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was born at Alingsas in Vestergotland, on the 7th of January

of Independence (1821-1829), and to-day supply the Greek

AFRICAN LILY (Agapanthus umbellatus), a member of

III. ETHNOLOGY In attempting a review of the races and

the alkali metals, even when heated above the boiling point

public acquainted with the literature of the German romantic

alike supported the Moors, when he tried to unite the nation

is used for the preparation of alum, it is mixed with calcium

members formed a nucleus of eight, and it was not till 1639

if substantiated, is the most conclusive proof of innocence.

pillars fantastically carved, is a Hindu temple converted

freight. The master may guard against this difficulty by

but if subjection to a personal owner, who may compel service,

inflicted. The important question of food standards was

encroached on the rights of the monks, until in Italy the

the frog, and the frog be forthwith re-leased, and the cure

Up tp 1896 store cattle were admitted into the United

Alsace. She was proclaimed a saint by the grateful German

certainly gave away its temporal estates to his children

elaborately ornamented. The square is paved with coloured

treaty-making. The sultan (Seyyid Bargash) despatched a

to the valley of the Choapa. Another short line connects

possess a thalloid structure similar to that of Thallophyta,

the Apocalypse (see Bibl. Patrum, xiii. 403), on the

bachelers made by ales thesn be ther med.'' The date is about

beauty. The recognition of the claims of hearing date back


king he must die (e Kings i. 2-17; cf. Luke ix. 54-56). (2)

and produced margarine containing nothing but animal fat,

was able to effect a territorial )unction of her possessions

the spirits sold in his establishment were watered. This

cells into the smaller male gamete and the larger male

ABBOTT, LYMAN (1835- ), American divine and author, was

at least twelve times. This clearly shows that he was the

preservatives. The Food Act allows of the addition of any

seven hundred and fifty proverbs, is that published at

take no harm, children, even of healthy stock, living in towns,

Bianchi, printed in 1635. The literature of the last two

include iron and brass foundries, engineering, manufactures

rather than a complete drama. But we have only to compare it

Kara-hissar Sahib, a city of Asiatic Turkey, in the vilayet

during charge than that outside. During discharge

Col du Chardonnet (Chamonix to Orsieres), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,909

share in the foundation of the Vatican Library, see Curzio

whole crater being cut off by a fortified line which runs

one of the British representatives at the congress of

Petersburg. Returning to Paris, she brought with her, as

so as the champion of ancient prejudices. If we examine its

on the abortive crusade in Tunis in which Louis IX. lost his

indorsee must again indorse ``in blank'' or ``in full'' to


majority of the judges, rightly, as the writer of this

the festival was already widely celebrated in the days of

f.). This assembly was relatively unimportant, however,

to three academicians, who made their report at their next

of affection, as the desire to acquire those civil and

by the flash from the discharge of the gun, and moreover the
After studying at Bologna, he became professor of mathematics at

is effected by repeated fractional crystallization, or by

rapidly declined in importance, though its maritime code,

Zambezi, adding considerably to the knowledge of the borderlands

distils over. So obtained, it is a white crystalline solid,

in the Italian style. The most important are the law courts,

broken and again restored by amirs of sufficient strength and

southern temperate zones have a flora distinct from that

of water as is afforded by the rainfall. Of this nature are

of their own religion --to which the Holy Spirit had from of

nations. He then makes his Persian expedition; the Indian

the class of mixed aliphatic-aromatic ketones. It can be

that is fertile in literature. The political unity of the

bought 1165 acres of land here which could be irrigated from

ally, and thus freed Portugal from dependence on the crown of

of the erect position, and it disappears as a result of

energetic, relentless, revolutionary and international action.

be assigned to the Orosius, but the point has been much

Nematophycus, is a Laminarian alga, but it is not until

wave of Egyptian influence beginning with this same Dynasty.

1700 living Indians, and the results have been summed up by

undisturbed possession of these cities. If the city was

the extremity of the snout is a disk in which the nostrils

ALEMBERT, DEAN LE ROND D' (1717-1783), French mathematician

memory of the soldiers and sailors who fell in the Civil War.

During the 18th century there was a great influx of English

Here his most genuine wit, his sprightliness, his vivacity,

has vertical shafts at intervals, and a sluice chamber at

it was forthwith given to the university of Cambridge.

Arctic. But the species composing this Altaic element

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