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English Language

School Based

Candidates Name : Jenna Marie StClair

Candidates No. : 1601820337

Centre No. : 160182

Territory : Trinidad and Tobago

School: El Dorado West Secondary

Year: 2023

Topic: Different Types Of Abuse

Subtopic: Sexual Abuse

Table Of Contents

Title Page No
Plan of investigation 2

Artefacts 3

Reflection 1 8

Reflection 2 9

Reflection 3 10

Oral Presentation Plan 11

Three Chosen Pieces 12

Written Report 17

Bibliography 19

Plan Of Investigation

The topic the group and I chose for this English School Based Assessment was Different Types Of

Abuse which is why I chose the subtopic Sexual Abuse. This subtopic was chosen because Sexual

Abuse affects lives both physically and mentally and changes their lives for the worse. For this

assessment I collected data by using google ; to search for my three artefacts and to do some research

about this SBA . I also used an English textbook for some guidelines. The language skills l used for

this assessment was my comprehension ,composition, spelling and vocabulary skills .By working in a

group to complete this SBA also improved my communication and vocabulary skills .



Title: What Is Sexual Abuse ?

Written by :The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel


What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse is sexual behavior or a sexual act forced upon a woman, man or child without their

consent. Sexual abuse includes abuse of a woman, man or child by a man, woman or child.

Sexual abuse is an act of violence which the attacker uses against someone they perceive as weaker

than them. It does not come from an uncontrollable sex drive, but is a crime committed deliberately

with the goal of controlling and humiliating the victim.

Most victims of sexual abuse are women - a fact that reflects their social stance even today, in the

21st century, as inferior to men. Sexual violence is another means of oppression women in a

patriarchal society.

Sexual violence is a social phenomenon that exists in every society that accepts aggressive behavior

and gender inequality, and Israel is among them. Thousands of women will be sexually abused during

their lifetime.

Types of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault - a term including all sexual offenses. Any action or statement with a sexual nature and
done without consent from both sides.

● Rape - insertion of a bodily organ or an object into the sex organ of a woman without her

● Sodomy - insertion of a bodily organ or an object into a person’s anus or mouth without their

● Attempted rape - attempted insertion of a bodily organ or an object into the sex organ of a
woman without her consent.

● Gang rape - rape carried out by more than one attacker.

● Serial rape - repeated incidents of rape carried out by the same attacker over an extended
period of time.

● Incest - Sexual abuse or assault at the hands of a family member.

For full legal definitions of types of sexual assault, see the penal code from 1977

Types of Sexual Harassment

● Extortion when the act the person is required to perform is of a sexual nature.

● An indecent act, i.e. an act performed to cause humiliation, stimulation or sexual satisfaction.

● Repeated remarks relating to the person’s sexuality when that person has already shown the
harasser that they are not interested in said remarks.

● Degrading or humiliating remarks relating to a person’s sex or sexuality, including their

sexual orientation.

● Publishing a picture, video or recording of someone focusing on their sexuality for the
purpose of humiliating or degrading the person without their consent.

● Proportions or remarks of a sexual nature when the harasser is aware that their target is not
interested due to circumstances of exploiting a working relationship, dependency and other

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In every workplace that employs more than ten workers, the employer by law is responsible for the
prevention of sexual harassment. If there were incidents of sexual harassment in the work place or
maltreatment in connection to sexual harassment, you may turn to your supervisor and submit a
report, which will be handled through disciplinary action according to your work place’s policies
regarding sexual harassment.

You may, instead or in addition, file a report with the police or take action in labour court.


Name: I Will Always Be A Victim Of Sexual Abuse

Author : Charlotte Marie Peachy


I Will Always Be A Victim Of Sexual Abuse

Tears are always running down my face
I hang my head low thinking ‘what and disgrace?’
The tears are coming from all the damage you caused
What do you want now, a round of applause?

I’ve watched you rape and molest me right before my eyes

Now the only thing left to do is cry.
You stole my virginity without my consent
PLEASE tell me why this is the way it went

All I wanted was for you to get off of me

But getting you off of me just wasn’t that easy
You hit me in my face then ripped my shirt
Then you pushed it in to the point where it hurt

I remember it like it was yesterday

Answer this, will I ever forget about this and be okay?
The thoughts are crucial & all I can do is cry
Sometimes I just think then ask myself ‘why didn’t I die?’

The dirty man didn’t care if I lived or if I died

All he cared about was being satisfied
I feel dirty, I feel low, I feel used
I’ll always know that I’m a victim of sexual abuse!

charlotte marie peachy

Name: Sexual Abuse Of Older Adults

by Myrna Dawson, PHD & Amy Peirone


Reflection 1

Doing Sexual Abuse or my SBA subtopic gave me more of an understanding about it at how it affects

a person’s life,. In the article I learned more about sexual abuse like the definition of it , what causes a

person to sexually abuse someone, the definition of sexual harassment and the different types of

sexual assault and sexual harassment. The article also mentioned how it can happen to anyone

anywhere they go even at your workplace.

In reading the poem I felt the different emotions the poet felt during and after they have been sexually

abused and how much their life changes after it has been done.

Lastly, in reading the poster I learned what is considered sexual abuse in the elderly . It also explains

that sexual abuse happens when a person doesn’t give consent to another person to do something

sexually with them.

Reflection 2

In the article about sexual abuse formal language was used to express the definition of sexual abuse

and the different types of sexual assault/ harassment.. The article was written in standard English

language that I easily comprehended that only talked about sexual abuse and gave me the important

information I needed to know about it ;like how it can happen in your work place and how it can

happen to any women,man or child by any woman,man or child .

The poem is a literal piece of informative and expressive writing informing us about what it can feel

like to be sexually abused and the thoughts you have after it. The poem was also written in a

depressing tone because all the poet talked about was crying.

The poster is a literal piece writing with no figurative language that informed us about what is sexual

abuse in older adults and some examples of it.

Reflection 3

By doing this SBA I gained more knowledge about Sexual Abuse. This SBA also improved my

vocabulary skills by teaching me better ways to structure my sentences, by introducing me to

synonyms I didn’t know existed and it also improved my skills in working with a group. Working in a

group made the SBA easier than working individually because: We always had different ideas on how

to improve this assignment and help was always there by the group members for help if needed and

as result of this, the SBA was completed promptly .

Oral Presentation Plan

For my oral presentation I wrote a speech about my subtopic sexual abuse. This speech was written

formally in standard English language . I wrote a speech because I wanted to seriously talk about

sexual abuse and inform the listener in detail of how serious this is . Some sources I used for

inspiration in completing this speech were google and newspapers.

Chosen Pieces


Name : Domestic Abuse

Written By : Sylvia Chidi


Domestic Abuse

Take a look at the life some choose

Slapped until cheeks are bruised
Kicked till the teeth become loose
Hate and love may be sometimes confused
But the victims always have their own views

And so I watched the accuser

Run back forgivingly to the abuser
And I was certainly not amused
I observe with scorn in my passive silence
People born to massive domestic violence

And the list goes on until I snooze

Some lovers do it due to alcoholic booze
Domestic abuse flows with blows and shoes
Personal confidence is reduced
Regular beatings are introduced
Until there is no more aggressive juice
While the culprit is always on the loose

Victims of domestic abuse

It is time to break loose
From this low esteem glaring excuse Or tomorrow you will sow the final bad news

Sylvia Chidi


Name: My Body Safety Rules

Written By: Valerie Williams



Title: What Is Sexual Abuse ?

Written by:The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel


What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse is sexual behavior or a sexual act forced upon a woman, man or child without their

consent. Sexual abuse includes abuse of a woman, man or child by a man, woman or child.

Sexual abuse is an act of violence which the attacker uses against someone they perceive as weaker

than them. It does not come from an uncontrollable sex drive, but is a crime committed deliberately

with the goal of controlling and humiliating the victim.

Most victims of sexual abuse are women - a fact that reflects their social stance even today, in the

21st century, as inferior to men. Sexual violence is another means of oppression women in a

patriarchal society.

Sexual violence is a social phenomenon that exists in every society that accepts aggressive behavior

and gender inequality, and Israel is among them. Thousands of women will be sexually abused during

their lifetime.

Types of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault - a term including all sexual offenses. Any action or statement with a sexual nature and

done without consent from both sides.

● Rape - insertion of a bodily organ or an object into the sex organ of a woman without her


● Sodomy - insertion of a bodily organ or an object into a person’s anus or mouth without their


● Attempted rape - attempted insertion of a bodily organ or an object into the sex organ of a

woman without her consent.

● Gang rape - rape carried out by more than one attacker.

● Serial rape - repeated incidents of rape carried out by the same attacker over an extended

period of time.

● Incest - Sexual abuse or assault at the hands of a family member.

For full legal definitions of types of sexual assault, see the penal code from 1977

Types of Sexual Harassment

● Extortion when the act the person is required to perform is of a sexual nature.

● An indecent act, i.e. an act performed to cause humiliation, stimulation or sexual satisfaction.

● Repeated remarks relating to the person’s sexuality when that person has already shown the

harasser that they are not interested in said remarks.

● Degrading or humiliating remarks relating to a person’s sex or sexuality, including their

sexual orientation.

● Publishing a picture, video or recording of someone focusing on their sexuality for the

purpose of humiliating or degrading the person without their consent.

● Proportions or remarks of a sexual nature when the harasser is aware that their target is not

interested due to circumstances of exploiting a working relationship, dependency and other


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In every workplace that employs more than ten workers, the employer by law is responsible for the

prevention of sexual harassment. If there were incidents of sexual harassment in the work place or

maltreatment in connection to sexual harassment, you may turn to your supervisor and submit a

report, which will be handled through disciplinary action according to your work place’s policies

regarding sexual harassment.

You may, instead or in addition, file a report with the police or take action in labour court.

Written Report

This SBA began with our teacher discussing the different aspects of the SBA and the possible themes

and subtopics that can be used to complete the task given. After meeting virtually and in class we

researched the Different Types of Abuse and then chose our subtopics. The three artifacts facts were

then chosen based on their relevance to our topic.

The three artifacts Domestic Abuse by Lovina Sylvia Chidi, a poster - Child Abuse by Valerie

Williams and an article - Sexual Abuse written by The Association Of Rape Crisis Centers In Israel.

In the first artefact (poem) we learnt that Domestic Abuse can happen to an individual whether they

choose it or unfortunately some are born into an environment where domestic abuse occurs.Any

person who experiences domestic abuse can be greatly affected in many different ways.Figurative

Language was used in the poem.

In the second artefact (poster) we learnt that Child Abuse is a physical, sexual, psychological

maltreatment by any parent or care giver This affect childrens’ mental and emotional health which

makes them face challenges. The trauma associated with child abuse can significantly impact the

child’s well being and development. The language used in the poster was of formal nature.

In the third artefact (article) we learnt that Sexual Abuse is an act of violence and it is usually an act
forced upon women in many circumstances. The article also states different types of sexual abuse and
harassment and how it can happen even in your workplace. The language used in this article was
reported speech .

Working in a group has benefited each one of us because it helped us to work with other members and

different ways to communicate. Working in groups can sometimes be challenging and time

consuming. Group work has taught us how to deal with reality and to be patient and cooperate with

each other.


For this SBA I used Google and an English textbook to get some information, examples and some

ideas for some of the websites I used that helped me .

English For All : Examination Level (CSEC), Roy Narinesingh and Bhadase Seetahal-Maraj, 2018.

CSEC English Made Easy ,2016.


Poemhunter.com, I Will Always Be A Victim Of Sexual Abuse, Charlotte Marie Peachy, 2010.


Poemhunter.com, Domestic Abuse, Sylvia Chidi, 2009


1202.org.il, What Is Sexual Abuse?,The Association Of Rape Crisis Centers In Israel, 2015


Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, 2019.




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