Statoil-Karama BlockImpact
Statoil-Karama BlockImpact
Statoil-Karama BlockImpact
EIA Drilling
Prepared for:
October 2010
1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1-1
1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT ...............................................1-1
1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT STATOIL ..................................................1-3
1.4 IMPACT ASSESSMENT APPROACH METHODOLOGY ....................................1-6
1.4.1 Scoping ........................................................................................1-10
1.4.2 Describing the Baseline .............................................................1-10
1.4.3 Impact Prediction.......................................................................1-10
1.4.4 Evaluating the Significance of a Predicted Impact................1-11
1.4.5 Mitigation & Benefit Enhancement .........................................1-12
1.4.6 Residual Impacts ........................................................................1-13
1.4.7 Management & Monitoring......................................................1-13
2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION........................................................................2-1
2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................2-1
2.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW AND LOCATION ..........................................................2-2
2.3 PRINCIPLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES ...................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Positioning of the Drill Ship .......................................................2-2
2.3.2 Drilling Activities.........................................................................2-2
2.3.3 Drilling Mud & Cement Usage ..................................................2-6
2.3.4 Cuttings & Mud Disposal ...........................................................2-7
2.3.5 Well Testing and Clean Up.........................................................2-7
2.3.6 Well Abandonment......................................................................2-7
2.3.7 Supply, Support Logistics...........................................................2-8
2.4 DRILL SHIP SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................2-8
2.4.1 Storage facilities ...........................................................................2-9
2.4.2 Electrical Power Generation .......................................................2-9
2.4.3 Cooling Water and Drilling Water Supply...............................2-9
2.4.4 Sewage Treatment........................................................................2-9
2.4.5 Drainage System ........................................................................2-10
2.5 DRILLING SCHEDULE ..................................................................................2-10
2.6 EMISSIONS, DISCHARGES, WASTE & NOISE EMISSIONS............................2-10
2.6.1 Air Emissions..............................................................................2-10
Summary. Date.
22 October 2010
Approved by
Paul Douglass
President Director
Included in this report. ERM Indonesia
The Karama Block is located in the Makassar Strait. The nearest land is
around 12 km (7.5 miles) West of Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi province.
According to the Government Regulation No. 32 of 2004 regarding Regional
Government, some of the activity locations in Karama Block are,
administratively, under the authority of the West Sulawesi Province
Government (4-12 miles) and most of the locations are under the Central
Government authority (>12 miles).
Statoil has a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with BPMIGAS that allows
Statoil to conduct exploration activities of the Karama block. The contract
agreement is for 30 years (2007-2037). The three commitment wells in the
Karama PSC will be drilled in 2011.
Regulation Description
National Regulations
Act No. 1 of 1973 on Indonesian Continental Regulation on border and sea territory based
Shelf on continental shelf and pollution control
Act No. 5 of 1983 on Indonesian Exclusive Adopts the rule in UNCLOS 1982 of
Economic Zone determining the borderlines as areas further
then 200 miles
Act No. 6 of 1996 on Indonesian Water Activities of usage, management, protection
and preservation of the Indonesian water
Act No. 5 of 1990 regarding Natural The project proponent needs to refer to this
Resource Conservation and Ecosystem regulation when dealing with natural resource
conservation and ecosystems within the
project area.
Act No. 6 of 1994 regarding Ratification on Project activities may potentially generate
the UN Convention on Climate Change greenhouse gasses, hence shall refer to this
Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning Coastal Zone The management of coastal zone and small
and Small Islands Management islands refers to this Act
Typical time-line for IA processes for exploration and oil and gas field
development by Statoil is as follow:
Wind Parks DG1 DG2 DG3
Exploration DGC RTDE DG0
Field development DG0 DG1 AP1 DG2 DG3 DG4
Project definition
Stakeholder engagement
Follow up
Those steps then followed by IA of the planned oil and gas exploration
drilling activity in Karama Block. In this report, the impact assessment has
been undertaken following a systematic process that predicts and evaluates
the impacts the proposed exploration drilling program is expected to have on
aspects of the physical, biological, and socio-economic environment, and
identifies measures that Statoil will take to avoid, reduce, remedy, offset or
compensate for adverse impacts, and to provide benefits, as far as is
The overall approach followed is shown schematically in Figure 1-2 while the
key steps taken are described in subsequent sections. Definitions used
throughout this impact assessment are described in Table 1-2.
Interaction with project planning and design
Stakeholder engagement
Management Plans
Term Definition
Project The Project is defined as including all those actions and activities which are a
necessary part of the Exploration Drilling campaign, including those aspects
without which the Project cannot proceed. This includes presence of chase
boats; the drilling, disposal/ discharges of wastes, etc.
Area of Impacts have been assessed throughout the Area of Influence of the Project.
Influence This varies depending on the type of impact being considered but includes all
that area within which it is considered significant impacts could occur, taking
into account: (a) the physical footprint of the proposed Project and (b) the
nature of the baseline environment and manner in which impacts are likely to
be propagated beyond the Project boundary.
For this Project, most impacts are expected to be mainly localized and are not
expected to extend across national boundaries. However, in the case of the
generation of greenhouse gases, the area of influence extends globally.
Type of The assessment has considered both positive and negative impacts of the
Impact Project. Positive or beneficial impacts are those that are considered to present
an improvement to the baseline or to introduce a new, desirable factor.
Negative or adverse impacts are the reverse.
Resources & The term resources is used to describe features of the environment such as
Receptors water resources, clean air and habitats etc, which are valued by society for
their intrinsic worth and/or their social or economic contribution. The term
receptors is used to define people and communities who may be affected by
the Project.
Environment Aspects of the environment in the context of this Project include:
The physical environment, including climate, air, underwater noise;
The biological or natural environment, including marine habitats, biodiversity
at the community, species and genetic levels; protected areas and ecosystem
The social and socio-economic environment including people and their
livelihood, their health, welfare, amenity, safety and security; employment
and incomes; local, regional and national economies.
Timeframe of Impacts include: permanent impacts that will arise from irreversible changes
Impact in conditions such as the removal of a natural feature; temporary impacts, ie.
those that arise from short term activities such as unplanned events; and
longer term impacts that will arise over the duration of Project activities.
Short and long term impacts will cease on completion of the relevant activities
although there may be a period before the environment returns to its previous
condition. Given the nature of Exploration Drilling, no longer term impacts
are expected to occur.
Within each of the above categories, the assessment considers impacts which
are one-off or recurrent, and continuous or intermittent. If intermittent, the
impacts occur at varying frequency, and at regular, or irregular intervals (eg.
depending on operating or weather conditions).
Nature of The assessment includes direct impacts arising from activities associated with
Impact the Project (primary impacts) and impacts that follow on as a consequence of
these (secondary impacts). So, for example, the release of drill cuttings/
muds into the sea will have a direct affect on water quality. A change in
water quality can then lead to a secondary effect on marine organisms.
1.4.1 Scoping
The first stage of the assessment involved identifying the likely significant
impacts of the Project that require further investigation. This aims to focus
the assessment on the likely significant impacts. This involved the systematic
consideration of the potential for interaction between activities involved in
the Project and aspects of the physical, biological, socio-economic
environment that may be affected. The results of scoping are presented in
Section 4.
(1) A distinction is made here between the probability of impact arising from a non-routine event such as an
accidental spill or fire, and the likelihood of an uncertain impact; for example it may not be certain that health
will be affected by air emissions or that jobs will be obtained by local people.
Magnitude of Impact
Evaluation of Significance
Low Medium High
Value/ Sensitivity
Minor Moderate Moderate-
of resources/ Medium
This assessment has been prepared on the basis that drilling will be conducted
using the drill ship GSF Explorer operated by Transocean. A photograph of
the GSF Explorer is shown in Figure 2-1.
Statoil are planning to drill three exploration wells (Anoman, Laksmana and
Gatot-kaca) within the Karama Block in the Makassar Strait, offshore West
Sulawesi (see Figure 2-2). The wells will be drilled in water depths ranging
between 1,660–1,825 m. The nearest distance to shoreline of the outermost
island or to mainland for for each of the wells is Anoman well 34 km (to
mainland), Laksmana well 19 km (to Karampuan Island) and Gatot-kaca 35
km (to mainland).
The supply base for the exploration drilling activities will be the Petrosea
Offshore Supply Base (POSB) at Balikpapan, which is located approximately
185 km (120 miles – see Figure 1-1) from the Karama Block. POSB is well
equipped with a deepwater quay for large platform supply vessels (PSVs).
The function of drilling mud includes cooling and lubricating the drill bit,
removing and transporting cuttings to the surface, counterbalancing
formation pressure to prevent formation fluids (ie. liquid hydrocarbons, gas
and water) from entering the well prematurely and preventing the open
(uncased) wellbore from caving in. As the well is drilled, metal casing is
The well drilling will involve 3 (three) wells with the average well depth of
5,425 m. Water based muds (WBMs) will be used to drill the initial phase (ie.
as indicated in Figure 2-3) while the remainder of the well will be drilled
using synthetic based muds (SBMs). The first step in the drilling sequence
will be to drill a 36” top hole section into the seabed into which the conductor
pipe is cemented.
17 1/2” 13 5/8” Intermediate Casing @ 3,648 m SBM
Both water-based muds (WBM) and synthetic based muds (SBM) will be used
for the Karama drilling program. A simple water based mud (spud mud)
will be used for the upper hole sections; a synthetic based mud will be used
for lower hole sections. Typical mud types for each hole section including
quantities for the drilling program are indicated in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.
Table 2-1 Typical Mud Types and Quantities for each Hole Section
Components Well Sections
Open Hole 36” 30” 26” 20” 17.5” 14.5” 12 ¼” 8.5”
Casing/Liner 36” 26” 20” 16” 13 5/8” 11 ¾” 9 5/8” 7”
Mud Density (sg) 1.03 1.03 1.18 1.18 1.20 1.20 1.20
Mud 328 332 3502 213 303 230 161 88
Table 2-2 Likely Mud Types to be Used for the Karama Drilling Program
Mud Components Function Quantity OCNS
Bentonite Bulk Weight additive 2205 lbs/BB E
Barite Bulk Weight additive 2205 lbs/BB E
Drill Water Additive 862 m3 -
BARAZAN D Viscosifier 55 lbs/sx E
Calcium Chloride Brine Weighting/ bridging agent 740 lbs E
Caustic Soda pH Controller 55 lbs/sx E
Guar Gum/ Xanthan gum Stabilizer/ emulsifier 55 lbs/sx E
PAC-LE Fluid loss additive 55 lbs/sx -
Soda ash pH controller 6818 bbl E
Sodium Bicarbonates pH controller 25 kg/sx
EDC 95/11 Base oil 593 m3 -
EZ MUL NT Emulsifier/ wetting agent 441 lbs/drum D
Calcium Chloride powder Weighting/ bridging agent 55 lbs/sx E
Lime hydrated Alkalinity agent 55 lbs/sx E
RHEMOD L Rheology/ suspension 441 lbs/drum -
LIQUITONE HTHP filtration agent 450 lbs/drum Gold
Calcium Carbonate Fine Additive 55 lbs/sx E
* Under OSPARs Offshore Chemical Notification System (OCNS), chemicals used in the offshore oil
and gas industry are assessed in terms of their ecological hazard. Two approaches are used
depending on the use of the chemical; either a Hazard Quotient (HQ) is given; expressed as a Colour
Band (Gold having lowest hazard and purple having the highest hazard; or an OCNS Group,
expressed as a letter from A to E (A having the highest risk hazard and E having the lowest)
The majority of chemicals being used are classified as posing little or no risk to the environment. The
environmental characteristics of drilling fluid chemicals, including contingency chemicals, to be
used are presented in Appendix 6.
SBMs will be used to drill the remainder of the well. During SBM drilling, a
closed system will be used whereby the mud and cuttings are separated on
board the drill ship, by routing returns from downhole (mud and cuttings) to
the solid control system which physically separate the drill cuttings and sand
from the drilling mud. Once separated, the cuttings will be dried (to about 30
-50 g/kg oil content or 3 - 5%) in a separate cuttings dryer system and
disposed of overboard through the discharge chute. The muds will be reused
and once drilling is complete the muds will be returned to the POSB at
Balikpapan for storage.
The wells will be permanently plugged with cement after drilling according
to Statoil requirements and Indonesian legislations. This includes the
Personnel will be transferred to the drill ship by Helicopter (which can take
10 passengers at a time) from the POSB at Balikpapan. Approximately 2
flights a day are expected (during the day only; night trips will only be
conducted in an emergency).
The drill ship will be supported by two (2) PSVs and one (1) fast boat. It is
estimated that six (6) supply trips per week will be required to transport
materials and supplies from Balikpapan to the drill ship. Supplies (eg. diesel
fuel, drill water, etc) required throughout drilling operations will be supplied
from the POSB.
Drill ships are special purpose - built ships which consist of all the equipment
that you would find on a conventional drilling rig. A summary of the
principal drill ship specifications is provided below and summarized in the
following subsections:
The main power generation system consists of nine diesel generators (five at
4900 HP and four at 3070 HP). Fuel consumption is about 40 m3/day during
drilling operations (including on standby). Diesel will be supplied from the
Seawater will be used for cooling the ship engines while drill water will be
supplied from the POSB at Balikpapan.
All grey water (includes laundry, kitchen, bathroom faucets, baths and
showers) generated on board the drill ship will not pass the Omnipure but
will be discharged overboard into the sea.
Areas that contain oil will be drained to a storage tank for shipment to and
disposal on shore. Rainwater in clean areas will be drained into the sea.
The well will be drilled using WBM and SBM; during WBM drilling,
generated drill cuttings and spent WBM will be discharged to seabed. Excess
cement will also be discharged into the sea. During drilling with SBMs, the
only discharge of SBM to the sea will arise due to drill mud retained on
cuttings after drying in the cuttings dryer system to an oil level content to
around 30 – 50 g/kg or 3-5%. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Regulation No 045 Year 2006 sets forth allowable limit of oil content in drill
cuttings for offshore drilling. In accordance with this regulation, drill cuttings
can be disposed to the sea (in non-sensitive areas, type of sensitive areas are
defined in Presidential Decree No 32 Year 1990) if the oil content in drill
cuttings is less than 10% (10 g/kg). Statoil has internal policy the oil content
in drill cuttings that can be disposed to the sea is no more than 1%, if this
limit can not be fulfilled during drilling, the project will search a dispensation
from Statoil corporate head quarter to allow to dispose drill cuttting with oil
(1) 1 Indonesia’s total annual CO2 emissions stand at 3.014 billion tonnes (Indonesia’s World’s No. 3 Greenhouse Gas
Emitter: Report, Adhityani Arga. 4 June 2007.
Other discharges to sea from the drill ship, standby and support vessels will
comprise bilge water, cooling water, deck drainage, sewage and grey water
(eg laundry/showers etc.). Indicative sewage and domestic wastewater
discharge rates for typical offshore operations are presented in Table 2-8.
2.6.4 Noise
Noise emissions associated with the project will be generated by the drill
ship, support and supply vessels. Helicopter flights will also be a further
source of transient noise.
Drill ship noise will be generated by the ships engines, propellers and
thrusters, power generation equipment, pumps, shale shakers, draw-works,
hydraulic power packs, cranes, air compressors etc.). Noise from support
shipping (ie. the PSVs and fast boat) will be generated by the engines,
propellers and thrusters.
(2) 2 Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD. Comparative Environmental Analysis of the Piltun-Astokh Field
Pipeline Route Options, 2005.
PSOB is located far from the residential area therefore it will be likely less
interaction with the community in Balikpapan. In terms of environmental
impacts, it will be into the operational mode when drilling activities occurs in
Karama Blocks. This will include liquid mud plant operation, tubular
maintenance and harbour operation. Most of the activities are conducted
within the supply base accept to those of shipping operations to Karama
All environmental impacts will be managed and monitor within the supply
base in Balikpapan. Petrosea has developed standard operation procedure for
environmental management to be enacted to ensure that the POSB meets
contractual, legal and environmental requirements. Further, this is also to
meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 which include the need of continual
improvements. These SOPs include: Waste Management Procedure (POSB-
HSE-PR-G-0005), Environmental Management Plan for Tanjung Batu Supply
Base (POSB-HSE-PL-G-0002) and POSB Waste Management Plan (POSB-HSE-
3.1.1 Climate
Data on climatic conditions in the Balikpapan during the period from 2000 to
2005 was obtained from the Meteorological and Geo-physics station of
Sepinggan, Balikpapan City. Data includes temperature, humidity, rainfall
and wind speed and direction. The data shows that this region has a tropical
climate of A type, with average rainfall > 204.8 mm/month. Rainfall
The highest rainfall occured from September to January, with the monthly
average of 252.2 mm while the lowest occured in July with 160.7 mm in
average. The daily fluctuations may vary between one month to the other
month. Bathymetry
The Tanjung Batu waters in Balikpapan Bay has a moderate slope os shallow
water until 0,5 mile and reaching 3 m deep in 0.6 mile from nearshore,
followed by 6-12 m deep at the range of 1 mile from shore. The depth is
relatively stable as the result of low sedimentation, represented by granite
boulders on the seabed and water clarity within 1 mile radius from shore. Tide
Wave characteristic in Balikpapan Bay ranges from 1-1.5 m with wave period
of 6 seconds from south to Northwest. From previous study (Design report
on Urgent Development Program for the Port of Balikpapan, 1988), the waves
could reach 2.0 m, influenced by vessel movement in the port. However, all
vessels entering the Port should be guided and is not exceeding the
maximum speed of 3 knots to avoid hydrodynamics pattern shift within the
Coral condition near the PSOB water in Tanjung Batu was in bad to moderate
condition (based on criteria in Ministry of Environment Decree No. KEP-
04/MENLH/02/2001). Based on the AMDAL study in 3 locations in Tanjung
Batu waters, the coral cover was 21.26% to 34.59%. It is predicted that the
dead coral and rubble, have been resulted from un-environmentally practices
from local fishers, using cyanide and bomb for fishing. These practices have
been enacted by the local fishers as the dead coral has been covered by algae.
However, some species has been survived in the location, including Acropora
spp, Fungia spp, and Lobophyllia. Based on fact that water quality surrounding
the area and unsustainable development in the Tanjung water, the coral
ecosystem recovery does not likely to occurs. Fisheries
The fisheries resources in Balikpapan has not been fully exploited. The
maximum sustainable yield of Balikpapan water is predicted to reach 16.36
tonnes/year but the fishing utilization has been only 1.25 tonnes/month
(Balikpapan Fisheries Agency, 1998). The yield from mariculture from fish
and shrimp ponds activities (tambaks) is 8.6 tonnes/year and 1.25
toones/year for tiger prawn and milk fish respectively. On capture fisheries,
some economically important fishes are found in the area: sardines, groupers,
trevally and snappers. This indicates that Balikpapan Bay is also important
habitat for some economic valued fishes. Demography
Sex ratio in this Subdistrict is dominated by man with the percentage of 100
to 117,70. The productive age is 82% of the population, representing that 33 of
non productive person is under responsibility of 152 productive workers.
The fisheries activities, capture and aquaculture, are the major livelihood in
Kariangau village, as of 30% of the villagers are still depending on this
natural resources. However, this livelihood will be highly impacted due to
the development PSOB. In the last 5-10 years, the fishing yield has been
declining by 24%, from IDR 19,285,714 to IDR 14,571,285. Interview
conducted with the local communities during the PSOB AMDAL study
revealed that the decline was as the result of pollution from some industrial
activities nearby, combined with high and busy marine traffic in Balikpapan
bay. Some exclusive zones by the industries are also limit the resources
access. This is worsened by the increase of the fuel price.
Drill cutting dispersion and oil spill modeling were used to predict the area of
potential impact from the deep-water exploration drilling program under
routine and non routine conditions. Detailed results from the models are
provided in Appendix 1. In summary, oil spill modeling highlighted the
areas of Karampuang Island and adjacent shoreline of the Mamuju Regency
of West Sulawesi as vulnerable to an accidental release of hydrocarbons
under certain scenarios (Figure 3-1). The known sensitive receptors in these
areas include coral reef; mangrove and sea grass ecosystems; and community
brackish water fish ponds (tambak) as discussed in the following sections.
The area has a high occurrence of rainfall with only 0-2 dry months a year.
Rainfall levels are highest from November to March with average rainfall is
4,000 mm, while from June to October average rainfall is 1,400 mm. Average
humidity of the Mamuju Regency is between 75 to 80% (West Sulawesi in
Numbers, 2005-2006).
Local meteorological data (winds) were obtained from the Asia Pacific Data
Research Center (APDRC) for coordinates 118.6° E Longitude, 2.1º S Latitude.
While both March and October had significant winds from the east and west,
wind rose diagrams (Figure 3-2) showed an additional strong influence of
winds from the southwest in March 2008 and from the northeast in October.
Average wind velocity ranges from 5 to 16 km/hour. Maximum wind
velocity is typically 29-67 km/hour.
The Makassar Strait occupies the continental shelf, slope and rise areas
between the islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi, forming a distinct
physiographic border between the western Indonesia landmass and the
eastern Indonesia archipelago. The strait is roughly 100–200 km wide and
300 km long.
The Makassar Strait is bounded towards the north by a long lateral fault (the
Palu-Koro fault), which separates this basin from the Sulawesi sea. The
Makassar Strait is divided into the North Makassar and South Makassar basin
by another lateral fault (Paternoster fault). The occurrence of these two faults
is clearly reflected by the steep gradients indicated by the bathymetric
contours. A thick sequence of relatively undisturbed Neogene and probably
Paleogene sediments showing good lateral continuity were deposited in the
basin (Darman, 2000).
3.2.4 Oceanography
The Makassar Straits are the main passage in the transfer of water and heat
from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, via the Indonesian seas. This transfer of
Pacific water into the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian seas affects the
heat and freshwater budgets of both oceans as well as having an effect on
global climate (Ffield, et al., 2000).
The Makassar Strait is bounded by the Sulawesi Sea to the north and the East
Java Sea to the south. The southern part of the strait is shallower than the
north, with average water depths less than 2 km. Water depths at the
proposed exploration well locations in the Karama Block range from
approximately 1,650 m closest to the coast to 1,900 m at the western-most well
Sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Karama
PSC vary seasonally and annually due to Monsoon Wind Systems and the
Indonesian Trough Flow (ITF) (Ilahude and Gordon 1996). SST also varies
geographically from north to south.
Surveys show that during the South East Monsoon (SEM), SST is slightly
colder (28.2 – 28.7°C) and SSS is higher (33.8 – 34.2 psu) (Prisetiahadi, 1994
and Ilahude and Gordon 1996). SST is slightly colder in the southern part of
the Strait (around 28 °C) compared to the middle and northern part (about
28-29° C) during SEM. From east-west SST is relatively constant, especially in
the middle part of the strait. This warm SST is considered as a part of warm
pool of tropical Pacific Ocean.
The SSS is above 34.11 psu (about 34.2-34.5 psu) during the SEM. The values
of SSS in the southern part are slightly higher and homogenous than those at
the middle and northern part of Strait.
Vertical salinity profiles during the SEM show that salinity increases from
about 33.8-33.8 psu at the surface to 34.5-34.7 psu at a depth of 100-150 m.
Seawater at this depth is believed to be of North Pacific origin and is called
North Pacific Subtropical Water (NPSW). Beyond this depth salinity
decreases to 34.0- 34.6 psu at 250-450 m (North Pacific Intermediate Water
(NPIW)) and approximately 34.5 psu at 1000 m (Wyrtki, 1961; Prisetiahadi,
1994; and Ilahude and Gordon 1996). Indicative vertical temperature and
salinity profiles during SEM are depicted in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Vertical profile at Makassar Strait (a) Temperature (b) Salinity
Horizontal mean monthly SST and SSS within and around Karama Block
computed from data for the period 1929 to 2004 (available from NODC,
NOAA, USA and JODC, Japan) show similar values. The mean monthly SST
around the Karama Block varied from 28°C to 30.3°C and was slightly colder
during the SEM than the NWM. Mean monthly SSS are slightly lower during
the NWM (January and February) with the values of 30.5 – 33 psu, and
slightly higher (32.2 – 34.5 psu) during the SEM (July and August). At both
seasons, surface salinity at the Karama Block consistently shows a decrease
towards the coast. This may be attributable to river drainage from the land
into the nearshore waters. Ocean Currents (Direction and Velocity – Horizontal and Vertical Profile)
The description of Ocean Currents within the Karama Block, Makassar Strait
is based on:
• In situ current data set from JODC, Japan from alternate year starting
from 1902 to 1997 (JODC, 2009).
• A three year dataset of ocean currents within Labani Channel, a 45 km
constriction near 2°52’S (Susanto and Gordon, 2005; Gordon, 2008),
approximately 30 nm south-southwest of the center of the Karama block.
• The results of ocean models developed at the US Naval Research
Laboratory (NRL, 2009).
The stick plot of the current vector at MAK I (west mooring) measured
during Arlindo experiment at Labani Channel is presented in Figure 3-5
(Susanto and Gordon 2005). The length of the stick equates to the value of the
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85
Figure 3-5 Stick plot of the current vector at several depths at MAK I (west
mooring) measured during Arlindo experiment at Labani Channel from
July 2005 – June 2006.
Table 3-1 Variation of mean monthly surface current vector within Karama
Block from January to December
Month Speed Direction Description
January 0.1 – 0.2 South, southeast Weaker at coastal side
February 0.15 -0.3 South, south-southeast Almost homogeneous spatially
March 0.15 – 0.4 South, southeast, east, Eddy counter clockwise,
northeast, north southward at seaside and
northward at the coast
April 0.05 – 0.2 Northeast, north- Irregular motion, very slow in the
northeast center
May 0.2 – 0.5 South, south- Slightly stronger at coastal site
southeast, south-
June 0.05 – 0.4 South, west, southwest Stronger southward at coast,
weaker in middle west-
July 0.15 – 0.4 South, southwest Weaker at the sea site
Wave data used to describe wave characteristics within the Karama Block are
the results of model output of European Climate Moderate Range Weather
Forecast (ECMWF). The wave model output series (1989–2008) which are
available in a north-south section along 118.5° E starting from -1.5°S to -3°S is
at western edge of Karama Block and is presented in Figure 3-6. The time
series of wave characteristics along this section show that during 1989 to 2002
the significant wave height varied between 0.3 to <0.4 m and at the same
period, the mean wave period is varied between >4 sec to >4.5 sec. However,
from 2003 to 2008, the significant wave height increased to 0.4 m to 0.45 m
and the mean wave period also increased to 5 sec to 5.25 sec. Moreover, the
direction of mean wave is varied between 180 degrees to 200 degrees (south
to south-southeastward) from 1989 to 2008, except in November 1997 to
August 1998 where the mean wave direction is 100 degrees to 150 degrees
The time series wave characteristics from March 2008 to February 2009 are
also available from ECMWF) at a station just north and south of the Karama
Block. At the station north of Karama Block, the significant wave heights
fluctuated mainly around 0.3 to 0.4 m, period mainly 4.2 to 6.5 sec and
direction mainly around 200 degrees to 250 degrees (south west). At the
station south of the Karama Block, the wave data show a greater fluctuation
than those at the north station.
The significant wave height is 0.3 to 0.5 m in March 2008 – April, then starts
to increase reaching a highest value of 0.7 - 0.9 m in July 2008; decreasing to
about 0.3 -0,.4 m in December 2008 and fluctuating abruptly in January and
February 2009. The mean wave period is varied between 4.5 to 6.5 sec in
March to May 2008, 5.0 – 5.4 sec in June to September 2008 and 4.5 to 6.5 sec
from October 2008 to February 2009. Wave directions are varied between
150 degrees (south-southwest) in March to October 2008 to
200 degrees-250 degrees (turning slightly to the west) in November 2008 to
February 2009.
Figure 3-6 Time series of wave characteristics: (i) significant wave height (upper),
(ii) mean wave period (middle), and (iii) mean wave direction (lower)
along a north-south section acquired from European Climate
Moderate Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)
Tide data records are available from measurement (1–22 April 2009) at
Mamuju (118.91667 E - 2.68333 S) just south of Karama Block coast and as
predicted data using a Global Tidal Model and Nested Regional Tidal Model
(BPPT) validated with surface height measured by Topex/Poseidon, ERS-1
and ERS-2. The results of this model can be acquired at many locations
around Karama Block such as those at the northern and southern parts of the
Karama Block.
Figure 3-7 Comparison between tide measurement (blue) and results of tide
prediction (red) at Mamuju from 1 – 22 April 2009.
Extreme conditions are usually caused by storms. As storms pass by, then
wind will be stronger, wave height will be higher, wave periods will be
longer and may it cause chaotic and strong surface currents. There is limited
wave model prediction data for storm conditions in the Makassar Strait. This
report describes some of the available data on extreme wind conditions which
may be considered as “storms”.
Wind conditions in the Makassar Strait were characterized from the above
sources for the period 1 to 24 April 2009 with 4 wind condition each day (at
hours of 00.00, 06.00, 12.00 and 18.00). Visual observation of this period at 4
times each day showed moderate wind conditions within or nearby the
Karama Block. These include:
• April 2009 at 00.06 hours where the wind speed was >9 m/sec to the
During April 2009, extreme wind conditions around the Karama Block were
infrequent but several occurrences were observed at the eastern side of
Makassar Strait, especially around the Balikpapan coast.
The occurrence of storms (wind speed > 20 m/s) in the Makassar Strait is
infrequent. This influenced by the location of the Strait at the equator and the
shielding effect of Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Furthermore, this area lies
between two tropical storm belts (generally located between 5°–27° N and S
latitudes). The area is largely unaffected by tropical cyclones and is
characterized by localized squalls (Gill, 1982). Extreme events are rare but
monsoon storm events have been recorded and winds up to 80 miles/hr
(approximately 36 m/s) have occurred in exceptional circumstances.
Water quality within the Karama Block was studied through sea water
column sampling conducted by ELNUSA during the period September to
October 2009. Sediment samples were also taken during the period. Water
quality sampling were conducted at three sampling locations as presented in
Figure 3-8 (one near the shoreline-point 4, and two located offshore-points 1B
and 2). Water samples were collected from different depth, resulting fourteen
sampling station (1B-a, 1B-b, 1B-c1, 1B-c2, 1B-d, 1B-e, 2-a, 2-b, 2-c1, 2-c2, 2-d,
2-e, 4-a, 4-b).
Seawater samples were collected from the following depths in the water
• Surface water sample at 10m;
• Surface-mid water sample at 400m;
• Mid water column sample at 620m;
• Middle-bottom water sample at 1,200m; and
• Bottom water sample at 1,600m.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at the surface of all sampling stations was slightly
lower than the standard threshold. This may be attributable to the relatively
higher temperature driving the equilibrium towards a gaseous phase. DO
also decrease with increasing depth due to less contact with the atmosphere.
There was a low level of Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand 5 Days (BOD5) as well
as non-detectable pollutant levels of Poly-cyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
(PAH), Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), Tri Butyl Tin (TBT) and pesticides
in all of the samples.
The BOD concentration of the samples taken generally was below the
stipulated concentration stated in MoE 51-2004 that is 20 mg/L. This low
BOD is considered to show good condition where little pollution occurred at
the studied location. Influences of possible anthropogenic pollutants from
domestic activities (e.g. shipping and/or human activities at shores) were
indicated by the presence of phosphate, nitrate and surfactants, as well as oil
and grease parameters.
Total organic carbon (TOC) and total hydrocarbon were detected in all
sampling points. TOC representing all combustible organic compounds in
water was detected ranging from 0.69 to 3.74 mg/L. TOC is not regulated in
MoE 51-2004. Total hydrocarbon was detected in all sampling points ranged
from 0.4 t0 3.0 mg/L. In accordance with MoE 51-2004, threshold limit of
total hydrocarbon for marine water in port area is 1 mg/L, but total
hydrocarbon is not regulated for marine tourism and marine biota.
Oil and grease was detected in all sampling locations ranged from 2.2 to 7.0
mg/L. MoE 51-2004 stipulates threshold limit for marine water in port area is
5 mg/L and for marine tourism and marine biota is 1 mg/L. Based on this
limit, oil and grease concentrations in all samplings stations exceeded
threshold limit for marine tourism and marine biota.
Metals and heavy metals were generally in compliance with the standards,
except for Cr (VI), Pb and Ni. Cr (VI) was detected in all sampling locations
ranged from 0.009 to 0.130 mg/L (threshold limit 0.005 mg/L), Pb was
detected ranged from 0.194 to 0.300 mg/L (threshold limit 0.008 mg/L) and
Ni concentration in all sampling locations was detected ranged from 0.037 to
0.378 mg/L (threshold limit 0.05 mg/L). Other metals, such as Ba, Se, Al and
V have no standard threshold values. The concentrations had similar values
in all locations and depths, possibly because these metals are naturally
present in the sea water.
The metal content of sediment samples were of a similar range for each
sampling point. The highest levels of: Al, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, V, Co, Se and
Ag were recorded at sampling point 2; Ba, Hg, and Zn were higher at
sampling point 1B and Mn was highest at sampling point 4 (Appendix 3).
Currently, Indonesia does not have standard for sediment quality, the
analytical result is compared to OSPAR background concentration to have
information on sediment quality of the studied area.
Of the metals on the OSPAR BC list (Hg, Cd, Cr, Pb, As, Zn, Ni and Cu),
concentration of Hg at all sampling points was higher than OSPAR BC and
EAC limit while Ni and Cu were higher than OSPAR BC but still within the Plankton
Aquatic biota samples were also collected during the water column/sediment
sampling program (three sampling location, fourteen sampling station 1B-a,
1B-b, 1B-c1, 1B-c2, 1B-d, 1B-e, 2-a, 2-b, 2-c1, 2-c2, 2-d, 2-e, 4-a, 4-b) as shown in
Figure 3-8.
3.2.7 Fish
Small eels have a spawning season around April-May, while the larger spawn
before April. Makasar Straits is a known spawning area for eels, but the most
significant spawning areas are in Tomini Bay out of the Karama Block area.
The eels spawning in the sea areas in the gulf then return to fresh water
around the Tomini Bay. The distribution of larval eels (leptochepalus)
correlates with the distribution of adult eels which inhabit freshwater
The coastal waters around West Sulawesi province (Sulawesi Barat) and
especially around Majene are spawning areas for nener (milkfish larval).
Milkfish larval abundance is estimated at 2 million larval per 2 km long beach
during the fishing season in March-April and August to January (Directorate
General of Fisheries 2007).
In Indonesia there are 6 species of sea turtles, green turtle (Chelonia mydas),
hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys
coriacea) olive ridley turtle (Lepidchelys olivacea), loggerhead turtle (Caretta
caretta) and flatback turtle (Natator depressa). All six sea turtle species existing
in Indonesia has been reserved No. 5 of 1990 concerning the Conservation of
Natural Resources and Ecosystem with Government Regulation No.
implementing regulations No. 7 of 1999 concerning The Preservation of
Plants and Animals.
A number of turtle species occur in the area of West Sulawesi and Makassar
Strait; the Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), Green (Chelonia mydas) and
Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate). All species of sea turtles are
endangered by the IUCN status. Turtle nesting sites are generally along the
fine sandy beaches, there are no reports of sea turtle nesting along the coast of
Mamuju. Turtle nesting season has a different time between places with one
another. In Indonesia turtle nesting season lasts all year round with peak
season vary by region. Turtle nesting season on the island of Sulawesi is
generally in the month of December to April.
Nesting beaches are outside of the area of the Karama Block and known
migration rotes suggest that the turtles concentrate along the coast of East
Kalimantan and South Sulawesi for nesting sites in the south and in the
waters in the North Makassar basin, north of Kalimantan and Sulawesi
(Figure 3-10). However, due to the location of the East Kalimantan breeding
sites these turtle species may be encountered in the vicinity of the Karama
Block and in the waters between Balikpapan and the PSC area.
The shallow, muddy coast of Sulawesi Barat has extensive mangrove forest,
which are regularly flooded with brackish or saline tidal waters. The plains,
mangroves, and mud flats have the potential to support vast numbers of
shorebirds. Sixty four (64) species of shorebirds have been recorded in
Indonesia, of which a few are not regularly observed. More than 34 species of
birds visit the Sulawesi beach twice each year. They can be seen between
February to April and between September to November, on the way to and
from breeding grounds in Northeast Asia and East Asia and also because of
the winter migration. The birds fly to southwestern Australia (White 1975)
between February to April and again between September to November.
These birds are often found in the muddy soil and beach along the coastline.
Table 3-2 Some migratory birds in western Sulawesi (Holmes and Phillips, 1999)
West Sulawesi wetland habitats are a suitable habitat for shore birds,
No Local Name International Name Scientific Name
1 Cikalang kecil Lesser frigatebird Fregata ariel LC
2 Pecuk padi belang Little pied cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos LC
3 Pecuk padi hitam Little black cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris LC
4 Pecuk ular asia Oriental darter Anhinga melanogaster NT
5 Angsa batu coklat Brown booby Sula leucogaster LC
6 Cangak merah Purple Heron Ardea purpurea LC
7 Cangak laut Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana LC
8 Kuntul kerbau Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis LC
9 Blekok sawah Javan pond heron Ardeola speciosa LC
10 Kuntul besar Great egret Casmerodius albus LC
Egreta intermedia/
11 Kuntul perak Intermediate egret LC
Mesophoyx intermedia
12 Kuntul kecil Little egret Egreta garzetta LC
13 Kuntul belang Pied heron Egreta picata/Ardea picata LC
14 Kokokan laut Striated heron Butorides striatus NT
15 Kowak malam merah Rufous night heron Nycticorax caledonicus LC
16 Bambangan merah Cinnamon bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus LC
17 Bambangan kuning Yellow bittern Ixobrychus sinensis LC
18 Bambangan hitam Black bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis LC
19 Bangau sandang lawe Wolly-necked stork Ciconia episcopus LC
20 Bangau bluwok Milky stork Mycteria cinerea VU
21 Ibis rokoroko Glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus LC
22 Elang tiram Osprey Pandion haliaetus LC
23 Elang laut perut putih White bellied sea eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster LC
24 Elang paria Black kite Milvus migrans LC
25 Itik benjut Sunda teal Anas gibberirfons LC
26 Itik gunung Pacific black duck Anas superciliosa LC
27 Maleo Maleo Macrocephalon maleo EN
Esacus magnirostis/Esacus
28 Wili-wili besar Beach thick knee NT
29 Dara laut batu Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus LC
30 Dara laut jambul besar Great crested tern Sterna bergii LC
31 Dara laut benggala Lesser crested tern Sterna bengalensis LC
Dara laut tengkuk
32 Black napped tern Sterna sumatrana LC
33 Dara laut kecil Little tern Sterna albifrons LC
EX Extinct EW Extinct in the Wild
CR Critically Endangered EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern DD Data Deficient
NE Not evaluated
Coastal areas are the border between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In a
coastal forests ecosystem, plants are clustered and formed specific units
according to their habitat. A unit of vegetation in a specific habitat is called
formation. Each formation is named according to the most dominant plant
In the project zone of influence there are two types of forest found along the
coastal zone of Sulawesi Barat, namely coastal forest and mangrove. The
coastal zone is backed by a wide distribution of rainforest which is outside
the project area and zone of influence and so is not discussed here.
The species of birds found in mangrove forests are listed in Table 3-4.
Figure 3-11 Typical Narrow Band of Mangrove Ecosystem Found in Mamuju due
to Steep Topography at Coast of Mamuju Important, Rare, Endemic or Endangered Species (Flora and Fauna) both Onshore
and Offshore
Sulawesi Island is a very specific island; therefore the discussion of flora and
fauna can not be limited to West Sulawesi but to cover the entire Sulawesi
Island. There are 165 species of endemic mammals in Indonesia, almost half
of them (46%) are found in Sulawesi. Out of 127 species of mammal found in
Sulawesi, 79 species (62%) are endemic. On mainland Sulawesi there are 233
species of birds, 84 of them are endemic to Sulawesi. This number accounts
Some endemic animals found in West Sulawesi are high land anoa, low land
anoa, deer, maleo bird, and Sulawesi black monkey. According to Sujatnika
(1995) some endemic birds exist are 'elang alap kecil' (Accipter nanus), 'maleo
senkawor' (Macrocephalon maleo), 'mandar dengkur' (Aramidopsis plateni),
'kareo Sulawesi' (Amauromis isabellina), 'pergam tutu' (Ducula forsteni),
'delimukan Sulawesi' (Gallicomba tristigmata), 'serindit paruh merah' (Loriculus
exllis), 'pungguk oker' (Ninox ochracea), 'cekakak hutan tungging hijau'
(Actenoides monachus), 'cirik-cirik pasa' (Meropogon forsteni), 'kepodang-sungu
biru' (Coracina temminckii), 'sikatan leher merah' (Ficedula rufigula), 'kacamata
perut pucat' (Zosterops consobrinorum), and 'raja perling Sulawesi' (Basilornis
The condition of the Wildlife Park consists of wetland and marshy areas
which include 300 ha of secondary forest, swamp forest and mangrove areas.
This wildlife reserve is a very important area for plants and animals
especially for Mandar Sulawesi birds or Ballidae or Celebes Rails (Aramidopsis
plateni) and Ibis hitam (Plegadis fascinelus) which are endemic, as well as being
a refuge for migratory birds.
Figure 3-15 Karampuang Island (A) and Main Activities: (B) Inhabitant/Village,
(C) Recreational Resort run by local government, and (D) Floating net
Table 3-6 Population Distribution and Density of Mamuju Regency 2004 and 2007
Population Population Density
Sub-District Area (km2) (person) (person/ km2)
2004 2007 2004 2007
1. Tapalang 504,11 15,253 15,500 30.3 30.7
2. Tapalang Barat 127,14 7,718 9,415 60.7 74.1
3. Mamuju 160,24 35,157 41,332 219.4 257.9
4. Simboro-Kep 100,69 20,235 19,430 201.0 193.0
5. Kalukku 461,99 34,354 42,500 74.4 92.0
6. Papalang 160,43 18,056 18,453 112.5 115.0
7. Sampaga 95,94 11,914 13,054 124.2 136.1
8. Tommo 588,28 15,104 19,249 25.7 32.7
According to available data, the overall gender ratio of the Mamuju Regency
in 2006-2007 stabilized at 105, which means that the number of men is slightly
higher than women, with the exception the of Sampaga Sub-district where
the number of women is higher.
The population composition based on age and gender for the year 2004 and
2006 is shown in Table 3-8. The Department of Domestic Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia stated that a population is referred to as ‘young’ if the
60 – 64
50 – 54
Age Group
40 – 44
30 – 34
20 – 24 Female
10 – 14
-20,000 -15,000 -10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
0–4 5–9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 +
Female -17,187 -18,301 -14,232 -13,057 -10,029 -12,516 -10,820 -9,668 -6,890 -5,098 -3,576 -2,190 -1,935 -1,977
Male 18,467 18,382 18,430 11,466 9,192 10,333 11,277 10,448 8,387 6,181 5,079 3,060 2,586 3,361
Age Group
40 – 44
30 – 34
20 – 24
10 – 14
-20,000-15,000-10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Population ( 2006 )
0–4 5–9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 +
Female -14,689 -16,537 -16,633 -14,110 -11,696 -13,448 -10,592 -10,578 -9,047 -5,848 -5,434 -3,807 -2,152 -3,352
Male 16,860 17,737 19,534 12,404 11,454 11,980 11,104 12,726 6,955 8,006 5,830 3,273 3,506 4,734
The dependency ratio (DR) is the ratio of the population of non-working age
(under 15 years and older than 65 years) compared to the number of people
available for the workforce (15 to 64 years). The dependency ratio is
calculated using the following formula:
P0−14 + P65+
DR = × 100
DR : Dependency Ratio
P0-14 : Population in the 0 – 14 years
P15-64 : Population in the 15 – 64 years
P65+ : Population older than 65 years
Road Transportation
In 2007, the road coverage in the Mamuju Regency is 1,697.3 km, of this
approximately 221.50 km of road was under the State authority, 154 km
under province authority and 1,321.80 km under the regency authority. The
majority of roads are gravel surfaced, with a small proportion with asphalt.
The categorization road by type of surface and authority of control is shown
on Table 3-13.
The condition of the road infrastructure is poor overall. Of the total road
coverage in the Mamuju Regency reported only 50 % is in good condition,
while 20 % is moderate, 25 % damaged and 5 % badly damaged (Table 3-14).
Class of Road
Type of Surface Road
State Province Regency
Asphalted 221.50 60.00 196.00
Gravel - 94.00 703.10
Land - - 422.70
TOTAL 221.50 154.00 1,321.80
Source: - Public Works Agency Office. Mamuju Regency
Sea Transportation
Main shipping routes, all national level, are shown in Figure 3-17. No
international shipping are routing this area. In 2007, passenger traffic in the
Mamuju Regency consisted of 66,315 people with roughly equal numbers of
people embarking and disembarking vessels.
Port facilities and cargo handling capacity in West Sulawesi is limited and
include the Rakyat Palipi anchorage in Majene, Fery Simbono anchorage and
Belang-belang port in Mamuju. To support the fishing industry in West
Sulawesi, the government built three ports: Port Lantora, Polewali Mandar;
Port Banggae, Majene District and Port Landing Kasiwa, all are located in
Mamuju District. The Port Landing Kasiwa in Mamuju serves as the main
port (Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan) supporting the fisheries product/fishing
catch industry.
Several harbors are situated in the islands around the West Sulawesi
Province, connecting these areas to Sulawesi, Borneo, and Java etc. The Ferry
Simboro anchorage in Mamuju services a route to Balikpapan (Borneo),
Rakyat Palippi anchorage in Majene, and Belang-Belang in Mamuju.
The volume of loaded and unloaded goods at the main harbors at Belang-
belang at Mamuju in 2007 was 304,776 tons, consisting of 267,614 tons loaded
goods and 37,162 tons unloaded. No data are available for the other ports.
In 2007, passengers from the Tampa Padang Airport were about 5,878 people,
where the number of departed passenger is 3,061 people, and the number of
arrived passenger is 2,817 people. The volume of unloaded baggage goods at
the Tampa Padang Airport in 2007 was about 15,271 kg; meanwhile the
volume of up loaded goods was 14,549 kg. Telecommunication
Based on the Country and Regional Report extracted from West Sulawesi
Province in Figure 2007, the project location is surrounded by artisanal
fisheries consist of fishing capture activity and marine culture activity (see
page 3-55). The fishing activities are important as source of foods and as an
economically viable income. Most of the community depend their life on
fishing activity as fishermen, or fish collector. Agriculture (including fishery)
contributed the highest number of the workforce, about 55.91 percent,
followed by trade and services at 34.83 percent and industry or
manufacturing at 11.36 percent1.
(1) 1Country and Regional Country Report exact from West Sulawesi Province in Figure 2007 Fishing
Species targeted
Fish species targeted in the area include pelagic, demersal and coral fish
species. These fish are either sold fresh or processed. The economically
important species are Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Eastern little tuna
(Euthunnus affinis), big eye tuna (Thunus obesus), albacore (Thunnus alalungga),
yellow fine tuna (Thunnus albaceres), Cob (Auxis thazard), lacepede
(Scromberamorus commerson), Baramundi (Lates calcalifer), and groupers such
as honey comb groupers (Plectropoma leopardus), rabbit fish (Siganus gutatus),
and red snappers (Lutjanus frontalis), banded grunts (Therapon theraps), rabbit
fish (Siganus gutatus), grouper (Epinephelus tauvina), yellowtails (Caesio
Erythrogaster), (Stolephorus spp). Other catches include sardinella (Clupea spp)
and mackerel (Rastrelliger spp), Lola (Trochus spp), lobsters (Panulirus spp), sea
cucumbers, and other types of molluscs.
Table 3-21 Local and Scientific Names and Value of Mainly Fish Caught in 2006
In 2007, the total tonnage of fish caught in West Sulawesi reached about
66,448.7 tons, an increase of 29.6 % compared to that of 2006. Most
production was dominated by small scale fisheries, as presented in Table 3-
North Mamuju
North Mamuju
Polewali Utara
Polewali Utara
No Type of fish
1 Tuna 2,145 10.5 782 3,126 13,869 356 1,135 3,129
2 Skipjack 2,911 4.0 694 3,161 2,978 381 754 3,161
3 Tuna sp 3,314 - 790 3,374 3,497 300 923 3,374
4 Mackerel 3,0 3.0 51 124 21 55 55 124
5 Grouper 78,0 - 43 55 139 - 56 55
6 Snapper 101 8.9 224 223 84 21 133 223
7 Sea Cucumber - - 7.6 2.1 103 - 11 2,1
Total 8.552 26.4 2,591 10,067 20,693 1,114 3,068 10,069
Sources: Marine and Fisheries Regencies Officer, 2008
Table 3-24 Numbers of fishing vessel by regencies in 2006 and 2007 (unit)
North Mamuju
Polewali Utara
Polewali Utara
No Categories
There are various types of fishing activity in this area which are Purse Seine,
Hooks and lines, stake trap, bamboo fish pond, lift Net, spearing gear,
dredges and Lola (Trochus spp) fishing boat. The number of known fishing
units in West Sulawesi is provided in Table 3-25.
Table 3-25 Numbers and type of fishing gears in West Sulawesi (unit)
No Name of fishing gears Total (unit)
1 Mini purse seine 522
2 Beach seine 269
3 Drift gill net 2,778
4 Encicling gill net 319
5 Set Gill net 598
6 Boat lift sets 72
7 Fish trap with lamp 58
8 Fish trap 72
9 Drift line 58
10 Troil line 27
11 Hand line 2,406
12 Hook 2,457
13 Set Rip Line 1,871
14 Other Pole and Line 777
15 Other Pole and line 1,270
16 Fish pots 66
17 Shell Fish Collection 104
18 Sea Cucumber Collection 62
19 Fish Plummet 3
Sources: Marine and Fisheries Regencies Officer, 2008
Some fishers also practice the use of ‘rumpon’ or Fish Aggregation Devices
(FAD) set at the fishing grounds to catch the fish. Based on seismic data in
2008, approximately 81 rumpon were identified in the Karama Block and its
vicinity (Figure 3-20 and Table 3-26). Most of the rumpon are owned by
fishermen originally from Mamuju, Kaluku, Pasang Kayu, and Baras.
Rumpon in Karama Block and its vicinity are located whithin 6 to 40 miles
from shoreline. The main aqua culture were identified as extending
approximately 2-10 meter from the shore lines and distributed 3-8 meters
3 Papalang 50 50 75 37
Sources: Department of Fisheries and Marine, 2008
Seaweed cultivation takes place at a distance of 100 m from the shore and a
water depth of 1-3 m. Seedlings clusters approximately 60 grams in weight
are tied by a rope at the location and placed in 25 cm intervals. The area of
seaweed cultivation in relation to the Karama Block is presented in Figure 3-
3.2.19 Health
Life expectancy (LE) in the region varies among provinces. Over the period
2000 to 2005 the lowest was in Nusa Tenggara Barat with 60.9 years and the
highest was in Yogyakarta with 73.0 years. Life Expectancy in Sulawesi Barat
was not reported, but can be predicted using the Sulawesi Selatan Province
LE, which is 66.3 years and projected to be 70.9 years in 2010 – 2015.
The data of Mamuju Regency for the years 2005 - 2007 are provided in Table
3-29. The accuracy of health data is dependent upon a number of factors, not
least the availability of medical facilities/resources, reporting and accuracy of
medical diagnosis. However, such data can provide an indication of the main
issues in the community. The occurrence of diarrhea including dysentery and
suspected cholera are noteworthy because of their epidemic nature and link
to poor sanitation conditions.
Table 3-30 Number of live births per District in Mamuju Regency, 2005-2007
2005 2006 2007
Sub-District Life Life
Died Died Life Birth Died
Birth Birth
Tapalang 350 - 207 2 (0.97) 145 4 (2.76)
Tapalang Barat 90 - 82 1 (1.22) 151 7 (4.64)
Mamuju 339 3 (0.88) 747 11 (1.47) 751 10 (1.33)
Simboro Kep 382 - 367 8 (2.18) 408 5 (1.23)
Kalukku 290 - 569 - 653 1 (0.15)
Papalang 201 - 274 4 (1.46) 316 12 (3.80)
Sampaga 411 3 (0.73) 217 1 (0.46) 203 6 (2.96)
Tommo 140 3 (2.14) 220 1 (0.45) 281 3 (1.07)
Kalumpang 109 - 138 2 (1.45) 226 6 (2.65)
Bonehau 168 1 (0.60) 99 3 (3.03) 140 2 (1.43)
Budong-Budong 171 - 301 5 (1.66) 276 8 (2.90)
Pangale 277 3 (1.08) 164 1 (0.61) 142 3 (2.11)
Topoyo 165 - 234 4 (1.71) 230 5 (2.17)
Karossa 154 - 134 5 (3.73) 302 10 (3.31)
Tobadak 182 1 (0.55) 330 5 (1.52) 306 7 (2.29)
TOTAL 3,429 14 (0.41) 4,083 53 (1.30) 4,530 89 (1.96)
Source: Health Service of Mamuju Regency
The 2007 data indicate that health facilities in Mamuju Regency have
improved since 2005. The health facilities in the sub-districts area consist of
government funded village health centers and a new district health center.
According to data from the Health Service of Mamuju Regency, the number
Table 3-31 Number of Health Facilities per District in Mamuju Regency, 2007
Public Private Village
General Hospital Health Medical Pharmacy
Sub-District Health Medical Medical
Sub Clinic Storage
Center Doctor Unit
State Private Center
Tapalang - - 1 3 - - 2 3
Tapalang Barat - - 1 4 - - - 2
Mamuju 1 - 2 5 - 1 17 5
Simboro Kep - - 3 6 - - - 3
Kalukku - - 2 8 - - 3 2
Papalang - - 1 5 - - 1 2
Sampaga - - 1 5 - - 1 2
Tommo - - 2 7 - - 2 4
Kalumpang - - 1 5 - - 2 4
Bonehau - - 2 7 - - 1 5
Budong-Budong - - 1 9 - - 3 4
Pangale - - 2 6 - - - 3
Topoyo - - 1 12 - 1 2 3
Karossa - - 2 10 - - 2 6
Tobadak - - 1 7 - - 6 2
TOTAL - 2007 1 - 23 99 - 1 42 50
- 2006 1 - 18 91 - 29 1 -
- 2005 1 - 17 86 - 29 1 -
Source: Health Service of Mamuju Regency
b. Legislative Branch
• House of Representatives (DPR) – specifically Commission VII (Energy,
Mineral Resources, Research & Technology and Environment)
• West Sulawesi Regional and Provincial assemblies (i.e. DPRD
Kota/Kabupaten) , Commissions C
The following stakeholders have been identified for the project (Table 3-33).
1) To gather suggestions, opinions, and responses concerning the oil and gas
exploration activity.
2) To protect public interest surrounding the activity area from potential
impact that may arise from the project.
3) To establish an atmosphere of equal partnerhip between the parties
interest in oil and gas exploration activity in Karama Block.
4) To respect the right of all parties to obtain information relating to oil and
gas exploration activities in the Karama Block.
Public consultation was conducted in Mamuju which is the nearest city to the
project area as well Mamuju is the capital city of West Sulawesi Province and
relatively accessible for the entire stakeholders.
In mid 2008, Statoil began the first phase of its Integrated Community
Development Program (ICDP) in Mamuju, West Sulawesi. The program was
designed as an integrated, yet simple, achievable and measurable response to
basic local community needs.
In this sector, the program was divided into 2 major activities: (1)
empowerment for posyandu operators and traditional midwives through
training, and (2) provision of a mobile health clinic for free healthcare
Due to the lack of healthcare services in many areas, particularly more remote
places, the ICDP established a mobile health clinic program to respond
effectively to communities’ healthcare needs. The mobile health clinic
provides easy access healthcare to villagers, who would otherwise need to
travel for at least an hour along 10-15 km of difficult roads to the district
hospital Village heads have praised the socialization that preceded mobile
health clinic operations as well as its consistent and regular service. The
district government recognizes that mobile services could be effective in
reaching communities in more remote areas.
The mobile health clinic operates with help from a semi-volunteer doctor and
assistants who provide free healthcare and free medicines, and disseminate
information to communities on basic healthcare and how to handle illnesses.
The mobile health clinic operates in areas with limited, or no access to pos
yandu. With each visit it serves around 100 people, and in its operations, has
helped more than 2800 people. It usually operates from school playgrounds,
village heads’ homes or nearby land. Within less than 12 months of
operations, the mobile health clinic has provided healthcare services to
approximately 2860 people. The mobile clinic provided by the ICDP program
did not operate only during the presidential election and the Islamic fasting
In this sector the ICDP decided to implement 3 activities under this sector: (1)
to renovate or build school classrooms, (2) to provide basic school equipment
for students and (3)to combat illiteracy, particularly among adults.
The illiteracy program began in December 2009 and will continue for 4
months, with 3 two-hour lessons a week. Eighty people from 4 groups are
participating in the program, all of whom are farmers aged between 15 and
40 years old living in Karampuang, Batu Pannu, Pasabu and Bonehau
villages. Most lessons are conducted in school buildings, including the ICDP
supported schools in Bonehau and Karampuang. The tutors are all local
teachers who have dedicated their time and energy to using the standard
Economics sector
Mamuju District has substantial natural resources potential. More than 50%
of its populace depends on fishing and farming. However, poor management
capacity had meant these had yet to provide any significant contributions to
the local economy or development. Businesses with significant potential, but
needing strengthening, included seaweed, coconut, cacao and coffee
production. Community seaweed farming businesses, for instance, still had
difficulties in terms of working capital and technical capacity.
Scoping aims to set the boundaries for the impact assessment, to identify
potential interactions between the project and environmental and social
receptors, identify the likely impacts of the Project that require further
investigation and to prioritize these in terms of potential significance.
Scoping for the project was conducted in August 2009 in Jakarta involving
key members of the project team and ERM consultants. During Scoping the
potential for interaction between proposed project activities and aspects of
the physical, biological, socio-economic environment was considered and a
judgement made on the potential significance of the resultant impact. All
those interactions considered to be not significant have been scoped out and
not considered further in the impact assessment. The results of Scoping are
presented in Figure 4-1 and summarised as:
• Impacts to air quality and climate change due to emissions from the
transit of the drill ship to the site, operation of the drill ship, well clean-
up/testing activities and from unplanned events (though this is discussed
• Increased noise levels associated with the use of dynamic positioning,
operation of the drill ship and helicopters;
• Impact to the seabed and benthic communities from well spudding
• Impacts to water quality due to well spudding, disposal of drilling wastes
and casing and cementing activities;
• Impacts on marine ecology (fish and pelagic flora and fauna, marine
mammals and reptiles) resulting from increased underwater noise levels
associated with the use of dynamic positioning, and from the movement
and operation of the drill ship;
• Potential impacts to protected areas during the transit, including
mobilization and demobilization of the drill ship;
• Impacts on waste disposal facilities due to wastes generated throughout
project activities;
• Impact on fisheries from project activities; and
Magnitude of Impact
Evaluation of Significance
Low Medium High
Low Minor Moderate
Value/ Sensitivity of Moderate-
Medium Minor Moderate
resources/ receptor Major
High Moderate Major
Socio-Economic/ Employment
Seascape &Visual
Marine Mammals
Noise Emissions
Protected Areas
Light emissions
Marine Reptiles
Waste Disposal
Coral Outcrops
Global Climate
Energy Usage
Water Quality
Transit of drill ship to site
Dynamic positioning
Vessel movements ( AHV, supply etc)
Rig demobilisation/mobilisation between well sites
Rig demobilisation off site
Well spudding
Drilling (including mud and cuttings disposal)
Well completion (casing and cementing)
Drill ship operations (eg. Power generation, discharges,
drainage, etc) assume drill ship
Vessel movements (supply, chase boat etc)
Helicopter movements
Storage, handling & use of materials (eg. chemicals, drilling
fluids, etc)
Well logging, wireline and VSP
Well abandonment
Dropped objects to marine water
Well blow-out/ shallow gas
Spills & leaks during drilling/ bunkering
Collision events
Description of significance of interactions: An aspect of small magnitude Interaction which is positive An interaction that could be significant
An aspect of large magnitude An interaction but not significant An interaction that is significant
The primary air emissions will be products of combustion (eg. CO2, CO, NOX,
SO2, particulates/smoke) and unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust
emissions from vessels/equipment involved in the movement of the drill ship
to the project site; power generation on the drill ship, supply vessels, and
helicopter transfers. As stated in Section 2.6, emissions to air from
exploration drilling activities are estimated to be ~28,519 tonnes of CO2, ~412
tonnes of NOX, ~89 tonnes of SO2 and ~169 tonnes of CO and 17 tonnes of
NMHC (see Table 2.6). Existing Conditions & Legal Standards and Guidelines (where relevant)
Air pollution is a major environmental problem in Indonesia (UOG, 2008).
Urban areas are mostly affected with transportation being the biggest (80%)
sector causing air pollution, followed by the industry sector, forest fires and
domestic activities.
Regulations of relevance to air emission standards for oil and gas activity in
Indonesia is the State Minister of Environment No. 13 Year 2009 regarding
Emission Standards from Stationary Sources for Oil and Gas Activity.
Emission standards provided by this regulation which will be used as a
benchmark for this assessment are indicated in Table 4-2.
The potential well sites are located significantly offshore (i.e. the closest
potential well site to the coast is located > 30 km offshore). Emissions to air
will result in an increase in downwind air pollutant concentrations but
exceedance of air quality criteria at sea level is not expected due to rapid
dispersion and dilution of contaminants in the offshore environment.
The principal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the project activities
offshore will be carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons. CO2-eq emissions
from the exploration drilling program will be in the order of 29,161 tonnes for
the whole duration of the drilling period. These emissions will contribute to
Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions but this contribution is approximately
0.001% of total Indonesian annual GHG emissions of 3.014 billion tonnes.
Overall impacts are evaluated to be of Low magnitude but Medium
sensitivity (due to the vulnerability of Indonesia to climate change impacts)
with an overall impact of Minor Significance.
Potential noise sources during the exploration drilling program include noise
from propellers and thrusters of the drill ship and support vessels, drilling
activities and helicopter transfers. Noise levels generated by using dynamic
positioning is indicated at 196 dB/1mPa at frequencies between 20 – 25 kHz;
and recorded underwater noise levels at source for supply and support
vessels range between 186 – 191 dB re 1μPa. Comparative noise levels for
different types of offshore vessels/rigs are presented in Table 2-10.
Offshore impacts
Underwater noise levels generated from exploration drilling activities will
primarily be from propellers and thrusters of support vessels, drilling.
Underwater noise has the potential to affect marine life, particularly marine
mammals and sea turtles, by altering the natural underwater noise
The effects of underwater noise on marine mammals can be behavioural (eg.
anthropogenic noise masks the noises used by cetaceans for communication)
or physiological (eg. high level made noise can damage the internal hearing
organs) (IWSNMW, 2008). Offshore activities (ie. mainly shipping) have been
known to cause behavioural disturbance to marine mammal populations
(IWSNMW, 2008).
Although a number of species of cetaceans (ie. whales, dolphins and
porpoises) and sea turtles are known to inhabit the waters offshore West
Sulawesi, very limited data is currently available on the occurrence and
distribution of these species in and around the proposed project site. The
area is a major spawning area for eels and also important for fisheries.
The exploration drilling program is estimated to take approximately 165
days. It is therefore likely that there will be short – term disturbance to
Nearshore Impacts
Helicopter transfers will be made from Balikpapan to the proposed project
site. As there will be 2 trips per day throughout the duration of the
exploratory drilling, communities located nearby are likely to be disturbed by
noise generated. However it is expected that project related noise will not be
significantly higher than activities already being conducted at the supply base
and over a short duration, ie. initially as the helicopter takes off. As such
impacts are evaluated to be of low magnitude and low sensitivity with the
overall impact considered to be Not Significant.
Offshore impacts
Category Impact before Mitigation Residual Impact (after mitigation)
Magnitude of Impact Low -
Value/sensitivity of Medium -
Significance Minor -
Nearshore Impacts
Category Impact before Mitigation Residual Impact (after mitigation)
Magnitude of Impact Low -
Value/sensitivity of Low -
Significance Not Significant -
Table 4-7 Requirements for the Management and Disposal of Drill Muds and
• For offshore drilling activity, the processing of mud waste shall include LC50 – 96 hours
test, and drill cuttings shall include oil content test.
• LC50 – 96 Hours test shall be conducted at least 1 (once) for mud waste in each well drilling
activity. The limit is equal to or more than 30,000 ppm SPP (Suspended Particulate Phase)
• Drill cuttings with 10% or less hydrocarbon concentrations can be disposed to drilling site.
If it is more than 10%, than it should be managed according to the regulations.
Disposal Offshore
• Final disposal of mud waste and drill cuttings may not be conducted in a sensitive area
• Disposal of WBMS; should the result of the LC50 – 96 hours test be greater than or equal to
30,000 ppm, then mud waste may be disposed directly onto the sea. Should the test result
be smaller then 30,000 ppm then the muds will require further treatment
• Disposal of SBMs & OBMs: SBMs and OBMs are to be reused and final disposal to be in line
with the regulations
• Disposal of drill cuttings with an oil content less than or equal to 10% can be directly
disposed at sea. If oil content exceeds 10%, further treatment is required.
Disposal Onshore
• Wastes will need to be segregated; ie. solid from liquid wastes, oil from liquid wastes and
segregation of dissolved solids.
• TCLP Test and oil content tests will need to be conducted to determine a suitable area for
the disposal of muds and cuttings.
Discharge of SBM to the sea will arise due to drill mud retained on cuttings
after drying in the cuttings dryer system to an oil level content to around 30 –
50 g/kg or 3-5%. In accordance with Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources Regulation No 045 Year 2006, drill cuttings can be disposed to the
sea (in non-sensitive areas, if the oil content in drill cuttings is less than 10%
(10 g/kg). Statoil has internal policy (TR1011) drill cuttings can be disposed
to the sea if oil content is no more than 1%. If this limit can not be fulfilled
during drilling, the project will search a dispensation from Statoil corporate
head quarter to allow to dispose drill cuttting with oil content higher than 1%
but no more than 10% to the sea; if not, the drill cutttings will be transported
to shorebase in Balikpapan for further process.
Other regulations of relevance that relate to the preservation of the Indonesia
water environment are listed in Table 1-1.
Table 4-9 Receptor/ Resource Sensitivity for Waste Generation and Disposal
Sensitivity Definition
Low • Waste collectors and disposal sites have sufficient capacity to treat
waste (no export of waste)
Medium • Some constraints in the capacity of waste collectors and disposal sites
to handle and treat waste in an environmentally acceptable manner
are foreseen for non-hazardous wastes
High • Significant constraints in the capacity of waste collectors and disposal
sites to handle and treat waste in an environmentally acceptable
manner are foreseen for all waste types
The bulk of wastes that will be produced from the exploration drilling
program are drill muds and cuttings. Spent WBMs and cuttings (both from
WBM and SBM drilling – impacts of which are discussed in Section 4.5) will
be discharged into the sea while spent SBM will be disposed of onshore at a
suitable facility.
All hazardous and non-hazardous wastes generated will be disposed of at
existing approved/licensed onshore facilities in Balikpapan. The only non-
hazardous waste generated offshore that will be discharged into the sea will
be galley food waste (food waste from kitchen and canteen) which will be
macerated prior to discharge.
SBM muds to be disposed onshore will be managed according to the
requirements of Regulation No 045 Year 2006. The exploration drilling
activities are not expected to generate significant volumes of waste. It is not
anticipated that pressure will be placed on exiting disposal facilities in
Balikpapan. Impacts are therefore evaluated to be of Medium magnitude
(taking a conservative approach to the likely volume of wastes which is
currently unknown) and Low sensitivity with an overall impact of Minor
Category Impact before Mitigation Residual Impact (after mitigation)
Magnitude of Impact Medium Low
Value/sensitivity of Low Low
Significance Minor Not Significant
The drilling program will generate drilling wastes and excess cement which
will be discharged into the sea. These include (as indicated in Section 2):
• Spent WBMs; ~ 4,162 m3/well;
• WBM and SBM cuttings: ~ 644 m3/well; and
• Excess cement: ~ 780 m3 in total.
The waters within the Karama Block do support known sensitive receptors,
particularly near Karampuang Island and the adjacent shoreline of the
Mamuju Regency of West Sulawesi (see Figure 3-1), such as coral reef and
On entering the sea, the discharge plume typically separates into an upper
and lower plume. The lower plume contains the majority of cuttings and drill
fluid mass while the upper plume comprises the liquid fraction and fine
gained silts and clays. The upper plume will tend to separate both laterally
and vertically and will be transported in the direction of the prevailing
Modelling of drill cuttings discharged was conducted for this study. The
modelling was conducted for two different scenarios; ie. under March and
October conditions (in terms of current and wind conditions). Key findings
from the study indicated that (see Appendix 1 for full results):
• The drill cuttings and adhered muds would travel 30 to 40 km from the
drill centre before settling on the seabed;
• Sedimentation rates would be orders of magnitude below 10 mg cm-2 day-
1(which is the coral tolerance threshold criterion);
• Total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations will exceed the 50 mg/l
threshold only at surface layers, while concentrations of TSS at the bottom
layers were less than 1 mg/l.
Overall, for both scenarios sedimentation rates were low. Suspended solids
in both cases were high (ie. above the 50 mg/l threshold for corals) for only a
brief period of time (~1 hour) and only near the surface of the well location.
Conclusions from the modelling study indicate that the discharge of mud and
drill cuttings pose a low environmental risk. SBMs retained on cuttings will
also be dried in the cuttings dryer system prior to discharge resulting in an oil
level content of around 30 – 50 g/kg or 3-5% (see point
Based on the above explanation, impacts from the discharge of drilling wastes
are therefore evaluated to be of Low magnitude and Medium sensitivity with
an overall impact of Minor Significance.
Existing controls such as the cuttings dryer system together with Statoil and
legislative compliance sufficiently manage this issue and no additional
mitigation is required.
Table 4-12 Magnitude Criteria for Sediment Quality and Impacts on Benthic
Magnitude Definition
Low • Minimal effects on sediment quality/minimal seabed disturbance
• Short-term localized (<500 m) but severe disturbance/effects on
Medium sediment quality and with medium to long-term (>5 years) secondary
impacts to ecological resources
• Activities result in/contributes to significant seabed disturbance/
High impacts/change to sediment quality with long-term (>10 years)
secondary impacts to ecological resources
The top hole section of each well will be drilled without a casing in place and
as such drill cuttings and muds will be discharged directly on the seabed in
proximity to the well. Only WBMs are being proposed for the top hole
sections. Additionally, cuttings from both WBM and SBM drilling will be
discharged into the sea.
The seabed at the project site is classified as silt and silty-clay with low
content of sand and gravel. The types of benthic species present in the area
are not well understood. It is expected however that only a small area
immediately surrounding the well will be affected from the drilling of the top
hole section. During the drilling of the rest of the well sections, cutting will
be discharged through a discharge chute located on the vessel (ie. 12 m below
the water surface). As indicated in Section 4.5 above, modelling results have
indicated that cuttings discharged will travel approximately 30 – 40 km and
as such will be spread out over a wider area; impacts to benthic communities
are therefore reduced.
Considering that only WBMs will accumulate near the well surface, impacts
are evaluated to be of Low magnitude and Medium sensitivity (as the type of
benthic species present is currently unknown) with an overall impact of
Minor Significance.
Project activities have the potential to impact fisheries in the area. Impacts
associated with noise, discharged of drill muds and cuttings, and spills on
fish stock are discussed in Sections 4.3, 4.5 and 4.8. This section focuses on
the hazards posed by rig mobilization/transit to project site and presence of
support vessels and suspended wellheads.
Based on the above explanation, impacts from drilling activities are therefore
evaluated to be of Medium magnitude and Medium sensitivity. Overall
impacts are therefore considered to be of Moderate Significance.
Table 4-16 Magnitude Criteria for for Impacts resulting from Unplanned Events
Magnitude Definition
Low • No. of receptors affected is limited to a few isolated individuals/
organisms/cases and they recover quickly with only short-term
• No. if receptors affected extends to a wider area or receptors affected
Medium sustain long-term environmental/ health impacts
• No. of receptors affected is considerable or those that are affected
High sustain permanent environmental/ health impacts or a fatality occurs
In all scenarios the risk to the water column from aromatic concentrations
were above the no-effect threshold limits (ie. a 96-hour toxicity threshold of
310 ppb) and therefore having the potential to affect marine organisms.
Significant effects on fish are unlikely since mobile organisms will be able to
avoid the areas where concentrations are at the highest. Benthic organisms
are unlikely to be impacted by dissolved aromatics released by spills. At
more risk are birds and other species, and coastal communities making
contact with a surface hydrocarbon slick, particularly near the shoreline.
Sensitive ecosystems exist in coastal area of Mamuju Regency which are
susceptible to oil spill are thin strip of mangrove, coral reef, sea grass and
aquaculture i.e. tambak (brackish water shrimp/fish culture) and sea grass
In all scenarios, spills ended up reaching the shoreline between one to five
days from release (see Table 4-18). Though much of the oil was predicted to
evaporate, the simulations indicate that oil components will persist,
remaining on the water surface before eventually reaching the shorelines.
The modelling predicts that the coastline of West Sulawesi will be hit first
followed by areas (to a lesser extent) along the South Sulawesi coast.
Karampuang Island was identified to be at high risk for shoreline impacts in
all scenarios except Scenario 1-3 and Scenario 1-4; however, even in these two
near-miss cases, the island could have been hit under slightly different
shore (hrs)
Time to
Scenario Release Month Winds
Even with the application of the latest industry standards and consideration
of the highest standards of safety, accidental events may still occur.
Blowout/spills occurring within the Karama Block have the potential to have
significant impacts on the environment including potential health impacts.
An uncontrolled blow out could take many days or months to bring under
control. Impacts are therefore evaluated to be of high magnitude and high
sensitivity with an overall impact of Major Significance.
Impacts have been assessed in terms of the likely duration and size of socio-
economic change. There are no specific performance expectations of
relevance to this assessment other than that project benefits on the
community should be enhanced to the extent possible.
The Karama Block Drilling Exploration Program will require ~ 140 personnel
(ie. on the drill vessel and supply and support vessels) who are likely to be
skilled operators/ technicians. Thus the potential for the Project to directly
engage the local people is limited.
Indirectly however, the Project itself and the workforce will demand
numerous services and supplies, both from specialist contractors and service
providers (eg. mud supply and handling contractors, waste contractors etc.)
and from the local market (eg. rental accommodation, food and
transportation providers). This has the potential to positively impact the
community surrounding the Balikpapan Supply Base however it is unlikely
to bring benefit to the population in the Mamuju Regency. The extent of the
Project and its duration means that any such benefits would however be
temporary and of low to medium magnitude. Overall, the Project is expected
to have at most a Minor Positive impact on the local economy.
• Exploration Manager – who shall have day to day responsibility for the
implementation of all aspects of this EMP;
The contractor will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant
legislation, Statoil procedures as well as adherence to all environmental
controls and mitigation measures specified in the EIA report. This includes:
All audit findings shall be reviewed by the Statoil HSE Manager, and where
corrective actions are deemed necessary, specific plans (with designated
responsibility and timing) shall be developed aimed at addressing the specific
finding, any underlying issues and ultimately achieving continuous
improvement in performance.
The following sections outline the recommended monitoring activities for the
exploration drilling program.
An Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) will be developed by Statoil for the
Karama Block Exploration Drilling project, taking into account Presidential
Regulation No. 109 of 2006 concerning emergency response for oil spillage in
the sea, and incorporated in the drill ship’s Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP).
The EMP will be a “live” document. It will be reviewed by the Project team
prior to start of and during project activities, in consultation with Statoil’s
HSE department, on a periodic basis during the project. The EMP will be
updated as needed to provide effective management of environmental issues
associated with exploration drilling program.
A generic crude oil was assumed to be released from the sea floor. Three
release scenarios were evaluated for two separate months and two separate
wind conditions. The two months evaluated were March (the end of the
northwest monsoon season), and October (the end of the southeast monsoon
season). For each of the two months, typical and maximum wind scenarios
were run. In the first four scenarios (Scenarios 1-1 through 1-4), the release
was assumed to be 8000 m³/d over a period of five days. The models were
run for 18 days to evaluate the fate of the five-day release. In the second four
scenarios (Scenarios 2-1 through 2-4), the release was assumed to be 3000
m³/d for 112 days. In the third four scenarios (Scenarios 3-1 through 3-4), the
release was assumed to be 10800 m³/d over a period of 112 days. These
models were run for 120 days to assess the fate of the 112-day release.
Figure 1-1 Oil spill grid area (gray) and spill release loca-tion at the Anoman Well
GEMSS® and its component modules have met agency approval among
federal and state governments within the U.S. Outside the U.S., GEMSS® and
its various software modules have also been approved by regulatory agencies
in the Bahamas, Qatar, India, Australia, UK, and Canada.
Modeled currents were provided for the Indonesian Throughflow by the U.S.
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) from the results of the EAS NCOM 1/16
degree sigma/z Ocean Model. The NRL provided current velocities in an
evenly spaced grid across 17 locations from 118° E to 119° E and 17 locations
from 2° S to 3° S across 70 unevenly spaced depths from 0 m (surface) to 5400
Though the spills were simulated to originate from the sea floor, the oil was
calculated to rise quickly to the surface where it was primarily affected by
surface currents. The surface currents in March and October 2008 differed
greatly. Surface currents modeled by the NRL in March 2008 averaged 0.22
m/s and flowed primarily towards the northwest, north, northeast, and east
(Figure 1-3). Currents in October 2008, however, traveled only to the south at
an average of 1 m/s (Figure 1-4).
Local meteorological data (winds) were obtained from the Asia Pacific Data
Research Center (APDRC) for coordinates 118.6° E Longitude, 2.1º S Latitude.
While both March and October had significant winds from the east and west,
wind rose diagrams (Figure 1-6 and Figure 1-7) showed an additional strong
influence of winds from the southwest in March 2008 and from the northeast
in October.
Air temperature and dew point temperature were obtained from the U.S.
Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for
the Ujung Pandang-Hasanudin Airport (Station WAAA) in southwestern
In the absence of a site specific chemical assay, the modeled crude oil was
based on a chemical assay of a crude oil from a confidential offshore drilling
• C6-C7 Aromatics
• C8-C9 Aromatics
• Naphthalenes
• nC4 Butane
• nC5 Pentane
• nC6 Hexane and other Paraffins
• Resins / Heavy Residuals
The C1-C5 aromatics together comprised less than 2.5% of the total mass and
were combined into the C6-C7 category (though the properties of C6-C7
aromatics were used).
Boiling point (°C) 105.9 136.1 271.7 -0.5 36.1 68.7 400.0
Melting point (°C) N/A N/A 47.2 N/A N/A N/A 200.0
% volume in liquid 11.7 11.7 7.0 1.7 2.0 20.4 45.5
Solubility (mg/l) 25°C 719.0 169.0 6.0 72.0 0.0001 9.5 0.00025
Molecular 90.0 106.2 170.3 58.1 72.2 86.0 350.0
weight (g/mole)
Vapor pressure 5.14E+ 1.28E+03 9.65E-01 1.15E+05 6.00E+04 6.89E+04 1.00E-03
(Pa) 25°C 03
Density (gm/cc) 0.868 0.867 0.997 0.584 0.626 0.664 0.985
Latent heat of N/A N/A N/A 385.20 357.27 331.45 N/A
liquid (KJ/Kg)
Dynamic Viscosity (cP) 0.583 0.703 0.780 0.210 0.217 0.314 N/A
Diffusion coefficient 0.091 0.074 N/A 0.0971 0.086 0.0779 N/A
*Note: Unavailable (N/A) values were replaced internally by model calculated estimates
The model results are presented as color contour maps representing locations
that may have significant surface oiling or shoreline oiling at some point after
a spill until the surface slick has all evaporated, hit shoreline, or left the model
domain. Significant surface oiling is defined as any oil having a thickness
above the minimum thickness threshold, a value that protects aquatic biota
from being smothered. This threshold is calculated as 0.1 µm, an order of
magnitude below a minimum smothering thickness of 1 µm (French et al,
1999; NOAA 1996). Thicknesses less than the 0.1 µm threshold are typically
invisible to the eye (Koops, 1985). In COSIM, the threshold thickness is
translated into units of mass per surface area (0.04 g/m²) calculated from the
thickness threshold multiplied by the oil density. Model output is presented
for those locations with surface oil mass per unit area equal to or greater than
the 0.04 g/m² threshold.
Travel time diagrams use color contours to identify the time when oil was
present at a given location on the water surface. The diagrams are adjusted to
only show locations with significant surface oiling. Note that oil may contact
the surface of a location, pass through, and then return back to the same
Mass balance plots describe the fate of the oil as time-varying percentages of
the total mass for the five primary phases: the surface oil, dissolved,
entrained (whole oil droplets suspended in the water column), stranded on
shorelines, and mass evaporated or volatilized into the atmosphere.
1.4.1 Scenario 1-1 – March (Typical Winds), 5 day release, 8000 m³/d
In the first scenario, during March a five day constant release of crude oil rose
from the sea floor to the surface within a day and traveled to the east. Before
contacting the shore, the trajectory spread both north and south from the well
location until contacting shoreline after 40 hours (Figure 1-8). The shorelines
of Karampuang Island were oiled within 6 days after the initial release. After
a week from the initial release, the surface oil spread towards the shores of
South Sulawesi. Some oil on saturated shorelines returned to the sea and
oiled other shorelines to the south. A total of approximately 170 km of
shoreline accumulated oil resulting from this release. The surface area with
significant oil thickness is shown in Figure 1-9. Significantly thick oil
contacted a cumulative area of 1703 km². The travel time diagram (Figure
1-10) shows significant oiling was estimated to be present up to 20 days after
the release.
Aromatics dissolved into the water column are computed to exceed the
toxicological threshold of 310 ppb, reaching maximum concentrations in
many areas in the plume up to 1000 ppb. To quantify the amount of threshold
exceedance, the highest concentrations at each grid cell location over depth
and time were computed (Figure 1-11). In this scenario, 161 km² of surface
area had concentrations that at some point exceeded the 310 ppb threshold.
Vertically within the water column, besides at the release location, the largest
dissolved concentrations were calculated mostly at the surface layers of the
model beneath the surface slick before diluting with depth. Though the risk
of exposure to benthic organisms is minimal, pelagic species remaining in the
concentrated plume near the surface can be at risk of experiencing narcotic
effects from dissolved aromatics. Exceeding a toxic threshold does not
necessarily indicate an acute toxicological response will definitely occur, but
that the risk of fish mortality is elevated. For mortality to occur, an organism
needs to be exposed to lethal concentrations for a significant duration.
Additionally, organisms have varying sensitivities such that an identical
exposure may or may not cause mortality to the same species. The threshold
was conservatively estimated and based on studies wherein test organisms
died after a 96-hour exposure. Shorter durations correlate with exponentially
larger concentrations necessary to cause an equivalent lethal effect. If
organisms are only briefly exposed to lethal concentrations before traveling
below or away from the area, mortality can be avoided.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456
1.4.2 Scenario 1-2 – March (Maximum Winds), 5 day release, 8000 m³/d
Scenario 1-2 was identical to Scenario 1-1 except the winds were held constant
at 8.2 m/s, blowing towards the east. This speed is the maximum easterly
wind speed in March measured over all 11 years of meteorological data (1999
through 2009). These high winds dominated the movement of oil on the
surface, causing a more focused area of shoreline oiling within 33 hours after
the initial release (Figure 1-13) including Karampuang Island. Three days
after the 5-day release period ended, all of the oil had left the water surface.
The total water surface area covered with a significant thickness of oil at some
time during the 8-day event was 1013 km² (Figure 1-14). About 93 km of
shoreline was oiled in all.
Figure 1-15 shows the travel time, indicating the northern part of the shoreline
was contacted before the southern areas.
As in Scenario 1-1, the dissolved aromatics dissolved into the water column is
computed to exceed the 310 ppb threshold (Figure 1-16) at locations typically
beneath the surface slick, with maximum values ranging typically between 10
The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-17) shows the shoreline oiling began after
33 hours until ultimately 23% of the mass was stranded on shore. The amount
of oil evaporated or volatilized into the atmosphere rose steadily to 18% after
18 days. Dissolved oil reached a maximum of 26% of the total mass. Surface
oil mass accounted for 7% to 8% of the total mass before ultimately
transferring to the shoreline. The remaining mass adsorbs to suspended
solids and sinks to the sediments.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456
1.4.3 Scenario 1-3 – October (Typical Winds), 5 day release, 8000 m³/d
Scenario 1-3 is identical to Scenario 1-1 except the wind and current data are
for October instead of March. The currents provided by the US Navy were
radically different in October compared to March, because the October
currents were predominantly directed towards the south. In this scenario, no
shoreline was impacted until 78 hours after the initial release (Figure 1-18).
The oil traveled south covering 1958 km² (Figure 1-19) after 18 days (Figure
1-20). Karampuang Island was not hit, though only by a near-miss. The travel
time plot shows the oil generally moved from the west to the east as it
traveled southward past Sulawesi. The maximum dissolved aromatic
concentration typically ranged between 1 ppb and 1000 ppb under the surface
slick trajectory from the release location towards West Sulawesi (Figure 1-21).
Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and through all depths, 46
km² of surface area exceeded the 310 ppb threshold at some point in time. The
mass balance plot (Figure 1-22) shows the various forms of the oil stabilized
after the 5-day release to fairly constant values after 2-weeks: 33% on the
surface, 13% in the atmosphere, 31% dissolved, 2% on the shore and a
negligible amount entrained.
The remaining mass adsorbs to suspended solids and sinks to the sediments.
60 Entrained
% of Total Mass
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456
Hours from Release
1.4.4 Scenario 1-4 – October (Maximum Winds), 5 day release, 8000 m³/d
Scenario 1-4 was identical to Scenario 1-3 except the winds were held constant
at 11.2 m/s, blowing towards the east, at the maximum easterly wind speed
measured in October over all the 11 years of meteorological data (1999
through 2009). Though the currents dominated the overall direction of the
spill, the wind directed the surface oil towards the southeast, first contacting
shoreline 55 km away after 1 day (Figure 1-23). The oil remained at a
significant thickness throughout the time on the surface (Figure 1-24),
covering an area of 1447 km². The oil continued to contact some shorelines in
South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, but mostly heading south away from
Sulawesi’s coast (Figure 1-25), leaving a total of 84km of shoreline oiled.
Though having several near-misses, Karampuang Island was not oiled.
However, under slightly different circumstances, oil could have contacted the
island. Maximum dissolved concentrations mostly ranged between 1 ppb and
1000 ppb (Figure 1-26). Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and
through all depths, 53 km² of surface area exceeded the threshold at some
point in time.
The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-27) showed that after five days, the
amount of oil on the water surface peaks at 44% and decreased to 20%
remaining on the surface heading south past Sulawesi. At the end of the
model simulation, 8% of the total oil mass was stranded on the shoreline. The
remaining mass adsorbs to suspended solids and sinks to the sediments.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456
1.4.5 Scenario 2-1 – March (Typical Winds), 112 day release, 3000 m³/d
Scenario 2-1 was similar to Scenario 1-1 except it extended the release from 5
days to 112 days, with a rate of release decreased from 8000 m³/d to 3000
m³/d. Oil contacted 504 km of shoreline by the end of the model run (Figure
1-28) including Karampuang Island. The total area of water surface oiled with
a significant thickness was 1944 km² (Figure 1-29). The oil first contacted
shore directly east of the release within 51 hours and continued oiling
shorelines there and to the south (Figure 1-30). The highest concentrations of
dissolved aromatics surrounded the shores of West Sulawesi, typically
ranging between 1 and 1000 ppb (Figure 1-31). Over the entire duration of the
model simulation, and through all depths, 20 km² of surface area exceeded
the threshold at some point in time. The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-32)
showed that after the four month model simulation, 21% of the oil mass was
stranded on the shoreline, 40% was in the atmosphere, 27% had dissolved,
and 11% remained on the water surface without contacting shoreline.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.6 Scenario 2-2 – March (Maximum Winds), 112 day release, 3000 m³/d
Scenario 2-2 was similar to Scenario 2-1 except it applied maximum winds
calculated from historical values for each month in the simulation period
(March through June). These values were 8.2 m/s (March), 9.4 m/s (April),
8.8 m/s (May), and 9.2 m/s (June). Ultimately, oil contacted 289 km of
shoreline after the 112-day release (Figure 1-33). The total area of water
surface oiled with a significant thickness was 1301 km² (Figure 1-34),
including Karampuang Island. The oil mostly contacted shore directly east of
the release, first making contact within 34 hours, but also and to the south
after 19 days (Figure 1-35). The highest concentrations of dissolved aromatics
surrounded the shores of West Sulawesi, typically ranging between 1 and
1000 ppb (Figure 1-36). Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and
through all depths, 85 km² of surface area exceeded the threshold at some
point in time.
The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-37) showed that after the four month
release, 25% of the oil mass was stranded on the shoreline once the remaining
mass on the water surface was stranded on shore. The 43% of the mass was
ultimately evaporated, and 31% was dissolved.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.7 Scenario 2-3 – October (Typical Winds), 112 day release, 3000 m³/d
In Scenario 2-3 the surface oil first contacted the shorelines within 113 hours
after the initial release and ultimately contacted 277 km of shoreline
including Karampuang Island (Figure 1-38). A significantly thick oil layer
covered 1270 km² of water surface through the 4-month release (Figure 1-39).
The oil traveled south but avoided the South Sulawesi shorelines until 25
days after the release (Figure 1-40). Dissolved concentrations typically ranged
from 1 to 1000 ppb with the greatest intensity between the Anoman Well and
the West Sulawesi coast (Figure 1-41). Over the entire duration of the model
simulation, and through all depths, 75 km² of surface area exceeded the
threshold at some point in time. The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-42)
showed that ultimately after the 4-month simulation, 11% of the mass hit the
shoreline, while 16% on the surface continued to float south past Sulawesi. At
that time, 31% of the mass is dissolved and 41% evaporates into the
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.8 Scenario 2-4 – October (Maximum Winds), 112 day release, 3000 m³/d
Scenario 2-4 was similar to Scenario 2-3 except it applied maximum winds
calculated from historical values for each month in the simulation period
(October through January). These values were 11.2 m/s (October), 7.6 m/s
(November), 11.2 m/s (December), and 9.2 m/s (January). Oil contacted 299
km of shoreline by the end of the model run (Figure 1-43). The total area of
water surface oiled with a significant thickness was 1157 km² (Figure 1-44),
including Karampuang Island. The oil first contacted shore directly east of the
release within 44 hours, and oiled shoreline to the south after 4 days (Figure
1-45). The highest concentrations of dissolved aromatics surrounded the
shores of West Sulawesi, typically ranging between 1 and 1000 ppb (Figure
1-46). Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and through all
depths, 99 km² of surface area exceeded the threshold at some point in time.
The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-47) showed that after the four month
release, 13% of the oil mass was stranded on the shoreline while 16% on the
surface continued to float south past Sulawesi. At the end of the simulation,
39% of the mass evaporated, and 31% was dissolved.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.9 Scenario 3-1 – March (Typical Winds), 112 day release, 10800 m³/d
Scenario 3-1 was identical to Scenario 2-1 except the release rate was
increased from 3000 m³/d to 10800 m³/d. The oil traveled in a similar manner
except oil covered more shoreline and more surface area on the water surface.
In this scenario, oil ultimately contacted 592 km of shoreline (Figure 1-48). A
significantly thick oil slick on the water surface covered 1943 km² throughout
the 112 day release (Figure 1-49). The oil first contacted shore within 51 hours
and continued oiling the western coastal shorelines from north to south
(Figure 1-50). Maximum dissolved aromatic concentrations typically ranged
between 1 ppb to 1000 ppb, with a few small areas reaching over 10,000 ppb
(Figure 1-51). Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and through
all depths, 1,022 km² of surface area exceeded the threshold at some point in
time. The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-52) showed that after the 112-days
of continuous release, shoreline oiling decreased from a maximum nearly
16% of the mass down to 5% by the end, mostly due to evaporative losses. Oil
transferred to the atmosphere steadily increased, and accounted for 52% of
the mass after 120 days. The remainder of the mass was either dissolved
(28%) or remained on the surface travelling south of Sulawesi (13%).
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.10 Scenario 3-2 – March (Maximum Winds), 112 day release, 10800 m³/d
Scenario 3-2 was identical to Scenario 2-2 except the release rate was
increased from 3000 m³/d to 10800 m³/d. The stronger wind influence
restricted the oil to a smaller water surface area and amount of shorelines
oiled than in Scenario 3-1, but the long duration of the spill limited the
differences between the two scenarios. In this scenario, oil ultimately
contacted 316 km of shoreline (Figure 1-53). A significantly thick oil slick on
the water surface covered 1342 km² throughout the 112 day release (Figure
1-54). The oil first contacted shore within 415 hours and continued oiling the
western coastal shorelines of Sulawesi (Figure 1-55). Maximum dissolved
aromatic concentrations typically ranged between 1 ppb to 1000 ppb with a
few small areas reaching over 10,000 ppb (Figure 1-56). Over the entire
duration of the model simulation, and through all depths, 1,031 km² of
surface area exceeded the threshold at some point in time, the highest of all
the simulations. The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-57) showed that after the
112-days of continuous release, 29% of the mass was dissolved. Shoreline
oiling decreased from a high of 14% of the mass down to 5% by the end,
mostly due to evaporative losses (29% of the mass). The remainder of the
mass remaining on the surface (9%) ultimately hit shoreline once the model
ended, raising the percentage on the shoreline up to 14% of the total mass.
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.11 Scenario 3-3 – October (Typical Winds), 112 day release, 10800 m³/d
Scenario 3-3 was identical to Scenario 2-3 except the release rate was
increased from 3000 m³/d to 10800 m³/d. The oil traveled in a similar manner
to Scenario 2-3, covering 9 km more shoreline (286 km in total) with more oil
mass and 110 km² more surface area on the water surface (1380 km² in total)
(Figure 1-58 and Figure 1-59). The oil first contacted shore within 108 hours
and continued oiling the western coastal shorelines from north to south
(Figure 1-60). Maximum dissolved aromatic concentrations typically ranged
between 1 ppb to 1000 ppb, with a few small areas reaching over 10,000 ppb
(Figure 1-61). Over the entire duration of the model simulation, and through
all depths, 622 km² of surface area exceeded the threshold at some point in
time. The mass balance analysis (Figure 1-62) showed that after the 112-days
of continuous release, shoreline oiling decreased from a maximum nearly 7%
of the total mass down to 3% by the end of the release, mostly due to
evaporative losses and oil on the surface floating south past Sulawesi. Oil
transferred to the atmosphere steadily increased, and accounted for 43% of
the mass after 120 days. The remainder of the mass was either dissolved
(31%) or remained on the surface (22%).
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1.4.12 Scenario 3-4 – October (Maximum Winds), 112 day release, 10800 m³/d
Scenario 3-4 was identical to Scenario 3-3 except the winds were held constant
at historic monthly maximum values as described in Section 1.4.8. The oil
traveled in a similar manner to Scenario 2-3, but was driven further onto the
land covering 73 km more shoreline (359 km in total) and 136 km² less surface
area on the water surface (1244 km² in total) (Figure 1-63 and Figure 1-64).
The oil first contacted shore within 54 hours and continued oiling the western
coastal shorelines from north to south (Figure 1-65). Maximum dissolved
aromatic concentrations typically ranged between 1 ppb to 1000 ppb, with a
few small areas reaching over 10,000 ppb (Figure 1-66). Over the entire
duration of the model simulation, and through all depths, 636 km² of surface
area exceeded the threshold at some point in time. The mass balance analysis
(Figure 1-67) showed that after the 112-days of continuous release, shoreline
oiling decreased from a maximum over 15% of the total mass down to 5% by
the end of the release, mostly due to evaporative losses and oil on the surface
floating south past Sulawesi. Oil transferred to the atmosphere steadily
increased, and accounted for 45% of the mass after 120 days. The remainder
of the mass was either dissolved (32%) or remained on the surface (17%).
90 Atmosphere
80 Dissolved
% of Total Mass
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
The simulations presented in this study represent low probability, high risk
situations relative to potential impacts to the environment. Though much of
the oil is predicted to evaporate, the simulations show components in the oil
will persist, remaining on the water surface at a significant thickness before
reaching shorelines in both the typical and maximum wind scenarios. This
residue may in fact clump together in patches rather than form a uniform
surface slick; thus the simulation should be interpreted as the general areas of
potential coverage where oil may be observed, not necessarily as the total
surface area of coverage.
The differences between the typical and the maximum wind scenarios are
evident in the location of shoreline contact, amount of oil on the surface, and
the time to reach the shoreline. Under constant maximum westerly wind
conditions, the time for oiled shorelines was reduced, most especially in
March (taking 26 hours, the shortest time to contact shoreline, in Scenario 1-
3). The longest time to contract shoreline occurred in October under typical
wind conditions (113 hours in Scenario 2-3). The amount of oil on the water
surface is generally reduced in the maximum wind scenarios due to westerly
wind forcing the oil onto shorelines. For example, the smallest amount of
surface oiling, 1,013 km², occurred in Scenario 1-2 compared to 1,702 km²
oiled under typical winds in Scenario 1-1. The greatest amount of surface
oiling occurred in Scenario 3-1 (1,944 km²).
Impacts from oil released from an annulus blowout pose a medium to high
risk of impacts to organisms which contact the surface oil, depending on the
quantity released and time before any potential response efforts can contain
the release. Spills of this nature pose a low risk of acute toxic effects to the
aquatic biota. Several shorelines are at risk within the first few days after a
The potential dispersion and deposition of released drill cuttings and adhered
muds has been quantified using hydrodynamic computer modeling
techniques. Modeling allows the prediction and description of the water
level, current velocity and direction in offshore Sulawesi waters, specifically
around the Anoman Well using the same hydrodynamic techniques and same
model grid employed in the oil spill modeling. Released material will pass
vertically through the water column, since cuttings and adhered muds are
denser than the receiving water; cuttings / mud plume dispersion is
fundamentally a 3-D phenomenon.
Two scenarios were evaluated: March and October. Unlike with oil spill
modeling, the extreme wind scenarios were not run since wind velocity has
exponentially diminishing influence on current velocity with depth.
Therefore, when running the model for the deep waters around the Anoman
Well, maximum wind scenarios would produce negligible differences
compared to the typical wind scenarios.
Estimated properties of the mud discharged are provided in Table 2-1. The
WBM is associated with the top hole drilling when cuttings are released to the
sea floor. Since the model terminates when all particles reach the sea floor,
simulating top hole drilling would cause the model to immediately end upon
Plug &
36 24 20 17.5 13.25 12.25 8.5 6
Open Hole Diameter Abandon
Water base
Synthetic base mud
Usage/Discharge 328 3502 213 303 230 161 88 55 0
Usage/Discharge 3950 1761 20264 1340 1906 1447 1013 553 346
In the absence of site specific measured values, the particle size distribution of
the SBM and cuttings were assumed, based on previous drill cutting studies.
SBM particle sizes were assumed to be 40% 0 - 1500 µm, 40% 1500 - 2500 µm,
and 20% 2500 - 5000 µm. These ranges were described as discrete Table 0-3.
Drill cuttings’ sizes were assumed to be in the range between 200 µm and
8000 µm. From distribution patterns seen in previous studies, the majority of
the particles sizes (80%) were assumed to be at the average value (4100 µm),
while the maximum and minimum values of the range were assumed to be
each 10% of the particles (Table 2-4).
The simulation model used for this analysis is GEMSS®, coupled with the
Generalized Integrated Fate & Transport (GIFT) module which incorporates
the GEMSS® Sediment Transport Model (STM). For this application, the GIFT
model was used to compute the mass of sediment released for various
particle sizes and densities. The GIFT model, through a Lagrangian
framework, calculates the movement of particles representing the released
mass using the measured currents spread across each grid cell in the model
domain. The discharged drill cuttings and muds are modeled to predict the
total suspended solids in the water column and the net deposition.
Deposition and total suspended solids (TSS) estimates are thus designed to be
additions to ambient conditions.
The potential for drill cuttings and adhered muds to impact coral colonies has
been assessed through a comparison with two criteria: sediment deposition
rate and concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) above ambient.
Acceptable levels of each of these criteria have been based on international
literature and previously applied standards.
The work of Pastorok and Bilyard (Pastorok and Bilyard, 1985) has been
regarded as the primary source for quantifying the effects of sedimentation
on corals, examining open water reefal environments where natural levels of
sedimentation are very low. Pastorok and Bilyard have suggested the
following criteria:
• 1 - 10 mg cm-2 day-1 - slight to moderate impacts
• 10 - 50 mg cm-2 day-1 - moderate to severe
• 50 mg cm-2 day-1 - severe to catastrophic
Based on the above, the following set of Coral Tolerance Threshold Criteria
has been taken for the current assessment:
• Criterion 1 - The maximum allowable sedimentation rate of sediment on
coral colonies should be no greater than 10 mg cm-2 day-1; and;
• Criterion 2 - The maximum allowable increase in total suspended solids
at the bed layer of the water column in areas supporting coral colonies
should be no greater than 20 mg/L above ambient.
The results of the modeling are illustrated in the following sections for each
scenario as contour plots. The plots presented indicate the location of the drill
cuttings release point, taken as the drill centre. The results have been
presented for comparison against the two criteria: net sedimentation rate
measured in mg cm-2 day-1 and TSS measured in mg/L. For each scenario,
the model output has been generated for the maximum TSS increase above
ambient solids concentrations.
For the first criterion in Scenario 1, drill cuttings in March yielded very small
sedimentation rates, orders of magnitudes below ranges of concern for
impacts associated with smothering from excessive sediment loads. The
highest rate calculated was 0.0097 mg cm-2 day-1. Figure 2-1 shows the
sedimentation rate for March after 12 days of accumulation when all particles
have settled; the net sedimentation rate would begin to decrease after that
time. The second criterion, TSS concentrations (Figure 2-2) briefly exceeded 20
mg/L, but only near the surface. TSS concentrations added to the bottom
layers never exceeded 1 ppb. Since the TSS criterion applied to solids
contacting coral, which would not be the case at the surface layers, the
criterion was not violated. Therefore, cuttings and muds pose low risk for
impacts due to sedimentation rate and TSS concentration.
Results from the drill cutting and mud modeling were compared against two
criteria: sediment deposition rate and TSS concentration.
The drill cuttings and adhered muds would spread from the drill centre
travelling 30 km to 40 km before reaching the sea floor. Note that a low but
reasonable dispersion coefficient was assumed such that the sedimentation
rate and suspended solids concentrations are considered realistic estimates.
Drilling waste disposal would result in compliance with the coral tolerance
threshold criterion of 10 mg cm-2 day-1. Sedimentation rates were estimated to
be orders of magnitude below the criterion and protective of sensitive coral
The only TSS concentrations which exceed the 20 mg/L threshold criterion
occurred at the surface layers. Concentrations of TSS added to the bottom
layers from discharge of drill cuttings were all less than 1 mg/L. As such, TSS
concentrations were predicted to comply with the threshold criterion at all
coral sensitive areas in all scenarios.
Uncertainties in the mud and drill cutting particle size distributions and
densities are unlikely to affect the conclusions of this modeling study
considering the conservative estimates used; particle sizes are likely to be in
fact smaller than the assumed diameters, and thus have a higher
distribution pattern with less potential impact.
Overall, the modelling indicates that no impact on corals should occur at any
coral sensitive receptors that might exist in the area based upon the predicted
absence of exceedances of the two criteria.
Hawker DW & Connell DW. 1992. Standards and Criteria for Pollution
Control in Coral Reef Areas. Chapter 7 of Pollution in Tropical
Aquatic Systems. Connell DW & Hawler DW ed. CRC Press.
Koops, W. 1985. "The Oil Spill Slide Rule to Predict the Fate of an Oil
Spill." in: Proceedings of the 1985 International Oil Spill
Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), February
25-28, 1985, Los Angeles, CA. Washington, DC: American
Petroleum Institute, Publication 4385.647.
Mapstone BD, Choat JH, Cumming RL and Oxley WG. 1989. The
fringing reefs of magnetic island: benthic biota and sedimentation
- a baseline study. A report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Water samples has been taken using a 5 liters water sampler (Niskin® type)
each desire layer and location. Volumes sampled for all parameters good
enough for analysis each parameter client requirement. Glass bottles have
been used for hydrocarbon analysis, suspended matter and nutrient analysis,
and plastic bottles for nitrogen and heavy metals.
The water sample were taken and divided to 5 layers from sea water surface
to near bottom as follows:
A. Physical
• Light Intensity
• Odor
• Turbidity
• Total Suspended Solid
• Floating object
• Oil Layer
B. Chemical
• pH
• Salinity
• DO
• BOD5
C. Heavy metal :
• Mercury (Hg)
• Chromium hexavalent (Cr(VI))
• Arsenic (As)
• Cadmium (Cd)
• Copper (Cu)
• Lead (Pb)
• Zinc (Zn)
• Nickel (Ni)
• Barium (Ba)
• Selenium (Se)
D. Biology :
• Coliform
• Pathogen
• Plankton (Chlorophyll a)
E. Radioactivity:
F. Additional Parameter
• CO2
• Total organic carbon (TOC)
• Total Hydro carbon (THC)
• Silicate
• C:N:P ratio
• Heavy Metal : Al, Fe,V
Table below shows the methods were used for the determination of each
MoE 51-2004: Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004 concerning Sea Water Quality, Appendix III-Marine Biota
ND:Not detected
A. Gravity Core
Gravity Core samples has been taken in desire position used 400 kg weight
of core head with 4 meter barrel length PVC and head catcher were used to
collect samples for further analysis of geochemical and geotechnical Sample
were landed on deck and the plastic liner extruded from the core barrel.
The liner cut with a hacksaw into 50 cm sections working downward from
the seabed and sealed by plastic caps secured by insulating or duct tape. To
avoid any dispute for numbering and sequence of core barrel, marked Top
and bottom of barrel after completion of taking sample. The samples will be
returned to shore in this state without any analytical work being
B. Grab Sampling
a. Physico-chemical characteristics.
B. Heavy metals : Al, Fe, Ba, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Hg,V, As, Cobalt
(Co),Magnese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Selanium (Se), Silver
C. Radioactivity : included at minimum 226Ra,228Ra,210Pb
D. Biology characteristics:
ND: Not Detected
Intermediate Shannon index = 1.65±0.57
December 2009
1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE ................................................................................ 1
4 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 5
3.1 QUESTION ....................................................................................................... 13
In 2006 Statoil has signed an MOU with Pertamina and in 2007 Statoil and
Pertamina secured a Production Sharing Contractor (PSC) for the Karama
Until now, Statoil has conducted several studies which are part of internal
requirement, namely:
• Stakeholder mapping
• EMPs of 3D siesmic survey
• Study area and national regional profiles
• Baseline study of water quality, sediment and aquatic biota
• Oil spill modelling
• Drilling cuttings distribution modelling
1) To gather suggestions, opinions, and responses concerning the oil and gas
exploration activity
2.1 DATE
Based on the results of the public socialization, and by looking at the issues
that arise, there are some key issues concerning oil and gas exploration
activity in Karama Block in Makassar Strait Mamajuju Regency West
Sulawesi Province that can be summarized as follows:
1) Water quality aspect related to drilling cutting and drilling mud
2) Social and Economics aspect releted to job opportunity for local people,
community development program and compensation to rumpon owner
and fishing group affected by the activity.
Value/sensitivity Value/sensitivity
Magnitude of Magnitude of
Activity/Aspect Potential Impact of resources/ Significance of resources/ Significance
Impact Impact
receptor receptor
Planned Activities
Air emissions from Reduction of air quality Low Medium Minor • Optimising operations of the Low Medium ALARP
vessels/ equipment from emissions (e.g. engines to optimize fuel
involved in the movement CO2, CO, NOX, SO2, combustion and thus emissions;
of the drill ship to the particulates/ smoke) • Ensuring the use of low sulphur
project site; power and unburned fuel;
generation on the drill hydrocarbons in the
• Ensuring the use of Marine Gas
ship, supply vessels, and exhaust emissions.
Oil as fuel rather than Heavy
helicopter transfers.
Fuel Oil to reduced emissions;
• Ensuring the provision of a fuel
overflow tank system.
Noise generation during Marine impacts: Largely Medium High Moderate- • Use of marine mammal observer Low High Moderate
the exploration drilling behavioural impacts Major (MMO) to observe the presence
program from propellers (disruption to of marine mammals and turtles
and thrusters of the drill movements, localised within close proximity of the
ship and support vessels, avoidance) to marine drilling vessel prior to starting;
drilling activities and life, particularly marine • Record sightings of marine
helicopter transfers. mammals and sea mammal and turtles, details of
turtles, as well as fish any problems encountered,
species by altering the details of watches made for
natural underwater marine mammals/ turtles and
noise environment. the drilling activity during
• Use of low noise thrusters and
exhaust silencers;
• Use of low noise equipment; and
• Optimised exploration activities.
Nearshore impacts: Low Low Not No further mitigation needed. - - -
Disturbance to local significant
communities in the area
Scoping Impact Significance Residual Impact Significance
Value/sensitivity Value/sensitivity
Magnitude of Magnitude of
Activity/Aspect Potential Impact of resources/ Significance of resources/ Significance
Impact Impact
receptor receptor
of Balikpapan from
noise generated by
helicopter transfers.
Wastes generation during Potential for the Medium Low Minor Waste Management System Low Low Not
drilling and support following in the event (vessel’s Pollution Control and significant
activities and handling, of inappropriate waste Waste Management Procedure),
storage, disposal of non- management: detailing:
hazardous and hazardous • Toxic effects or • Waste minimisation at source;
wastes. physical damage to • Waste segregation by type;
marine organisms;
• Transport of wastes in suitable
• Water pollution/ containers to avoid leaks, wind
fouling/ blown release of waste materials;
contamination of the
• Completion of transportation
sea/ shoreline or
consignment notes to document
onshore environment
the transfer of materials from
(onshore storage,
offshore to onshore;
transport and
disposal activities); • Recycling of waste where
possible; and
• Risks of fire and
explosion; and • Compliance with MARPOL
Annex V requirements (including
• Risks to human
the prohibition of disposal of
garbage into the sea) on the
drilling vessel, support and
supply vessels.
Well drilling and Contamination of the Low Medium Minor • Careful monitoring of activities Low Low Not
discharge of drilling marine environment to ensure conducted in a significant
wastes and excess cement, (reduction of water controlled manner to reduce
wastewater, ballast water quality, increased disturbance to seabed; and
and rainwater runoff. suspended solids, and • Conducting a comprehensive
seabed blanketing from baseline of the area to determine
settling of drill cuttings) the likely species present and
leading to toxic effects/ their sensitivity prior to
smothering of marine
Scoping Impact Significance Residual Impact Significance
Value/sensitivity Value/sensitivity
Magnitude of Magnitude of
Activity/Aspect Potential Impact of resources/ Significance of resources/ Significance
Impact Impact
receptor receptor
Value/sensitivity Value/sensitivity
Magnitude of Magnitude of
Activity/Aspect Potential Impact of resources/ Significance of resources/ Significance
Impact Impact
receptor receptor
Drilling program Increased employment Low – - Not • Prioritise engagement of Medium - Minor
opportunities/ Medium significant – Indonesian-based service and
stimulation of local Minor supply contractors
economy surrounding positive
the Balikpapan supply
Scoping Impact Significance Residual Impact Significance
Value/sensitivity Value/sensitivity
Magnitude of Magnitude of
Activity/Aspect Potential Impact of resources/ Significance of resources/ Significance
Impact Impact
receptor receptor
Unplanned events
Well blow out and Large oil spill leading to High High Major • Development of an Oil Spill Medium Medium Moderate
uncontrolled release of multiple impacts: Contingency Plan that identifies
hydrocarbons; • Contamination of the responsibilities of relevant
and marine environment; personnel, defines spill response
actions (eg. for Tier 1, Tier 2 and
Vessel collision, loss of • Toxic effects on
Tier 3), describes actions to be
vessel inventory marine fauna;
taken in the event of a spill,
• Contamination of communication procedures,
coastline and oil reporting procedures, etc,
fouling; including ensuring that spill
• Toxic effects on response mechanisms are in
coastal flora/fauna; place and located in a logistically
• Impacts on fisheries, suitable location (ie. locally
including sea fisheries based) that enables quick
and coastal response time;
mariculture; • Provision, implementation and
• Disruption to training of all staff on an
transportation and Emergency Prevention and
shipping; Response Plans, including
emergency training exercises;
• Livelihood impacts on
dependent /affected • Ensuring a model can be run live
communities; in case of a spill;
Calcium Carbonate, fine Calcium carbonate, Additive Light tan solid Soluble in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
crystalline silica quarts provided
Calcium Chloride Calcium chloride Soluble weighting/ bridging White solid Soluble in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
(powder) agent, osmotic control, provided
stabilizer, accelerator, source
of calcium
EDC 95/11 Benzene Base oil Colourless liquid Insoluble in water LC 50, 96 Hrs, Fish mg/l: >100 No data 76% in 28 days - -
This product must be essentially provided Biodegradable in
harmless for aquatic and land-based seawater
life and
would be intrinsically biodegradable.
Avoid water and soil pollution
EZ MUL NT Hydrotreated light Emulsifier/ wetting agent Dark amber liquid Insoluble in water EC50: 1701 mg/l (Corophium No data No data provided D -
distillate, ethylene glycol volutator), provided
monobutyl Prevent from entering waterways
Ether, diethylene glycol
Lime hydrated Calcium hydroxide Alkalinity agent White solid Insoluble in water. TLM96: 100-500 ppm (Oncorhynchus No data No data provided E -
Sinks in water. mykiss) provided
LIQUITONE Latex HTHP filtration agent Milky white liquid Disperses in water Prevent from entering waterways No data No data provided Gold -
RHEMOD L Fatty acids, propriety Rheology/ suspension Dark liquid Insoluble in water Prevent from entering waterways No data No data provided - -
components provided
Constituent (Trade HQ or OCNS
Compound Function Appearance * Spill Behaviour * Ecological Info * accumulation Degradability * Product
Name) Group **
Potential * Warnings **
Contingency Chemicals
Calcium carbonate Calcium carbonate, Additive Light tan solid Soluble in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
crystalline silica quarts provided
Aldacide G Glutaraldehyde Biocide Transparent liquid Soluble in water Prevent from entering waterways. No data Readily Silver, C -
May be highly toxic to aquatic life. provided biodegradable
Graphite Fine No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data No data provided - -
Graphite Medium No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data No data provided - -
Kwil-Seal Blend of vegetable and Additive Blend of various coloured Insoluble in water Not toxic to aquatic organisms No data No data provided - -
polymer fibres particles provided
Barofibre F/MC Natural Plant Fiber Additive Red brown powder Insoluble in water No data provided No data Biodegradable E -
Nut Plug F/M/C Coconut shell Fluid loss reducer Brown, granular Insoluble in water No data provided No data No data provided - -
Super Sweep Viscosifer Silver -
BARAKLEAN 2-Ethyl hexanol Corrosion inhibitor Light straw liquid Emulsifies Prevent from entering waterways. No data Slowly Gold, D Substitution
EC50: > 1890 mg/l (Corophium provided biodegradable warning
GELTONE II Modified bentonite Viscosifier Tan powder Insoluble in water TLM96: 36.75-696.3 mg/l (Cyprinus No data No data provided - -
carpio) provided
COLDTROL Alcohol adducts Surfactant Colourless liquid Soluble in water Prevent from entering waterways. No data Readily - -
TLM96: 1-10 mg/l (Golden orfe) provided biodegradable
DRILL TREAT Lipid Oil-wetting Agent Amber liquid Disperses in water No data provided No data Biodegradable - -
TEG No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data provided No data No data provided E -
N-SQUEEZE Blend of natural fibres Loss Circulation Material Light brown solid Forms a gel No data provided No data Readily - -
provided biodegradable
N-PLEX Sodium hydroxide, Loss Circulation Material Clear colourless liquid Soluble in water Prevent from entering waterways No data No data provided - -
sodium borate provided
Liquid Acelelator D077 Calcium chloride Acelelator Clear – yellow-brown Soluble in water Low toxicity to fish No data No data provided E -
liquid provided
Antifoam Agent D 47 Polypropylene glycol Antifoam Clear liquid Soluble in water No data provided No data Not biodegradable E -
Liquid Antisetlling Hydrotreated light Antsettling Off-white liquid Disperses in water LC50(10d) = 290 mg/kg (Corophium No data No data provided B- D -
D162 Petroleum distillates volutator); EC50(72h) = >1000 mg/l provided
(Skeletonema costatum);
LC50(48h) = 6.7 mg/l (Acartia
May be highly toxic to some
aquatic organisms
Barite D 31 Barium sulphate Barite White powder Low solubility in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
Constituent (Trade HQ or OCNS
Compound Function Appearance * Spill Behaviour * Ecological Info * accumulation Degradability * Product
Name) Group **
Potential * Warnings **
SALBOND II Additive D Aromatic polymer Dispersant Dark brown liquid Soluble in water Do not allow material to Not likely to Not readily - -
80A derivative contaminate ground water system. bioaccumulate biodegradable
Low temperature Amine polymer Dispersant Clear to hazy yellow Soluble in water Prevent further leakage or spillage. log Pow = < -5 17 % in 28 days C -
Liquid Dispersant D derivative liquid Keep out of
145A waterways.
Low temperature Aliphatic acid copolymer Dispersant Colourless liquid Soluble in water Fish toxicity: 96h LC50= >500 mg/l Does not Not readily Gold Substitution
Dispersant D 185 (Scophthalamus maximus bioaccumulate biodegradable warning
Low temperature Non-crystalline silica Extander Grey-white powder Insoluble in water This product has no known eco- No data No data provided PLONOR -
Extender D 154 toxicological effects provided
Silicate Additive D 75 Silicic acid, sodium salt Extander Colourless liquid Soluble in water None required No data No data provided PLONOR, E -
Litefil D 124 Extender Aluminum silicate Extander Tan-grey powder Insoluble in water None required No data No data provided PLONOR -
Uniflac L D 168 Aliphatic amide polymer Fluid Loss Control Clear/ colourless – yellow Soluble in water Prevent further leakage or spillage Does not Partially Gold, E -
liquid 72h EC50= 45 mg/l (Skeletonema bioaccumulate biodegradable
Fluid Control Additive Organic polymer, Fluid Loss Control, gas Control Colourless liquid Soluble in water Prevent further leakage or spillage; Low Biodegradable Gold -
D193 Hexahydro-1,3,5-tris(2- 80% (28 days) bioaccumulation
hydroxyethyl)-sym-triazine 72h EC50= 3 - 300 mg/l
(Skeletonema costatum)
Cement Class G D 907 Portland cement Cement Grey powder Misicible in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
Gas Block LT D500 Organic polymer, Amine Gas Block Green liquid Soluble in water Does not Biodegradable C, Gold Substitution
polymer, Hexahydro- bioaccumulate warning
Low temperature Inorganic nitrogen Low temperature Cement Light green liquid Soluble in water No data provided Does not No data provided Some -
Cement Set Enhancer D compound, Aliphatic Enhancer bioaccumulate components
186 alcohol, 2,2'- listed as
methyliminodiethanol, PLONOR
Inorganic bromine
Micro Cement D169 Portland cement Microfine Cement Grey powder Misicible in water No data provided No data No data provided E -
Liquid retarder D81 Calcium lignosulfonate Retarder Dark brown liquid Soluble in water No data provided No data Not readily PLONOR, E -
provided biodegradable
Uniset-LT D177 Phosphoric acid, Retarder Light green liquid Soluble in water 72h EC50=9 mg/l (Skeletonema Does not Not biodegradable - -
Pentasodium EDTMP costatum) bioaccumulate
Sulfactant F057 SALT OF SULFONATED Sulfactant Yellow liquid Soluble in water Harmful to aquatic organisms No data Partially - -
AROMATIC ACID, provided biodegradable.
Spacer B250 Bentonite, Glucoside Vicosifier Off-white solid Partially soluble No data provided Not likely to Readily PLONOR -
polymer bioaccumulate biodegradable
“NA“ means information not available
“HQ” means Hazard Quotient under OSPARs Offshore Chemical Notification System (OCNS). Gold = lowest ecological hazard; while purple = highest. (See below for description)
“OCNS Group” reflects an alternate hazard assessment system adopted under OCNS; with A being the greatest potential environmental hazard and E being the least. Products that only contain substances termed PLONORs (Pose Little or No Risk)
Constituent (Trade HQ or OCNS
Compound Function Appearance * Spill Behaviour * Ecological Info * accumulation Degradability * Product
Name) Group **
Potential * Warnings **
are given the OCNS E grouping. (See below for description)
“Product Warnings”: are defined under the OCNS and indicate a product containing any percentage of hazardous chemicals listed in OSPARCOM’s Annex A. Zn = Zinc, Cr = Chromium
** CEFAS, BERR, Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen, 2002; Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme List of Notified and Ranked Products.
Explanation of OCNS Categories and Risk Assessment
The HQ is the ratio between the Predicted Effect Concentration and the No
Effect Concentration (PEC:NEC) and is expressed as a colour banding. Data
used to define the Effects include toxicity, biodegradation and
bioaccumulation. The HQ colour codes are interpreted as follows:
≥1 <30 Silver
≥1000 Purple
OCNS Group
Some products are categorized into an OCNS Group of A-E instead (ie.
inorganic substances, hydraulic fluids or chemicals used only in pipelines),
with A being the greatest potential environmental hazard and E being the
least (see below table). Factors considered in defining the environmental risk
are also toxicity, biodegradation and bioaccumulation. Letter groups are
provided as follows:
The OCNS letter grouping
Initial OCNS Result for aquatic Result for sediment Hazard Risk
grouping toxicity (mg/l) toxicity (mg/l)
A <1 <10 Highest
B >1 - 10 >10 - 100
C >10 - 100 >100 - 1,000
D >100 - 1,000 >1,000 - 10,000
E >1,000 >10,000 Lowest