Business Communication Assignment

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Answer 1

Adapting to your audience refers to audience analysis by maintaining audience

centered approach by identifying the audience and adapting a speech which is to
their interest, understanding, attitudes and beliefs. This way readers or listeners are
more likely to respond because they believe messages are about their concerns.

The interns at Amazon can adapt to the audience by adopting the “you” attitude,
maintaining good standards of etiquette, emphasizing the positive and using bias-
free language. Let’s understand each one by one.
1. Using the “You” attitude: as the name “you” already sounds like an
audience-centered communication. It is preferable to speak And write any
content in terms of your audience’s wishes, interests, understanding and
hopes. We can adopt “you” attitude by simply replacing terms such as I, me,
mine, we, ours with you and yours.
For example:
Me attitude You attitude
I have requested that your order is You will receive your order by today
sent out today
You’ll be happy to hear that your Congratulations! Your scholarship
scholarship has been renewed has been renewed
We provide health insurance to all You receive health insurance as a
employees full time procter & gamble employee.

However “you” attitude is for demonstrating genuine interest in your

audience’s concerns. We should avoid using you and yours if doing so
• Will make you sound dictatorial
• Will make someone else guilty.
2. Maintaining standards of etiquette: Good etiquette calls out for respect for
your audience and establishes a harmonious environment for communication
by eliminating negative emotional reactions. However, in some situations,
more diplomacy is required. If the audience is well known, a less formal
approach can be adopted. Even if the situation asks to be brutally honest,
facts can be put out in a kind and thoughtful way. Written communication
generally needs to be more tactical than verbal because while speaking we
improve our tone and voice and can get immediate feedback but in writing,
feedback is not immediate and we never know if we offended our audience.
For example:
Instead of this Write this
Once again you’ve managed to bring Let’s review the last website update
down the entire website through your to explore ways to improve the
incompetent programming process
You’ve been sitting on our order for We have not yet received the order
two weeks, and we need it now you promised to deliver two weeks
ago. Please respond today with a
firm delivery commitment
3. Emphasizing the positive: the whole crux of it is communicating negative
news without being negative. There are several situations in the corporate
world where one have to deliver negative news, however, there’s a difference
between “delivering” and “being” negative. A negative tone in the message
can put a strain in your business relationships. Using positive and subtle
words can have a big effect on the overall tone of the message
For example:
Instead of this Write this
It is impossible to repair your laptop Your laptop can be ready by
today Tuesday
The problem with this department is The performance of this department
a failure to control costs can be improved by curbing costs.
You failed to provide all the Please review the items on the
necessary information on the previous screen so we can process
previous screen your order as quickly as possible

4. Using bias-free language: using bias-free language attempts to include

people of ethnicities, gender, religion, ages, and abilities by communicating in
such a manner that does not conclude any assumptions about the receiver.
This pattern avoids using phrases and words that unfairly categorize people
and puts a stigma on them. To a certain degree language reflects the way we
think and communication is all about perception
Biasness can be of different forms like-
• Gender bias- using sexist language can give way to gender biases,
rather using the same labels for everyone, regardless of gender would
be appropriate.

For example:
Gender bias Avoid Preferable
Using words like Man-made Artificial
“Man” Manpower Workers
salesman executive
using special Woman doctor Doctor
designations Male nurse nurse

• Racial and ethnic bias- identifying people with their race or ethnic origin
leads to racial biases which should be avoided at all costs.

For example:
Racial and ethnic Avoid Preferable
Assigning not surprisingly, Shing-Tung Yau
stereotypes Shing-Tung Yau excels in
excels in mathematics
Identifying people by Mario M. Cuomo, Mario M. Cuomo,
race Italian politician and politician and ex-
ex-governor of New governor of New
York York

• Age bias: The age of a person should be mentioned only if it’s relevant.
The context of the word should be important as words can have both
positive and negative connotations.

For example:
Age bias Avoid Preferable
Including age when Daniel Redcliff, 58, Daniel Redcliff joined
irrelevant joined our trust our trust department

• Disability bias: anyone’s disability such as physical, mental, sensory

and other impairment should not be mentioned in corporate messages
unless it is necessary. While mentioning someone’s disability person’s
name should be put first and the disability second.

For example:
Disability bias Avoid Preferable
Putting the disability Disabled workers Workers with
before the person may face various physical disabilities
barriers in the job face many barriers
on the job

These are some of the aspects that need to be kept in mind while
dealing with the audience so that they respond to the message
Answer 2
Sector 2, Devendra Nagar
Bhopal, (MP)
April 24, 2022

Professor Arijit Goswami

ITM University
Uparwara, Bhopal (MP)

Respected Sir,
I recently applied for my post-graduation in management studies at NMIMS, Mumbai
one of the best colleges to pursue PG, and have been called for counseling for their
MBA program. They have requested to submit one recommendation letter as a part
of the document, and I immediately thought of you. May I have a recommendation
letter from you?
As you may recall, I took accounting and financial management from you during the
winter 2018 semester. I was fascinated by your methods of teaching and
presentations, and the class supported my decision to pursue my career as a
financial advisor.
My enclosed resume includes my previous work experience and volunteer activities.
You’ll see that I have graduated with an 8.62 CGPA and I’ve been inducted into a
number of honor societies that reward excellence in the field of finance along with
that I also have an experience of a summer internship in one of the reputed
companies Tata Finances and have been working in the field of finance for past 3
years. I’ve used my training in the stock market as well which I believe has given me
a practical edge over others who may be applying for the same program.
If possible, Ms. Pooja Awasthy needs to receive your letter by May 30. For your
convenience, I’ve enclosed a stamped envelope.
I appreciate your time and effort in writing this recommendation letter for me. It would
be great to have a PG degree and take a step forward in my career growth. I’ll keep
you informed about my progress. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

The given letter includes all the necessary steps needed to write a “request for a
recommendation” letter.
• The opening describes the purpose of the letter and makes the
• Lisa also includes the information to refresh the memory of her
professor by mentioning the reference to his subject lectures.
• The body of the letter talks about the resume and experience that could
set Lisa apart from other candidates and information that the professor
could use while writing the recommendation.
• After the body, the deadline for response and information about the
person who is expecting the recommendation is also mentioned.
• And at the end closure is warm and respectful.

Answer 3 (a)
If I’m dissatisfied with the kitchen Aid stand mixer from Flipkart, I can opt to make a
claim or request an adjustment. A claim is a formal complaint and an adjustment is a
settlement of claim. No matter how furious I am, it’s important to maintain a
professional tone in my communication. The opening should be calm and clear
stating the problem along with the request. A complete explanation of the detail and
information regarding the complaint should be provided to the recipient. While
closing the letter, a polite request should be made to take the action or to find a
solution. I can also make a suggestion to maintain a business relationship if the
problem is solved properly. I should have a backup for my claim i.e. relevant
documents like invoices, sales receipts, canceled checks, and others. Later if the
remedy is possible, I’ll tell them about what I expect to be done and provide my
contact information to get a response easily.
We can understand the importance of tone through ineffective and effective
• Emotional tone in the opening and burdening the reader with too many facts
too quickly.
• Unhelpful statements in the body, furthermore which can make the reader
• Irrelevant information in the closing statement and failing to make a clear
• Stating the problem in the opening, clearly and calmly.
• Giving clear, concise and complete information regarding the complaint.
• Making a request to take action or to find a solution while closing the letter,
and providing contact information to get a response easily
Answer 3 (b)
Customer service representative

Dear sir,
I am writing to inform you about the problem with one of your products and how I
was assured that the total amount would be credited to my account after the
returning procedure of the product.
I bought a Kitchen aid stand mixer on 1st January 2022 for an amount of 40,000
which included delivery and a 40-day money-back offer but the product did not
perform as expected and I returned the product on 5th January. I’ve been calling the
company every week and the representative over there informs me every time that
the total amount of the product including the transportation and handling charges
would be refunded to my account shortly. It’s 15th march today and I haven’t received
any response yet.
I have always found your products and services to be good. It surprises me that such
an unfortunate incident has happened and all my requests have been falling on deaf
I understand that you regularly provide this helpful service to customers and I would
appreciate you looking into the problem by this week. You can reach me by calling
91-755-553-3591 during business hours. Thank you for your effort I look forward to
hearing from you.
Jass Javvy.

Image source: Google

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