Cornerstone: CMTS 1500 Version 4.2 Release Notes and Letter of Operational Considerations

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CMTS 1500 Version 4.2 Release Notes and Letter of Operational Considerations
Release 4.2 ARSVD00382 Standard 1.8 June 2002

Cable Modem Termination System 1500 Software Version 4.2 Release Notes and Letter of Operational Considerations
Document number Document release Document date ARSVD00382 Release 1.8 June 2002

2002 ARRIS All Rights Reserved

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. User must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to ARRIS. ARRIS, ARRIS Interactive, and Voice Port are trademarks of ARRIS Licensing Company. Cornerstone is a registered trademark of ARRIS Licensing Company. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license.

Publication history
June 2002
Standard 1.8 version of this document

Table of contents
1 Objectives of this Document __________________________________________ 1 1.1 ARRIS Commitment ______________________________________________ 1 1.2 Purpose and Scope of this Release ___________________________________ 1 1.3 Product Identification______________________________________________ 1 1.4 Product Documentation ____________________________________________ 1 2 Release Notes ______________________________________________________ 2 2.1 New Features ____________________________________________________ 2.1.1 DOCSIS 1.1 Functionality _______________________________________ 2.1.2 Quality-of-Service______________________________________________ 2.1.3 Payload Header Suppression (PHS) ________________________________ 2.1.4 Committed Information Rate (CIR) _________________________________ 2.1.5 Mode B Forwarding __________________________________________ 2.1.6 Proxy-ARP server _____________________________________________ 2.1.7 Funnel Mode _________________________________________________ 2.1.8 ARP Spoofing Protection ________________________________________ 2.1.9 CM Only DHCP Relay ________________________________________ 2.1.10 User Specified Aging Interval for De-Registered CMs ___________________ 2.1.11 User Specified Aging Interval for Ranged-But-Not-Registered CMs ________ 2.1.12 Purging Ethernet and CPE Entries __________________________________ 2.1.13 Enhanced Initial Ranging Opportunities ______________________________ 2.1.14 Modem State command _________________________________________ 2.1.15 Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) MIB implementation_____________________ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

2.2 Resolved Operational Considerations ________________________________ 4 3 Letter of Operational Considerations___________________________________ 6 3.1 Software Compatibility with the CMTS 1500 Hardware __________________ 6 3.2 Descriptions of Operational Considerations ____________________________ 6 3.2.1 Bootp-Relay counter does not update properly ________________________ 6 3.2.2 SnmpInvalidMessage counter does not function properly._________________ 6 3.2.3 SnmpUnknownPDUHandlers counter does not increment _______________ 7 3.2.4 SnmpUnknownSecurityModels counter does not increment ______________ 7 3.2.5 Cannot set message size if snmpTargetAddr table status is active ___________ 7 3.2.6 SNMP Notification filters are not working ____________________________ 8 3.2.7 SSH host-key and server-key need to be regenerated at the same time ______ 8 3.2.8 CLI limitation where it is unable to enter the max string length (255) for the taglist. 9


Docsistrapcontrol (docsDevCmtsTrapControl) value in putmng output is incorrect 9 3.2.10 send-inform (lcdocsCmtsTrapTypeControl) value in putmng output is incorrect 11 3.2.11 After creating a v3 user and cloning it to AuthPrivMD5/SHA, upon reset the protocols can change. ________________________________________________ 11 3.2.12 When creating SNMPv3 users you have to change the V3 passwords before the accounts can be turned on. ____________________________________________ 12 3.2.13 After setting a SNMPv3 user to no auth and no priv protocols, the auth protocol can not be set or cloned ______________________________________________ 12 3.2.14 SSH host/server bits values lost___________________________________ 12 3.2.15 Reset on invalid QoS Parameter __________________________________ 13 3.2.16 Ingress Avoidance frequency switching unavailability ___________________ 13 3.2.17 Upstream loss in constant frequency changes _________________________ 14 4 Customer Service and Support _______________________________________ 15

Appendix A - Acronyms and Terms________________________________________ 16

1 Objectives of this Document

1.1 ARRIS Commitment
ARRIS is committed to developing high quality, value-added products and services to the Multi-Service Operator (MSO). We continue to drive toward meeting our customers needs with solutions that will help achieve their business objectives.

1.2 Purpose and Scope of this Release

This document is intended to describe the value-added features and anomaly resolution implemented in this CMTS 1500 v4.2 software release. It will also inform operators of Known Operational Considerations associated with this product release that have been identified either through ARRIS testing or field operations.

1.3 Product Identification

Described here is the CMTS 1500 v4.2 software intended for the ARRIS Cornerstone CMTS 1500 device. Associated Product Cornerstone CMTS 1500

1.4 Product Documentation

Product documentation is on CD-ROM (Product ID 708643/Part number ARSVD00480) and is packaged with the software CD. The documentation suite includes the following: Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v4.2 Installation Guide (ARSVD00379) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v4.2 User Guide (ARSVD00380) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v4.2 Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide (ARSVD00381) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v4.2 Release Notes and Letter of Operational Considerations (ARSVD00382) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v 4.2 Customer Letter (ARSVD00383) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v 4.2 Error Codes Guide (ARSVD00541) Cornerstone CMTS 1500 v 4.2 CLI Quick Reference Guide (ARSVD00542)

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2 Release Notes
2.1 New Features
The Cornerstone CMTS 1500 software v4.2 provides additional features built upon the proven technology operators have already experienced. The Features section will identify the commands and functions built into this software. Further information that will expand upon these descriptions can be found in the Cornerstone CMTS 1500 product documentation.


DOCSIS 1.1 Functionality

The v4.2 software release is CableLabs compliant with DOCSIS 1.1 specification.



Quality of Service supports multiple service levels in the network. Release v4.2 is DOCSIS 1.1 compliant, which supports of the ability to create, admit and activate service flows when needed and delete service flows when no longer required. In addition to supporting VoIP applications, Release v4.2 software also lets cable operators provide enhanced IP data services.


Payload Header Suppression (PHS)

Payload Header Suppression (PHS) helps optimize network performance by reducing the packet size used. PHS removes repetitive information from an IP (Internet Protocol) packet on a continuous data stream destined for the same location.


Committed Information Rate (CIR)

The Committed Information Rate (CIR) service provides the cable modem downstream traffic with a minimum level of service at the Service Flow level. The committed level may be exceeded with additional traffic being forwarded as best effort.


Mode B Forwarding

Mode B Forwarding instructs the CMTS to learn the IP address, MAC address, CM Security AssociationID, and lease-time from the DHCP discover and offer process. The information is then aged out by the learned lease-time of the cable modem and customer premises equipment.


Proxy-ARP server

With Mode B Forwarding enabled, the CMTS operates as a proxy Address Resolution Protocol server by intercepting all ARP packets. On receiving an ARP for a device not within the Forwarding Database, the CMTS issues the ARP request for the destination IP address. When the reply is received, the CMTS will update its Forwarding Database and respond to the requesting device.

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Funnel Mode

Funnel Mode gives the operator the ability to direct IP packets that originate from the Cornerstone CMTS units RF network and which are destined back to the RF network to be funneled out onto the Ethernet network. The IP packets are then directed to an IP Address for traffic shaping (i.e. permission server).


ARP Spoofing Protection

The ARP Spoofing feature will help prevent IP address theft. When a CPE device tries to use an IP address not assigned by the DHCP service, the CMTS will forgo forwarding that devices traffic.


CM Only DHCP Relay

CM-Only DHCP Relay is a new feature added to the Bootp-Relay-Control command. This function sets up the CMTS to convert the broadcast DHCP request from a cable modem to a uni-cast message and direct it to the provisioning service identified in the bootp-list command. Customer Premise Equipments (CPE) DHCP discover packet will be forwarded unmodified to the Ethernet network as the original broadcast message sent.

2.1.10 User Specified Aging Interval for De-Registered CMs

In previous CMTS software, when a CM de-registers its address would be removed from the FDB after a 48hour time-to-live interval. Now v4.2 gives the operator a specifiable time interval settable via SNMP or CLI Manage command. The User Specified Aging Interval for De-Registered CM parameter instructs the CMTS as to the number of seconds to wait before purging a CM that has de-registered from the CMTS.

2.1.11 User Specified Aging Interval for Ranged-But-Not-Registered CMs

A new aging parameter within the CMTS is offered as a time-to-live for cable modems that have ranged but not registered. Cable modems that have ranged to the CMTS downstream and upstream frequencies but have not received their configuration files are placed in the User Specified Aging Interval for Ranged-But-NotRegistered timer to be removed from the Forwarding Database so that CM does not occupy an entry needed. The operator can configure the aging parameter based upon network needs to allow the cable modem to range, DHCP, TFTP, and register with the CMTS. Once the cable modem registers, its aging time will be reset to the Registered CM time-to-live value.

2.1.12 Purging Ethernet and CPE Entries

Purge-FDB is a feature that gives the CMTS operator a method to remove non-CM devices from the FDB. Static entries and entries for the CATV and Ethernet will not be affected. This feature is implemented via a CLI command only.

2.1.13 Enhanced Initial Ranging Opportunities

This feature sets Initial Ranging Opportunities to a two-step interval: one-tenth of a second interval for the first ten minutes after an upstream channel is started then one-half second thereafter. The operator can specify a value that will have precedence.

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2.1.14 Modem State command

The Modem State command has been enhanced to deliver additional information about the cable modem. Also with DOCSIS 1.1 type modems, even more details are learned about the CM. The Modem State command function and use can be reviewed in the Cornerstone CMTS 1500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide.

2.1.15 Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) MIB implementation

The CMTS software has been modified to now support the docsIfSigQSignalNoise MIB object located in the docsIfSignalQualityTable. The following is the description of the MIB object: docsIfSigQSignalNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel. At the CM, describes the Signal/Noise of the downstream channel. At the CMTS, describes the average Signal/Noise of the upstream channel." REFERENCE "DOCSIS Radio Frequency Interface Specification, Table 2-1 and 2-2." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 5 } The MIB can be accessed via the CLI console, CLI Manage, or through an external SNMP manager. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) describes the ratio between the averaged signal amplitude and the noise amplitude of an upstream channel (in tenth dBs). To compute the SNR the hardware needs a certain minimum amount of traffic on that upstream. Accuracy is within 1.5dB for QPSK and within 2dB for QAM16 when SNR is within 15 to 25dB. By convention, a channel with a SNR of 30dB or higher is considered a clean channel. An optimum is typically at 35dB and when getting close to around 21dB when modems will drop off in big numbers.

2.2 Resolved Operational Considerations

The listed Resolved Operational Considerations have been implemented in this release of the CMTS 1500 v4.2 software and any future releases. Tracking No. 12Y8W 130ED 11I5L 11YA5 129MR 12BHG 12NA5 Resolved Description CMTS lockup due to no available buffers. Changing Upstream modulation profile caused CMTS 1500 to reset QoS descriptor address modified unintentionally Assert in hebp_reg.c Reset caused in dp_remove_from_cmid lcconcatenationenabled.0 not displayed in putcfg/putmng command getmng incorrectly records MIB variable which have value truth

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Tracking No. 12EF0 108MR

Resolved Description Mode B zero length the PDU of queued packets Intelligent Ingress Avoidance does not work correctly

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3 Letter of Operational Considerations

System operating considerations for the CMTS 1500 v4.2 that may affect service, operations or maintenance of the software and hardware release are described below. Unless specifically noted, it is ARRIS intention to have all these considerations resolved in future software releases.

3.1 Software Compatibility with the CMTS 1500 Hardware

Version 4.2 operates only on the ARRIS CMTS 1500/1100. The software is incompatible with the CMTS 1000. Also, software intended solely for the CMTS 1000 will not function on the CMTS 1500/1100.

3.2 Descriptions of Operational Considerations 3.2.1

Description Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

Bootp-Relay counter does not update properly

Q00042583 A counter that tracks the packets forwarded by the bootp-relay does not update consistently. Non-Service Affecting: Counter does not reflect the actual value of packets forwarded. High None 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No.

Description Impact

SnmpInvalidMessage counter does not function properly.

1-Q7AH The snmpInvalidMessage counter does not appear to increment when receiving an SNMP packet with the message flag set to 0x02. Non-Service Affecting: SnmpInvalidMessage would not reflect the correct number of problem messages received. Low None 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No.

Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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SnmpUnknownPDUHandlers counter does not increment

1-Q7AM The snmpUnknownPDUHandlers counter does not increment when receiving an SNMP packet that has the context engine identifier encoded as a zero length octet string. Non-Service Affecting: Counter does not reflect the actual value. Low None 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No.

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

Description Impact

SnmpUnknownSecurityModels counter does not increment

1-Q7AD The snmpUnknownSecurityModels counter does not increment when sending a get request to the CMTS using an invalid version number for SNMP. Non-Service Affecting: Counter does not reflect the actual value. Low None 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No.

Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.


Cannot set message size if snmpTargetAddr table status is active

1-Q0QA Cannot set the message-size parameter [box/snmp/coex/snmptargetaddrest-specific/] to a legal value from the CLI. It returns an error if snmpTargetAddrTAddress table status is set to active. Non-Service Affecting: Unable to set snmpTargetAddr to active. Low Set snmpTargetAddrTAddress to disable before setting [box/snmp/coex/snmptargetaddrest-specific] using the CLI. 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No. Description

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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SNMP Notification filters are not working

1-NWKW A CMTS 1500 running in SNMP Coexistence mode and capable of sending out both SNMP inform and notification messages will not submit traps when entries are created in the SNMP Filter and SNMP Filter Profile Table Traps. Non-Service Affecting: No traps sent. Low When CMTS 1500 is in SNMP Coexistence mode and configured to send traps, refrain from creating entries in SNMP Filter and SNMP Filter Profile Table Traps. 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No.

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around

Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.


SSH host-key and server-key need to be regenerated at the same time

Q00135342 Values of host-key and server-key cannot be set in CLI console command "ssh-keygen" separately. Both parameters have to be entered and the Keys need to be regenerated in the same line. If operator enters one after the other, the CLI will "forget" what was entered first. Example: ( Starting from factory reset. ) remote1> ssh The current SSH key parameters are: Host Key bits = 0, Server Key bits = remote1> ssh -hb 1024 remote1> ssh The current SSH key parameters are: Host Key bits = 1024, Server Key bits = remote1> ssh -sb 768 remote1> ssh The current SSH key parameters are: Host Key bits = 0, Server Key bits = Non-Service Affecting Low Enter both the host-key and server-key on the same command line structure as follows: remote1> ssh -hb 1024 -sb 768 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No. Description


Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around

Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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CLI limitation where it is unable to enter the max string length (255) for the taglist.
1-NDA5 The maximum size that the taglist is 255 characters. This problem is related to the limitation of the CLI where the maximum string that can be entered is approximately 90 characters. Non-Service Affecting Low The workaround to the CLI string length of 255 chars for the taglist, can be entered from an SNMP manager. 4.2.4 Open

Tracking No. Description

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.


Docsistrapcontrol (docsDevCmtsTrapControl) value in putmng output is incorrect

1-OX81 Docsistrapcontrol (docsDevCmtsTrapControl) value in putmng output is incorrect. It will always display the value Dynsec no matter what docsistrapcontrol is set to. Example: [] docs-traps# docsistrapcontrol Parameter --------docsistrapcontrol [] docs-traps# @putmng display $ admin sw-server-ip-addr $ downstream frequency $ docs-traps docsistrapcontrol [] docs-traps# Non-Service Affecting Low None 4.2.4 Open Value ----RegReq

Tracking No. Description 681000000 Dynsec

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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3.2.10 send-inform (lcdocsCmtsTrapTypeControl) value in putmng output is incorrect

Tracking No. Description 1-OX83 send-inform (lcdocsCmtsTrapTypeControl) value in putmng output is incorrect. It always displays as all-traps regardless of how send-inform is set. Example: [] docs-traps# send-inform Parameter --------send-inform [] docs-traps# @putmng display $ admin sw-server-ip-addr $ downstream frequency $ docs-traps send-inform [] docs-traps# Non-Service Affecting Low None 4.2.4 Open Value ----RegRsp 681000000 all-traps

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

3.2.11 After creating a v3 user and cloning it to AuthPrivMD5/SHA, upon reset the protocols can change.
Tracking No. Description 1-PMRH If a v3 user with Authentication but no Privacy protocol is configured by cloning it to another v3 user with Authentication and Privacy protocols set, upon resetting the CMTS the privacy protocol will revert to the protocol of the cloned user. Non-Service Affecting Low The user will function properly, as if it still had no privacy protocol set, but the display is inaccurate. This can be observed from the CLI and SNMP manager. 4.2.4 Open

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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3.2.12 When creating SNMPv3 users you have to change the V3 passwords before the accounts can be turned on.
Tracking No. Description Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No. 1-PN01 When creating SNMPv3 accounts, you have to change the v3 passwords before the accounts can be turned on. Non-Service Affecting: SNMPv3 not active until passwords set. Low Set the v3 password before activating the account. 4.2.4 Open

3.2.13 After setting a SNMPv3 user to no auth and no priv protocols, the auth protocol can not be set or cloned
Tracking No. Description 1-PMRN After setting a v3 user (which previously had been cloned to use auth and priv protocols) to no auth and no priv protocols, the auth and priv protocols cannot be set or cloned. Non-Service Affecting: SNMPv3 user will not have auth or priv is cloned. Low The user account must be deleted and reconfigured. 4.2.4 Open

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

3.2.14 SSH host/server bits values lost

Tracking No. Description Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No. 1-16LC1 The CMTS does not remember the ssh host/server bits values set by the CLI keygen command. Non-Service Affecting High when using the ssh keygen command. Use the regen flag option at the end of the ssh keygen <value> command to ensure the values are displayed. 4.2.4 Open

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3.2.15 Reset on invalid QoS Parameter

Tracking No. Description 1-9P51 If a SNMP Get is performed on a non-existent QoS parameter set the CMTS may experience watchdot reset. Example: From the CLI manage command [root] qos-1.1-level# qos-params-specific/4/admitted [root] qos-params-specific/4/admitted# show Name Value ----------------------SNMP Error: No Such Name And the 4 did not exist, then the CMTS may reset. The CMTS will reset and re-initialize automatically. 100% when performing a SNMP Get on a non-existent QoS parameter set. The CMTS will automatically re-initialize and restore service. 4.2.4 Open

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

3.2.16 Ingress Avoidance frequency switching unavailability

Tracking No. Description 1-8RYL Ingress Avoidance may continue to use frequency ranges that are marked as unavailable even though an available range may exist. If Ingress Avoidance was using frequency range A, then A was marked as unavailable and no other ranges were available then it will stay on A as designed. However, when a new frequency range, B, is enabled and available the CMTS will not change from frequency A even though it is marked as unavailable. The CMTS may remain on an upstream frequency where performance is being inhibited due to noise. 50% occurrence Disable and re-enable Ingress Avoidance. 4.2.4 Open

Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No.

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3.2.17 Upstream loss in constant frequency changes

Tracking No. Description Impact Probability of Occurrence Work Around Affected loads Status Field Bulletin No. 1-17GCP If the upstream center frequency is changed at a constant interval over a period of several days, the CMTS upstreams may go deaf. Cable Modems will not be able to range or register on the CMTS. 50% of the time during constant frequency changes as a result of poor RF plant performance. The CMTS must be reset in order to recover from this state. 4.2.4 Open

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4 Customer Service and Support

Contact your account representative for further information on the Cornerstone CMTS 1500/1100. For Technical Support: North America E-mail: Phone: (888) 221 9797 (toll free) 678 473 5656 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST Worldwide ARRIS Technical Support within North America Phone: +01 678 473 5656 South America E-mail: Phone: +56 9 837 8883 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Europe E-mail: Phone: +31 (0)20 354 8000 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CET Asia (except Japan) E-mail: Phone: +852 2738 1678 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Hong Kong local time) Japan E-mail: Phone: +81 (0) 3 5371-4142 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Tokyo local time) Emergency support is available after normal business hours.

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Appendix A - Acronyms and Terms

The CMTS 1500 has specific acronyms and terms that may be unfamiliar. Many of these terms are derived from the DOCSIS specifications or are data networking vocabulary. BE BPI BPI+ CAM CBR CIR Classifier Best Effort (type of upstream service Baseline Privacy Interface Baseline Privacy Interface Plus (enhanced privacy requirements of DOCSIS 1.1) Content Addressable Memory Constant Bit Rate (used for telephony) Committed Information Rate (used for data) A set of criteria used for packet matching according to TCP, UDP, IP, LLC, and/or 802.1 p/q packet fields. A classifier maps each packet to a service flow. Classifiers are divided into upstream classifiers and downstream classifiers. Dynamic Service Addition Dynamic Service Change (in QoS) Dynamic Service Deletion Ingress Avoidance Loss of Communications (alarm) Non-Real-Time Polling Service Operations Support System Interface Packet Header Suppression


QoS Parameter Set A set of service flow encodings that describe the Quality of Service attributes of a service flow. QoS RtPS SA Quality of Service Real-Time Polling Service Spectrum Analyzer (enhanced function of eighth upstream receiver in CMTS 1500)

Service Class A set of queuing and scheduling attributes that is named and configured at the CMTS. A service class is identified by a service class name and has a set of zero or more QoS traffic attributes. Service Flow A MAC-layer transport service which (1) provides unidirectional transport of packets from the upper layer service entity to the RF; (2) shapes, policies, and prioritizes traffic according to QoS traffic parameters defined for the flow.

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Service Flow Description A service class name that describes a service flows QoS parameters indirectly or a QoS parameter set that describes them directly. Service Identifier (SID) A service flow identifier assigned by the CMTS to an active or admitted upstream service flow (14 bits). SFID SSH UCC UGS/AD Service Flow Identifier-An identifier assigned to a service flow by the CMTS (32 bits). Secure Shell (protocol) Upstream Channel Change Unsolicited Grant with Activity Detection

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