehensively and possibly mask any programming disruption which could
theoretically be present. The primary motor cortex (including the upper motor neurons)
motor control than execution (Guenther, 2016). However, the exact role of the primary
motor cortex is still being debated (Tanaka, 2016). Two other speech disorders, acquired
foreign accent syndrome (Duffy, 2013; Schmullian, Van der Merwe, & Groenewald, 1997)
and stuttering, not yet attributed to a disruption of speech motor programming, could also
framework (Van der Merwe, 2009). Acquired foreign accent could be the result of
motor commands. For example, the range of movements could be affected, leading to a
The new version of the four-level (FL) model is portrayed graphically in Figure 1. This
depiction contains a focus on speech acquisition together with a delineation of the functions
of the planning, programming, and execution levels. The underlying control architecture of
sensorimotor control
initiated. This process is portrayed as symbolic since words and phonemes are symbols
place at the highest level of the FL model (see Figure 1) and are mediated by the temporal-
parietal and Broca’s and adjacent areas. Phonemes that were selected and sequenced are
Figure 1. The four‐level (FL) model of speech sensorimotor control (after the original four‐level framework, FLF, in Van der Merwe, 1997, 2009). A model for
the characterization of pathological speech sensorimotor control.
Speech motor planning: Motor planning of place and manner of articulation of each sound
and inter- and co-articulatory control of the segmental features of speech take place during
this phase of motor control. From a motor perspective the core motor plan and the
different motor goals (for example, tongue and lip position) within a plan are to be recalled
from sensorimotor memory. At this point the sequential organization of movements for
each sound and the different sounds in the planned unit has to take place. The potential for
coarticulation of the different sounds within a unit is also created and needs to be handled
by the planner.
control. The primary purpose for its inclusion is to indicate the role of response produced
auditory and tactile-proprioceptive feedback during speech acquisition and to state that
sensory information is available and accessible during processing at the planning level. This
will serve as background information in the discussion of the control architecture of speech
insert in Figure 1). Auditory and tactile-proprioceptive feedback are relayed back to the
model (a core motor plan) and forward model for each sound and over-learnt word or
syllable are acquired. Imbedded in an inverse model are speech structure-specific motor
plan subroutines (motor goals such as lip rounding, velar lifting, glottal closure) which, when
coarticulated, would guide the system to produce a target sound and combination of sounds
During mature speech production, inverse models that are key to motor planning
generate motor commands. The motor commands from the inverse model reach the
forward model by way of an efference copy during internal feedback. The forward
(Miall & Wolpert, 1996). In speech production, monitoring of the efference copy of motor
the copy to the inverse model to ensure that the critical acoustical configuration of each
sound will be reached. Motor commands are adjusted if necessary and coarticulated and
The Fl model proposes that speech motor planning be seen as context sensitive for
motor-related factors such as motor complexity, length, familiarity (high versus low
frequency use), and initiation mode (imitated or self-initiated) of the target utterance (see
Van der Merwe, 1997; 2009 for a discussion). These factors determine task complexity. This
viewpoint is in accord with the hypothesis underlying the nonlinear gestural model
proposed by Ziegler and colleagues (Ziegler 2009; Ziegler & Aichert; Ziegler, Lehner, Pfab &
Aichert, 2020). According to that model the probability of AOS errors can be predicted
Speech motor programming: To further unpack the motor plan, muscle tone, velocity,
direction, force, and range of movements of the articulatory, laryngeal and respiratory
muscles are specified in motor programs. Motor programming is not reliant on inverse
circumstance sensitive and could be adapted, for example, to convey emotional intent, to
talk louder or faster, or to assign syllabic stress. Specification is also muscle-specific. The
linguistic and fronto-limbic systems provide input to the programmer (Brooks, 1986;
Leisman et al., 2014; Nisticò, Cerasa, Olivadese, Volta, Crasà, et al., 2019; Nolte, 1999; Ploog,
1981; Riva, Taddei, Ghielmetti, Erbetta & Bulgheroni, 2019; Zappa et al., 2019) to augment
rate and metrical structure including the rhythm of speech. Once the motor programs are
specified, these are relayed to the muscles for execution. Manifested speech will cause
Architecture of the Speech Motor Planner: The control architecture proposed to underly
speech motor planning differs from the control architecture underlying programming. The
architecture of the motor planning phase in the FL model (see Figure 2) resembles the
Auxiliary Forward Model (AFM) account as described by Pickering and Clark (2014). The AFM
makes use of an inverse-forward scheme. This scheme posits two distinct models: an
inverse and forward model. In the context of speech motor planning in the FL model, the
inverse model is conceptualised as a memory pattern which contains the motor commands
and tactile-proprioceptive outcome. The motor planner recalls the memory patterns or
inverse models. An efference copy of the motor commands for the production of each
sound is subsequently communicated to a forward model of that sound. The forward model
can predict the sensory consequences of the motor commands. A series of forward models
(of the different sounds in a planned unit) are relayed to what is here proposed to be a
Figure 2. Control architecture of the four‐level (FL) model of speech sensorimotor control. The FL model posits two different control architectures for motor
planning and programming. The conception of the motor planner utilizes concepts from the auxiliary forward model (AFM) architecture, while the
conception of the motor program generator and predictive controller utilizes concepts from the integral forward model (IFM) architecture after Pickering
and Clark (2014).
A forward predictive planner would be able to handle planning a series of sounds.
Speech production does not imply sound-by-sound production. Speech “violates what can
be called the linearity and invariance conditions” (Wanner, Teyler & Thompson, 1977, p. 6).
produced. Coarticulation could also take place across word boundaries (Kent & Minifie,
1977). Only a mechanism such as the forward predictive planner conceptualised in the FL
model would be able to handle such input. This highly specialized mechanism is necessary to
monitor the sensory consequences of each forward model and also a series of models taken
up in a planned unit of sounds. The output of the forward predictive planner then “work in
concert” (Cui, 2016, p. 3) with inverse models to finesse and finalize the motor commands.
The motor commands are subsequently relayed to the programming areas of the central
nervous system.
The motor planner can operate without the implementation of reafferent feedback
and is portrayed as such in Figure 2. Motor planning takes place in a feedforward mode.
Predicted feedback is created by a forward model, but this is an internal feedback process.
Reafferent feedback is naturally accessible for attentional control (Cooper, Ruh, & Marechal,
2014) during the acquisition of a new motor plan. This viewpoint concurs with the
statement by Parrell and Houde (2019) that the speech motor system is sensitive to
feedback and perturbations, but that feedback is not critical to speech production.
Architecture of the Speech Motor Program Generator and Predictive Controller: The control
architecture of the speech motor program generator and predictive controller differs from
that of the motor planner in the sense that inverse models and efference copies are not
utilized. The integral forward model (IFM) architecture described by Pickering and Clark
(2014) is a probable control mode for the motor programmer. The general principles of this
control architecture are employed with adaptations tailored to the FL model and to the
requisites of the speech process. The IFM account stems from work on the role of prediction
in perception (Bastos, Usrey, Adams, Mangun, Fries, & Friston, 2012; Clark, 2016). In this
account the descending predictions that emanate from an integral generative forward
model act as action (‘motor’) commands to the plant. Active inference or action-oriented
processing generate predictions of sensory outcomes that would ensue. Prediction errors
are generated, fed back to the forward model, and quashed. Such a system is able to handle
delays, perturbations, and sensory noise and suppress errors before they occur (Pickering &
Clark, 2014). Bite-block (Folkins & Zimmerman, 1981) and unexpected weight-perturbation
studies (Gracco & Abbs, 1986) demonstrated instant compensatory speech movements. In
the latter group compensation occurred within milliseconds (Parrell & Houde, 2019). The
ensuing inference is that the speech motor program generator and predictive controller (see
Figure 2) is circumstance sensitive and able to handle noise in the central nervous system.
The programmer is also aware of the desired outcome of the motor plan or task at hand and
could utilize internal feedback to generate compensatory motor programs, for example
during perturbation. The broken lines in Figure 2 indicate that tactile-proprioceptive and
auditory feedback are available and could potentially be utilized by the programmer.
Speech Execution: Motor programs are implemented to drive muscle movements during
levels of control where they are translated into commands to the muscles. Closed-loop
execution (Eccles, 1977). Proprioceptive signals from mechanoreceptors of the joints,
muscles, tendons, and skin are implemented for the neural control of movement.
Impairment of proprioceptive afferent feedback may impact the control of muscle tone, as
Konczak, 2015).
In view of the preceding account, it seems evident that AOS is a speech motor planning
disorder due to a disruption at the highest motor processing level. AOS is the result of a left
hemisphere cortical lesion (Duffy, 2013) in the cortical motor areas responsible for the
planning of movements. Lesions that lead to lower level deficits than AOS could be either
unilateral (left or right sided) or bilateral. The DIVA model locates the lesion that causes AOS
in the left ventral premotor cortex (Guenther, 2016). However, the exact localization of the
lesion in the dominant hemisphere is still unconfirmed (McNeil, et al., 2016; Terband et al.,
The portrayal of speech motor planning in the FL model provides rich theoretical
scope for loci and nature of pathophysiology which could present as AOS signs. In Figure 3
the core components of motor planning are presented together with possible deficiencies
that could occur in each. The nature of impairment and underlying pathophysiology could
be located in the inverse models of some or all sounds, in the relay of efference copies, or in
the mechanism of forward prediction. Examples of the nature of deficiency are listed in
Figure 3. These are for example: damage to the internal model that results in a total loss of
the inverse model of the CMP; deficient retrieval of motor commands embedded in the
Figure 3. Pathophysiology underlying AOS portrayed as impaired inverse and forward internal models at the motor planning level of speech sensorimotor
The underlying pathophysiology could lead to the characteristic symptoms of AOS.
Damage to the inverse models of sounds and an inability to reconstruct such models could
predictably lead to the complete or partial inability to produce these (specific) sounds and
therefore also a string of sounds. This may lead to apparent articulatory groping and start-
restart behaviour. Incorrect specification of the spatial and temporal motor commands for
production leading to distortion of one or more sounds in an utterance. This may also give
rise to apparent substitutions and distorted substitutions. Slow retrieval and the effect of
increased planning load of longer, unfamiliar, or motorically complex utterances may lead to
slow speech, extended segmental duration, extended intersegment duration and syllable-
by-syllable speech production. The severity or frequency of speech errors may increase or
decrease due to these motor-related contextual factors. Damage to the forward internal
models of sounds could negatively impact monitoring of the motor commands during
internal feedback and lead to distorted speech sounds, slow speech, and apparent groping
and start-restart behaviour. These predicted speech errors that could, by inference, occur
due to impaired inverse and forward predictive models for speech production concur with
the kernel characteristics of AOS as proposed in the literature (Ballard et al., 2016; Duffy,
2007, 2013; McNeil, et al., 2016; McNeil et al., 1997; 2009; McNeil, Pratt & Fossett, 2004).
The relevant question is: is there also a dysfunction at the middle programming level
in AOS? Features of speech that could potentially signify disruption in both motor planning
and programming in AOS are deficient prosody, speech rate, and accuracy of articulation.
Prosodic errors, which are mentioned as salient features of AOS, include slow rate, equal
stress across adjacent syllables in syllable segregated speech, and extended segment and
intersegment durations (McNeil, et al., 2009; McNeil, et al., 2016; Vergis, et al., 2014).
Prosodic and rate disturbances are perceptual surface features of AOS (Duffy, 2013; McNeil
et al., 2009), but are not necessarily primary deficiencies in motor planning. In view of the
assignment of prosodic control to the programming level in the updated FL model, these
motor programs. However, these signs could also reflect the secondary side effects of a
unit of sounds. Another possible explanation for signs such as slow rate and syllable
planning problem will inevitably cause associated or secondary disruption of the rate,
rhythm, and fluency of speech (Duffy, 2013). While the speaker is trying to recall and specify
the mental representation (Itoh, 2008; Jeannerod, 1995) or motor plan, a delay in
processing could surface as, for example, slow rate, disrupted fluency, and syllabic speech.
Studies that sought to find evidence of a primary rate disruption in AOS speech
burst and release duration) of Zulu click production in words produced by a Zulu speaker
with AOS revealed variability in duration. Only nine of 30 opportunities showed duration
outside the normal range. Five instances of longer duration and four of shorter duration
were noted (Van der Merwe & Steyn, In Press). This study suggests that slow rate at
segmental level is not a characteristic feature of AOS. Results of another acoustic study,
involving five individuals with AOS, showed normal or shorter than normal vowel and total
longer nonwords (Van der Merwe & Grimbeek, 2006). Findings of a study by Ballard and
colleagues (2014) suggest that a measure of relative vowel duration from a polysyllabic
word repetition task is sufficient to detect the presence of AOS in cases with progressive
aphasia. In primary progressive AOS, speech rate was found to become slower and
utterance duration more extended as the disorder progresses. This may point to slow rate
as a primary deficit in AOS (Duffy et al. 2015). In programming disorders, prosodic and rate
Distortion of speech occurs across all neuromotor speech disorders. The context
distortion. In the case of AOS, speech errors - including distortion - may be sensitive to
motor-related contextual factors such as familiarity, length, and motor complexity (Van der
(Duffy, 2013).
In summary, superficially judged, there are overlapping speech signs which can be
detailed model of speech motor planning, programming and execution is necessary to drive
research questions. The possibility that a disruption of motor programming is also present in
AOS cannot conclusively be discounted. It may also be present in certain individuals due to
the localization of the lesion. McNeil and co-authors (2016, p. 211) state: “Assuming that
speech planning and programming are separable and multistage processes, … researchers
may begin to generate testable hypotheses about clinical features and localisation
correlates of what might become recognizable subtypes of AOS”. Underlying this statement
is the assumption that programming is more closely connected to and associated with the
planning phase than to the execution phase. The updated FL model and the recent
Parrell, Lammert, et al., 2019; Parrell, Ramanarayanan, Nagarajan, & Houde, 2019) appear
36 33
to oppose such an assumption. The conceptualization of a programmer challenges the
traditional (as in the three-level model) simplistic view of execution and not primarily the
understanding of planning, as is generally accepted. The search for subtypes of AOS should
execution, and involves muscle-specific programs and the use of deafferent feedback if
necessary. These programs drive motor execution, but execution also depends on closed-
execution. Conversely, planning of movement does not share these properties (muscle-
memory patterns and inverse models. Also, planning takes place at the highest levels of
motor control in the dominant hemisphere while programming and execution are mediated
by cortical-subcortical circuits and sub-cortical structures. At this point in time, and against
the theoretical account provided in this manuscript, AOS can most logically be characterized
as a “planning and programming” disorder should include a warning regarding the tentative
nature of this label. To describe AOS as a “planning/programming” disorder (in other words
the interchangeable use of these terms) is to disregard the advances that were made in
Contemporary accounts of the motor control hierarchy for skilled movements substantiate
the proposed three levels or phases in the motor control of speech production (Van der
Merwe, 1997; 2009; Van der Merwe & Steyn, 2018). A motor planning level and a
programming level are acknowledged in many published works on the topic of motor
control, though the descriptive terms employed sometimes differ across publications. In the
acknowledge the existence of a planning level involved in the creation of motor plans or
high-level tasks. This level is differentiated from a lower-level controller. Though the latter is
execution phase, future developments in this field could support the distinction between
The new version of the FLF, the FL model, which is presented in this manuscript,
differentiates these three motor phases or levels. Planning of the segmental features of
speech (place and manner of articulation and inter- and co-articulatory control) is handled
by a motor planner. The author proposes that the motor planner functions according to an
auxiliary forward model architecture and is driven by an inverse model for every speech
sound, relay of an efference copy of the motor commands, and a forward model of each
plan. Also posited in the FL model is the existence of a forward predictive planner that can
handle planning of coarticulation of more than one sound. Speech motor planning is
suggested to function without any feedback in a typical mature speaker. The proposed
control mode of the planning phase is conceptually based on the auxiliary forward model
During the following motor programming phase, a motor program generator and
responsible for controlling prosodic features and the metrical structure of speech output.
Perturbations and noise in the nervous system can be handled by the programmer. The
control architecture is based on the integral forward model (IFM) architecture described by
Pickering and Clark (2014). During execution, closed loop online control based on
theoretical basis for making inferences about the locus and nature of deficiency in AOS. A
breakdown may occur at multiple points in this process. The nature of pathophysiology may
include, for example, actual damage to an inverse model of a sound, deficient retrieval of
reduced range of forward prediction and planning. These difficulties could conceivably lead
too limited to characterise motor speech disorders and drive future research. Speech motor
planning and programming has distinguishable roles in speech motor control. AOS is most
accurately typified as a motor planning disorder. Future research could address the exact
time magnetic resonance imaging (see Hagedorn, 2017). Response to changes in contextual
factors (for example, motor complexity, syllable structure, and length of utterance) could
differentiate between the signs of disorders at these levels. Research with a focus on levels
of severity could also reveal much about the underlying nature of impairment of the
different motor speech disorders. In conclusion, future research would benefit from
consistent terminology and the consistent depiction of AOS as a motor planning disorder
List of Figures
Figure 1: The four-level (FL) model of speech sensorimotor control (after the original four-level
framework, FLF, in Van der Merwe, 1997; 2009). A model for the characterization of pathological
speech sensorimotor control.
Figure 2: Control architecture of the four-level (FL) model of speech sensorimotor control.
The FL model posits two different control architectures for motor planning and
programming. The conception of the motor planner utilizes concepts from the auxiliary
forward model (AFM) architecture, while the conception of the motor program generator
and predictive controller utilizes concepts from the integral forward model (IFM)
architecture after Pickering and Clark, 2014.
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