Windows Cards Tricks
Windows Cards Tricks
Windows Cards Tricks
Start the Game.
1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 together.
2. A dialog box shows up with 4 choices: Abort, Win, Retry or Cancel.
3. Click Abort and move (drag) any card to the top to win the game.
1. Check this other FreeCell cheat, courtesy of Ari Lintula (
"Start a game. If you have moved a wrong card, quickly press F10 before clicking
another card. It's the Undo button."
2. To sort all cards by color and in:
- ascending order: click Game -> click Select Game (hit F3) -> click Yes to cancel
game in progress -> type -1 -> click OK.
- descending order: click Game -> click Select Game (hit F3) -> click Yes to cancel
game in progress -> type -2 -> click OK.
This Egg works ONLY with the Windows 95 and 98 releases of Microsoft Hearts.
1. Run Regedit.exe (the Win9x Registry editor, located in your Win9x folder) and go
to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hea
2. In the right hand pane add a new String and name it "zb" (no quotes).
3. Give it a value of 42.
4. Now run Mshearts.exe and during gameplay press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 the
same time.
5. Have fun!
In turn 3 cards over mode, you can turn over only one card at a time by holding
down Ctrl+Alt+Shift
5. Have fun!
Another Soilitaire Trick.
The visual reward to completing solitaire is watching the cards come flying off the
ace piles like a waterfall.
With this trick you can trigger this show at any time. Simply press shift, Alt and 2
keys to score the game and start the waterfall.
A way to use this trick to get high scores is to get at least 2 aces in the ace pile as
quickly as possible and then use the Shift, Alt, 2 to complete the game.
It is not unusual to get a score of over 20,000. When this happens you can nearly
double the score by left clicking to stop the waterfall and when it asks if you want it
to deal click on "no". Then do the shift, Alt, 2 trick again. The bonus score will be
added again to the score and the waterfall will start over again. This allows you to
get a score that is as high as you want it just by getting a high score and then
repeatedly adding the bonus to this score.
To speed the game up and therefore get a higher score, the right click can be used
to move any cards that are available to go on the ace piles onto them.
In the Vegas mode, John can almost always get a positive instead of a negative
cumulative score by using the flip one card trick mentioned. In order to do this select
the 3 card flip mode and hold the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys down the whole time and it
allows you to go through the deck 3 times flipping 1 card at a time instead of once.
After starting the game, type xyzzy and press Shift and Enter at the same time.
Move the mouse over the playing area and keep your eye on the upper left corner of
the Windows desktop. A white pixel will appear when the mouse pointer is over a
safe square, and turn dark when the mouse is over a mine.