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Situation: Local Government Code known as 5. Community health nursing is a developmental

R.A. 7160 brought major shift in the roles of the service. Which of the following best illustrates
Department of Health. Under this law, all this statement?
structures, personnel and budgetary allocations A. Community health nursing is intended
from the provincial health level down to the primarily for health promotion and prevention
barangays were devolved to the local and treatment of disease.
government units (LGUs) to facilitate health
B. The goal of community health nursing is to
service delivery
  provide nursing services to people in their own
1. R.A. 7160 mandates devolution of basic places of residence.
services from the national government to local C. The community health nurse continuously
government units. Which of the following is the develops himself personally and professionally.
major goal of devolution? D. Health education and community organizing
A. To make basic services more accessible to are necessary in providing community health
the people services.
B. To strengthen local government units
C. To allow greater autonomy to local Situation:  You are now in the entry phase of
government units community organizing process, after establishing
D. To empower the people and promote their rapport with the people in Barangay San Miguel.
self-reliance The following questions apply.
2. Lavinia recently passed the board exam and 6. With the community health activities started
now has her license to practice. She wants to and in the entry phase, which of these activities
become a Public Health Nurse. Where will she should you not include?
apply? a. Information campaign on health programs
A. Department of Health b. Project Management (sustenance and
B. Provincial Health Office strengthening phase)
C. Regional Health Office c. Core group formation
D. Rural Health Unit d. Conduct of deepening social investigation
3. The public health nurse is the supervisor of 7. Identification of potential leaders is crucial
rural health midwives. Which of the following is a during the entry phase. Which of these
supervisory function of the public health nurse? characteristics may not be necessary to an
A. Referring cases or patients to the midwife efficient and effective community leader?
B. Providing nursing care to cases referred by a. Responsive and willing to work for change
the midwife b. Must have relatively good communication
C. Formulating and implementing training skills
programs for midwives c. A respected member of the community
D. Providing technical guidance to the midwife d. A college graduate with management skills
4. One of the participants in a hilot training class 8. The best technique in identifying potential
asked you to whom she should refer a patient in leaders in the community proven to be affective
labor who develops a complication. You will is to:
answer would be, to the: a. Ask community residents to directly name
A. Public Health Nurse person whom they consider as community
B. Rural Health Midwife leaders
C. Municipal Health Officer b. Ask volunteers who are willing to become
D. Any of these health professionals community leaders
c. Review family background properties and A. Program maintenance-consolidation
academic records of community residents B. Community analysis/diagnosis
d. Observe people who are active in small C. Design and initiation
mobilization activities that motivate residents D. Dissemination-reassessment
to start working  
 9. The core group is composed of individuals in 13. At which phase of the community organizing
the community who possess leadership process are the leaders or groups given training
potentials organized into cohesive working unit. to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude in
The core group works with the team in: managing their own programs
a. Selecting community activities according to a. Sustenance and strengthening phase
their preferences b. Pre- entry phase
b. Monitoring the performance of the barangays c. Organizing- building phase
officials d. Entry phase
c. Setting up community organization that will  
serve the interest of a sector in the community 14. When you have already organized, follow up
d. Mobilizing the community to act on their home visits are likewise needed. Which of the
following should you do first?
most immediate felt needs and participate in
A. Wash your hands and perform the necessary
the delivery of essential health
B. Explain the purpose of the visit
10. The nurse as a community health
practitioner functions as a community: C. Greet the patient/ resident, introduce self
A. Facilitator D. Do an environmental surveillance
B. Planner  
c. Leader 15. Which of the following priority conditions will
be determining factors on the frequency of home
d. Evaluator
health visits?
A. The need for health teachings and level of
Situation:  You are a beginning community
family understanding
health nurse in your Health Center. You are
aware that meaningful integration is essential for B. Acceptance of the family of their health
you to carry out your roles and functions. The concerns and their coping strategies
following questions apply. C. The results of the studies conducted and level
  of family understanding
11. Integration is the process of establishing D. Administration of medications and the
rapport with the people in the community. It can schedules set
best be achieved by:  
A. Bringing in some gifts to win acceptance of Situation: A relevant DOH program addresses
the people in the community community health conditions particularly
B. Cleaning the house and doing other Tuberculosis. Again, safety and quality care is
household chores every nurse’s concern. The following questions
C. Conversing with the people where they are apply.
participating in social activities  
D. Sponsoring a sports festival to have an 16. Directly Observed Treatment Short-course
(DOTS) can do all of the following except:
opportunity to meet more people
A. stop resistance to anti-TB drugs
B. cure TB patients
12. Community organizing is an important part of
the community nursing function. Given the C. increase health care cost
following elements: choosing an organizational D. prevent new infection among children and
structure, identifying and recruiting members, adults
defining mission, vision and goals, clarifying  
roles and responsibilities at which stage do 17. Which vital statistics relating to Tuberculosis
these elements belong? (TB) in our country is inaccurate?
A. b. TB is the 6th leading cause of illness  
among Filipinos 22. A male client who has acquired
B. c. TB is the 6th leading cause of deaths immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) asks why
among Filipinos oral progesterone (Megace) is being prescribed
for treatment. What is the nurse’s best
C. The Philippines is among the 22 highly
burdened poor countries in the world a. “Megace is used to treat the nausea
D. Most TB patients belong to the 0-15 age associated with this infection.”
groups b. “Megace is used as an appetite stimulant to
boost nutritional support.”
18. The elements of TB DOTS that need to be
fulfilled include all of the following except:
c. “Megace is used as an antineoplastic agent
A. regular chest x-ray for diagnosis
for palliative treatment.”
B. standardized recording and reporting of TB
d. “Megace provides symptomatic relief of
C. regular supply of anti-TB drugs
D. supervised treatment by a treatment partner
23. Which one of the following suggestions by
the nurse would be most helpful to a human
19. Pulmonary TB is suspected when client immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive client who
manifests which symptoms? has altered taste perception?
A. hematemesis a. Drink plenty of salty broths and other fluids to
B. sudden loss of weight stimulate taste buds.
C. cough for more than 2 weeks b. Try zinc supplementation to improve taste
D. precordial chest pain perception.
  c. Increase intake of meat to at least one serving
20. Which of the following statements about TB
per day.
treatment is incorrect?
d. Avoid using plastic eating utensils.
A. combination of 3-4 anti-TB drugs is the
treatment of choice
24. Which of the following suggestions would the
B. single drug is appropriate
nurse give to a client with human
C. treatment renders patients non-infectious and immunodeficiency virus infection to best alleviate
cured nausea?
D. tuberculosis is a curable disease a. Drink liquids with meals.
b. Eat high-fat foods.
Situation: The case of Acquired c. Eat small, frequent meals.
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the d. Lie down after eating.
Philippines has been rapidly increasing. Official
records of the Department of Health (DOH)
25. The nurse is caring for a pediatric client with
showed that the number of HIV cases rose to
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
709 in 2009, compared to the 528 recorded the
Which activity by the nurse should be reported to
previous year. Nurses have a pivotal role in
the employee health department as an exposure
educating the public to prevent an increase in
for the nurse?
occurrence of this transmissible disease.
a. While flushing out the used bedpan, fluid
21. The nurse looks for results of which splashes in the nurse’s eyes.
laboratory measurement that provides a reliable b. The nurse is stabbed with a sterile syringe to
indicator of lymphocyte status in a client with be used to draw up the client’s medications.
HIV infection? c. Nurse does not wear a mask while in the
a. B lymphocytes client’s room.
b. T-cytotoxic cells d. During the bath, the nurse removes gloves
c. T-helper cells (CD4) when giving a backrub on intact skin.
d. Natural killer cells (NK)
Situation: Urethral catheterization requires a a. Irrigate the catheter daily
physician’s order. Special care and strict aseptic b. Keep the bag lower than the bed
technique must be observed for clients with c. Measure intake and output daily
indwelling catheter.
d. Keep a closed sterile drainage system
Situation: Professional Development is achieved
26. A day after the insertion of the urinary
through participation in various trainings and
retention catheter, the client complains of
continuing professional education. This is to
discomfort in the bladder and in the urinary
keep nurses abreast with the latest development
meatus. The initial action of the nurse would be:
in the profession and staying globally
a. Establish patency of the catheter competitive in skills development.
b. Check the bladder if distended  
c. Notify the physician 31.  Nurse Palomeno is attending a
d. Milk the catheter toward the collecting cardiopulmonary resuscitation training to review
receptacle her previous CPR training as a requirement in
  the new hospital where she was recently
27. The client is ordered to have closed employed. This is an example of:
intermittent catheter irrigation. The nurse a. Continuing education
performs the procedure in the following order: b. Advanced training
1.Aspirate sterile solution into the syringe c. In- service training
2.Using aseptic technique, put sterile solution in d. Professional training
the sterile graduated cup  
3.Clamp indwelling retention catheter
32. A nurse who recently passed the nurse
4.Withdraw syringe, leave solution for about 20
licensure exam who is seeking employment
decided to attend training on IV therapy program
5.Slowly inject sterile  irrigant  into the catheter
offered by an accredited nursing organization.
and bladder6. Remove the clamp and allow
This is an example of:
irrigant to drain into the collion bottle/bag
a. Advanced training
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6
b. Professional training
b. 2,1,3,5,4,6
c. Continuing education
c. 2,3,1,4,5,6
d. In- service education
d. 3,2,1,4,5,6
33. After a year and a half of working in a
28. When a client has a retention catheter, the
hospital, Nurse Palomeno decides to pursue a
nurse is expected to:
master’s degree in nursing. Graduate education
a. Clean the urinary meatus and the adjacent in nursing prepares nurse Palomeno for the
skin periodically following except:
b. Flush the catheter as needed a. Take advance training as a clinical specialist
c. Perform perineal flushing as needed b. Assume managerial positions in nursing
d. Encourage liberal amount of fluid intake service
  c. Carry out research to advance nursing theory
29. After removing the indwelling catheter the d. Take lead roles in nursing educational
client complains of difficulty in her first attempt to settings
urinate. The nurse explains that this is due to:
a. Irritation of the urethra
34. Nurse Prince believes that health is a
b. Attempt of the body to adjust or normal fundamental right of every individual. He
reflex mechanism believes in the worth and dignity of each human
c. Fluid and electrolytes imbalance being and recognizes the primary responsibility
d. Irritation of the urinary bladder to preserve health at all costs. These statements
  are part of the:
30. When considering the safety needs of a a. Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
client with a urinary catheter, which of the b. Code of Good Governance
following should the nurse observe? c. Standard of Nursing Practice
d. Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses/Board  
of Nursing Resolution No.220 40. Which of the following is an example of
  convenience sampling?
35. The objectives of continuing professional a. Subjects are purposively picked by the
education programs in nursing are the following researchers (purposive)
except: b. Selection of every 10th person on a patient
a. Protect and promote the general welfare of list(systematic)
the public by attaining the lowest standards and c. Simple selection
quality in the practice of profession. d. Availability of subjects
b. Make the professional globally competitive by
maintaining capability for delivering professional Situation: Florence is a Charge Nurse of the
services. Charity Pediatric Ward. She is handling 45
c. Augment the nurse educational preparation patients for the morning shift, with 3 RNs, 2
for admission to the practice of his profession. Nursing Attendants, and 1 Ward Clerk.
d. Make available latest trends in the profession
41. The staff are able to wish their off schedule
brought about by scientific and technological
with Florence, thereby their motivation to please
advancement in the profession. her all the time. What is her primary source of
power over the others in the unit?
Situation: A group of nursing students is a. Coercive power
conducting a research on the medical ward of a b. Informational power
Laoag General Hospital with the topic “The
c. Reward power
Effects of the Nursing Health Teachings in the
Reduction of Anxiety of Diabetic Patients d. Expert power
Undergoing Limb Amputation.”  
  42. Annually, Florence assists the unit’s Head
36. The group adviser will most likely suggest a Nurse during budgeting. This activity is under
study to check the procedures of the research. what stage of management?
This is: A. Planning
a. Proposal B. Organizing
b. Test-retest C. Staffing
c. Pretest D. Controlling
d. Pilot study  
  43. In the ward, the staff work as a team.
37. The independent variable of the study will be Florence is responsible for carrying out the
a. Nursing health teachings orders of the doctors, while each of the nurses
are assigned to feed and bathe the patients,
b. Insulin injection
administer due medications and therapeutics,
c. Reduction of anxiety and monitor vital signs and fluid infusions. What
d. Diabetic patients nursing care delivery system is utilized in the
38. Which of the following is the variable that A. Modular Nursing
can be measured? B. Team Nursing
a. Reduction of anxiety C. Primary nursing
b. Diabetic Patient D. Functional nursing
c. Nursing helath teachings  
d. Limb Amputation 44. A new protocol for administering tube
  feedings among neonates is introduced in the
39. What research design is likely to be utilized? unit. The staff are having problems in the
a. Descriptive implementation. What is Flo’s first action?
b. Quasi-experimental A. Ask for a report from the staff nurses
c. Exploratory regarding the new protocol and its
d. Experimental implementation
B. Call for a meeting with the staff to discuss a. Epidemic terminates when supply of
problems encountered susceptible persons is exhausted.
C. Interview each staff separately to effectively b. Simultaneous exposure of the susceptible
identify areas for improvement in the protocol persons
D. Search for more evidence regarding the new c. Cause originated from single event
protocol and present in a meeting d. Low number of susceptible personal, high
  number of immune persons
45. Which of the following statements should be  
avoided by Flo in giving feedback to the staff 49. Here, the nurse would want to determine the
after a performance appraisal? magnitude of the problem therefore she will
A. “Gather all the staff in the meeting room so I compute for:
can announce the results of the evaluation.” a. Prevalence rate
B. “Let us talk about how you can improve your b. Incidence rate
techniques in administering medications.” c. Disease rate
C. “Go over this list of strengths and d. Attack rate
weaknesses we have identified during your  
evaluation.” 50. In cases like epidemics it is necessary for
D. “If your weakness is in the computation of the nurse to be able to call to action and
fluid infusions, I will be assigning you that task mobilize the community towards:
a. Community response
for one month so you can practice.”
b. Individual response
Situation: In community Health Nursing the c. Leaders response
realities of “cause- effect” relationship almost d. Public officials response
always exist and the CH Nurse is in a very
strategic position to decipher these occurrences. Situation: One of your responsibilities as a
The following questions apply. community health nurse is to conduct home
  visits to evaluate the health condition of families
46. In a political rally, spaghetti and friend and communities.
chicken were distributed among the 1,500  
people who attended. Around 2-3 hours after 51. Prior to the visit you have checked on your
lunch, people started experiencing clients’ records in the health center to have a
gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach background of their case and to formulate
pains, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever and objectives of the visit. This phase is:
dehydration. Health authorities confirmed that a. closing
the outbreak of illness was mainly due to b. planning
staphylococcal enterotoxins. This condition is an c. professional
illustration of a statistical association which is:
d. socializing
A. Direct causal
B. Non- causal
52. In every home visit, you are not only
C. Indirect causal concerned with the client but you should also:
D. Multifactorial a. pay particular attention to the economics
47. The above illness outbreak describes which b. observe the family and the environment
type of epidemic?
c. put emphasis on the children’s education
A. Cyclic variation
d. observe the family’s spiritual practices
B. Point source
C. Secular variation
53. In your community home visits, you have
D. Propagated epidemic met four clients. Who among them will you visit
48. This type of epidemic is characterized by the a. Family planning defaulters
following EXCEPT: b. A premature newborn
c. G4P3 3 days post-partum  
d. G3P2 36 weeks AOG 58. Collaboration is strengthened by the parish
  health team with the city health department and
54. During a home visit, socialization is the various health centers of the city stool
important in order to: examination days were conducted where
a. Do procedures majority of the children were found to have
ascaris. Which among the following community
b. Establish rapport and put the client at ease
nursing diagnosis will guide the nurse in setting
c. identify the needs of the client strategies to address the problems?
d. evaluate the visit a. parasitism as a health threat
  b. parasitism foreseeable crisis
55. To give clear and correct information to the c. malnutrition as a health deficit
client, the nurse should consider the following
d. parasitism as a health deficits
a. Give several instructions at one time
59. The following nursing interventions address
b. Listen to what the patient is saying
the problem on parasitism, EXCEPT:
c. do not use medical terms a. teach proper disposal of stools and stress
d. repeat important information that it shouldn’t be used as fertilizer
b. encourage handwashing before and after
Situation: The Good Shepherd Parish Church in
Las Piñas City initiated a parish led 5 year
community health and development project. c. treat patients with broad spectrum
Community diagnosis is needed to enable its anthelmintic
parish public health nurse prepare the necessary d. stress that vegetables should be thoroughly
community health nursing care plans and washed especially if eaten raw
programs which would be responsive to the  
needs of the parishioners and various 60. Evaluating the nursing care given, which of
communities. To realize all these collaborative the following vital statistics in the communities
work is necessary. served indicates the BEST health status?
  a. 0 infant mortality rate for the year 2006
56.  As the parish community health nurse b. 0 crude death rate for the year 2007
working with volunteer RNs and affiliate you will
c. 50% Swaroop’s index for the year 2006
assess community and environment
characteristics. Which of the following pertains to d. 0 crude birth rate for the year 2007
environmental characteristics? 1. language, Situation: People empowerment is an important
religion and political orientation 2. occupation, purpose why Community Participatory Active
unemployment status and poverty level 3. air, Research (COPAR) was created, it encourages
water and noise pollution 4. vegetation and the community to generate community
sanitation participation in development activities.
a. 1 and 2  
b. 1 and 4 61. In COPAR, people of the community are
being prepared as managers of development
c. 3 and 4
programs in the future.  All of the following but
d. 2 and 3 one are considered as principles of COPAR
  a. People, especially the most oppressed,
57. A step in the development of the community exploited and deprived sectors are open to
health plan that answers the questions, what
change, have the capacity to change and are
health problems, health threats and health
deficits exist and how the community copes with able to bring about change
these health problems is referred to as: b. COPAR should lead to a self-reliant
A. assessment community and society.
b. Plan implementation c. Community resources are identified and
c. Plan formulation mobilized for the poor, the powerless and the
d. Evaluation oppressed
d. COPAR should be based on the interests of d. It can evaluate the outcomes of the programs
the poorest sectors of the society Situation: Being the staunch leader in health in
  the country, the Department of Health developed
62. COPAR is people-based it is focused numerous health programs over the years.
towards the powerless and the oppressed. These programs address the leading health
Which developmental approach is related to problems or conditions of different populations.
a. Abandoning the traditional methods of doing 66. Various nutrition programs are implemented
things and must adopt the technology of for a reduction in the common nutritional
deficiencies present in the country. Most
industrial countries
programs are structured to address the
b. Introduction of whatever resources are deficiencies in these nutrients, namely: i.Vitamin
lacking in the community adopting technological A ii.Iron iii.Vitamin C iv.Iodine v.Protein
development a. i, ii, iv
c. Immediate or spontaneous response to b. i, ii, iii, iv
ameliorate the manifestation of poverty, c. ii, iii, v
especially on the personal level d. ii, iii, iv
d. The process of empowering the poor so that  
they can pursue a more just and humane 67. Micronutrient supplementation of Vitamin A
society aids infants and children in their growth and
  development. How much Vitamin A should be
63. The following statements do not relate to given to a 7-month-old infant?
community development, but one? a. 200,000 IU for one dose only
a. In participatory approach, then nurse must b. 200, 000 IU for two doses, with an interval of
devotedly adhere to what people want two days
b. In a peasant community where people are c. 100,000 IU for two doses, 1 month apart
fighting for land ownership, the nurse must not d. 100, 000 IU for one dose only
participate as this is not a health concern  
c. Nurses must not join protests action as 68. When should a pregnant mother start taking
nurses should always be neutral at all times Vitamin A supplements?
a. As early as 2 months
d. If the people are not attending to the services
b. During the 4th month of pregnancy (2nd
offered by the health staff, the team must
reassess the needs of the people
c. Anytime during the last trimester
64. Carrying out the planned activities involving d. At the first onset of uterine contractions
maximum community participation is referred to  
as: 69. In providing teachings to the livelihood
a. Community Organization residents and mothers of a barangay in Cavite,
b. Community assembly you explain to them that the Sangkap Pinoy Seal
means the food:
c. Mobilization
a. Is free from contamination from E. coli
d. Integration
b. Underwent fortification with Vitamin A, iron,
65. Community organizing ends when the
community is already self-reliant. This signals or both
that the community organizers are now ready to c. Can complete the daily nutritional
pull out of the community because: requirements of an infant or child
a. It indicates that community organization is d. Has been inspected by the FDA and
finished considered safe to eat
b. It will prevent dependency of the community  
c. Organizers can expand to other poor Situation: Kylie Gardo Verzosa, public health
communities nurse of Barangay Niyugyog. You have just
finished implementing the programs for the
identified community health problems last b. Four
month. You are now preparing to check if the c. Five
target goals and objectives were met. The d. Six
following questions apply.
76. Student Nurse Nicole was doing her ocular
70. Evaluation involves which of the following
survey in Barangay Loma when a dog suddenly
attacked her and bit her. Mara’s school records
a. Exploration show she had complete prophylaxis for rabies.
b. Observation How many doses of rabies vaccine does she
c. B and D expect to be given to her afer the bite?
d. Measurement a. Three doses – two doses right away, and the
  other dose on the 3rd day
71. Which of the following phases of the b. Two doses – one dose right away, and the
PRECEDE-PROCEED Model correspond to the second on the third day
evaluation if the objectives and sub-objectives c. None, since the pre-exposure vaccines are
have been met?
already enough.
a. Process Evaluation (strategy)
d. Four doses – one dose right away, and the
b. Impact Evaluation
other doses on the 3rd, 7th, and 14th days
c. Effect Evaluation
d. Outcome Evaluation
77. Which of these vaccines is not given orally?
a. MMR (subq)
72. Which of the following is evaluated by the
b. Polio vaccine
outcome evaluation?
a. Objectives c. Rotavirus vaccine
b. Strategy Objectives d. Cholera vaccine
c. Sub-objectives  
78. All of the following vaccines except one are
d. Goal
examples of live attenuated vaccines. Choose
  the exception.
73. Which of the following evaluation indicators a. Varicella vaccine
is described by the statement, “what proportion
b. Measles vaccine
of those who need something are actually
receiving it”? c. MMR
a. Accessibility d. Tetanus (killed, inactivated)
b. Efficiency  
c. Coverage 79. In administering BCG to a neonate, how
much should Nurse Nicole withdraw from the
d. Effort
a. 0.1mL
74. What is the ultimate goal of community
b. 0.5mL
health nursing?
a. Community competence c. 0.05mL
b. Community self-actualization d. 1.0mL
c. Community organization
Situation: The Aquino administration initiated
d. Community integration
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or
commonly called 4Ps as its flagship poverty
Situation: Immunization for different diseases alleviation program.
are important for health care workers who are  
frequently exposed to different patients and
80. Which of these government agencies is/are
partners in enrolling beneficiaries from different
  state universities and colleges?
75. Pre-exposure vaccination for rabies consists a. Philippine Association of State Universities
of how many doses?
and Colleges
a. Three
b. Department of Labor and Employment d. Giving the baby breast milk and solid food
c. Commission on Higher Education only.
d. All of the above
  Situation: Nurse Jabee Dayandante is caring for
81. Which of these programs is not included in the Aguilar Family and is currently doing his first
the 4Ps? level assessment of the family’s nursing
a. Enrollment of children in daycare, elementary, problems.
and secondary schools  
b. Deworming of schoolchildren aged 6 to 14 85. Mrs. Aguilar was looking at the chance of
having a baby for the incoming year. Nurse
years old
Jabee knows that in the event that Mrs. Aguilar
c. Health check-ups for pregnant women and becomes pregnant, the family will have what
children aged 0 to 5 type of family health problem?
d. None of the above a. Health Threat (risk factor)
  b. Health Deficit (disease/disability)
82. How often are deworming pills given to c. Wellness state (improve competence)
children aged 6-14? d. Stress point (anticipated periods of unusual
a. Once a year demand/foreseeable crisis)
b. Twice a month  
c. Twice a year 86. Mrs. Aguilar gave birth to a baby girl named
d. Once a month Hetty. It was the second child of the family and
  all of the couple’s attention was focused on their
83. To be able to receive the subsidies in 4Ps, new offspring. Twirly, who’s the elder sister of
which among these is not part of the conditions Hetty, is becoming jealous of her. This was
that should be met by the household- noted by Mrs. Aguilar and she asked the advised
beneficiaries? of the nurse. As a nurse, what would be the
a. Parents or guardians must attend the family most appropriate nursing intervention for this
development sessions, which include topics on scenario?
responsible parenting, health, and nutrition a. Tell Mrs. Aguilar that it’s normal phenomena.
b. Pregnant women must avail pre- and post- b. Create a plan that would address the jealousy
natal care, and be attended during childbirth by of Twirly together with Mr. and Mrs. Aguilar.
a faith healer. c. Provide Mrs. Aguilar with a pamphlet
c. Children-beneficiaries aged 3-18 must enroll in regarding child rearing practices.
school, and maintain an attendance of at least d. Advise Mrs. Aguilar to reprimand Twirly for
85% of class days every month her bad attitude.
d. Children aged 0-5 must receive regular  
preventive health check-ups and vaccines 87. Mr. Aguilar who is a 15 packs/year smoker,
approached Nurse Jabee and told him that he
  was diagnosed by the Pulmonologist with
84. Rona, G1P1, is on her 2nd postpartum day. COPD. Knowing the pathophysiology of COPD,
She asks Nurse Maja about the definition of Nurse Jabee knows that the disease is chronic
exclusive breastfeeding. Nurse Maja responds in nature. Given the situation, what type of family
based on his knowledge that exclusive health problem is the family experiencing?
breastfeeding means:
a. Health Deficit
a. Giving the baby breast milk and drops or
b. Health Threat
syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral
c. Stress point
supplements, or medicines only.
d. Wellness state
b. Giving the baby breast milk only. Drops or
syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral 88. Mrs. Aguilar found out that Hetty was not
supplements, or medicines should not yet be able to get her last dose of immunization. This
given until the 6th month of life problem of Mrs. Aguilar can be noted as what
c. Giving the baby breast milk and water only. type of of family problem?
a. Health Threat d. vomiting
b. Health Deficit  
c. Stress point 94. Your relative who is currently working as an
d. Wellness state OFW in the United Arab Emirates called you and
  asked how he can prevent acquiring the
infection. You are correct by instructing him to
89. The following are ways is the best way to
do the following, except:
measure the skill of Mrs. Aguilar in caring for her
new infant, Hetty? a. “Practice general hygiene measures before
a. Demonstrating how to hold her new infant. and after touching animals like camels.”
b. Asking her to identify the steps in swaddling b. “Avoid close contact with potential sick
her infant. individuals.”
c. Asking her to verbalize the different ways of c. “Have yourself vaccinated.”
measuring the normal growth and development d. “Ensure that animal products be cooked
of Hetty. thoroughly.”
d. Demonstrating how to handle her stress.  
Situation: Documentation and management of
the patient’s records are two important tasks of
Situation: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is
the nurse. The following questions apply.
a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel
coronavirus that was first identified in Saudi  
Arabia in 2012. 95. During the interview of a patient, she starts
  to moan and curl up due to pain. History
revealed that the pain occurs about an hour after
90. The clinical spectrum of MERS-CoV can
taking black coffee without breakfast. It has been
include all of the following, except:
occurring for three weeks now. This is recorded
a. Asymptomatic
b. Severe acute respiratory disease a. Claims to have abdominal pains after intake
c. Mild respiratory symptoms of coffee unrelieved by analgesics
d. None of the above b. After drinking coffee, the client experienced
  severe abdominal pain
91. The said novel coronavirus is believed to
c. Client complained of intermittent abdominal
originate from what animal?
pain an hour after drinking coffee
a. Donkeys
d. Reported abdominal pain usually an hour
b. Camels
after drinking black coffee. Pain has been felt
c. Bats
for three weeks now.
d. Lambs
96. Which of the following entries in the Nurses
92. Which of the following clients bear the most
Notes is most appropriate?
risk of acquiring a severe disease if infected with
MERS-CoV? a. “Large hematoma noted in the right arm.”
a. An 18-year-old female client who has a history b. “The client appears to be happy.”
of rheumatic heart disease. c. “Provided oral care.”
b. A 26-year-old male who works as a call-center d. “Clear breath sounds. Suctioning performed,
agent. as ordered and as needed.”
c. A 32-year-old female client who is on her 5th  
month of pregnancy. 97. The nurse is writing down his progress
notes. Should a recording mistake occur, which
d. A 46-year-old male client who has diabetes.
of the following should he do?
  a. Erase the erroneous entry using correction
93. Typical findings in patients infected with
fluid and write down the new entry above the
MERS-CoV include which of the following:
erased entry.
a. cough
b. hypothermia
c. bradypnea
b. Draw a single line through it and write his
initials or name above or near the line.
c. Use multiple lines to strike through the
erroneous entry then write his initials or name
above or near the lines.
d. Draw a single line through the erroneous entry
and write error above the said entry.
98. The attending physician of one of the
patients called to give a new order. The nurse
should do which of the following when receiving
telephone orders? i. Write the order down on the
patient’s Kardex. ii. Ask the prescriber to speak
slowly and clearly. iii. Read the order back to the
prescriber using the abbreviations which he
used. iv. Have a colleague listen on extension. v.
Write down only the medication order and the
date and time that the order was given.
a. ii, iii, iv, and v
b. i, iii, and v
c. ii and iv
d. i, ii, iii, iv, v
99. The nurse decided to call the attending
physician of one of his patients because latter
suddenly collapsed. Which of the following
should avoid when giving a telephone report?
a. Include the client’s name and medical
b. Begin the report with the main reason for the
telephone call.
c. Specify that the nurse would like the attending
physician to come and assess the client.
d. Inform the physician of the pertinent changes
in the patient’s baseline data.
100. A physician orders 2000 ml of D5NSS to
infuse over 12 hours. The drop factor is 15 drops
per ml.  Nurse Lykee sets the flow rate at how
many drops per minute?  
a. 42 drops per minute
b. 35 drops per minute
c. 21 drops per minute
d. 50 drops per minute

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