Ing 2 SNBT 2023 PDF

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“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“

Persiapan Lulus Soal

PTN 2023 SoalPengantar
ING - 02 20 Soal
“ Totalitas Dan Sepenuh Hati”
 “Lead U To Be Num ber One” 
Text A
Following recent concerns about the high 02. The goal of the World First project is to show___
costs of running competitive motor racing teams, and (A) The increasing profits of motor racing
doubts in sponsors’ minds over the commercial value manufacturers
of their involvement, the viability of motor racing has (B) The process of manufacturing better Formula 3
been critically questioned. Both motor racing and cars
automotive manufacturers are increasingly looking (C) The demand of environmentally friendly car
towards innovative solution to maximize return of technologies
investment. This is at time when the motor industry (D) The development of innovative sustainable car
has to become more environmentally friendly while components
avoiding any compromise in performance. (E) The possibility of producing a good green motor
With this in mind, the University of Warwick racing car =
team based in the Warwick Manufacturing Group
(WMG) and the Warwick Innovative Manufacturing 03. All of the following are TRUE about the World First
Research Centre decided to build a competitive racing Formula 3 car EXCEPT___
car using environmentally sustainable components. (A) It can run 125 mph
Their aim was to show the industry just how much is (B) It does not use biodiesel engine =
possible using current environmentally sustainable (C) It uses renewable stuff
technologies. (D) It is powered by organic fuels
What they created is the first Formula 3 racing (E) It is environmetally friendly
car designed and made from sustainable and
renewable materials, putting the world first by 04. The topic of the paragraph following the text could
effectively managing the planet’s resources. The World be about___
First Formula 3 racing car is powered by chocolate, (A) The high performance cars
steered by carrots, has bodywork made from potatoes (B) The sustainable car technologies
and can still do 125 mph around corners. The car meets (C) The goal of the WorldFirst project
all the Formula 3 racing standards, except for its (D) The try-out to see the car performance
biodiesel engine which is configured to run on fuel (E) Reasons for using sustainable components
derived from waste chocolate and vegetable oil Formula
3 cars currently cannot use biodiesel. 05. The word “dispel” in the last paragraph ha the
Asked why they had undertaken this project, same meaning with ___
Dr. Steve Maggs said “As original equipment (A) Appear
manufacturers focus on decreasing engine emissions, (B) Eliminate
to meet future CO2 requirements, the World First project (C) Ease
proves that if you are going to whole heartedly embrace (D) Decrease
the green is great ethos, you have to broaden your (E) Increase
vision and have a strategy that stretches throughout
the chain from the raw materials to the final disposal Text B
of the car. The project clearly demonstrates that Is it true that animals tell us about bad weather
automotive environmentalism can and should be about is coming? If your dog always comes inside right before
the whole package.” it rains, you may think that animals can predict the
Project manager, James Meredith, summed up weather. You might hear that cats get frisky as kittens
the feelings of the team when said that “it’s been very when a bad storm is approaching. It’s probably more
exciting working on the project and important for our accurate to say that animals react to certain
team to develop a working example of a truly ‘green’ environmental signals that accompany weather
motor racing car. The World First project dispels the changes, not to the weather itself.
myth that performance needs to be compromised when A prevalent opinion is that animals can detect
developing the sustainable motor vehicles of the future. certain events, like earthquakes, as soon as they
happen, even if the originating event is a great distance
01. The best topic of the above text is__ away. While this ability wouldn’t make much of a
(A) Green environment in car manufacturing difference to people at the scene of the disaster, it could
(B) Renewable car fuels of the modern technology conceivably assist those located farther from the
(C) Innovative fuel research by Manufacturing epicenter. Some researchers even believe animals may
Group be able to sense the precursors to these events before
(D) Environmentally friendly advanced formula they actually strike. They are saying that animals make
racing car = greater use of their existing five senses, especially when
(E) Racing car with environmentally sustainable compared to humans. However, hard evidence of this
components. is extremely limited; most of the evidence is anecdotal.
Program Super OSCISIF
Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 01
“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“
The most critical sense is hearing. There are Text C
some sounds people can’t hear. On the low end of the Numerous studies have suggested that
scale are infrasonic, low-pitched sound vibrations on caffeine has many health benefits. Now, new research
the hertz frequency scale falling below 20 hertz (Hz). suggests that a dose of caffeine after a learning session
On the other end are high-pitched sounds, like dog may help to boost long-term memory. This is according
whistles. People typically hear in a range between 20 to a study __ (10) __ in the Journal of Nature
and 20,000 Hz (middle-aged adults usually don’t hear Neuroscience.
beyond 12,000 or 14,000 Hz). Elephants, however, The research team, led by Daniel Borota of the
generally hear between 16 and 12,000 Hz. Cattle also Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, notes that __
start hearing sound at 16 Hz, but can continue to hear (11) __ previous research has analyzed the effects of
all the way to 40,000 Hz. And earthquake shockwaves caffeine as a cognitive enhancer, whether caffeine can
and ocean waves produce sounds in the infrasonic impact long-term memory has not been studied in
range. detail. To find out, the investigators analyzed 160
Some researchers think certain animals, like participants aged between 18 and 30 years. On the first
elephants, get an early earthquake warning because day of the study, the participants __ (12) __ pictures
they can sense shockwaves in the ground through their of different objects and were asked to identify them as
large feet. They don’t hear the sound but they do sense “indoor” or “outdoor” items. Soon after this task, they
distant, unfamiliar vibrations rolling in that terrify them were randomized to receive either 200 mg of caffeine in
into fleeing for safety. How animals, not just elephants, the form of a pill, or a placebo tablet - a tablet containing
sense these vibrations is generally unknown. no caffeine.
Researchers are examining different organs, body parts The next day, the participants were shown the
and nerve chains in a variety of species that may be same pictures as well as some new ones. The
able to pick up sound vibrations that humans just can’t researchers asked them to identify whether the pictures
sense. were “new,” “old” or “similar to the original pictures.”
This theory could also account for the just-in- From this, the researchers found that subjects__
time-reactions of other animals with less acute hearing (13) __ the caffeine were better at identifying pictures
just prior to the tsunami. Researchers note that that were similar, compared with participants who took
infrasonic sound produces uneasiness and nausea in the placebo. However, the researchers note that both
people. Animals may perceive these sound vibrations groups were able to accurately distinguish whether
as dangerous and instinctively seek safety. pictures were old or new.
The team conducted further experiments using
06. The most appropriate title for this passage is ...... . 100 mg and 300 mg doses of caffeine. They found that
(A) Animal Behaviors performance was better after the 200 mg dose, compared
(B) Climate Weather Warnings with the 100 mg dose, but there was no improvement
(C) Signs of Storms after the 300 mg of caffeine, compared with 200 mg.
(D) Animal Ability to Predict Weather “Thus, we conclude that a dose of at least 200 mg is
(E) Animals in Bad Weather required to observe the enhancing effect of caffeine on
consolidation of memory,” the study authors write. The
07. The word “conceivably” in paragraph 2 is closest team also found that memory performance was not
in meaning to ... improved if subjects were given caffeine 1 hour before
(A) indescribably carrying out the picture identification test. The
(B) possibly investigators say there are many possibilities as to how
(C) thoughtfully caffeine may enhance long-term memory. For example,
(D) carefully they say it may block a molecule called adenosine,
(E) exactly preventing it from stopping the function of
norepinephrine - a hormone that has been shown to
08. All of the following statements about animals have positive effects on memory.
behavior prior to bad weather are stated in the They note that further research should be
passage, EXCEPT.... conducted to better understand the mechanisms by
(A) Elephants will fly to find refuge. which caffeineaffects long-term memory. They add:
(B) Dogs will lie quietly outside the door. “Given the widespread use of caffeine and the growing
(C) Cats will roam the house impatiently. interest in its effects both as a cognitive enhancer and
(D) Dogs will find refuge in the house. as a neuroprotectant, these questions are of critical
(E) Kittens will jump around the house. importance.”
But it is not all good news. One study suggests
09. According to the passage, the bad weather that the stimulant is able to disrupt sleep patterns hours
warnings shown by the animals ....... . after consuming it, __ (15) __ another proposes that
(A) are very helpful to people in the area caffeine from energy drinks may alter heart Function.
(B) help to allocate the center of disaster
10. ___
(C) don’t exist at all and are only hoaxes
(A) is published
(D) come from all five senses of the animals (B) which published
(E) may be useful for people in areas far from the (C) publishing
(D) published
Program Super OSCISIF (E) which has published
Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 02
“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“
11. ___ 17. Dealing with the passage, the author assumes
(A) eventhough that....
(B) because (A) it is still unclear when coffee brings positive
(C) if and negative impacts to human
(D) despite (B) the samples used in the study did not involve
(E) as various races of human
(C) the only way to improve long term memory is
12. ___ by drinking coffee
(A) shown (D) coffee has more benefits than disadvantages
(B) were showing for human
(C) are shown (E) studies about functions of caffeine are
(D) showing inconclusive
(E) were shown
18. The need to identify relation of caffeine with brain
is stated in paragraph....
13. ___ (A) 2 (D) 5
(A) who take
(B) 3 (E) 6
(B) taking
(C) 4
(C) taken
(D) took
19. In paragraph 4 the author implies that the subjects
(E) who are taken who took caffeine and those who did not....
(A) can recognize similar pictures equally well
14. ___
(B) perform differently in taking different
(A) while
(B) and
(C) are capable of differentiating various kinds of
(C) although
(D) as (D) are different in distinguishing old pictures from
(E) furthermore new ones
(E) show no difference in identifying ‘new’ or’ old’
15. The evidence on the hypothesis about caffeine
mentioned in paragraph 1 is stated in paragraph....
(A) 2
20. Which of the following best restates ideas of
(B) 3 paragraph 4?
(C) 4 (A) The study on memory found differences
(D) 5
between groups in the skills to distinguish
(E) 6
(B) The group with coffee, in the study, was no
16. Based on the passage, which of the following
better than that without in identifying things.
reflects the idea of relationships between (C) The study found drinking coffee was good for
consuming activities requiring identification.
coffee and learners’ memory?
(D) The use of placebo can increase ability to
(A) Parental support and grades
identify new and old things.
(B) Social status and income
(E) The study was about comparison of drinking
(C) Teacher and student
coffee and pla
(D) Flower and fruit
(E) Water and thirst

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kosong, Punya ilmu tapi tidak bisa
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Program Super OSCISIF
Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 03

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