Professionalism in The Workplace: Professional Development Training Rowan University
Professionalism in The Workplace: Professional Development Training Rowan University
Professionalism in The Workplace: Professional Development Training Rowan University
the conduct or qualities that characterize or mark an individual holding an
the skill level, of course, but also good judgment and polite behavior that is
expected from a person who is trained to do a job well (Quantitative vs
✔ Customer Service
✔ The Importance of First Impressions
✔ Listening Skills Concepts
✔ Positive and Effective Communication
✔ The Importance of Effective and Efficient E-mail Communication
✔ Action Plan and Follow-up
✔ Evaluation Forms
“It takes years to build a reputation and five minutes
to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things
Power of 3 Emotional IQ
The Importance of First Impressions
• It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
• Don’t allow personal matters to negatively impact service level (in this
case, tone of voice).
Third: Words we use
“Did I say that?”
• Try to avoid Industry Lingo (Examples: CWA, IFPTE, ePAR, etc.)
• Extreme words like “never” or “always” are usually better left unsaid.
• Use positive messaging (using words that are laced with optimism – more
• Communicating in this way will change the way your listeners receive your
• It should be personal, encouraging, passionate, and empowering.
What do you think are the keys to a strong
first impression?
The Essentials of Effective Listening
Negative Listening Habits to Avoid
• The Faker – All the outward signs are there: nodding, making eye contact, and giving the
occasional “uh huh”
• The Interrupter – Doesn’t allow the speaker to finish, ask clarifying questions, or seek
more information from the speaker; too anxious to talk him or herself
• The Quick Switch – Favorite lines are, “Oh, that’s nothing, here’s what happened to me…”
“I remember when I was…”
• The Rebuttal Maker – Only listens long enough to form a rebuttal; at their worst, they
are argumentative and want to prove you wrong; at minimum, the person wants to make the speaker
see the other point of view.
• The Advice Giver – Giving advice is sometimes helpful; however, at other times, this
interferes with good listening because it does not allow the speaker to fully articulate their feelings or
thoughts; it doesn’t help the speaker solve their own problems; it prohibits venting; it could also
belittle the speaker by minimizing his/her concern with a quick solution.
Effective Listening Techniques
• Give your full attention. Clear your mind, desk, and
hands. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.
• Have an open mind.
• Avoid interrupting; suggesting “solutions” too soon can
be frustrating to the speaker.
• Ask questions.
• Acknowledge that you understand the
Effective Listening Techniques
• Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions.
• Ask questions only to ensure understanding. Asking questions for other
reasons often leads to getting off topic and an inefficient use of time.
• Try to feel what the speaker is feeling (joy, sadness, fearful, etc.) – facilitates
empathy and better communication.
• Give the speaker regular feedback (i.e. “You must be thrilled” or “I can see
how that could be confusing”)
• Pay attention to what isn’t said – to nonverbal cues (body language)
Positive and Effective Verbal Communication
• Complex Words vs. Simple Words (ex. abbreviate vs. shorten, aggregate vs. total,
feasible vs. possible, optimum vs. best, etc.)
• Avoiding Wordy Phrases (ex. As a general rule vs. generally, as a matter of fact vs. in fact,
as you may or may not know vs. as you may know, due to the fact that vs. because, etc.)
• Send or copy others only on a need to know basis – Before you click Reply All or put names on
the Cc or Bcc lines, ask yourself if all the recipients need the information in your message.
• Pick up the phone – When a topic has lots of parameters that need to be explained or negotiated and
will generate too many questions and confusion, don't handle it via e-mail.
E-Mail Tips
• Maintain privacy – If you're sending a message to a group of people and you need to protect the privacy of
your list, you should use "Bcc”. Additionally, avoid giving out e-mail addresses to a third party.
• Know your audience – Your e-mail greeting and sign-off should be consistent with the level of respect and
formality of the person you're communicating with.
• Keep it short and get to the point – Long e-mails are typically inefficient. Write concisely so as to not
overwhelm the recipient. Make sure when you look at what you're sending it doesn't look like a burden to read –
feel free to use bullet points.
• Your e-mail is a reflection of you – Every e-mail you send adds to, or detracts from your reputation. If
your e-mail is scattered, disorganized, and filled with mistakes, the recipient will be inclined to think of you as a
scattered, careless, and disorganized person.
• The message is as unique as the recipient – The message should be tailored to best fit your target
audience or addressee. Take the time to personalize a mass email message based on the recipient(s).
Action Plan
• What will you do to implement a concept from today’s
• When will you do this?
• What results do you expect and how will they be measured?
• What assistance will you need to implement your plan?
Thank You