Hold the ctrl key and press the * key to toggle the minimap between opaque and
Hold the shift key and drag with the right mouse button to adjust the viewing
angle. To restore the original angle, hold the shift key and double-click the right
mouse button
Hold the ctrl key and drag with the right mouse button to zoom in and out. To
restore the original zoom, hold the ctrl key and double click the right mouse
button. The mouse wheel can also be used to zoom in and out
When you move the mouse cursor over monsters, it will change to a sword and you can
then attack
Experience gained from killing a monster is proportional to the damage done to the
monster. *When more than one player attack the same monster, the first player to
attack will get more experience
Hold the ctrl key and attack a monster to lock-on attack status which will
automatically attack the target untill the monster is killed. To cancel automatic
attack, just click anywhere else
[Left click] on a item on the ground to pick it up. Items that you picked up will
show in the inventory
[Right click] on an item to see a description of the item
The two bars below your feet are the HP and SP. The green is the HP and the blue is
the SP. The player dies when HP drops to 0. To act as a warning, the HP bar will
turn to red when player's HP is at or below 25%
When the EXP bar is full (100%), base level will rise, and player is awarded with
Status Points to invest freely in the desired attributes
When the JOBEXP bar below the EXP bar is full (100%), job level will rise, and
player is awarded with skill point to invest freely in the desired skill
HP and SP recovers slowly when players stand still. *The recoversy speed doubles
when players are sitting. However, when the player carries more than 50% on weight,
then HP and SP cannot be recovered automatically
Weight : displayed as carried weight and maximum loading weight. Players cannot
carry the items more than maximum loading weight. Carried weight will turn red if
it exceeds half of the maximum loading weight, and HP and SP auto recovery will
stop. When carried weight exceeds 90% of maximum loading weight, the player will
not be able to attack or use skills
Zeny : this is the currency used in Ragnarok Online. *It is automatically deducted
when players trade or make purchases
When base level rises, players are awarded with Status Points which can be invested
in their attributes
STR (strength) : directly affects the player's attack. The higher the strength the
more items one can carry. Increasing strength increases attack
DEX (dexterity) : directly affects the use of weapons. The higher the dexterity,
the more efficient that weapons will become. When using bow and arrow, increasing
DEX increases attack and accuracy; it also influences spell cast speed
AGI (agility) : directly related to the player's agility. Increasing agility
increases possibility of dodging enemy attacks; and the attack speed of various
weapons will also rise
VIT (vitality) : directly related to the player's defence and HP. Higher VIT
increases defence and decreses damage taken when attacked; it also increases
maximum HP and HP recovery rate
INT (intelligence) : directly related to the player's SP. Higher INT increases
magic attack (MATK) and magic defence (MDEF)
LUK (luck) : luck is direcly related to various things, increasing LUK affects
mainly the probability of critical hits and lucky (dodging enemy attacks purely by
[Print Screen] or [Scroll Lock] : take a screenshot. Screenshots will be saved in
the [ScreenShot] files
[F10] : adjust the size of the chat window
[F11] : keep only the basic information window and chat window; closes all other
[F12] : open/close the hot key bar. *Drag frequently used items or skills onto the
F1-F9 keys, then press the corresponding key for quick access
[INSERT] : sit or stand *Equivalent to entering [/sit] or [/stand] in the chat
window. HP and SP recovery is twice as fast sitting than standing
[Alt] + [End] : toggle the [HP/SP] bars beneath the character on/off
[Alt] + [Home] : toggle indication of accessible areas on the minimap on/off
[Alt] + [=] : toggle input status between double-byte and single-byte input.
Commands entered in double-byte characters will not be executed; only single-byte
commands will be executed
[Alt] + [F10] : toggle chat window on/off
[Alt] + [1~9] , [Ctrl] + [-,=,w] :[Alt] + [1~9] uses the following emotions:
exclamation, question mark, music, heart, sweat, light bulb, anger, cloud, money,
eclipse. [Ctrl] + [-,=,w] : scissors, stone and paper