Arduino Based 3D Trilatration System
Arduino Based 3D Trilatration System
Arduino Based 3D Trilatration System
Abstract— Trilateration is the process that uses locations of plane. Also, the formulation is such that one center is at the
points by measurement of distances, using the geometry of origin, and one other is on the x-axis. It is possible to
circles, spheres or triangles to calculate a particular point. formulate the equations in this manner since any three non-
Computer generated graphics is used in various places of design collinear points lie on a unique plane. After finding the
generation such as automobile designing, map designing and
solution, it can be transformed back to the original three-
various areas of graphics generation. The conventional method
uses Computer Aided Drawings (CAD) and it requires a working dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.
knowledge of the softwares used and the process takes time to The trilateration method would provide the required details
turn a nonverbal information into visual form. It is much easier
required to calculate the coordinates accurately and effectively.
to draw directly than on CAD. This paper shows an arduino
based system to design and implement these computer-generated
The equations of the sphere can be solved to get cartesian
designs directly on 3D space using ultrasonic sensors and the equivalent coordinates which is much more familiar and easy
method of trilatration. to interpret and are shown as below
Key words: Trilatration, Computer Aided Drawings, 3D d12 = x2 +y2 +z2
modelling, 3D positioning, Ultrasonic Sensors.
d22 = x2 +(y−l)2 +z2
I. INTRODUCTION d32 = x2 +y2 +(z−l)2
The system uses four ultrasonic sensors out of which one works as output pin. This pin is high for a period of time
ultrasonic sensor acts as a transmitter and rest of the three which is equal to the time taken for the ultrasonic wave to
ultrasonic sensors are used as receivers. The block diagram of travel back to the sensors. This is how the distance is
arduino based 3D trilateration system is shown in figure 2. calculated using a single ultrasonic sensor. This setup was
further modified for working with three receivers and one
transmitter to calculate the co-ordinates. The transmitter
section only uses the trigger pin so as to send a pulse and the
receivers uses all trigger as well as echo to capture the
respective distances from each receiver to the transmitter.
These distances are used to calculate the co-ordinates.
The system is mounted on an „L‟ shaped stand with three IV. RESULTS
stationary ultrasonic receivers attached on the its vertices. The
The co-ordinates from arduino are taken via serial
ultrasonic transmitter is mobile and is free to move which acts
communication and these co-ordinates are then read by the
as pen for the 3D canvas system. The hardware is made on a
code written in python using spyder 2.5.5 IDE. These co-
wooden frame with a fixed distance between each ultrasonic
ordinates are then plotted using matplotlib library in python
receiver. Small holes are made to precisely fit the ultrasonic
making it work as a 3D canvas. The figure 6 shows the plotted
sensors on the 3 axes. The sensors are mounted on these holes.
co-ordinates on python.
The measurements regarding various positions of the sensors
from axes (dxz and dyz) are taken and at appropriate positions
at 30 cm and 45 cm for the sensors and are marked
The „L‟ shaped mount is fixed on a supporting platform.
The „L‟ shaped frame arrangement is shown in figure 5.
This paper gives a simple approach to 3D trilatration using
arduino and ultrasonic sensors for the implementation of a 3D
canvas system. The system provides an easy way to draw
directly on a 3D canvas to generate design directly on screen
by plotting co-ordinates calculated by trilatration process
unlike the conventional method of drawing using a CAD
based software.
The system is slightly prone to noise as the movement of
hand is not that steady. This can be minimized in future by
various methods such as by taking mean of the point over
certain span or making a design modification on the system to
avoid interferences. Further the system can be made wireless
using ZigBee, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi modules and integrating it
with a professional 3D modelling tools like Maya, 3Dmax,
blender etc. and improving the working range of the system.
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