English Breakfast 051-055
English Breakfast 051-055
English Breakfast 051-055
Similarly, the �irst rule of yelling is to refrain from critique while doing it, Elizabeth
Gershoff, a professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Texas at
Austin and researcher on parental discipline, told CNN in 2019. Considering the audience is
important too, she added. Toddlers are likely to only absorb the frustration and not the
substance of the yell, while some children respond differently to being yelled at.
Fill in the Blank With Appropriate Meaning!
1. Matter :
2. Threatening :
3. Maltreatment :
4. Acknowledged :
5. Subtype :
6. Refrain :
7. Outcome :
8. Grasping :
9. Perpetrating :
10. Hurtful :
11. Resource :
12. Earlier :
13. Ascribed :
14. Putdown :
15. Externalizing :
16. Shouting :
17. Encourage :
18. Childhood :
19. Distress :
20. Yell :
21. Damaging :
22. Existing :
23. Considering :
24. Lasting :
25. Substance :
What happens if you exercise but don’t eat well?
Maybe you’re someone who runs 20 to 30 miles a week but regularly gets fast food for
dinner. Perhaps you track what you eat Monday through Friday but binge on the weekends. Or
maybe you’re someone whose kitchen is stocked with chips, cookies and soda because your
workout keeps you thin.
The idea of eating anything you want without consequences might sound like a dream
— especially if you’ve convinced yourself that you’re going to burn it off in your next cardio
session. But the reality is that it doesn’t matter whether you work out longer or at a higher
intensity, experts say. Exercise cannot completely reverse the effects of a bad diet.
You can look thin and still be unhealthy
“Skinny fat” is the unof�icial term used on social media to describe a person who looks
slim but has a high percentage of body fat. A regular gymgoer could have little subcutaneous
fat — the fat right under your skin that’s easy to pinch — but lots of visceral fat. This fat layer
is less noticeable because it wraps around your organs.
Visceral fat is dangerous than the outer layer of fat you see, warned Dr. Colin Carriker,
an exercise physiologist and associate professor of health and human performance at High
Point University in North Carolina. A buildup of visceral fat from eating processed foods high
in sugar, salt and carbs could lead to the same type of risks as a person with obesity. For
example, large amounts of visceral fat circulating throughout the body could cause the arteries
to harden and become narrower, a disease known as atherosclerosis. This blockage stops blood
from �lowing to the rest of the body’s tissues and increases the risk for a heart attack and stroke.
There’s also an increased risk for premature death if you exercise but neglect healthy
eating. In one of the largest studies to look at the effects of physical activity and diet quality,
researchers found those who regularly exercised but ate anything they wanted were at greater
risk of mortality compared with people who both exercised and made healthy dietary choices.
Why it’s virtually impossible to outrun a bad diet
If you’re looking to lose weight, the key is to develop a caloric de�icit in which you burn
calories more than what you are consuming. But eating high-calorie fatty foods regularly can
make this a challenge. “You’re overconsuming calories and will have to do way more exercise
than a person can sustain on a long-term basis,” Carriker said.
One idea would be to spend more time exercising or engaging in a more intense
workout. But this plan doesn’t really work when you’re running on fumes, said Grace Derocha,
a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. That’s
because junk food and sugary beverages are �illed with empty calories.
Processed foods such as soda and candy have little to no nutrients. With a lack of
vitamins, protein and �iber to �ill you up, it’ll be hard to think about working out when you’re
constantly feeling hungry. “People who don’t have a nutritious diet are usually still hungry,
moody, and won’t have the same motivation or drive to exercise,” Derocha said.
If you do make it to the gym, those empty calories will make it harder to have a
productive workout session. Caroline Susie, a registered dietitian and also a spokesperson for
the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, explained that fatty foods might give a temporary boost
of energy at �irst, but they wouldn’t be enough to maintain a long or high-intensity workout,
making it easier to feel fatigued sooner. On top of all that, any empty calories that aren’t burned
off will be stored as fat.
The type of training won’t matter in the long run if you’re not getting the right nutrients.
People who are strength training tend to burn more calories than when they do cardio.
However, Derocha said that getting nutrients from poor quality foods will make it harder to
build muscle mass and fully recover from a strenuous workout.
To build muscle mass, your best bet is to include foods high in protein such as chicken
and salmon in your diet. “Macronutrients like protein help build lean muscle mass and sustain
it,” Derocha said.
Moderation is key
Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up all the foods you enjoy eating. People
tend to demonize certain foods, and feeling like you can’t have any sugar or carbs can create a
toxic relationship with food, Derocha said. Instead of feeling guilty for getting takeout last night
or for ordering dessert, Susie advised to reshape your perspective.
She said to think of food as more than just calories but as the kind of energy it can
provide. If you’ve had enough �iber today, look at where you add in extra protein, omega-3s or
healthy carbs. “It’s not good or bad food; it’s just fuel,” she said. “When you look at it from an
addition standpoint instead of a restriction standpoint, it’s a healthier approach to fueling
Fill in the Blank With Appropriate Meaning!
1. Constantly :
2. Demonize :
3. Dietary :
4. Narrower :
5. Beverages :
6. Reshape :
7. Tissues :
8. Standpoint :
9. Include :
10. Lean :
11. Physiologist :
12. Takeout :
13. Chips :
14. Cardio :
15. Fatigued :
16. Dietitian :
17. Sustain :
18. Subcutaneous :
19. Explained :
20. Stocked :
Pope Francis suggests for �irst time some people in same-sex unions
could be blessed
Pope Francis has suggested for the �irst time that people in same-sex unions could be
blessed by Catholic priests on a “case-by-case” basis, a seeming reversal of previous
statements. The Pope made the suggestion in a letter to his harshest critics within the Catholic
ranks, written in response to a letter from �ive conservative cardinals with formal questions –
called a “dubia” (Latin for “doubt”) – which is an of�icial request for a yes or no answer from a
sitting pontiff regarding his running of the Church.
The cardinals, Walter Brandmuller, Raymond Leo Burke, Juan Sandoval Iniguez, Robert
Sarah and Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, �irst sent the letter to Pope Francis on July 10. It focused on an
upcoming October meeting of bishops, asking what impact it could have on Church’s teaching,
and included questions about the Pope’s intention to bless same-sex unions, and whether he
intends to open the door to women priests through ordination.
Unsatis�ied with the Pope’s initial response, according to a blog post by American
Cardinal Raymond Burke, the �ive cardinals reworded the “dubia” letter and sent it again on
August 21, citing “the gravity of the matter,” according to Burke. The Vatican then released a
letter in Spanish dated September 25 signed by Cardinal Victor Manuel Ferná ndez, the
Vatican’s new chief of doctrine. The response includes Pope Francis’ answers to the dubia,
signed “Francis.”
On the issue of homosexual unions, the pontiff reiterated that the church only
recognizes marriage as a union between a man and a woman, but opened the door for blessings
of individuals in same-sex unions, the letter shows.
“When you ask for a blessing, you are expressing a request for help from God, a prayer
to be able to live better, a trust in a father who can help us live better,” the Pope wrote, adding
that a clergy must show “pastoral prudence must adequately discern if there are forms of
blessing, requested by one or various people, which do not convey a wrong concept of
The Pope’s response appears to contradict his statement in March, when he said the
Church could not bless same-sex unions, because they could “not bless sin.” The latest
development appears to be a nod to a decision made by the German Church in March and
carried out in August, in which same-sex unions received a Catholic blessing by several priests
in the city of Cologne.
On the issue of women’s ordination, the pontiff was clear that he upheld the words of
the late Pope John Paul II, who said in 1994 that the (Catholic) Church had “no authority” to
ordain women, but said that the issue needed to be studied in order to educate those who doubt
it, the letter said.
“If is not understood and the practical consequences of these distinctions are not
drawn, it will be dif�icult to accept that the priesthood is reserved only for men and we will not
be able to recognize the rights of women or the need for them to participate, in various ways,
in the leadership of the Church,” the Pope added.
On the issue of the impact the upcoming meeting of Catholic bishops may have on the
church’s teaching, Pope Francis was vaguer, writing, “Both the hierarchy, and the entire People
of God in different ways and at different levels can make their voice heard and feel like part of
the Church’s journey. In this sense we can say that yes, synodality, as style and dynamism, is an
essential dimension of the life of the Church.”
He also added that attempts to “sacralize or impose a certain synodal methodology that
pleases one group, transforming it into a norm and an obligatory path for everyone, because
this would only lead to ‘freezing’ the synodal path.” The upcoming Synod in Rome has been met
with skepticism by the conservative corners of the Church who have expressed concern both
that women will have a voice, and that the Church’s teaching is not carried out by consensus.
Fill in the Blank With Appropriate Meaning!
1. Conservative :
2. Sacralize :
3. Carried out :
4. Clergy :
5. Adequately :
6. Skepticism :
7. Essential :
8. Attempts :
9. Obligatory :
10. Various :
11. Reserved :
12. Journey :
13. Concern :
14. Journey :
15. Studied :
16. Recognize :
17. Harshest :
18. Priesthood :
19. Hierarchy :
20. Suggestion :
21. Doubt :
22. Reworded :
23. Vaguer :
24. Cardinals :
25. Bishop :
Canada’s wild�ires set to shroud New York City, Northeast in smoky
Smoke from wild�ires still raging in Canada is expected to blanket part of the Northeast
US on Monday, bringing a haze to cities in New York and Massachusetts, forecasters say.
“Current forecasts indicate that a plume of wild�ire smoke may reach New York City around
sunrise Monday morning, causing noticeably hazy skies,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said
in a warning to residents on Sunday.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation forecast moderate air
quality conditions at 55 on its air quality index, alerting residents that have preexisting health
conditions to take necessary precautions in light of the predicted air quality.
“Wild�ires in Canada continue to produce some smoke impacts in NYS and smoke at
high altitudes may be visible downstate today into tomorrow, although �ine particulate levels
across eastern and northern NY will stay in the Good to Moderate range today as smoke clears,”
a post from the agency on X – the platform formerly known as Twitter – reads.
Southern New England residents woke up to a dense fog Sunday morning and the
National Weather Service said more hazy weather was “expected as wild�ire smoke drifts in
from Canada,” according to a post on X from NWS Boston.
Cities like Boston and Providence are under “unhealthy for sensitive groups” or a level
3 of 6, according to CNN weather, but the forecast for much of the northeast is expected to be
moderate, or a level 2 of 6, for Monday. Smoke could last into Tuesday, but no air quality alerts
have been issued at this time.
Meanwhile, Canadian of�icials forecast moderate air quality in Toronto Sunday evening
into Monday morning, warning “people with heart and lung conditions” should take
precautions as they will most likely be affected by the air quality. Smoke continues to impact
regional air quality as Canada grapples with the worst wild�ire season on record. In the
northeast alone, there are currently more than 50 wild�ires burning in Ontario and �ive active
�ires burning in Quebec.
Fill in the Blank With Appropriate Meaning!
1. Northeast :
2. Grapple :
3. Issued :
4. Alert :
5. Unhealthy :
6. Shroud :
7. Blanket :
8. Moderate :
9. Forecast :
10. Precautions :
11. Plume :
12. Preexisting :
13. Range :
14. Sunrise :
15. Hazy :
What’s the world’s longest river? New expedition aims to settle the
debate once and for all
In today’s modern age, it might be fair to assume that science has decisively answered
some of the bigger questions regarding the natural world – or at least those dependent upon
sheer physical measurements. But one seemingly straightforward conclusion has continued to
confound: Just what is the longest river in the world? Indeed, in 2023, science is still grappling
with the answer.
The title of “world’s longest river” is of�icially bestowed upon Africa’s Nile by
authoritative sources like Encyclopedia Britannica and Guinness World Records. But an
upcoming Amazon River expedition by a team of international explorers and researchers –
traveling via rafts, horseback and solar-paneled boats – is readying to contest that designation.
“The Nile is like a worm and the Amazon is an anaconda,” 55-year-old Brazilian expedition
leader Yuri Sanada, a seasoned explorer and �ilm producer, recounts of his colleague’s
metaphorical take on the Amazon’s volume, which carries four times more water than any
other river. “So there’s no comparison – we have the biggest river. But the longest, we will see.”
A 7,000-kilometer expedition
The planned �ive-month-long expedition, due to set off in April 2024, aims to voyage
the Amazon’s full length, using modern river-mapping satellite technology to scienti�ically
prove once and for all that the Amazon is not just the world’s most voluminous river, but its
longest. Notably, the Amazon is not one singular stretch of water, but rather part of a greater
“river system” spanning much of northern South America. Not dissimilar to the branches of a
tree, its network includes multiple sources and tributaries.
The length dispute largely stems from the issue of where the Amazon begins. While
Britannica and others have traditionally measured the river as starting from the headwaters of
the Apurimac River, in southern Peru, American neuroscientist-turned-river expeditionist
James “Rocky” Contos, 51, claims to have discovered a more distant river source – the Mantaro
River, in northern Peru – while researching whitewater rafting routes in the country.
“I was aware that the most distant source of the Amazon was considered to be the
Apurimac, but when I was gathering all information – maps, hydrographs, etc. – in preparation
for my trip to Peru, I realized that another river appeared to be longer,” Contos says. He further
veri�ied this information with topographic maps, satellite imagery and GPS measurements
while kayaking there, which he published research on in 2014. “The discovery of the new
source adds 77 kilometers (48 miles) to the length of the Amazon compared to the previously
considered source,” he says.
Sanada says Contos’s �indings offer the expedition team an “excuse to be there,”
explaining that while mapping the river is its ostensible goal, the expedition has greater aims
of more fully documenting and shining a global spotlight on the Amazon rainforest region’s rich
biodiversity – and the need for the worldwide community to work together to help conserve it.
The planned 7,000-kilometer (4,350-mile) spring expedition route will span the Amazon
River’s course through Peru, Colombia and Brazil, starting at its newly purported source at the
Mantaro, deep in the Peruvian Andes.
The Mantaro’s white waters will be navigated on a rafting expedition with Contos at the
helm; once the Mantaro meets the Ene River, the voyage’s longer segment will begin aboard a
trio of custom-built solar- and pedal-powered boats that will follow the remainder of the
Amazon out to the Atlantic Ocean, on the Brazilian coast.
Sanada says that in early 2025 there will be a secondary expedition starting at the
Apurimac River in Peru, the traditionally accepted source of the Amazon, which will allow for
a second set of measurements. This segment will reportedly be accompanied by French
explorer Celine Cousteau (granddaughter of famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau) via
horseback ride along the riverbanks.
Sanada is currently overseeing a team of roughly 50 collaborators on the project from
across the Americas and Europe. The expedition has already secured some prestigious
partnerships: support from the Explorers Club, an IMAX deal for a related �ilm production and
an assignment to produce a new Amazon river map for Harvard University.
Sanada says the expedition will also host a rotating cast of international scienti�ic
researchers, including from partner universities in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, the US and other
countries, who will join at different stages with aims of bringing sustainable technology to
traditional Amazonian communities.
“These projects will teach them how to treat the water, techniques on how to build
better houses with natural materials, bring electric energy from renewable sources, waste
treatment, electromobility transportation, and more,” he explains. “It’s going to really change
the life of people there.”
The hybrid solar- and pedal-powered expedition boats themselves are meant to
demonstrate an affordable, ef�icient and pollution-reducing alternative to the gas-powered
motorboats currently in use by the local communities.
Developed in partnership with a local Brazilian university, the vessels are being
constructed with locally sourced bioresin and natural �ibers, as well as motors made from 3D
printers. Following the expedition, boat motors will be donated locally in what Sanada calls
“part of the legacy of the expedition.”.
Fill in the Blank With Appropriate Meaning!
1. Topographic :
2. Imagery :
3. Sourced :
4. Donated :
5. Partnerships :
6. Cast :
7. Measurements :
8. Confound :
9. Straightforward:
10. Remainder :
11. Rafting :
12. Explorers :
13. Considered :
14. Shining :
15. Electromobility:
16. Renewable :
17. Prestigious :
18. Collaborator :
19. Solar :
20. Boats :
21. Locally :
22. Segment :
23. Abroad :
24. Appeared :
25. Gather :