TechnicalReportMocoaCu MoDepositColombia150618

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NI 43-101 Technical Report

Prepared for: Authors and Qualified Persons:

Libero Copper Corporation Michel Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM
666 Burrard Street, Suite 2348 Robert Sim, P.Geo.
Vancouver, British Columbia Bruce Davis, FAusIMM
Canada V6C 2X8

Effective Date: October 6, 2016

Execution Date: June 15, 2018
Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 1-1
2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................... 2-2
3 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS ................................................................................. 3-1
4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION ................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Location .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Land Tenure............................................................................................................ 4-3
4.3 Environmental Regulations and Permitting .............................................................. 4-5
5.1 Accessibility ............................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Climate.................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Local Resources and Infrastructure......................................................................... 5-1
5.4 Physiography .......................................................................................................... 5-1
6 HISTORY ......................................................................................................................... 6-1
7 GEOLOGICAL SETTING ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Regional Geology ................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Local Geology ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Lithology ............................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2.2 Structure ............................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.3 Alteration ........................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Geology of the Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Deposit .............................................. 7-5
7.3.1 Hypogene Alteration and Mineralization ............................................................. 7-5
7.3.2 Supergene Alteration and Mineralization............................................................ 7-6
8 DEPOSIT TYPES ............................................................................................................ 8-1
9 EXPLORATION ............................................................................................................... 9-1
10 DRILLING .................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.1 UN-INGEOMINAS (1978–1983) ............................................................................ 10-3
10.2 B2Gold (2008, 2012) ............................................................................................. 10-4
11 SAMPLING PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY ..................................... 11-6
11.1 UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture (1978–1983) ...................................................... 11-6
11.1.1 Core Handling and Storage.............................................................................. 11-6
11.1.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures ............................................... 11-6

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

11.1.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) ..................................................... 11-7

11.2 B2Gold (2008)....................................................................................................... 11-7
11.2.1 Core Handling and Storage.............................................................................. 11-7
11.2.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures ............................................... 11-7
11.2.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) ..................................................... 11-9
11.3 B2Gold (2012)..................................................................................................... 11-12
11.3.1 Core Handling and Storage............................................................................ 11-12
11.3.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures ............................................. 11-12
11.3.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) ................................................... 11-13
11.4 Assessment of Sample Preparation, Security and Analytical Procedures ............ 11-16
12 DATA VERIFICATION ............................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 1978–1983 Drill Database ..................................................................................... 12-1
12.1.1 Compiling Older Data Files .............................................................................. 12-1
12.1.2 Check Analysis ................................................................................................ 12-1
12.1.3 Drill Hole Collar Survey .................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 2008–2012 B2Gold Database ............................................................................... 12-2
12.2.1 General Database Verification ......................................................................... 12-2
12.2.2 Check Analysis ................................................................................................ 12-2
12.2.3 Drill Hole Validation (Twin Holes) ..................................................................... 12-2
12.3 Recent Database Validation .................................................................................. 12-3
12.4 Verification Conclusions ........................................................................................ 12-3
13 MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING .................................. 13-1
14 MINERAL RESOURCES ........................................................................................... 14-1
14.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Available Data ....................................................................................................... 14-1
14.3 Geologic Model, Domains and Coding .................................................................. 14-5
14.4 Compositing .......................................................................................................... 14-7
14.5 Exploratory Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 14-8
14.5.1 Basic Statistics by Domain ............................................................................... 14-8
14.5.2 Contact Profiles ............................................................................................. 14-15
14.5.3 Modeling Implications .................................................................................... 14-16
14.6 Bulk Density Data ............................................................................................... 14-16
14.7 Evaluation of Outlier Grades ............................................................................... 14-17
14.8 Variography......................................................................................................... 14-17

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

14.9 Model Setup and Limits ....................................................................................... 14-18

14.10 Interpolation Parameters ..................................................................................... 14-19
14.11 Validation ............................................................................................................ 14-20
14.11.1 Visual Inspection ........................................................................................ 14-20
14.11.2 Model Checks for Change of Support ......................................................... 14-20
14.11.3 Comparison of Interpolation Methods ......................................................... 14-21
14.11.4 Swath Plots (Drift Analysis) ........................................................................ 14-23
14.12 Resource Classification ....................................................................................... 14-24
14.13 Mineral Resources .............................................................................................. 14-24
15 MINERAL RESERVES ............................................................................................... 15-1
16 MINING METHODS.................................................................................................... 16-1
17 RECOVERY METHODS ............................................................................................ 17-1
18 PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 18-1
19 MARKET STUDIES AND CONTRACTS .................................................................... 19-1
21 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS ........................................................................ 21-1
22 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 22-1
23 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ........................................................................................ 23-1
24 OTHER RELEVANT DATA ........................................................................................ 24-1
25 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................ 25-1
26 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 26-1
27 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 27-1
28 DATE AND SIGNATURE PAGES.............................................................................. 28-1

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Figure 4-1: Location Map Mocoa Project ................................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4-2: Claim Map Mocoa Property ................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-3: Forest Reserves and Indigenous Reservations Mocoa Project ............................. 4-6
Figure 7-1: Regional Geology Mocoa Project .......................................................................... 7-2
Figure 7-2: Local Geology Mocoa Project ............................................................................... 7-4
Figure 7-3: Geological and Drill Hole Plan Mocoa Deposit ...................................................... 7-7
Figure 7-4: East-West Cross Section 10 Mocoa Deposit ......................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-5: East-West Cross Section 6 Mocoa Deposit ........................................................... 7-9
Figure 7-6: North-South Cross Section Mocoa Deposit ......................................................... 7-10
Figure 10-1: Vertical Cross Section Showing Drilling in Centre of Mocoa Deposit ................. 10-1
Figure 11-1: Certified Standard CM-1 2008 Tracking Performance – Copper ..................... 11-10
Figure 11-2: Blank Performance – Copper 2008 B2Gold Drilling ......................................... 11-11
Figure 11-3: Preparation Duplicates – Copper 2008 B2Gold Drilling ................................... 11-12
Figure 11-4: Certified Standard CM-1 2012 Tracking Performance – Copper ..................... 11-14
Figure 11-5: Blank Performance – Copper 2012 B2Gold Drilling ......................................... 11-15
Figure 14-1: Isometric View of Drilling by Year ...................................................................... 14-2
Figure 14-2: Isometric View Looking Northwest of Copper Grades in Drilling ........................ 14-3
Figure 14-3: Isometric View Looking Northwest of Molybdenum Grades in Drilling ............... 14-3
Figure 14-4: Isometric View of Surface representing the Base of Visible Oxidation ............... 14-6
Figure 14-5: Isometric View of 0.1% Cu Probability Shell Domain ......................................... 14-7
Figure 14-6: Boxplot of Copper by Lithology Type ................................................................. 14-9
Figure 14-7: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Lithology Type ........................................................ 14-9
Figure 14-8: Boxplot of Copper by Alteration Type .............................................................. 14-10
Figure 14-9: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Alteration Type ..................................................... 14-11
Figure 14-10: Boxplot of Copper by Stockwork Code .......................................................... 14-12
Figure 14-11: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Stockwork Code ................................................. 14-12
Figure 14-12: Boxplot of Copper by Oxide Code ................................................................. 14-14
Figure 14-13: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Oxide Code ........................................................ 14-14
Figure 14-14: Boxplots of Copper and Molybdenum Inside vs. Outside of the Probability Shell
Domain ............................................................................................................................... 14-15
Figure 14-15: Contact Profiles of Copper and Molybdenum Inside vs. Outside of the Probability
Shell Domain ...................................................................................................................... 14-16
Figure 14-16: Herco Plots of Copper and Molybdenum Inside the Probability Shell Domain .. 14-
Figure 14-17: Grade Tonnage Comparison of Copper Models ............................................ 14-22
Figure 14-18: Grade Tonnage Comparison of Molybdenum Models ................................... 14-22
Figure 14-19: Swath Plots by Northing for Copper and Molybdenum Inside the Probability Shell
Domain ............................................................................................................................... 14-23
Figure 14-20: Isometric Views of Inferred Mineral Resource at Mocoa ................................ 14-26
Figure 14-21: Plan Showing Regional Protective Forest Boundary in the Mocoa Area ........ 14-28

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 1.1: Sensitivity of Inferred Mineral Resource at Mocoa .................................................. 1-5
Table 1.2: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources Inside and Outside the Forest Reserve ... 1-5
Table 1.3: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources by Oxide Type .......................................... 1-6
Table 2.1: Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................. 2-2
Table 4.1: Mining Concessions Mocoa Property ..................................................................... 4-3
Table 6.1: Exploration History Mocoa Project .......................................................................... 6-1
Table 10.1: Drill Collar Locations Mocoa Project (1978–2012) .............................................. 10-2
Table 10.2: Selective Intersections UN-INGEOMINAS (1978–1983) ..................................... 10-4
Table 10.3: Drill Results B2Gold (2008, 2012) ...................................................................... 10-5
Table 14.1: Statistical Summary of Sample Assay Data ........................................................ 14-5
Table 14.2: Outlier Grade Controls...................................................................................... 14-17
Table 14.3: Correlogram Parameters .................................................................................. 14-18
Table 14.4: Block Model Limits ........................................................................................... 14-19
Table 14.5: Interpolation Parameters .................................................................................. 14-20
Table 14.6: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources ............................................................ 14-25
Table 14.7: Sensitivity of Inferred Mineral Resources.......................................................... 14-27
Table 14.8: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources Inside and Outside the Forest Reserve .. 14-
Table 14.9: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources by Oxide Type .................................... 14-29

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

This technical report provides a mineral resource estimate for Libero Copper Corporation’s
Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project. The report was written by Michel Rowland Brepsant,
FAusIMM, Robert Sim, P.Geo., and Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, all independent “qualified
persons” (QPs) as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 43-
101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and as described in Section
28 (Date and Signature Pages) of this report.

This technical report was initially prepared in October 2016 based on the expected
acquisition of the Mocoa Property by Libero Copper. Resource estimation was new work
conducted by Libero Copper using data supplied by B2. The transaction did not occur in
2016 and the technical report was never filed. There has been no additional work of any
kind completed on the Mocoa Property since the initial preparation of this report and, as a
result, it remains current with an effective date of October 6, 2016.

Property Description and Location

The Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project is located 465 km southwest of Bogota and 10 km
north of the town of Mocoa, the capital of the Department of Putumayo. The centre of the
property is at latitude 1°14′30″N and longitude 76°40′00″W. The UTM coordinates are
137,500N and 314,000E (geographic projection: WGS84, Zone 18N). The project
comprises six contract claims totaling 11,391.09 ha.

The topography of the property is rugged with elevations that range from 1,100 masl to
1,850 masl. Access to the property is via dirt roads and footpaths from the town of Mocoa.

The area has a tropical climate with temperatures that range from 9°C to 29°C. The
average annual rainfall is 4,600 mm. The deposit area is covered by densely vegetated rain

On May 7, 2018, Libero Copper Corporation (Libero Copper) acquired a 100% interest in
the Mocoa Project from B2Gold Corp. (B2Gold) by acquiring all of the shares of Mocoa
Ventures Ltd. (Mocoa Ventures). Mocoa Ventures is a wholly owned subsidiary of B2Gold,
which holds the Mocoa Project. The purchase price for the project consisted of 10,400,000
shares of Libero Copper and a retained 2% net smelter return (NSR) royalty. Libero Copper
has retained a right of first refusal in the event that B2Gold wishes to sell the royalty. As a
result of this transaction, Mocoa Ventures, including its Colombian branch, became a wholly
owned subsidiary of Libero Copper. The Mocoa property is also subject to a retained 1%
NSR return royalty held by its previous owner, AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA).

The Mocoa deposit was discovered between 1973 and 1976 when the United Nations (UN)
and the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geológico Mineras of Colombia

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

(INGEOMINAS), now the El Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC), conducted a regional

stream geochemical survey. Between 1978 and 1983, this Joint Venture carried out an
exploration program that consisted of geological mapping, surface sampling, ground
geophysics (IP, magnetics), 31 diamond drill holes totaling 18,321 m, and preliminary
metallurgical testwork (von Guttenberg, 2008). In 1984, a preliminary feasibility report was
published; it included an historical estimate of mineral resources: 306 million tonnes with a
grade of 0.37% Cu and 0.061% Mo using 0.25% and 0.025% cut-off grades for copper and
molybdenum, respectively (UN-INGEOMINAS, 1984).

Note: This historical estimate was prepared prior to the implementation of NI 43-101 and
are not compliant with currently standards. There is no information regarding the
assumptions, parameters, methods or classification of the historic resource and it has not
been verified by the authors of this report and, as a result, it is not being treated as a
current estimate of mineral resources.

In 2004, AGA acquired the property. From 2005 to 2006, Antofagasta Minerals S.A.
(Antofagasta) explored the property. In 2008, B2Gold acquired the concessions and drilled
nine holes (5,122.9 m). In 2012, B2Gold drilled three additional holes (1,768.2 m). In
October 2016, Libero Copper commissioned an updated mineral resource estimation using
data supplied by B2.

Geology and Mineralization

The Mocoa deposit is situated in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, a 30 km wide tectonic
belt underlain by volcano-sedimentary, sedimentary and intrusive rocks that range in age
from Triassic-Jurassic to Quaternary, and by remnants of Paleozoic metasediments and
metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age. This belt hosts several other porphyry-copper
deposits, such as Mirador, San Carlos, and Panantza, located in southeastern Ecuador
(von Guttenberg, 2008).

The geology of the Mocoa deposit has been described by Sillitoe et al. (1984). Copper-
molybdenum mineralization is associated with a dacite porphyry intrusion of Middle Jurassic
age emplaced into andesitic and dacitic volcanics. The Mocoa porphyry system exhibits a
classical zonal pattern of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, with a deeper central
core of potassic alteration overlain by sericitization and surrounded by propylitization.
Mineralization consists of disseminated chalcopyrite, molybdenite and local bornite
associated with multiphase veins, stockworks and hydrothermal breccias. Patchy surface
oxidation extends to a depth of 150 m and overlaps a 70 m to 220 m thick barren quartz-
sericite-pyrite lithocap that overlies primary copper-molybdenum mineralization. The deposit
contains no significant supergene copper mineralization.

Drilling has indicated that the deposit is roughly cylindrical, with a 600 m diameter and
thicknesses that range from 250 m to 350 m. High-grade copper-molybdenum
mineralization continues to depths in excess of 1,000 m.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Sample Database and Validation

A review of the sample collection and analysis practices used during the various drilling
campaigns indicates that this work was conducted using generally accepted industry

Portions of the data have been validated using several methods, including visual
observations and comparisons with the assay results, and direct comparisons with assay
certificates. Only the sampling programs conducted by B2Gold (in 2008 and 2012) were
monitored using a QA/QC program that is typically accepted in the industry. Similarities
between data of all drilling campaigns (location, style, and tenor) suggest that there is no
reason to question the results from the earlier drill programs. It is the QPs' opinion that the
database is sufficiently accurate and precise to generate a mineral resource estimate.

Four drill core composites, representing different rock and ore types, and a bulk composite
of all these samples were processed at Dawson Metallurgical Laboratories in Murray, Utah
(UN-INGEOMINAS, 1984; von Guttenberg, 2008). Standard grinding and flotation tests
were completed. A bulk copper-molybdenum flotation concentrate was processed to
produce copper and molybdenum concentrates. The copper concentrate has a grade of
24.2% Cu with a recovery of 85.9% and the molybdenum concentrate has a grade of
55.14% Mo with a recovery of 82.7%. Both concentrates are clean with no deleterious

Mineral Resource Estimate

The mineral resource estimate was generated from drill hole sample assay results for
copper and molybdenum, and qualitative geological (core logging) information. All available
drilling data were loaded into MineSight® and the initial, variable-length sample data were
composited to 1.5 m intervals. Statistical analysis shows that lithology, alteration, oxidation,
and the presence of stockwork zones do not control the distribution of mineralization at
Mocoa. As a result, a probability shell approach, based on a threshold grade of 0.1% Cu,
was used to provide a domain that segregates mineralized from unmineralized rocks. The
resulting shell represents areas where there is a >50% probability that the grade will be
greater than 0.1% Cu. Because the drilling remains “open” to mineralization in three
directions, the limits of the probability shell are not bound by sample data, but, instead, by a
distance of 250 m from a drill hole. Using the logging information, a surface representing
the base of visible oxidation was interpreted and used to segregate resources by oxide

Grade estimates have been made using ordinary kriging into a model with a nominal block
size of 10×10×5 m (L×W×H). Potentially anomalous outlier grades have been identified
and their influence on the grade models are controlled during interpolation through the use
of top-cutting and outlier limitations resulting in a 1% reduction in contained copper and a
1.5% reduction in contained molybdenum. An average density of 2.7 t/m3 was used to
calculate resource tonnage.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

The results of the modeling process have been validated using a series of visual and
statistical methods, the results of which indicate that the resource model is an appropriate
estimation of global resources based on the underlying database.

The resources have been classified by their proximity to sample locations and are reported,
as required by NI 43-101, according to the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources
and Mineral Reserves. Based on the current distribution of drilling, resources in the Inferred
category occur within a maximum distance of 200 m from a drill hole.

A resource-limiting pit shell has been generated using recoverable copper-equivalent

(CuEqR) grades calculated using the following formula:

CuEqR = (Cu% × 0.90) + (Mo% × 3.33 × 0.75)

 Metal prices: US$3.00/lb Cu; US$10.00/lb Mo.
 Metallurgical recoveries: copper 90%; molybdenum 75%.
 Pit slope: 45 degrees.
 Operating costs:
o Mining: open pit US$2.50/t.
o Processing: US$10.00/t.
o G&A: US$2.00/t.
Due to the polymetallic nature of the deposit, mineral resources were presented on a
copper-equivalent (CuEq) basis (CuEq = Cu% + (Mo% × 3.33)). Assuming a price of
$3.00/lb Cu and the projected operating costs listed here, the base case cut-off grade of the
mineral resource is estimated to be 0.25% CuEq. There are no adjustments to account for
dilution or recovery in the estimate of mineral resources.

Table 1.1 summarizes the mineral resource estimate at a series of cut-off limits for
comparison purposes.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 1.1: Sensitivity of Inferred Mineral Resource at Mocoa

Contained Metal
Cut-off CuEq Cu Mo
Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(CuEq%) (%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
0.15 721 0.42 0.31 0.035 6.68 4.85 549.9
0.2 683 0.43 0.32 0.035 6.54 4.77 530.2
636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
(base case)
0.3 553 0.48 0.35 0.039 5.81 4.24 470.4
0.35 433 0.52 0.38 0.042 4.96 3.62 404.6
0.4 330 0.57 0.41 0.047 4.12 2.99 341.8
0.45 259 0.61 0.44 0.051 3.47 2.50 293.2
0.5 201 0.65 0.46 0.056 2.87 2.04 247.9
0.55 148 0.69 0.49 0.061 2.26 1.60 199.6
0.6 106 0.74 0.52 0.067 1.73 1.21 155.8
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo% × 3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

A Regional Forest Reserve boundary intersects the western part of the deposit. Table 1.2
shows the separation of mineral resources along this boundary.

Table 1.2: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources Inside and Outside

the Forest Reserve

Contained Metal
CuEq Cu Mo
Location Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
Inside Forest
159 0.43 0.33 0.031 1.52 1.16 107.8
Outside Forest
477 0.46 0.33 0.038 4.78 3.44 402.7
Total 636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo%×3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

Table 1.3 shows the estimate of mineral resources separated above and below the
interpreted surface representing the base of visible oxidation.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 1.3: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources by Oxide Type

Contained Metal
CuEq Cu Mo
Location Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
Oxide and
139 0.41 0.32 0.026 1.25 0.99 78.3
Sulphide 497 0.46 0.33 0.040 5.06 3.61 432.7
Total 636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo%×3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

Other than the location of the Forest Reserve and the portion of the resource that is partially
oxidized, there are no other known factors related to environmental, permitting, legal, title,
taxation, socio-economic, marketing, or political issues which could materially affect the
mineral resource.

Based on the evaluation of the data available from the Mocoa property, the authors of this
technical report have drawn the following conclusions:

 At the execution date of this Technical Report, Libero Copper holds a 100%
interest in the Mocoa property (subject to a total 3% NSR royalty).

 The Mocoa deposit forms a relatively continuous zone of copper and

molybdenum mineralization over an area measuring approximately 1.2 km east-
west by 1.4 km north-south and extending to depths of more than 1 km below

 The Mocoa copper-molybdenum mineralization remains open to the north, west

and east.

 Drilling to date has outlined an Inferred resource (at a 0.25% CuEq cut-off) of
636 Mtonnes at 0.33% Cu and 0.036% Mo which contains 4.60 billion pounds of
copper and 510.5 million pounds of molybdenum.

 Preliminary metallurgical work indicates that the copper-molybdenum

mineralization can be recovered using conventional methods.

 Challenges facing continued exploration and evaluation of the Mocoa deposit

include its remote location, lack of road infrastructure, steep topography and high
annual rainfall.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Further work is warranted to assess the size and grade of the Mocoa copper-molybdenum
deposit. Specific recommendations are separated into two phases. The proposed work in
Phase 2 is conditional on the successful completion of the Phase 1 program.

Phase 1:

 Conduct an additional soil and rock chip sampling survey to assess untested
exploration targets. The estimated budget is US$75,000.

Phase 2:

 Conduct a 2,000 metre drill program to test additional surface anomalies. The
estimated budget is US$500,000.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Information and Statements

Information and statements contained in this technical report that are not historical facts are
“forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of
Canadian securities legislation and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “forward-looking statements”) that involve risks and
uncertainties. Examples of forward-looking statements in this technical report include
information and statements with respect to: Libero’s plans and expectations for the Mocoa
Project, estimates of mineral resources, plans to continue the exploration drill program, and
possible related discoveries or extensions of new mineralization or increases or upgrades
to reported mineral resources estimates; the metallurgical testing program in connection
with the Mocoa Project and plans to conduct further comprehensive engineering, and
metallurgical studies; and budgets for recommended work programs.

In certain cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as
"plans", "budget", "estimates", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or
state that certain actions, events or results "may", "would", or "occur". These forward-
looking statements are based, in part, on assumptions and factors that may change, thus
causing actual results or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied
by the forward-looking statements. Such factors and assumptions include, but are not
limited to, assumptions concerning copper, base metal and precious metal prices; cut-off
grades; accuracy of mineral resource estimates and resource modeling; reliability of
sampling and assay data; representativeness of mineralization; accuracy of metallurgical
testwork and timely receipt of regulatory approvals.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Libero Copper
to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed
or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, among
others, risks inherent in mineral resource estimation, fluctuation in the price of copper, base
and precious metals; expropriation risks; currency fluctuations; requirements for additional

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

capital; government regulation of mining operations; environmental, safety and regulatory

risks; unanticipated reclamation expenses; title disputes or claims; limitations on insurance
coverage; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; failure of plant,
equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes and other
risks of the mining industry; competition inherent in the mining exploration industry; delays
in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration,
development or construction activities, as well as those factors discussed in the sections
entitled “Risks and Uncertainties” in Libero’s MD&A in its annual report. Although Libero
Copper and the authors of this technical report have attempted to identify important factors
that could affect Libero Copper and may cause actual actions, events or results to differ,
perhaps materially, from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other
factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.

There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as

actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such
statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
statements. The forward-looking statements in this technical report are based on beliefs,
expectations and opinions as of the effective date of this Technical Report
(October 6, 2016). Libero Copper and the authors of this technical report do not undertake
any obligation to update any forward-looking information and statements included herein,
except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

In September 2016, Libero Copper Corporation (Libero Copper) commissioned Michel
Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM, to provide an updated review of exploration completed on
the Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, and Robert Sim, P.Geo., of SIM Geological, and
Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, of BDRC, to provide a mineral resource estimate for the Mocoa
deposit. Brepsant, Sim, and Davis are all independent “qualified persons” (QPs), within the
meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-
101). They are responsible for the preparation of this technical report on the Mocoa Project
(the Technical Report) which has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and Form

This technical report was initially prepared in October 2016 based on the expected
acquisition of the Mocoa Property by Libero Copper. The transaction did not occur in 2016
and the technical report was never filed. There has been no additional work of any kind
completed on the Mocoa Property since the initial preparation of this report and, as a result,
it remains current with an effective date of October 6, 2016.

Michel Rowland Brepsant visited the site from October 4 to 5, 2016. He inspected drill core
from numerous holes in Medellín from October 7 to 8, 2016.

The QPs are responsible for the information provided in the following sections within this
Technical Report:

 Michel Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM, is responsible for the information provided

in Sections 1–10, 13, 20, 23, 24, 27 and portions of Sections 25 and 26.

 Robert Sim, P.Geo., is responsible for the information provided in Section 14 and
portions of Sections 1, 25 and 26.

 Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, is responsible for the information provided in Sections 11

and 12 and portions of Sections 1, 14, 25 and 26.

In preparing this Technical Report, the authors relied on geological reports, maps and
miscellaneous technical papers listed in Section 27 (References) of this Technical Report.
This report is based on information known to the QPs as of October 6, 2016. There has
been no additional work completed on the property since this date.

All measurement units used in this report are metric, and currency is expressed in US
dollars unless stated otherwise. The currency used in Colombia is the Colombian peso. The
exchange rate in October 2016 was approximately US$1 = 2,936 pesos.

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Technical Report

2.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms used throughout this report are shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Abbreviations and Acronyms

above mean sea level amsl

atomic-absorption spectrophotometry AAS
AngloGold Ashanti Limited AGA
Antofagasta Minerals S.A. Antofagasta
B2Gold Corp. B2Gold
Bondar-Clegg & Company Ltd. Bondar-Clegg
copper Cu
digital elevation model DEM
Empresa Colombiana de Minas ECOMINAS
Environmental Impact Assessment EIA
Global Positioning System GPS
gram g
hectare ha
ICP Emission Spectrometry ICP-ES
ICP Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS
Inductively Coupled Plasma ICP
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico–Mineras of Colombia INGEOMINAS
International Standards Organization ISO
Laboratory Information Management System LIMS
Libero Copper Corporation Libero Copper
Management Discussion and Analysis MD&A
molybdenum Mo
National Instrument 43-101 NI 43-101
net smelter return NSR
lead Pb
portable document format PDF
quality assurance/quality control QA/QC
minimum effective daily Colombian legal salary SMDLV
United Nations UN
zinc Zn

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Technical Report


This Technical Report was prepared by Michel Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM, Robert Sim,
P.Geo., and Bruce Davis, FAusIMM. They are qualified persons for the purposes of
NI 43-101 and fulfill the requirements of an “independent qualified person”. The information,
conclusions, and recommendations contained herein are based on:

 The qualified person’s field observations.

 Data, reports and other information supplied by Libero Copper and other third

For the purpose of this report, the authors have relied on the ownership data (mineral,
surface and access rights) and information provided by Libero Copper, and they believe
that such data and information are essentially complete and correct to the best of their
knowledge, and that no information has been intentionally withheld that would affect the
conclusions made herein. The authors have not researched the property title or mineral
rights for the Mocoa Project and express no legal opinion as to the ownership status of the

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Technical Report


4.1 Location
The Mocoa property is located in southwestern Colombia, 465 km southwest of Bogota and
10 km north of the town of Mocoa (Figure 4-1). The centre of the property is at latitude
1°14'30"N, longitude 76°40'00"W. UTM coordinates are 137,500N, 314,000E (geographic
projection: WGS84, Zone 18N).

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Figure 4-1: Location Map

Mocoa Project

Source: B2Gold, 2011.

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Technical Report

4.2 Land Tenure

The Mocoa property comprises six concession contracts totaling 11,391.09 ha (Table 4.1,
Figure 4-2). AGA retains a 1% net smelter return (NSR) royalty on these concessions but
holds no back-in rights. Concession JAP-16181 is not yet registered, and AGA cannot
transfer it to Mocoa Ventures until the title is registered. Libero Copper acquired a 100%
interest in the Mocoa Project from B2Gold Corp. (B2Gold) by acquiring all of the shares of
Mocoa Ventures Ltd. (Mocoa Ventures). Mocoa Ventures is a wholly owned subsidiary of
B2Gold, which holds the Mocoa Project. The purchase price for the Project consisted of
10,400,000 shares of Libero Copper and a retained 2% net smelter return royalty. There
are no further obligations that must be met to retain the property. The company has no
surface rights in the area. There are no other impediments that may affect the ability to
perform work on the property.

All mineral claim payments have been made, and the claims are in good standing. There
are no other encumbrances that could affect access and title, other than those mentioned in
the preceeding paragraph. There are no significant risks affecting the normal course of
business and exploration efforts at the project.

Table 4.1: Mining Concessions

Mocoa Property

Concession Area Date Granted Expiry Date Registered

Number (ha) (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) Owner
Mocoa Ventures
FJT 131 1,998.09 5/24/2007 5/23/2037
Mocoa Ventures
FJT 132 1,998.09 6/22/2007 6/21/2037
Mocoa Ventures
FJT 141 1,908.69 12/18/2006 12/17/2036
Mocoa Ventures
FJT 142 1,925.78 6/21/2007 6/20/2037
Mocoa Ventures
JAP-16141 1,919.69 1/25/2008 1/24/2038
JAP-16181 1,640.75 not yet registered n/a Ashanti
Colombia S.A.
Total 11,391.09

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Figure 4-2: Claim Map

Mocoa Property

Source: B2Gold (2011).

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Technical Report

4.3 Environmental Regulations and Permitting

Mining and exploration activities in Colombia are governed by the revised 2001 Mining
Code (Código de Minas) (Law 685/01) of August 2001. Concession contracts under the
Mining Code are granted for 30 years, including a three-year period for exploration from the
moment the concession contract is registered before the National Mining Registry, which
can be extended for four additional two-year periods for a total term of 11 years, followed by
a three-year construction and assembly period, which can be extended for one year. The
remaining portion of the term is allocated to the exploitation phase. All extension periods
have been approved at the Mocoa Project.

The concession contracts are subject to annual surface fees. For the five concession
contracts that are registered, the annual fee is equivalent to a minimum effective daily
Colombian legal salary (SMDLV) per hectare per year, which, currently, is approximately
US$9.00 per hectare per year. The annual surface fee will be calculated differently as it will
be registered under a different law (Law 1753 of 2015). Therefore, (i) for years 1 to 5, the
annual fee will be equivalent to 0.75 SMDLV per hectare per year, (ii) for years 5 to 8, the
annual fees will be increased to 1.25 SMDLV per hectare per year, and (iii) for years 8 and
onwards, the annual fees will be 2.00 SMDLV per hectare per year. For the six concession
contracts covering the Mocoa deposit, current annual fees amount to approximately
US$90,000. Once in production, state royalties on copper and molybdenum are 5% of the
metal value at the plant site (as per Article 16 of Law 141 in 1994) which are independent of
national, departmental and municipal taxes.

Under the Mining Code, liability insurance is required to cover any environmental or mining
accidents (mining-environmental policy). This insurance is issued by local companies on an
annual basis and cover up to 5% of the estimated annual exploration investments as
reported to the Colombian mining authorities. No production has occurred at the Mocoa
property, and the authors are not aware of any known environmental liabilities that could
affect the Mocoa property.

The Mining Code specifies that environmental impact assessment (EIA) study permits are
not required during prospecting and exploration but permits and/or environmental
authorizations are required for the use of natural resources (e.g., water concessions, water
discharge permits, forestry permits) during exploration.

At the effective date of this Technical Report (October 6, 2016), water permits were
obtained and were in effect during the 2008 and 2012 B2Gold drill programs. New permits
and authorizations will need to be obtained for the next drilling campaign.

EIA studies are required once a mine plan is submitted.

By Executive decision 224 of 1984, the “Cuenca Alta del Rio Mocoa” Protective Forest
Reserve was created. This Protective Forest Reserve currently overlaps with a portion of
the mining titles (FJT-141 and FJT-131) that comprise the Project. It covers an area of

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Technical Report

30,917.22 ha (Figure 4-3) and is located in the western sector of the Mocoa property, west
of the Mocoa deposit and Chapulina Creek, encompassing the upper catchment basin of
the Mocoa River.

The Inga de Condagua Indigenous Reservation (Resguardo Indigena Inga de Condagua)

was created in 1993 and its area was extended in 2006. Currently, part of this extension is
located within the area of titles FJT-131 and FJT-132 (Figure 4-3).

As indicated in the 2008 Technical Report, most of the drill collars are on a north-south
ridge that, as far as Libero Copper is aware, is located on government land property. These
collars are east of the Protective Forest Reserve. (Figure 4-3).

Figure 4-3: Forest Reserves and Indigenous Reservations

Mocoa Project

Source: B2Gold (2016).

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Technical Report

At the effective date of this Technical Report (October 6, 2016), water permits were
obtained and were in effect during the 2008 and 2012 B2Gold drill programs. New permits
and authorizations will be required for the next drilling campaign.

Baseline environmental studies and community discussions will commence before the next
drill program. There are no known environmental liabilities.

There are no know other significant factors and risks that may affect title, access, or the
ability to perform work on the project.

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Technical Report


5.1 Accessibility
The Mocoa Project is located 10 km north of the town of Mocoa, an agricultural centre that
is the provincial capital of the Department of Putumayo, Colombia. The town can be
reached by mostly paved roads from the towns of Villagarzón (30 km), Pasto (150 km) and
Puerto Asís (95 km); all are served by regularly scheduled commercial flights from Bogota.
Puerto Asís is connected by navigable rivers to the Atlantic Ocean.

The Mocoa Project site is accessible by 6 km of dirt road between the town of Mocoa and
the Montclar Bridge which crosses the Mocoa River. A 4 km footpath and mule trail wind up
the ridge line to the project area. The project is also accessible by helicopter.

5.2 Climate
The Mocoa Project is situated near the eastern edge of the Andean Cordillera and forms
part of the headwaters of the Amazon basin. The climate is tropical with annual
temperatures varying from 9°C to 29°C. The average annual rainfall for the town of Mocoa
is approximately 4,650 mm with the rainy season lasting from April to July. Due to the
higher elevation of the project, the actual average temperatures and levels of precipitation
may vary.

5.3 Local Resources and Infrastructure

The closest population centre to the project area is the town of Mocoa (population
approximately 36,000). It is the regional cattle and agricultural centre and the seat of the
government for the Department of Putumayo.

CorpoAmazonia, the regional environmental corporation, has offices in Mocoa. It grants

most of the environmental permits required to conduct exploration activities in Colombia.
The town of Mocoa offers accommodations and some of the basic supplies for exploration
and mining, including a potential workforce for less specialized positions.

Mocoa is connected to the national power grid. The ocean port best suited to ship supplies
and concentrate is Buenaventura on the Pacific Ocean, approximately 650 km north-
northwest of the project area by road (Figure 4-1). Water for the project could be supplied
from the nearby Mocoa River (UN-INGEOMINAS, 1984).

5.4 Physiography
The Mocoa property is situated in steep terrain with elevations that range from 1,100 masl
to 1,850 masl. The surface projection of the Mocoa deposit occurs along a linear north-
south-trending ridge, which rises about 300 m above canyons on both sides. Slope angles

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Technical Report

on the ridges are steep and range from 30° to 50°. The Mocoa Project area is primarily
covered by low, dense rain forest. At lower elevations, the land has been cleared for
agricultural use.

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Technical Report

Previous exploration, prior ownership, and changes in ownership at the Mocoa Project are
summarized in Table 6.1 and discussed in greater detail in Sillitoe et al. (1984) and von
Guttenberg (2008).

Results of the drill programs are provided in Section 10 (Drilling) of this Technical Report.
No production has occurred at the Mocoa Project.

Table 6.1: Exploration History

Mocoa Project

Year Company Description

Regional stream sediment survey located a Cu-Mo-
1973–1976 UN-INGEOMINAS Zn-Pb stream anomaly over an 8 km2 area. Soil and
rock chip sampling defined 2 Cu-Mo-Zn anomalies.
A drill hole discovered 175 m of high-grade Cu-Mo
1978 UN-INGEOMINAS mineralization, including 1.54% Cu, 0.23% Mo over
90 m.
31 drill holes, 18,321 m and IP/magnetic surveys
outlined the mineralized zone.
Preliminary Feasibility Study – historical mineral
resource estimate of 306 Mtonnes @ 0.37% Cu,
0.061% Mo. Note: this is a historic estimate that
does not meet the requirements of NI 43-101. There
1984 UN-INGEOMINAS is no information regarding assumptions,
parameters, methods or classification and the
estimate has not been verified by the author and, as
a result, it is not being treated as a current estimate
of mineral resources.
Project eventually abandoned due to economic and
political reasons.
Acquired a 4,800-ha exploration license over the
Mocoa deposit but did little work and terminated
1990–2000 Minera Andes Inc.
the license in 2000 due to adverse conditions in
2004 AngloGold Ashanti Acquired concessions over the Mocoa deposit.
2005–2006 AngloGold Ashanti / Antofagasta Reconnaissance exploration in the Mocoa area.
Joint Venture terminated, but AGA retained the
2007 AngloGold Ashanti / Antofagasta
B2Gold acquired a 100% interest in the property
2008 AngloGold Ashanti / B2Gold subject to a 1% NSR royalty retained by AngloGold
Ashanti. Drilled 9 holes, 5,122.9 m.
2012 B2Gold Drilled another 3 holes, 1,768.2 m.

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Aside from the initial UN-INGEOMINAS regional program all work has been conducted within
the current mineral property boundaries.

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Technical Report

7.1 Regional Geology
The Mocoa deposit is located in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, a 30 km wide tectonic
belt underlain by volcano-sedimentary, sedimentary and intrusive rocks that range in age
from Triassic-Jurassic to Quaternary, and by remnants of Paleozoic metasediments and
metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age. This belt hosts several other porphyry-copper
deposits, such as Mirador, San Carlos, and Panantza, located in southeastern Ecuador
(von Guttenberg, 2008).

Northeast-southwest-trending regional fault zones control the exposure of Paleozoic to

Tertiary age volcanic-sedimentary sequences (Figure 7-1). The northern part of the Mocoa
property is underlain by the northeasterly trending Saldana Formation which is composed of
subaerial volcanics and volcaniclastics. This unit and adjacent older sediments are intruded
by the late Triassic (198 to 210 Ma [Sillitoe et al., 1984]) Mocoa batholith. The batholith is a
composite body with distinct granodioritic and adamellitic facies and has a contact
metamorphic aureole of marbles, skarns and hornfelsed siltstones. Both the batholith and
Saldana Formation are in fault contact to the south and southeast with Tertiary-age
continental red beds.

The Saldana Formation hosts the Mocoa copper-molybdenum deposit, which is associated
with dacite porphyry stocks and dikes of Early to Middle Jurassic age (166 to 183 Ma;
Sillitoe et al., 1984)

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Figure 7-1: Regional Geology

Mocoa Project

Source: B2Gold, 2011; INGEOMINAS, 2003.

7.2 Local Geology

7.2.1 Lithology
A more detailed picture of the geology in the vicinity of the Mocoa deposit is shown in
Figure 7-2 (Sillitoe et al., 1984). Early Triassic marine sediments (shown in light blue) are
overlain by andesites and dacites of the Saldana Formation. These are intruded by the
composite Mocoa batholith which is exposed in the southwest part of the map area.

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Several small intrusive bodies are associated with the Mocoa mineralization:

 Pre-mineral porphyritic andesitic, latitic and dacitic irregularly shaped stocks and
dikes occur southwest and south of the main deposit area.

 A syn-mineral, partly unroofed dacite porphyry stock hosts the mineralization.

The mineralized dacite porphyry is hosted by shallow-dipping and completely
bleached volcanic rocks of the Saldana Formation.

 Post-mineral dacite porphyry stocks occur within and peripheral to the

mineralized zone.

Hydrothermal breccias form a north-northwest-trending series of pipes that are 75 m to

250 m in diameter. The pipes occur in the roof zone and along the western edge of the
mineralized dacite porphyry. Some of the hydrothermal breccias host high-grade copper-
molybdenum mineralization.

7.2.2 Structure
A complex fault zone is located between the Mocoa deposit and the Mocoa River. This
structural corridor trends east-northeast. The northern structure appears to dip to the south
at 40° to 70° south and is interpreted to be a normal fault. The southern structure is inferred
to dip steeply northward and is a reverse fault. This major fault zone is correlated with other
major high-angle reverse faults of late Cenozoic age, which bound the Eastern Cordillera. It
is a relatively recent, and possibly continuing, fault displacement which has given rise to the
rapid drainage incision and consequent steep relief in the Mocoa Project area and the
apparent tilting of the volcanic stratigraphy.

Within the alteration zone, a northwest-striking fault zone has been observed at surface and
in drill core. This structure is roughly coincident with the hydrothermal breccia pipes.

7.2.3 Alteration
A circular halo of pyritic mineralization (>5% pyrite) with a diameter of 2 km is associated
with the Mocoa mineralization (Figure 7-2). A zone of pervasive sericite and three smaller
zones of potassic alteration occur within this pyrite zone.

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Figure 7-2: Local Geology

Mocoa Project

Source: B2Gold, 2011.

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Technical Report

7.3 Geology of the Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Deposit

The geology of the Mocoa deposit is based largely on the interpretation of drill hole lithology
logs. A plan map of the deposit is shown in Figure 7-3, and vertical cross sections are
shown in Figures 7-4, 7-5 and 7-6. Detailed descriptions of the lithology, alteration and
mineralization are found in reports by Sillitoe et al. (1984) and von Guttenberg (2008) and
are summarized here.

The Mocoa copper-molybdenum porphyry system is associated with a partially unroofed

stock of dacite porphyry. The northern part is an oval-shaped stock with dimensions of
1,200 m by 400 m and the southern part is dike-like (600 m by 200 m). Many smaller dacite
porphyry dikes, which have been seen on the surface and in drill holes, are apophyses of
the main intrusion. Mineralization occurs within the dacite porphyry and adjacent volcanic
rocks. The Mocoa porphyry system, including its host stock, appears to have been tilted to
the northeast, resulting in its elongation in that direction and a 65° southwest dip of the K-
silicate-sericite alteration boundary.

7.3.1 Hypogene Alteration and Mineralization

The hydrothermal alteration and mineralization pattern conforms to the classical zonal
pattern expected in the upper parts of a porphyry system: sericitization surrounded by
propylitization and underlain in its deeper parts by K-silicate alteration. The widespread
overprinting of alteration-mineralization types, and the multiplicity of veinlet generations
within each of the alteration-mineralization zones have contributed to both the high grade
and the geological complexity of the Mocoa porphyry system. The large number of
mineralization stages is emphasized by the high density of stockwork fracturing, which
locally exceeds 400 fractures per linear metre in andesitic wall rocks immediately adjoining
the stock.

A zone of pervasive sericite-pyrite alteration forms a barren lithocap to the Mocoa porphyry
system. This zone is up to 150 m thick and is underlain by a steep-sided cylindrical body of
K-silicate alteration.

Late-stage sericitization of variable intensity persists as patches to the deepest levels drilled
(1,000 m below surface). Pervasive sericitic overprinting locally resulted in at least partial
removal of chalcopyrite and molybdenite, and the addition of 4% to 6% pyrite. In the
northern part of the deposit, it is estimated that 80% of the mineralization is associated with
sericitic alteration within the dacite porphyry stock.

K-silicate alteration is characterized by pink K-feldspar (mainly orthoclase), pale green

chlorite, lavender-coloured anhydrite, transparent to milky quartz, locally abundant white
calcite and traces of epidote. The K-silicate zone includes a well-mineralized, K-feldspar-
chlorite facies and a deep, centrally located K-feldspar-phlogopite-actinolite-magnetite
facies, which coincides with low-grade copper and molybdenum values. Remnants of an
early facies of K-silicate alteration were recognized at depths greater than 400 m in the
central parts of the deposit.

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The propylitic halo is characterized by chlorite, epidote, calcite, prehnite, and pyrite,
occurring as patches, veinlets, and disseminations. The main inner part of the halo carries
at least 1% pyrite, but minimal copper or molybdenum. The outer limit of the propylitic halo
is difficult to determine given the limited exposure but appears to contain enhanced zinc
and lead values.

Chalcopyrite, molybdenite, pyrite and minor bornite occur as disseminations and in quartz
vein stockworks. Total sulphide content is usually less than 3%. Higher grade copper-
molybdenum mineralization is hosted by several hydrothermal breccias, which are
concentrated in both K-silicate and sericitic alteration along the concealed southern roof
and southwestern flank of the stock.

7.3.2 Supergene Alteration and Mineralization

A thick zone of partial leaching is present along the ridge in the central part of the deposit,
but it is absent beneath the canyon floors. The leach cap ranges from 200 m to 260 m thick
in the northern part of the deposit to about 130 m in the southern, eastern and western
parts of the deposit. It is characterized by the development of jarosite and minor hematite
after sulphides (primarily pyrite). Isolated zones within the leach cap are unoxidized and
contain fresh pyrite.

An irregular zone of incipient supergene copper enrichment is most common in a 10 m to

100 m thick zone within and/or immediately beneath the lowermost part of the leach cap. It
consists of surficial replacement of pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite by sooty chalcocite and, at
greater depths, by films of covellite. Rapid erosion during the late Cenozoic precluded
generation of a significant zone of supergene chalcocite enrichment. The high precipitation
caused nearly complete removal of abundant hypogene anhydrite and supergene gypsum
to depths of at least 900 m.

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Figure 7-3: Geological and Drill Hole Plan

Mocoa Deposit

Source: B2Gold, 2011.

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Technical Report

Figure 7-4: East-West Cross Section 10

Mocoa Deposit

Note: Assays are over core lengths and may not represent the true thicknesses. Additional infill drilling will be required to
confirm the orientation of the mineralized zones.

Source: B2Gold 2011.

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Technical Report

Figure 7-5: East-West Cross Section 6

Mocoa Deposit

Note: Assays are over core lengths and may not represent the true thicknesses. Additional infill drilling will be required to
confirm the orientation of the mineralized zones.

Source: B2Gold, 2011.

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Technical Report

Figure 7-6: North-South Cross Section

Mocoa Deposit

Note: Assays are over core lengths and may not represent the true thicknesses. Additional infill drilling will be required to
confirm the orientation of the mineralized zones.

Source: B2Gold, 2011.

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Technical Report

Mineralization at Mocoa is similar to a typical Andean porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit
(Lowell and Guilbert, 1970; Panteleyev, 1995). Common features of a porphyry deposit
include the following:

 Large zones (>10 km2) of hydrothermally altered rocks that commonly grade from
a central potassic core to peripheral phyllic-, argillic-, and propylitic-altered zones.

 Generally low-grade mineralization consisting of disseminated, fracture, veinlet,

and quartz stockwork-controlled sulphide mineralization. Deposit boundaries are
determined by economic factors that outline the mineralized zones.

 Mineralization commonly zoned with a chalcopyrite-bornite-molybdenite core and

peripheral chalcopyrite-pyrite and pyrite. Enrichment of primary copper
mineralization by late-stage hypogene, high-sulphidation events can sometimes

 Important geological controls on porphyry mineralization that include igneous

contacts, cupolas, and the uppermost, bifurcating parts of stocks and dike
swarms. Intrusive and hydrothermal breccias and zones of intensely developed
fracturing, due to coincident or intersecting multiple mineralized fracture sets that
commonly coincide with the highest metal concentrations.

 Modification by surface oxidation in weathered environments (e.g., Escondida).

Low-pH meteoric waters generated by the oxidation of iron sulphides leach
copper from hypogene copper sulphides, and oxidized copper minerals, such as
malachite, chrysocolla, and brochantite and re-deposit copper as secondary
chalcocite and covellite immediately below the water table in flat tabular zones of
supergene enrichment. The process results in a copper-poor leach cap lying
above a relatively thin but high-grade zone of supergene enrichment that caps a
thicker zone of moderate-grade, primary hypogene mineralization.

Exploration work is planned that is consistent with this deposit type.

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Technical Report

The UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture carried out stream, soil and rock geochemical
surveys. IP and magnetic surveys were also completed over the Mocoa deposit. This work
is described in greater detail in von Guttenberg (2008). A copper-molybdenum-zinc soil and
rock chip anomaly is associated with the surface expression of the Mocoa deposit. An IP
chargeability high and a magnetic low correlate with the zone of sericite-pyrite alteration.
The Joint Venture carried out a 31-hole drill program (18,321 m) which is described in
Section 10 (Drilling).

The issuer has not conducted any fieldwork on this property, aside from the field visit by the

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Technical Report

Two groups have drilled the Mocoa porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit: the UN-
INGEOMINAS Joint Venture between 1978 and 1983, and B2Gold in 2008 and 2012.
Drilling results from both operators has been used in the estimate of mineral resources
contained in this report. Drill hole locations are plotted in Figure 7-3 and collar locations,
azimuths, dips and hole depths are shown in Table 10.1. The two programs are described
in section 10.1 and 10.2.

The deposit is overlain by steep topography in many areas and access for drilling is
somewhat limited. The majority of drilling to date has been conducted from the top of a
ridge that runs in a north-south direction over the centre of the deposit. A series of drill
stations have been established along the ridge at roughly 100m intervals and drill holes are
oriented vertically or steeply “fanned-out” in west and east directions. An example of drilling
through the centre of the deposit is shown in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1: Vertical Cross Section Showing Drilling in Centre of Mocoa Deposit

Source: SIM Geological, 2016.

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Technical Report

Table 10.1: Drill Collar Locations

Mocoa Project (1978–2012)

Hole E_WGS84 N_WGS84 Elevation Azimuth Dip Year Company
M01 313646 137557 1737 0 -90 555.3 1978 UN-INGEOMINAS
M02 313649 137470 1703 0 -90 325.7 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M03 313634 137884 1842 0 -90 794.5 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M04 313656 137364 1645 0 -90 306.2 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M05 313648 137767 1790 0 -90 751.3 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M06 313656 137364 1645 80 -70 366.3 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M07 313632 137654 1753 0 -90 396.3 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M08 313656 137364 1645 260 -70 339.5 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M09 313714 137674 1757 0 -90 888.5 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M10 313666 137263 1596 0 -90 396.6 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M11 313644 137557 1737 260 -70 606.2 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M12 313648 137165 1550 0 -90 281.7 1979 UN-INGEOMINAS
M13 313714 137674 1757 80 -70 285.22 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M14 313149 137566 1535 0 -90 396.7 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M15 313634 137884 1842 260 -60 831.9 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M16 313917 137598 1624 0 -90 396.2 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M17 313634 137884 1842 80 -70 853.5 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M18 313922 137596 1620 260 -70 394.1 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M19 313701 138064 1882 0 -90 914.4 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M20 313922 137596 1620 80 -70 330.5 1980 UN-INGEOMINAS
M21 313701 138064 1882 80 -70 706.8 1981 UN-INGEOMINAS
M22 313976 137478 1591 260 -60 366.1 1981 UN-INGEOMINAS
M23 313663 137735 1775 80 -70 855.4 1981 UN-INGEOMINAS
M24 313979 137478 1588 0 -90 243.48 1981 UN-INGEOMINAS
M25 313663 137735 1775 260 -70 914.9 1981 UN-INGEOMINAS
M26 313656 137364 1645 0 -90 784.63 1982 UN-INGEOMINAS
M27 313714 137674 1757 260 -70 875.3 1982 UN-INGEOMINAS
M28 313714 137674 1757 80 -75 794.92 1982 UN-INGEOMINAS
M29 313671 137974 1858 0 -90 926.41 1982 UN-INGEOMINAS
M30 313651 137164 1549 350 -80 609.32 1983 UN-INGEOMINAS
M31 313671 137974 1858 80 -70 819.94 1983 UN-INGEOMINAS
H32 313653 137365 1646 0 -90 505.96 2008 B2Gold
H33 314017 137981 1724 35 -60 549.24 2008 B2Gold
H34 313630 137654 1754 0 -90 600 2008 B2Gold
H35 314015 137979 1723 260 -70 699.13 2008 B2Gold
H36 313642 137558 1737 80 -65 611.73 2008 B2Gold

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Technical Report

Hole E_WGS84 N_WGS84 Elevation Azimuth Dip Year Company
H37 314015 137979 1723 0 -90 757.42 2008 B2Gold
H39 313768 138123 1906 0 -90 805.89 2008 B2Gold
H39 313768 138123 1906 70 -70 106.67 2008 B2Gold
H40 313768 138124 1906 30 -70 486.65 2008 B2Gold
H41 313852 138238 1923 80 -70 416.9 2012 B2Gold
H41A 313852 138236 1923 80 -70 1003.5 2012 B2Gold
H42 314793 137193 1555 360 -65 347.8 2012 B2Gold

10.1 UN-INGEOMINAS (1978–1983)

The UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture drilled 31 holes (18,321 m) on the Mocoa Project
between November 1978 and August 1983 using Boyles BBS-15, BBS-37 and Longyear
LY-38 drills. Bell 204 and 205 helicopters were used for drill support and moves. Core sizes
ranged from NQ at the start of the holes to BQ and AQ at depth (von Guttenberg, 2008).

A Tropari was used to provide down-hole deviation data for the last seven holes, but there
are no records for down-hole deviations for the other holes.

Drill core from this program is stored at the national core storage facility in Bucaramanga. It
is contained in wooden boxes that exhibit various degrees of deterioration. Crusher reject
samples from the drill core sampling program are stored at the INGEOMINAS warehouse in

Selected intersections from the UN-INGEOMINAS drilling are shown in Table 10.2.

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Technical Report

Table 10.2: Selective Intersections

UN-INGEOMINAS (1978–1983)

From To Interval Cu Mo
(m) (m) (m) (%) (%)
M1 105.70 555.20 449.50 0.41 0.06
including 141.10 411.40 270.30 0.62 0.09
including 214.50 309.30 94.80 1.23 0.22
M3 318.50 794.50 476.00 0.16 0.07
M5 149.30 751.24 601.94 0.29 0.04
M7 89.90 396.30 306.40 0.51 0.04
including 291.00 396.30 105.30 0.87 0.07
M9 144.70 888.40 743.70 0.39 0.05
including 144.70 621.80 477.10 0.56 0.06
including 144.70 362.70 218.00 0.95 0.11
M11 160.00 606.21 446.21 0.34 0.04
including 445.00 472.40 27.40 1.38 0.14
M17 219.40 853.50 634.10 0.49 0.06
M23 140.20 855.40 715.20 0.34 0.05
including 384.00 544.00 160.00 0.53 0.10
M25 135.60 914.90 779.30 0.44 0.05
including 330.70 460.20 129.50 0.56 0.056
M26 73.10 784.60 711.50 0.12 0.015
including 96.00 402.30 306.30 0.22 0.029
M31 150.80 819.90 669.10 0.37 0.06
including 493.70 774.20 280.50 0.49 0.085
Note: Assays are over core lengths and may not represent the true thicknesses. Additional infill drilling will be required to
confirm the orientation of the mineralized zones.

10.2 B2Gold (2008, 2012)

In 2008, B2Gold’s drill program was conducted by Kluane Colombia; it used KD600 and
KD1000 man-portable drill rigs. In 2012, B2Gold used AK Drilling; it used a Hydracore 4000
man-portable drill rig. Pack animals were used to service and move the drill for both
B2Gold’s drill programs. The drill core was transported down the hill by mule and then
trucked to B2Gold’s office in Mocoa where it was logged and sampled. Down-hole surveys
were conducted at 50 m intervals using a REFLEX MAXIBOR II instrument.

Core from the 2008 and 2012 drill programs is stored at a facility in Medellín.

Two of the 2008 drill holes, H32 and H34, twinned existing holes, M26 and M7,
respectively. Holes H39 and H41 were lost, and hole H40 did not reach the target depth.
Hole H42 was drilled 800 m east of the Mocoa deposit.

Significant intersections from the B2Gold drilling are shown in Table 10.3.

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Technical Report

Table 10.3: Drill Results

B2Gold (2008, 2012)

From To Interval Cu Mo
(m) (m) (m) (%) (%)
H32 66.00 505.96 439.96 0.182 0.029
(Including) 96.00 402.00 306.00 0.229 0.032
H33 366.00 549.24 183.24 0.137 0.006
H34 124.00 600.00 476.00 0.422 0.034
including 124.00 442.00 318.00 0.578 0.047
H35 194.00 699.13 505.13 0.355 0.053
including 414.00 699.13 285.13 0.426 0.072
H36 112.00 611.73 499.73 0.323 0.031
H37 500.00 757.42 257.42 0.349 0.038
H38 694.00 805.89 111.89 0.305 0.022
H39 No significant values; lost hole
H40 No significant values; target depth not reached
H41 No significant values; lost hole
H41A 616.00 1003.50 387.50 0.48 0.015
including 731.00 1003.50 272.50 0.58 0.017
H42 No significant values
Note: Assays are over core lengths and may not represent true thicknesses. Additional infill drilling will be required to confirm
the orientation of the mineralized zones.

In the authors’ opinion, the core handling, logging, sampling and core storage protocols in
place on the Mocoa Project meet or exceed common industry standards, and the authors
are not aware of any drilling, sampling or recovery factors that could materially impact the
accuracy and reliability of the results.

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Technical Report


11.1 UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture (1978–1983)
11.1.1 Core Handling and Storage
The UN-INGEOMINAS procedures for handling drill core during the 1978–1983 Mocoa drill
programs involved detailed logging of the geological and mineralogical characteristics of the
drill core, and the selection of 1.5 m sample intervals. The selected samples were split
longitudinally with a core splitter, and one half of the drill core was sent to the
INGEOMINAS laboratory, which has no relation to the issuer, for chemical analysis. The
remaining half-core was returned to the wooden core boxes and transported to the
INGEOMINAS regional office in Cali. This drill core is now being stored inside the national
core storage facility in Bucaramanga (Litoteca Nacional de Colombia), where the wooden
core boxes exhibit varying degrees of deterioration. Drill core recovered from severely
damaged boxes are stored in plastic bags with identification markings. The crusher reject
samples from Mocoa drill core are stored at the INGEOMINAS laboratory-warehouse facility
in Bogota.

11.1.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures

Between 1978 and 1983, a total of 11,857 drill core samples collected from the Mocoa
Project were prepared and assayed at the INGEOMINAS laboratory in Bogota, Colombia,
which has no relation to the issuer,. The samples were crushed and pulverized to 80 mesh
and dissolved in nitric acid using an aluminum additive to enhance the detection of
molybdenum. Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to assay for copper,
molybdenum, lead, zinc and silver. A small selection of samples was also tested for gold.
Of the elements tested, copper and molybdenum produced the only values of interest.

Duplicates of approximately 23% of the drill core samples were sent to the former Bondar-
Clegg & Company Ltd. (Bondar-Clegg) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, , which has no relation
to the issuer, for check analysis. The preparation and analysis of samples at Bondar-Clegg
were similar to those at the INGEOMINAS laboratory. Samples were crushed and
pulverized to 150 mesh, digestion was by acid decomposition, and assay measurements for
copper and molybdenum were conducted with an AAS.

Assay results from both laboratories are appended to the 1984 INGEOMINAS Preliminary
Feasibility Study (Anexo 2 Analisis Quimicos de Los Nucleos de Perforacion; Anexo 2A
Analisis de Comprobacion). The copper and molybdenum assay results are accompanied
by the drill hole identification, and the assay intervals are expressed in metres. There are
no original assay certificates for the 1978–1983 diamond drilling available for review.

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Technical Report

11.1.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

The nature and extent of the quality assurance and quality control procedures used by UN-
INGEOMINAS for the collection and processing of drill core samples from 1978 through
1983 are not extensively documented. It was reported that check assays were performed
on a selection of samples to ensure accuracy of the chemical determinations, but there was
no reported use of certified standards or blanks. Because the sample collection, preparation
and analysis were conducted internally, it was presumed that the drill core material was
secured by UN-INGEOMINAS personnel throughout the process.

11.2 B2Gold (2008)

11.2.1 Core Handling and Storage
During the 2008 B2Gold drill programs, initial drill core review and logging was performed at
the Mocoa Project site. Subsequently, the drill core was transported from the drill area
down the hill by mule where core was transferred to a truck and transported to the town of
Mocoa about 6 km away. Detailed geological and geotechnical drill core logging, as well as
sampling and cutting, were performed at B2Gold’s Mocoa office, which was a secured
house in the town of Mocoa.

The 2008 Mocoa drill core was systematically sampled every 2 m, or less, when it was
preferable to sample specific intervals (e.g., veins). The sampling information, including the
insertion of standards, blanks and duplicates, was recorded by the B2Gold geologist on

A diamond core saw was used to cut the drill core along its length, and one half of the core
was sampled at the intervals assigned by the geologist. The half-core was selected in an
unbiased manner and collected in bags which were then sealed and shipped by secure
transport directly to the laboratories in Bogota. The remaining half-core was returned to the
core box as a permanent record, and is now being stored, along with the Mocoa coarse
rejects, at a facility in Medellín.

11.2.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures ALS Chemex Preparation Laboratory, Bogota

The ALS Chemex Bogota sample preparation laboratory, where 1,361 Mocoa drill core and
quality control samples were submitted, is a joint venture between AGA and ALS Chemex,
which has no relation to the issuer. At the time of sample preparation in 2008, this
laboratory did not operate the ALS Chemex Laboratory Information Management System
(LIMS), which tracks the progress of samples through the laboratory.

Wet samples were placed on stainless steel pans and dried in an oven with a digitally
controlled, gas-fired burner at 110°C. The drill core samples were crushed with a TM
Terminator and reduced to 1 kg by quartering with a riffle splitter. As per ALS Chemex
protocol, at least 70% of the sample was crushed to -2 mm. In October 2008, during a

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Technical Report

laboratory audit by Smee and Associates Consulting Ltd., it was noted that the pulverizer
was not being used by the laboratory in Bogota, and the 1 kg samples of crushed material
were, instead, being shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in Lima for both pulverization
and analysis. A ring mill was used in the Lima laboratory for those samples requiring
pulverization to reduce the particle size to 75 μm with at least 85% of the pulverized
material passing 200 mesh.

Internal laboratory quality control measures included the insertion of two sandstone
cleaning blanks at the beginning of the work order, one every 30 samples, and one at the
end of the work order. ALS Chemex also used certified standards and pulp duplicates. ALS Chemex Laboratory, Lima

The Mocoa samples prepared at the ALS Chemex laboratory in Bogota were immediately
entered into the ALS LIMS system upon arrival at the laboratory in Lima, Peru. Samples
were analyzed for multi-elements by four-acid digestion and a combination of inductively
coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry and ICP emission spectrometry. Over-limits of
ICP were re-analyzed by AAS.

The ALS Chemex laboratory in Lima, which has no relation to the issuer is certified by the
International Standards Organization (ISO) for quality assurance (ISO 9001) and general
requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025). Acme Analytical Laboratories (AcmeLabs) Preparation Facility, Bogota

In 2008, B2Gold also submitted 1,605 drill core and quality control samples to the
AcmeLabs preparation laboratory in Bogota, which has no relation to the issuer. The
decision to use two separate laboratories was based on timing issues for receiving sample
analyses. The AcmeLabs LIMS system was not in place at the time these samples were
prepared; therefore, all data were captured manually into a digital format.

Samples at the AcmeLabs preparation laboratory were placed on aluminum pans lined with
heavy brown paper then placed on drying trolleys which were inserted into a gas-fired,
heated cabinet to be dried at 60°C. The primary crusher, which reduced the particle size to
5 mm using a TM Terminator crushing system, was followed by a second stage of crushing
by a Boyd crusher that reduced at least 70% of the material to a 2 mm particle size. A 500 g
split was taken from the crushed samples using a stainless-steel riffle splitter, followed by
pulverization with a LM-2 pulverizer. The pulverized material was divided into two fractions:
380 g of fine rejects, and 120 g for analysis in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

At the start of each work order and after every 10 samples, the laboratory cleaned both the
crusher and pulverizer using quartz rock. Preparation duplicates were taken every 30 to 40
samples, and crusher- and pulp-size checks were conducted at the same frequency.
Certified standards, as well as pulp duplicates, were also used to control quality.

June 15, 2018 11-8

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report Acme Analytical Laboratories, Vancouver

The samples prepared at the AcmeLabs laboratory in Bogota were shipped to Vancouver,
British Columbia, which has no relation to the issuer, and analyzed for copper, molybdenum
and multi-elements using AcmeLabs’ analysis code Group 7TX. AcmeLabs analyzed 41
elements using a four-acid digestion and a combination of ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-
MS) and ICP emission spectrometry (ICP-ES). B2Gold also requested the additional
analysis of rhenium, which was performed by aqua regia digestion and ICP-MS.

AcmeLabs in Vancouver, British Columbia is registered with the quality management

system ISO 9001.

11.2.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

B2Gold’s QA/QC protocol consists of two samples of blank material inserted at the
beginning of each batch, a blank and a standard inserted every 25 samples, and both a
field and preparation duplicate taken every 30 to 40 samples. These quality control samples
were selected and inserted in the sample stream as part of the sampling process prior to
submission at the laboratory. At ALS Chemex, 75 of the 84 samples in a batch were
submitted by the client and the remaining samples were internal laboratory quality control
samples. At AcmeLabs, 78 of the 84 samples in a batch were submitted by the client. Standard Reference Material

Two certified standards prepared by CDN Resource Laboratories, which has no relation to
the issuer, were used by B2Gold during the 2008 Mocoa drill program. The certified,
accepted values for these reference materials were 8,530 ppm Cu and 10,130 ppm Cu, and
760 ppm Mo and 290 ppm Mo, respectively. B2Gold selected maximum acceptance limits
of 10% of the recommended values.

B2Gold protocol required one certified standard to be inserted into the sample stream every
25 samples for a total of 118 standards submitted to ALS Chemex and AcmeLabs. B2Gold
tracked the accuracy and precision of each laboratory batch and recorded the laboratory
batch quality control in a “Table of Failures”, which summarized the type of failure, the
reason for failure, the action taken, and the assessment of any re-analysis. An example
control chart showing the analytical results for one certified standard is shown in
Figure 11-1.

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Technical Report

Figure 11-1: Certified Standard CM-1

2008 Tracking Performance – Copper

Source: B2Gold, 2008.

Upon review of the assay results from both laboratories, copper values were determined to
be acceptable for all but one of the batches. Only the first work order sent to AcmeLabs in
Vancouver returned standards that failed the maximum limits for copper, requiring re-
analysis due to errors in instrument calibration.

The standard reference material analyzed at ALS Chemex returned no standard limit
failures for molybdenum; however, two of the work orders submitted to AcmeLabs required
re-analysis. These batch failures were primarily due to a bias at the laboratory, which was
indicated by two or more standards falling outside the ±2 standard deviation limits. Blank Material

Blank material used to monitor contamination and sample mix-ups in the laboratory was
obtained from a sandstone quarry located a few miles north of Bogota. Two blank samples
were inserted into the sample stream at the beginning of each sample batch, as well as one
blank sample every 25 samples. The 138 blank samples submitted to the laboratories were
prepared and analyzed in the same manner as the submitted drill core samples.

Based on a maximum limit of 20 ppm for copper and 10 ppm for molybdenum, which are
approximately five times the normal background values for the blanks, the results indicated
that contamination levels were low. An example is shown in Figure 11-2.

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Technical Report

Figure 11-2: Blank Performance – Copper

2008 B2Gold Drilling

Source: B2Gold, 2008. Duplicate Samples

Field duplicates of one-quarter core were sampled every 40 samples for a total of 65 field
duplicate samples submitted to the laboratories. Preparation duplicates obtained from a
split of the samples after crushing at the laboratories were also taken every 30 to 40
samples for a total of 65 preparation duplicates. ALS Chemex reported results for 34 pulp
duplicates, and AcmeLabs provided results for 43 pulp duplicates.

The field duplicate results obtained for copper were predominantly within ±20% of the field
original sample values, indicating a high degree of reproducibility. The preparation and pulp
duplicate values for copper were predominantly within ±10% and ±5% of the corresponding
sample values, respectively; this indicates that adequate precision levels were attained by
maintaining proper sample handling procedures during the crushing and pulverizing stages
of preparation (Figure 11-3).

The molybdenum duplicate sample results showed greater variation than copper. One
possible explanation for this behaviour is that molybdenum occurs in veinlets associated
with structures, allowing for a greater “nugget” effect. In comparison, copper is generally
disseminated throughout the rock, which results in a more homogeneous distribution of the
sampled mineral.

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Technical Report

Figure 11-3: Preparation Duplicates – Copper

2008 B2Gold Drilling

Source: B2Gold 2008.

11.3 B2Gold (2012)

11.3.1 Core Handling and Storage
The same procedures were used in the 2008 and 2012 B2Gold drill programs.

A diamond core saw was used to cut the drill core along its length, and one half of the core
was sampled at the intervals assigned by the geologist. The selected half-core (unbiased)
was collected in bags which were then sealed and shipped by secure transport directly to
the laboratories in Medellín. The samples were reviewed and inventoried upon arrival at the
lab, and the laboratory reported any discrepancies to B2Gold.The remaining half-core was
returned to the core box as a permanent record and is now being stored at a facility in

Magnetic susceptibility measurements were determined for 549 samples.

11.3.2 Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures Acme Analytical Laboratories Preparation Facility, Medellín

In 2012, B2Gold submitted 624 drill core and quality control samples to the AcmeLabs
preparation laboratory in Medellín.

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Technical Report

AcmeLabs uses a sophisticated LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) to

track the flow of every sample through each stage of sample handling and analysis.

Samples at the AcmeLabs preparation laboratory were placed on aluminum pans lined with
heavy brown paper then placed on drying trolleys which were inserted in a gas-fired heated
cabinet to be dried at 60°C. The crushing, which reduced the particle size to 80% passing
2 mm using a TM Terminator crushing system, was followed by a second stage where a
1,000 g split was taken from the crushed samples using a stainless-steel riffle splitter,
followed by pulverization to 85% passing 75 μm with an LM-2 pulverizer. The pulverized
material was divided into two fractions: 850 g of fine rejects and 150 g for analysis in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

At the start of each work order and after every 10 samples, the laboratory cleaned both the
crusher and pulverizer using quartz rock. Preparation duplicates were taken every 40
samples, and crusher- and pulp-size checks were conducted at the same frequency.
Certified standards, as well as pulp duplicates, were also used to control quality. Acme Analytical Laboratories, Vancouver

The samples prepared at the AcmeLabs laboratory in Medellín were shipped to Vancouver,
and analyzed for copper, molybdenum and multi-elements using AcmeLabs analysis code
Group 7TX. AcmeLabs analyzed 41 elements using a four-acid digestion and a combination
of ICP-MS and ICP-ES.

Oven batch size was 40 samples; 33 were client submitted. AcmeLabs included two
standards, one analytical blank, one pulp duplicate, one reject duplicate and two
preparation blanks for internal quality control.

AcmeLabs in Vancouver is registered with the quality management system ISO 9001.

11.3.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

B2Gold’s QA/QC protocol is designed to suit the specific lab batch size. At AcmeLabs, 33
of the 40 samples in a batch were submitted by the client, and the remaining samples were
internal laboratory quality control samples. B2Gold’s insertions included: one sample of
blank material inserted at the beginning of each batch, a standard inserted every 33
samples, and both a field and a preparation duplicate taken every 35 samples. These
quality control samples were selected and inserted into the sample stream as part of the
sampling process prior to submission at the laboratory. Standard Reference Material

Three certified standards prepared by CDN Resource Laboratories were used by B2Gold
during the 2012 Mocoa drill program. The certified, accepted values for these reference
materials were 8,530 ppm Cu, 10,130 ppm Cu, and 3,160 ppm Cu, and 760 ppm Mo,
290 ppm Mo, and 300 ppm Mo, respectively. B2Gold selected maximum acceptance limits
of ±10% of the recommended values for copper.

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Technical Report

B2Gold protocol required one certified standard to be inserted into the sample stream every
33 samples for a total of 18 standards submitted to AcmeLabs. B2Gold tracked the
accuracy and precision of each laboratory batch and recorded the laboratory batch quality
control in a “Table of Failures”, which summarized the type of failure, the reason for failure,
the action taken, and the assessment of any re-analysis. An example control chart is shown
in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4: Certified Standard CM-1

2012 Tracking Performance – Copper

Mocoa - 2012
Standard CDN-CM-1, Cu Value

Cu ppm





Source: B2Gold, 2012.

AcmeLabs processed 18 standards: one standard within one work order failed either
accuracy or precision tests based on molybdenum value (6% failure rate). The failed batch
was re-analyzed and QA/QC-cleared results for the re-analysis were updated in the master
Mocoa database. The batch failure was due to a bias at the laboratory.

Upon review of the assay result from the laboratory, copper values were determined to be
acceptable for all batches. Blank Material

Coarse blank material used to monitor contamination and sample mix-ups in the laboratory
was obtained from a quartz quarry located a few miles from Medellín. A blank sample was
inserted into the batch every 25 samples. The 19 blank samples submitted to the laboratory
were prepared and analyzed in the same manner as the submitted drill core samples.

Based on a maximum limit of 6 ppm for copper and 2 ppm for molybdenum, which are
approximately three times the normal background values for the blanks, the results
indicated that contamination levels were low. An example is shown in Figure 11-5.

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Technical Report

AcmeLabs processed 19 blanks: only one in one work order failed either accuracy or
precision tests based on the copper value (5% failure rate). The failed batch was re-
analyzed and QA/QC-cleared results for the re-analysis were updated in the master Mocoa
database. However, values elevated above the normal background value indicate that
additional cleaning of the crushing and pulverizing equipment is required.

Figure 11-5: Blank Performance – Copper

2012 B2Gold Drilling

Mocoa - 2012
Blank Cu Value


Cu ppm



Source: B2Gold, 2012. Duplicate Samples

Field duplicates of one-quarter core were sampled every 33 samples for a total of 20 field
duplicate samples submitted to the laboratories. Preparation duplicates obtained from a
split of the samples after crushing at the laboratory were also taken every 33 samples for a
total of 18 preparation duplicates. AcmeLabs reported results for 38 pulp duplicates.

The field duplicate results obtained for copper were predominantly within ±22% of the field
original sample values, indicating a reasonable degree of reproducibility. The preparation
and lab duplicate values for copper were predominantly within ±13% and ±2% of the
corresponding sample values, respectively; this indicates that adequate precision levels
were attained by maintaining proper sample handling procedures during the crushing and
pulverizing stages of preparation.

The molybdenum results for duplicate samples showed relatively low reproducibility for field
duplicates, but preparation and fine duplicates had acceptable reproducibility.

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11.4 Assessment of Sample Preparation, Security and Analytical

In October 2008, at the request of B2Gold, Smee and Associates Consulting Ltd. audited
three of the four laboratories used by B2Gold for sample preparation and analysis, as well
as an assessment of B2Gold’s QA/QC protocols. The report accompanying the laboratory
audit stated that B2Gold’s quality control program met or exceeded the NI 43-101

The authors conclude that procedures followed by B2Gold during its 2008 and 2012 Mocoa
drill programs met or exceeded the industry standards for collection, handling and
transportation of drill core samples. B2Gold used industry-recognized laboratories that used
best practice sample preparation and analytical methods, as well as acceptable internal
quality control practices.

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12.1 1978–1983 Drill Database
12.1.1 Compiling Older Data Files
Drill data for the 1978 to 1983 drill programs was initially provided to B2Gold by AGA in a
series of comma-separated-value (CSV) and Datamine® files. Data included collar
locations, down-hole surveys, lithology, alteration, and assays for molybdenum and copper.
B2Gold conducted a comprehensive validation program on the database, including a
comparison of all digital data received from AGA with all available hard copy data from the
UN-INGEOMINAS drill program.

Comparing the digital data against the UN-INGEOMINAS drill logs and assay data
presented in the 1984 UN-INGEOMINAS Report provided an acceptable level of confidence
in the accuracy of the database. Blocks of assay data were missing in both preliminary
feasibility reports. However, by combining the data from the two reports, an almost
complete dataset for the 31 drill holes was achieved, including 11,702 assay results for
11,857 intervals, which represents 98.7% of all sample intervals.

12.1.2 Check Analysis

The UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture reported results for check analysis by Bondar-Clegg
for approximately 23% of the drill core samples. In general, the 2,734 Bondar-Clegg check
assays correlate well with the original INGEOMINAS assays, with a slight bias towards
higher values from Bondar-Clegg.

In 2008, B2Gold obtained splits of 121 coarse reject samples pertaining to 21 drill holes of
the 1978–1983 UN-INGEOMINAS drill campaign. ALS Chemex performed check analysis
on these samples, and the results correlate well with the original UN-INGEOMINAS assays.
Additional check assays further confirmed the reproducibility of the original assay results,
as well as an absence of bias between the testing laboratories.

In early 2013, one batch of 59 umpire pulp samples were shipped to SGS Labs in Medellín,
Colombia for multi-acid digestion and combined ICP-ES and ICP-MS analysis. Check
assay results were available for the 59 samples, representing 9.46% of the 624 samples
analyzed between November 2012 and December 2012.

The initial check assay batch failed QA/QC. Results of the subsequent, failed rerun batch
compared well with the original results, and the original results were accepted.

12.1.3 Drill Hole Collar Survey

In 2008, B2Gold contracted a surveyor, Juan Carlos Borbon Caceres, to reconstruct the
topography covering the main ridge where the 1978–1983 Mocoa drill holes were located.
These historical drill holes were surveyed, excluding hole M14 which could not be located.

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For drill hole M14, B2Gold has retained the original documented coordinates transformed
into WGS84, Zone 18N.

12.2 2008–2012 B2Gold Database

12.2.1 General Database Verification
The master Mocoa drill database was compiled and vetted by B2Gold staff and was stored
in MS Access® format. The 2008 and 2012 drill data were entered into the database from
the original paper logs, and any errors or missing information noticed during the initial
checks were immediately corrected.

The UN-INGEOMINAS drill information was also incorporated into the database using the
format established for B2Gold drilling. This format meant that some of the lithology and
alteration codes were manipulated to increase their functionality with the application

Scans of the original drill logs and geotechnical logs from the 2008 and 2012 drilling confirm
the validity of the geological data presented in the master Mocoa drill database. Digital
replicates of the drill logs from both the INGEOMINAS and B2Gold phases of drilling are
also available in portable document format (PDF).

Digital photographs were taken of all 2008 and 2012 Mocoa drill core, both wet and dry.
The photographs were reviewed to ensure photo quality, completeness, and correct hole
information before the core was cut.

12.2.2 Check Analysis

Assay certificates from AcmeLabs, ALS Chemex and SGS Labs are available for review in
PDF. Approximately 10% of the samples analyzed at ALS Chemex were sent to AcmeLabs
for check analysis, and vice versa. A total of 271 pulps, nine standards and eight blanks
were rechecked in the 2008 drill program, and 59 pulps were rechecked in the 2012 drill

The check-analysis copper results correlate well between the two laboratories. The check-
analysis molybdenum results indicate that AcmeLabs' results were generally lower than
ALS Chemex.

12.2.3 Drill Hole Validation (Twin Holes)

In 2008, B2Gold drilled two twins of historical holes, two infill holes and five expansion
holes. These drill holes provided a good validation of the lithology and assay values
reported in the 1978–1983 UN-INGEOMINAS drill programs.

A comparison of the twin holes shows general agreement in the copper and molybdenum
values. Differences are attributed to sample preparation and assay technique differences
between the programs.

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12.3 Recent Database Validation

Following the completion of the mineral resource model, the copper and molybdenum
grades, from a series of seven randomly selected drill holes in the sample database, were
manually compared to the values listed in certified assay certificates provided by the lab.
Note that assay certificates are only available for the holes drilled by B2Gold in 2008 and
2012, and there are no certificates from the earlier drilling completed by UN-INGEOMINAS
between 1978 and 1983. Although these seven holes represent about 16% of the total
database, comparisons could only be performed on recent drill holes. There were no errors

12.4 Verification Conclusions

Visual and statistical comparisons show that the drilling results achieved between 1979 and
1983 compare well with the more recent (and validated) drilling results from 2008 and 2012.
The authors conclude that the drill program results are consistent and of sufficient quality
and reliability to support the estimation of Inferred resources.

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Metallurgical testwork was conducted by the UN-INGEOMINAS Joint Venture in 1981 (UN-
INGEOMINAS, 1984), and the results of this work were summarized by von Guttenberg
(2008). Four drill core composites, representing different rock and ore types, and a bulk
composite of all these samples were processed at Dawson Metallurgical Laboratories in
Murray, Utah. Standard grinding and flotation tests were completed. A bulk copper-
molybdenum flotation concentrate was processed to produce copper and molybdenum
concentrate. The copper concentrate is 24.2% Cu with a recovery of 85.9%, and the
molybdenum concentrate is 55.14% Mo with a recovery of 82.7%. Both concentrates are
clean with no deleterious elements. Further metallurgical testing was recommended to
improve recoveries for some of the different ore types.

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14.1 Introduction
This section describes the approach taken to generate an estimate of mineral resources for
the Mocoa copper-molybdenum deposit located in the Department of Putumayo in
southwestern Colombia, 10 km north of the regional capital of Mocoa. The resource
estimate is based on a database provided by B2Gold Corp. (B2Gold) and files dated June
20, 2014. These files contain all of the current drilling information available for the Mocoa

This mineral resource estimate was prepared under the direction of Robert Sim, P.Geo,
SIM Geological Inc., with the assistance of Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, BD Resource
Consulting, Inc. Based on education, work experience relevant to this style of mineralization
and deposit type, and membership in a recognized professional organization, both Sim and
Davis are independent Qualified Persons (QPs) within the requirements of National
Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) for the purpose of the mineral resource estimate contained
in this report.

The mineral resource has been estimated in conformity with generally accepted guidelines
outlined in CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practices
Guidelines (November, 2003) and is reported in accordance with the Canadian Securities
Administrators’ (CSA) National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). Mineral resources are not
mineral reserves, and they do not have demonstrated economic viability.

Estimations are made from 3D block models based on geostatistical applications using
commercial mine planning software (MineSight® v11.50). The project limits are based on
the UTM coordinate system (WGS84). The nominal block size in the model is
10×10×5 m. Sample data are derived from a series of diamond drill holes collared from
setups on surface.

The resource estimate has been generated from drill hole sample assay results and the
interpretation of a grade probability shell domain which relates to the spatial distribution of
copper and molybdenum in the deposit. Interpolation characteristics were defined based on
the geology, drill hole spacing, and geostatistical analysis of the data. The resources were
classified according to their proximity to sample data locations and were reported, as
required by NI 43-101, according to the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources
and Mineral Reserves (May, 2014).

14.2 Available Data

A data room has been set up for this project. It contains numerous miscellaneous reports,
including a 2008 Technical Report by Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd. (no resource
estimate included). For this study, Sim and Davis used the sampling data collected from 43
drill holes. The data represents 25,199 m of drilling on the property. Thirty-one of these

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holes were drilled between 1978 and 1983, nine holes were drilled in 2008, and the
remaining three holes were drilled in 2012. One of the 2012 holes, located on the
northeastern end of the deposit, was abandoned and restarted. Visual comparisons of the
two vintages of drilling indicate that there is no apparent bias in the results. Results include
two sets of twinned holes that returned very similar copper and molybdenum grades. The
distribution of drilling by year is shown in Figure 14-1. The distributions of copper and
molybdenum grades in drilling are shown in Figures 14-2 and 14-3.

Figure 14-1: Isometric View of Drilling by Year

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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Figure 14-2: Isometric View Looking Northwest of Copper Grades in Drilling

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Figure 14-3: Isometric View Looking Northwest of Molybdenum Grades in Drilling

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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A 3D surface topography was not provided in the data room, so, as an alternative, a
topographic surface was generated using the drill hole collar points and a series of 3D point
locations obtained from proximal rock, soil and stream sediment samples. This 3D surface
was sliced at 50 m increments to show the contour lines in Figures 14-1, 14-2 and 14-3. A
series of aerial photos provided in the data room (taken from a helicopter) show the
extreme nature of the property's topography, and this 3D surface appears to appropriately
reflect this surface.

The surface topography is extremely rugged in this highly eroded environment, and it
appears there are relatively few flat areas to place a drill rig. Drill holes are collared from
surface with the majority of setups located along a narrow ridge above the deposit.
Generally, holes are spaced on 100 m sections oriented at an azimuth of 80°. Each setup
typically hosts three drill holes: one vertical, one at -70° to the east (Az 080°) and one to the
west (Az 260°). This results in a distribution of holes that are roughly spaced at 150 m to
200 m intervals.

The current drilling covers an area measuring roughly 1.4 km north-south by 1.2 km east-
west to depths up to 1,000 m below surface. Based on current results, mineralization
remains open to the west, east and north.

Samples collected from drill holes completed in 2008 and 2012 were analyzed using a
multi-element (40 elements) package. Samples collected from drilling conducted in the
1980s were only analyzed for copper and molybdenum content. Copper and molybdenum
grades were extracted from the main database for use in this resource estimate. Note that
the original copper and molybdenum assay data were provided in parts per million (ppm),
and these have been converted to percentage units (% = ppm/10,000). Some drilled
intervals have not been sampled and analyzed for copper and molybdenum. These are
relatively rare and appear to represent abandoned drill holes. No modifications were made
to the database to account for these unsampled intervals.

There is a total of 14,831 individual samples in the assay database that were used to
generate this mineral resource estimate. Individual sample intervals range from 0.32 m to
10 m long, with an average of 1.62 m long (58% of the sample intervals are exactly 1.5 m
long, 19% are 1.6 m long and 20% of samples are 2 m long). A basic statistical summary of
the assay sample database is shown in Table 14.1.

Geological information derived from core logging shows the lithology type, alteration
assemblage, presence of stockworks, and intensity of oxidation. These data were formatted
and imported into MineSight®.

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Table 14.1: Statistical Summary of Sample Assay Data

Number Total
Standard Coefficient
Element of Length Min Max Mean1
Deviation of Variation
Samples (m)
Copper (%) 14,831 24,027 0 8.49 0.22 0.297 1.35
14,817 24,005 0 1.300 0.028 0.046 1.65
Statistics are weighted by sample length.

Drill core recoveries are only available for holes drilled in 2008 and 2012, and they average
95% recovery. There is no apparent correlation between recovery and sample grade.

14.3 Geologic Model, Domains and Coding

Mocoa is interpreted to be a porphyry-type deposit with copper and molybdenum
mineralization resulting from the intrusion of dacite porphyritic rocks into an intermediate to
mafic volcanic host. There are no interpreted wireframe domains representing the
distribution of lithology, alteration or other geologic features. This information is derived for
analysis directly from the information recorded during drill core logging.

A surface representing the base of visible oxidation (Figure 14-4) has been interpreted
using the oxide code data. Above this surface, rocks exhibit oxide and transitional (partial
oxidation) features. Below the surface, there is no evidence of oxidation (primary

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Figure 14-4: Isometric View of Surface representing the Base of Visible Oxidation

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

In the absence of a geologic model, a probability shell approach was used in an attempt to
produce a domain that segregates mineralized from unmineralized rocks. The shell is
based on the distribution of copper because it is the main contributor to the economic value
of the deposit. Note that molybdenum tends to occur in the same general areas as copper.
A grade threshold of 0.1% Cu has been selected to build this domain. Indicator values were
assigned to composited drill hole samples based on the copper grade; an indicator value of
“0” was assigned to sample intervals <0.1% Cu, and an indicator value of “1” was assigned
to sample intervals >0.1% Cu.

A variogram is produced using these indicator variables, and probability estimates are
made into model blocks using ordinary kriging. A probability shell was produced that
encompasses areas where there is a >50% chance that the grade will exceed 0.1% Cu.
The shape and extent of the probability shell domain is shown in Figure 14-5. Note that the
limits of the deposit have not been found with the current drilling, and mineralization

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remains “open” to the west, east, and northeast and at depth. The probability shell has
been limited to a maximum distance of 250 m from a drill hole in these areas.

Figure 14-5: Isometric View of 0.1% Cu Probability Shell Domain

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

14.4 Compositing
Compositing of drill hole samples is carried out to standardize the database for further
statistical evaluation. This step eliminates any effects related to the sample length that may
exist in the data.

To retain the original characteristics of the underlying data, a composite length is selected
which reasonably reflects the average original sample length. The generation of longer
composites results in some degree of smoothing which could mask certain features of the
data. Sample intervals are relatively consistent in the database: over the whole database,
samples average 1.6 m long with the majority of samples measuring exactly 1.5 m long. As
a result, a standard composite length of 1.5 m has been applied to the sample data.

Drill hole composites are length-weighted and have been generated down-the-hole; this
means that composites begin at the top of each hole and are generated at 1.5 m intervals
down the length of the hole. Several holes were randomly selected, and the composited
values were checked for accuracy. No errors were found.

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14.5 Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves the statistical summarization of the database to
better understand the characteristics of the data that may control grade. One of the main
purposes of this exercise is to determine if there is any evidence of spatial distinctions in
grade which may require the separation and isolation of domains during interpolation. The
application of separate domains prevents unwanted mixing of data during grade
interpolation so that the resulting grade model will better reflect the unique properties of the
deposit. However, applying domain boundaries in areas where the data are not statistically
unique may impose a bias in the distribution of grades in the model.

A domain boundary, which segregates the data during interpolation, is typically applied if
the average grade in one domain is significantly different from that of another domain. A
boundary may also be applied where there is evidence that a significant change in the
grade distribution exists across a geologic contact.

14.5.1 Basic Statistics by Domain

Basic statistics for the distributions of each element were generated by lithology, alteration,
stockwork and the intensity of oxidation.

The distributions of copper and molybdenum in the four main lithologic units are shown in
boxplots in Figures 14-6 and 14-7. There is no supporting information explaining the various
lithology codes in the geology database (lithology codes are typically defined as 1, 1a, 1b,
2, 2a, 2b, etc.). The majority of these are 1-, 2-, 3- and 7-series designations. Grades are
lower in the 2-series rocks, which appear to represent the oxidized rocks close to surface.
This is not really a lithologic type but rather a degree of oxidation that overprints the original
stratigraphy. The copper and molybdenum grades are similar across the other remaining
lithologic types indicating that grade is not dependent on rock type.

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Figure 14-6: Boxplot of Copper by Lithology Type

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Figure 14-7: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Lithology Type

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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The distributions of copper and molybdenum by alteration assemblage are shown in

Figures 14-8 and 14-9. Copper is present in all alteration types, but slightly higher average
copper grades occur in rocks containing potassium feldspar (Kspa) or silica (Sil) and lower
copper grades occur in rocks designated as “Sup”. Note: the term “Sup” is not explained in
the database. It may represent “supergene”, but the grade distribution does not show this
assemblage to be enriched in copper. Molybdenum grades are lower in propylitic (Prop)
rocks that tend to occur around the perimeter of the deposit. The distribution of alteration
types is quite variable, and these results suggest that the grade is not dependent on these

Figure 14-8: Boxplot of Copper by Alteration Type

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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Figure 14-9: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Alteration Type

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

The distributions of copper and molybdenum by stockwork intensity are shown in Figures
14-10 and 14-11 Stockwork integer codes range from 0 to 3 and are assumed to represent
the intensity of stockwork texture that is present in the rocks. The grades of copper and
molybdenum are similar across all stockwork codes. Visual review shows a highly mixed
and variable distribution of the four stockwork codes. It would be very difficult to interpret
these codes into individual domains. The distribution of stockwork does not appear to
control the distribution of mineralization at Mocoa.

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Figure 14-10: Boxplot of Copper by Stockwork Code

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Figure 14-11: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Stockwork Code

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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The distributions of copper and molybdenum by oxide code are shown in Figures 14-12 and
14-13. Oxide integer codes range from 0 to 3. The spatial distribution of these codes
suggests that “0” represents a lack of oxidation (sulphide), “3” represents intense, near-
surface oxidation, and codes 1 and 2 represent a transition between the two. Copper and
molybdenum grades tend to be higher in the sulphide zone but similar through codes 1, 2
and 3. Visual review shows that there has been some near-surface leaching of metals, but
there is no obvious supergene enrichment zone developed, and the oxide and transition
zones, which are typically low-grade, also show local areas that are highly mineralized. The
distribution of oxide codes is not distinct with respect to the distribution of copper and
molybdenum in the deposit.

A plane representing the base of oxidation has been interpreted from this data (the plane
represents the lower limit of oxide codes 1, 2 and 3). This surface is used to segregate the
resources into “oxide” and “sulphide” types.

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Figure 14-12: Boxplot of Copper by Oxide Code

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Figure 14-13: Boxplot of Molybdenum by Oxide Code

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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The distribution of copper and molybdenum inside vs. outside of the probability shell
domain is shown in Figure 14-14. There is a distinct difference in the nature of these
elements with respect to this domain suggesting that is should be used to estimate grade in
the resource model.

Figure 14-14: Boxplots of Copper and Molybdenum Inside vs. Outside

of the Probability Shell Domain

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

14.5.2 Contact Profiles

Contact profiles evaluate the nature of grade trends between two domains: they graphically
display the average grades at increasing distances from the contact boundary. Those
contact profiles that show a marked difference in grade across a domain boundary indicate
that the two datasets should be isolated during interpolation. Conversely, if a more gradual
change in grade occurs across a contact, the introduction of a hard boundary (e.g.,
segregation during interpolation) may result in a much different trend in the grade model; in
this case, the change in grade between domains in the model is often more abrupt than the
trends seen in the raw data. Finally, a flat contact profile indicates no grade changes across
the boundary; in this case, hard or soft domain boundaries will produce similar results in the

Contact profiles were generated to evaluate the change in copper and molybdenum grades
across the boundary of the probability shell domain. The results are shown in Figure 14-15.
The change in copper grade at this contact is very pronounced. Although the average
molybdenum grade is three times higher inside the shell, there is little change in
molybdenum grade evident at this contact.

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Figure 14-15: Contact Profiles of Copper and Molybdenum Inside vs. Outside of the
Probability Shell Domain

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

14.5.3 Modeling Implications

The results of the EDA indicate that the distribution of copper and molybdenum are not
distinctly related to the distributions of lithology, alteration or the intensity of stockwork
alteration. Near-surface oxidation tends to correlate with a reduction in copper and, to a
lesser extent, molybdenum grades, but there are instances where oxidized rocks also
contain high grades. The shape and distribution of the copper probability shell correlates
well with the unmineralized oxidized zones near surface.

Boxplots show that the copper and molybdenum populations differ significantly in data
located inside versus outside of the probability shell domain. Contact profiles show a
distinct change in copper grade at the shell boundary but a less obvious change in the
molybdenum grades. Visual review of the sample data shows that, in most areas, the
presence of low-grade molybdenum mineralization (<0.005% Mo) correlates well with the
shape and location of the copper probability shell domain. The probability shell is used as a
“hard” boundary domain, segregating inside data from outside data, during the estimation of
copper and molybdenum grades in the resource block model.

14.6 Bulk Density Data

No density data was made available for this study. It is unknown if any testwork has been
conducted to measure the density of the rocks at Mocoa. A historical resource estimate
conducted in 1985 assumed a density of 2.7 t/m3. This is reasonable assumption of the

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density of volcanic rocks that do not contain large volumes of sulphides and have not
undergone intensive oxidation. A density of 2.7 t/m3 has been used to calculate the
resource tonnage presented in this report.

14.7 Evaluation of Outlier Grades

Histograms and probability plots of the distribution of copper and molybdenum inside and
outside of the probability shell domain were reviewed to identify the existence of anomalous
outlier grades in the composite database. Potential outlier samples were visually reviewed
to determine their location in relation to the surrounding data. It was decided that the
potential outlier samples would be controlled using a combination of traditional top-cutting
and outlier limitations. Samples above the outlier limit threshold grades are restricted to a
maximum distance of influence of 20 m during interpolation. Table 14.2 lists the elements,
domains, top-cuts, outlier thresholds, and the resulting effects in the model.

The percentage of metal lost in the model due to top-cutting is considered appropriate for
all elements.

Table 14.2: Outlier Grade Controls

Metal Loss in
Element Shell Max Top-Cut Outlier Limit
Copper (%) Inside 5.33% n/a 2.50%
Outside 1.17% n/a 0.35%
Molybdenum (%) Inside 1.247% 0.700 0.400%
Outside 0.246% n/a 0.150%

14.8 Variography
The degree of spatial variability in a mineral deposit depends on both the distance and
direction between points of comparison. Typically, the variability between samples
increases as the distance between those samples increases. If the degree of variability is
related to the direction of comparison, then the deposit is said to exhibit anisotropic
tendencies which can be summarized with the search ellipse. The semi-variogram is a
common function used to measure the spatial variability within a deposit.

The components of the variogram include the nugget, the sill, and the range. Often samples
compared over very short distances, and even samples compared from the same location,
show some degree of variability. As a result, the curve of the variogram often begins at
some point on the y-axis above the origin: this point is called the nugget. The nugget is a
measure of not only the natural variability of the data over very short distances, but also a
measure of the variability which can be introduced due to errors during sample collection,
preparation, and the assay process.

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The amount of variability between samples typically increases as the distance between the
samples increases. Eventually, the degree of variability between samples reaches a
constant, maximum value; this is called the sill, and the distance between samples at which
this occurs is called the range.

The spatial evaluation of the data in this report was conducted using a correlogram rather
than the traditional variogram. The correlogram is normalized to the variance of the data
and is less sensitive to outlier values, which generally gives better results.

Correlograms were generated using the commercial software package SAGE 2001©
(Isaaks & Co.). Multidirectional correlograms were generated for the distributions of copper
and molybdenum sample data located inside and outside of the probability shell domain.
The results are summarized in Table 14.3.

Table 14.3: Correlogram Parameters

1st Structure 2nd Structure

Element/ Range Range
Nugget S1 S2 AZ Dip AZ Dip
Domain (m) (m)
0.275 0.525 0.200 133 356 37 454 44 17
30 328 -50 336 166 59
Inside Shell Spherical
15 255 14 205 306 24
0.450 0.370 0.180 75 71 37 505 323 28
55 357 -20 220 51 -4
Outside Shell Spherical
14 290 46 112 133 62
0.471 0.242 0.287 245 318 16 714 25 -23
96 116 73 199 60 63
Inside Shell Spherical
71 47 -6 111 121 -13
0.204 0.057 0.739 194 317 69 1481 34 67
142 39 -3 364 11 -21
Outside Shell Spherical
41 308 -21 172 104 -8
Note: Correlograms conducted on 1.5 m drill hole composite data.

14.9 Model Setup and Limits

A block model was initialized in MineSight® and the dimensions are shown in Table 14.4.
The extents of the block model are represented by the purple rectangle shown in Figures
14-1 through 14-5. The selection of a nominal block size measuring 10×10×5 m is
considered appropriate with respect to the current drill hole spacing, and the selective
mining unit (SMU) is considered appropriate for a deposit of this type, scale and location.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 14.4: Block Model Limits

Block Size Number of

Direction Minimum Maximum
(m) Blocks
East 312,400 314,800 10 240
North 136,500 139,100 10 260
Elevation 800 2300 5 300

Blocks in the model were coded on a majority basis with the probability shell domain.
During this stage, blocks along a domain boundary are coded if >50% of the block occurs
within the boundaries of that domain.

The proportion of blocks which occur below the topographic surfaces are also calculated
and stored in the model as individual percentage items. These values are used as
weighting factors to determine the in-situ resources of the deposit.

14.10 Interpolation Parameters

The block model grades for copper and molybdenum were estimated using ordinary kriging
(OK). The results of the OK estimation were compared with the Hermitian Polynomial
Change of Support method, also referred to as the Discrete Gaussian Correction. This
method is described in greater detail in Section 14.11.

The Mocoa OK models were generated with a relatively limited number of samples to
match the change of support, or Herco (HERmitian COrrection), grade distribution. This
approach reduces the amount of smoothing or averaging in the model, and, while there
may be some uncertainty on a localized scale, this approach produces reliable estimations
of the recoverable grade and tonnage for the overall deposit. The interpolation parameters
are summarized in Table 14.5.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 14.5: Interpolation Parameters

Search Ellipse Range

Element/ Number of Composites
(m) Other
X Y Z Min/block Max/block Max/hole
500 500 500 10 40 10 1 DH per octant
Inside Shell
500 500 500 10 40 10 1 DH per octant
Outside Shell
500 500 500 10 40 10 1 DH per octant
Inside Shell
500 500 500 10 40 10 1 DH per octant
Outside Shell

14.11 Validation
The results of the modeling process were validated using several methods. These include a
thorough visual review of the model grades in relation to the underlying drill hole sample
grades, comparisons with the change of support model, comparisons with other estimation
methods, and grade distribution comparisons using swath plots.

14.11.1 Visual Inspection

A detailed visual inspection of the block model was conducted in both section and plan to
ensure the desired results following interpolation. This included confirmation of the proper
coding of blocks within the probability shell domain. The distribution of block grades was
compared relative to the drill hole samples to ensure the proper representation in the

14.11.2 Model Checks for Change of Support

The relative degree of smoothing in the block model estimates is evaluated using the
Discrete Gaussian Correction; it is also referred to as the Hermitian Polynomial Change of
Support method (Journel and Huijbregts, Mining Geostatistics, 1978). With this method, the
distribution of the hypothetical block grades can be directly compared to the estimated OK
model through the use of pseudo-grade/tonnage curves. Adjustments are made to the block
model interpolation parameters until an acceptable match is made with the Herco
(HERmitian COrrection) distribution. In general, the estimated model should be slightly
higher in tonnage and slightly lower in grade when compared to the Herco distribution at the
projected cut-off grade. These differences account for selectivity and other potential ore-
handling issues which commonly occur during mining.

The Herco distribution is derived from the declustered composite grades which are adjusted
to account for the change in support, moving from smaller drill hole composite samples to
the larger blocks in the model. This transformation results in a less-skewed distribution, but
it has the same mean as the original declustered samples.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Both the copper and molybdenum models were validated, inside and outside of the
probability shell, using the Herco approach. All models show an appropriate degree of
correlation with the Herco distributions. Examples from the copper and molybdenum
models within the probability shell domain are shown in Figure 14-16.

Figure 14-16: Herco Plots of Copper and Molybdenum Inside the

Probability Shell Domain

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

14.11.3 Comparison of Interpolation Methods

For comparison purposes, additional grade models were generated using both the inverse
distance weighted (ID) and nearest neighbour (NN) interpolation methods (Note: The NN
model was created using data composited to 5 m intervals). The results of these models
are compared to the OK models at a series of cut-off grades in a series of grade/tonnage
graphs. Examples of the copper and molybdenum models are shown in Figures 14-17 and
14-18, respectively. Overall, there is very good correlation between the models.
Reproduction of the model using different methods tends to increase the confidence in the
overall resource.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Figure 14-17: Grade Tonnage Comparison of Copper Models

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Figure 14-18: Grade Tonnage Comparison of Molybdenum Models

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

14.11.4 Swath Plots (Drift Analysis)

A swath plot is a graphical display of the grade distribution derived from a series of bands,
or swaths, generated in several directions throughout the deposit. Using the swath plot,
grade variations from the OK model are compared to the distribution derived from the
declustered NN grade model.

On a local scale, the NN model does not provide reliable estimations of grade, but, on a
much larger scale, it represents an unbiased estimate of the grade distribution based on the
underlying data. Therefore, if the OK model is unbiased, the grade trends may show local
fluctuations on a swath plot, but the overall trend should be similar to the NN distribution of

Swath plots were generated in three orthogonal directions for the distributions of the copper
and molybdenum OK and NN models inside and outside of the probability shell domain.
There is very good agreement between these modeled elements. Examples of the copper
and molybdenum models inside the shell domain in west-east swaths are shown in Figure
14-19. The degree of smoothing in the OK model is evident in the peaks and valleys. Note:
The graphs indicate a relatively strong correlation between copper and molybdenum.

Figure 14-19: Swath Plots by Northing for Copper and Molybdenum

Inside the Probability Shell Domain

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

14.12 Resource Classification

The mineral resources for the Mocoa deposit were classified in accordance with the CIM
Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May, 2014). The
classification parameters are defined in relation to the distance to sample data and are
intended to encompass zones of reasonably continuous mineralization.

Blocks within a maximum distance of 200m from a drill hole are included in the Inferred
category. This distance is, in part, based on ranges exhibited in grade and indicator
variograms. The range of continuity of mineralization is also evident from visual
observations of the nature of the distribution of copper and molybdenum mineralization in
the deposit.

Resources in the Indicated and Measured categories require a higher degree of confidence
in the estimation of grade in the model, something that cannot be achieved based on the
current distribution of drilling at Mocoa. Note: There are no resources in the Measured or
Indicated categories at this stage at Mocoa.

Inferred Resources:
Model blocks which are within a maximum distance of 200 m from a single drill hole.

14.13 Mineral Resources

CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May, 2014)
provides the following definition:

"A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of solid material of

economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form, grade or quality and
quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.
The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and other geological
characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from
specific geological evidence and knowledge, including sampling."

The “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction” requirement generally implies
that quantity and grade estimates meet certain economic thresholds and that mineral
resources are reported at an appropriate cut-off grade which takes the extraction scenarios
and processing recovery into account.

The Mocoa deposit forms a relatively continuous zone of copper and molybdenum
mineralization over an area measuring approximately 1.2 km east-west by 1.4 km north-
south and extending to depths of more than 1 km below surface. The “reasonable
prospects for eventual economic extraction” were tested using a series of floating cone pit
shells based on projected technical and economic assumptions.

The resource-limiting pit shells were generated using recoverable copper-equivalent

(CuEqR) grades that include contributions from copper and molybdenum and adjustments
for projected metallurgical recoveries.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

The following technical and economic parameters were assumed:

 Operating costs:
o Mining: open pit US$2.50/t.
o Processing: US$10.00/t.
o G&A: US$2.00/t.
 Pit slope: 45 degrees.
 Metal prices: US$3.00/lb Cu; US$10.00/lb Mo.
 Metallurgical recoveries: copper 90%; molybdenum 75%.

The recoverable copper-equivalent grades were calculated using the following formula:

CuEqR = (Cu% × 0.90) + (Mo% × 3.33 × 0.75)

Due to the polymetallic nature of the deposit, mineral resources were presented on a
copper-equivalent basis. Copper equivalents (CuEq) are determined in model blocks using
the contributions of copper and molybdenum and do not include adjustments for recoveries
and refining charges. Based on the assumed metal prices (US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo),
copper-equivalent grades are calculated using the following formula:

CuEq = Cu% + Mo% × 3.33

The total Inferred mineral resource estimate for the Mocoa deposit is shown in Table 14.6.
Using the projected operating costs listed here, the base case cut-off grade for the Mocoa
resources is estimated to be 0.25% CuEq.

Table 14.6: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources

Contained Metal
CuEq Cu Mo
Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo% × 3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Figure 14-20 shows several isometric views of the extent of resources in the Inferred
category above a cut-off grade of 0.25% CuEq in relation to the resource-limiting pit shell.
As stated previously, the drilling results indicate that the deposit remains open to the west,
east and north, but the images in Figure 14-20 show that the potential on the northern side
is restricted by the higher waste stripping required in this direction. It appears that the
greatest potential to expand the resource exists to the west and east of the current drilling.

Figure 14-20: Isometric Views of Inferred Mineral Resource at Mocoa

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Table 14.7 shows the total resource at a series of cut-off limits to provide additional
information regarding the sensitivity of the resource.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 14.7: Sensitivity of Inferred Mineral Resources

Contained Metal
Cut-off CuEq Cu Mo
Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(CuEq%) (%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
0.15 721 0.42 0.31 0.035 6.68 4.85 549.9
0.2 683 0.43 0.32 0.035 6.54 4.77 530.2
0.25 (base case) 636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
0.3 553 0.48 0.35 0.039 5.81 4.24 470.4
0.35 433 0.52 0.38 0.042 4.96 3.62 404.6
0.4 330 0.57 0.41 0.047 4.12 2.99 341.8
0.45 259 0.61 0.44 0.051 3.47 2.50 293.2
0.5 201 0.65 0.46 0.056 2.87 2.04 247.9
0.55 148 0.69 0.49 0.061 2.26 1.60 199.6
0.6 106 0.74 0.52 0.067 1.73 1.21 155.8
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo% × 3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

The total Inferred mineral resource estimate for the Mocoa deposit is shown in Tables 14.6
and 14.7. A Regional Forest Reserve boundary intersects the western part of the deposit as
shown in plan in Figure 14-21. The separation of mineral resources along this boundary is
shown in Table 14.8.

June 15, 2018 14-27

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Figure 14-21: Plan Showing Regional Protective Forest Boundary in the Mocoa Area

Source: Sim Geological, 2016.

Table 14.8: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources Inside and Outside

the Forest Reserve

Contained Metal
CuEq Cu Mo
Location Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
Inside Forest
159 0.43 0.33 0.031 1.52 1.16 107.8
Outside Forest
477 0.46 0.33 0.038 4.78 3.44 402.7
Total 636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo% × 3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

June 15, 2018 14-28

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Table 14.9 shows the portion of the resources separated above and below the interpreted
surface; this represents the base of visible oxidation.

Table 14.9: Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resources by Oxide Type

Contained Metal
CuEq Cu Mo
Location Mtonnes CuEq Cu Mo
(%) (%) (%)
(Blbs) (Blbs) (Mlbs)
Oxide and
139 0.41 0.32 0.026 1.25 0.99 78.3
Sulphide 497 0.46 0.33 0.040 5.06 3.61 432.7
Total 636 0.45 0.33 0.036 6.31 4.60 510.5
Notes: 1) In-pit resource contained within shell generated using US$3/lb Cu and US$10/lb Mo. CuEq%=Cu%+Mo% × 3.33.
2) Base case cut-off grade for in-pit resources is 0.25% CuEq.

Other than the location of the Forest Reserve and the portion of the resource that is partially
oxidized, there are no other known factors related to environmental, permitting, legal, title,
taxation, socio-economic, marketing, or political issues which could materially affect the
mineral resource.

June 15, 2018 14-29

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

At present, there are no mineral reserve estimates for the Mocoa Project.

June 15, 2018 15-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

This section is not applicable.

June 15, 2018 16-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

This section is not applicable.

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Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

This section is not applicable.

June 15, 2018 18-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


This section is not applicable.

June 15, 2018 19-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


At the effective date of this Technical Report (October 6, 2016), water permits were
obtained and were in effect during the 2008 and 2012 B2Gold drill programs. New permits
and authorizations will be required for the next drilling campaign.

Baseline environmental studies and community discussions will commence before the next
drill program.

June 15, 2018 20-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


This section is not applicable.

June 15, 2018 21-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

This section is not applicable.

June 15, 2018 22-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

There are no other exploration projects in the Mocoa area.

June 15, 2018 23-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


There is no other relevant data or information.

June 15, 2018 24-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


Based on the evaluation of the data available from the Mocoa property, the authors of this
Technical Report have drawn the following conclusions:

 At the execution date of this Technical Report, Libero Copper holds a 100%
interest in the Mocoa property (subject to a total 3% NSR royalty).

 The Mocoa deposit forms a relatively continuous zone of copper and

molybdenum mineralization over an area measuring approximately 1.2 km east-
west by 1.4 km north-south and extending to depths of more than 1 km below

 The Mocoa copper-molybdenum mineralization remains open to the north, west

and east.

 Drilling to date has outlined an Inferred resource (at a 0.25% CuEq cut-off) of
636 Mtonnes at 0.33% Cu and 0.036% Mo which contains 4.60 billion pounds of
copper and 510.5 million pounds of molybdenum.

 Approximately 20% of the contained metal in resources is currently located inside

a regional forest reserve.

 Preliminary metallurgical work indicates that the copper-molybdenum

mineralization can be recovered using conventional methods.

 Challenges facing continued exploration and evaluation of the Mocoa deposit

include its remote location, lack of road infrastructure, steep topography and high
annual rainfall.

June 15, 2018 25-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

Further work is warranted to assess the size, grade distribution and metallurgy of the
Mocoa copper-molybdenum deposit before further economic studies advance the project.
Specific recommendations are separated into two phases. The proposed work in Phase 2 is
conditional on the successful completion of the Phase 1 program.

Phase 1:

 Conduct an additional soil and rock chip sampling survey to assess untested
exploration targets. The estimated budget is US$75,000.

Phase 2:

 Conduct a 2,000 metre drill program to test additional surface anomalies. The
estimated budget is US$500,000.

June 15, 2018 26-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report

B2Gold (2008). Internal company documents and figures.

B2Gold (2011). Internal company documents and figures.

B2Gold (2012). Internal company documents and figures.

B2Gold (2016). Internal company documents and figures.

CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practices Guidelines
(November, 2003).

CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May, 2014).

Journel, A.G. and Huijbregts (1978), Mining Geostatistics, London: Academic Press.

Lowell, J. D. and Guilbert, J.M. (1970). Lateral and vertical alteration-mineralization

zoning in porphyry ore deposits. Economic Geology vol. 65, pp 373-408.

Panteleyev, A. (1995). Porphyry Cu+/-Mo+/-Au, in Selected British Columbia Mineral

Deposit Profiles, Volume 1 - Metallics and Coal. Lefebure, D.V. and Ray, G.E., Editors.
British Columbia Ministry of Energy of Employment and Investment.

Smee and Associates Consulting Ltd. Results of Laboratory Audits, Quality Control Data
Review on the Gramalote, Quebradona, and Mocoa Projects, Colombia, October 2008
(internal B2Gold document).

Sillitoe, R.H., Jaramillo, L., Castro, H. (1984). Geologic exploration of a molybdenum-rich

porphyry copper deposit at Mocoa, Colombia. Economic Geology, Vol. 79, 1984, pp.

Sim Geological (2016). Internal figures.

United Nations, INGEOMINAS, ECOMINAS, (1984). Mocoa Copper and Molybdenum

Deposit, Putumayo, Colombia, Preliminary Feasibility Study, Original Spanish and
English Translation, 140p.

von Guttenberg, R., (2008). NI 43-101 Technical Report Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum

Project Putumayo Department Colombia, prepared for B2Gold Corporation, June 18,
2008, 475p.

June 15, 2018 27-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report



I, Michel Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM, do hereby certify that:

1. I am an independent consultant with an address at av. Brasil 1125 3rd floor, Quito, Ecuador.

2. I graduated with a DES degree from the University of Dijon in France in 1964.

3. I am a fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Registration Number 225364.

4. I have practiced my profession continuously for 50 years and have been involved in over 10
studies, mineral resource and reserve estimations and feasibility studies on numerous
underground and open pit base metal and gold deposits in Ecuador and Colombia.

5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”)
and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in
NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person”
for the purposes of NI 43-101.

6. I am an author of the technical report titled “Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia, NI

43-101 Technical Report” dated June 15, 2018, with an effective date of October 6, 2016 (the
“Technical Report”). I am responsible for sections 1-10, 13, 20, 23, 24, 27 and portions of
sections 25 and 26.

7. I personally visited the property and examined drill core stored in Medellín from
th th
October 4 to 8 , 2016.

8. I am independent of Libero Copper Corporation and related companies, the vendor and the
property, applying all of the tests in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.

9. I have had no prior involvement with the Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project

10. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been
prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.

11. As of the date of this certificate, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to make the
Technical Report not misleading.

Dated this 15 day of June, 2018.

"original signed and sealed"


Michel Rowland Brepsant, FAusIMM

June 15, 2018 28-1

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


Robert Sim, P.Geo, SIM Geological Inc.

I, Robert Sim, P.Geo, do hereby certify that:

1. I am an independent consultant of:

SIM Geological Inc.

508 1950 Robson Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6E 1E8
2. I graduated from Lakehead University with an Honours Bachelor of Science (Geology) in 1984.

3. I am a member, in good standing, of Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, License

Number 24076.

4. I have practiced my profession continuously for 34 years and have been involved in mineral
exploration, mine site geology and operations, mineral resource and reserve estimations and
feasibility studies on numerous underground and open pit base metal and gold deposits in
Canada, the United States, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”)
and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in
NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person”
for the purposes of NI 43-101.

6. I am a co-author of the technical report titled “Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia NI

43-101 Technical Report” dated June 15, 2018, with an effective date of October 6, 2016 (the
“Technical Report”) prepared for Libero Copper Corporation (“the issuer”) and accept professional
responsibility for section 14 and portions of sections 1, 25 and 26.

7. I have not visited the Mocoa property.

8. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report.

9. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be
disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.

10. I am independent of the issuer and related companies, the vendor and the property, applying all
of the tests in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.

11. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been prepared in
compliance with that instrument and form.

Dated this 15th day of June, 2018.

“original signed and sealed”

Robert Sim, P.Geo.

June 15, 2018 28-2

Mocoa Copper-Molybdenum Project, Colombia
Technical Report


Bruce M. Davis, FAusIMM, BD Resource Consulting, Inc.

I, Bruce M. Davis, FAusIMM, do hereby certify that:

1. I am an independent consultant of:

BD Resource Consulting, Inc.

4253 Cheyenne Drive
Larkspur, Colorado USA 80118
2. I graduated from the University of Wyoming with a Doctor of Philosophy (Geostatistics) in 1978.

3. I am a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Number 211185.

4. I have practiced my profession continuously for 40 years and have been involved in mineral
resource and reserve estimations and feasibility studies on numerous underground and open pit
base metal and gold deposits in Canada, the United States, Central and South America, Europe,
Asia, Africa and Australia.

5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”)
and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in
NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person”
for the purposes of NI 43-101.

6. I am an author of the technical report titled NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Mocoa Project,
Columbia, dated June 15, ,2018, with an effective date of October 6, 2016 (the “Technical
Report”) and accept responsibility for sections 11 and 12 and portions of sections 1, 14, 25 and

7. I have not visited the Mocoa Property.

8. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report.

9. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be
disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.

10. I am independent of Libero Copper Corporation and related companies, the vendor and the
property, applying all of the tests in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.

11. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been prepared in
compliance with that instrument and form.

Dated this 15th day of June, 2018.

“original signed and sealed”

Bruce M. Davis, FAusIMM

June 15, 2018 28-3

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